Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #95 Tuesday 8/30/11 The truth shall be revealed, well almost!!

Just when we thought we had this figured out they get crazier. This is going to be very good. So let’s strap in and hold on tight.
Auggie covers Roberta’s appearance by telling Nata that her dad sent her, Nata does not look like she is buying it. They convince her for now and Auggie tells her that his house is her house and they head in, but neither Nata or Berta look pleased.
Jero is at dinner with Marina, she says that she is not surprised that Nata filed for divorce, after the thing he did.
Auggie is showing Berta to her room, Berta is throwing a fit about Nata and Auggie explains that she is there to avoid going to jail and that her father sent her there. Berta keeps pushing and Auggie tells her to stop asking questions. Berta tries to seduce him but he is not having it (i’m a little surprised to be honest) and he tells her no and to leave it alone and not to ask anymore questions.
Mati is eating with Carlos parents they are grilling her about he family and she tells them about her brother and the vineyard and then Carlos returns and tells his folks to relax and stop with the questions. Carlos toasts how much he loves Mati (these two have been to happy for too long, something bad is a coming)
The threesome at Auggies are eating and Auggie is in the middle (good or awkward? you decide) as the sisters discuss the family problems with Hon, Constanza and everyone Berta is playing footsie until she notices the ring and asks Nata about it and she tells her that Auggie proposed. Berta moves her foot and gets testy and runs through the list of men that Nata has been with and says she is very lucky when it comes to finding men, Then she continues to play with Auggie.
Jero starts asking Marina about herself, she talks about her career and how much she loves being a doctor and has had no time for men. Jero sys there must have been some guys, she says she will know the time “Cuando Me Enamora” (hmmm I’ve heard that before somewhere? anybody)
At the Gala Fina and Tony arrive
Dinner at Auggies is over and Berta leaves the table. Nata tells Auggie to spill about why Berta is there she knows her dad did not send her, Auggie gives her some story about another daughter and he sent Berta there so she wouldn’t find out, I missed most of what he said he was talking to fast for my brain this morning feel free to clarify please. Nata believes whatever he told her and as he hugs her she pushes him away. (how can you marry someone who you don’t want touching you?) Then he kisses her (yuck) but she doesn’t seem to like it either.
Jero is doing much better with Dr. he seems giddy like a teenager and they awkwardly( sweet awkward not weird) kiss each others cheek.
Gina is speaking at the Gala thanking everyone for the help at the center and then a big round of applause for Gonzo and then Inez. Chema asks Coni to dance she says no, so he dances with Adri. Matias and Gonzo go to talk within ear shot of Fina who sees the ring he is going to propose to Gina with. Then she pulls out a gun Tony stops her and tells her they are leaving.
Cata is in the bathroom, someone asks about Gonzo and his being married and she gets angry, and storms out. Tony is dragging Fina out of the party kicking and screaming. They are arguing over leaving Fina refuses to let Gina be with Gonzo and tries to get Tony to see her side he refuses to let her hurt anybody, Cata is leaving the bathroom and see the fight and listens in as she hears Fina she has a flashback and realizes that Fina is Pepa ( jackpot, she probably won’t live long enough to tell anyone!) Fina and Tony continue to argue. Cata yells at Fina and as she aims the gun to shot her she grabs her chest and falls down the stairs, Tony and Fina flee the scene. We are back with more dancing, Chema is going with Coni to use the bathroom, Mati does not like Adri using Chema it makes him jealous, she swears it’s to help Coni and her Papa. Chema finds Cata and calls 911 and sends someone to get Gina. She is dancing with Gonzo, who is telling her how beautiful and wonderful she is. (can he pop the question before the bad news arrives? the answer is NO) Shrieky arrives and tells her about Cata and she and Gonzo runs to her and Gina starts crying over her.
Fina and Tony are arguing, Fina tells him to that he is now her accomplice and he better toughen up, then she yells for them to get out of there.
Nata is riding in her white gown ( really? who does that?) She cries about everything she admits that she could never love Auggie like she loves Jero.
Auggie arrives in Berta’s room for some hot lovin!! (ewwww)
Carlos and Mati arrive home and tell Kari and Manuela that dinner was wonderful and his parents were great and loved her and they love each other. Kari drops the Auggie, Nata bomb on the happy couple.
Auggie’s goons take care of Dr.Creepy, (Kari is a free woman!!) we should hold applause in case he pulls through.
Gina is asking the nurse about her mom, Inez is saying goodbye to everyone at the party for Gina, they are discussing what happened.
Fina is panicking and packing to leave town, she is unsure about Tony, whether he can be strong or will he rat her out.
Tony is cursing Fina and getting involved with her, he is figuring things out ( I think he is a goner soon, maybe he will be able to talk first)
The Dr. tells Gina that her mom is not going to make it, I can’t hear the Dr, or Gonzo over her shrieking but I got that she need to speak to her mother one more time.
Jero gets a phone call about Dr.Creepy
Nata sees Berta leaving her room, and asks what she is doing, she says she is going to the kitchen to get something, Nata does not seem to believe anything she says. ( could it be that Auggie is in Berta’s room listening at the door Yuck)
Jero gets back to the hacienda and Carlos is there and he tells Jero the news about the impending nuptials between Auggie and Nata.
Nata takes the ring off and is remembering the men in her life, Jero’s kisses are the one she misses the most. She can’t forget him.
Jero is stunned that she is so smart and taken in by Auggie, that she can’t see through him and that she would marry his enemy. Nata is dead to him and to everyone here, nobody is ever to mention her name there or near him again.
The Dr,’s are trying to save Dr.Creepy(why? of yea some oath or something!)
Kari shoots up out a dead sleep and has a really bad feeling about something, Mati wakes up and asks whats wrong and Kari says she does not know just a feeling that something is wrong.
Gina arrives to talk to mommy, she tells her mom that she has to live, Cata tries to talk but Gina won’t let her she goes on and on about he is divorced. Okay I needed a minute to stop yelling at Gina to shut-up and let mom talk!! Okay so Mom tried to tell Gina about Pepa/Fina, but Gina kept trying to convenience her mom that Gonzo is divorced and that it’s okay for them to be together, she would not let her mom talk so Cata passes away without sharing her secret!!! (arghhhhh)


