Saturday, August 27, 2011

Teresa Fri 8/26/11 #125 Not one, but TWO tipsy Hunkasauruses and one very cunning Tiburoncita!

CUERNAVACA: Mariano admits to Aurora he’s made many mistakes but he loves her and will prove it to her. She walks away and he leaves only to find Teresa waiting outside doing her best Captain Morgan impression. She knew he’d forget this stupid idea of going after Aurora because he still loves her.

Inside, Aurora looks at the rose Mariano left and knows things would have been so different if he had only figured it out a long time ago.

Meanwhile, Mariano tells Teresa there’s nothing to discuss, isn’t it obvious he is no longer interested in her? He tells her he no longer feels anything for her. Teresa’s convinced that this thing with Aurora is just a passing fancy. Mariano swears that’s not how he feels. Teresa speaks of her long friendship with Aurora and warns him not to hurt her as he did Aida. He says he’d never hurt her. He only wants a chance to show her what he feels for her. Teresa tells him to get real, he’s only doing this out of spite (despecho) because he’s still in love with her. She closes in for her signature move and…he backs off! Again, he tells her he no longer loves her. She doesn’t believe him and moves ever closer and again, he backs off and tells her it would be best if she did believe him. She notices how he gets when she gets close, when she touches him. She’s now on him, like a shark on its prey. She says what they have is very strong.

DANG! We interrupt this very Sharky scene for an update on doofus Grumps, like anyone cares! Hernan has come to check on him. Old fart is complaining about his diet and Johnny.

BACK IN CUERNAVACA, Mariano admits Teresa is a very beautiful, sensual woman but he now has eyes only for Aurora and pushes her away! She claims she’s happy for him and hopes this is true so her friend doesn’t have to suffer anymore. (Methinks she doth protest too much cuz there’s murder in them thar Sharkita eyes!) Mariano takes his leave and Teresa tries to bum a ride with him saying she didn’t have a chance to get the car from Arturo. Mariano wisely refuses, saying it wouldn’t be prudent for them to travel together. Wow! I like this new and improved Mariano! She can’t believe he’d leave her there alone! He offers to help her get a cab, going so far as paying for it cuz she has no money. Teresa is mouth-open-QTH-impactada and Viewerville can be heard cheering “¡¡Bravo Mariano!! ¡Por Fin!”

HOSPITAL: Stupid scene where Hernan explains to Gramps who he is and his connection to Johnny. He and Espe invite him to Rodriguito’s baptismal fiesta. Definitely FF>>>>

CUERNAVACA: Mariano drives Teresa to a taxi stop. She’s furious and can’t understand why he can’t drive her to D.F. since he’s going there anyway. No way, he says, he doesn’t want any problems with her hubby. She gets in the cab and pouts as she hears him ask the taxista for the closest florist.

Aurora calls Johnny asking after the old curmudgeon. Johnny hands the phone to Juana and she frantically confesses she’s the one who told Mariano of her whereabouts and pleads with for forgiveness. Aurora calms her down, saying it turned out for the best because they were able to talk and she was able to tell him a few things and she feels better now. She tells Juana she didn’t give in to him because she really needs to be alone but she admits she was very happy to see him. She can’t believe he no longer loves Teresa, who also came by. Juana explains she asked her to go because she felt so bad about telling Mariano. Aurora explains Teresa’s no longer there and they really didn’t have a chance to talk after she told her to leave.

Mariano is at the florist ordering a ginormous bowl of white roses that will be delivered today. Meanwhile, Teresa’s cab drives by and she points out his car to the taxista. She asks the taxista if he’d like to make some extra cash and he won’t have to drive all the way to D.F. She’s talking to the driver when her phone rings, yup, it’s Arturo, but she doesn’t answer. He’s in a bar (collective Viewerville gasp) with a drink. He leaves her a voicemail and then has a succession of quick flashbacks: Odiana telling him about Teresa doing the horizontal mambo with Mariano, Teresa swearing she loves him, Armando telling him she went to Cuernavaca, Johnny telling him Mariano is in Cuernavaca. He’s distraught and downs his drink. He next calls Refugio who doesn’t know where Teresa is but she’ll go check in their apt and call him back. Fine. Arturo orders another drink! No, Arturo! NO!

ROADSIDE: Now we find out what Teresa is up to! The cab driver is changing a “flat tire” on his cab on the side of the road and she waves down Mariano. She’s soooo happy he received her message! Imagine, the cab has a flat and he’ll have to double back to repair the tire. What to do? Mariano relents and she runs to his car but not before giving the taxista a thumbs up!

HOSPITAL: Juana and Hector talk about how happy Aurora is. Hector’s happy to know that Juana would go visit her as a favor to him. Of course, she says, Aurora’s like a daughter to me! Hector hopes she can convince Aurora to come to Rodriguito’s baptismal fiesta.

VECINDAD: Mariano and Teresa arrive. She notices he said very little during the drive. He tells her there’s nothing left to say. She thanks him for rescuing her. He wasn’t about to leave her there but he also tells her it’s best they avoid each other and tells her to get out. She can’t believe he’s not going to drive up to her building. He doesn’t want anyone to see them. He’s doing it for her, to avoid any problems with Arturo. She agrees, sarcastically saying she’s soooo happy with Art even though they’re living in the vecindad. Mariano tells her that since their relationship couldn’t work out, he’s happy she can love her husband even though he doesn’t have any money. Then he says, “Adios Teresa!” Ha-ha! She’s pissed but as she’s getting out of the car who should drive up but our hero Arturo, who thankfully isn’t actually driving. He asks his driver to stop. He sees Teresa get out of Mariano’s car, but she doesn’t see him. He jumps out of the car as Mariano pulls away and yells after her. His driver stops him from doing something stupid and talks him into getting back in the car.

HOSPITAL: Ugh, Johnny/Pati and recovering Gramps. They chit-chat about his demeaner. YAWN –FF>>

VECINDAD: Refugio finds Teresa in the courtyard and tells her Arturo was looking for her. Teresa tells a half-truth about having to go see Aurora in Cuernavaca. She tells mom her trip to Cuernavaca didn’t turn out as planned. She realized she’s losing something she considered hers – she fibs about this being about a case. She goes back to her little hovel and finds the ensemble Arturo left for her on the bed. YES! Happy dance time! She rushes to the dress, checks the label first as any fashionista would, then reads Arturo’s note. He tells her to get gussied up because tonight they’re going out to dinner before going to their new home! He’s come through at last! Arturo walks in and she’s so excited she doesn’t notice his gloomy demeanor. She rushes to embrace him and tell him how much she loves him then realizes something’s wrong. He yells at her, “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?” She notices he’s been drinking. He shakes her and demands to know where she’s been!

CASA CHAVEZ: Armando and Refugio talk about Teresa. She’s worried about Teresa’s attitude. Armando hopes that’s the only thing amiss. He tells how Arturo didn’t know about Teresa’s trip to Cuernavaca before he mentioned it. Refugio’s surprised she didn’t tell Arturo since she just mentioned to her that she went to see Aurorita.

