Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Teresa Tue 8/9/11 #112 A Donde Vamos a Parar?

TERESA’S BEDSIDE: Teresa can’t feel anything as Hector jabs at her feet. She cries out as she realizes she can’t feel anything, can’t move. Arturo is distressed as Hector looks on, worried.

CASA ALCAZAR: Over coffee, Juana wonders how it came about that Aurora settled on Martin. Aurora replies that it’s obvious Mariano will never stop loving Teresa. If Juana had seen how lovingly he spoke to Teresa at the hospital, she’d agree. Juana sighs, wishing he would understand Teresa stopped loving him long ago. Aurora still has her doubts and wonders if she’s truly forgotten him. Juana’s convinced because Teresa took the bullet for Arturo. She’s also under the impression it was Mariano who persisted in pursuing Teresa. Aurora wants to leave all that in the past. She truly missed Martin when he went to France. He makes her happy and is so attentive. She’s very excited, more than she thought she’d be. Her cell rings. It’s Mariano, giving her the good news that Teresa is awake.

BACK AT THE HOSPITAL, Arturo tries to comfort Teresa, pledging to be by her side, come what may. She can’t imagine how that can be since she’s now condemned to remain bedridden. He tells her not to give up. They’ll go to the best experts in the world to overcome this problem. There have been so many advances in the medical field, she can’t resign herself and give up. He promises to stay by her side and support her in everything just as she’s done for him. She asks him to leave her, she wants to be alone. He’s crying and Teresa looks so frightened.

CASA CACERES: Geno delivers a letter from Ruben to Mayra. She says she’s visited him again only because she’s her friend and also because she loves Aida as a daughter and is sad to see how all this is affecting her, not to mention the rough patch she’s going through right now. Mayra has been told about the breakup. She doesn’t know what could be worse. He’s a nice guy and all but she can’t get over that he is Esperanza’s friend. She’s conflicted about her feelings. She doesn’t want her daughter associating with “those people” but yet she also hates to see her suffering over Mariano. Geno advises her to let things settle. She’s got other things to worry about, like having her husband in jail---Ruben is still her husband. Unfortunately so, admits Mayra. (por desgracia)

HOSPITAL: Luisa runs to Arturo and asks about Teresa. He tells her there was no response to the tests for sensitivity and reflex. Luisa reminds him Hector had told them this may not be final (definitivo). He tells her how Teresa reacted to learn she couldn’t feel anything or move her limbs. Hector walks up and tells him the sedative he gave her is working now and she’s calmed down. He tells Arturo that Teresa’s reaction is normal under these circumstances. Arturo says he’ll never forgive himself if she remains paralyzed.

NIGHT FALLS AT CASA GENOVEVA – Fito is there alone, talking to Paulo’s picture pointing out the irony that he should now be working for his mother. He admits she’s not bad to look at (in a 80’s throwback kind of way). Geno walks in demanding to know what he’s doing there. He assures her that with what she’s paying him for kidnapping, he isn’t likely to rob the place. She wants him to keep an eye on the vecindad for any goings on. He tells her that’s gonna cost her extra. She gives him a look as though she’s recognized him or something. He senses something too but she shrugs it off and asks how much more he wants.

HOSPITAL: Juana and Aurora are in Hector’s office asking to see Teresa. He advises Juana that Teresa is under sedation now to help with her recovery but he’s allowed Refugio to be with her so they can talk. They talk of how important parents are and Aurora says she wouldn’t know what to do without the two of them. Awww. Aurora changes the subject to weddings and even suggests a double wedding once Tersa recovers. (Eeeew, a double wedding with your dad?……no, no, no!) Hector tells her their plans are on somewhat on hold due to Teresa’s condition.

OH NO!!!!! DIVINE INTERVENTION STRIKES AGAIN? Fito is alone again, peeking into Geno’s purse as he waits for her. She comes back in holding a folder and stares at him. She’s looking at a police sketch of Paulo’s suspected drug supplier. Fito asks what’s wrong? The folder goes flying from her hands as she screams, “¡Tu mataste a mi hijo!” Fito picks up the sketch and gives her his best killer look. Oooh, Scary.

HOSPITAL: Refugio is with Teresa, saying that what’s important now is that she’s alive. Teresa vehemently disagrees. Everything’s changed now, she’ll have to depend on someone else for every little movement, to go anywhere. Refugio assures her they’ll all be there for whatever she needs. Teresa strongly objects and has always objected to being the subject of pity (lástima). Refugio tells her there’s no pity here. She has the strength to get past this, God will not abandon her. She’s so grateful for what Mariano did for her. Uh, oh, the Mariano/Teresa theme plays on as Teresa discovers he came running when Juana called him and saved her life. She asks momma not to take this the wrong way, but she wants to be alone.

GENO vs FITO: Geno continues to scream that he killed her son. He screams back that he did not kill him, he died of an overdose. He only supplies the drugs, he doesn’t force anyone to take them. She attacks him, saying she’s calling the police. He fights her off, grabbing her by the arms and asking her what she’s going to tell the police? That he’s here at her request to kidnap a newborn? He has a document signed by her. She cowers as he continues to threaten her and Ruben. He can have his friends come after her and he has friends in el tambo (jail) that can go after Ruben. What, did she think he wasn’t going to find out who her pareja (partner/other half) is?

