Friday, September 09, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #101 Friday 9/9/11 Truths Come to Light

Buenos dias a todos. I typed this up as soon as I could since Univision has already made us wait long enough this week for our CME fix!

Selene spills her guts to Jero. Rafael was the father of Berta's baby. Jero's head is spinning. Selene says that Rafa and his hacienda weren't enough for Berta. Besides, Fina forced Berta to break it off with Rafa. It was her idea that Berta should sleep with Matias to make it look like the baby was his. Then Berta said the baby was Jero's because she was jealous that he chose Nata over her.

Poor Jero can hardly keep up with this information dump. He's going to have to start taking notes soon. Selene thinks it's pretty simple. Berta killed two birds with one stone. With one lie, she made both Nata and Jero's lives miserable.

Manuela is worried sick over Matilde. Her heart tells her that Mati might be in the town where Lazaro and Mati grew up as children. Laz begins the search party anew.

Meanwhile, Matilde wanders the countryside with a killer headache. Suddenly, she passes out near a dirt road.

Gonzo calls Nata to give her the good news about Blanca going to jail. Honorio will be free that very day. Nata is overjoyed that their ordeal is over; now she and Berta can go home! Gonzo is confused. Berta is at the hacienda? Gonzo never sent her there.

Jero asks Selene why he should trust what she says. Sele can only give her word that it's the truth. She is spilling all of Berta's secrets because Berta is sleeping with her galan Agustin. Jero was sure that Nata was Augie's lover. No way, says Sele. She knows that Berta and Augie are carrying on together behind Nata's back. Sele knows how the pair of them operate.

Nata moves on from her confusion about Berta. She's just happy to have heard good news from home. (Let's face it, the Monterrubios aren't know for their joyous tidings lately). Gonzo asks how she fared at the hacienda. Nata was fine but home is home. They can't wait to see each other again.

Jero grills Selene for more details. There is no way she will repeat what she told him to anyone else. She'll deny having said anything. Sele thought he needed to know what kind of person Berta really is. She tells Jero to ask Marina about Roberta's miscarriage. Before leaving, Selene says that whatever bad blood there is between Nata and Berta...Nata did not deserve to be tormented.

Matias and Adriana help Constanza prepare for Honorio's welcome home party. Adri is pleased to see Connie so excited about Hon. Mat asks Adri how her talk with Chema went; he can tell she is not telling him something.

Nata gives both Berta and Augie the cold shoulder. She asks them why they are lying to her. "Is there something you two have to tell me?"

Jero broods over this new-found information. What sticks in his mind to most is what Selene said about Fina. "It could have been her." Jero thinks. "It could have been Fina who shot Rafael." (Felicidades, Jero, you are barking up the right tree for once!)

Nata presses Augie and Berta for the truth. Gonzo did not send Berta to stay at the hacienda. Augie admits that he lied; he invited Berta because Fina asked him too. Nata still isn't buying it. Berta swears that Fina made Augie take her in. Nata softens slightly. Berta asks Nata what her plans are now that she can return home. Nata doesn't know. She's still giving Berta the cold shoulder.

Manuela tells Marina (who is Tatariffic as always) that Jero returned to Mexico. Marina had no idea.

Adriana comes out with it; she kissed Chema. They were in the house alone. Matias is upset that Adri didn't tell him about it earlier. He flips a chair over like a child and stomps out of the house.

Lazaro and Carlos are en route to where they think Matilde might have gone. Carlos cries that he might die if they don't find Mati. Fortunately, a kindly family has found an unconscious Matilde and brought her to safety in their home. A woman tends to Mati's wounds and tries to make her comfortable.

Chema visits Honorio in jail. He has something important to tell him about Connie. Hmm.

Regina accompanies Adriana at physical therapy. She will have to walk with a cane but her leg will get stronger in time. Adri asks Regi for love advice. "Is is possible to love two men at the same time?" Regi thinks a person always knows who his or her true love really is. Adri is pensive.

Gonzo vents to Matias about how crummy his love life is. The lawyer interrupts to announce that Blanca's trial is about to begin.

