Thursday, August 25, 2011

Teresa Thu 8/25/11 #124 Freak shark attack reported in resort town outside Mexico City

We begin this capitulo with a replay of the Barreras getting busy, pobre-style.
CHEZ CACERES. Rueben has come to sweet talk Aida, but she’s generally unreceptive. He wants to make nice and would like nothing better than be back with Mayra, but Aida’s seen to this movie before and knows that the guy with the bigote is lying.
Rubes laments his current situation—no money, no family, can’t get a job bcz of the scandal. Aeeeeeeeeeeeeeda warns him that he’s barking up the wrong tree if he’s there to ask for money. He says he just stopped by to see how she’s doing. Strangely enough, she opens up to him about her woes.
They move on to discuss the disturbing creepitude that is Roots. Rubes looks more and more uncomfortable as Aida talks about crazy lady’s plan to literally replace her dead son with a new baby. He offers to stop his paternity suit if Aida wants him to. She waffles, but once she finds out that the rrrrrrrrata de vecindad is on the other side of the lawsuit, she wants her dad to win the hell out of it, just to show up that arribista. They get in some gloating over Ter’s recent downfall (El Bigote doesn’t have much room to gloat here, really). I believe she says she’ll even hold up the sale of the LT condos just to keep Ter from getting any pesos. Spiteful much?
VECINDAD: Too-Hot-Pati and Grumps mostly FF--> Long story short, she should be in school, he’s gonna get surgery tomorrow. He was more a parent to her than her real parents. She’s all he’s got in the world.
CHEZ JUANA: Juana reads a letter from Aurora, and we fade into a voice-over of the lady herself explaining that she just had to get away from it all—especially Mariano. His kiss has changed her life, but he’ll never get over Ter. She doesn’t want to be his paño de lagrimas (tear-towel) again.
CASA BARRERA, ahem, CASA FERNANDO: Fer and Luisa are in some major besofest. They decide to stay the night and presumably christen the casa as theirs.
VECINDAD: Art is still asleep the morning after their kitchen lovin, but Tiburoncita is up and thought-bubbling internal ultimatums. If he doesn’t accept some moolah from Fer pronto, she is going to tomar las riendas de mi vida (take the reins in my life) like she always has. Viewerville has no doubts as to what exactly she will be taking in hand. Or rather who. Art wakes up and Ter immediately starts in on how they gotta get out of the VC. Art notes how quickly she is backtracking on the ‘by his side’; but she says that she will go anywhere else, no matter how humble, just not this particular VC. She leaves in a bit of a huff.
HOSPITAL: Dr Sanchez reassures the THP gang that Grumps will be ok. Does anybody really care? Buttberto gives some cash to help pay for the surgery, despite the fact that we all know that Grumps is well off. I suppose it’s just to make the rather down-on-Butts viewership think that he’s a tipazo. Butts shares his grand plan of making Juana jealous by pretending to gigolo it up with Odiana.
VCD: Ter decides to show Art what pobre life is really all about and shuts off the hot water while he is in the shower. This leads to what my husband referred to as a “gratuitous shower scene”, complete with unnecessary lingering on SR’s dripping bod as he is subjected to the horror of cold water. Ter leaves him to his fate.
HOSP. CORRIDOR: Mar harasses Juana about Aurora’s dondeabouts. He at least wants J to plead his case with Aurora. He never knew what a good thing he had with her until he lost it. J softens and spills the Cuernavaca beans. He is rewarded with a hug, and I thought for a second there it was going to be a kiss. He really spreads it around.
Mar promises J he won’t finger her as the bean spiller. Hector shows up and sends Mar off. He talks to J about how mad he is at Mar. He hopes that Aurora never sees his stupid face again. Mar “ya paso de la raya.” (was out of line, took it too far)
VCD: Art is leaving for the day, and sneezes, apparently having caught a cold from the horror of the shower. As he gets out his monogrammed silk hankie, some VCD thugs eye his fancy watch. They discuss their target as they amble over: “le viste la muñeca?” (muñeca meaning both wrist and doll, not sure here if they are specifically referring to the fancy watch on his wrist, or mocking Art as a dandy, or perhaps it’s a terribly clever vecindad pun that encompasses both). In any event, Art proves he’s a man up to the challenge by hitting the panic button on his car key. The new cop comes running and warns Art not to keep his fancy car and fancy watch her in the VCD.
HOSP LOBBY: Juana arrives and she and Butts argue. Yawn.
CASA FER: Fer tries to convince Art to move into his apartment. Art, now having been truly subjected to the horrors of VCD life, reluctantly agrees, as long as he can pay some rent. Fer wants to tell Ter right away, but Art wants to prepare a special surprise. That just smacks of foreshadowing, if you ask me.
Fer gives Art his keys to the apartment and a suspicious amount of attention is paid to the keychain, which is a memento of Art’s parents. Art and Fer share a minimal contact, hands on the shoulder embrace (SharkByte, is that an approved BroHug form?) and Art declares their friendship “inquebrantable” (unbreakable). Is it just me, or do ya’ll see that shark-shaped anvil too?
SOMEWHERE ELSE IN CASA FER: Luisa and Ter discuss her moving (back) into the house. Ter gives her keys. Luisa wants Ter to keep them though because she is a total sucker. Luisa confirms that she and Odiana will be leaving Fernando unguarded, errr, going to the spa for the next few days.
