Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Teresa Tue 9/13/11 #137 A Tale of Two Tools

LEDESMA HOME: Arturo has come upon Mariano manhandling his mujer just as Mariano is telling her she can’t do this to Arturo. Now it’s Arturo’s turn to manhandle his mujer, demanding to know what it is that she’s not supposed to do to him. Sharkita immediately goes into defense/deception mode: “Calm down. Mariano is always bothering me to discredit me.” Arturo shouts at her, again demanding to know what it is that she’s not supposed to do? Is she planning to run off with Mariano? Next he starts to rough up Mariano demanding to know if they were planning to run off together. Mariano finally speaks up reminding Arturo that he warned him not to trust Teresa and that she didn’t love him. This only enrages Arturo further but Teresa gets between them asking them to stop for Esperanza’s sake. I mean, really. Espe walks in just then and asks Mariano to please leave. Whew, that was a close one, Sharkita.

CASA ALCAZAR: Whoooeee, Aurora’s got her hands full with Aiiiiiiida in full-on shriekster mode. Aurora reminds her she didn’t make any promises, even she didn’t know what was to happen with Mariano. La Loca understands they agreed the loser would stand aside, but she doesn’t think she can do that because “I LOVE MARIANO!!! I cannot stand aside, NO PUEDO!” Poof! She grabs her designer bag and leaves in a huff!

LEDESMA HOME: Teresa promises Esperanza that Arturo and she will do whatever possible to find Rodriguito. Arturo, who’s still hot under the collar, agrees they’ll continue to help her but warns he will not put up with Mariano coming near his mujer in the pretext of helping to find the baby. Esperanza’s sorry they ended up there together but Arturo must understand they’ve all been friends since childhood (infancia). He understands that but he’s convinced Mariano still wants his mujer. He pounces on Teresa, grabbing her by her arm demanding to know what it was that Mariano was trying to say. She sticks to her story that Mariano just won’t leave her alone, insisting she doesn’t love Arturo and also is determined to tell that to Arturo. Arturo isn’t convinced and starts to shake her wondering if that’s all it was about. Isn’t Mariano in love with Aurora now? Teresa can’t believe he doesn’t respect what’s happening to Esperanza right now. If he doesn’t believe her, he can ask Aurora herself. Esperanza does her best to calm him down saying she understands that at one time he had reason to be jealous. She assures him that he’s the one Teresa loves now.

VECINDAD: FF>> Armando tells Johnny/Pati about his new job. Refugio and Armando talk about their wonderful, happy marriage and share a kiss. Johnny/Pat can only hope they’ll be as happy. zzzzzzzzzzz

CASA FERNANDO: Oh no, Mariano arrives at the gate just as Luisa is leaving. She assumes he’s there looking for Teresa. He tries to explain he’s there to speak with her, to tell her about what happened in Zacatecas. She won’t give him the opportunity to speak, she has nothing to say to him and refuses to hear him out no matter how much he pleads with her. She reminds he is not welcome in this house. She jumps in the car and zooms off.

CASA GENOVENOM: Rubigote is pissed! He complains to Geno everyone assumes he’s the kidnapper – first, the police and now Art & Teresa. Now he has to act all concerned to throw them off the track. He even drew up a complaint of child neglect against Espe. Geno understands but she warns him he better stay away from that Gata! He explains he has to do what would seem logical and that’s why he’s blamed Espe for the kidnapping. In truth, he really does think she was stupid to allow them to take the baby. On another matter, he needs to find another place to live in order to make his story more believable so she needs to come up with an apartment for him.

LEDESMA HOME: Hernan is doing his best to calm his distraught wife. He tells her he’s got the flyers ready with the baby’s picture and reward offer. She’s inconsolable. He tells her to have faith, she must be strong. She tells him about Ruben’s visit and the charge of neglect and that it’s her fault. Hernan knows it wasn’t her fault. He’s going to post the flyers throughout the city and that will certainly help them get results.

