Thursday, September 08, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #24 Wed 09/07/11 Una Noche de Malentendidos in which each sister tries to sell Ivan a bill of goods he's not buying

...and even the control freaks show some sense

Recap by Urban Anthropologist
Please provide any missing details. Gracias.


Carlota is trying to figure out what's wrong when Lucia refuses to see Ivan, finally telling Ivan that there was a family argument. Ivan questions Cleto about this and finds out that there was a fight between the sisters. Merry Piece drove off and Lucia stayed home. He also asks about whether his mother had a boyfriend. Cleto knows nothing. He is determined to talk to Lucia about this the next day.


Casa Lomiel: Alex and Gerry talk about Gerry's work – and Ivan – until the boy goes up to bed. Carolina and Gerry talk about how Ivan and Lucia will soon be married and have other children

Casa McGuire: For our viewing pleasure, Ivan is only covered to the waist as he dreams of his kitchen encounter with Lucia. While she thinks of the one before when she told him not to play [with her feelings].

Casa Lomiel: Gerry and Carolina talk about his guilt about Alicia and how Ivan has the right to know his son is alive. Carolina is still afraid of losing Alex and of Alex losing his sense of security. He's been happy all his life and she doesn't want to rock the boat.

Casa Curiel: Ivan finds out from Cleto that Lucia has already left in a cab.

School: Ivan arrives to look for Lucia and is met by the director, Olga de los Santos. She offers to send for Lucia, but Ivan tells her he will wait.

Casa McGuire: Tony, Camilo, and Benito talk about work and where the hell is Ivan (who is apparently late for something).

School: Ivan waits until Lucia exits the building, then approaches her.

Ivan: What's going on ? The doctor said you should rest.
Lucia: Yes, but I got bored staying in the house. [didn't get the rest]
Ivan: Would you please explain why you didn't take my call and why when I came I was told you were sleeping? [Lucia turns away] My love, what happened? What's wrong? What have I done?
Lucia: I was wrong. I don't want to be your novia.
Ivan: Permit me to say that if this is a joke, it's in very bad taste.
Lucia: This is no joke.
Ivan: Then, why?
Lucia: Why? You can't accept that a woman can reject you?
Ivan: We have to talk; let's go.
Lucia: No way. I'm not going anywhere with you.
Ivan: We'll go to your place.
Lucia: No.
Ivan: It's not important to me that this will be a scandal. Do you want all those children and teachers to hear all this? [Lucia looks resigned and he directs her toward the car] Would you like to eat first?
Lucia: No, I'm not hungry.
Ivan: Therefore we'll go to your house and talk.
Lucia: No, not at home. No.

They get into the car. Lucia – with all her failed attempts at one-word answers – so does not want to have this conversation.

Commercial break that leads with a Protagonistas promo.

Casa McGuire: Tony explains to (his new decorator?) that he wants things done ASAP He is assured that everything will be ready in a week.

Park : Lucia sits on a bench. Ivan brings some cold drinks when Camilo calls, saying they haven't seen him all morning. Ivan explains that he's with Lucia and then Tony doesn't want to interrupt them. He's happy that Ivan and Lucia are in love. Is he ever in for a shock.

Ivan: I went through a lot of bad things in my childhood; didn't have the money to buy these. He'd invite me.
Lucia (not even looking at him): You love him a lot, don't you?
Ivan: Yes, he's my best friend. My love, now can you tell me what's going on?
Lucia: Remember when talking about my sister you said that when you were 20 you were in love with her?
Ivan: Yes, but I explained what happened. Don't say you have doubts.
Lucia: No, I have no doubts. Because the same has happened with me.
Ivan: What are you saying? I don't understand.
Lucia: Since I was a child, all those years apart I thought about you, wanted to see you again. But I was wrong.
Ivan: No, I don't believe this. This can't be true.
Lucia: Why not? You can't believe the same didn't happen to me as Maripaz?
Ivan: It was different with Maripaz. Perhaps I never really loved her. She was an illusion but what I feel for you –
Lucia: Why can't you accept that this could happen with me? (She tries to turn away, but Ivan turns her face toward him)
Ivan: Believe me. Up to yesterday everything was good. I told you I loved you and you said you loved me. Now everything is changed. What happened to force this and who has deceived you? Was it in the hospital when you were told to rest? I was a fool not to realize it. I beg you to forgive me but don't try to say you don't love me.
Lucia: This is the same thing that happened to my sister.
Ivan: Stop talking about your sister. Maripaz is one thing; you're another. [the light bulb goes on] Does this having something to do with the fight you had with her yesterday?

