Friday, September 23, 2011

Teresa Thu 9/22/11 #144 Teresa’s Eye Shadow Reflects the Blackness of Her Soul

EL CLUB: La Odiosa plans to fight Fernando for his father’s inheritance. As a widow, she could have claimed that money for herself but decided to claim it for her son instead. She now plans to correct that error so that Teresa won’t be able to enjoy that money. Teresa is appalled. She can’t believe Oriana would deprive Fernando of his inheritance (despojar=strip one of his property). Oriana says she and Fernando had a great relationship until Teresa came around. She never thought they would fight over anything. She blames Teresa for having come to the decision to disinherit her son and deprive him of his father’s inheritance. It’s going to get really hard for Fernando because she is now fighting against him and many doors will be closed to him. Teresa says this means she doesn’t really love her son and this action will only ensure she’s lost her son completely. Oriana is impactada.

DASTARDLY DUO: Ruben explains to Fito that Geno will pay for Mariano’s beating. Fito reminds him that whacking Mariano is triple the cost of a beating. Ruben understands but explains he can only pay the difference with designer watches. Fito doesn’t like dealing in jewelry but Ruben insists that high-end watches always carry a good price. Fito has to explain to Ruben that the price always comes down when you’re selling them, duh! The financial wrangling continues. Ruben promises he’ll come up with the cash for the hit job but offers the watches in return for Rodriguito’s medalla.

EL CLUB: Ferneanderthal is deep in thought when Teresa catches up to him, chattering about her need to distract herself and she just had to see him. He wonders if she’s really here to see him, or Arturo, because he’s heard how lovey-dovey they were at the wake. Teresa can’t believe Fernando accuses her of being affectionate with Arturo while she was so distraught over her father. He apologizes and blurts out his mother told him about the PDA between Arturo and her. Teresa can’t imagine who would have told Oriana. It’s obvious she couldn’t tell Arturo to leave the wake. Her mother was so distraught over her father; it just wasn’t the right time to say she wanted a divorce because she is so crazy in love with Fernando. To further demonstrate her love for him, she spoke with her mother today telling her she’s filing for divorce. Ferneanderthal is sooo happy. For realsies? He apologizes for being jealous. She tells him he has no reason to be and besides, she told Arturo today to take all his things so there would be no further pretexts for him to return. Nando tells her he doesn’t want her anywhere near Arturo, or Mariano, or any other man because she’s his and his alone. Then Ferneanderthal drags her by her hair to the nearest cave. Ok, so I added that last part, but honestly!

VECINDAD: Juana and Cutberto continue to visit with Refugio. They talk about Aurora’s upcoming graduation and whether or not Refugio will attend. Zzzzzzz Juana’s not sure she’ll attend Aurora’s graduation. She feels uncomfortable around Hector. She doesn’t think he’s forgiven her for marrying Nutberto. More zzzzzzzz’s

EL CLUB--LA SHRIEKSTER vs EL CAVEMAN: Nando and Teresa are smooching when Aiiiiida comes by saying Teresa doesn’t respect anything, not even her father’s death. She’s just buried him and here she is canoodling with her latest conquest, that is financial conquest! Speaking directly to Fernando, she can’t believe he’d leave someone as buena onda as Luisa for this rrrrrata de vecindad (is it me, or is she rolling that “r” more and more each time she says “rata”?) NeanderNando stands up, forbidding her to bother Teresa or butting into his life. Teresa tells him not to bother, Aiiida will never forgive her because neither her boyfriend or Mariano would love Aiiiida like they loved her. Aiiida warns Nando to be careful around this predadora (predator) because he has no idea what she’s capable of. He needn’t take her word for it. He can talk to Mariano who can tell him a thing or two. Nando’s not interested. After Aiiiiida leaves, Teresa thanks Nando for defending her. Aiiiida’s always hated her and will always say she’s only with him por interés. He mentions his mother feels the same way. Teresa knows this and tells him Oriana is even threatening to fight for his father’s inheritance. ¿QUE DICES? Teresa tries an innocent look which is hard to do with those evil girl eyes. Oh my, she had no idea he wasn’t aware of that. Riiiiiight.

HOSPITAL: Hector and Aurora talk about her final exams. She’s nervous and he’s proud she’s followed in his footsteps. She warns him Mariano will be with her at the exam as well as the dinner celebration.

SHOWDOWN AT EL CLUB: Nando angrily charges up to his mother. QTH? Is it true what Teresa says about dad’s inheritance? Oriana’s not surprised Teresa went tattling about their conversation. It’s very clear she’s worried he’ll end up with nothing. He can’t believe she’d go to such extremes. Oriana is willing to do anything to protect him. If he insists on being with that woman, momma’s gonna make sure there’s not much left for that arribista to get her hands on. Teresa won’t do that, he says. Only momma would think that. Oriana wishes she were wrong but he’ll realize in time that Teresa will play him like she played Arturo. She’ll use him and then betray him. Nando angrily tells her she’s the one who is betraying him! He never thought she’d be capable of taking what is his. Well, if she wants a fight, bring it on! She understands he is as stubborn (terco) and obstinate (obstinado) as she is but he’ll realize she’s right. It hurts her to think what he’ll do when that happens and how he’ll deal with the guilt over everything he’s done because of Teresa. Nando walks away and Oriana again shows some emotion.

