Friday, September 30, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #116 Friday 9/30/11 Fina is demasked and Jero faces a difficult task

After a week of sour notes, this capitulo actually hit a few sweet ones for once! Onward...

Jero slugs Augie but he refuses to retaliate. Augie already won since Nata is his woman now. Marina questions Jero about the things Augie said. "The thing that upset you most was what he said about Renata, right?" Mari wells up; she doesn't want to have to compete with Jero's memories of Nata.

Roberta hands over the toothbrush she stole during her burglarizing escapade. Fina swaps the names on the brushes so that Berta's name is on the case containing Nata's brush. Fina assures Berta that Regina will never suspect the truth.

Augie tells Ezequiel he must steal a vine branch from La Bonita that very day. Augie wants the cuttings in his field ASAP so no one suspects that they stole it. After that, they are going to set Jero's fields on fire. Zeke hesitates but Augie is adamant. He wants to crush Jero like a worm.

Jero apologizes to a weepy Maritata. She thinks he does not want to forget about Nata. Right after Mari agrees to give him more time to heal, Jero tells her that he has to go back to Mexico to see Nata. D'oh! Jero says it has something to do with the death of his brother but does not elaborate. Maritata trusts him.

Regina spills her guts to Gonzo about Pepa but does not tell him that Pepa is actually Fina. He can tell she is hiding something and Regi asks him to respect what she can and can't tell him. Gonzo warns her to not get into danger; he wouldn't be able to stand it if something happened to her. He could easily ensure that by informing the police about this debacle but that would make way too much sense.

Adriana chats with Nata and decides that Matias is the guy for her. Drat. Nata teases her amiga for being jealous of Matias's sort-of relationship with Spare Girl Julieta. Though Nata is one to talk since she is jealous of Marina and Jero.

Regina presses Gonzo for more information about Berta's heart condition. Berta had trouble since she was a little girl but Nata never did. That's why Fina was more preoccupied with Berta. Gonzo is still worried for Berta's health despite the animosity between them. Regi stops listening and daydreams about the hairbrush she stole.

Karina has a lighthearted chat with a bedridden Alfonsina. She has turned out to be a lovely nurse. Anyway, Alfi hopes that Zeke has forgiven her. Kari opens up about her problems with Lazaro. She's hurt because she can tell that Laz is hiding something from her. Meanwhile, Lazaro has no trouble at all telling Carlos that Doc WastedTissue is still alive; now it's impossible for Laz and Kari to get married.

Regina and Gonzo take a stroll. Mushy talk ensues until a call from Fina interrupts them. Regi plays it cool and doesn't let on to Gonzo that it's Fina on the other line.

Honorio sits by Constanza's bedside and happens to find a picture of Fina in a drawer. "Ladrona!" Hon thinks out loud. "Of course!" Connie wakes and Hon gently asks her a few questions. Hon has her blink once to answer Yes and twice for No. (Hallelujah! Honorio deserves a gold star for finally coming up with that!)

Connie blinks confirmation that she went to Misery Mansion to get a sample of Fina's handwriting for Jero. And then Fina found out and showed up at the house. "Was it Fina who tried to kill you? It could have been Blanca!" (That's not a yes or no question, Hon! Gold star revoked.) Regardless, Connie's agitation assures Hon that Fina was the culprit.

Over at Empresas Monterrubio, Nata wraps up a business call and daydreams about Jero. She leaves Augie a voicemail to distract herself. Immediately after leaving the voicemail, Nata gets a call from Jero and she agrees to meet with him.

Gonzo arrives at Connie's house in a panic. Honorio is just as worked up and wastes no time in dropping an anvil. "I know who tried to kill my wife! It was FINA!!!!" Gonzo is gobsmacked. "What are you talking about? My ex-wife tried to kill my sister!? How do know!? Fina might have been a deranged liar but murder is something altogether different! Why would Fina do something like that?"

Honorio shouts Gonzo down and drops a second anvil. "Fina went after Constanza because she knew that Fina and Pepa Alvarez are the same person!" Gonzo's brain can hardly handle so much input at once. Honorio explains that Connie was suspicious about PepaFina back when Hon was in jail and had been searching for proof. Hon was about to call the police but wanted to inform Gonzo first. Gonzo agrees that Fina needs to pay for what she did if she's guilty.

Peanut Gallery Comment: Honorio and Gonzo reach new levels of hilarity in this scene. Their yelling over each other cracked me up.