Casa Curiel: Carlota, MP and Lucrazia talk about what happened yesterday.

Lucrazia (to MP): All that we talked about yesterday you are not to discuss with anyone.
MP: Of course not. How can you think I'd talk about all the shame in this house?
Carlota: You also have your own pecadillos. You are in no position to talk.
Lucrazia: I don't want to talk about this again.

Park Lucia keeps insisting she was wrong about her feelings for Ivan; he's not buying it.

Lucia: What fight?
Ivan: The argument in the garden at your house. She yelled at you.
Lucia: Who told you?
Ivan: That isn't important. Did she threaten you? Or did she invent something again?
Lucia; No. She didn't threaten me or make anything up. I was wrong. You can't accept that I don't love you?
Ivan (getting up): I don't believe you. I don't believe you . Your kisses were sincere. [need help with the rest]
Lucia (looks like she's about to cave): And what do you want me to say? This is very hard for me. It's all my fault, forgive me, but I have to be honest.
Ivan: I can't get this through my head. Tell me that something happened. Something that affects your life.

Casa Curiel: JJ calls Lucrazia about ranch business. He wants copies of the documents for a meeting with Tony. Carlota approaches Lucrazia from behind, obviously listening.

Park: Alex runs up to Lucia carrying his soccer ball. He tells her he comes to the park to look for friends to play with. Ivan says something about being out of practice. Carolina and her maid approach. When Alex tries to interest Ivan in a game Lucia tells him Ivan has things to do. He wants to escort her home, but she tells him she will go home with Carolina et al. However, Alex succeeds in getting Ivan to play with him for a bit and Lucia looks after them with a pained expression.

Casa Lomiel, outside There is a strong, positive vibe between Ivan and Alex as the boy goes inside the house with Carolina and the maid. Ivan tries once more to talk to Lucia and she tells him she doesn't love him. He's doesn't believe it.

Carolina is shocked because Lucia and Ivan didn't say a word in the car. Lucia tells her they broke up. Hugs.

Casa Curiel: Carlota asks Lucrazia about what JJ wants with the papers. She is concerned about what he will find out about the actual ownership and the fraud involved with the loan and that they may possibly lose the property. Carlota asks whether Tony really needs these documents or is JJ just being nosy and interfering? Lucrazia doesn't know, but doesn't want to hand them over because of the possibility of losing the property. Carlota asks how they can deny him that,, what reason can they give? Lucrazia doesn't know, but “we have to think of something.”

Casa Lomiel: Alex takes polite leave of the ladies from the lunch table and Carolina gets Lucia to spill the beans. Lucia sticks to the story that she and Ivan are cousins.

Casa McGuire: The secretary tells Tony that Carlota called. Ivan tells Camilo that Lucia broke up with him.

Ivan looks at the engagement ring and gets both sad and angry.

Camilo: What's up?
Ivan: Lucia broke up with me.
Camilo: What? How is that when …
Ivan: She said she was mistaken, and she doesn't love me.
Camilo: I can't believe that.
Ivan: I can't believe it either! Yesterday she said she loved me, she had always loved me and I believed her. I feel like such an idiot thinking I had found the love of my life.
Camilo: Calm down, brother.
Ivan: How can I? Do you have any idea what I'm feeling? Do you have any idea how angry I am?
I'm hurting badly.
Camilo: Let me get you a drink.

Which – as we all know -- solves all romantic problems for male novela characters.

Commercial break that leads with a Protagonistas promo followed by one for Mujeres Asesinas with the bald Rubigote

Casa Curiel: Tony and Carlota talk; she invites him over for 11 the following morning. Carlota makes sure that she will be alone in the house, charging Lucrazia with getting Merry Piece out of the way.

Casa Lomiel: Gerry mentions that there is no issue with cousins marrying and speculates on whether Ivan knows about his relationship with Alicia. He hadn't told him because of his pain and the shame [of his failure to take action, we're sure]. Alicia could have told Camilo's mother on her deathbed, she could have told Camilo, who then told Ivan and maybe this is why Lucia is putting distance between them?