CASA LEDESMA: Esperanza and Teresa have a chica to chica chat about Artie and Nando. They’ve been friends for a very long time so Teresa says she’ll tell her the whole story but asks her not to judge her. She reminds her she was supportive when Espe was with Ruben. Espe just doesn’t understand. Arturo and she seemed so happy. Teresa of course blames it all on Art, saying he pushed her away little by little. Teresa tells her she has the right to be happy just like Espe after that mess with Ruben. Espe tells her this is different. She knows Teresa loves Arturo. She saw them at the funeral and that’s true love. Teresa admits she loves Arturo but he doesn’t give her what she needs. She can’t turn back now because of her pride and dignity, and because Arturo is now with someone else.

EL CLUB: Aiiiiida is lending a sympathetic ear to Oriana who is crying that if a man as loyal and upstanding as Fernando can betray his novia and his best friend, there is no remedy. Besides, he’s just as proud as she is. If he says he’s going to challenge her, he will. Aiiiiida says it’s because of that rrrrrrrata de vecindad! Oriana says her life has no meaning without her son. The money does nothing for her without him. She doesn’t know what to do to get him back. Awww, I can feel my heart melting a teeny, tiny bit for this mother in anguish. Even crocodiles cry over their babies, I guess.

CASA LEDESMA: Espe can’t believe there is another woman. Teresa doesn’t want to talk about this anymore and refuses to cry. She must dominate her feelings. Espe understands because of what she’s going through with Rodriguito. Teresa is sure Rodriguito will be returned to her very soon. Espe tells her of Ruben’s efforts to “find” Roddy and how he wants to marry her after he finds him. Teresa’s not surprised. He was stupid to lose her. What’s important now is what she wants to do. Espe has no intention of returning to him but she’s not sure if she should tell Hernan. Teresa quickly shoots that idea down. Espe knows Ruben won’t stop insisting. He’s capable of anything in order to get his way and she’s capable of anything to get her son back. Teresa tells her she needs to be smarter than him and learn to manipulate him. She shouldn’t be afraid of him. She needs to think of how much she loves Hernan and then Ruben won’t be able to deal with her. Teresa offers her help. Quick Espe, RUN AWAY FROM THE SHARKSTER!

EVENING AT THE PENTHOUSE: Teresa tells Fernando he did the right thing by confronting his momma. She tells him she told Espe it was over between Arturo and her and that the man in her life now is Fernando. Now they only need to move in to manse together to prove to everyone that they’re together. Not so fast, Sharkster, Fernando tells her that won’t be possible. They’ll need to live here in the Penthouse and perhaps later they can buy another house because the BARRERA house is for Luisa. WHA – WHAT!?

LUCIA’S HOUSE OF HEARTBREAK: Lucia tells Luisa that Art’s all moved in and the two of them can now help him avoid alcohol. She asks if Luisa’s reconsidered accepting the house from Nando. After all, the house has been in the family for generations. Luisa has decided to accept the house, not so much for herself but also for Arturo’s sake. Tomorrow she’ll sign the necessary papers to have the house put in her name.

PENTHOUSE: Our little Sharkster is pitching a fit! After everything she’s given up for him, all he can think of is protecting Luisa! She wonders if it’s his way of compensating her for breaking off the marriage. He tries to explain it’s his way to end thing amicably. And besides, he had bought it for her to begin with. Teresa claims that house was hers. Arturo promised it to her but never put it in her name. He’s no different than Art. He says he loves her but he continues to think of Luisa. Fernando just can’t think of anything to say.

VECINDAD: Juana and Cutberto arrive at Refugio’s with long faces. Turns out their adoption plans fizzled out for several reasons: they haven’t been married long enough and neither of them have steady jobs. Juana breaks into sobs and Refugio comforts her, telling her not to get depressed (achicopalado). Juana returns to her old cantaleta that she married Cutberto thinking they’d be able to adopt and now he won’t be able to have children! Cutberto does his best to cheer her, saying he’s happy with just being the two of them. Juana is inconsolable and continues to cry.

PENTHOUSE: Teresa tells Nando to put himself in her place for one moment. He wouldn’t like it if she were constantly worried about Arturo, or his future, or his firm, because that’s what Arturo would like her to do. But she told him she’d only be there to close any pending issues. Fernando tries to reason with her that he does this because he feels guilty about what happened with Luisa. Teresa wonders if he’s moved by his guilt? Or is it the love he may still feel for Luisa? Of course he doesn’t love her anymore. He only loves Teresa. She hopes he’s sure of that because if he isn’t he should tell her so right now. He declares his love for her in a way he thought he’d never be able to love a woman. What more proof does she want after everything he’s done for her? “It’s not enough,” she says. “How can you give Luisa the house that was supposedly mine? You protect Luisa but what security are you giving me? You should just leave! Go! Reconcile with your mother and tell her you don’t love me. While you’re at it go to Luisa and protect her.” Nando is exasperated and finally gives in, he won’t give Luisa the house. And so she’ll know she’s the only one that matters to him, tomorrow they’ll go and have the house put in her name! ruh-roh! Confrontation?