BATTLING BARRERAS: Arturo is still manhandling her demanding to know who she was with! TERESA: “Let me go, you brute. Look how you get when you’ve been drinking. I don’t want to be with you when you’re like this.” ARTURO: “Of course I have to drink and it’s all your fault because you continue to cheat on me!” TERESA: “What? Are you plumb loco?” ARTURO: “I looked for you and couldn’t find you, not even by phone.” TERESA: “Cell signals are really bad on the highway. I had to go to Cuernavaca.” ARTURO: “Oh, so you admit you went to Cuernavaca.” TERESA: “Yes, to see Aurora.” ARTURO: “MENTIRA, MENTIRA! I just saw you getting out of that imbécil’s car!” He shoves her down on the couch and she’s all, “ruh-roh” Arturo is furious and standing over her, panting. Eeek!

HOSPITAL-DOUBLE YAWN I’ve combined all the boring Hospital scenes. You can really skip this section, only semi-important item is that Grumps tells Idiotaberto that Juana is infertile. I took one for the recapping team and watched the whole thing and here’s what happened: Buttberto is in grampa’s room talking to Pati. She’s staying to spend the night. Doofus tells her he’ll stay until he goes to his mariachi jig. He has the day off because his rich old lady is off to Cuernavaca for a few days – he brags she’s still paying him. Pati wonders if that lady might not have an interest in him. No way, says our erstwhile gigolo-in-his-dreams, she’s real sangrona (nasty, uppity) and calls him igualado, confianzudo (cheeky, overfamiliar). Even stupid Pati thinks it’s strange this woman should treat him so well. The old bugger starts to stir and asks for the doctor. Buttberto says he’ll take care of grandpa while she goes for the doc. The old codger puts him in his place, reminding him he should be addressed as “Don Porfirio”.

Later, Dumberto is attempting to read the paper to gramps (such a prize, Juana, he can’t even read). Gramps asks him to stop because he does it so poorly he should be in la primaria. Instead, why doesn’t he explain why he messed with his maid? Dumberto tells of the plan to make Juana jealous, of how he wanted to help Johnny and Pati, etc, etc; there’s no using talking about it anymore (please don’t) since everything turned out for the best and Johnny and Pati are happy. Grumps wryly wonders for how long. Ugh, he starts to talk about Juana. Sick as he is, Grumps spells it out for him, Juana is s-t-e-r-i-l-e. Clueless-berto has an aha moment, which we must admit is really hard for him. Ugh, gramps and Buttberto discuss Juana’s sterility. The doc finally comes to discuss Grump’s convalescence. Doc thinks it’s a good idea for him to go live at the vecindad with his granddaughter. The clinic there would be ideal for any medical attention he may need. Yawn, stretch.

BATTLING BARRERAS: Arturo dares her to deny it! She admits she returned with Mariano but didn’t say anything because she knew he’d react this way. ARTURO: Don’t you think I have a valid reason? What story are you going to come with now to justify what you’ve done? TERESA: I swear it’s not a lie. I went to see Aurora because she’s so broken up over Martin. ARTURO: And that’s why you returned with Mariano? Did you just “happen” to run into each other? TERESA: No! I didn’t have a car because you used the insurance money to pay off debts. (oh, so now it’s his fault). Arturo interrupts her, “You were together, JUNTOS!!!” TERESA: I asked him to take me to a taxi stand. I didn’t want to come back with him, you can ask him. Then the taxi got a flat and if Mariano hadn’t come along, I’d still be there at this hour. “¡BASTA!”, he screams at her, “I don’t believe any of your lies. (Now, technically, she is telling the truth. She’s only leaving out the intent behind the visit to Cuernavaca). Teresa says he can confirm this with Aurora. She’ll tell him Teresa was never alone with Mariano. He hands over his phone for her to dial Aurora’s number.

Aurora’s cell is off. Teresa frantically suggests they drive over to Cuernavaca now to speak to her. Arturo leaps over the sofa to slam the door shut before she can get out. He actually grabs her by the hair (this is getting scary now) and says he can no longer believe her. He’s more angry (rrrrrabia) than hurt that she sees him as a fool. He shoves her into the kitchen. She’s scared and crying now and asks him to think that if she didn’t love him, would she have moved back to this maldito vecindad? He grabs her again and holds her over the sink and wonders if that’s why she went looking for Mariano. Does she think she can now have everything she’s ever wanted from Mariano? He feels like such a fool, having arranged for them to move into Fernando’s apt tonight! He shoves her and she stumbles but recovers enough to ask if that’s where they’re going. He grabs her again and asks if she thinks she deserves to be taken out of here again!

Teresa screams at Arturo. “Es el colmo!” They’ve finally found a way out of this pocilga (pigsty) and now he says she doesn’t deserve it. She’s stuck by him through thick and thin and has even had to bear living here when he knows this is the worst thing that can happen to her. No, that’s not the worst, he says. What is worse is being married to someone you don’t love, isn’t that it? She tells him that’s not true. She loves him, she really, really does. Oh, really? He hopes that’s true because she’s his wife. This gets really ugly now as he attempts to prove that she’s his wife. He’s got her in his grip and clears off the kitchen table and throws her on top of it. He tells her to look at him. He’s not Mariano! She fights him off and they both fall to the floor. He chases after her, first barring the door and then into the bedroom where he traps her on the bed. She’s screaming the whole time begging him not to do this. He finally comes to his senses and backs off, telling her this is what she’s turned him into. She makes her escape out the door and he chases after her. She jumps into a cab as he yells after her. Whew, heavy duty stuff.

ELSEWHERE at the hospital, Magpie-Magda asks Mariano about his trip to Cuernavaca, did he find Aurora? Even though he didn’t mention it, Magpie says it was only obvious he was going after Aurora. Since Aurora started avoiding him, he’s become a different person. Mariano doesn’t understand why it’s not obvious to Aurora. She tells him he’s never aware of what goes on around him. There are so many women who are hot on him that she’s tempted to start an I Hate Teresa Club. Seriously, she doesn’t understand how he didn’t realize Aurora’s affection for him. He admits he was an imbécil. He never thought he’d feel this way about Aurora. He knows she cares for him but she also thinks he’ll never forget Teresa. He doesn’t know how, but he’s determined to show his love for Aurora. He plans to shower her with gifts and attention. Magpie drills him on Aurora’s favorite things. He knows them all since they share many of them. He can’t believe he hadn’t noticed this before.

CUERNAVACA: Aurora places a bowl of white roses (her favorite) on an outside table. His note reads, I’ve just left you and already I miss you. If you miss me in the slightest, call me. Te quiero. Cute scene, they shot the scene with Mariano leaning over her as if he’s reading the note. Awwww. She smiles and picks up her phone but puts it back down. Riiiiight, make him wait. Seldom used Chica rule #5.

HOSPITAL: Mariano confirms to our addle brained Dumberto that if Juana is sterile, this means she can’t have children, duh. Duhberto doesn’t understand why she would keep this from him. Mariano thinks he should discuss this with Juana; Gee you think?

JUANA’S APT: Hector and Juana talk of how much they miss Aurora. Hector talks of living in Cuernavaca once they marry and he wants Juana to redecorate the place to her taste. Of course, Juana puts him off, saying it would be best to wait until Aurora comes back and they can do it together. As usual, Hector agrees. Poor sap. She’s really ticking me off. She needs to let him go.