Hon and Gonzo finally take a break long enough for Gonzo to call Regina. Of course, Regi doesn't answer because she is meeting with the diabla herself that very moment. Fina taunts Regi as usual and Regi gives her word that she will never tell anyone about their meeting as long as Fina gives Regi her daughter back. Fina hands over the mismatched toothbrushes to Regina and takes her leave. "It all depends on you, Regina, whether this is goodbye for good or just a see you soon."

Regina sits pensively and ignores Gonzo's call again. Gonzo writhes over not knowing where she is. Their next step is to grill Berta to find out Fina's location. Hon warns Gonzo to be careful; they have to avoid letting Fina escape.

Nata ambushes Adriana when she gets to work and they squeal over Jero having called. Jero asked to meet at La Mentirosa. Adri is positive that even the slightest provocation will make Nata fall for Jero again. Nata denies it but admits that her head and her heart are having a war with each other.

Over at Misery Mansion, Gonzo is kicking himself for having been so blind about Fina. "A murderer. A woman capable of kidnapping another woman's child out of revenge. How damned you are, Fina." Gonzo looks at Berta with renewed eyes and does not blame her for turning out the way she did after having Fina as her role model. He asks about Fina's whereabouts but Berta claims that Fina has abandoned her.

Regina goes to an agency to have the toothbrushes and the hairbrush tested for DNA.

Gonzo decides to tell Berta the truth about Fina having attacked Connie. Berta works up some tears but thought bubbles that she has to warn Fina before she gets caught. A few minutes later, Berta does just that. The jig is up for Fina; everyone knows about her homicidal side. She had better go on the lam or risk being caught by the police.

Adriana encourages Renata to get excited about her meeting with Jero. "Stop thinking about what Augie and Jero want. Think about what you want."

Zeke comments to Augie about their spoiled wine. Augie blames Jero for it and plans to retaliate. Nata calls but Augie hangs up on her.

Jero and Carlos discuss the Fina situation. Jero hates to have to give Nata more news that will hurt her. Carlos brings up the Doc issue and Jero swears him to secrecy.

Julieta and Matias hang out in his apartment. Blah. Adriana calls to check in on Chema but he is still fighting a killer headache. She decides to wait until he's feeling better to tell him that her heart belongs to Matias. (Whyyyy?) Adri is alarmed to find a police car in the driveway when she gets home. Inside the casa, the cops guarantee Hon that they are on the case. Honorio explains the developments to Adri.

Nata meets Jero at the bar. Their hug lasts a beat longer than a normal one and they laugh at their difficulty in breaking the ice. Once things get going, Nata says that they shared many painful moments but they also loved each other very much. Jero wholeheartedly agrees and they both discuss how they met and fell in love. Nata laments that their relationship was ruined thanks to her mother and sister. Thankful that the topic came up, Jero delicately tells Nata what he needs to say. "Your mother was the one who wrote the letter to my brother that was signed by 'La Bonita'. The evidence indicates that she killed Rafael."

Unfortunately, we end before Nata can have much of a reaction.

Avances: Augie yells into a phone, Jero tells Marina he wants to be by Nata's side, and Roberta appears to have had another heart attack.

Aplastar como a un gusano - To crush like a worm
arrancar - to tear, to extract
desquiciada - deranged (this one could come in very handy)
agredir - to attack, to assault
enganchar - to hook, to attach
pertenecer - to belong


Amigos, I hope you're having a lovely weekend.

I found something the other day I think everyone might enjoy. While wasting time on the internet, I came across clips from a Dancing with the Stars type of reality show going on right now called Mi Sueño Es Bailar. Three cast members from CME are competing, as well as some other familiar faces. Check them out! It looks really fun. :)

Ferdinando Valencia (Chema):

Clip 1:
Dance 1:

Lourdes Munguía (Constanza):

Clip 1:
Dance 1:

Martha Julia (Marina):

Clip 1:
Dance 1:

Amy! Wowsers! That was so fast!!! Loved your 'peanut gallery' comment. :)) I caught small bits and pieces of tonight's capitulo as was acting up. I so appreciate all of the detail you provided.

It is so hard to know if Berta will be redeemable. Gonzo was being so kind and fair to her. She repaid him by calling that wretch of a Malafina.

Hons gets my award for 'wonderful guy'! It took him long enough, but he finally got around to the Morse Code with Cons. WHAT A RELIEF.

Mopias' spare girl does not impress me one bit. She just doesn't fit into all that is happening.