LUCIA’S HOUSE OF HEARTBREAK: Luisa tells Oriana she’s decided to keep the family home. But reconciling with Fernando is a no-go. Oriana tells her she and Fernando will be separating their businesses. It will be a difficult battle but Luisa can avoid it. She explains she will always see Luisa as her daughter-in-law. Now that she’s lost Fernando, it’s as though she’s a widow. From here-on out, everything Oriana has will be hers and they’ll be together. (ok, I think this is wayyy out there)

PENTHOUSE: Teresa thanks him with a passionate kiss. He has no idea how appreciative she is. She knows all those other women meant nothing to him and realizes Luisa was special so she couldn’t allow him to put Luisa above her. Fernando tells her he loves her and wants her to be his. He leans over for a kiss and then Teresa reminds him she’s still not divorced. Furthermore, they shouldn’t be alone here. **please, NOW she worries about propriety?** Fernando reasons everyone already knows she’s about to be divorced and that they love each other. Still, she wouldn’t feel right about it. She has the nerve to repeat her father’s dying words asking her to do the right thing. She adds that if she truly loved Fernando, she should get divorced but before doing “anything” she should be married. Fernando can only beg, “please, my love.” She’s sorry, but he knows how she is and how she was raised. Otherwise, it just won’t work out. Fernando is beyond frustrated, telling her he can’t possibly wait so long! She asks him to please help her grant her father’s dying wish. Man, using her father’s dying wish and twisting his words! That’s gotta be a new low!

HOUSE OF HEARTBREAK: Oriana explains Luisa should be the mediator during the tough negotiations that are sure to come up between her and Fernando. She’ll find herself near Fernando and together they’ll exasperate Teresa. Oriana, by taking away the money, and Luisa, by consoling him. Luisa doesn’t think that’s a good idea. Besides, she doubts Fernando will ever love her again. Oriana’s convinced Nando’s blinded by passion which quickly fizzles out while love can continue to strengthen. She asks Luisa to think about it. She knows they can succeed.

PENTHOUSE: Fernando is leaving and wants to make plans for tomorrow, suggesting he accompany her to sign her divorce papers. Our Sharkster has other plans. First, she’d like to visit her mother and confess her affair, then on to the Notario to sign over the house to her name. THEN they can go start the divorce proceedings. A well placed kiss, and he agrees to it all. What a sucker! He deserves everything coming to him, which can’t be good.

CASA ALCAZAR: Hector and Aurora talk about her final exam. She tells him she feels a strong responsibility being the daughter of such an imminent doctor. He asks her to just give the best of herself.

HOUSE OF HEARTBREAK: Lucia asks if Luisa plans to tell Art about the house. Before she can answer Arturo comes in all chipper offering to make breakfast. After he leaves the room, Luisa explains she will be at the Notario later today and will tell Arturo after she’s signed the papers.

VECINDAD: Mariano is visiting with Refugio when Teresa comes in. He explains he and Aurora have come by to take her to Aurora’s exams. Aurora walks in and Teresa tells her she can’t believe she’s graduating and didn’t even invite her. Aurora coolly reminds her she told her in Zacatecas they can no longer be friends, especially after what she’s done to Luisa. She doesn’t deserve anyone’s friendship.

HOSPITAL: Hernan comes by to visit with Hector. Esperanza and he went to their first therapy session and afterward the psychiatrist told him it appears as though Espy is hiding something from him. Aside from the worry over Rodrigo, there’s something else bothering her. Hernan is dying to know what that is. How can he help her if he doesn’t know?

VECINDAD: Teresa doesn’t see how she’s done any harm to Aurora. Aurora reminds of her of the many times Teresa encouraged her to go after Mariano while she herself continued to pursue him. In the end, Teresa knows only too well how things happened. Mariano tells Teresa that Aurora has realized the kind of person she really is. Eventually everyone else will too. Aurora warns her she’ll end up alone. Aurora tells her not to do any more harm and leave Fernando. If she loves Arturo, she should return to him. Teresa accuses them of judging her without knowing the full story. Aurora says they all know she left her husband for someone else. Teresa says they all act as though she’s the villain in this story. Are they aware that Arturo is now living with Lucia? Mariano asks if she expected him to continue living in Fernando’s apartment. He tells her not to bother with her lies because Luisa’s already told them how it came about that Arturo is living at Lucia’s. Aurora explains Luisa went to her house. When Teresa objects to not having been told this, Aurora asks if she would have come to console Luisa after Fernando broke off the engagement because of her. Refugio interrupts the Teresa bashing and hugs her daughter. Refugio’s glad she came so they can all go together to Aurora’s graduation. Teresa explains she can’t go because she has to see about her divorce.

HOUSE OF HEARTBREAK: Oriana speaks with Arturo and explains her plan. If Fernando comes to his senses, she’ll revert all monies back to him and Luisa who she plans to put in her will. She deserves it. Fernando and Teresa deserve what’s coming to them too. Arturo points out that what she wants is revenge against Teresa. Oriana again asks him not to accept the divorce and delay it as much as possible. Arturo refuses because he’s not looking for revenge. She accuses him of continuing to love Teresa and he admits it. He’s given her several opportunities to back out but she’s refused. He has no choice but to give in. He plans to cut all ties with her and Fernando. He’ll see what happens with Luna Turqueza and forget about Teresa but he won’t seek revenge. As for Fernando, he doesn’t want to owe him anything and wants to forget he was ever his friend. His punishment will be having a woman who doesn’t love him.

HOSPITAL: Everyone’s gathered for Aurora’s exam which I guess is a public event. (I’m confused, can anyone out there shed some light on this process?) She takes the lectern in front of a panel after Hernan introduces her.