Casa McGuire: Ivan has issues with Tony seeing Carlota, saying they are all cut with the same scissors. Camilo suggests that Tony use the opportunity to find out why Lucia broke up with Ivan, who still can't get over the sudden about-face and suggests that Lucia is free to fly. Tony says he's right, then asks why Ivan can't accept that Lucia isn't in love with him as he thought. Ivan explains that she had been sincere and Tony tells him not to be stubborn, but Ivan is resolute.

Casa Lomiel: Gerry is suffocating in secrets and from his own cowardice. Carolina tells him it isn't his fault and that Alex is happy. Gerry still feels guilty about being cowardly with Lucrazia, Alicia, and now Ivan.

Casa Curiel, night: Lucia and MP have another confrontation.

MP (with mock concern): I see you had little appetite. What happened? Answer me! You ate like a mouse. Did you talk to him, yes or no?
Lucia: We're over. Are you happy?
MP (still mocking): You've done your family duty. Bravo.

She exits in her clubbing dress [way too short for a woman who is almost 30]. Carlota enters at the same moment and asks what MP was trying to say.

Lucia says “Nothing” and goes up to her room to cry; Carlota follows, knocks, and enters.

Carlota: Something tells me something serious just happened. Don't tell me you broke up with Ivan because you're cousins. Daughter, daughter, tell me. You always tell me everything. I don't like you starting with big secrets.

Commercial break

Car, then Bar: Camilo tries to tell Ivan he will get over it, as he once did. That Ivan is rich and can get girls easily. But Ivan can't get it out of his head how suddenly this all happened. Camilo makes the comparison to Merry Piece, but Ivan insists Lucia is different.

MP is with Saul and Antolin and gloating about Lucia breaking up with Ivan. Antolin speculates about the status of the loan, but MP comments that her grandmother will deal with Tony. She then gets up when she spots Ivan. Saul wants to follow her to laugh in his face, but Antolin tells him to sit down. “I don't want another fight.” Smart guy but we still don't know whose side he's on.

Casa Curiel: Lucia spills the beans to Carlota, who fills in the blanks. Carlota is outraged.

Bar: MP insists Ivan introduce her to Camilo. He isn't happy to see her.

MP: Holà. What a miracle. Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?
Ivan: I tried the other day but you weren't interested.
MP: Sorry. (to Camilo, while extending hand) Maripaz.
Camilo (so not interested): Camilo.
MP (to Ivan): It's a miracle seeing you in a bar.
Camilo: Why? Everyone has the right to have fun in his own way.
MP: But Ivan doesn't look like he's having fun.
Ivan (clearly irritated): What do you want, Maripaz?
MP: Nothing, just came to say hello. But I call it as I see it. I know what happened.

Ivan nods his head with an expression that says he knows what's coming.

Ivan: You don't say.
MP: Of course. Lucia broke up with Saul because she never loved him. He was her novio because my mother insisted as she insisted I marry David.
Ivan: Don't say any more.
MP: But the truth is that she's in love with someone else.
Ivan: With whom?
MP: A university colleague. Poor devil because my mother won't allow it. But I could be wrong. Despite society stuff, she could let her marry anyone just to get her out of the house.
Ivan. Very pretty story.
MP: It's no story, it's true. Ask if you don't believe me.
Ivan: Well, I didn't appear to be distinguished in the eyes of Alamos, but when I proposed to her your mother was more than content to accept me..
MP: Because now you're a McGuire./ Rich, refined, elegant... What is is that Lucia has poco character. But I, when you follow me I'll be delighted...
Ivan; Thanks for your amiable offer, but the fact is that this son of a servant isn't interested. Absolutely. (He finishes his drink and looks up at Camilo). Let's go. (leaves some money on the table as he and Camilo are about to leave.)
Camilo (to a pouting MP): Very bad tactics, honey.
MP: Nobody asked your opinion.
Camilo (grinning at her defeat): It's free. [Bien hecho, Camilo!]

The guys exit and Maripaz sashays back to Saul's table.

Antolin: What happened.
MP: I want to see him dead. The wretch.

But this last line is a figure of speech.