EVENING IN CUERNAVACA: Odiosana and Luisa are settling in for dinner when Luisa gets a call from Fernando telling her he misses her terribly. He’s been taste testing wines for their wedding and he’s had maybe a tad too much but he’s chosen the white, rose, and champagne. (Uh-oh, tipsy and la Sharkita is on the loose!) Reina comes in to clear the bottles but he dismisses her saying she can go to her room. As he says this, Teresa lets herself in the front door. Ruh-roh! She rips open her blouse (sorry guys, she’s wearing another shirt underneath) then makes a re-entry, shouting frantically for Fernando. He quickly embraces her as she tearfully tells him of Arturo’s abuse and how he tried to force himself on her. He’s shocked and she tells him Arturo was drinking and crazy jealous. Ay, Caray!

HOSPITAL: Mariano and Aida are discussing clinic business. He asks if she’s serious about continuing her work here. She annoyingly asks if he’s so bothered by her presence. She’d already told him she would continue her work to remain close to him, even if it’s just as friends. PATÉTICA!

CASA BARRERA, um FERNANDO: Teresa tells Fernando she was so frightened. She needs a drink and grabs one of the wineglasses on the coffee table. Neither of them would have expected this of Arturo. She complains he wouldn’t let her explain. He’s obsessed with the idea that Mariano is her lover. If she didn’t love him, would she have agreed to live in that place and have people jeer at her? Fernando agrees Arturo’s in a bad place and says he’s going to talk to him right now! She stops him, pulling him back and holding him, telling him she’s afraid to be left alone. Ha-ha – he’s falling right into her trap, and of course it will all be blamed on the alcohol. Hunkasauruses can’t handle their liquor when faced with a she-shark.

HOSPITAL: Mariano feels Aida shouldn’t be doing this work just to be near him. He knows that deep down she’s hopeful they’ll reconcile but that’s not gonna happen. He doesn’t want to hurt her. Aida says he shouldn’t believe she feels he’s the only man in the world. She hasn’t stop living her life. They should continue to conduct business as usual and the future will tell whether or not they will get back together. (oh, she’s so dense) Mariano sets her straight that it’s not a question of time and he knows there are things she won’t be able to bear. Delusional Aeeeeeeeeda says that’s not true. Mariano tests her by telling her he saw Teresa today. Aeeeeeeeeeda reacts just like that old joke, “slowly I turn, step by step”, no puede seeeeeeeeerrrrrrr, Marianooooooo!

CUERNAVACA: Aurora arrives at the same restaurant where Odiosana and Luisa are dining. Luisa makes the introductions. They chit-chat and Aurora ends up joining them.

BACK AT THE HOSPITAL, Aeeeeeeeeda continues her rant. Honestly, it’s comical. Mariano finally stops her, telling her nothing happened between them. He went there looking for Aurora and that’s when he ran into Teresa. He admits nothing happened between him and Aurora either but he’s telling her now that he intends to fight for her love. Aeeeeeeeeda the Pathetic wishes it had been she that he wished to win over (conquistar). She appreciates his honesty and is beginning to realize she’s lost him (duh).

CASA BARRERA, um FERNANDO: Teresa tells Fernando that Arturo refused to even listen to her suggestion that they go to Cuernavaca to talk to Aurora. Fernando comments about Arturo’s intense hatred of Mariano. He agrees she couldn’t have stayed on that lonely dark highway alone. Teresa says no woman should be forced into intimacy against her will. Fernando agrees and can’t believe Arturo would lose control in that manner. She blames it all on his problem with alcohol. She’s distraught, whatever shall I do?

CUERNAVACA: Luisa tells Aurora about her wedding plans. They talk about venues and it ends with Aurora offering her garden as a possibility.

OH NO THEY DIDN’T!!!!! Teresa doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. She’d like to just forget it happened. She’s sorry she barged in on him like this but he was the first person she thought of. He caresses her cheek as he says she did the right thing. She knows she’ll be safe here with him. They stare at each other intently. She tilts her head and they ever so slowly start to smooch. It starts with a peck and then it’s a full on smoochfest. No Puede Ser!!!!! I hope Reina interrupts them…..or ARTURO! They can’t go any further than smooching, or can they? Guess we’ll find out Monday! Yikes!!!!

Oh man, previews show them hugging and she’s wearing a nightie kinda thing! And she asks Arturo for a separation!


I am keeping all our Viewerville friends on the East Coast in my prayers tonight. Be Safe!

Tonight's episode was electrically charged! Sebastian and Angelique must have come out of that fight scene with bruises. Bravo to both of them and extra kudos to Angelique for running in those high heels!

That fight scene had me on the edge of my seat! I could barely keep up with the dialogue, they were talking so fast! Just when Arturo thought he was home free, Teresa goes and screws it all up again! And now she's making the move on his bestie! And his bestie is betraying him too! Double whammy on our poor Arty, and Luisa! Dang!!!!

Anyone else out there think the wedding venue in Cuernavaca will end up being for Maurora?

There's so much going on in this TN right now. What will happen at the baptism? Will Aida come to Rodriguito's rescue and thus redeem herself?

If Juana and Ughberto end up togehter, which they surely will, I hope they do it offscreen so we done't have to watch. aaaaagh!

Paquita, thanks for the early recap. You put the emotion in the right places. You had me on the end of my seat even though I already watched it last night.

Ever so slowly, Doofberto finds out Juana is "es-ter-il" from Gramps. It looked like a dim lightbulb went off in his head. Finally we can get that storyline going and Juana can make up her mind without excuses. I think she'll pick Bumberto against OUR (recappers and bloggers) better judgement, darn, darn, darn.

I don't think even technically Tere is telling the truth, because she paid the el taxisto to have that "flat" tire. She did go out to stop Mar from seeing Aurora, and to keep him dangling while she vamps Fernando for money, so Arturo was correct albeit, drunk; he was appropriately angry in my opinion, but inappropriately violent (which is never right).

And, really, notice how Tere was happy with the clothes, but treats Arturo shabbily in general and clearly loves his money more than him.

Once she ruins Luisa's life, sucks in Fer, then what? My husband observed, "they are running out of guys in that town!"

This story is almost over, I can't wait to see what happens. I guess they'll spend some time on the kidnapping. How in the world will Geno 'adopt' a baby and no one no who's it is??? Most everybody else (other than Geno, Rube, Fito) in town knows what that kid looks like.

Teresa thought she had Mariano in the bag, it was fun watching her try all her signature moves and him not reacting to her at least not reacting how she would have wanted.

Good to see Aurora making Mariano work for her attention, loved how they had him standing over her shoulder reading the letter to her.

Too much time spent on grumps and the idiot posse. But at least finally Juana's barrenness is out of the bag and move that storyline along.

Ay caray with the beso between Ter and has been a long time coming.

Paquita, excellent. On the edge of my chair with your recap after being on the edge of my chair with the capitulo.

Arturo is dead to me. Drunk and abusive, not redeemable at all. Great acting. Very emotional scene. Teresa get the heck out of Dodge, run as fast as you can. But really can't you do it on your own? I guess not.

I'd love to see Hector end up with Luisa. They are really such comfy, loving people. What on earth does Hector see in Juana. She's just dumb and as someone said, Dumberto, go for it, but don't involve us viewers.