HOSP LOBBY: THP pleads Butt’s case.
Later on, Mar tells the THP gang the good news about Grumps’ surgery. Butts gets so excited he smooches Juana, and she freaks. She runs Butts off.
Ter comes in to check on Grumps. Really? No, she’s really there to see Mar, let’s face it. Juana confesses to Ter about spilling the CV beans about Aurora. She is worried that she’s gonna get in trouble about the Mar slip, and Ter is furiosa. She pretends it’s cuz Juana should have respected her amiga’s wishes, but we all know it’s because Mar wanted to see Aurora so badly. Ter selflessly volunteers to go to CV to warn Aurora.
BOUTIQUE: Art shops for Ter. He knows his lady—he finds an expensive, tight dress, and asked the saleslady to help him find some shoes and bag to match (haga juego).
VCD: Art returns to their little love nest with presents for Ter. This is actually a very sweet scene—he lays everything out on the bed for her to see and puts a note on top. It makes my heart hurt, knowing about that anvil that is hanging over Artie’s head right now.
Luisa shows up, she’s happy about Art’s decision, and drops off her departamento keys. Oh yes, she is going to CV as well. Everyone’s going to CV. Lu mentions that Ter went to the hospital and Art immediately suspects a Mariano visit. Luisa tells Art not to be jealous; Ter just went to see Grumps, duh. Everyone suddenly cares about Grumps.
GRUMPS’ HOSP ROOM: Mar heads off happily to CV.
HOSP LOBBY: Ter and Juana talk about the CV bean spill some more. Ter lets drop that she and Art are having problems that have nothing to do with Mariano (for once). Armando shows up with some papers for Ter to sign, which she does and tells him she’s off to CV.
CHEZ ROOTS N BOOTS N NUTS: Rubes shows up and he and Geno share some gross reunion besos. Everything is set for the kidnapping/adoption scheme. Rubes has apparently given in to the Paulo naming. We hear that Roots is keeping Rubes on a short monetary leash these days.
CHEZ FER: Odiana and Lu head to CV. As Lu takes her leave of Fer, we once again see THE KEYCHAIN. Lu gave it to him so that he would remember her always. And the only woman he is allowed to be with while Lu is gone is Teresa. Oh, if only she knew.
GRUMPS’ HOSP ROOM: Now Art has gone to see Grumps? QTF? Grumps is grumpy. Turns out Art is just looking for Ter. He finds out that Mar went to CV. Johnny keeps talking, but meh.
CUERNAVACA: A very sexy Mar shows up in CV and scares the grocery bags right out of Aurora’s hands. He offers her a flower and asks her forgiveness. She’s heard this song before and rejects his apology rose. How can she resist his dark, smoldering charm? Oh wait, it kind of looks like he has chest hair stubble to match his 3-day beard; that’s a little disconcerting. Anyway, he begs her to hear him out, just as Ter walks into hearing range.
Oh, I thought she was going to spy a bit. Nope, she barges right in and tells Mar that Aurora wants none of him. She came to CV to get away from him. Aurora corrects: ‘I came to get away from everyone, TERESA.” Mar tells Ter to amscray, and she tells him to amscray, but Aurora stands up for herself and says that she will be the decider here. And what she wants is for Ter to leave her and Mar alone. Ter is shocked. Shocked, I say.
Aurora clearly and firmly states that she is indeed kicking Teresa out. Ter is quite affronted, and tries to take the high ground about coming there to help her as her mejor amiga, but Aurora, who totally took her spine vitamins this morning, interrupts her and say that she doesn’t really want to see her just now. So smell ya later. Ter is PO’d as she leaves.
GRUMPS’ HOSP ROOM: THP, Butts, Grumps talk about the food Grumps can’t eat anymore. Juana enters and Butts leaves. THP goes with him.
Later Espe comes in and she and J talk about Juana’s BIG SECRET (her infertility) while Grumps pretends to be asleep, but overhears.
CV: Allright Team Maurora, this is it. Mar goes in full throttle. He was stupid to never have seen what a great woman he had by his side all these years. She says ‘yeah, the one that you never knew how to appreciate’. ‘But I did!” Mar goes into a long speech on Aurora’s many charms (he mentioned bondad twice, so i had to look it up-goodness), and she looks like she’s softening a little. He finally confesses that he had wanted to ask her to be novios before, but she had just started with Martin. And then later, he was with Aida, so well, you know. He just wants a chance to show her that he really does appreciate and ‘querer’ her now (no amar yet!).
HOSP LOBBY: Art finds Armando and asks after Ter. Armando tells Art about Ter going to CV. Art assumes the worst and looks more devastated than mad. Armando can’t give him any details about Ter’s reason for going to CV. Uh-oh. I can see the stress showing on that rope holding the anvil.
CV: Mar leans in for a kiss, but Aurora holds strong against the all-out charm assault. She doesn’t want to end up disappointed like Aida. Plus she needs a little Aurora time to deal with all these new emotions in her life. Dude, if you love something, set it free man.
Mar admits he messed up, but wants a chance to show her that he’s changed. He leaves the flower, and she just walks off, leaving Mar to show himself out. And guess who’s waiting. She just knew that he would forget this stupid Aurora plan, because who he really loves is her.
And I think we all know what happens in Cuernavaca stays in Cuernavaca.