They calm down and he tells her he understands she’s frightened. She should be if she’s planning to turn him in. If not, then they should just forget that little Paulo incident. She cries, “How can I forget the life of my only son?” “Yeah,” he says, “your only son who was already grown up (grandecito) and freely chose his destino.” He tells her Paulo had thought to quit the drugs once he was married. Geno wants to know if he mentioned her. Fito tells her Paulo knew she was suspicious and even faked a drug test to show he was clean. He didn’t want to worry her and had plans to get clean. Fito tells her they shouldn’t worry about Paulo anymore. There’s nothing to be done about him now. If she still wants him to get that baby for her, give him a call. He picks up the envelope with his money and struts out, leaving Geno sobbing in his wake.


TERESA is alone in her room, crying and then realizes she can’t even wipe away her own tears. How sad. Juana comes in to visit and offers to clean her tears. Teresa refuses, saying she wants to remember this moment, the anger of knowing she can’t wipe away her own tears. Life is given her many challenges but she’s never given in (doblegar) She’s always controlled her feelings (sentimientos) and she will continue to do so now. She will come out ahead. If it’s the last thing she does in this life, she will get up off this bed. Because, “Ser ó no ser, yo soy. Yo Soy, Yo Soy”. Juana is happy to see Teresa’s determination. Teresa wonders if they all thought she would never be happy or give up? Cue the Jaws Theme: NEVER, she knows how headstrong she is. Nothing and no one can stop her, especially when she has her feelings under control. She asks Juana for a favor.

MARIANO talks with Refugio. It’s awkward for him to see Teresa because of Arturo but he wants her to know that he’s contacting all the top specialists about her condition. He will stay on top of it and will provide her with whatever she needs. Refugio realizes she’ll need lots of therapy and since no one has money now, including Arturo, she doesn’t know what will happen. Mariano assures her where there’s a will, there’s a way. Teresa will have everything that’s needed.

HECTOR’S OFFICE: Hector tells Mariano he’s aware it was Aida who told Teresa she was paralyzed, but he doesn’t understand why. Mariano explains he broke up with Aida because of Teresa and it didn’t go well. He wonders if Hector will reprimand him. Hector has no control over what he or Aida does; however, as Hector the Director, he reminds Mariano there are regulations (reglamento). He’s aware Magda is the one who told Aida. If these regulations are not followed, he will have to take the appropriate action. Mariano has been warned. Hector sternly reminds Mariano that although he’s a doctor in this hospital, his field has nothing to do with Teresa’s case. He shouldn’t go near her or her family out of respect for Arturo, who has enough to deal with concerning his wife without having to deal with Mariano as well. Understood? HOOYAH! Well said, Hector.

TERESA’S ROOM: Juana is applying Teresa’s makeup as the boom box is playing the Mariano/Teresa theme and Juana mentions how Teresa has always liked this song. Teresa comments that the words speak to her. No one will ever humiliate her again no matter what state she’s in because “entre Ser ó no ser, yo soy.” She silently sings along with the song – “cayendo siempre en el mismo error, dándole siempre más valor, a todo, menos al amor, que no nos deja separar” (loosely translated= always making the same mistake; giving value to everything but love, that doesn’t allow us to separate)

LOBBY: Arturo tells Armando he’s very sorry about what happened to Teresa and assures him he would have gladly taken the bullet instead. He would rather be dead than see Teresa in this state. Now Armando blames Arturo for not being careful enough with the Saenz case and should have done more to protect Teresa. They begin to argue over who’s to blame but Aurora stops them, telling them this does nothing to help Teresa. No one’s to blame here. She tells Arturo it was Teresa’s choice to jump in front of him. She tells Armando this should prove to him how much she loves Arturo. Armando apologizes. Aurora asks them to remain calm during this crisis. Juana comes to tell Arturo that Teresa is asking for him.

CASA BARRERA: Luisa is crying to Fernando about how badly she feels for her brother, that he can’t do anything for Teresa and is blaming himself. It’s going to be so difficult for Teresa, losing her independence. Fernando tries to comfort her, saying he also feels for both Arturo and Teresa but he doesn’t want to see her sad anymore. He has a surprise for her. After being here working so hard on Arturo’s papers, he knows she’ll like it. She speaks of how nice it’s been staying here where she grew up. She mentions Geno has sold the house but didn’t tell her who the buyer is. He hands her an envelope with a picture of the house. She doesn’t understand……..surprise! He’s bought the house and it’s now hers. The sale’s not final, the documents require her signature. She thanks him profusely but can’t accept the gesture. Arturo wouldn’t feel right about it. He’s accustomed to fixing things on his own. Fernando says that’s too bad, but it’s already done. Maybe they can wait a few months to see if Arturo’s financial situation improves. He just didn’t want her to lose this house. She thanks him again and they kiss.

TERESA’S ROOM: Arturo has rushed to her side and notices she’s had sufficient encouragement (ánimo) to become even more beautiful. She tells him since she’s apparently only alive from above the shoulders, so she should pay attention to that, right? He understands her anger and especially towards him because of what she did to save his life. He can’t believe he once believed she married him while still loving Mariano. But this demonstration of her love for him – he swears he would have preferred death before having her intervene and end up like this. She didn’t even think about what she was doing when she went up against that woman. Arturo knows she loves him as much as he loves her; he kisses her hand and she cries because she can’t feel it. He tells her he’d give anything to switch places with her and she says, “but it is me that’s paralyzed!” He understands she’s angry. She corrects him. She’s not angry, she’s determined to get out of this, this and anything else life throws at her. She will not give up. She studied hard, worked hard, and married a marvelous man. She’s not about to give up everything she worked so hard for. She will not give it up. He tells her she’s a unique woman and that’s why he loves her so much. Together, they’ll fight this and win. She asks if her parents know. He’ll make sure and tell them. Everyone is praying for her – Juana, Aurora, everyone. He runs off to get them. After he leaves, she repeats “everyone, including Mariano.” She repeats she will survive this, even if she’s immobile, she’ll regain her life. Then she speaks of seeking vengeance on the “tipa” who did this to her. She will also not allow Aida to ever be happy again, with Mariano or anyone else!

