Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #106 Friday 9/16/11 A Sad Goodbye and A Perilous Hello

Queridos, discuple por la tardañza! Life just gets in the way sometimes.

In the aftermath of Roberta's inquisition, Nata tracks Jero down in the parking garage. She thanks him for helping everyone realize that they were being victimized by Fina and Berta. They need to have a serious talk soon but Jero needs to get to the bottom of his brother's murder first. Nata worries it might be too late for them by the time that happens. Jero is touched by her words. Tears in her eyes, Nata holds Jero's hand and hopes he finds in Marina what he did not find in her. Jero wishes the same for Nata and Augie, despite Augie not being the man Nata thinks he is.

Chema sits down with Selene at the health club. He tells her that Connie and Honorio have gotten back together; the damage she caused is over. Selene thanks him for not holding it against her.

Gonzo is still in a CAPSLOCK RAGE over Soto's tampering with Matias and Berta's pre-nup agreement. He and Matias take turns yelling at him. Soto lied, he's sorry, but he couldn't help it because Fina seduced him. Now Gonzo really has something to shout about.

Nata tells Adriana about her sad goodbye with Jero. Adri is upset that Nata didn't tell Jero that she was sent to live with Augie to avoid jail during the Blanca debacle. Nata did not want to tell Jero that she got engaged to Augie out of anger. Adriana is sad that her amiga is in such a tough spot now that things have been squared away with Jero for good.

Not only did Soto try to sleep with Gonzo's ex-wife, he was also the guy who took the snapshots of Gonzo and Regina that ended up in Fina's hands. Gonzo fires Soto on the spot and scolds him for not knowing the difference between right and wrong. Gonzo's mind is reeling now that he has realized the woman he knew for 15 years is a perfect stranger.

Roberta paces in her room. She hates everyone, including Mami Dearest. Everyone knows that her baby was Rafael's because the gynecologist squealed and everyone knows that Fina was the mastermind of it all.

Gonzo vents to Regina about feeling betrayed and humiliated by Fina. He wants Fina to pay for what she has done to his family. He toys with the idea of getting revenge but rejects the thought. He just feels like a fool for falling for Fina's lies for so many years. And now his daughters are in jeopardy since everyone has caught on to Fina's treachery. Regina understands how Gonzo feels because of what Roberto did to her years ago. Gonzo appreciates having someone to talk to.

Fina sneers at Berta for thinking that Gonzo would ever take her side. Berta seethes that she shares the same blood as Nata; she's glad that Nata is not Fina's daughter. Fina says Berta should go along with her plan to trick Regina into thinking that Berta is her daughter. "Yes, it's true. Regina Soberón is Renata's rightful mother."

Adriana commiserates with Nata about her own love troubles. They both lament how difficult their love lives have been. Nata thinks that it's just life getting in their way. She starts getting teary when she mentions that friends and other loved ones can sometimes be more supportive and caring than blood family. Adriana agrees and considers Nata a sister to her. Of course Nata agrees and they hug.

Jero hangs out alone in his apartment and kicks himself for having to give Nata up forever. Dozens of clips from happier times play as Jero mourns their relationship: the Enrique concert, the wedding, their day at the beach, the grape harvest festival, etc. (I can't help but think of The Brady Bunch when a sobbing Jero is surrounded by eight pictures of Renata. He makes one sad Alice.)

Berta now understands why Fina hates Regina so much. Fina thinks it's the perfect time to take revenge for the past as well as for the present. They can get back at everyone! Berta agrees to do it and Fina grins with glee. She will work everything out so that a DNA test will prove that Roberta is Regina's daughter.

Matias admits to having despised Fina when he was a kid. Honorio says that he and Connie never liked her either. Now it makes sense to them why Fina and Berta always ganged up on Nata. Matias vows to buy his freedom from Berta. If all Berta cares about is money, he will give it to her just to get her out of his life.

Fina drills it into Berta's head that money is what makes the world go round. If Berta succeeds in passing off herself as Regina's daughter, she will end up with Roberto's inheritance plus the Monterrubio inheritance once Gonzo dies. He is almost surely going to marry Regina. Fina wants to make sure that Regina never gets to enjoy what should have been hers. "Your papá and your new mamá will not be happy for very long. I will do whatever is necessary to make sure they never live happily ever after."