Thank goodness Juana is "STERILE." Can you imagine? Eight more Dumbertos in this world? The two of them are destined to be together.

The fight scene between Arturo and Teresa is what Victor Fleming couldn't show between Scarlett and Rhett in GWTW. Note that this one didn't lead to marital rape.

However, I hope Arturo catches her with Fernando, which is so long overdue.

Now if Teresa survives this she will have to pull up stakes and take her act elsewhere as her reputation should be thoroughly in ruins before much more time passes.

Fernando clearly has no sense of honor anymore. Even if anything Teresa told him is true, taking advantage of her is wrong. As the truth stands, he is betraying both Arturo and Luisa.

For which Mama Shark will bite him.

That was definitely a roller-coaster ride of an episode last night. Sweet easy climbs (The note reading with Marora - loved it!), the lows with grumps and Stupido, and the scary falls with...well we know. Thanks Paquita for getting it all down so wonderfully, especially getting details on dialogue down. I was so stunned by the happenings with Art and Ter I wasn't even paying attention to what she was saying. Bruises indeed.

Now I know our little Terror couldn't tell the entire truth if her life depended on it, but what happened at the apartment went over the edge. Art went beyond being an ugly drunk - to me, he just crossed the line whether he stopped himself or not. I was glad he stopped, he had me worried there for a bit, but he needs to get help or something to deal with his demons. Whether he winds up with Sharkette at the end or not, he needs to clean up his act. This is behavior that would come out with any woman at this point...not acceptable.

That said, Tere sure didn't waste time recovering her wits, and looking at the advantage of what happened to go after Fer. We just knew that kiss was going to happen (he is rather good at that slow approach),now it's a question of how far and how long.

"Anyone else out there think the wedding venue in Cuernavaca will end up being for Maurora?" Thought the exact same thing!!! Get it all spruced up, decorated, Luisa's goes bust and Mariano moves in to suggest another use of the venue. Oh...can see it now. Or I hope so.

I hope AAAeeeedddaa means it when she says she gets she has lost Mar. Now will she go quietly is the question. Maybe Mar's doctor bud, is it Dario, would be interested?

And I repeat - Juana, let Hector go gently, tell Stuipido to take a hike. But I'm getting a sick feeling that she and Stupido will get together. Excuse me while I get some Pepto...

Please all those on the East coast, be careful and safe.

Thanks Frances for a fabulous recap!

This was a painful episode watching Arturo take himself to such a low place, I know he is a better person than that. His actions are the result of drinking and insane jealousy. I imagine that no person can take themselves beyond redemption, but Art and Teresa have their backs up against the redemption wall, and they only have themselves to blame. They " could have had it all."

Well, it looks like the Fer/Ter thing will go the distance and Luisa will be badly hurt. She has been a FANTASTIC friend to Teresa.  I have no patience or excuses for Ter, Luisa doesn't deserve this. Luisa won't see it but she is much better off without Fer, a guy who wanted to break it off but was coerced into marriage by his mother.  

Juana is passively hurting Hector, in fact, she is, in a way, lying to him day after day. This will be the second time Aurora is hurt by a "mother." 

Tough day in viewerville!

Paquita, gracias for the detail, especially on the fight scene, and for taking one for the team in covering all Gramps hospital scenes. I enjoy Gramps' insults and I needed his comic relief. Don Rickels has nothing on him.

Ugh, sad to see Art become crazed and sink so low. Thank goodness, he stopped. He needs to go directly to AA. It's amazing to me that Teresa doesn't seem to realize she's playing with gargantuan-sized fire. I don't even want to think about Art's reaction to a betrayal by Ter and Fer.

ITA on Mar. Yay, finally Ter gets the boot!

I wonder if Ter is murdered in one of the gran finales!

Teresa doesn't care who is hurt as long as she gets what she wants. She's like a rabid dog, getting more and more out of control and she needs to be put down or at least penned up. She's going to destroy Arturo, Fernando & Luisa and doesn't care who gets hurt as long as she gets money.

Teresa's not going to take losing Mariano to Aurora lightly. She IS going to try to do something to Aurora and/or Mariano for revenge.

I can't believe no one else in the vecindad heard that huge Arteresa fight with screaming, stuff crashing down, doors slammed etc.

Will Arturo go after Mariano next?

At what point did Mariano decide he didn't love Teresa anymore? Because it was like one day he was charging up in Arturo's house to take Teresa away, then the next he's thoughtbubbling about Aurora.

Paquita: You amaze me...that was a stunning recap of a STUNNING night!!

I've said before that I have felt that I just observe Teresa's antics; I don't feel one way or the other for her, but I have to give Boyer credit last night...for the first time ever, this character she plays made me ill.

Call me 'whatever', but the look on her face after she reeled in Fer was utterly sickening to me. It was sickening because Teresa is SICK. She is "The Bad Seed". She is sick and she is pathological.

Yes, dear Art sank to an incredible low last night, but I see a spark of insight in him. When Teresa kicked him off of her and he fell to the floor, I think even he was astounded at his own actions.

Art has been a time bomb ready to go off. He has stifled way too many feelings about so many things for TOO long. Teresa lit that fuse and now she cannot stop it.

Last night, when I saw that vacant look on Juana's face when she was talking to Hector, I wanted to slap it right off! It was the most vacant look she has given him, yet.

She and Buttberto DESERVE each other. I don't care about this story line anymore. Yes, Juana has played the role of madrina to Teresa to the hilt. I can't fault her for that one, but her blindness to Hector's goodness and Teresa's sickness is getting on my last nerve.

I cannot wait...absolutely cannot wait when Juana sees Teresa for who and what she is...A BAD SEED.

Incredible work, Paquita! I cannot thank you enough!


I honestly think that when the fights are over Teresa gloats over Arturo's reactions. She loves being a provocateuse because I think she loves destruction. The idea of two or more men killing each other over her gets her off because it feeds her ego.

She's way overdue for a diet of humble pie.

One other thing...there is one person who really knows Teresa's sickness and that is Refusio.

I could be reading more into this than was there, but when Armando told Refusio that Art was upset that Teresa had not told Art about her trip to Cuernavaca, Refusio's body language spoke more than her words about being worried about Teresa.

Refusio knows...believe me, she knows.


UA: ITA with both of your observations today (Victor Fleming). You are on the mark.


Thanks, Paquita... Indeed, a fabulous emotionally charged recap; I had to go back and look again at all of Art's moves that you described in detail. At first I just got the big picture.

The acting was superb. I wish
Arturo (Sebastian) had won the best
actor award. His entire body was
realistically contorted as a result of booze and rage. I don't even remember if he was nominated. I would imagine
that both of them would be emotionally drained in real life when performing these intensely physical and pychological

As brutal as it was, Arturo's
performance will result in another triumph for Teresa. She is perfectly justified in leaving him,
and since he has no money, this is just what she needs - no cause to look back.

She needs a really good meal ticket now, and Fer fills the bill,
por supuesto. I think they will both soar off into a posh life in Spain where Teresa told Arturo, she
would like to spend the rest of her life. Sweet Luisa will be
the loser, but as Sandy in TN just pointed out, she will be better off in the long run. Interesting to see how all this will play out when the fan is hit.