We are this far along in the TN and we still don't know the back story on Batty Blanca. She took up so much of our precious time and now the writers seem to have dropped this thread. Or have they?

Malafina's days are numbered. She is still going to be up to no good, but they are closing in on her. YES!!!

Thank you again, Amy. It was a super recap! Thank you too for this links. I plan to enjoy them tomorrow when I really have some time.



Amy- This was up so fast! And I am up too late. :) The recap was fantastic. I loved your comments about Hon and Gonzo during that scene. They were so over the top, but I think the actors were actually having fun with it. I know I was having fun watching them. LOL!

I'll comment more tomorrow when my brain is actually working. Just wanted to make one correction. The things that Fina gave to Gina were toothbrushes. Not hairbrushes. So now Gina has one hairbrush (that she stole from Berta's purse), which she thinks is Berta's (but is really Nata's), and two toothbrushes from the girls with the names switched. So both the saliva and hair tests will show that Berta is her hija. Grrr!

Love the recap on the shouting! I laughed out loud. I don't know how they did that scene without laughing too. But good God, they were like hysterical maids. They need to shout at Regina like that so she stops being stupid.

Ah, thanks for catching the mistake Vivi. I'll go back in and fix it. I heard the word brush and was so tired I didn't question it. I'm up far too late too!


And thanks Flores for the dancing links. Chema, I love you, but you are a terrible, terrible dancer.

Amy, look at you and your super speedy recap! I can't believe I was wasting time on something else when I could have been enjoying your masterpiece.

Huh? Grown women have their names on their toothbrushes? Whatever.

"Gold star revoked", too funny!

Gobsmacked? That's a great word I haven't heard in a while.

It was hilarious the way Hons and Gonz kept SHOUTING over each other. I'm so glad you pointed that out. What a scream.

Jero and Renata sure spend a lot of time discussing their past happy moments. Just saying.

Thanks Amy. I loved your recap and your vocab, especially "to crush like a worm" is just super. The dancing links were a lot of fun. I really enjoyed watching our favorite actors try to give it a whirl. Lourdes Munguía (Constanza) has an amazing figure. I remember watching Bailando Por Un Boda a few years ago and I was amazed at how the actors managed to learn good dancing skills in a relatively short period of time. By the way, Jacqui Garcia, who plays Sele in CME, ended up winning first place in that show.

I forgot to say I like your title and the way it just rolls off the tongue.

Susanita, I am also a bit miffed that we never got to know the back story on Blanca. I had a semi-theory worked out and everything, but pfffft! She's gone. Hey, if Fina goes to the nut house maybe they'll hook up. Uh oh...

Wow! You folks are really up in the wee hours. I guess I am the start of the day shift. Great shout out for the speedy recap and the vocab. I used to tell people I watched TNs to learn more spanish, (good cover excuse) but I couldn't go around telling strangers "te amo", so I have to keep watching to learn more. I'm not sure I should use Aplastar como a un gusano - To crush like a worm, very often either, but at least my vocab is expanding.

Thanks a bundle for the speedy recap. I guess I am still secretly hoping Jero and Renata will work it out. If they can get through this mess, they can get through anything.

I still am not sure we're done with Blanca. Remember the phone call from her? She still may resurface and we'll get answers to the why and what about her.

Thanks for the dance links. It is always good to remember the protagonists have real lives, too.

This comment is getting way too long. Have a happy fin de semana!


I had to get up really early for a Saturday and Joy!!! found your great recap up to enjoy my coffee with. This was so good, and loved your Shouting match description. Oh, how I would love to see the outtakes on that scene.

I am trying with all my might to feel sorry for Regina, but she really is driving me batty. Why refuse to answer your phone?? How does she know why Gonzo is trying to call her? Fina is known as a liar and perhaps more---so she's going to take her word for who's stuff is who?

I am in the DANG!! category with Adri going for Matias, though, let's face it...we kind of figured that from the beginning. We had better not get the Alonso TDA plot ( she and Matias let her date Chema once he's ill). If she's going to fake it for Chema's sake, keep Matias out of it.He doesn't deserve right now anyway. I wouldn't mind someone sticking it to him for awhile.

Wow, Mr. Rude really came out to Nata there. Wish she would put all those anger, rude moments togther in her brain.That guy really knows how to do angry. Scary...

The preview - thanks didn't catch that - Jero telling Mariana how he really feels about Nata?? Hopefully that means she believed him on Fina. But it seems too early that our true lovebirds can get together.

