Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Alborada, 9/7/2011. Cap. 70.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #27, Wednesday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 70 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's picture. Can it get any cuter???


This darling picture of Luis and Rafael made me think of this caption:
We can face anything together, Papa.

Thanks, Carlos and Paula. Carlos~~This screen capture is my favorite so far. You've got to love a guy who loves children and whom children love. I'm way behind with the episodes now that I'm back teaching. Maybe I'll be able to catch up this weekend.

My caption would be : ''Rafael, could I change places with you for a minute?''

I was all set to apologize for today's photo. With the distraction of the wildfires, my daughter's and her family's evacuation (she and most of their animals are staying with us for the moment) I chose a picture from a past episode. However, it seems to be a popular choice anyway. Tomorrow's picture will be more appropriate.

Looks like an anvil lining up for deployment on Gasca... couldn't happen to a more deserving guy. He really irritated me by slashing Marcos after he dropped his sword. Good for Isabel.


Yes, Gasca is a dastardly coward. He deserves every pie cart sent his way later.

The story sure is gripping. Seeing this again after some years, I am again impressed at it's high quality and value.

I am anxious for tomorrow. I think Gasca is in for payback for Marina.

I think the make-up folks are doing a great job on Diego, making him really look like something is not right.

I think that now that Antonio has such better hair, I think he has risen to the hunkish category. However, I am getting tired of the arguments with Hipo.


MEPS just finished & if you can't get enough of FC Maria Mercedes starts tomorrow. Made in 1992. It also has Arturo Peniche.

Love the picture Carlos, doesn't matter which day.

Tks Paula

Gasca can't live, he knows too much. I have to watch the scene again where the soldiers lassoed him.


Thanks for the picture, Carlos. I agree with Variopinta, it's a great pic no matter what day it came from. Best of luck to your family!

All I can think of for a caption is: "That, my dear son, is what we call a ____." (Not sure how to fill in the blank: babe-a-saurus, lunatic, miscount... depends on who the two of them are looking at!)

Oh, I've got it... "That, my dear son, is what we call a mirror. Aren't we awesome?"

Carlos, my prayers go up, for your daughter's home. And for your "domestic harmony," having a houseful at such an intense time. Amid the worries and the necessary life stuff, try to find time for something that will give you all a good belly laugh - Princess Bride? Stupid cat videos on YouTube? It's a great stress pressure valve.

Luis to Rafael, "Can you say "queso"?

Novelera in AZ

I know Carlos - it would have been so great to have a pic of lassoed Gasca! The Gasca capture scene was awesome!

But the pic you chose was so lovely.

I finally looked at the TX wildfires map yesterday - yowza! It's bad! Cheryl - TX has had wildfires longer than AZ or NM, but I don't think it's been the same ones all this time, the spring ones were burning west TX, and north.

Victoria sure is pushing it. I hope she doesn't get burned! (very poor taste of pun there)

And so Diego is going to come down with some illness? Divine justice rather than human? And does his demise force Juana to name the true count?

Well, off to Whidbey Island today......


Best. Picture. Ever!

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