Blanca grips the cell bars as her fate is read. She is sentenced to serve time (indefinitely?) in a psychiatric hospital. Blanca foams at the mouth that she isn't crazy and swears revenge on everyone, especially Gonzo. They drag her away screaming and crying. (Soto does say that they diagnosed Blanca with multiple personality disorder. Apparently her ruse worked. Maybe too well? She seemed awfully upset to have been carted off to the manicomo.)

Fina calls Berta and urges her to come home. She has something life-changing to talk to her about. (Now what has Fina got up her sleeve?)

Honorio strolls out into the sunshine as a free man. Constanza is right there to meet him. Chema spies from behind a tree but his headache causes him to leave. Honorio is cold with Connie and, in place of a greeting, asks her why she let him believe that she and Chema had an affair. Oh jeez.

Matias arrives back at the casa with a huge chip on his shoulder. He asks Adri how he is supposed to feel now that he knows Adri has feelings for Chema. Adri had to be honest with him.

Chema told Honorio that he and Connie were only make-out buddies and nothing more. For some reason, this makes Honorio really angry. Connie said what she said because Hon had already accused her without knowing the facts. She thought he knew her better than that.

Meanwhile, everyone gathers at Connie's house for Hon's party. They are all in decidedly better spirits. Regina and Gonzo are going to have a church wedding and they want Ines and Isidro to be their maid of honor / best man. (As best as I can describe it. "Padrinos" is the term they used for the honored guy and gal who help with the wedding ceremony).

Connie and Honorio re-open old wounds as their arguing continues. They are both hurt and disillusioned. Now they have to put on happy faces for the sake of the party and save round two of their fight for later.

Augie and Berta commiserate in the fields. Their fling isn't over just because Nata found out about one of their lies.

Marina runs into Nata in town. They chat in clipped tones. Nata recalls having bumped into Marina at the airport. Small world, huh? The two of them head into the church.

Lazaro and Carlos arrive at the house where Laz and Mati were born but Mati is not there. But Carlos does find her earring on the floor! They take off to check the pueblo. Elsewhere, Mati's caregiver frets over her high fever. The lady leaves to buy medicine.

Padre gives Marina and Nata their traditional dresses for the fiesta. Jero unexpectedly shows up to have a word with Marina. In private, Padre oversteps his bounds by asking Nata if she still loves Jero. Yes, she does. But there is nothing she can do about it now.

Jero relates everything Selene told him to Marina. She can't give him any details about Berta's medical records. He asks her to think about it.

Honorio is received with hugs and well wishes by everyone at the party. He and Adriana have a sweet reunion. Connie sneaks away from the fiesta unnoticed by everyone except Ines.

Fina watches the fiesta from her steps. (Am I crazy for never having noticed that the Monterrubio Mansion and Hon/Con's place are so close together?) She has a hissy fit when she sees Regina at the party. Fina vows to get rid of Regina very soon.

Avances: Everyone comes face to face at the party in the pueblo. Jero and Augie exchange words and punches.


fregar - to wash/scrub. No clue what this meant in context of Sele's chat with Jero.
Tres pájaros de un tiro - Three birds with one stone. (Sele to Jero)


Amy!!! Wowsers! Such a fantastic recap up so quickly. You amaze me!! Thank you so much for the detail and the wonderful vocab at the end.

I think my jaw dropped when Jero was thinking that perhaps, Fina could have been the one to kill Rafa! I could not believe he actually thought this!

Poor Matilde. Dr. Carlos, did that thug hit her hard enough to have caused a concussion and this is why she is so ill?

Even though Laz and Don Carlos were in a tiz, I was smiling at both of them. Carlos just makes me smile at how much he loves Matilde and to what lengths he will go to protect her. I keep saying we should all be so lucky.

Tatariffic was certainly in great form tonite. Such professional clothing she wears!

I really loved the beautiful costume that Nata picked for the festival. I'd dearly love to have that dress!

Was hugely disappointed in Hons/Cons...hugely disappointed.

Malafina is living up to her name. I can only imagine what she is up to next.

That was a super recap, Amy! Thank you so very much!


AmyAzul, Thank you so much for the much anticipated recap, We indeed have had a sparse week of CME doses. Both Cap'n Sylvia and I had a night off. The episode was both refreshingly romantic and depressingly sad. I am glad Mati was found by a curandera who so quickly swept the young man out of the room in such a protective way. I hope nothing else bad happens to her. Maybe we will get lucky and she will have to take off the blasted headband. But, I have issues with wardrobe in this TN.