Lovely, Kristoise, absolutely lovely! Thank you so much!!

I was laughing out loud at your 'horrors of the vecindad' comment!! One cold shower and dear Art is ready to head for the hills!!

I so agree with you...I felt so sad at Art being happy (make sense?) during the lovely scene of him laying out the presents for Teresa. will I be able to make it to the end of this TN with Art suffering so?!

Thank you again for an excellent recap!!


This is no freak attack; it was completely deliberate. Rogue sharks are loners for a reason. I just hope for Mariano's sake he survives it.

I think the safety issue is enough to get out of the slum, but they shouldn't be back in the high rent district yet. And why was Arturo wasting money on buying stuff for Tiburona? He is so going to regret this.

Genovenom is getting scarier all the time. With only 28 episodes left something has to happen tomorrow or Monday.

This neighborhood should be full of Stupid Crook Stories; none of the thugs we saw look like they have any brains.

Bring on a couple more gratuitous shower scenes; SB has a fabulous body.

Darn, you mean to tell me when I left the room for a second I missed Art and his biceps in the shower scene! unfair!

Kristoise, I love your style and the recap, very funny...shark-shaped anvil, ha ha, and Chez Roots N Boots N Nuts. Yup, Roots is Nuts but at least she's smart enough to keep Bigote on a rein.