In spite of the intense, painful drama, I liked the director's touches - the way Arturo smashed the lovely flowers (symbol of a happy home in the vecindad))off the table, and the way he grotesquely and ironically
grabbed at and shoved the new gifts for Teresa off the bed
with one even coming between them
in the fray.

DaisynJay - totally agree, Arturo needs Big Time help - have been reading with interest about your twin sons now in college. Have you been blogging since they were young boys?

No time to react to all of the
comments but thoroughly enjoyed
each one and the insights offered.

Floridia: Rulli was nominated for the Premios, but Colunga won. I love 'my' Colunga, but I feel that Rulli was robbed. Jarocha has commented that the fans in the audience were shouting "Rulli, Rulli!" after Colunga won the award.

Last weekend I watched "El Secreto en Sus Ojos". It won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language film in 2010. The male lead was Ricardo Darin, a former galan in Argentine TN who has made a hugely successful move to the big screen.

I found myself thinking of Rulli. Clearly, he has grown as an actor. I hope he continues his artistic growth by studying and learning more. I hope he aspires to great things as he has amazed me in this role.

BTW, the DVD above is fantastic...absolutely fantastic. I've seen it three times now!!


Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all get together at one place to see the Gran Fin and then have dinner and drinks afterwards for our very own debriefing?!

I keep thinking about what Jarocha mentioned early on even before this TN started. She said that bars and restaurants were crowded with so many people watching the Gran Final. It must have been such fun.

I can only wish...


Refugio knows, which is why she gave Arturo that "I feel sorry for you, son" look at the wedding.

Loved the recap Frances and what an episode. Arturo became completely unhinged. He scared me with his drunken rage.

I thought too that both SR and AB were bruised from the falling down. At one point, he even slipped on the rug and his voice was becoming hoarse. Great raw acting from them both. I was completely riveted and screaming, "Don't do it" when Arturo manhandled Teresa and was about to forcibly take her.

Of course, she used this to ensnare Fernando finally. I actually felt sick to my stomach watching them kiss in the final scene knowing that they both are going to cause Luisa so much pain.

In the previews, she prances around the house in a skimpy nightgown to further entice him like she did at the apartment when she slept in just his shirt. The girl knows how to work her charms LOL.

I think Arturo should thank her for wanting a separation and go ahead and move into Fernando's apartment alone. She's driving him crazy. '

Loved Mariano blowing Teresa off. It will be interesting to see how he will win Aurora over. Whew what an intense episode.

"The fight scene between Arturo and Teresa is what Victor Fleming couldn't show between Scarlett and Rhett in GWTW." I was thinking the same thing while watching it. Thank goodness Arturo stopped when Teresa kicked him off of her.

In the previews, he looks remorseful for his actions. He really needs to get help for his alcoholism and maybe even therapy to deal with his unresolved issues stemming from his parents murders and Paloma leaving him at the altar.

How 'bout a TN Trifecta? Teresa sleeps with Fernando and runs off with him to Spain but his inheritance doesn't come through. The social scandal ruins them both along with La Odiosa. Ja Ja - TRIPLE PLAY!

Meanwhile, Arturo finds his fortune again and doubles it with the sale of Luna Turqueza! HA!

Paquita: I love, love, LOVE your Trifecta idea.

Personally, I think something is going to happen to the Playboy's Inheritance. Waaay too much importance has been placed upon it.

Either it will come through and La Odiosa will keep it from him or it simply won't come through. Then Playboy will lose some of his 'magikal charm'.

He cares not one whit for Luisa. If he did, he would not be doing this. I think he's just half crazed with Testosterone.

Art and Luisa are going to go through hell, but I want to see them recover, grow, and blossom in the end.

Wowsers. I am already missing this TN and we are not even there, yet.


Out of all the novela's I have watched I have never been this emotionally invested in the characters. I care about Arturo, Luisa, Esp, Mariano, and Aurora and am so interested in how all these stories wraps up and especially what comeuppance Teresa gets. I can see why Jarocha said that people were riveted to their screens with this novela. How many more weeks do we have left before it ends?

Paquita, loved your recap and all your clev+er remarks.

Everyone is hoping Luisa finds someone, what about Art?? What will happen to him? I do believe he is better off without Ter, but I want him to find someone else.

I'll bet Art was afraid of really hurting Tere. He's so big and she is so petite and slender. They both did a magnificent job, but I really more impressed with him.


teresa can justify any lie ! I can't believe she has any fans. her dad almost died because of her when got attacked by fito, AND BY THE WAY dindt really care, losing the papers were more important than dear daddy's life, and her mom, no respect,She manipulates juana like a puppet, interferes in her love's life with everyone. I dont know why people are still attacking oriana and aida for being mean to her. mariano being all over aurora doesnt affect aida much because she knows that aurora is kind and good and has the best intentions for others, not a user like teresa. I knew that aida as impulsive as she is, would never want aurora to suffer, she knows her. i have been saying all along that these two snobs hate teresa because she's just not REAL and they are the only two that can actually see her for who she really is, the devil's child. Well her mom too, but unfortunately she has no excuse, she has to love her, no matter what. even the viewers thinks that she has reasons for being mean. she was bullied, grew up poor, attacked by aida ,oriana, yeah such a victim. i am so glad that aurora understands teresa now, just like aida the only difference is that aurora is just not that way, all mean and vindictive, she forgives and moves on and her father raised her well, to care and treat everyone with repsect. aida I get, she loves her parents and she's this way because she had people like ruben and mayra who didnt like poor people and spoiled her rotten . she cannot accept espe because she broke up her mom and dad and in real life no one would believe that the mistress is right. she knew that ruben was married and whether he manipulated the situation or not when a man is married you back off until you know for sure that he is divorced. she stayed with him for years, excuses after excuses and that was before he showed her those fake divorce papers. Aida might have went after her the wrong way, wishing that the baby could die is cruel, but like i said she has a reason to hate espe. She didnt want teresa with pablo way before she found out that teresa was poor, because pablo was the one who told her about teresa's financial status and it just proved to her that teresa was always FAKE. Oriana as nasty as she is to the people that she considers lower class, doesnt give mariano the same treatment because she sees him as kind and good, even after knowing he's from the vecindad that teresa's from. what was teresa's reason to treat mariano wrong, because he was poor and loved her with all his heart, aurora for being a good friend, luisa for being super best friend and the list goes on and i'm not talking about aida or oriana. i'm sorry, i will never understand why people feel sorry for her. when you are a parent and your child has a friend that you suspect is just trouble i mean trouble like going dwn the hill, drugs, jail, or just someone who doesnt have the best intentions for your child, you try to protect them from that friend even if that means going to extreme measures before disaster strikes. that is what oriana tried to do, stopping teres from breaking ,tearing people's lives apart. she knew that teresa is greedy for money and would do ANYTHIHG to get ahead. It's funny, aida and oriana, they dont go out of their way to hurt the vecindad people or anyone conected to teresa, they might not like them but they dont try ruining their lives, but why is teresa's the one ruining everyone else's life just to get what she wants. cutberto and juana, her mom and dad, aurora and mariano, ruben and mayra, aida, fernando, luisa. arturo, they are all victimms of our teresita. boy ! I know people are probably tired of me going after teresa and giving oriana and aida some sort of justice, i say some sort because i dont agree on how they see poor people , just because one apple is rotten does not give you the right to think that all apples coming down from that tree are bad and also things that they have done as well, but teresa in my book won the prize!