By the way fregar and fregarse can mean lots of things like floor someone, mess things up. So here is a website definition from WordReference:

Great recap, and at such great speed! Excelente.

Matias sure is a pill, isn't he? He's not making much of a case for Adri to stick with him. She'd have to take him to a child psychologist to deal with his tantrums. Or maybe promise a lollipop if he's a good boy for the whole day?

Carlos is the best. I wonder how he turned out so well with those parents--great nanny, maybe?

I really liked that orange dress Dr. Tatarrific was wearing. I'd wear it. It wouldn't be nearly so...tatarrific... on me. Looking forward to the beautiful folk duds at the party, too.

I'm really confused at why Honorio is so mad. I know lying is bad, but in this case it definitely seems preferable.

Gracias por esto. The recappers and comments really add insight into the meanings of the spanish idioms and phrases. There are usually so many I don't know that I don't even begin to look up more than a couple, and even then, not so often.
Poor Jero. Selene dumped so much info on him he actually stumbled onto the truth--it was Fina! Now if he would just believe it and not talk himself out of it. He believes the best of everyone--except of course, Renata.

Thanks again for the speedy recap.


Amy- You are a star for getting us such a great recap with your current tv limitations. Thanks amiga.

That was a ton of info Jero got from Selene. And it led Jero to the right conclusions and to begin to pressure Tatas for some proof. Yay! But I was disappointed that after hearing about more of the plot to make Nata's life miserable by her own family, he still rudely walks past her in the church without even acknowledging her presence! Que?! He can't even muster up a bit of sympathy after finding out she is being played by her sister right under her nose, and look at her and say hello?

I did like Nata's outfit this episode (the cute pumps and purse, the slim fit jeans, and the cool scarf), and I love the regional outfits.

Yes, Hon/Con's house is like the small house set apart from the big house on the same property. That's why they have access to the same stables and horses. I can't believe Hon got into a snit because he found out Con and Chema were NOT lovers! Those two need to be locked up in a room together for a week to work it all out and then to get busy. And here Chema was trying to do a good deed before he keels over.

Yes our favorite galans are not so gallant when they are too busy throwing tantrums to notice they are knocking over chairs or hurting a wife's feelings who was acting out of insecurity. Vivi, I agree with you that our anti-Jero could have been kinder now that he has such powerful information. It seems they are all trying to use Augie as their role model which is just so wrong!

I think Jero ignored Nata because he was so focused on getting information out of Marina. Not that it's much of an excuse. But Jero does suffer from tunnel vision pretty frequently.

Matias and Honorio drove me crazy last night. They wanted the ladies in their lives to be honest with them and when they are, the guys tip over chairs and pick fights. I'm sure that wasn't what Chema was trying to do when he told Hon the truth.

I'm totally with you on wanting to lock Connie and Honorio in a room together, Vivi. They have the potential to work it out and live happily ever after again, they just need to get out of their own way.

Thanks for the info on "fregar", Cheryl. I was so tired last night that I didn't even think to look it up on Word Reference.


Thanks for the great read, Fl/Am (like Fr/Ed in MEPS).

Has anyone noticed that the 11am slot on Telefutura is now Maria Mercedes with a very young TBLMOE in a smaller role (as Chico). Arturo Peniche is the leading galan in this one with Thalia.

The beginning is all very silly and to my mind rank amateur acting, but it's early days yet. We can't always expect the quality of writing, directing and acting we've come to appreciate in telenovelas like CME, LVO, Eva Luna, Alborada, LFdD, Amor Real.

I noticed in the credits that Salvador Mejia had something to do with it, but not as producer. It was made in 1992.

Yes, poor Jero's head is spinning. Selene tells him that if he doesn't believe her, then he should find out just how far along Berta's baby was. That would tell him definitely that it had to be Rafael's baby.

Jero wanted to know how she knew--simple, Selene said, she was the one who got her the pregnancy test and it was AFTER it was confirmed she was pregrant that Fina convinced her to keep the baby and arranged to have her sleep with a very drunk Matias (to keep it all in the family, so to speak).

Poor Jero--all these little tidbits Selene has fed him has Swiss cheese type holes in it for Fina and Berta to fill up with contradictions and lies.