HOUSE OF HEARTBREAK: Oriana disagrees with Arturo’s plan and hopes he’ll change his mind for his sake, for Luisa and so that Teresa will get what she deserves. Oriana leaves. He and Lucia chat about it all and she lets out that Luisa is at the notario’s about the house. This infuriates him. Luisa shouldn’t accept anything from that imbécil! He doesn’t care how much she loves that house, she shouldn’t have done it! He rushes out.

NOTARIO’S OFFICE: Fernando is ready to sign the necessary papers giving title to Teresa but he hesitates. Luisa walks in and they’re both surprised to see each other. (Not sure if this means anything, but we never see him actually sign the document!)

HOSPITAL: Aurora’s done with her exam and Mariano congratulates her as does her father. Juana and Refugio don’t understand why Teresa wasn’t able to make it. She could have taken care of the divorce papers another day. Juana, as always, understands her rush if it’s because Arturo is with another woman. Hernan announces that Aurora has passed her exam with honors.

NOTARIO’S OFFICE: Luisa struggles to explain she’s come to sign the papers for her house, the house he gave her, does he remember? Ferneanderthal starts to mumble something when Teresa walks in, surprising Luisa. Teresa informs her there’s been a change in plans. The house is now hers. Fernando confirms this.

RESTAURANT: Hector joins Aurora and Mariano and is surprised no one else is there to celebrate her success. She explains she wanted to be alone with the two men she loves most and who have supported her passion for medicine. He’s the best dad and Mariano is the love of her life. She just wants them to all get along as before.

NOTARIO’S OFFICE: Nando explains he thought she wasn’t going to want the house. Luisa turns and slaps him, hard! PACATELA! She cries out, “You two are el colmo. What joy does it give you to ridicule me this way? What harm have I done to you?” She addresses Teresa, “All I’ve ever done is be supportive of you, be a loyal friend. And you Fernando, I gave myself entirely to you and blindly trusted you. You’ve repaid me with the worst kind of betrayal. You were a coward not to face me. What you two have done has no name. What you’ve done, Teresa, for it was all planned; calculated step by step.” Teresa tries to say it wasn’t like that but Luisa doesn’t let her. She asks why Teresa insists on putting on this act when she knows how she really is. Fernando has the nerve to say Teresa is not at fault for what happened. Teresa asks him to allow her to speak alone with Luisa. Doofus does as he’s told. Once alone, Teresa tells Luisa this is one of the most difficult decisions she’s ever had to make in her life. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt her especially after she was so nice to her. Teresa reminds her of the “hell” Arturo was putting her through but no one believed he was so far gone. Fernando was the only one who was supportive. Yes, Luisa says, that’s very clear to her how he “supported” her. Teresa explains this happened little by little and she began to feel secure with him. Luisa asks if Fernando found in Teresa what he couldn’t find in her. Now Teresa blames Oriana, saying she pressured him into getting married. Furthermore she warned her not to live with him, it was never going to work. WAKALA!!! Luisa slaps her, calling her a hypocrite.

BACK AT AURORA’S CELBRATORY DINNER, Mariano swears to Hector Teresa is in the past. He also swears his love for Aurora and the only reason they’re not married now is that Aurora wants to wait. There’s only one woman for him and that’s Aurora. Hector finally shakes Mariano’s hand.

NOTARIO’S OFFICE: Luisa tells Teresa that if she had the least bit of regret, she would have let Luisa keep the house that has been in her family for years. But no! She wanted it in order to feel triumphant and that she got her way after all. Teresa has destroyed something sacred and valuable - Arturo’s love and the friendship he had with Fernando. She threw Luisa’s affection in the trash in exchange for money. She has no idea that no matter how much she has, she’ll never be happy because she’ll always carry in her conscience all the harm she’s done. It doesn’t matter how much money she has, she’ll never, ever have love. Teresa tells her she shouldn’t be so sensitive, that’s why she suffers so much. Luisa laughs at her and says she’ll suffer too. Even if she manages to marry Fernando she’ll always have a hole in her heart that she’ll never be able to fill with anything. Teresa thanks her for her words but tells her to remember this: this world is run by those who dominate their feelings and get what they want. Luisa only has to look at her to see that it’s true. Luisa tells her only time will tell. She only hopes that when she’s with Fernando, the memory of Arturo doesn’t come between them. Oh, thar she blows! Teresa tells her the one who won’t be able to forget is Arturo. He’ll never be able to stop loving her. No matter how he tries he’ll never stop loving her and not Lucia nor any other woman will be able to help him. Luisa disagrees. She reminds her that Mariano was once hers and now he’s very happy with Aurora. That’s proof that there’s life after Teresa. Following that example, Luisa knows she’ll get past this despite Fernando….and Teresa! She leaves and Teresa has the decency to at least shed a tear. Descarada!

Luisa passes Fernando on her way out and he again tells her he thought she no longer wanted the house. He’s sure if he talks to Teresa, he can change her mind. Luisa tells him that after today, she’s sure he deserves a woman like Teresa and it’s too bad because she won’t make him happy. It’s a shame because thanks to her he’s become a man who cheats, lies, and is capable of such bajezas (lowness, baseness) as he committed against Arturo and her. She pities him.