Wow! Exciting episode, wonderful recap, and great comments! I don't have much to add. I was also on the edge of my seat during that whole fight. I think SR and AB did a fabulous job and also thought they must have come out of shooting that scene bruised and exhausted. Bravo to them.

I was so scared that Art would go all the way to the dark side, so I'm really glad he stopped himself before hitting the point of no return. I can't wait to see what happens with Ter-Art-Fer-Luisa next week.

Can it be? Has Aida finally thrown in the towel in her attempt to win Mar back?

I am VERY happy Grumps spilled the e-s-t-e-r-i-l beans to Goofberto. It's about time. Thanks Grumps.

Anon@2:48: No one is tired of your comments. You make EXCELLENT POINTS that ring true!! Gracias!!


I was flipping channels on the TV this afternoon to get to the ball game (while cleaning - oh joy) and hit the Univision show on Saturdays that plays the Finales of well-known TN's. And low and behold, today was Soy Tu Dueña.

I watched for 1/2 hour or so (still can't stomach Gaby Spanic's performance) and I totally agree with Susanita - I love Colunga ( mean LOVE Colunga)-but if you watched Soy and watch Teresa... all I can say is watching last night and watching this afternoon just sealed for me that Sebastian was robbed.

Floridia - how sweet to mention the boys. No, discovered the wonderful world of TN's late in the game, when they were heading to high school. My full fledged start to finish TN daily obsession, where they discovered Mom was not to be trifled with when her show was on was Pasion.Discovered Caray soon after but didn't get brave enough to add my two cents until later.

Pirate Babe, I think someone mentioned the other day we have about 30 episodes left, maybe a couple less now (forgot the day)?

Teresa can justify any lie! wow to actually think that there are people like that in real life is scary! i cant believe she has fans. Her dad got attacked by fito because of her and instead of caring for daddy dearest, she blames him and made the poor guy feel bad and all for some danm papers. she has no respect for mommy, manipulates juana and also intereferes in her love life with cutberto, never appreciated aurora and is incapable of wanting the best for her, the list goes on, i mean she's just horrible! I know i am always giving oriana and aida some sot of justice, i say some because i dont agree that they label poor people as rats, just because you have money doesnt make you better, and also certain actions, especially aida's over esperanza have not been the best, but i do love how they treat teresa because she woud have done the same to them if they were in her place. mariano seeing aurora with different eyes didnt affect aida as much because she knows that aurora is good and kind and that she is a true friend , unlike teresa, and aida never liked teresa even before knowing that teresa was poor because she always knew that she was trouble. although aurora now knows who tere really is, she wont go to these measures as aida because she's not vindictive and mean, she forgives and moves on and her father taught her to treat everyone with love and respect. aida didnt get that kind of upbringing from her parents. pablo was the one who revealed it to aida that tere is poor. aurora is smart and pretty so this hatred isnt because she's jealous of tere's looks or brain, it is simply because teresa pretends to be someone that she is not and aida was able to detect that. Aida doesnt like espe because she broke up her parents, lets face it in real life the mistress isnt the victim. esperanza knew that ruben was married, no matter how much he manipulated the situation, when you are married it's a NO, back off, unless you are sure that there is a divorce, and those fake papers were presented to her at the end of their relationship. She might have wanted to end it but she didnt. I know people are tired of me going hard on teresa and being easy on aida and oriana, but honestly these two only go after teresa and teresa goes after them using everyone especially her loved ones to do her dirty works and that is why she is MALA. when you are a parent you try to keep your kids away from troubled people no matter how old they are, even if it means that you have to go to the extreme to protect them because it would hurt to see their world fall apart, and oriana that is what she has been doing from day one. trying to stop teresa before she actually destroys frienships and relationships. she knows that mariano is from the vecindad but does she attack him ? no because she can see that he is good and wants to get ahead on his own, not using manipulation to get there unlike ruben and teresa. she might not like the idea that he's from there, but that's just her being ignorant. aida and oriana never really tried ruinning the lives of the people that are connected to teresa, i mean insults here or there are one thing but taking actions against them , no, not really. teresa does a pretty good job herself. Fernando is also a coceited jerk, he is also stupid and falls for these litte games. i cant wait when he gets crushed. ok i'm done venting, sorry just hate teresa right now.

Susanita, totally agree -- it's hard to imagine Life After Teresa. And I second the recommendation on "El Secreto en Sus Ojos" -- fantastic film.

It would be sweet to see arturo fall in love with someone else, I feel sorry for him , after all he is a good catch. Teresa would die with envy, especially now that mariano is over her. Isn't it funny, it only took one kiss from aurora to make mariano go gaga over her and forget about our bad girl. mariano belongs to Aurora ,always has, teresa was just in the way from the very start. She accepts him for who he is, poor, rich, and does not try to change him into something else like aida and teresa tried to do. Teresa, ser or no ser, you can't be in control of everything especially matters of the heart. I still love her because she toys with men ,entices them, have them drool like babies and makes sure that she is treated like queen. She knows how to play her game. Some women should be more like her and not let men make fools of them. I dont know why people feel that she is a slut. she doesn't sleep around, Besides Mariano, she's only been with Arturo and she isnt dumb like aurora giving her virginity to a man that she doesnt love, that was very stupid. luisa, never putting herself first, always pleasing fernando. She was actually ok to just live with him and not being his wife, hello! never give the cow for free, milk is expensive. TERESA first and always.

In the case of Teresa, milk is VERY expensive. ;}

sorry everone i was just so mad about last night's episode that i posted the same comments twice. i'm a teresa freak lol
fancy pants

Grumplestilskin (that was a great nick) had no business spilling the frijoles about Juana being sterile. Particularly since he seems to have such contempt for that state.

Not that I agree with Juana keeping that under wraps that long, but this will show her what Uncouthberto is made of.

Wow ! fancy pants, you really have it bad for this show, but don't feel bad we are all deranged teresa lovers.

Thanks, Paq. I only surf in and out of this novela now and then. Everyone in it is on my last nerve. Art and Tart ...basta. ~~~Susanlynn in PA waiting for Irene

UA: If you are in NYC, I sure hope you are going to be OK. I just read that 5 thousand people are already in shelters in the city!

Blue Lass: Yes! Another "Secreto" fan! Wasn't it just the most incredible film?! Oh my...I am in love with that film. Wonderful acting from all of the actors; simply wonderful!

I am going to miss the character complexity we have had on "Teresa". If "Una Familia con Suerte" is following this, it will be a huge let down (at least from what I have seen on Daily Motion)

I hope they would move CME into the prime spot once "Teresa" ends.

I've been thinking about that ending. Who's to say that we HAVE to see the same Gran Final that Mexico saw?

Why couldn't Uni tempt us with ALL three endings!?

Uni...are you out there? Are you listening?!


All three endings are out there, but if you google this you will see a spoiler description for one of them.

Thanks, UA. I've made it this far, I am not going to spoil it for myself by watching those endings.