Regina tells Gonzo that she does not care at all how much money she has to pay as long as it gets her one step closer to finding her daughter. She will take the risk in order to get her daughter back. Gonzo warns her that going broke will not help her but he admires Regi for how little money and position matter to her. Gonzo promises that he and Regi will be together with her daughter one day.

Nata tells Adriana that she wants to get an apartment and live a new life. Adri suggests they both move into Honorio's old apartment. He moved back in with Connie, so now the apartment is empty. They immediately start making plans.

Jero tells Carlos over the phone that he is finally done with the Monterrubios for good. He will return to the hacienda the following day to start a life without Nata...without the love of his life. D'aww.

Matilde visits Dr. Marina for a check up before the wedding. La Doctora asks Mati about Jero. She really does love Jero; she would give up everything for him.

Now for the best scene of the night: Karina sits down next to a drippy fountain with Lazaro. He admits that he has been waiting for her is whole life. They could have a wonderful life together. Karina thinks he's right. She wants to marry him and Lazaro's jaw drops. "What here? Now?!" Lazaro gets down on one knee and proposes properly. Karina would love to be his wife. He lets out an award-winning shout of joy. "Karina is going to marry me! FINALLY!" LOL. They kiss and viewerville cheers.

Oh, yuck. We cut away to a shot of Dr. WhyIsHeNotDeadYet in hospital bed. He mumbles that he needs to talk to Jero immediately.

Ezequiel has a chat with Alfonsina in the fields. She wonders why he is being so pleasant with her. He has not forgiven her but he wants to be on good terms.

Matias visits the Monterrubio Mansion of Misery to offer Berta whatever amount of money she wants for a divorce. She won't settle for less than 100 million dollars. Matias tried to be nice but now he's going to play dirty. He will drag Berta through the courts to get a divorce. She will be publicly humiliated, especially now that she has no one to protect her.

Gonzo, Nata, Hon, and Adri sit down for an informal business meeting. Honorio tells them that Jero is their bank advisor and it was because of him that the bank gave them a loan. Nata is shocked and remembers telling Jero about the Empresa falling on hard times. Jero did offer to help her then.

Augie unexpectedly shows up at the Empresa and gets a lukewarm greeting from Nata. He presses her on why she had paperwork that involved Jero.

Meanwhile, Jero has invited Constanza out for coffee. He needs her help getting the full story on Fina. Knowing Fina as she does, Connie tells Jero to expect the worst from her. Connie has no doubt that Fina would do anything out of self interest. "Even murder?" Jero asks. Connie has to think about that one.

Fina calls Regina at the Hope Center. She tells Regina that she is Pepa, the woman who kidnapped her daughter. (!!!) We're left to squirm until Monday over what happens next.

Avances: Jero tells Connie he is almost positive that Fina killed his brother, Regina screams at PepaFina to tell her where her daughter is, and Nata forces Fina to listen to something she has to say.

Vocab: (there was a wealth of dichos in this episode)

Estoy cavando mi tumba - I'm digging my grave (Soto to Gonzo).
El motor que mueve al mundo es el dinero - The motor that moves the world is money. (Fina to Berta)
Amigos son la familia que nosotros escogemos - Friends are the family we choose. (Adri to Nata)
arriesgarse - to take a chance (Regi to Gonzo)
scar provecho - to profit / to derive (Berta to Fina)


Amydeazul, Thanks for the update, I look forward to seeing your take on this episodio espantosisimo. I'm off to the Rio Grande with Cisco and Willa, catch you later.

Hi Amy, no rush amiga. I, too, am off for a hike and then over to my sister's to celebrate her birthday with a huge fresh peach cobbler that just came out of the oven. My house smells delicious. I lifted up the crust and sneaked out a tiny bite so I know it tastes as good as it smells.

We are all happily awaiting your recap, Amy!

Cap'n...don't tease us like that if you're not going to share!!!


Oh, peach cobbler dreams, gee it probably would get cold before you could get off the plane with it in Albuquerque, but I can dream. It was one of my mother's special desserts. It makes me think of late summer and fall when the peaches are so fragrant and tasty.

Ay dios mio, it's been a hectic weekend. I'm glad to have Caray to give me some time to breathe and enjoy a capitulo in good company. That peach cobbler sounds mouth watering. Peach is one of my favorite flavors. Hot cobbler with a little vanilla ice cream is pure heaven.