At least we didn't see Dr. KillHimOffAlready. And I also don't think we've seen the end of Blanca. Hey, now there's the pair from hell. In a very strange way, I can see those two together.

Heading out into the endless rain and wind...and cold!! A lovely NE Ohio day.

Oh, forgot to thank youy for the clips!! Must be in early stages because the dances weren't too challenging. But both ladies looked lovely and were so graceful. Poor Fer was a little clunky, but good potential. And anyway, I was just watching for that smile....(hugging my I heart Chema tee.)

I just wanted to say I thought it was quite funny when Augustin hung up on Renata. Like daisynjay says, hopefully she will weave all his rude/possessive/controlling/cruel-to-kids-and-the-community together and see the jerk for who he really is.

Amy, thanks so much! Last night was well-deserved after two days of maddening frustration. How satisfying that the jig is up for our villan though she'll probably shake her pursuer's and get away for a while. Didn't I see Fina wearing a big red wig getting into a cab in a preview like, Thursday night? Anywho, we also had some fun: Gonzo and Hon were a hoot yelling right in each other's faces, no subtlty there, boy! I wonder how Renata is going to take the news about mommy dearest and do you guys think they would kill Roberta? Wow! THAT would be unexpected for sure!


The thing about Augie hanging up on Nata is that she didn't care. Nothing he does or doesn't do really affects her. She's indifferent to him, and has to remind herself to think about him. I think it's hilarious. When he hung up on her, she happily used that as an excuse to let whatever may happen with Jero, during their meeting, happen. She was like, "Oh well! I tried to tell you, but you didn't listen, so..."

Amy, thanks for this wonderful recap. I also loved your peanut gallery commentary on the hilarious shouting scene between Hons & Gons.

There were some lovely moments in this episode. I love the excited girl talk between Nata & Adri. They play so well off one another.

I loved it that Auggie vented & hung up on Nata. I too hope she begins to string together the series of nasty controlling moments she has caught him in.

The scenes where Nata was so happy in anticipation of seeing Jero were hard for me to watch. On the one hand I loved her performance but knowing what a blow she was about to receive made it painful to watch.

I still hold out hope for Berta even though she allied herself to Fina & warned her. I still think that i the end she will turn to the good side when she becomes aware that her suspicions are true and that Fina killed Rafa.


Thanks Amy. What a great recap.

"(That's not a yes or no question, Hon! Gold star revoked.)"


Have I mentioned before that I think that Jerry is an idiot? Has this man no adaptive skills at all?

Yes, Jerry had Renata meet him at the bar to give her bad news about her mom, bu for goodness sake, when she shows up expectantly whimpering like an over-eager puppy, why not take advantage of the obvious and go for reconciliation instead. She was ready to leap into his arms, but NOOOO...

You can bet your bippy that Chema would have handled the situation very differently.


Amy thanks for your recap. I'm glad things did get better for the good guys this week. Thanks for the dancing links as well.

Though he got his gold star revoked, I'm so glad Hon came up with a basic way for Connie to communicate. I so fell for her and her inability to warn anyone until now. The shouting match was funny too.

Nice job, Amy Azul! Thank you! I am going to save the dancing show for tomorrow as my motivation/ treat for getting some specific chores done.

I love how you write out what we are thinking. Ex: "Drat" when Adri says she is choosing Matias. I wonder if we took a poll, if ANYONE wants her to choose Slippery Sateen Suit Guy? Aren't we all rooting for Chema? Poor Chema sitting in the dark with all that leftover food and no one to share it with. Poor Daisy sitting in the dark clutching her Chema tee. I feel it too, Daisy!

JayGee - that was so funny about your telenovela vocab. I've learned to say Con Permiso EVERY time I leave a room. Perhaps the Crush Like a Worm will come in handy for you one day.

Sylvia may have been joking, but I do think Fina and Blanca will somehow meet up. I thought it would be in jail, but now it must be the Funny Farm. I was just thinking our run with Blanca was over, then they had her call Hon, so she's still in the picture. We just have to figure out why.

So, about Roberta... I am thinking that as she is pretending to be Regina's daughter, she will see how a real Mother-Daughter relationship can be and will actually really like Regina so that when it is discovered that Renata is really the daughter, Roberta may decide to denounce Fina and then Gonz, Reg, Renata and Roberta will live happily ever after. Too naive of me?

