Saturday, August 13, 2011
La Fuerza del Destino #8 Fri 08/12/11 First Deserted In The Desert And Now Barely Surviving In A Cement Jungle
Labels: Fuerza
Thanks so much for another excellent recap, full of vim and vinegar.
This novela has every cliche in the book but it's compelling for me nonetheless. There's a small plot surprise here and there, I'm enjoying DZ and the many veteran actors we see all over Sonora and LA. Most of all, it moves!!!!!
Hoping for the best as we go along.
Thanks, too for mentioning a beanie adjustment. We are no where near beanie wearing levels of TdA, but last night for the first time I felt the need to at least have the beanie near by (I think it was the convenient trip and fall into a rock and the subsequent burial...'cause Van had that kind of time.)
Luscreechia is not only an evil wench, she has the business acumen of a brick.
I thought the scene when Carly went to pray for Ali was really touching. Carly is really my favorite character.
It was time to consult my atlas. To get to L.A. he would have to go through San Diego, La Jolla, Laguna, Long Beach,Redonda before getting to L.A. Doesn't look like he stopped anywhere before L.A. magically appeared. It doesn't even look like he stopped for water.
I just cked, it's 113 miles from San Diego to L.A.
Now, I really thought I have heard most of the comments on mental deficiency, ie, 'low marble count (LMC), the lights are on but no ones home, both oars not in the water, but "a full stack of pavers in his pile" is new to me. LOL.
Variopinta: Just for grins, I went to Google Maps and checked for deserted desert area's and I figure perhaps they got dumped in the wilds around Palm Springs at the foot hills out in the boonies where there's pretty much only highway 10 and nothing else on either side for miles and miles. IDunno, cuz I'm not from around there. Anyway, I loaded it into my beanie's GPS and that did the trick. : ? ))
On the other hand, I know toxic parents very well. Luscreechia isn't their queen but she's definitely a lady-in-waiting to one. That Lucia is so sane and so nice is miraculous.
Maripaz's baby would be better off in any other household.
BTW, Mujeres Asesinas is back this Thursday on Univision and the Argentine episodes are back on Wednesday on Latele.
La Paloma
Start polishing your beanies everyone!
PS: The avances made me laugh out loud last night.
I mean I guess technically it isn't a "spoiler" 'cause Univision *did* show it, but I am a rule follower lol.
Thank you Jardinera. I've decided to try this novela for a while in the hopes I'll get hooked. I need something to watch at 9PM when I get on the exercise bike. I do enjoy seeing faces from the past, especially Alborada. And the "usual suspects" are all assembled to recap and comment. How can I go wrong?
It was a brief appearance, but I think the doctor who treated Ivan for his injuries was the accountant Malaquias from Alborada.
The last couple minutes will probably start Monday's show, tho'.
AgnesNJ/ La Paloma/ Traveling Lady: glad to see you peeking in here. I didn't think I'd care much for this tn either, but I actually like it as far as it goes. Guess I would have liked to have seen Ivan a little more discerning at 19 about not taking off and leaving for the border. On the other hand, he's totally torn up both physically and mentally/emotionally and isn't thinking/can't be expected to think clearly. I somehow can relate to all the schmaltz here.
Sara: Aptly and bluntly put! LOL!! "Luscreechia is not only an evil wench, she has the business acumen of a brick. "
Urban: I guess I'm fortunate never to have met those kinds of toxic parents--or pretty naive! I'm sure they exist or their kind wouldn't fill the storybooks, eh? LOL!
I suppose the writers didn't want to dwell too much on how Ivan reached LA, hence one moment he is struggling in the desert and the next he is in LA. I would like to think he hitched rides, etc, and didn't walk all the way. Anyway, the message that 'I got' was that crossing the border is dangerous, there are unscrupulous persons who take advantage of the desperate. Some people die, some get caught, some return back the way they came, and some people make it.
I am surprised that Gerardo went ahead with the divorce. I really thought that he would have stayed with Lucrecia.
Guaymas looks so beautiful. Makes me want to be there now enjoying the scenery.
I have mixed feelings about Carlota. I like it that she sticks it to Lucresia, but she is also guilty of not revealing to Alicia that her father left her an inheritance. Now it is too late, Alicia is dead and Ivan has taken off because her daughter sent men to beat him up. So I am not totally on her side.
Karma hit list (so far):
1. Lucrecia y Maripaz, egoistas (insert theme from Mujeres Asesinas here)
2. Antolin
3. Juan Jaime, Jerk
4. Carlota (for better or worse she's backed Lucrecia, even if it's been increasingy reluctantly)
Bill C: Should we add Camilo also to the Karma hit list for keeping quiet about Anto's antics? And, shouldn't we add Maripaz for taking advantage of Ivan and then dumping on him to save her own skin like Grammy Carly did with the inheritance and the loan?