La notaria comes by and hands him the documents. As he stands there, Arturo pops up behind him (kinda scared me!), saying he will not allow his sister to accept that house. Fernando tells him not to worry, he’s already signed it over to Teresa. Arturo’s quick to point out that Fernando is already pleasing Teresa. Arturo knows her M.O. only too well. He warns him that doesn’t guarantee she’ll be faithful. He reminds him that Teresa slept with Mariano one day before their wedding and she can do the same thing to him. How does he know Teresa won’t want to spend another night of passion with Arturo before they’re married? Fernando is angry now and grabs Arturo by the lapel, warning him against coming near Teresa. Arturo reminds him they are no longer friends and it wouldn’t be a bad idea to repay him in kind. Arturo tells him he and Teresa had such a good time together that he has no doubts she would want to be in his arms again….and he would enjoy it with no regrets whatsoever.

Previews: Geno attacks Fito; Lucia macks Arturo; Refugio suffers an attack.


Wow, today I appreciate you recappers more than ever. Last night when I sat down to watch Teresa I found, to my horror that I had recorded Big Bang Theory instead. So sorry I missed the Luisa/Ter showdown I had been waiting for. But thanks to your detailed recap I was able to imagine it.
I can't believe ther's so little time left for this TN and so many loose ends. I have the feeling I am not going to like how things turn out. I can't really imagine a good ending in so few episodes other than they will find Rodriguito.

Paquita, great recap, and I love your conclusions at the end of the paragraphs. Also the new words. Despojar-strip of property. Now there's a word my Spanish textbook didn't include.
Tere is gradually alienating everyone and is being shunned. She's losing it.

ITA agree with Urban from yesterday-Tere is Tere's own worst enemy, and she is always doing things to spoil her own happiness. How is she going to ever reconcile with Arturo now that she has treated Luisa so badly-she's burning all her bridges.

I had a feeling Rube and Roots would do something to Fito-he knows way too much.

Paquita: Your recap was marvelous. You conveyed all of the drama perfectly. The embedded vocabulary was an extra treat. You summed up Oriano brillantly: "Even crocodiles cry over their babies".

Teresa continues to self destruct -she is battering and bruising others but while they will rise up and reclaim their lives, I fear she is losing hers forever.

Aurora is already supplanting Teresa within her own family. She now has the relationsip with Juana and Ref that Teresa used to have.

The question is whether Teresa will save herself in time. No one else can help her - it's up to her.

Chuchi, I agree - I don't think I'm going to like how things turn out either.


S/he who would rule the world must forswear love forever... the world is run by people who dominate their feelings. The prosecution rests.

I was going to say that Teresa looks more ghoulish with that eye shadow but does anyone else think she looks like she gained weight (from eating the souls of her victims)?

There is a line in GWTW where Scarlett says something about wanting to have enough money to tell the rest of the world to go to hell. Money or no money, it's Teresa who will be going to hell... a hell of her own making.

For Oriana to leave Luisa money in her will does make sense, as she was there for her and Arturo when their parents were murdered and disgraced. Fernando broke Luisa's heart with his betrayal and Oriana is trying to do the right thing for Luisa.

It also makes absolute sense for Aurora to supplant Teresa with everyone else. She is engaged to Mariano and will be the new daughter-substitute for Juana and Refugio (unless Refugio dies in tonight's episode).

Thanks for stepping in and giving us your second stellar recap of the week Paquita. I loved that confrontation between Luisa and Ter-Fer. With each confrontation she becomes stronger. I hope she does take Oriana's money. That would really tick Teresa off. LOL!

I also laughed out loud at that ending, because Art is totally right. Ter is itching to roll in the sack with Art and would do so in a heartbeat, even if it was the night before she married Fer. And just like Mariano had no loyalties to Art when he and Teresa did the deed, Art now has no loyalties to Fer who betrayed their friendship.

Please Espe, tell Hernan what's going on!

I was sad for Juana and Cutberto. They just want to adopt a kid. Aww!

Will Refugio have the big one tonight when Ter tells her about Fer?

Paquita!!! Thank you, thank you, and thank you!

I was SO incredibly proud of Luisa last proud of her. In the midst of her pain and anguish, she was able to tell Teresa absolutely everything she wanted to say. The truth is hard to hear. I nearly threw up when Teresa started in with one of her pat answers: "I didn't really want it to happen this way". PUH-LEEZE!

With that black dress with the boobs ready to pop out and her ghoulish makeup, Teresa looked the most pathetic figure she has ever looked to me.

Someone has already said this, but how incredibly sad that a smart, bright young woman from the vecindad wasted this talent on just chasing money.

I'm sure Mr. Sharkbyte won't agree, but if Aurora was really showing up for her professional oral exams, then that dress was most unprofessional for such a situation.

Interesting how Aurora's 'look' is subtly changing as well.

Now, it looks like Refugio is going to have yet another heart attack.

I must say...I don't think I have ever seen so much sadness at the end of a TN as this one.

I felt downright down in the dumps after watching this capitulo last night.

Teresa looks sick; she looks pathetic, and she looks like she continues in her downward descent.

Can she save herself? I honestly don't know.