Poor Art, he couldn't maintain his venganza against Tere and again was ready to show his love and generosity to her and she stomps on his heart him again. What a sweet scene of him thoughtfully picking out the things he knows she would like. And I also fear the great hurt and pain that lies ahead for Art.


Where did that extra word a (him) come from..mistake.


Fabulous recap, Kristoise! "Dondeabouts" is going right into my Spanglish vocabulary. And hooray for gratuitous shower scenes -- haven't seen those calves since the tennis match. ;}

Did anyone notice that when Hector came up to Juana in the hospital corridor and told her Cutberto was there, she immediately started scratching her neck? Too funny!

Interested in getting SharkByte's opinion on that weird full-body handshake that Art and Fer went into. It looked like they were about to throw a cheerleader up in the air.

Excellent recap Kristoise, great detail and snipits of espanish, gracias!
I did notice those keys. It is going to come up later.
I noticed also the "final semanas" sign. I hate to see this end, it has really been the best TN I have seen yet.

Kris- Fantastic recap!

Teresa was something else last night. I loved seeing Aurora kick her out like that and Mariano totally ignore her. The previews did not look good though, with Art seeing Ter in the car with Mariano. How in the heck is she going to explain being in Cuernavaca with Mariano? Things are going to blow up. And poor Mar wasn't even a willing party to it this time. Juana should have known better. As soon as Ter said she was going to Cuernavaca to stop Mariano, she should have nixed that idea. It would have been better had she gone herself.

Art was so cute shopping for Teresa. Just as she's about to get what she wants, she makes a wrong move that thows everything she's worked for down the toilet.

Yes, the key ring with the special pendant that belonged to Luisa's mom will somehow play a key (pun intended) role. I like how they seem to be weaving something in from way back, when Luisa gave it to Fer when they first started their romance.

Will Grumps serve a purpose and spill the beans to Buttberto about Juana's sterility? Please say it's so, so that we can get some movement in that storyline already.

Kirstoise: "How can she resist his dark, smoldering charm? Oh wait, it kind of looks like he has chest hair stubble to match his 3-day beard; that’s a little disconcerting." Too LOL funny, amiga!

Kristoise, so wonderful. I cracked up with your " “gratuitous shower scene”, complete with unnecessary lingering on SR’s dripping bod". I mean, us ladies need a little something once in awhile. Why cast such hunks then?

I'm with everyone that Art was so adorable (though he would need to explain the sudden available cash for the purchase), but you just knew it would go bust soon. Quite an emotional explosion from Art tonight it seems.

And of course, perfect timing that our hunk-in-the-waiting, or as I like to call him, Teresa's next poor slob, is all alone and available for some "comfort". Get out the popcorn. This outta be eventful.

That handshake and big scene with Art and Fer - let's just call it "the last time we were friends" scene. Think that's why it was so exagerrated.

And speaking of set up - now did we all get a good look at the keychain??? Boy, director/writers defintiely made sure we all got the importance. File for future use.

Puppy Dog, er Mar, I think made an impact on Aurora, but I like that she still wants that "alone" time. Maybe when they both see or hear she has moved on to Fer that will get them both to where they need to be that they are done with Ter. I think our little she-devil is little by little going to alienate all those who had been close to her. The move to Fer, and if it becomes known and hurts Luisa, may be last straw with a lot of people. Maybe even Juana.

Not that I have ever enjoyed the whole grumps plot, but seriously people, what was with using the poor guy's room as the new hospital lounge. Let the poor man get some sleep. But I agree, he'll be the one to spill Juana's secret - why else have the conversation there? A Juana-Buttberto hook up still nauseates me. Maybe our resident goon will get all busted up and drop Juana for lying to him. Wouldn't put it past him.

Day off - need to lay in some nice wine and popcorn/treats for tonight. This episode should be really good.

Maybe Luisa giving Fernando the key at the beginning of the show signaled the beginning of their romance, and Fernando/Luisa giving the key back signals the end of their romance?