1. Lucrecia, Egoista (who's basically set nearly everything bad that's happened to Ivan in the show in motion)
2. Maripaz (whatever Lucrecia didn't do, she did)
3. Antolin and Leandro (henchmen represent!)
4. Juan Jaime, Jerk
5. Carlota (still reluctantly backing Lucrecia, even if she's calling her and Maripaz on their ish)
6. Camilo (for keeping quiet about Antolin's lies, though he might skate on this as the protagonist's dumb and handsome best friend)
7. Gerardo. (This one may be optional--if nothing else he has to beat himself up for getting Alicia pregnant, which led to the bargain-basement abortion and indirectly to her death.)
David Zepeda is a very good looking man, but he will be much more convincing for me when he is the grown-up confidant business man back home on a mission. I look forward to his interactions with the grown-up Maripaz- nightmare first love.
Thanks much for the fun recap Jardinera!
Beanie cap GPSs? LOL! I'm still getting used to the idea that one can actually drive across the US/MX border - i.e. no river. No mojado there!
Thank you for the wonderful recap! Sorry to be chiming in so late, but I only just watched my recording.
Seems to me Ivan was crossing the Sonoran Desert, hence we could see the big body of water as the camera panned out: There are no rivers to cross there Audrey.
Margaret- I totally agree about getting the message about how dangerous it is to cross, without them needing to make things worse or stretch it out. I actually thought Ivan was looking down the valley of another big city when he first emerges from the desert, and not L.A. Later, when he ends up in East L.A., they show a night sky line that is for sure L.A. And it was evident, from what he said about the driver not wanting to take him to the house because of the dangerous neighborhood, that he had been hitching at some point.
Wonderful karma list Bill! I totally agree with those you point out. I really like Carlota, but she really has let an injustice happen to Alicia, who is now dead, and Ivan. If she really wanted to do something to help Ivan, she would go to Celia's house, get his address, and get in contact with him to let him know that he still has her support. Instead, she's clearing her conscious by saying that Alicia is now reunited with Teodoro in Heaven, and saying a prayer for Ivan. NOT enough Carlota.
I was also LOL when Carlota manually shut Lucrezia's mouth after the JJ/Alicia reveal. But I really did not want Lucrezia to know that secret. She will just use it to hurt Ivan somehow later.
Question- Why were the other kitchen staff looking at Ivan with so much distrust? They must see new people who a fresh off the boat come and go all the time.
I learned two new phrases. When Benito introduces Ivan to the restaurant owner, he says Ivan speaks “gabacho.” Gabacho is slang for white person. It has also been used to describe Spaniards. In urban American-Latino terms it means English. He also said Ivan is “buena pinta”, which means good looking, but can also mean looks white/Spanish. Ever since he met with the Antolin’s coyote friend, there has been a big deal made about the fact that Ivan looks (white) and speaks (educated) differently than most illegal migrants. In my mind, this explained the hostility they are showing from the other workers.
This whole L.A. scenario is near and dear to my heart as I am an immigrant who grew up in gang-infested L.A. Ah, home! My parents and I came legally, however, and from the Caribbean. But many of the people I grew up with were from Mexico and Central America, and many of those were illegal.
It looks like they are building up to a romance between Lucrecia and JJ (Juan Jaime). I don't think I have the heart or stomach to watch these two canoodling.
Some of us were suspicious of Benito earlier. He hasn't done anything to justify those suspicions yet, has he?
I, for one, was thankful for Ivan's condensed viaje across the border. I didn't need to see San Diego and all the other towns along the way. I think they got their point across about the danger and hazards involved.
I am loving everyone's comments, especially Vivi--Thank you for sharing your personal experience. You know whereof you speak! And, Sara, you have really piqued my curiosity about the lol moment coming up Monday. I will pay especially close attention!
I have to say, I do have an issue with the way Carlota handles things even though she is also one of my favorites. She is not perfect, she has contributed to the injustice of Alicia's life by not helping her like Teodoro asked and she helped Lucrecia by letting her use Alicia's lands. As Vivi said she has done very little to help Iván after everything that has happened to him with Maripaz's pregnancy and Alicia's death. She has also created this plan to make Maripaz give birth away from prying eyes which is affecting Lucía's life and which takes away Maripaz's responsabilities and choices.
Early on somebody asked when this novela was supposed to be taking place since we see no cell phones and very few people with home phones. My best guess would be that if it isn't a refrito of something already done once or twice before, it might be taking place as late as the late 1970's or the early 1980's. My age group will remember Carlota's suggestion was the one most often chosen in the U.S.A. by respectable families who wanted to avoid gossip or uncomfortable stares up until legitimate abortions became more easily obtainable in the latter '70's and early '80's. Alicia's "bargain-basement" abortion hit home because in the early 70's word got around about the OB's in the area who performed certain "services" for girls "in trouble". I knew a couple of girls in highschool in the late '60's who were sent off to a home and then returned. I knew a couple who'd gotten abortions in college before it was legit. Back then it wasn't socially acceptable to have a child out of wedlock let alone to keep it. Until the Great Society in the mid-'60's as I recall, there were no government checks to take the place of the father as a provider/role model. Whether one agrees to the propriety of these situations then or of the available alternatives in this day and age, that's the way it was for the American middle-class-lower, middle and upper middle class strata. Maripaz's attitude that she'd probably be left suitor-less was very indicative of the general public mindset. I was comfortable with Carlota's choice for Maripaz, though.