Who to believe? Only Dr. Tatas knows everything. (And I keep saying, Jero needs to hook up with Matias to get her to spill the goods on the baby legally.)

That's probably why our one-track-mind guy headed right for her in the iglesia when he got back to Ensenada.

I worry that Dr. Tatas will commit her first ethical transgression. She wants to keep Jero for herself, so will she tell him the "truth" that it couldn't be Rafael's baby, based on the age at the time of the miscarriage. Jero won't be able to refute that to clear himself with Nata.

However, he was very rude to Nata in the church. He could have at least acknowledged her presence and let her know that he needed to speak to the doctora immediatamente.

I'm bereft that Carlos and Laz aren't going to find Mati. Does anyone conjecture that when her fever breaks she will have lost her memory?

Marta--Of course I was thinking of James Taylor's song Fire and Rain. When it and his style became popular I was a recently divorced, single mother with two small children. I wasn't thinking of my ex when I listened to that song, either (ha).

P.S. Flores--you posted before I finished typing.

Wonderful recap. So fun actually being able to watch the shows last night after being at business meetings all week. With the help of the recappers, didn't feel like I missed a beat.

Love that at this stage of the TN we have Selene already spilling the beans on Berta. I wasn't thrilled that she basically said that it was all for Jero's ears only and she would never back him up. But like everyone said, it's got his cylinders churning. Now will Dr. Tata tell to what she knows and go against her own ethics. It could go either way.

So Matias knew that Adri was using Chema, trying to get him away from Connie, and he still threw that tandrum? Could he at least have given her the benefit of the doubt and got more info on the why?

And Hon! OMG! He and Matias need to sign up for Anger Management classes. Chema was trying to help I think in confessing that nothing had ever really happened between he and Coni so that she and Hon could rekindle their relationship with no ghosts. And he flies off the handle to Coni???? What a self-righteous idiot. Honestly, if I was Coni, I'd kick Hon's butt to the curb.

Tie on Mr. I with both Matias and Honorio - I would swear those two were father and son.

Sounds like Nata wants to head back to Mexico, at least for awhile. Wonder how Augie will respond to that. The control freak that he is, he's going to want to go along if he "lets" her go, and I'm hoping she tells him no. I think if he blows or tries to rein her in one more time that may be her last straw with him. Or we can hope.

Fina's call to Berta - I'm guessing it's to try and get the inheritance scam going.

Hi Amy...thanks for another sparkling recap, complete with vocab. and all done while worn out from a week of studying (no Labor Day for college students!) You'll love using and recognizing "fregar" now that it's come up. Gets used a lot to say someone has screwed things up completely. Juicy word.

I was horrified at Honorio's reaction but on one level it makes sense. His wife told him a very hurtful lie. Feeling betrayed by a spouse is one of the worst feelings ever. And there's a dreadful symmetry in that neither one actually betrayed the other, yet both were led to believe it was so. But Blanca was the liar in his case; Constanza was the actual liar in the other. They both need to knock back a couple of drinks, relax and get cozy again.

Agree that Jeronimo was unnecessarily rude. But then he so often is. Dr. Tatarrific is certainly a dish. Hard to believe she's remained single this long.

Doesn't Nata still have Auggie's ring? I haven't seen it on her lately. Maybe I missed something. Did she not accept it for the time being?

I'm only saying that if she IS truly engaged to him, I can't see her flying merrily off to DF and telling Auggie not to follow (not that he'd listen, seeing his prized possession out of his view and maybe out of his control).

But, since he has his own private plane, the price of gas seems not to be an issue and the trip is fairly short, he can come and go as he pleases.

Still, I'd like to see Nata exercise some independence and decide where she wants to live (for the time being). Remember way back when--she told Jero that she would love to just go away with him and live somewhere no one knew her or her past problems and when he described La Bonita to her, she said she'd go tomorrow if he asked her.

Daisynjay--Don't need to guess about the phone call. Fina was doing her DNA research on the internet. We can be sure she's going to try to pass Berta off as Regina's daughter.

Just got back from a full day of volunteer activities for A. o. K. (Acts of Kindness) weekend. It's a way to honor 9-11 by doing service. The local effort was started by a group of interfaith women who came together right after 9-11 and formed a group called Women Transcending Boundaries.