After much slow-mo rewinding of the previews I think I saw Arely kissing some guy. So, perhaps it was her after all who threw the manure in the vats, or at least turned the dials. I think she's making a CME comeback.

And, really, did the producers have to make Carina's breaking-to-commercial picture one of her bawling her eyes out?

Rosemary la Otra

I just broke down and watched one Chema dancing You Tube... why is it the more I have to do in my real life, the more I stay on the computer?.... and I must say he was darling! It is so nice to know there is life for him after the headaches.

Daisy, do you want to come over tonight and we'll wear our I Heart Chema tees and eat emapanadas and chocolate covered strawberries and watch all of his dances?

R la O

Carlos- Yes, Jero has been missing some pretty BIG signs that Nata is chomping at the bit to get back together with him during all of their last few meetings.

Chema would have absolutely jumped at any opening to win over the woman he loves, and wouldn't have missed a beat. Well, not unless he was having one of his killer (literally) headaches. Could someone please get that boy to a doctor. Even if it was just maigraines, having so many, so frequently would be a signal that he needs to see a doctor to find a better solution than his little bottle of aspirin in his back pocket.

Thanks for the dance links Amy. Perfect for a relaxing, raining Saturday. All of these were their first dances of the competition, so I am going to cut Ferdinando (Chema) some slack. But the Connie actress does have great legs that were flaunted quite a bit during her dance. Some years back, at the age of 45, this actress was the cover girl for a special anniversary issue of Playboy Mexico. It sold out so quickly that by the end of the week they issued another edition with her on the cover with new/different pics of her. Impressive.

Really? The cover of Playboy Mexico? She is truly a stunner, I'm not surprised it sold out.

Rosemary LO, I was kind of kidding and kind of not. As soon as Blanca 'phoned home' I, and surely we all, had a Ruh Roh moment.

WHOM was Arely kissing? Was it Lazaro? Shoot. More trouble for Laz and Kari to keep us hanging until the end.

RlaO! Can I come, too! Well, maybe I can find some of those delicious pastries and Skype you guys! Chema is ok, now that he's not batting those enviable eyelashes at Connie. I'm with everybody else that he'd make a yummier match than Mopias!

On Roberta, RlaO, in your slow-mo did Roberta's heart episode look real? Would it make sense to kill her? If she doesn't die, it would probably be during her recovery that she would have a literal change of heart and become a real sister to Renata for the first time since they were little kids. I think Fina had to work hard to overcome the instintual sisterly love Berta and Renata must've shared. Berta's having more and more feelings of regret. Fina's trecherous and now murderous behavior has been quite toxic for Roberta. Could be a near brush with death will release her from Fina's grip. Indeed, I think it will probably be news of the accusation of Rafa's murder by Fina that will occassion the near-fatal heart attack. Berta actually did suspect it but Fina smoothly lied. The reality of it all will be too much.

Enjoying the unintentional comedy of this piece. Carlos, your consistent, unrepentent contempt for "Jerry" is always enjoyable, too. You crack me up! You make an excellent point, though. Hoo boy, back to chores!


Lila, Of course you can join us! Especially since this is all make-believe anyway (I don't even know where Daisy lives, and I doubt it is in Utah with me... surely I would have noticed another Chema-tee-clad mujer walking around! Seriously, wouldn't we all have fun being the guests of honor at La Bonita?

I couldn't see a face to who Arely was kissing, and actually all I saw was blond hair like Arely's, may not have been her. The man had sideburns (no way would she have been kissing Nesme, would she?) Maybe she came back to town with a new guy to aplasta como a un gusano a Augustin? So many questions! So many hours til lunes! Yet, only 15 minutes until I have company coming and my hair is still wet.

R la O

Rosemary la Otra, I like your idea that while pretending to be Regina'a daughter Roberta will get a taste of what a mother - daughter relationship should be like. That combined with the feelings of deep loneliness that she has been feeling as her old way of being has isolated her from everybody -- plus as Lila said maybe the heart episode will be so serious this time that she will have one of those near death conversions. I'm really pulling for her sad abused self to turn and find happiness in the end. Gonzalo has always loved her despite her behavior and in this episode he began to see WHY she is so warped. Regina will love her just because she will and Renata has always wanted to be real sisters. Happy family for her I hope. I just hope she doesn't end up with Agustin. He doesn't fit nicely in the happy family scenario like Jero does.

Flores and Amy--you two collaborate very well recapping!! All of one mind.

