Thursday, September 08, 2011

Alborada, 9/8/2011. Cap. 71.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #27, Thursday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 71 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's picture. The moment we've all been waiting for!

Carlos's caption: "Hey fellows, couldn't we just shorten the pants and sleeves instead?"


Well, this image makes me want to be home watching. Darn night class. I can't catch it until 9 tonight.


Caption : Our motto here at AAAA [Acme Altitude and Attitude Adjusters] is : ''If you want to add a few inches to your height...we can help.''

Carlos~~~I am sending out good vibrations and prayers for your daughter.

Haven't watched yet, but that picture can't be good.

Here's a link about FC's play "Manos quietas",22490,2092245,00.html

Thanks Susanlynn. They are still under mandatory evacuation so will be here at least another night. So far their place has not been damaged. We are about 15 miles away from the fires and yet ash is falling from the sky and the air is filled with smoke.

On a happier note, I just finished watching this episode. Poor Gasca. I almost felt sympathy for him. And now Diego is going to poison him? Yikes!

My submission for a caption for this photo:

"Hey fellows, couldn't we just shorten the pants and sleeves instead?"

Thanks to everyone here for your good wishes. I'll keep you updated.


Carlos- I just trudged through the rain, for the umpteenth day, to get home. I wish we could send some of it over to you all in TX. I'm glad to hear your daughter's home is still intact. Best wishes to her and her neighbors. I will likely watch this episode while the presidential address is on. I'll wait for the blow by blow on NPR tomorrow morning. I'd much rather watch Gasca get tortured than torture myself watching our political leaders talk too much and do too little, and watching the network news folks blabbing on about nothing of importance. Oh my, I really need a vacation from politics. I'm not usually this cranky. Let the Gasca torture begin! :)

As one who has recently undergone hip surgery and am now quite a bit shorter on the left side, I'm not sure I find this funny. But...Gasca's just deserts are perhaps the most extreme in all of telenovelandia. For newbies, may I say "you ain't seen nuthin' yet" Stay tuned!

It's because Alborada was my first TN that I have so little patience with all the other offerings. No other villain's punishment has ever come close.

Carlos, my heart goes out to all your kin and everybody else suffering from the bad weather. We (that is my us, personally) were relatively lucky here in NJ. Only a few inches of rain in the basement. Folks only half an hour away have lost everything. Stay safe and be glad your family is with you. This won't last. At least until the next time.

Vivi~~~We have been having a lot of rain here the last few days with the same predicted for the next 4 days. Hub just took extra hoses down to my daughter's house to direct the water that is being pumped out of her basement by the sump pump to the back of her yard. What very strange weather we have been having. If only we could direct this excess water to Texas to put out those fires. p.s. Hub was put into a similar contraption to Gasca's instrument of torture a few years ago when he had a pinched helped/ Gasca , however, will receive no benefits.

Since Antonio was smoking, I was curious about it in the 1800's & found this.

¡Dios mio!, pobre Gasca, couldn't someone have just killed him? I wonder what his new tattoo is?

I'm thinking maybe Diego has syphilis, except he raped Marina.


Variopinta, I believe Diego can have syphilis without having infected Marina. I don't think it guaranteed to transmit with every contact.

Carlos: OUTSTANDING caption! Extra-LOL!

I haven't yet seen the second half of yesterday's episode, let alone today's... and I can tell today's was a Very Special Episode. So I'm going to catch up before I read any more of this.

My word, what an episode! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.

The screen capture is perfect and the caption...well I'm afraid Gasca deserves all the torture and sarcastic comments that are coming his way.

Paula, thanks for posting and Carlos, thank you for the picture. I'm still stunned after having just watched this episode.

I remember now why I developed a huge crush on Marcos. What a guy.

Sylvia, heck, I've got a crush on Marcos. I don't remember how things turn out but I'd really like to see Marina end up with him. How smooth was he in the town square?

Andres? Marcos? Gee... what a difficult choice.


Andres is a wimp, I can't see him as head of El hampa. Marcos could do that, oh sorry, that would be Antólin, of Fuerza.


Carlos, you crack me up. It really was a leap of faith for Marina to sniffle over the boy Andres while the Hunkalicious Marcos kneeled at her side. Ah well, Marcos will help get those two kids together.

Variopinta, true, Andres as the Mexican Godfather? Hard to fathom.

LOL Variopinta. :) As Marcos he would be a good head of el Hampa. But as Antolin (LFdD), he would be perfect!

Marcos is a way better novio/husband option than Andres. Hot, brave, kind,open minded, no family drama... But, alas, Marina loves Andres. If Andres can't get past the rape thing, how is he going to get past the Jew thing? Hmmmmm?

I could not work up any sympathy for Gasca. I'm afraid I've been spoiled since I recently started watching the Tudors on Netflix on the weekends. The torture in that is graphic, to say the least, and most times the prisoners are innocent. So I could not shed a tear for guilty as sin Gasca. I want him to confess all his crimes on behalf of Diego too.

On behalf of Marina, that was satisfactory. I thought it would be worse than it was.

But wait, was that a single tear being shed by Gasca?


Don't you just love TN justice? Qué lástima, that it doesn't work like that in the real world.

Juana exiled Sara,
so Sara fled to the capital and raised Victoria there,
so Victoria was later in the same city as Gasca,
so Gasca killed Victoria's husband and stole her child,
so Victoria came to Cuencas to find her daughter,
so Victoria encountered Gasca and put him into the hands of the Inquisition,
so Gasca might confess all, and destroy Juana's whole house of cards.

And it all started because JUANA exiled Sara.

Oh goodie, Gasca being stretched to new limits! Great picture choice as always, Carlos. Thanks to Paula and I like your list of cause and effect for Juana who has her own piecart destiny.

I am in the I heart Marcos club too. Wowzer, I had forgotten that this is where I first saw this guapisimo actor. Andres is so blech!

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