Casa Curiel: A solitary Carlota pours some tea and tries to figure out what to do.

Car: Camilo and Ivan talk about how MP is still an adolescent, then get in with Camilo behind the wheel.

Ivan: What is Antolin doing with these people? This is the second time I've seen him with Saul.
Camilo: Saul has always been a bad loser. Antolin likes hanging with the rich people to sponge money. You can't imagine.
Ivan; Yes, yes, of course/ And what does Godmother say?
Camilo: She has suffered much. To the point of looking for work for him, but I've run out of advice.
Ivan: Your brother deserves an opportunity. When we were kids he was so good with us. If I fought with Saul he took my side.

[Unfortunately I couldn't decipher Camilo's response to that.]

Commercial break opening with a promo for La Rosa de Guadalupe

Casa Curiel, talves much later: MP tries to kiss up to Carlota.

MP: Holà abuelita. Why is the most beautiful grandmother in the world up to all hours? (Carlota slaps her hard. THWAAAACK!) What's up with you?

Carlota: You know perfectly well what's up!
MP: My mother is right. You are crazy. You are the queen of them.

No, Merry Piece, you are the crazy one. Olé, Abue; you are aces in our book.

Casa Curiel, morning Lucia takes her leave of Carlota, who knows she's sad about Ivan.

Lucia: 'bye, Grandma.
Carlota: How are you going?
Lucia: I'm taking a taxi.
Carlota: Work is a distraction.
Lucia: I hope so because I feel very bad.
Carlota: Ànimo!
Lucia: It's that my heart is weighted down. If you could have seen Ivan's face when I said all that.
Carlota: I can imagine. He must also be very sad.
Lucia: May God forgive me, but right now I hate Maripaz. (she kisses Carlota)
Carlota: Take care of yourself, hijita.

Casa McGuire: Tony tries to talk to Ivan about business but Ivan's mind is on Lucia.

Ivan: I've been thinking
Tony: About Lucia. You still haven't accepted that she's ditched you?
Ivan: It was so sudden
Tony: It surprised me, too. So what do you think later?
Ivan: Last night I encountered Maripaz and she came on to me like her old self. She tracked me down.
Tony: Poor girl; she must be sick in the head.
Ivan: I am almost sure that she said or did something to force Lucia into this decision. Cleto, a servant, said they had a serious argument.
Tony: I hope this breakup doesn't make you lose your nerve you've had all these years to stand up to this family.
Ivan: I have nerve, Dad. Lots of nerve.
Tony: Yes, better that Lucia reconsidered and ..
Ivan: No, Dad, she seemed decided.
Tony (getting up): Well, today you're in charge of the computers, graphic systems, TV sets, etc..
Ivan (teasing): I see you're going to visit Carlota and I don't think it's a social call...
Tony: Well, I wouldn't go if things were going well...

They laugh quietly.

Casa Curiel: Lucrazia tells MP she's going with her to the ranch. She's not taking any BS from her

Lucrazia: Maripaz? Good morning!
MP: What's up with the good morning?
Lucrazia: Bad as usual.
MP: I have to tell you you're right. Grandmother is completely insane. She has no idea what she's doing.
Lucrazia: Why?
MP: Last night she greeted me with a slap.
Lucrazia: Ay, what have you done?
MP: Why do you think I'm the guilty one?
Lucrazia: Because I know you and I don't want know how it happened. Now get dressed and we're going.
MP: Where?
Lucrazia: I want you to come with me to the ranch.
MP: The ranch? Today's my day to go to the gym. No me inventes. Mama
Lucrazia: Forget the gym; you're coming with me. Now.
MP: Why? You know I know nothing about agriculture...
Lucrazia: Now it's time you got interested. Don't think about it and don't argue. While you're in this house you will do as I say. I want you ready in half an hour.

She exits and Maripaz plops herself on the bed and pouts.

MP: Everyone is [?} in this house.

Office JJ hands some papers to a secretary, then calls Carlota to tell her Lucrazia gave him nothing. Carlota asks what's his hurry and tells him she's giving the papers to Tony to save him the trouble. She gloats a little as she signs off and hangs up.