Maraurora can't be the only ones to end up happy.

I want Art healthy and happy. Same for Luisa. I am really wondering what is going to happen to the Playboy. I rather like Paquita's Trifecta. That would be a super ending!


Susanita, Blue Lass, DaisynJay,

I too like Fernando Colunga muchísimo, but I would like to see him in more complex, challenging roles. I liked him in the beginning of STUD and then
from middle to end, his role was totally flat, simplified, and I thought his character was embarrassing.(I mentioned this at the time and had to stop watching regularly.) I think that the older, more experienced actors
ought to demand better writing.
Perhaps the audiences are getting more sophisticated. I can't say for certain because I've only watched for about 3 years, whereas there are many pros out there who
are historical experts on this topic. I much preferred Colunga
in MEPS. I wholeheartedly agree that RULLI was ROBBED, and I would think he must have been devastated
after putting his whole heart, body and soul into this production. (I hope he did not go on a drinking binge.) There is absolutely no comparison between their respective performances. Perhaps FC is simply more popular and been at the game longer. From what little I hear, he is well liked and even tempered.

Why are there so many foolish subplots in these novelas? I get the rich and poor thing and the appeal to a greater audience, but they make the poor people look like idiots; it's all too over
simplified. Is there any hope for a change?

Thank you too for the recommendation of El Secreto en Sus Ojos. I remember now that one
of my sons had told me about that film at the time and stongly suggested it. I'm going to order it immediately.

I think the character of Teresa is intriguing, but talk about last nerves ... much of this novela was similar to General Hospital -
everybody hanging out by the
front desk creating dramatic scenes -- certainly not allowed in a legitmate hospital, intensive care unit etc. The novela could have been compressed by focusing more on Teresa and her conquests. That whole thing with Martin was dragged out in spades.. back and forth, back and forth ad infinitum.
Enough Already! Same thing with Espe & Ruben, Aida & Mariano, and Juana & Cutberto. Any ideas on all this?

Hola Floridia! Believe me, I am NO TN expert, but I would agree with you that 'my' Colunga was super in MEPS. The role suited him and allowed him to do so much more than what he did in STuD. I liked StuD for many reasons, but Colunga simply did not have the 'material' in that TN.

I'm sure Rulli was more than disappointed, but look at what happened to Jaime Camil (who, btw, is out in a new movie in early September!) in La Fea. Yanez beat him out for the Premio. I felt for Camil as he was there for those Premios. You could see he was fighting back his disappointment.

When Fea won for best TN, the producer/director (whose name escapes me, but the experts on the blog will know) said that the award was for Camil.

I'm still not clear on how the Premios are awarded. Jarocha has told us before, but I am blanking at the moment.

I suspect that there is a lot of feelings out there that actors have to 'pay their dues'.

If you read Elizabeth Taylor's biography, she missed out on several Academy Awards that many felt she should have received. So, it happens to the best of them.

You simply MUST get "Secreto". Oh my! I was listening to NPR one day and they were doing a very lengthy interview with the director, Campanella (who directs, "House" btw if memory serves me correctly). What a fantastic interview it was! I went out and ordered the DVD that afternoon.

You are going to LOVE it!!

As for some of these crazy subplots. I think the TN genre has idiosyncrasies that simply cannot be explained and most certainly not by me, but I do understand your points.

I'll be dying to know what you think of "Secreto" after you see it!


Hope the morning finds everyone still doing okay. I've talked to my nephew and friends out East and the flooding and electaical outages are causing them the biggest problems. Good thoughts for all out amigas out there.

Floridia, like I said, I'm a novice at watching TN's compared to many on this site, but Teresa is actually one of the better written when it comes to plots.(CME prior to this is pretty decent too.) We've all had to put on those beanies at times and some shows have pushed the bounds of any kind of sense. ( A moment of shutter at TDA.)

Honestly, after watching over a dozen shows over the years, some I couldn't get thru they were so awful, there seems to be some tried and true synposis that always seem to be included (i.e. rich versus poor, sweet girl vs. evil bratty girl, secret parentage, surprise pregnancies, etc.) The trick is whether the writing and acting can rise above the regular old plots.

Don't think this will change in the near future, though the success of Teresa and the awfulness of anything to do with Meija, may spur the drive for better written and driven TN's. I love the fact that in Teresa, we may have the tried and true plots, but twists happen, it's unpredictable who will actually wind up with who, etc. CME has plot revelations we use to have to wait for in the ultimate episodes to see and we aren't half way thru. Slow but sure progress!!

And I love your General Hospital reference!! Use to be addicted to that show when I was in high school many moons ago.

Susanita & Daisynjay,

Really enjoyed your comments.
I just went to Wiki and read the bio on Campanella; I used to watch House and enjoyed it immensely -
great writing, directing, intense

I also like Jaime Camill - extremely talented. Now continuing to watch Destilando Amor
and loving it along with EY and the villain, Sergio Sendel. Don't think I will be liking him in the upcoming comedy. I have a number of projects ahead of me, so I will
be cutting down on novelas but hope
there will be at least one really
good one to watch. Thanks to all for your enlightening input.

No te preocupes; we're supposed to be in the worst of it now, but you'd never be able to tell by looking out my window. I have full electrical power, the rain has almost stopped, and donde es el viento? No es aqu in mi vecindad. I'm on a high-ground area, BTW.

The subway won't be running for most of tomorrow, but I can spend the time looking for a day job and updating my website with my latest designs. I have enough coffee, tea, and food for a few more days for myself and my three furbabies. In an hour PBS will be showing Il Trovatore with the amazing Marcelo Alvarez as Manrico, so I'm happy.

Frances, what a wonderful recap of this loaded episode! Excellent.

I also have to give props to SR and AB for their scene. I agree with all of you who mentioned that must have been an exhausting scene to film. Rulli has definitely grown as an actor and I'm so proud of him too. I think Boyer is in a good road for the next fifteen years at least if she makes good choices, she is so young still.

I'm not a Colunga fan, out of all his characteres I can only give him kudos for the three she did with Estrada (Amor Real, Alborada, Pasión) but its hard to fail as a romantic lead in a well written, produced and directed period novela. I've felt pretty meh about his acting in everything else, pre or post those stories. He is handsome and masculine, I'll give him that.

The nominees are chosen by the public who buys the TVyNovelas magazine in Mexico and then a panel of judges (mostly tv journalists) votes for their favorite at the show with an electronic device.

Sometimes the panel is a little bizarre. At times they choose a producer, something that I don't get since they obviously have certain interests in picking winners. Or sometimes they pick tv presenters which I can understand when it is Andrea Legarreta who works on HOY and has to watch and comment all the novelas every day but not when it is Maite Delgado from El Gordo y La Flaca who lives in Miami and probably had seen only bits and pieces of Teresa since it hadn't started in the US at the time of the awards.

I do have to say that I was content with most of the awards though. Colunga winning over Rulli being the only upset and the TVyNovelas director taking Silvia Navarro out of the nominees being the only eye rolling moment.


Floridia: Remember, I will be waiting to hear what you think of "Secreto"!

UA: I am relieved to hear that you are OK!! Looks like you have your day well planned. :))

Jarocha: Thank you again for explaining the Premios process. I, too, wondered what Maite Delgado was going on that panel. I'm glad you said it as well!