Amy- The recap was worth the wait and I loved the title.

Yes, the best event of the night was Kari and Laz. But of course now we have the specter of Doc Death hanging over their heads. Arg!

The apartment/house that Nata and Adri are going to move into is Adri's house (the one she live in with her mom). Hon has just been staying there since his slpit with Connie. Before her accident, he and Adri were living there. Although Adri owns the house, Nata insisted that she pay Adri rent, which gave us another great dicho from the night: "Deudas cortas, amistades largas." (Short/small debts, long friendships.) That was such a wonderful conversation between those two. They are like true sisters.

Chema was being nice to Selene, and she was acting like a normal human being! Has she been redeemed? Is there hope for the two of them?

Soto was finally outed. But he had already been redeemed, so I felt sort of bad for him.

I liked your Brady Bunch comparison to the Jero memories of Nata, with a sad Alice/Jero in the middle. I actually liked the way they did that with all the happy memory squares.

Hah! I also baked a peach cobbler this week and took it over to a relative of a neighbor who was so nice to invite us over for dinner just because we happened to be visiting their area!

The Washington peaches have been awesome for the past several weeks.

Great minds bake alike? LOL!


Great recap, great title, great vocabulary. I loved the Alice reference, and also the CAPSLOCK RAGE.

To me, the absolute best part of the episode was the look on Lazaro's face when he said he'd been waiting for so long, and Kari asked, "Waiting for what?" like she really didn't know. They're so cute and happy, it's too bad Dr. @*!&#% is only mostly dead and not completely dead. I'm eager to find out what Jero has in mind for him.

I wish Fina would get going on her diabolical plan already so I can find out how she thinks she'll pull this off. What's ironic is that she does have Renata to thank for the life of luxury she'd led all these years, not that she'd EVER thank her. I believe a large part of the reason Gonzo married Fina and stayed married to her so long is because he was so attached to Renata. Yet Fina acts like Renata has only ever been a burden.

Thanks so much, Amy! Excellent!

Agree with everyone that the Laz/Kari scene had me grinning from ear to ear! It was such a happy scene in the midst of all of the gloom and doom.

Why oh why is Dr. Killsthem still around?! WHY?!

This capitulo was very sad. Quite frankly, I'm not interested in seeing Jero and Tatariffic start their relationship...just not interested one little bit.

Thank you again, Amy!

Susanita's getting too late...meant to say that I agreed with everyone that the Laz/Kari scene was just super. No one would have known I was grinning from ear to ear! LOL!


Amy thanks for your heroic efforts to catch up inspite of your wildly busy life. I think CAPLOCKS RAGE is my LMAO moment. Very funny recap and perfectly apt title.

I liked how Jero reacted to Renata's wish that he be happy with Marina with a calm retort that he wished she would be happy too but with anyone other than Augie, then he repeated that Augie is not who you think he is. Since he stayed calm I think Renata finally heard him without putting up a wall like she has all the other times he seemed to be reacting against Augie out of jealousy. Oh please, please let her hear him and become more cautious.

Augie is digging his own grave with Renata however, by showing up and continually pushing her to give in to his demands. It seems to be slowly boiling in him that she shrinks away from his physical show of affection. Let's just hope she lives with Adriana for a long time so he can't wear her down. But somebody go get GITANA, omg, he better not do anything to that most beautiful horse.

And Doc badderthanbad had better have a confession for Jero and then choke on his own internal poison so Laz and Kari can have their long awaited wedding and happy life together. They shouldn't be tortured any more.

And Fina sure has some nasty plans to carry out. Yikes, my recap Monday is going to be another extreme lovehate of the plot.

All this talk of peach cobbler, you guys are killing me. I may have to do some baking tomorrow!!

Thanks for the wonderful recap. Just reading again about my Laz and his joyous reaction to Kari's acceptance, just wonderful. Had me smiling from ear to ear, but then of course in true TN fashion we get the doom and gloom with Dr. Butthead. (And was it really necessary to show this guy shirtless? Show full of hunks and we get this slime shirtless...gee thanks Mr. Director.)

So Hon figured out Jero is their backer. Too bad his brain cells weren't moving that fast with Blanca. (Has anyone else sort of missed BSC? ) That might actually help if the future with Fina trying to go after everything.