I can't decided if i want Dr.Creepy to die or not. If he dies Kari is free and Lazo can be happy he deserves it, but if he lives he will totally rat out Auggie and he can get knocked down a few pegs??

Thanks for the great recap, my DVR only caught one minute and all I got to see was Cata kicking the bucket. I tried finding the capitulo online and no suerte.

Sounds like I missed quite a bit, Dr Creepy's beat down, Cata's fall, Roberta's arrival and footsie playing...sigh.

If someone has a working link to this episode I would be ever so grateful.

The doctors have to save Nesme so he can spill the beans to Jero about the super secret vine that Augie stole. I mean, they can't let TWO people die with their secrets. Of course, it was entirly Regina's fault. She can't expect her mom to die and yell over her at the same time.

And you have to give Augie props. He really is muy suave. It's almost a shame that he'll probably end up dead or in jail, because he and Roberta make a cute couple. In an evil sort of way.

Gina's hysterics drove me crazy. And in the hospital room. I, also, was telling her to shut up!!

I missed the first nine eps, so didn't see a young Pepa. But in the flashbacks, to me, the actress looks a lot like Berta. That's pretty good casting there.

Still would like to see Berta redeemed, eventually.

Auggie is the male version of Ivana (STuD). What a slut!

Re: Kari: If Dr. N dies, knowing her, she will wear black for a year like they did in the dim and distant. Once again putting Laz on hold.

Sylvia: Your welcome for the link. I just recently bought Women on the Verge . . . for my collection and am planning to watch it during the holiday weekend.