Compared to old-fashioned telenovelas and American soaps, I find that this one moves along at a pretty good clip. That paralysis storyline would have gone on FOREVER in an English-language drama. And I am grateful for the relative lack of long and drawn-out malententidos (Juana's sterility being the exception.)

I think one of the reasons there are so many characters is to keep us on our toes -- every time you think you know where it's going, someone you've almost forgotten about turns up and tweaks the plot in an interesting way. When the knock came on Paty's door, I was sure it was Fito -- I'd forgotten all about Gramps!

We have a little under six weeks left, I think, and it should be pretty exciting. I just hope we don't have a hurricane on the night of the finale...

Awesome acting Boyer and Rulli! Thanks to the marvelous recappers and bloggers to keep me in the mix!

I just ordered "el secreto de sus ojos". Thanks to all of you who recommended it.

Glad the hurricane was fairly tame.

If there's a hurricane that night, I'm sure Univision will be nice and show it again. They like keeping their viewers.

When the blackout of 2004 knocked out the entire northeast and two nights of novela episodes, Univision showed them on the weekend afternoons.

Great recap Paquita, simply great; and funny throughout!

She smiles and picks up her phone but puts it back down. Riiiiight, make him wait. Seldom used Chica rule #5.

Ah, the dreaded rule #5; known to men as "chica weapon #5". It's quite unfair and painful for us guys. I'm thinking of starting a petition to eliminate it; who's with me?

Fernando, Fernando, Fernando... tsk, tsk, tsk... a very disappointing violation of the most sacred Man Law and Bro Code edict: Don’t frack around with your best friend’s chica; even if she’s hot.

Fernando's behavior is horrific. I don't know what else to say about him. You know it's bad when even I'm not defending him.

Sharkbyte: Love it, just love it!!

Chuchi: I will be interested to hear what you think of "Secreto". No secret that I just love that film!


Hello all, 

If there are those out there who  are still without power, I wish you a speedy repairman! 

So many good comments this weekend on all our woebegotten characters. I can't speak for everyone, just myself, but the reason I am on "Team Teresa" is not because I can't see and acknowledge all the terrible things that she has done and continues to do, it is just that as I alternate between the program and the Uni noticias, she, for me, no where approaches the terrible crimes committed every day by real people. I want a comeuppance for her (insert your choice of pole dancing, married to Cutberto, etc.) then an heart wrenching realization that she has harmed those who loved her, and then a huge change for the better just like Saul on the road to Demascus. I'll even include our screechy harp Aeeeeda in my wish, especially if she saves baby  Rodrigo from Geno and Ruben! in fact, I think it would a beautiful thing to see those two enemies become friends in the end, but novelas usually don't end like that!

Are we renting or buying Secretos? 

Sandy, thanks. I didn't lose power and the storm wasn't remotely what we were expecting. I just got back from shopping and I only saw two trees with branch damage and the streets are dry.

There is unlikely to be any redemption for Teresa or Aida. The latter made a deliberate attempt on the former's life and nearly caused another woman to lose her baby. The former doesn't give a flying damn for the feelings of others; she looks at other people as either possessions or pawns. Both are virulently narcissistic. No cure for that.

I'm still hopeful for Aeeeeeeda. Now that it's finally sunk inside her brain that Mar is not coming back to her, maybe a lightbulb will come on and she'll realize that her constant begging, shrieking, and blaming others is getting her nowhere.

So glad my power finally came back so I can watch tonight.

Urban: so agree with you
Sandy: I wish Tere and Aida would be redeemed and be friends (albeit dangled over hell first, so I guess I am not on Team Tere.)
It's funny, but TNs don't have a lot of redemption. They have occasional redemption. INSTEAD they have big time vendetta's; so much so that the whole story often hinges on revenge. Why is that? A story in the US will often have characters redeemed and become pals, but not TNs. What is more common is the two protagonists marry in the end while the enemy runs in during the wedding to stop the wedding.

I think characteres being redeemed at the end or before the novela ends are pretty common in teen and kid novelas, not as much in those made for adults. I don't know why that is, maybe writers figure it is easier for teen characteres to change their ways but I've also seen adult characteres change in those stories.

From the last I've seen:

In Gancho, Constanza (Laisha Wilkins) was redeemed after repenting from her bad deeds and tried to save Monita in the end, then stayed in a loving relationship with Beto.

In Llena, Ilitia (Altair Jarabo) was redeemed at the end too when she admitted her feelings for Brandon and Kristel (Maria Elisa Camargo) was not exactly redeemed but she was sort of rehabilitated and went on to have a happy and superficial life.

In En el Nombre del Amor Romina (Altair Jarabo) was redeemed at the end when she stopped obsessing over Emiliano and started the road to be a good mother and started something honest with Germán.

I think both Constanza and Romina at least did worse things than Teresa or Aída: both forced the galanes to marry them by using children (Romina lied about his parentage, Coni kidnapped them to blackmail him), they both cheated with other guys, they were both mean to the protagonista and they were both narcissist and at least Coni was class oriented (I can't remember Romina).

Ilitia and Kristel were bullies and did horrible things to Marianela based only in her looks, Illitia also lied about being pregnant and they were both classists.


UA, glad you are safe and dry. You have a compatriot in Nashville....a non-Spanish speaking,accidental novela watcher, silent Caray husband, who thinks that people seldom change and that Teresa is in for some major retribution!

Emarie, yes, I had never thought about it, but there is a glimmer of hope for a change of personality, yes REDEMPTION, in US programs but a thread of vendettas in novelas. Why is that?


Barnes & Noble near me has copies
of El Secreto and also my public library - so dos opciones. I might
buy it because the local branch
copies are checked out, and now with all the hype, I'm anxious to see it.

I believe Aida can be redeemed. She must stop being impulsive and stop thinking of herself, first.

I don't believe that Aida will try to get between Aurora & Mariano. For one thing, Aida's never been competitive with Aurora. For another, Aurora has been straightforward with Aida about her feelings and intentions towards Mariano.

Also, if Aida sees that Aurora/Mariano gets Teresa's goat, she'll probably assist their efforts to get together, just to piss Teresa off.

UA: Quick question for you. The hotel telly has Azteca, if you can believe it. Today, there was a TN with our very own Padre Juan Pablo, Diego Olivera! I haven't Googled it, yet, but the TN is called 'Montecristo'. Have you seen it?

Re 'Secreto' I purchased it from Amazon. I knew I wanted to keep this one!


UA: Oh my gosh! Our very own Silvia Navarro is in this TN called 'Montecristo' with Diego Olivera!

I'm dying to know if you have seen it and if I should start getting 'attached' to it!


Susanita- I have been watching Montecristo little by little online. It got great reviews by Jarocha, was a big Azteca hit, AND stars delicious Diego as the male lead, and the amazing Silvia Navarro (MEPS and CME) as the female lead. It have not been disappointed so far.

Vivi: FANTASTIC! Maybe this will make up for me not having Uni on the hotel telly. I can at least see Diego and Silvia without having to see them online. Thank you! I'm stuck with 'Teresa' online and 'CME' I can't even get online. So, this is good news!


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