Saul comes in to gloat about Lucia breaking up with Ivan. JJ doesn't share his glee:

JJ: Why are you so late? What stupid reason do you have?
Saul: Great news. Lucia broke up with Ivan! (he rubs his hands together, as though he masterminded it)
JJ: Why?
Saul: I don't know but isn't that great?
JJ: Don't talk nonsense. I suppose now the gringo won't help us now that she told his son to go to the devil.

This is a calm before the storm; we all know it.

Casa Curiel Tony arrives and Cleto lets him in. He sits down with Carlota and they start talking.

Avances: Carlota reveals that Alicia was her deceased husband's daughter. Ivan is clearly angry.


Amenazar: to threaten
Ànimo!: Have courage!
Cachetada: slap
Chico palada: small palate, or little appetite
Espejismo: Illusion
Rematar: to crown (de remate: crowned)
Recapacitar: to reconsider


The only people I care about on this show are Ivan, Tony, David & Judith.

Everyone else can go kick rocks.

I had hoped Lucia wouldn't be the typical tearful TN heroine who believes all the bad guys lies. I guess I was wrong.

Carlota is just a less tearful version of Tizzy.

Thanks, Urban Anthropologist. Great recap. Especially thanks for the conversation details.

I loved Camilo's snarking at Maripaz. May we see more of this. It's nice when the good guys can be funny and not just sappy and sincere all the time.

I don't think Lucia is a wimpy heroine who believes the lies. She knows the truth, she knows Maripaz really would tell all just to be a b!+ch, and she wants to protect her grandmother's reputation. I can see how that would be a real dilemma for her; she really cares about Carlota. I wish she'd at least tell Ivan what is really going on, though. He can keep a secret if needed, I'm sure.

Fortunately, it looks like Carlota may get fed up with these shenanigans and just air the dirty laundry herself.

I'm really looking forward to David and Judith triumphing over their awful father. Especially David, poor guy. Ivan's so lucky JJ didn't want to claim him.

I was kind of disappointed in Lucia too. She should have confided in her gran amor. She should be able to trust him if she's considering a long-term relationship.

The clock is ticking in terms of Gerardo. The truth about Alex is going to come out to someone soon, methinks!

I thought the word was "achicopalada" and that it meant to be in a gloomy mood. Didn't think it had to do with "paladar", but I could be wrong.

I thought that "achicopalada" was a compounding of "chico" and "palado/a" into an adjective...gloomy and disinterested in anything being related to having no appetite, I guess.

I couldn't figure out what was the last thing Camilo said to Ivan about Antolin, either. Antolin is a bit of a mystery to me. I can't figure out whether he's on one side or another, or, most likely, only interested in himself and teaming up wherever it seems most advantageous at the moment. I missed the episodes where he had any interaction with Carolina; I've just read about it in the recaps, so I'm interested to see that aspect of his personality.

I did not think the revelation about Ivan's Curiel heritage would be revealed so soon. This gets very interesting. Now we will see what Ivan will do. Maybe this is the stage where Camilo makes a play for Lucia and creates tension between the friends.

I think we should give Lucia a break. She was trying to protect her grandmother's reputation. Mexican people value their reputation's a lot and don't want the risk of shame and scandal, so it is a big deal. Remember when Maripaz said that one more bad thing added to her reputation does not matter because she is "damaged goods" already. One more stripe to the tiger won't change how the public sees her. Lucia and her grandmother on the other hand have a whole lot to lose if this were to get out according to their thinking.


Urban- Thanks so much for the fab recap and the detailed conversations too.

I also don't think that Lucia believes anything that Maripaz is saying. She is doing this for Grandma, and even for her mother. Also, she can't really tell Ivan because it involves Ivan. It's kind of huge to reveal that her grandpa was really his grandpa, and that her mom and grandma had his mom working as their maid when she was an heir. It's really Carlota's secret to tell, and I'm glad that it looks like she's doing it.

Lucia could have just said that to Ivan. "Maripaz is holding something over my head that would hurt my mom and grandma. I can't reveal to you what it is because it's not my secret to tell. But I DO love you." That's about all she could say.

Antolin is on Antolin's side. No one else's.

"Lucia could have just said that to Ivan. "Maripaz is holding something over my head that would hurt my mom and grandma. I can't reveal to you what it is because it's not my secret to tell. But I DO love you." That's about all she could say."