Speaking of the Wicked Witch, just listening to her telling her daughter what she plans to do, even inferring murder, made my skin crawl. And Berta goes along with her...she deserves whatever she gets.

Blech, Augie showed up. Please please please get this guy away from Nata. Maybe our girl Adri will see him as the jerk he is. He's not going to be able to fool her I don't think, or boss her around. Thanks heavens Nata and she are moving in together.

NOw I have to get some sleep and then look for my blueberry cobbler recipe :)

Great recap!! I am a bit confused, if Fina says Roberta is Regina's daughter then isn't she going to be in big trouble? They will know she 's Peppa, that she kidnapped Renata, tried to kill Regina etc PLUS Gonzo wouldn't want to give her one peso in the divorce. She could be arrested all she has done. I don't get what she has planned?

So now Connie is the only person who both suspects Fina is Pepa and the kidnapper of Regina Jr. (Renata), AND that she is suspect number one in Rafa's murder. I'd say that will put her at the top of Fina's hit list, along with her brother Gonzo.

I'm not going to try to figure out what Fina's plan is any more. I'm just going to sit back and watch the master at work.

But I AM curious about what Jero has planned for Doc Alvaro, and what he plans on saying to Laz and Kari who will surely be excitedly telling everyone of their plans for a CHURCH wedding (which they can't do if she has a living ex-husband). Did she even have time to finalize the divorce before he "died?" If not, then they can't even have a civil wedding.

All this talk of peach cobbler is making me hungry for some. I'll cross my fingers and hope there will be some available at the brunch I'm headed to a bit later. Yum....

Thank you Floresdeazul! Wonderful cap! Love your CAPSLOCK RAGE!! Hee Hee! I'm sorry. I STILL cannot see how, after a lifetime of observing what a bitch Bert is and how Renata has suffered outright emotional abuse from Fina AND all the fresh off the fan revelations about Roberta and Fina anyone will believe for one micro second that Roberta is Regina's daughter. I haven't had to wear beanies too much with this novela, but Fina's finagling the DNA results will be beanie-worthy and anyone believing the results outright DUH-mb! Please surprise us writers!

Also love your description of the Lazaro-Kari scene. After his explosive joyous outburst I was about to light a cigarette and then that useless, plague-take-it "doctor" had to darken our screens! DOOOHHHHHH! Ah well, maybe he'll expose Auggie for the murderous Doggie he is and then finally kick the pus bucket!! Sheesh!!

Glad I got lots of stuff to do: it'll be Monday before I know it! Thanks, again Flores!

plan to trick Regina
She will work everything out so that a DNA test will prove that Roberta is Regina's daughter.

ooops. That's me, Lia. I forgot to proofread, thus someof my notes for what to comment on appear below. . .++++ embarrassed grin!


Great recap Amy. Very well done.


"Now for the best scene of the night:..."

I agree wholeheartedly. Reminds me of sensuous scenes between Coni and Beto (Gancho) and Ilitia and Brandon (LldA).

Renata has had a number of warnings about Augie... why doesn't she listen to...

the bird?

and now... Jerry?

Possibly others... I forget


Amy, your recap was well worth waiting for. I especially enjoyed the wonderful dichos that you managed to snag, plus Vivi's was the cherry on top.

It's quite funny how Nata keeps forgetting she's engaged to Augustin, and how unpleasantly surprised she is when she sees him. She really needs to cut that chord NOW, especially since she does not intend to move back to the wine country. I'm happy she plans to live with Adri, the Voice of Reason.

Doc WhyIsHeNotDeadYet (Great name!) sure turned out to be Doc BuzzKill last night, on more than one level. I was so happy for Laz and Kari until...blech, we had to look at Doc WhiteAsADeadHalibut. Jero isn't the only one who knows he's alive, is he? Doesn't the padre know too? Honestly I can't remember.

Audrey, it is peach season in so many places right now, I'll bet ours weren't the only kitchens with the sweet aroma of baked peaches. Like Cheryl's, my grandma's specialty (one of her many) was peach cobbler. I should make it more often. As Amy points out it must share the plate with vanilla ice cream.

Susanita, believe me I would love to share a peach cobbler with all of you. I can't think of a gab fest that could be more lively and delicious.

Elle, I think we are all wondering how Fina/Pepa manages to pull this off. Like Vivi says, maybe it's time to just sit back and enjoy the ride. It's going to be a very bumpy one.