CASA CACERES: Mariano charges in and Aida is expecting him. Somehow she knew he’d come by and lecture her for telling Teresa. He doesn’t waste any time, asking her if she realizes how terrible it is for a patient to realize they could be paralyzed for life – even when their own doctor tries to gently break the news. Can she imagine how terrible it was for Teresa to hear this from her? Aida looks as though she could give a rrrrrrrata’s ass what Teresa might have felt. He tells her what she did was nothing less than an act of vengeance. Aida admits it was wrong but she acted on impulse. She can’t accept that once again Teresa has interfered and is ruining her life. He tells her he’s the one to blame, not Teresa. Teresa can’t be blamed for the fact that he can’t forget her. Aida’s not too sure about that because every chance she gets, Teresa struts her stuff in front of him, teasing and cajoling him. Does he think she hasn’t noticed that despite her marriage to Arturo and their months long trip to Europe, Teresa continues to have the hots for him? Mariano tells her that’s not how it is. Even if that were true, it doesn’t mean she’ll leave Arturo. He knows Teresa and what motivates her. He knows they have no future but even so he can’t get her out of his heart. He hasn’t been able to get her out of his life in order to have a serious relationship; and this is why he can’t come to Aida asking her to marry him or live with him. That’s why he decided to end it with her, because she’s given him much more than what he’s been able to give in return. He walks away and Aida is all verklempt.

HOSPITAL: Juana, Aurora, and Hector discuss Teresa’s condition. He warns them, it’s a long road to recovery. They all need to be prepared for what lies ahead. Juana’s convinced Teresa will beat this although there are those who may be enjoying her present condition. She thought Aida had finally calmed down but it appears that girl will never leave Teresa in peace.

RECLUSORIO SUR: Geno has come to visit Ruben. She can’t seem to find the words to tell him what’s happened—that she’s found the guy who murdered her son. He wonders why she’s not happier about this. She explains she won’t be able to press charges or do anything to him. She finally blurts it out that it’s none other than our friendly neighborhood kidnapper Fito! She shows him the police sketch. He suggests she forget about their plan. Once he’s out of jail, he’ll find a way to get that baby away from Esperanza. No way, says Geno. Fito already knows of their plan and has already threatened to expose them. If Esperanza were to get wise to their plan, they’d lose all hope of getting “their son”. Besides if this creep took away her son, Paulo, the least he can do is replace him. CAARAAAAAZY!!!! She refuses to give up the plan. Fito will kidnap Esperanza’s baby and that’s that.

HOSPITAL: Arturo is back at Teresa’s side blaming himself again for what happened. Very short scene.

CASA CACERES: Aurora’s come by to visit Aida to talk to her about Teresa. Not again, Aida complains, Mariano already gave her the once over for what happened. And it’s good that he did, replies Aurora. Ok, ok – so I done wrong, says Aida – she won’t even ask her to help her with regards to Mariano. Aurora advises her to quit while she’s ahead and not get involved in any further problems with Teresa because what she’s facing now is very severe and she will not allow her to say anything bad about her. Furthermore, she wants to know if Aida is capable of controlling herself enough to be in her wedding along with Teresa. (ok, now, that’s real smart Aurora). They’re both such good friends and she wants them to be there with her. Aaaaargh, snarls Aida, fine. “Even though it may cost me my liver, I’ll agree to be nice but only for the wedding.” She’s happy to hear of the engagement although it seems that it’s definitely kaput for her and Mariano. Aurora does a double take --- Que? She warned her not to play with fire. Aida only started up with Mariano to harass Teresa and she ended up falling in love with him. Aida says she really wanted to help him get over her. Aurora believes it doesn’t matter that the relationship with Mariano and Teresa has no future. He still wouldn’t be able to give her the kind of love she deserves. Aida admits that’s the same thing Mariano told her. She recalls how Paulo had once been in love with Teresa and yet still found love with her (Aida). She’s convinced the same will happen with Mariano. Aurora suggests she give herself a timeline and if things don’t work out, she needs to move on. She doesn’t mean to hurt her feelings, but if Mariano really wanted to be with her, he wouldn’t have any doubts.

HOSPITAL: Martin stops in to visit Mariano, and he’s not wearing a turtleneck!!! Yahoo! He also looks like he just woke up! He’s grateful to Mariano for talking him into returning because as it turns out he and Aurora are now engaged. Now it’s Mariano’s turn at the double take – Que? He’s speechless. Martin asks if he’s not going to congratulate him. Mariano recovers and gives Martin a bro-hug. He then tells Martin about the break-up. Double take numero 3 – Martin’s all ---Que? I mean, seriously? He thought they made a great couple. If the breakup was caused by the same old reason (meaning Teresa), he thinks it’s best that he stop letting Teresa infringe on his life. Mariano prefers to change the subject and imagines Martin must be very happy. Indeed he is and he knows now he never should have been jealous of Mariano. Aurora got over him but still considers him a good friend. Mariano agrees and playfully warns him he better be good to her. He tells Martin what we all know: Aurora is a good woman. She’s beautiful, sweet, intelligent, and he’s very happy for both of them. Uh-oh, I hear the Aurora/Mariano theme playing in the background. Martin takes off to look for the Princess Aurora, while Mariano listens to his theme song with a wistful look on his beautiful face.