I know nothing about the doctoral oral exams for medical doctors, but sound this on a site about typical medical doctor certification aound the world. And no, I don't think they dress in a slinky blue party dress, ANYWHERE for these exams. But I'll give Aurora a pass on that. :)

Chart Stimulated Recall Oral Examination (CSR): A measurement tool for assessing clinical decision-making and the application of medical knowledge using actual patients and a standardized oral examination. A trained and experienced physician/examiner questions the examinee about the provided care, probing for the reasons behind the work-up diagnoses, interpretation of clinical findings and treatment plans. The examiners rate the examinee using an established protocol and scoring procedure. In an efficiently designed CSR, each patient case (test item) takes 5 to 10 minutes. A typical CSR exam involves one or two physicians as examiners per separate 30 to 60-minute sessions.

Clinical Oral Examination (COE): Unstructured clinical and oral examination which is the traditional form of clinical examination and continues to be popular in many parts of the world. With face-to-face contact, examiners explore both the breadth and depth of a student's understanding in real-life clinical situations. Aspects of competence which can be tested include the ability to respond to new information, a variety of interpersonal skills, and those aspects of competence that cannot be easily measured by more objective methods.

Great recap Frances!

I loved that confrontation between Teresa and Luisa. I was cheering for Luisa all the way through and that was a nice slap lol.

Aurora was at her professional exam not her oral examination, those are usually at the hospital with only the doctors and the student. And they dress in the white robes and all. The oral examination is what gives her a licence to practice. She then has to do a year of social service by working now as a doctor at a hospital with low resources with a minimum wage (or just low wage, my cousing used to get around 3000 pesos a month -250 dollars).

The professional exam is where she presents her thesis as a Licenciada in Medicina (or Licenciatura en Medico Cirujano, depends on the school) and they give her such title. That's why she could invite family and friends since that's basically a big protocolary event to get her title. The title means she has graduated from university.


Thanks Jarocha! Knew you could give us the correct info.

Wonderful as always Paquita and such detail. I missed all the house signing part with a late work call, so really appreciated all the info on that.

Ditto on the weight gain--I mean not like Boyer wasn't rail thin to begin with and could have stood a little extra food! She still has a disgustedly great figure. But those eyes - yikes. So harsh. But then, so is she.

Love her constant "they can never forget me" attitude. Ego meet brick wall. But her constant need to manipulate the facts, and it always blows up in her face, amazes. I so agree with everyone that a beautiful woman with her smarts...wasting it on the constant need to chase after money. If she would just use her skills, she could be rolling in her OWN dough.

There was a small part, and I mean SMALL, part of me that did feel for Oriana. It has to hurt to see your only child being taken down and so delusional. Fer is not the brightest tack in the room and from day one, Teresa has known he would be an easy target.

Buttberto - is he that inept and stupid that he can't land a job of any kind??? never mind, answered my own question.

This next week is going to be a whirlwind. So many loose ends and how they will tie to the ending (whichever one we get.)

Paquita, you are such a trouper and a FUN trouper as well. Another great recap. Thanks for all your hard work on Teresa!

The Oriana/Fernando is a huge conundrum. I can't imagine a situation where I would take most money and business projects away from my only son and give everything to a person that he dated. Oriana sees the handwriting on the wall with Teresa, but her preventative actions are problematic. If she had played her hand correctly, she could have encouraged some type of prenup, or used trusts to keep the money away from Teresa. After all, that is what Arturo did, give Teresa a small amount and leave most for his children. (I remember the falsified signed document that will resurface!) Oriana has put herself in the middle of the situation, therefore she can be blamed for the outcome. You should look like a trusted advisor for your children, not a punitive anvil. One of the lasting comments from this novela is, "It's not what you do, it is how you do it." Oriana could have profited from this advise as well.

In every sad novela there is an outstanding character. At this point, Luisa gets my vote...Susanita, I agree with you, I sooo proud of Luisa last night. If ever faced with that situation, I hope I can hold myself together as she did and walk proudly out of a room.

When Teresa says something to the effect that she has to dominate her emotions, I agree to a certain point. It seems to me that women (and maybe men too!) can give too much and lose in the end. The whole book, "He's Just Not That Into You," was an advise book that tried to address the issue of women misreading signals and giving too much. Should women be less emotional in certain situations? I think so....... (Not saying that I'm good at that though!)

One of the things I enjoyed most about this novela, was the maturing and "coming into their own" of so many of the characters. We're watching and cheering Luisa now. Mayra also had a wonderful transition - I really enjoyed her story. Many of the of the other characters have moved on in very positive ways.

In the meantime the baddies keep spiraling down into their own respective hells.....

So there are many uplifting elements, in spite of the central theme of doom and gloom. Kudos to the writers.


Thank you Vivi and Jarocha for your responses on the exam -- I had no idea. I like the idea of wearing a party dress to your final exams!

This recap was awesome Frances. Luisa gave Fernando and Teresa a verbal and literal smackdown and Arturo warned his former BFF that Teresa would want a taste of his fire before marrying the scumbag. LOL. Arturo knows Teresa well doesn't he.

I think more people will start alienating themselves from Teresa when they learn of her betrayal of Luisa and Arturo. Of course, Juana is still her cheerleader. I wonder what will it take for her to open her eyes.

Hector finally came around and accepted Mariano but with only a few more days left something will happen before the grand finale with Fito lurking around to kill him.

We still have the baby napping to resolve. Eps need to tell Hernan about Ruben wanting her back as his woman and not start keeping secrets from him. Teresa gave her bad advice.

Still not too keen on an Arturo/Lucia hookup. He's still in love with Teresa and is rebounding. She's probably will be what Aida was for Mariano before he opened his eyes to Aurora.