I've said this before, but I love how they portray the healthy female relationships in this novela. Nata and Adri are so tight nothing gets between them. Coni and Adri have developed a true friendship. Regina is very close to her old and new friends. Kari and Mati are close. Even Kari and Alfonsina are still strong whether they realize it or not. I think Marina will build strong friendships too.

I don't need to mention the unhealthy relationships. Speaking of unhealthy, I kind of miss BSCBlanca too. I was hoping to see more of her, instead she just faded from sight. So much for my 'rural name' hypothesis.

Amy, thanks again. I do enjoy the rollicking pace of your recaps, making reading them so much fun. It's the perfect way to begin the day, your recap and a cup of strong, hot tea.

By the way, I have house guests starting today through the week so I probably won't be able to check in as frequently as usual.

Carlos, great list of those who have warned Renata against Augustin. I have hopes that when Adri sees the relationship (such as it is) she will warn Renata too and Nata will listen to her BFF.

Fl/Am--Your recap was great--words enough to cheer and jeer us on. I loved CAPSLOCK and the Alice reference.

Carlos--You forgot Adri's cards. Too bad Gitana didn't have a dust-up with Auggie. Maybe then, Nata would believe.

I just knew that when Kari did her 180 about getting out of luto and into marriage that their balloon was going to be punctured (for us). Couldn't they have left Dr.Ickyshirtless till Monday? What an image to have to carry over the weekend.

Everyone is guessing correctly--the writers have some quick sleight of hand for us regarding the DNA. Fina learned that official DNA can be taken from hair, spit, sweat etc. She's going to make sure the hair she supplies is going to be Renata's (surely she's left some traces behind) and naive Regina won't question the results. The big question is how's Fina going to pull it off without dirtying her own hands.

In the avances, I saw a bedroom coupling flash by. I just HAD to see who they were. It took me a dozen re-winds, pauses and slows to see who they were. I'm sure I'm not giving anything away to say that it was Auggie and Berta.

Cap'n: I hope all of you enjoy that cobbler today! I've got it on the brain now and will have to find a restaurant that makes a good one, but I know it won't be as good as yours.

You reminded me of something when you mentioned the healthy relationships on this TN. I just love the chemistry between Nata and the 'new' Adri. I think it is much stronger than with the 'old' Adri (even though I liked her, too). It is just so nice to see this friendship!


NOK, Aha!! I forgot about Adri's cards. I'm still certain she will have more to say on the matter. I look forward to it. I wonder if Gitana will somehow let Nata know that Augi is bad? Certainly Nata will listen to her best horsie friend.

Susanita, isn't it interesting how we keep mentioning the first Adri? It's a testimonial to the original actress that we haven't forgotten her. I like them both with a slight preference for the current due to her impish quality.

What I am afraid, very afraid of:

Augie will use Gitana to lure/bribe Renata into returning to Cruz de Amor

I will have to write about the whiterthangreysole Doc NotSoDeadAsWeWish in my recap tomorrow.

Kari will go all churchlady on us when she finds out her greysoleex isn't ex enough.

Regina will be stupid about accepting every piece of bad evidence that Fina cooks up.

Roberta and Augie will ocntinue their horizontal bunny hop and Renata will NOT catch on.

Matilda will NOT stop wearing that stupid head band.

Hi all. Sorry to be so late to the party...couldn't find the recap. Finally thought (duh) to check the index. Nice title Amy, loved the Alice reference and all the dichos.

Favorite moment of the Kari/Laz scene was his yeehah!!!!! reaction. And yes, the appearance of the Doc immediately afterwards was true buzzkill. I'd already forgotten all about him (the blessings of growing older).

What I never forget is HOW GOOD PEACH COBBLER TASTES!!!!! Was hoping my daughter in Charlotte would want a peach pie for her birthday but the silly girl wants a coconut cake instead. Oh well, sugar is sugar. I'm sure we'll all manage to choke it down.

I was wondering if Mati would wear a white headband to her wedding.

Coconut Cake, yum. "Manage to choke it down", indeed. Judy you are too funny.

Cheryl, I share your fears. This episode gave us something to worry about for the upcoming week. I'm also afraid for Constanza and Gonzo's lives. As Vivi pointed out, Fina wants Gonzo out of the way for pure revenge but Connie poses a real threat to her; Connie knows too much. The Monterrubios had better stay vigilant.