CASA CACERES: Aida feels that if she’s able to get Mariano back, everything would be perfect because she was very happy. Yes, says Aurora, at times you may think you can be happy just to be near the one you love and settle for that. But in the end, you always want more and the suffering starts when that doesn’t happen. Aida notices she speaks as though from experience and wants to know with whom. Aurora claims she’s just trying to help her. She doesn’t want her to suffer and who knows if Mariano will EVER be able to forget Teresa. She advises Aida to forget about them both and find happiness elsewhere.

HOSPITAL: Arturo holds a glass with a straw for Teresa to drink. She feels so inútil and can’t believe he has to hold the drink for her. He reminds her he fed her grapes in Paris. The circumstances are completely different, she says. Not so much, he claims, it’s done with the same amount of love if not more. He has hope they’ll be able to repeat Paris once she’s had the operation. But in the meantime she should just allow him to take care of her. The talk eventually turns to Esperanza and she tells him she’s to be the baby’s madrina – he assumes he’ll be the padrino. She’s not sure, Espe asked her when they were separated. She has no idea who the padrino is but besides all that what good is it to have a madrina who can’t even carry you?

JAIL: Ruben wonders if Geno asked Fito whether or not Teresa had anything to do with Paulo’s death since she and Aida were so convinced she did. He warns her to be careful with what she says and does. She’ll figure out how go about investigating the Teresa connection but for now she has a letter from Mayra. As he reads the letter, we hear it through Mayra’s voice. She tells him she didn’t even bother opening the letter he sent her. It’s probably all lies anyway. She knows he’s only interested in her legal pardon in order to get out of jail. She’s decided to do this but only for their daughter’s sake. She warns him not to even think about looking for her when he gets out. As for the divorce, he can arrange that through Aida. ADIOS! She never, ever wants to see him again. He looks up at Geno and smiles in that sneaky devilish way of his.

MARIANO AND AURORA are at a restaurant. She’s surprised he’s invited her out to eat. He wants to talk to her about her decision to marry Martin. All that time Martin was in Europe without a word and yet upon his return, she decides to marry him? Yes, she decided suddenly. She realized how much she missed him, how much joy he brings to her life, his thoughtfulness. After what happened to Teresa, she realized that at times they have a very romantic view of love. Mariano comments she is a true romantic. She agrees but for her it’s important to have a lifelong partner, someone who wants to share her life. But in order to have that, she needs someone who wants to be with her. Mariano assumes that must be Martin. Knowing she didn’t love him, he took the challenge to win her heart. She tells him Martin showed her that love is something that builds day to day with thoughtfulness. And that’s what Martin has done for her. Mariano wants to ask her something --- is she happy? Big sigh, yes she is, very happy. He smiles at her as he kisses her hand and congratulates her. She should tell Martin for him that he’s won himself a gem. He continues to hold her hand as he tells her he’s thrilled she’s so happy and deservedly so. She looks at their intertwined hands as though she’s about to swoon (or puke).

CASA CACERES: Aida asks her mother if Ruben will be left without his main source of income. He can work as an attorney but it will be difficult to find someone who will hire him with his prison record. Mayra is long past worrying about him. Fortunately, Aida’s financial future is secure but whatever happens with Ruben, well, that’s his problem.

HOSPITAL: Arturo’s concerned about Hector’s recommendation to put Teresa into a medically induced coma. Hector goes into a lot of medical terms about inflammation and cranial something or other. Sorry, medical terms are not my forte. Bottom line, the number of days she’ll be in this coma will depend on her progress.

TERESA’S BEDSIDE: Mariano has come by for a quick visit while Arturo’s not around. He doesn’t want to cause her any problems. She’s worried about the induced coma and wonders if it’s dangerous. He tells her not to worry. He leans over her and strokes her hair as he promises her he will remain vigilant. He assures her this treatment is best for her condition. When she wakes up they’ll operate and she’ll recover. She believes it to be so because he says so. She tells him she’ll agree to the medically induced coma. They play their song. A donde vamos a parar?

Ooooooh, preview shows an “accidental” kiss between Aurora and Mariano. I’m giddy with anticipation.


Paquita outstanding and great recap thank you.

Haha i so enjoyed Geno's trauma and panic this woman is beyond help. Her selfishness at the expense of Espe is awful. Their baby as she calls Ruben's child with Espe.I agree with everything Fito said about Paulo he was a adult and it was his decision.

I like that he's got Geno over a barrel concerning the planned kidnapping.

Aurora call off this engagement girl you are so not in love with Martin. You just like being cherished by someone who cares and loves you. But it's not fair to Martin at all.

Hear,hear for hector for laying down the law and telling Mariano he knows it was Magda who told his harpy and he wouldn't put up with more of Aeeeeeeeeeeeeeda's antics.

Mariano i expected more from the telling off but you are dealing with one delusional sick nasty harpy there who is so self centered like her father.

Aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeda even Aurora warns you to stop and leave Teresa alone. Haven't we all heard this for quite awhile from Teresa to Aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeda. What doesn't she understand Spanish? Anyway loved that Aurroa even tells her to stop or she will be getting herself into a lot of trouble from here on in out.

Wow but surprise surprise this sick and twisted harpy still believes she has a chance to get back together with Mariano? Haha lock her a$$ up someone please!!!!!News flash Pualo didn't love you he still wanted Teresa but Teresa refused to become his mistress.

I knew Fernando bought the house it just made too much sense.

Armando are you for real blaming Arturo for losing the Saenz case who lost those VIP that were needed in order to win the case huh?

Our little shark was definitely channeling Scarlett O'Hara last night as God is my witness i shall walk again.Either be or not be I am. Plus vowing to get revenge on Saenz widow don't have to worry about that Teresa i'm sure she's at least locked up in some jail cell by now. Now going after Aeeeeeeeeeeeda making sure she is never happy with Mariano or anyone else. Also no worries there Mariano has effectively and definitely dumped that screeching harpy. As for anyone else taking up with her? Who in their right mind would do that?

Ruben asking if Teresa had anything to do with Paulo's death? What is it they don't get she didn't force dopey Paulo to take those drugs just like Fito said he sold them he didn't force him to use them or overdose on them.

Frances, loved the recap. You covered every detail just perfectly. Thanks!

ITA with Blu, the scene between Fito and Geno was very satisfying. My favorite of the night in fact. It was great seeing her usual smug look replaced by panic as she realized who Fito was and that he is calling the shots...for now. Oh, I know he will get payback for being the neighborhood bad guy but he's got a certain style, that's for sure. I hope he sticks it to Geno big time before all is said and done.

Thank Paquita - great recap.Great way to start the day on this beautiful COOL morning.

"Cue the Jaws Theme:" We knew our little Sharkette wouldn't just give in. And having Juana do the makeup - that was Teresa!! Great touch by the writers. We just know she will make it thru this, but it will be fun to watch how. May have issues with her often, but have to admit, she is a fighter!

OK, so I was disappointed in the Mari/Aeedddaaa confrontation. Man, he walked in all determined, but then....I wanted some fire and brimstone. He may have told her off - but in my book not nearly harshly enough. And of course, it went in one ear and out the other with her. She honestly doesn't think she EVER does anything wrong - daddy's little princess.Bet she NEVER got punished as a kid for anything. That's why she thinks she still has a chance to get back with Mariano. And really - Aurora, letting her think she does? (Or is that just to make herself feel better she made the right choice?)

Speaking of which - restaurant scene and preview (love that little smooch) - yeah, the story on Mari/Aurora is not over. I had a feeling that little snippet about "left at the altar" etc yesterday was heading to something. And if Aeeeddddaaa gets wind, will she make a play for Martin out of vengeance? (All she knows how to do). I remember how she and Martin hit it off on the one weekend in the country.But, dang, he deserves better.

Now we know Fito is a demented crook - he thinks Geno is hot? I really hate this baby kidnap plot - I am so hoping it gets busted before it can actually happen. And yeah, another day with no Johnni/Pati.

With Tere needing to recoup, Art and Tere should move to the Condo and Luisa have the house. Those stairs for Tere right now - not a good option. But Luisa being Luisa will let Art/Tere stay there I'm betting. One big "happy" family.

Finally, may I just say how much i LOVE Hector's lecture (nice ring to that) to Mariano on Aeeda, especially the part about the speciality, etc. After the disaster that was TDA where the good Doc seemed to have a speciality on everything from cardiac to psychiatry, it's refreshing to see that.Now if he could just solve the problem on coverage for the ICU unit.

Paquita: This was wonderful. You write so well and highlighted everthing, the drama and intrigue: "He fights her off, grabbing her by the arms and asking her what she’s going to tell the police? That he’s here at her request to kidnap a newborn?" and tension: "She looks at their intertwined hands as though she’s about to swoon (or puke)" (I vote swoon myself) perfectly. Your embedded voacabulary is a treat.

Like Blu and Sylvia, I felt no pity for Geno only loathing. I'm concerned though Fito is going to blame Teresa. Now that she's broke, she is no longer of any value to him and he will gladly throw her to the wolf (Geno)...

Aida is beyond redemption and is a shrill, shrieking harpy at this point. Aurora is displaying a rare lapse in judgement thinking Aida and Teresa can co-exist peacefully as bridesmaids. Beanie time.

daisy, your "Now if he could just solve the problem on coverage for the ICU unit" comment was great.

I also admire Teresa's fortitude and determination. For better or worse, right or wrong, Teresa and Mariano love each other. Whether they end up together will be interesting to watch?

Does anyone else think Teresa is going to be very upset Luisa now owns "her house"? I thought Art made it clear all along that was the case.


Thank you Paquita, for the recap, you know just how much dialogue to include. You'd make a great reporter.

One thing worries me, perhaps I have been watching too many TN's, but Fito is starting to look attractive. Yikes, time for therapy. Maybe it was just his telling Geno what was what.

Team Teresa, I am sorry, but what I see is Tere also hasn't changed, and is out for revenge. This desire for revenge is why she is in a lot of her mess now. No good can come from that.

Looking forward to the Aurora/Mar realization/confrontation, although I kind of think in the end nothing will change, because Mar loves Tere. But, Aurora needs the confrontation before she could be really happy with Martin, because as of now she is just settling for him as her consolation prize. That is so unfair to Martin. So we'll see.