Paquita- a most masterfully unfolded recap interwoven through this twisted maze of intrigue.

Your attention to subtleties in the most minute details is just astounding…

"She blames Teresa for having come to the decision to disinherit her son and deprive him of his father’s inheritance…" (Clearly underlining O-rino's calculated decision to fully control and destroy another person- thus to destroy her only son's liveihood and life- oh well... it MUST be done! T is mala but still seems excessive…do prenups not exist in Mexico?)

"Teresa says this means she doesn’t really love her son and this action will only ensure she’s lost her son completely. Oriana is impacted…" (The big O's so completely intent on FULL control --SO much like T-- she doesn't acknowledge the overall impact of possible consequences as something she cannot later change- she'll do ANYTHING to have her way when she decides it so.)

"Now that she’s lost Fernando, it’s as though she’s a widow. From here-on out, everything Oriana has will be hers and they’ll be together. (ok, I think this is wayyy out there)" (I concur and add…O, dear... you are one twisted puppy.)

Fern is caught in a scary power struggle- a minnow torn between two sharks.

Lady Lisa de Saint Helena

Yeah, I also loved it that Arturo let Fernando know that things were real good between him and Teresa physically, and that he would have no compunction about letting Teresa have some whenever she asked for it. LOL!

Adding even more to Ferneanderthal's sexual frustration as he keeps getting put off. Well played Arturo!


Thanks for your recap Frances. Your title captures the new look and actions of our protagonista. It's not looking good for her redemption and as others have noted, she is alienating all her friends and allies.

I also was proud of Luisa. I hope she keeps her dignity and ignores Oriana's suggestion of taking Fer back. I still think he will cheat again (Ter is mala but Fer is too).

Thank you so much for the recap! Wonderfully written and very comprehensive.

Wow, things are rolling along and I don't know how they're going to resolve, this close to the end! I feel no pity for Teresa right now. She's dug her grave.

Paquita, Fabulous recap; especially liked the financial details and the vocabulary words which were new to me.

Jarocha, I was very interested in
Aurora's exam. Was it just a formality where family and friends could hear her present her thesis,
or was she also interrogated by
a team of dotors as well?
She was a little nervous which would be natural, but was it a done deal ahead of time? If it were really intense, I would certainly be distracted by invitados.

Sandy, enjoyed your comments, especially at the end. There seems to be some truth or sound advice in almost all that Teresea; she warned Luisa not to sleep with or live with Fer which made her even more vulnerable. Teresa is the master of the "hold out" when she chooses to be,and often times that is the best way to snare a man, especially one like Fer.

I think the reports of Ter and Art's happiness have been greatly exaggerasted. There have been problems almost from Day 1.
In Europe she held out a very long time, and wasn't really happy until he gave her that enormous ring.

Later, when she was allegedly happy with Art, she went looking for Mariano in Cuernavaca.
If she truly loved Art, that would not be necessary. I don't see her experiencing a real, deep love with Art or anyone ever; she's always been on the move,so it makes sense for her to leave him for security and follow up with
the main goal which has dominated her life. She has sacrificed her version of love before; why not now? She is true to her self-interest driven principles. A little pain along the way is natural. Why look back at the
casualties or hurts along the way?

Great recap! I love the way you put things...Ferneanderthal dragging Tere back to the cave by her hair, even crocodiles crying for their babies, etc. And thanks for the great and useful vocabulary!

Thanks Vivi and Jarocha for explaining about the professional exam. I was so confused. Mostly I was glad I didn't have an audience for my own professional exams...of course, there is no way any of my family and friends would have shown up to watch me answer engineering questions for 8 hours in a dank bunker, even if it were allowed and I had wanted them to.

Way to go, Luisa! I love that she has regained her dignity after that humiliating episode trying to get Fer to take her back. Boy, did she let them have it! Kudos for saying exactly what needed to be said, and for leaving on a classy note...telling Fer she pitied him, not hating him or continuing to blame herself.

I am SO enjoying Fernando's increasing frustration...couldn't happen to a more deserving fellow.

I think Teresa's appearance is the character rot that started in her core making its way to the outside. Unbelievable how she would twist her father's death and dying wish for her own financial gain. Well, believable, but hideous.

Rodriguito needs to be returned IMMEDIATELY. I hate babynapping plots and this one has gone on too long. Aida's suspicious and she's not one to let anything go...can't she get nosy about this and do the right thing for once?

Paquita, great title. Thanks for a riveting recap and the vocab.

ITA on Luisa. Yay, she did an excellent job standing up for herself! And she gives good "whackala!" During this scene, I was fantasizing that she threw a glass of water in Ter's face so all the black shadow would come streaming down, or maybe Ter would just melt.

Ter sinking so low as to twist her daddy's dying words to get out of sex with Fer before marriage was sickening. I predict she'll have more nightmares ending with Armando saying "Do the right thing."

ITA on Art. He's right to want to move on and not seek vengeance, but I loved him stoking Fer's jealousy.

Wow Paquita, yet another excellent recap this week. How lucky we are to have you recapping for us!

I loved your name variations for Fernando and the crocodiles crying for babies remark. Classic!

Teresa sure is getting slapped around a lot. Aida has slapped her a few times. Oriana slapped her and pulled her hair. Luisa slapped her. Arturo roughed her up. It's only a matter of time before Fernando takes a turn. She should take a Kung-Fu class or something.