Veracruz has the highest rate of deaths caused by back alley abortions in the country. Since DF decided to make it legal 17 states decided to criminalize it as a response. Unfortunately, my state was one of them and now you can spend up to 4 years in prison for having one there.
And in the state of Guanajuato it was just horrible, abortion there is tried as murder and there were women in jail condemned to 30 years for having abortions and even women sent to jail because people had filed accusations on the suspicion that they had gone out of the state to abort or that their spontaneous abortions hadn't been accidental and you can get up to 4 years in jail for having an abortion (and you know that here you are guilty until proven innocent). The Catholic priests were encouraging people during mass to investigate on women so they could get punished by the law if they chose to have abortions performed on them. It was like a witch hunt and until international NGO’s and IGO’s got involve to help those women and got the federal government involved nobody could do anything for them.
When I was in college one of my friends asked me for money because her cousin was pregnant and she had found out about a doctor who would do the abortion but it would be too expensive for their student budget. The girl couldn't get the needed money and she left who knows where to do it because it was cheaper, my friend was absolutely panicked for her cousin.
One of my uncles in my mother's family is actually my cousin because he is the son an uncle but was raised as the child of my grandparents, which he didn't knew about until he was older.
I guess that’s why Carlota’s choice did bother me, because it wasn’t Maripaz’s. Maripaz couldn’t even tell her parents on her own that she was pregnant because Iván took that job upon himself. And while I understand why Iván did what he did and why Carlota did what she did, those actions still bother me because, as awful as Maripaz is, she should have a say on what she is going to do. Even if by law she can’t do what she wanted then at the very least she should have been present when her grandma decided what to do and opine, instead of just receiving the instruction. But that’s a clear representation of something that is still present: women often don’t get to have a say on their lives if they become pregnant before marriage, since they usually live with their parents. Then after they get married, every choice has to be approved by the husband. Things are changing fast, especially in this decade, but we are still too behind to catch up, especially in less urban areas.
As for Maripaz, are you saying that she would have been legally pursued and harassed in Sonora if she'd gone to another state in Mexico that allows abortions once somebody found out she'd been pregnant? If so, then Carlota's decision makes sense back then, and at least Maripaz has the choice of keeping the kid or giving it up for adoption. She put her foot down to Gerry about that. IMHO Carlota was correct in saying that she's still a kid herself and the child would be miserable in that dysfunctional family's situation.
On the other hand, is there still a legal reason for Carlota to have kept Ivan from knowing he's heir to part of El Socorro? Did the original loan ever get repaid in full or is that unpaid loan still dangling over Lucrecia and Carlota's heads?
Good luck with school this semester!
Thanks for sharing your experiences Jardinera and Susanlynn. I grew up in the post Roe v Wade era, and boy am I glad! However, where I grew up in the inner city during the 80s and 90s, teen pregnancy was rampant. No birth control, not abortions, and no adoption. Just lots of unprepared teen moms, as young as 13!
Sonora approved an anti-abortion law in 2008 that criminalized abortion but they don't penalize it if it happened elswhere. Before that, while abortion wasn't legal, it was also not punishable so Maripaz wouldn't have gone to jail then.
Some states in 2007-2008 even banned the morning after pill and the IUD.
Vivi: Thank you! I'm going to be a little bit more busy this semester but the classes look great.
We have birth control available in clinics but the root of the problem comes from a big lack of sex education. There's also a reluctance from the parents to speak with their children, they just let schools take care of it and many schools are reluctant to touch the subject and if they do, they do it in superficial ways and until the teens are above 14.
You'd think that with this problem Mexico would have huge birth rates. Interestingly enough we don't, we aren't that far from the US actually and our birth rates are diminishing every year. That's because we oddly have a great system of education in family planning for married women. If we could only improve sexual education for the young and reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies, sigh.
I have to chime in with ViviDC. You are a treasure trove of cultural information! You are our very own Mexican Ambassador! It is such a treat to get your side of the story! Once again, thank you for making this blog such a terrific and informative experience.
I love hearing from Jarocha!
I agree with everyone, on the surface we are just watching a TN...but oh! it is so much more!
Since Ivan is the hero of this story we have to credit him with naivete in telling Carlota. Tonight we should be finding out what happens to the baby.
I loved when Carlota closed Lucrecia's mouth when she found out who Ivan's real father was too.
Yeah Ivan has a lot of people to take revenge upon too.
I love Carlota but i believe she does have a duty to tell Ivan that he is her late husband's grandson and entitled for half of the estate.
I wonder what she'll do when he comes back for revenge.
So Lushrew is chasing after JJ now there's a match made in hell.
Camilo you should feel guilty know one told your stupid brother to use a knife in that fight. But on top of that he took most of the money Gerry had left for Ivan.
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