The Head: A Wake-Up-Call for Nata on Augie is still aways away. She hasn't been on the wrong end of the raging, rutting, jutting jaw with others very often and hasn't seen that side of him enough to piece together what a total slimeball he is.

In her naivete, Nata probably believes that the controlling stuff is just Augie and she's stood up to him and told him often enough to back off when he does it that it won't be a problem in their relationship (and he always apologizes, no?).

The Heart: It's the romantic aspects and daydreaming about Jero and being near him that's going to put an end to the Augie thing. She's already a-twitter over him.

Yep, Vivi, I caught that, too, she didn't really seem to care that Augie hung up on her. If that had been MariadelasTatas he hung up on, she'd be all confused, sad, sorry, mulling over--what did I do, or what can I do to help him type of reaction.

About Regina and the DNA test--she knows what Fina is capable of and should not take her word for anything. She's been around the medical profession long enough to know that what she really needs for proof is a saliva or hair sample from Fina and one from her to compare to the two girls.

It didn't take Hon long to figure out how to communicate with Con, so maybe they won't keep this DNA thing going until the end.

Carlos--I also thought it was strange and inappropriate for Jero to choose the very same bar where they had met before to give her some REALLY bad news. Wouldn't you think he'd choose a place with more privacy, in case he had to console her and calm her down? Yep, very inappropriate. The location also sent Nata the wrong signal (although he's daydreaming of her, too).

RLO--I like your happily ever-after conclusion, but where does Jero fit in? Does he only pop in occasionally to visit?

Great recap Amy,loved the peanut gallery comment!

Well, our well dressed idiot Jero is definitely not smarter than a third grader! Tell-a-phone...Tell-a-graph...Tell-a-Jero. What part of DO NOT TELL ANYONE ABOUT DR BEING ALIVE didn't he understand?
This was like top secret government business !

Geeze we need some new handsome men on this TN, maybe since Arturo from Teresa is single he can run into Renata! They would make a fun loving couple!

As far as poor Kari goes, the death certificate says the doctor is DEAD, therefore he is legally dead. So if she had a civil wedding there would be no problem. Even a Catholic marriage wouldn't have to be annuled since he is officially dead. Big mouth killer...

I'm betting on Roberta as being the wine saboteur, she was jealous when she saw the label Auggie made for the Renata wine, makes sense to me.

Vivi, Coni on the cover of playboy! WOW ! You always amaze me with your info !!! How do you know all this stuff ??!!!

Jarocha is also always a treasure with her knowledge!

I just love researching on the internet Elle, and was curious about this actress, so I looked her up and read a Mexican article about her. The Playboy sellout thing was very impressive for a woman of any age, much less one twice the age of their usual cover girls.

Vivi: Thanks for the infos on Cons. I do love this actriz. She is stunningly beautiful.

I want empanadas, too!!! Wowsers. You people are making me so hungry!

Where was Arely seen and how in the world did I miss that?! I hope and pray she was NOT kissing Laz!!

My connection to was pretty bad last night. It kept stopping and starting, so I missed a great deal.

Dr. Carlos: ITA with your Jero comments. :))


I saw what looked like a blonde gal who I assumed was Arely kissing a side-burned guy in the previews. I kept re-winding it, but it was so fast... literally a split second. The guy was definitely not Lazaro. From the sideburns, which is all I saw, it looked like Nesme but I just know it wasn't him.

In my happily ever after scenario with Gonzo and Regina married and Renata AND Roberta as the much loved daughters, Jero fits in as Renata's husband beautifully. He and Regina already are so fond of one another, and Gonzo is figuring out that he is basically a good guy. But what happens to sweet, desperate Marina? She has to get hurt for this to happen.

Lila, the rewind did make Roberta's heart episode look real, but I wouldn't put it past her to fake it. Who is it who knows that Renata has heart issues? Remember when she had her car accident and the doctor told someone she had a heart defect? Who was it he told that to?

R la O

AmyAzul, a fabulous recap, no less than your usual masterpiece. Thanks so much and I am not even jealous that you got a happier episdoe than anyone else this week. We all deserved forthe tides to chane.

Elle, since Arturo from Teresa was Robaerta and Regina's father and died when they were one, with a little help from Fina who didn't call 911 when he had a heart attack but pushed him through a glass plate store window, it would not be fun couple time but creepy, creepy creepy if he come back from the dead to throw that charming, disarming smile at either of them. HA!