Frances- Such a wonderfully descriptive recap. Thank you!

We knew Teresa wouldn't be defeated for long. She'll be up and causing trouble in no time. I'm not worried about her.

I am far more morried about Esperanza! There are all these wolves surrounding her (Geno, a soon to be sprung Ruben, and Fito) and she doesn't even know it.

I don't know what to say about Mariano and Aurora. I'm really more frustrated by him. Aurora knows what she feels for him, and she knows what she feels for Martin. Does Mariano know what he feels for Aurora? Obviously not. I don't know what he feels for her either. We and he know what he feels for Teresa. Wuv, twu wuv. So where does that leave Aurora?

It seems to me that what Mariano feels for Teresa, is what Aurora feels for Mariano-- that first, intense, true love.

It also seems to me that what Aurora feels for Martin, is what Mariano feels for Aurora-- the realization that this person makes you feel good, that each day you care about them more and more, a love that builds slowly but steadily because of all the little wonderful things that person does, because that person truly cares for and accepts you for who you are.

To me, that 2nd kind of love is just as valid as the first kind. So if I can root for Mariano to accept that second kind of love and go after Aurora, instead of going after a love that will always hurt him (Teresa), then I don't why I can't also root for Aurora to pursue love with Martin, instead of holding on to the kind of love that will always hurt her (Mariano). So, it's basically a toss up for me. I'm on Team Aurora in this, since she actually knows what she's feeling (unlike Mariano). Whatever decision makes her most happy is the one I support.

Vivi, I like your analysis of Aurora, and I agree she could pick either way, and it's not a "bad" choice. But I do lean to the "Marora" pairing because they just seem to "fit" to me. There is a naturalness, a sense of comfort around each other, but you can also sense there's something more by both of them; Mar just needed that anvil to fall on his head.

To me, Aurora has always seemed a little awkward around Martin. If she stays with him, hopefully that will diminish as they get closer. He's a great guy and the sad thing is there is no one, except Louisa if Fer takes a powder for Terror, that he could hook up with (per TN law on pairings). Of course, this TN likes to deviate from the norm, so who knows where things are really headed. I'll just do little happy dances for Marora, but I won't throw anything at my TV if she winds up with Martin. Just keep Aeeedddaaa out of the picture.

Great work, Paquita; this must have been a fun episode to do.

Vivi, I totally agree with you about Aurora/Martin/Mariano and its parallel to Teresa/Arturo/Mariano. Mariano better wake up and smell the espresso before this all happens around him.

Teresa's next Scarlett O'Hara moment -- spot-on.

As for Genoveva, she's no better than the pathetic creatures on shows like Deadly Women who kidnap babies -- frequently murdering the birth mothers -- when they can't have their own. She's just the high-rent district version.

Has it occurred to anyone that Fito might doublecross Genoveva and hold the baby for ransom from her if he gets his filthy paws on him? Considering that Teresa has no money right now and he can no longer blackmail her, what's to stop him from demanding double the balance of the payment Genoveva promised him?

Urban A: we're tracking on Fito and the baby for ransom/ blackmailing Gen. I'd says that's pretty fair payback for all she's done.

IMNSHO, Gen may find out that Tere led Fito to Paulo with the class schedule, but I bet Sharkita Terecita could 1) wriggle her way out by saying he grabbed it from her, and who'll they believe--a drug dealer or a respectable attorney? 2) Use the defenseless female excuse since we all know Paulo was harrassing--even stalking--her. Mariano can attest to that. He pulled him off her a few times and Aeeeda was continually jealous of Paulo's attentions toward Tere during that time. Now that Tere has time to sit and think things through I am sure she can devise a plausible defense in this way. Yep, I think we've all prematurely panicked (as has Teresa) over a moral question which the writers have posed in the response Fito gave Gen last night.

Frances, great recap as usual, I really needed you this time because YouTube kept cutting out on Capitulo 112, part 1..thanks for the help!

Interesting discussion today. I can't really figure out the pairings that "I" want, much less what the writers have in store for us. Yes, Daisy, Aurora is a little awkward around Martin. I agree with what she said though, that love can grow little by little over the days and months, but she seems to still care too deeply for Mariano....those doe-eyed pauses whenever he says anything to her! I know others don't agree, but I have hope that Teresa and Arturo could eventually be happy, as Blu said the other day, he is willing to demand a certain respect from her and then walk away...she needs that, that's providing that she recovers feeling after her induced coma. (Please,please,please writers, don't drag out the wheelchair part of this novela!!!) Poor Mariano, he is the most lost love-wise, he seems hopelessly stuck on Teresa. I fear for a Mar-Teresa pairing, they are still fundamentally so different in basic ways, they might have a hard road ahead of them if married. She is motivated by making/keeping money and he is motivated by giving/using money to help others. That sounds like a problematic union to me.

On Refugio, the reason Teresa had such ambition, and maybe too much ambition, is that she didn't want to always be worried where the money would come from for the basics! Refugio worries constantly about MONEY.

Martin looked better with his shirt, but his beard was too scruffy or something. Still he is the best galan in the novela to me!!

Esperanza's baby doesn't deserve that, this much is certain.

I am always of two minds about Teresa's siccing of Fito on Paulo. My late brother had a long stretch of drug addiction and that is a hard existence. However, since Paulo had decided that Teresa wasn't good enough to marry her actions were understandable.

