Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Alborada, 9/14/2011. Cap. 75

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #29, Wednesday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 75 start at this link.

Today Carlos chose a great picture of Perla - are we surprised?


The only surprise is that we haven't had more pics of Perla. She looks positively smashing in nearly every episode.

Time to relax and watch the episode...

Go, Suny, Go! She pointed out Francisco's complete lack of class/decency. And when he raised his hand as a threat to hit her (Francisco's only persuasive tool is his fist), rather than cower and grovel, she raised her chin and set her jaw!

First Cristobal told Francisco he couldn't order his own daughter around anymore, then his son refused to surrender his dowry, and now his ever-docile wife isn't taking his crap. Frank really needs a hacienda to manage, just so he can get a dog - one who will obey his every whim!

Paula, I just watched that scene and I thought the same thing!! She didn't cower at all...a first. Bit by bit Francisco is getting placed lower and lower on the totem pole. For once I am proud of Andres the mighty hamster for not giving into Francisco's ridiculous demands. I'll bet even his dog will growl at him, or pee on his leg.

I confess... the photo was all set to be of Suny standing up to Francisco... powerful... but then I saw Perla in that blue dress... sorry guys, I'm a sucker for blue dresses.


Sorry, this is a bit off topic, but I was reading yesterday's comments about "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant". Before I actually watched a show, I thought all these women must be idiots. But their stories, if true, were actually plausible. No one claimed immaculate conception, but usually these women don't have symptoms, don't feel the baby move, hardly gain any weight (don't look pregnant), still have some kind of period, and have reasons to believe they can't be pregnant (told they were sterile, had false negative pregnancy tests, etc.)

Anyway, I would really love to know what happened in your patient's case Carlos :-)

Pascal, I admit I have not watched the "I Didn't Know" program. It just seems impossible to me, plus I am a skeptic and suspect it is complete BS. But hey, truth is stranger than fiction, and whenever I say "never" I end up being schooled.

Carlos' Photo reminds me of that old tune by Mitch Rider and the Detroit Wheels: Devil with a Blue Dress On!

Thanks for the lovely blue dress, Carlos, Perla really is a beauty and wears her lowcut, elegant gowns with such grace. I am glad she is getting a break even though I hated her for nearly getting Hipolita killed over he misled jealousy. Now she has a life that is more or less really hers. She should be in love with Antonio, he really treats her well.

Andres the giant hampster, Oh Sylvia, so funny and finally thanks to Paula for todays posting. Paula, I cringe at the thought of Franco getting a dog. Willa comes to mind when considering that he is so cruel, I never trust her around people that could be mean to her. So perhaps a cat that could also act snotty would put him in his real place.

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