I had the first balloon ride of my life this morning t the opening day of the great balloon festival in Abq. I will post pictures later but Emilia and Mike, I am so game on when you visit! The day was perfect as was the ride.

AND, I am ready for Regina to go BSC embrasing Roberta as her daughter and then for Renata to have a little heart attack so she knows that she doesn't know.

I too loved Renata's non-challance at Augie's angry little man hang up. Maybe it's about time? I love how they keep weaving these side characters back into the drama. Can't wait to see what kind of trouble Arely can cause. Maybe she and Gitana accomplished the contamination of the vat together?

Cheryl, oops I forgot that Renata's father was Roberto (Arturo) DARN!

Still think we need some good looking hunks, galans that we WANT to see without a shirt...not like Dr Grossinstein.

Cheryl- Can't wait to see your pictures! Sounds fantastic.

R la O- The only two people (aside from Fina) who know there is something not right with Nata's heart are Augie and Dr. Nasty Nesme. NOT the best people to have that info- the three most evil people in this thing (minus Blanca).

So......... one of the possible scenarios for Regina figuring out Renata is truly her daughter would involve Renata having a cardiac episode. I wonder if Augie and Nesme know that Renata doesn't know about her heart. I wonder what their motive would be / has been for not telling her. I especially wonder if everything will be all wrapped up nicely for us on the last episode. I hope we aren't left with an unanswered cliffhanger.

R la O

I'm supposed to be studying for a presentation but I was procrastinating today and found some Perla episodes on youtube.

If anyone wants to see Silvia Navarro at 20 years old in her first protagonic:

Younger Silvia


Jarocha, thanks for the link. What fun to see our Silvia in an earlier role. She was a beauty then and still is.

OK, I finally had a chance to rewind and watch the looks like Augustin was angrily grabbing someone with long, blonde or light-brown hair, could've been Roberta or Arely. But you know these previews, he could have been angry or amarous, hard to tell. I can't believe I have to wait 24 hrs to find out!!

Rosemary LO, too bad you didn't have your own Chema who could whip up a buffet full of pastries and empanadas for your guests.

Jarocha watching Silvia at 20 was priceless! She looked like Ginger from Gilligan's Island with that hairdo! Thanks!

Ginger...LOL!!! I was wondering who she reminded me of.

Jarocha - how fun to see Sylvia channeling her Ginger / Brooke Shields look. She really is such a good actress. I am hoping she will be in whichever telenovela will take the place of CME once it ends.

Amigos... do we all move on together to another telenovela? I know a lot of you watch other ones, but I can only do one at a time, so I want to tag along to wherever you all go after CME.

R la O (sounding like needy Dr. Tatas)

I usually stick with the 7:00 p.m. time slot because recapping later novelas is just too late for me. After Llena de Amor ended it was originally going to be followed by Una Famila Con Suerte, which I REALLY wanted to recap because I like comedies. But alas, after being hyped on Uni it mysteriously disappeared and now it turns out it will replace Teresa at 9:00.

Even though we are months away I will likely stay with the 7:00 novela unless it is a real dog. Those are my thoughts as of today.

Okay, Sylvia, that will make two of us with quirky senses of humor staying with this time slot. Now, let's hope the rest of those nuts stick too!

R la O

RLO--After Renata's near fatal car accident, Dr. Nesme detected the heart abnormality in Renata. He and Augie made her promise to see a cardiologist when she was better, but she sort of dismissed it as not very important and forgot to do it.

TBLMOE--If any of you watched Manana es Para Siempre in the original, commenters on CarayCaray wondered how after spending so much time being educated at Harvard in the US, he used English so minimally and it was something of a joke.

I watched the MEPS "summer rerun" and when it ended they started Maria Mercedes. It's still a silly little thing with Thalia and Arturo Peniche, but oooolalala, FC as a young bro in the hood outfitted in sleeveless tees, is a beauty to behold.

I note this because not only does he do the "barrio" accent and patter, he also drops English words right and left. It's funny to see the captions appear--Mother--Friend, etc. on the screen when he uses them. It's a minor role for FC, but a major actor (and future TBLMOE) in the making (with a little chest hair thrown in for good measure).

It's also on Youtube if you don't want to watch or record anything at 11 am. percantapendeja is the poster I like. I don't have time to find the right capitulo just now--off to a concert. Will report back later

Count on this nut... and my not quite so nutty husband. We have watched the 7:00 tns since Juan Querendon. It's just too hard to stay awake for the later ones!