CASA FERNANDO: Teresa arrives in a taxi just in time to see Aiiiiiiida walking up. Aiiiida takes great joy to see her in a cab. Teresa doesn’t understand why she’s there. Aiiiiida cattily reminds her this is no longer her home. Aiiiiida can come by and visit Luisa or her good friend Oriana any time she wants. Teresa’s not surprised by her friendship with Odiosa, they’re igual de viboras. No, Aiiiida counters, they’re both as intelligent because they don’t believe a single word Teresa says. She wonders what it must be like to be in a loveless marriage with no money. With Mariano, she would have been poor but she would have had love. And now she’s lost that too. Teresa still wants to know what brings her here. Aiiida explains she came to visit her at her workplace just to tell her that although Mariano may not be hers, he doesn’t belong to Teresa either because he and Aurora are now novios and he truly does love her. “Oh please,” says Tere, “Mariano will never stop loving me. He’s mine, as is Arturo. Mariano found that he wasn’t able to make me jealous with you so now he’s trying to make me jealous with my BFF. Mariano loves me just as he always has. That’s the effect I have on men – they can’t forget me.” That’s what she thinks, says Aiiiida. Truth is, she’s already lost Mariano and as for her husband, she’d better be careful. She thinks it must be humiliating for Teresa that while she was gone on her trip, Artie was off playing golf with that pretty girl, what’s-her-name? Oh yeah, Lucia. Bingo! Right on target….Teresa’s not pleased.

Inside, Lucia’s noticed Arturo is a bit alterado. He doesn’t want to talk about it but she insists cuz she’s soooo helpful. He tells her about the confrontation with Mariano. It isn’t clear to him why Mariano was telling Teresa not to do “this” to Arturo. According to Teresa, Mariano is telling her she shouldn’t remain with Arturo if she doesn’t love him. My hunkasaurus is so upset! He doesn’t know if Teresa wants to go back to Mariano or what. Lucia tells him the hard truth: If Teresa is intent on being with Mariano there’s nothing he can do no matter how much he loves her. Poor Art can’t imagine Teresa leaving. **sigh, I think he needs a hug from me**

Outside, the rrrrrrrrata and the banshee are still locked in battle. Teresa tells Aiiiiida she’s wrong. She’s only there to spread her venom because she’s upset that Mariano is still in love with her (Teresa) and that Arturo has forgiven her. Whatever, says Aiiida. She’s sure Arturo is inside and can clear it up for her….or maybe Lucia since they seem to be spending sooooo much time together. Teresa smugly says she believes in her husband. Aiiiida tells her to think what she wants, she’ll leave it up to her and leaves. Teresa stands there, thinks on it for a second then tells herself, no, no, no. She calls Luisa and verifies that Arturo did indeed play golf with Lucia. Oh, she’s not pleased to hear Aiiida was right. MALDITA LUCIA!

Speaking of Lucia, she’s telling Arturo he must calm down. As she’s telling him he’s only human and it’s only normal for him to be upset, etc. etc, Teresa walks in and sneaks upstairs where she can easily eavesdrop and watch them. Arturo and Lucia are now holding hands as she tells him tomorrow will be much better. (well, isn’t SHE the Positive Patty) Arturo shares that when he thought Teresa may not have loved him when she married him, he sought revenge but couldn’t go through with it. He loves her too much (demasiado). Lucia understands that love blinds us but Arturo is the only one who can decide what to do. She hugs him as our Tiburoncita watches her prey from above, circling as any good Sharkita would. Arturo goes on saying he’s so confused and full of doubts. He asks Lucia, as an outsider, what she thinks of the situation. Lucia doesn’t think this would help but she caresses his face as she tells him he is a great man, intelligent, handsome, great worker, but it’s not important what she thinks. It’s what he thinks that is important. Teresa walks away and doesn’t hear Arturo say he couldn’t stand to lose Teresa because he loves her with all his soul.

HOSPITAL: Aurora talks to Magda about Aiiiida refusing to accept that she’s lost Mariano. Aurora sees Oriana at the nurse’s station and greets her warmly. Oriana notices she seems so happy. They speak of Luisa’s wedding (this Saturday!) and the conversation turns to Teresa/Mariano. Oriana tells her Mariano showed up at Luisa’s house again, presumably looking for Teresa. Aurora is stunned.