Now if she thinks about it hard enough, Arturo's bankruptcy rescued her from Fito, who should go down for the kidnapping of Espe's baby before Arturo recovers his fortune.

With only 40 episodes to go I don't think we'll see a long stretch of wheelchair episodes.

Word verification is "puped", which we all are of silly storylines.

Emarie, I re-read my comment and and thought 'Gah, I'm rooting for a low-life drug dealer!' It's only because he's got Geno under his thumb, but he is a very handsome guy. Urban, I wouldn't be surprised if Fito tries a double-cross on Geno. He's always looking for ways to increase his income, obviously to his own detriment.

Vivi, love the quote from the Princess Bride. One of my all time favorite movies.

Paquita: Absolutely OUTSTANDING writing! Thank you ever so much!!!

Random thoughts:

Fito looked like a vampire last night. I don't know what it was about his teeth, but that is the most he has opened his mouth in any scene. If I had been in that room with him and him shouting at me like that, I would have felt utter fear and terror.

How quickly Don Armando forgot his role (albeit inadvertent) in Art's bankruptcy. Clearly, he didn't really know the issues on the Saenz case or he would not have said what he did to Art (and, yes, I do understand Armando's viewpoint from the standpoint of being a father). I wanted to tell him to simply shut it up.

I was disappointed in the discussion Mariano had with Aida. While he made his point, I would have liked to have seen him REALLY drive that point home. I don't think it made a dent in Aida's brain.

Geno and Ruben deserve each other. I hope they both pay dearly for this horrible plot of theirs.

I'm just waiting for the day when Mayra sees who her friend, Geno, really is. Geno is nothing more than 'upper class' (in her own mind) scum.

Lastly, actions speak louder than words. In my (European) family, any man who holds, caresses, and kisses a woman's hand the way Mariano kissed Aurora's MEANS BUSINESS, and serious business at that. I loved that scene...absolutely loved it for all of the unspoken things that were centered on Mariano's actions!!! How absolutely exciting! That scene to me was equivalent to one of William Levy's best kissing scenes.

I will take that hand holding/kissing ANY day...any day.

Gracias, Paquita!!!


Vivi great analysis on Aurora/Mariano/Martin. My POV is i just can't see Teresa working out with Mariano even though she still sees him as her first great love. She obviously didn't love him more than her ambition. I just feel that Aurora is shortchanging Martin because before she makes a decisive decision she always flashback to seeing Mariano with Aeeeeeeeeda or Teresa or overhearing him talking to one of them or kissing one of them.This shouldn't be her motivating factor because martin is a wonderful and great guy who deserves so much better than that.

Urban and Jardinera that's a good point because i didn't even consider that after he threaten Geno what he would tell the police if she called them on him. For sure that's right up Maldito Dumba$$ Fito Bandito alley. But somehow i believe it will backfire on him just what happen when he kept part of the VIP's from Teresa.That's why he earned the dumba$$ part in his new nickname.

Daisynjay just keep Aeeeeeeeeeeeeda out of the picture you're speaking to the choir here with that one. Ita what in the world was Aurora thinking including both her and Teresa as her maids of honor at her wedding?

I really don't root for Mariano and Aurora. Mariano will take way too long to get over Ter, Aurora could be old and grey by then. I'm beginning to think that Mariano and Ter will end up together. They may have to get rid of Arturo for that, like suicide over losing all his money, or Saenz's 'widow coming back to finish him off, out on bail of course.

So Aeeeeeeeeeeeeda chalks up her action to being impulsive?

So list her actions finding out about Teresa actions and making a slideshow at after graduation party to humiliate and harass Teresa with her ex boyfriend Paulo. Was that impulsive or premeditated? Premeditated once she made a film and set it up that's premeditation.

Throwing Coffee on Teresa's designer dress from Aurora impulsive or premeditated? I say that's impulsive she didn't expect Teresa to be wearing something so expensive or fashionable.

Implying that Teresa is having a affair with Arturo as they are student and professor. Premeditated or impulsive i would say that's premeditated she couldn't admit that Teresa was smarter than her and that galled her right along with how good looking Teresa was.

Sending the media to Teresa to possibly cover a scandal after telling Mariano that Teresa was marrying Arturo.Premeditated or impulsive? premeditated.

The countless times she has slapped Teresa let's chalk that up to impulsive but still her actions aren't right.

Throwing the bleach or ammonia into Teresa's eyes premeditated or impulsive? I say impulsive but still others have lost love ones and this is not how you respond to grief still grounds to have her arrested for malicious intent to harm grief or not.

Going into Espe's room when she knew well before hand how Espe's condition was very delicate and she couldn't be upset and she even went so far as to grab her and wrestle with Espe. This is debatable on impulsive or premeditated. I'm going with premeditated because she knew of Espe's condition before entering her room.

Finally going into Teresa's room and squeezing the oxygen tube for a couple of seconds she really wants Teresa to die. Premeditated or impulsive. Premeditated she knew exactly what she was doing when she went into that room. What she said was deliberate to do harm mentally as well.

So remind us again why in the world Teresa should turn the other cheek here? Teresa has gotten some revenge back on Aeeeeeeeeeeda but it's never going to stop because the main instigator from the beginning has been Aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeda.

It's always going to be tit for tat between these two Aeeeeeeeeeeda needs to wake up stop making excuses that she can't help it she is impulsive and the reason is because she hates Teresa.