Thanks, Amy for a wonderful recap, and for all the excellent comments from everyone. I can't think of anything to add - well I like Dr. Grossinstein, thanks elle. Gotta add that to the list.

Cheryl, you rode - YAY! We're looking forward to our first hot air balloon ride in a couple of weeks.

I loved the dance links and the info about Cons and Playboy. She certainly is a beauty. Also the link to the young Sylvia. She must have been born to act.

Cold wet day here, such a nice break from hot wet days. I'm on my third cup of tea.

Juan Querendon was my first TN as well and I like to stay with 7 pm usually -- Though I deserted for a while to watch La fea mas bella since I missed the original run. Jus like I'm rooting for Jero time around I was one of a minority who liked Soler in Fea.

i'll be tempted by the comedy -- but life is easier if I stick to only on TN and that's normally whatever is on at 7.

Güera (word verification -- gonsi -- a new nickname for Gonzalo???

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Still working on my profile: uno dos tres

Love your profile, Rosemary la Otra!

Thanks Emilia! How did I not see these profiles before? I was wondering how everyone saw pictures that were posted, so I got clicking here and there and was surprised to see them. I am obviously not techno-savvy.

Anyway, would you believe we were talking about YOU tonight at dinner? I was telling my kids that I wanted to create the profile and we got talking about some of the funny comments and my daughter's bf said that she had told him about one lady who said she dressed like one of the ranch workers. Then I re-told the Inez skirt story and some of the funny replies. You saying you dressed like Lazaro was a scream!

So glad you are also in for the next 7:00 telenovela, "you nut"! And I mean that as a compliment!

R la O

Yup, I'm a nut... I was feeling a little off today so I dressed as mismatched as possible. I am currently wearing: black polka dot nightgown, red flower jammie pants, blue toe socks with dragonflies on them and black flip flops. I'd post a photo but Renata would swipe my 'style' !!!

...and thanks for the dinner compliment. You're sweet!

Happy Monday morning! Love catching up on the weekend comments. Loved the info on our Coni! She is such a classic beauty, glad a lot of others think so too.

Add me to the list of those who seem to always stick with the 7:00 pm EST TN. It's just perfect for when I get home and want to relax with dinner, etc. Not sure I'll try the Una Familia after Teresa. I've tried the 9:00 slot TN's, but seem to wind up catching most of those on internet. Hope hope hope when the time comes, something good shows at 7:00.

Buenos Dias! I'm in the 7:00 club too, proud to be a nut! Hubbie gets so little tv time, it would be unfair to hog it for two whole hours in a language he doesn't understand. . .though he's picking up a few words!! Hee Hee! I find myself telling him about the story line anywho but, yah, 7:00 is perfect. I've done 9:00 before and he accomodates me but I often find I'm too wound up and stressed at bedtime after an hour of Looneyvision! I also usually do an afternoon novela as a chill-out when I get home from work. Maybe one day I'll even recap!


I normally don't view 7PM ones because when I'm working I rarely get home for the start time. I'm into this one even though I don't comment much on it.

I'm wondering whether Familia will be swapped with this one after it gets started because of the historic tendency to put comedy ones at 7.

Hmmm...that's an interesting question UA. What with all the musical chairs that Uni has been doing with their programming nothing would surprise me. I hope they leave CME at the 7:00 p.m. time slot.

Lila, you simply MUST try your hand at recapping. With your wit and enthusiasm you would be a natural!!

Awwww, thanks Cap'n! You guys do such a bang up job, it's intimidating! I'm always so impressed at how you all not only pick up on all the action, but the vocab and dichos, cultural and historical background to the story: I'll just remain a student for a while!

And UA, I think you're right, maybe they'll move it so I may need to read the caps to be prepared!


Hola a todos! Just checking in last minute after a whirlwind of a weekend.

I'd read that little bit of trivia about Connie a while back but completely forgot until Vivi brought it up. Gracias, amiga! I agree with the masses that Lourdes Munguía is gorgeous. Not hard to believe those magazine sold out!

The clip of a young Silvia Navarro was lovely! She is a natural. And gorgeous too! TNs have a wealth of pretty people, which is never a bad thing.

I hope Uni doesn't play time slot roulette with us. I already have to call in a favor at home to have the episodes recorded and a time change would mess it all up. *fingers crossed*

Lila, I'm with Sylvia. You'd be a fantastic recapper! Try your hand sometime when we need a fill-in. ;)


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