I don't know about that Vivi. Very good intentions but it will just make the questions and the detective work trying to find out stuff a lot worse. Seen that a lot in real life. the only alternative is to call Maripaz's bluff and say go ahead and do it. We will still live and business as usual. But you really don't know what MP will do.


"achicopalada" was the word that Marypaz used yesterday and yes it means gloomy, down. As a matter of fact, Cleto used that same word yesterday when talking to Ivan about the girls' fight; and he referred to Lucia going to her room and being achicopalada.

Camillo said that "a crooked tree can never go straight" (un arbol torcido--i'm at work I don't have the exact spanish words)he used these same words when he took Arcelia out to lunch after he found out how much he was making.

Myo ---

Ibarramedia- I agree that if Lucia had given Ivan a vague answer he would have pushed to find out what they were all hiding, and just made a pest of himself. Calling MP's bluff would be dangerous as you say because MP is unpredictable and crazy. And if she did go ahead and spill, Lucia would feel really guilty about her grandma and mom. Lucia is not worried about scandal for herself. She has said this many times. If it was just about her, she wouldn't give a darn. But it is all about her grandma and mom, and I don't think she believes she has a right to do that to them. She'll protect them at the cost of her own happiness. So glad Carlota is going to put an end to it.

The question is, how will Ivan react to this news and will he try to take away the ranch from them?

He may end up fighting Lucia's mom for the ranch and fighting her dad for his child. I don't see that being very good for their relationship in the long term.

UA -- Wonderful detailed dialog .. Thank you!!!

Vivi In DC; I agree with your last post, but I'd like to point out something ... when Ivan professed his feeling to Lucia at the restaurant, when he had a fight with Saul, Lucia told him "How about all the hatred and rencor you feel for my family ... I'll feel really bad if you hurt them" and Ivan answered that he'll never hurt them. The theme I'm seeing here is whether Ivan is capable to love Lucia and forgive her family as he'll uncover one by one that all his misfortunes were mostly caused by her family ...

And for Lucia, would she be able to continue loving Ivan and choosing him over her family or loving him and accepting her family while Ivan makes all the concessions?


"And for Lucia, would she be able to continue loving Ivan and choosing him over her family or loving him and accepting her family while Ivan makes all the concessions?"

Great question Myo! That does seem to be the central theme of this tn. I see the difficulty on both sides. It's all fine and good to say that Ivan should forgive them for all the crap they've caused in his life. But that's not an easy thing to do, and it would be perfectly understandable if he holds on to huge resentment. Him growing up in poverty (Alicia had rights to money and land), being the child of a servant, losing his mom, losing his child, his first heartbreak, him needing to flee his homeland, are ALL tied to this family.

But I can also understand if Lucia is not able to be with a man who holds hatred and rancor in his heart for her family. And choosing a man over your family? I wouldn't recommend it, unless everyone in your family is hateful. Tough decisions ahead for Ivan and Lucia.

Myo, thanks for telling us what Camilo said about Antolin. Crooked tree, yep, that's him.

Thanks. Urban, for the great recap and vocab and now I know what achicopalada means as I hear this word now and then in different tns.

It seems like Carlota spills the beans to Ivan. I'm so glad it's revealed so soon and wonder what will happen next. Will Ivan blow a fuse?


Ivan looks like he will lose his temper, but I think Tony will be a calming influence.

Does anyone remember whether Carlota knew how to find Alicia before she ended up on her doorstep?

THank you UA! Great recap and you gave the bar conversation all the attention it deserved. I thought that was the best thing all night! I may have cheered a little after Camilo's "Es gratis." Hellz yeah.

Thanks UA. Great job with dialogue.
I'm loving the twists and turns of action and information.

I get a kick out of Tony's relationship with Benito. The actors look like they are having fun.

Carmelo has shown some smarts lately. How long until his jealousy gets in the way of clear thinking?

UA: no, I don't think Carlota knew how to find Alicia before she showed up at the doorstep. Her lawyer stated how she was nowhere to be found. Alicia was in Alamos at least until the JJ/Ivan situation when she fled to Tampico. I wish we knew the timelines better. We know Carlota was pregnant when she married Teodoro, but when was Alicia born? After? If so, Alicia's mother probably held the secret much like Little Alicia's mother is now...

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