Maybe I missed it, but I never saw Fernando signing the papers to turn the house over to Teresa. I saw the notary handing him a file and I heard Fernando say he was going to hand it over. Did anyone see him actually do it?

I can't believe Espe hasn't told Hernan about Ruben's treachery, and Teresa is encouraging her not to talk about it! Espe should do the opposite of whatever Teresa advises!

Fern is caught in a scary power struggle- a minnow torn between two sharks.

Lady Lisa - that's a perfect description!

Ok, I have to tell you guys some chisma. I swear last night when I saw Teresa at the notary's office with her "here's my boobs everyone" blouse I really wanted to think she was sexy, but then I kept thinking "raccoon mask", "raccoon eyes", and started laughing so hard and actually yelled out "SUSANITA"!! And my friend in the next room came over to see what I was yelling about. She says, "Who's Susanita?! Is she that BAMBI that was talking to you at the gym?"

I said, "I'm just watching this telenovela...and Susanita said this chick with the silly-cone cha-chas looks like a raccoon, and I can't stop laughing every time I see her..." She interrupts, "Uh-huh. in a suspicious, half-jealous tone. To which I reply, "No, no, no, she comments on that telenovela blog, you know, the one you're always ridiculing me about..."

"So Bambi watches your telenovela, and she's on that blog, and she just happens to know when you're at the gym, and THAT'S all just a coincidence..."

I nearly fall out of my chair laughing, cause this is turning into a real-life scene from a telenovela, at the same time that I'm watching a telenovela!!

Anyway I explained everything and she's OK now, so all's well that ends well.

You guys are a riot and make me laugh so much I thought I'd share that little slice of life.

Too funny Sharkbyte!!

What do they say about art imitating life? Now if an Aurora-like creature would just walk thru your door, right?

Oh, Niecie! "She gives good whackala" -- that's a keeper!

That's hilarious Sharkbyte. You should have just said Susanita is one of you MANY internet "girlfriends." :)

SHARKBYTE!!!!! I am at work (and not wanting to work), but am reading your comments and am DYING...yes DYING laughing!!!!

I'm laughing so hard I can't even write!!

You are TOO much, amigo...TOO MUCH!

Of course, you KNOW I am right. Teresa is a RACCOON face and it is getting worse by the day!!

It is so bizarre that I can't take my own eyes off her raccoon eyes.

What in the world is she going to look like at the very end?!


I laughed when Ms. Notaria got the hell out of the office when Teresa came in the door.

I loved when Aurora told her "Naw like I said in Zacatecas we ain't friends, we aint gon' be friends and you don't deserve no friends after what you did to Luisa."

I think the blatant backstabbing of Luisa is going to turn people off on Teresa more so than the cheating on Arturo or seduction of Fernando.

I don't think Juana knows about Fernando's role in the situation...that's why she's still cheerleading Teresa.

Fernando would probably pull a Kobe Bryant and marry Teresa WITHOUT a prenup (yes, Kobe Bryant married his wife without a prenup over the strong objection from his family).

If the house is signed over to Teresa, can't Arturo claim half of it in the divorce settlement? Unless Sharkie covered that in the mysterious document she got him to sign without reading.

You should have just said Susanita is one of your MANY internet "girlfriends." :)

Vivi, if I said that, she probably would have whackala'd me like Luisa did to Fernando and Teresa!

Susanita - you're pretty funny yourself, amiga! I'll never look at Teresa the same thanks to you! LOL!

Thanks for a great recap!

Oriana should've never given Fernando her inheritance money. She should've waited until he actually proved he could handle it. Fernando is a spoiled playboy who may finally learn a few things about life. This crisis only brings out his true nature.

I do not recall seeing Fernando sign the documents. If he doesn't sign them in tonight's episode, he won't.

I also wonder about divorce and property in Mexico. They seem to have been married for a year at most, so I don't see how any property would change hands.

I'm sorry to say this but i can't take aurora's preachings. she doesn't want to be teresa's friend but she sure loves teresa's life. She has teresa's ex and now she wants to hold on to teresa's mother, godmother and she's not even brave enough to tell them that she and teresa have ended their friendship. she is so fake, this is all because mariano at a time was deeply in love with teresa. Aida who's also another nut, has also done horrible things to esperanza, she attacked her numerous times while she was pregnant and to teresa, when she tried twisting her oxygen tube when she was comatose but does she ever preach to her, oh no you are mi amiga aida, god I hate her ways.! I am so glad teresa used to make her cry. passing judgements as if she was perfect. get off your high horse aurora, why were you at the funeral, consoling her over her father's death and a day later, you were going to turn your back on her. oh yeah i know why, you want juana and refugio to always see you as sweet aurora. You no longer want to be teresa's friend, fine! keep your advices to yourself.
As far as luisa. ok, You needed to
slap my girl, she deserved it, but i still think she did her a favor. Fernando is really an idiot, I just love how teresa toys with him and this buthead still thinks he's going to get laid. someone commented the other day that treating men like yoyos is cheap and deceitful, but a lot of time these particular men,those playboys need a taste of their own medicine. It's also fun lol.
I love how she does not have to give anything away and still get what she wants.
In real life, A lot of women are naive and innocent,they fall for the wrong guy, men like fernando who treats them like dirt because they dont value themselves. not my teresa, I know she is bad but i just love her!

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