Teresa, honey. It's not all about you. Seriously. It's not. If it was all about you Mariano wouldn't have driven all the way to CV, he would have stayed in DF to be with you.

blue lass- wish i could take credit for dondeabouts, but i picked it up hanging around caray caray. it has such a nice ring to it. and 'full-body handshake' is a great description--i had a hard time figuring out how to describe the weirdness that was Fer and Art's uber-sincere farewell.


I enjoyed your recap so much- Laughed out loud. Too many classic wittisms to show them all, but these were a few that struck a special chord…

They move on to discuss the disturbing creepitude that is Roots.
… “gratuitous shower scene.”
Art proves he’s a man up to the challenge by hitting the panic button on his car key.
Aurora, who totally took her spine vitamins this morning…
Loads of fun!
Good times. Thanks so much!
Lady Lisa de Saint Helena

Word verification: curses

Teresa's already alienated Aurora. Aurora's been giving her the side eye anyway, but shots were fired the other night when Teresa told Aurora that Mariano could never be attracted to/want Aurora, and she had to bust Teresa's bubble by telling her about Mariano's kiss.

Now Aurora sees Teresa chasing after Mariano to Cuernavaca and fired her own shots at Teresa by throwing her out of the house.

Aurora does have lots to think about. If she does pursue Mariano, it would be against her dad's wishes (and we see how well that worked out with her career).

She would also lose Aida's friendship. While most people here don't like her, Aida has not done anything bad to Aurora. She may once Aurora goes after Mariano, but up to this point she hasn't.

I think she's ready to drop Teresa as a "friend" so if Teresa never spoke to her again b/c of Mariano, it's no big whoop to Aurora b/c they haven't been friends since the first weeks of the show, and IMO they never were friends. Aurora was a friend to Teresa but not the other way around.

I know parents don't want to see their kid hurting but Hector, nobody told Aurora to pine away for years for Mariano (w/o any encouragement from Mariano btw). That was AURORA's choice, and it's not Mariano's fault Aurora led Martin on either.

I still think Aida seeing Rodrigo in the NICU will be Roots N Boots downfall.

Kristoise - Superb, simply superb!! I applaud and admire your work. I always look forward to your recaps!

For anyone other than a family member that you haven't seen in a long time, the maximum allowed BroHug is a handshake with one hand on the shoulder.

Art and Fer each having a hand on the other's shoulder with maximum body separation is borderline acceptable; but then they smiled and held contact for more than 1.5 seconds, which made it too girly.

Did anyone else notice Juana had the twins out in full display mode? I thought Dorkberto was going to cop a feel, but he didn't. He's quite the dissapointment.

Loved the recap Kristoise. So to teach Arturo a lesson, Teresa turns the hot water off and leaves him to fend for himself against the cold water. Poor Arturo. Right when he was going to tell Teresa that they are moving and he buys her a need dress, earrings, purse, and shoes (I love how he laid them on the bed for her. That's something my mom always did when she bought new clothes for me and my brother. We would come home from school and find the surprise waiting for us in our rooms). Anyway, back on topic Arturo does all that just before the anvil falls on his head.

Of course, he thinks the worst when he finds out that both Mariano and Teresa went to CV. In the previews, he sees them together and he explodes in a rage. Oh boy. Vivi said it yesterday. Teresa is her own worst enemy.

Loved strong and self-assured Aurora kicking Teresa out of her house.

I'm almost scared to watch the show today. Arturo could barely control his rage. I wonder does he take the stuff back to get a refund.

Kristoise, what a fun recap. "Art proves he's a man up for the challenge by hitting the panic button on his car keys" - lol. Also appreciate the translations.

To me, the key turnover and bro-hug scene with Art and Fer had a Hitchcock vibe. For a second it made me wonder if Art and Fer had a secret pact to make a fool of Teresa, but of course that's another story.

LOVE this recap! Very funny and informativo! :)

My husband also noted the chest-stubble and was grossed out by it.

I was just screaming at Art, telling him not to be such an idioto!

Great recap! Thanks so much for doing it, super helpful when you're still learning Spanish!

Niecie: ITA about the "Hitchcock Hug" between Art and Fer!

Too many anvils!!!


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