Thanks, Jules for a great recap. I agree with you that Dr. Deadsperm needs to stay alive long enough to sing all he knows.

Regina certainly went to the top of the Ferro Crying Scale last night. Not pretty... I was also yelling to her to shut up. Maybe she doesn't understand English???

Roberta and Auggie do make an evil sort of couple. Good call, Kelly. Maybe they will end up together and make each other miserable for all time.

Still wondering about Chema's pregnancy, or whatever made him dizzy. And I keep hoping that Renata will get dizzy as a result of her last 'boinkeree' (thanks Cheryl!) with Jero.

Oh yeah, and Mr. I... Auggie, again! engaged to Renata and playing footsie with Roberta. Robey, you're right - just like Ivana.

Sweet, Jules. Thanks!

I, also, could not stand Regina's shrieking! Our usually composed heroine flips out and misses her mother's final whispered word: "Pe-pa".

My daughter came home to do some laundry and walked in right when Cata was rolling down the stairs and said "Really, Mom?" lol

I was feeling sorry for Roberta for a split second last night. EVERY guy she likes is either bumped off by Mama or is in love with her sister. But then when she snuck into Auggie's room (I think that's what happened), I lost all compassion. I was also surprised when Auggie turned down Berta's initial seduction, but he didn't waste time literally jumping on her this time.

I really wanted to dislike Dr. Yellow Headlights, but I am pre-maturely worrying about her. We all know she'll fall for Jero and he won't be able to reciprocate and she'll get hurt and her first Cuando Me Enamora will be for nada.

So far, so good for Mati, but like Jules said they have been too happy for too long. Will it be snobbery or jealousy that turns the padres against Mati?

Robey & Sylvia - My Woman on the Verge has arrived and I am going to be watching it this weekend too.

RLO: I was thinking the same thing about Dr. Marina. I hope one of Carlos' brothers (if they ever show up) will be a partner for her.

Might also have to rewatch Volver (though I watched it not too long ago.) A PA double feature.


Robey - I bought Volver when I bought Woman on the Verge. Maybe I'll have a double feature weekend!

Great recap, Jules. You certainly got a doozy of an episode to recap.

I'm still in shock over Cata's death. I thought she was simply too annoying to get bumped off. How ironic that it was Regina who wouldn't shut up at the end.

"(how can you marry someone who you don’t want touching you?)"

My thought exactly.

I think the dinner with Matilde, Carlos, and his parents is going well. Maybe the shocker here is that they are wonderful folks, approve of Mati, and that Carlos and Mati will continue as our blissfully happy couple... uninterrupted.

As the Doc (Nesme) was getting his, I couldn't help but notice the similarity between what they did to him and what he did to Rafael.


Thanks Jules. This was quite an episode. I got home late & missed the first part so I am grateful to know how each of the dinner confrontations went. Quick thinking on the part of Mr icky smooth to claim that Roberta was also sent by Gonzo to keep he safe since BSC can't get to Renata (Of course we all know from last night that the person she's turning her wrath on next is actually Gonzalo -- but Auggie's explanation makes enough sense to get it past Renata.

Carlos -- nice catch on the knife rooting around in Nesme's abdomen as a replay of his inept surgery on Rafa.

Jules I loved your comments on the stabbing
--(Kari is a free woman!!) we should hold applause in case he pulls through.
and --The Dr,’s are trying to save Dr.Creepy(why? of yea some oath or something!)

Our girl Berta sure doesn't let any grass grow under her feet ( which unfortunately I missed as they probed under the table.) Oh! So you're marrying my sister? That's OK I'll just wrap myself up in your sheets and offer myself as a shower gift. When Nata caught her in the hallway didn't she see that it was Auggie's room she came out of?

I don't know why Regina couldn't hear us all yelling at her to Shut Up in the hospital room. The screams were coming at her from all over the country. Now I suppose that she will reject Gonzalo out of some kind of guilt over her mother dying without giving her a blessing or some such claptrap. How could she not see that her screaming and wailing was not good for a person in delicate health?