So this is the first I've had a chance to read the recap. Thanks Amy. It was great. It was quite an episode to watch. I think my head would be exploding just as Jero's is. Much info and no way to prove it. I too wonder what Dr. Tatas' final decision will be. Speaking of tatas -- they were more in evidence than ever. I can't imagine dressing like that while living in the priest's house. Just sayin'

Mathias & Honorio !?!?!?!?!? Nuff said.


I am still utterly baffled as to Fina's scheme and I'm really curious to see what she's got up her sleeve. How is she going to present Berta as Regina's daughter and collect the inheritance without implicating herself in the kidnapping? If she pulls this off I might concede that she really is as clever as she thinks she is.

I don't believe Renata has any real intention of marrying Augustine. She's hurt and confused right now, but she seems smart enough to know she wouldn't be happy with his possessiveness. It isn't like she's even attracted to him, either. When he kisses her, even on the cheek, she grimaces and pulls away. Even when he just puts his hand on her shoulder she completely tenses up. He just needs to push her a liiiiittle further to give her a good reason to walk away. Looks like some excellent drama is coming up at the fiesta.

Where is Gonzalo living these days? I don't remember. Why does Fina get the big house all to herself? Isn't there a woodshed on the property they could lock her in?

I'm still confused about Constanza's place being in back of the MR mansion. When Regina first saw Fina/Pepa, wasn't the Evil one following her in a car? Why did she need to drive to the house behind hers? Mexico's not that unsafe. Or did she just happen to drive by at that moment? Their world is so small, i suppose it could happen. The one hospital in town is probably across the street.

Malafina and the DNA business just doesn't make sense to me. Someone please enlighten me. How in the world could Berta be Regina's child?

The answer is probably obvious, but I just don't see it right now.

Monterubio Manor looks so ugly now to me and Malafina makes it even uglier.



Fina wasn't following Gina. She just happened to be driving by, probably having just left her house, when Gina exited through the front of Connie's house. That's when Gina hopped in her car and chased Fina.

It looks like both houses have their own separate entrances, with the small Hon/Con house facing the main street, and the main house further up the road and off on a long driveway. The houses likely back each other with some land in between.

The audience has not been let in on how Fina plans to mess with the DNA tests. Obviously she's going to have to do some switch between Nata and Berta. She also has on her side the fact that everyone knows Berta has a heart problem and no one (but Augie and Doc Death) knows Nata has a heart problem. Gina's daughter was diagnosed with the problem at birth.

I did not get to see everything you recapped...weird... i got to see up to Nata and Marina go into church to see padre...

but... flores, your comments...
Poor Jero can hardly keep up with this information dump. He's going to have to start taking notes soon. Selene thinks it's pretty simple. Berta killed two birds with one stone. With one lie, she made both Nata and Jero's lives miserable.
(Felicidades, Jero, you are barking up the right tree for once!)

that is priceless!! right on the money! exactly what I thought! like it took someone like Sele to light up a fire in Jero's sleep-deprived brain cells...
one thing, Sele did not ask him to talk to Marina, she just told him to FIND OUT, INVESTIGATE for himself, because all she had was her word but he could do an investigation on his own.

Good morning everyone. Thanks Amy for this wonderful recap. It brought me nicely up to date until I finally had a chance to watch the episode last night. Good job.

Now for an update on the fire. People are still not being allowed into the evacuated areas so everyone is still here. I love having my daughter home for a bit, but these are not the best of circumstances.

They have gone to find some hay for the horses who are now grazing in the front yard.

News from the fires is very scant but we do have some reason for optimism. I found this update from a site for public information this morning (it appears to have been posted last night):

Sandy Hill off FM 1486 – Assessment complete – no homes destroyed

Sandy Hill is my daughter's street. I'm cautiously optimistic.

Since I'm late to the discussion, most of my thoughts have already been voiced, but something has occurred to me and that is how many of the less than appealing characters are used effectively to move the story along by providing vital information. The most recent of course is Selene.

I could just shake both Coni and Honario.

And you strong Jerry fans must be saints judging by the way you stand by your guy. For me he is possibly the least attractive (and I don't mean physically... but pretty is as pretty does) galans I've ever come across. I cannot believe that Dr. Tatariffic can be so smitten with such a flawed guy.