Elle, I don't know how Fina can pass off Roberta as Regina's daughter without incriminating herself. We will just have to wait and see what MalaFina has planned.

I have a lingering sense of dread that the news will get out about Doc Zombie. It will ruin Lazaro and Karina's happiness for sure. Boo hiss! Hopefully Jero has a good reason for preserving him.

JudyB, coconut cake sounds pretty tantalizing too. All this talk of desserts, I might have to make a trip to the bakery this afternoon.


If Dr. Ick didn't die, then who was the funeral for at La Bonita? I think there was a transmission/edit flaw in Friday's episode and the flashback to the prison deathbed scene was the attending doc's recollection to pass on information to Jero.

Hey, Liza, yeah! This is stupid! Who was the funeral for? This is a tremendous plot hole! Are they running alternative story lines here or something? and they made such a big deal of Renata showing up to express her condolences and Jero's getting all bent out of shape. . .doh! Call out the beanies!!


Dr. Ick's death certificate was faked, and the doctor at the prison and Jero are keeping secret that Dr. Ick didn't die as a result of the attack on him in the prison. The funeral was real, but who knows what was in the casket.


Back from brunch. There was no cobbler. :( But I had chicken and waffles and the waffles were delicious and took care of the sweet tooth brought on by you all chatting about cobbler.

Liza and Lila- Yes, the funeral was very real. The only people who seem to know that Doc Death is still alive are Jero and Padre, and of course the prison doctor. This is a case of a tn storyline where you have to pay attention to the little details and to the looks on people's faces. At the funeral, when Kari wanted to look at her "dead" husband, both Jero and Padre had a momentary panicked look on their faces and Padre convinced Kari not to open the casket. I'm sure we will soon get some flashbacks to how this all came about and how/why Jero convinced the Padre and the prison doc to go along with this plan.

I actully like that about this tn. There are these plots/schemes going on in the background that they don't show us and they just hint at. And then later we see a flashback to what happened to start it off. Like the whole Augie stealing a cutting from La Bonita and infesting their vines thing. You have to pay attention to understand what's really going on. I plan to pay close attention to Fina to see how she executes this whole daughter switch/extortion plan.

Can you believe we are over 100 capitulos and they are still keeping the momentum going and the story fresh? We know though that all of our couples can't be happy yet because we have 70 capitulos to go. Sorry Laz-Kari, Carlos-Mati, Hon-Con, Jero-Nata, Matias-Adri, Gonzo-Gina, Zeke-Alfi, and Isidro-Ines. More heartache and anvils for you all in the near future, I sure.

Oh Judy, if anyone doesn't care for the Coconut cake, I'll be more than happy to take it off their hands. That is my favorite cake and it's many moons since I've had some...

I think I gained a few pounds just reading the comments last couple days!

Cheryl, I agree on a few of those "fearful" plot continuations. I think anyone using, or abusing, that beautiful animal will have me the most upset. Let's face it, Berta will keep doing horizontals with whoever happens to be available. And Mati, watch, she'll wear one of those bridal veils that is a headband across the forehead!

I'm pretty sure the padre doesn't know that Dr. Dreadful is not dead.


Thanks, Vivi, you go girl: I'm normally dividing time between the tv, stove and telephone so I miss those little nuanced glances and subtle grimaces so it's good others catch them. If there are 70shows left I'm sure Feenamint will find a way to tangle everybody up in a web of lies. We'll see!


More on the DNA scam:

So how are the writers – and I must admit they are darn good – going to have Fina pull this off?

Does she have one of Renata’s old hair brushes from which she’ll try to pass off on Regina some hair strands and expect her to buy that they’re Roberta’s; hoping as NOK mentioned above that naive Regina won’t demand that Roberta go to the lab for the tests? That seems a stretch. we have to keep telling ourselves, this is a TN.

Or will Fina do what Bernada did in Triunfo del Amor to get her son’s DNA,, “accidently stab or cut Renata’s finger?

In any case, as said, these writers are super. They have us on the edge of our seats.

Just quickly got to say so that's where the good peaches are this year. And even if malFina snatches fresh sample from Renata's head how can she do this without being procecuted!? What's she goin to say, I found this toddler on my doorstep?!

Quien Sabe, Bonney Churros.
Arriba y Adelante. It's getting close to 7. (P.S. I LOVE churros.)

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