Jules thanks for the recap. I watch this TN every once in a while b/c 3 TNs is too many but nights like last night keep drawing me back.

Fantastic recap Jules, that was a fast-paced episode you got there!

It looks like we all had the same reaction to Regina's histrionics. I think she was even more hysterical than Matilde was in the early episodes when Rafa died. Emilia, you say Regina doesn't understand English? Well, apparently she doesn't understand Spanish either - either that, or her own sobbing drowned out my screams of ¡Callate, mujer! And was it just me, or did it look like Cata was rolling her eyes more out of frustration with Regina's sobs than because she was dying! *lol*

I'm also getting a little frustrated with the crowd at La Bonita, mostly Carlos, not quite understanding the depths of the torture that Jero perpetrated on poor Nata. Even Matilde mentioned Renata's "betrayal." Yes, she Nata loved Jero - and he made her life a living hell. Jero is NOT the victim here!

Women on the Verge is one of my all-ime favorite movies. The "Pepa" in that movie is a far cry from CME's "Pepa."

Juan Miguel

Thanks for the recap. I like the title, too.

Maybe we were all yelling at Regina to shut up so much that she couldn't have heard Cata, anyway :). Although, she did hear a few words..."Pepa," "Fina"...she didn't understand what her mother was trying to tell her, just yelled to stop talking about Pepa and Fina because what does that matter right now, but I hope maybe when she's calmer she'll think back and put it together.

The footsie dinner was funny. Then Roberta just setting herself up in Augie's bed...yeah, those two really deserve each other.

I want Dr. Scuzzbucket to linger in agony for awhile before he dies. He should feel free to spill everything he knows during that time.

word verification = viress. Augie is a virus, and Roberta is a viress.

I felt like I needed a shower after last night's episode. Thanks Jules - brought it all back to life.

I mean could Augie be any more of a slime? Robey-love the comparison to "Iwanna". What a couple those two would have made. Have to say, I cracked up at those jammies of his. He just supposedly has a tryst with a hot babe...I swear this guys suffers from unnatural chills. Surprise there wasn't a jacket on top of the jammies.

Add me to the list of those who just wanted to shriek back at Gina to SHUT UP! Your mother is dying, maybe she would like to say something to you? So that one bites the dust - things aren't looking to secure for Toni. Please dear lord, do NOT have Fina show up in Vineyardville. And Inez and Isi better not get too vocal - the grim reaper seems to be luring the minute you say AHA PEPA!

Adri--too cute with the wheelchair boogie.

"Maybe the shocker here is that they are wonderful folks, approve of Mati, and that Carlos and Mati will continue as our blissfully happy couple... uninterrupted"

You just keep believing that Carlos... Me, I'm not feeling the warm and fuzzies that things are going to stay smooth.

AH, Nata, everyone knows you're there. GO find somewhere else to live and get out of that place. So hoping those two idiots slip up somehow or, ok, save Dr. Jerko so he can start spilling the beans. never thought I'd say that.

Can't wait for tonight to see what fetching jacket Augie wears tonight...NOT.

Robey, the young Pepa (where does this stupid name come from?) was played by the actress who plays Aida in Teresa. I someday expect to see her and Jessica Coch (Roberta) playing sisters.

Dr Creepy needs to live just long enough to rat Augie out. However, I think we're only about at the middle so I think the truth will have to come out some other way.

Jules- That was wonderful, thanks.

Poor Cata. Even if Gina wasn't sobbing, I still don't think she would have gotten what Cata was trying to say since she didn't speak in whole sentences. Basically saying, "Gonzalo...Fina...esposa...Pepa." Had she said "Fina, the wife of Gonzalo, is the same person as Pepa." Then I would have been more upset at Gina. Even if Cata had just thrown in the words "misma persona." But she didn't, so I really don't think Gina would have understood, even if she had been as quiet as a mouse.