I imagine that Fina will try to submit DNA samples (hair?) from Renata representing them as gathered from Roberta.

If all she must do is prove that she is Roberto's daughter... even easier, since she is.

Thanks to everyone here for your concern for my family. As soon as I know more I'll let you know.


Thanks, Amy, and your recaps are all the more appreciated now that the school year has resumed.

Marina? Please... you really don't have to go around showing yourself like that. Now, my guess is that, as the only physician in Ensenada, she's going to be called on to save a life. Don't know how the plot will twist, but a couple of possibilities might be:
- Saving Renata's baby we don't know about yet, but remember the "Hump de Arbol". Can the classic faint be too far in the future?
- Saving Jero after he gets hit by a truck or kicked by Gitana after he stomps off in a snit because she won't break Roberta's privacy.

Matias? Grow up. Come see Adriana after you do that. Loved how he had to hit the chair twice to knock it over.

Carlos, thanks for the update on the fire. Fingers still crossed. Plus you all still haven't had any good rain, have you?

Julia, any aftermath from your quake the other day? Hope there was no real damage. At least one nuke plant here is still off line from our 5.9 quake a couple of weeks ago. No known damage to the plant, but they're being really careful about inspecting it.

Carlos, What a relief to know your daughter and her family are still safe with you and we can all hope and pray for a great outcome on the their home. I am enjoying the image of your grandhorses munching in your front yard. No mowing needed this week, I bet.

Your observations about the less than lovely and perhaps more annoying characters providing continuation and plot movement is so true but it is hard to figure out what the hitandrun sisters bring other than to give Matias some ballast while the more intriguing Chema story evolves.

Carlos, I keep looking at the Texas forecast and willing it to say "rain," but it's always just hot and dry. I hope that changes soon. I'm glad your family and the horsies are safe!

Mike, fortunately Friday's quake was deep and not too close to the cities, so we just got some shaking. No notable damage that I've heard of. It's just always a little anxiety-inducing when you feel things start to move and don't know how bad this one will be. At least it didn't happen later in the day while the ophthalmologist was using a laser to stick my retina down around two teeny tiny tears. Having things poking and shooting into my eye is unnerving enough when I'm holding still.

I don't understand Marina's attraction to Jero, either. "Irrational, jumps to conclusions, and abuses the people he supposedly loves?! Oooh, what a catch! Gotta get me one of those!" No thanks. Maybe she's one of those women who really likes trying to fix people.

Checking in very late today and am so relieved that we heard from our Dr. Carlos!

Amigo, I hope that things go well for your daughter. How fortunate for her that you are there to help her and support her!

For all of our Texas members, please continue to keep us posted. Be safe!

Thinking of all of you.


Carlos, just read your update. Glad to hear your daughter is safe with you, and you have my prayers that her home has been spared. The weather conditions lately are so boggling. While in NYC for my meetings, the constant updates on flooding and conditions in that area was so disheartening. If only there was a way to have some of the rain work it's way to Texas...

Amy, I was going nuts not being able to watch this episode and read your recap until tonight! Anyway, I like how our crazy little telenovela just keeps chugging along. You did a stellar job with the recap, managing to keep everything upbeat even though there were some, (CougHonorio and AheMatias), who refuse to play nice.

No comment on Jero who blasted by Nata after Sele's dump. That guy is still very self-absorbed.

Carlos, thanks for the update on your daughter and her home. This has been quite a summer for nature's wrath.

Wish I had more to say, but after a long drive home I'm just happy to immerse myself Amy's terrific recap and everyone's clever comments. What a great group!

Ya know, Selene's presentation would have been more professional and effective if she had brought a laptop with a PowerPoint for Jero, and e-mailed him the file with a "thank you for the meeting" note.

Mike, I love your management review of Selene's professional development. It really made me laugh outloud. As much as I deep-down like our anti-Jero, he may not have been much more understanding if she had brought a two by four to use as a club to emphasize her main points. sheesh.

We finally got some nice soaking rains this weekend so our sunsets are still spectacular but the smoky air is mostly gone. I hope the front comes your way, Carlos and other friends in Texas.

Glad to hear Carlos and his family are well! I'll also be praying Texas gets some rain.

Thanks for the recap Amy.

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