Self examine why do you hate Teresa so much it wasn't her fault that Paulo the most popular guy in prep school fell for her.She didn't know about you being in love with him for as long as you were and even if she did so what. It was Paulo's decision to be with Teresa. When you eventually got him you still weren't as happy as you claim to be because you were constantly worried he was with Teresa or after her.

Mariano you went after him to get back at Teresa and make her jealous and he pretty much did the same you both used each other to make Teresa jealous of you being together. That's not a healthy and happy relationship. Because you could never truly accept Mariano and what he was about. Mariano fortunately and finally realized this isn't good for either of you and broke it off.

Deep down inside the person Aida you truly hate is yourself never truly having your father's sincere and genuine love. knowing that Paulo chose you after being with Teresa and only dumping Teresa because she didn't come from the same background as he did and his mother would never approve of her.

Then going after the man Teresa really did love and making her jealous but wonder of wonders you happen to fall in love with him too. But once again deep down know he still in love with Teresa. Sucks to be you doesn't it? This so called rata de Vecindad has all of the good looking men chasing after her including your father but no one really deep down loves Aida.

Go get some serious therapy but better still just leave Teresa alone. I know this is not going to happen so this little game of one upmanship will continue.

Blu - I bow to your comment on Aeedddaaa. Absolutely spot on.

Her rationalization that it's always someone else's fault, and in particular Teresa, is now obviously gone past sensible. She truly needs help - but noone around her would recognize that and it will probably never happen( unless she does something really over the top).

Blusa: Good points. ITSA!

Thanks for the great recap, Frances. It was like watching it all over again, but with a humor track added.

Also thanks to everyone else who's been recapping! This is the first episode I've seen in a few weeks, but I've read all the recaps and feel like I haven't missed a thing.

I, too, loved that scene with Mariano and Aurora. I think he does realize that he's in love with her and that Teresa is no good for him, but his timing is just never right. First Aurora was dating Martin, then he needed to extricate himself from Aida's tentacles, then suddenly Aurora and Martin are engaged. I think he's holding back on telling Aurora how he feels out of some sense of respect for her decisions and her relationship with Martin, but I wish he would be more honest with her. Even if it might be a better idea for her to choose Martin (or someone else, or no one), I think it would be better to make that decision with all the info, including knowing that Mariano might be an option.

Diana: "I also admire Teresa's fortitude and determination. For better or worse, right or wrong, Teresa and Mariano love each other." I think this has been the theme, as in most tn's: starcrossed lovers. It certainly is what keeps me rooting for Mar and Tere to eventually be able to return to each other maybe after all the turmoil subsides, maybe in their middle years.

Wow, Blu -- great memory and I agree your analysis of Aeeeeeeda's motivations are spot on.

I want Teresa and Arturo to stay together. They're married by the church and according to TN law, they're hitched! Also, in keeping with the GWTW theme, I would want her to lose Mariano to Aurora and only then realize she loved Arturo all along --- then he walks out into the fog. Do they have fog in D.F.?

Wouldn't it be great if Maldito Fito turns out to be undercover vice? I know, I know, we've seen him do too many bad things already, but still...what if?

I agree with whoever said Fito is handsome.....I think he's kinda hot myself. I'd like to see the actor as a good guy in another TN, maybe as that vice cop.

Loved the recap Frances. I don't think Aurora should marry Martin since she's still not in love with him and she only accepted his proposal because she overheard Mariano professing his love for Teresa.

I was glad that Mariano basically told Aida that they have no future. However, I wanted him to really light into her for her cruelty and tell her she's banned from the hospital.

LOL at the divine intervention quip when Gen realized that Fito is the one who supplied Paulo with drugs. I guess since the well dried up with blackmailing Teresa, he has a new target. I believe him too when he says he has friends who will take care of her and Ruben with how they beat up Johnny.

The bump on Armando's head caused him to forget that he lost the papers, which caused Arturo to lose the case and the domino effect it created.

"I want Teresa and Arturo to stay together. They're married by the church and according to TN law, they're hitched! Also, in keeping with the GWTW theme, I would want her to lose Mariano to Aurora and only then realize she loved Arturo all along --- then he walks out into the fog. Do they have fog in D.F.?"

I want Teresa and Arturo to be together in the end too. I think there's too much water under the bridge for Teresa and Mariano to ever reunite even if they still love each other.

I want arturo to stay with my girl teresa because he's the only one that can put her in her place. he doesnt jump the minute she wants something , he has his dignity and as for mariano he is wonderful but he's like teresa's puppy crying over and over and waiting around for her to realize that they belong together and although the love that they feel for each other is still there, its just not enough. teresa and art go well together as business partners and lovers. As for aurora i just dont like her because i feel that she is a hypocrite. she's doing the same thing that teresa did, marrying fot all the wrong reasons and she has the nerve to critize teresa. Lets not forget that she's ungrateful, wanting to leave her dad who took care of her for all of this years just because mama showed up and juana who treated her like her own, to believe her mom's lies and not caring enough about how juana felt. I want her to get killed off.

wow Anonymous! You really don't like Aurora. I agree with a lot of what you said but I don't think she deserves to die-sorry.

Wow, Anonymous I know that Aurora's indecision can be frustrating but to "kill her off?"
ROTFL, this has been a very entertaining novela, I love reading the recaps and commentary probably as much as watching the shows. I think Aurora is sick and tired of just being an observer, not having a romantic relationship for herself. I agree that she is just settling with Martin. by the way I wish Martin would shave that scruffle face.

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