Didn't Jero actually speak to Dr. Nesme? I thought the people at the prison hospital put him on the phone, but they just didn't let the audience in on what he said.

Juan Miguel- I agree that the people at La Bonita seem to have a very short memory of how Jero "betrayed" Nata in the first place, by deceiving her, misjudging her, and emotionally abusing her. She had every right to divorce him. And now that she's divorced, she has every right to do/be with whoever she wants. However, as friends, they can be concerned about her being with Augie, someone they know to be a bad person. But they don't have a right to be angry or feel "betrayed." Say what you might about Kari, I think her reaction was the correct one-- concern for Nata.

Vivi, you are right. Either a nurse or Dr. said that after the phone call, Dr. N's condition seemed to improve.


Urban- Yes, Jessica C. and Margarita M. could definitely play sisters. Both have wide mouths, smaller top halfs, and great gams.

Both Pepa and Fina are nicknames for Josefina. Like Pepe is a nickname for Jose, Pepa is the female equivalent.

I'm glad Auggie will take his windbreaker off for something. That's the first time I've seen him take it off since I started watching the show.

I don't normally care about how anyone dresses, but what's the deal with that rope around Matilde's head? Is there some significance to it or is that simply what young chicas wear these days?

Jules, thanks for the great recap. I especially love the question about who actually rides a horse in their nightgown.

Glad I'm not the only one who was screaming STFU when Gina was in hysterics as Cata was trying to tell her who tried to kill her.

Augie is such a slime ball. Wonder how long it's going to take for Nata to allow herself to get that he's been doing Berta?

My friend, who watched Teresa, said that Aida is a villain. Is she a Fina type or Berta type?


Sharkbye- When Augie is in D.F. he trades his windbreakers for a sports coats. Jero trades his striped/checked untucked shirts for power suits and ties when he's in D.F. Both men look way better in their city duds.

Matilde, however, NEVER takes off the headband. I was shocked to see last night that she doesn't sleep in it.

Aida is a mix of young Pepa (screechy, but not yet murderous) and Berta.

A late to the party thanks to Jules for a fab recap. So funny.

I can't help feel the parallels of Jero not wanting to talk to a dieing Nesme who has important secrets to tell him and Regina shrieking through Cata's attempt to tell her that Fina and Pepa re the same person. So she dies alone with a heart attack and Fina didn't have to fire a shot. People just don't listen! It's almost a telenovela law that important information is ignored.

Vivi, I was relieved to know that Matilde doesn't sleep in the ghastly headband and Augie doesn't sleep in his windbreaker.

Jules: Wowsers! Fantastic recap!!! Perhaps it's a good thing I can't see any of the capitulos. I would be so upset at Jero going for Dr. Tatas and even more upset at what Nata is doing. I just can't fathom it.

Sharkbyte: I am DYING laughing that you, too, find that most unattractive headband of Matilde's to be ugly. I've hated it from day one, but she was not my fave from day one, either. She's ok, now.

May I say that I am STUNNED that Cata died! I cannot believe it! Probably a good thing I missed Regina's screeching (gads, I can't stand screeching women)for I would have joined everyone else in yelling right back at her!

Thank you SO much, Jules!!


Hey Jules, I like your new picture!

What a fun and fast-paced recap for an action-packed episode. Wow, two demises in one night. Although I guess technically Doc Deadsperm isn't dead...yet.

Emilia, "Maybe she doesn't understand English???" LOL!!

Sorry to be so late chiming in; it was one of those horribly busy days. Since my favorite lines have already been called out I will just provide a broad DITTO! on what y'all said.

I was hoping when Berta was playing footsie under the table she would jab Augi's family jewels with her high heel. Alas, no such luck.

I think Regina said more last night than in all previous episodes combined. I, too, was yelling "Shut up, fool!"

Thanks again Jules. What an episode, whew!

Oh, I forgot to say I like Cheryl's observation about the parallels of non-communication and our Carlos's comment about the appropriateness of Doc's fate.

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