CASA FERNANDO: Teresa’s back in what used to be their bedroom talking to Teddy/Arturo squeezing the stuffing out of him wondering why, oh why does he do this to her? **uh, pot calling the kettle black?** She really does love him. She never thought it could happen, but she’s fallen in love with him. So much so that she put up with all the trials he put her through. But she will not put up with this. No one humiliates the great Tiburoncita, no one! Because “yo soy” and her pride comes before love. She continues to chant “el orgullo antes del amor, el orgullo antes del amor…….”

CASA LEDESMA: Esperanza has collapsed in tears as Johnny/Pati come in bearing gifts from Zacatecas. Espe blurts out the bad news and faints in Johnny’s arms!

LOVER’S PARK (dog park might be a more fitting name): The Strumpet we know as Teresa is trolling the park and while looking at her wedding ring she tells herself that although she loves Arturo, she must overcome (dominar) her feelings, she must! Ah, here’s lover boy. They embrace with a kiss (in public!) and coos about how happy she is when he is near. This is how she’d like to stay from here on out, by his side. She kisses him. (ok, these open-eye kisses are starting to creep me out). No, Teresa, he tells her. He’s anguished over Luisa and Arturo. She doesn’t want to hear anything about Arturo. He has the nerve to be jealous as though she were his property. He has no idea what Arturo did to her today. Fernando immediately thinks he may suspect. She calms his fears, telling him Arturo has no idea of their “love”. She tells him how Arturo and Mariano almost came to blows at Espe’s home. It was horrible. Fernando almost shudders to think how Arturo may react when he learns that he, his BFF, is her lover! Teresa feels Arturo has no right to complain about anything – he doesn’t deserve to have her at his side. While he abuses her and insists that she only have eyes for him, he is most certainly carrying on with Lucia. She tells him of the golf game and seeing them in each other’s arms and how Lucia carried on about how handsome he is, etc., etc., and she heard Arturo telling her he has doubts and is sure the marriage is over. Fernando didn’t want to tell her (yeah, right) but he saw them embracing at that restaurant. Tiburoncita is impactada!

HOSPITAL: Mariano’s troubles are just beginning. Aurora’s heard he went to Arturo’s ex-house and she assumes he went looking for Teresa. She’s angry and tells him she’s very disappointed. She won’t let him explain and reminds him she warned that the next time he went looking for Teresa she’d leave him! He’s not going to play her like he did Aiiiida. It’s OVER! Para Siempre! Mariano’s impactado!

LOVER’S (dog) PARK: It hurts Fernando to see Arturo treat her this way and not appreciate her. She’s hurt to realize Arturo no longer loves her and only seeks revenge. Fernando thinks it may be best they divorce but even if that occurs, she and he cannot be together. He whines that he can’t do this to Luisa. It breaks his heart to think of the pain this would cause her. They can’t go on, what they had together must end. He intends to marry Luisa.

HOSPITAL: Mariano continue to try to explain his visit to Arturo’s ex-home. Basta! She refuses to listen and furthermore doesn’t want to see him or talk to him! She tells him not to go looking for her. She leaves in a huff as Pati comes in looking for Hernan. She tells Mariano they brought Espe to the hospital.

LOVER’S PARK: Teresa doesn’t understand how he can marry Luisa when they love each other. He’s given his word *choke* and everything is ready for the wedding. He can’t do this to her, he at least must try. She coos his name and snuggles up to him telling him to accept things as they are. They’ve fallen in love and if he marries Luisa he won’t be happy. How long does he think he can last pretending (fingiendo) to feel something he doesn’t.

CASA CACERES: Aiiiiida asks why the religious ceremony’s been cancelled. Oriana explains Fernando feels pressured due to business issues but she knows there’s something else. Since his return from Zacatecas he’s been very angry and aggressive toward her. Aiiida wonders if she’s considered that Teresa may have put ideas in his head while he was in the Big Z. Oriana wouldn’t doubt it but doesn’t plan on discussing it with him. It would be counterproductive (contraproducente **ooh big word**). She plans to stay mum these few days remaining before the ceremony. The important thing now is for Fernando to marry Luisa although it’s only the civil ceremony. Aiiiida agrees, as this is the marriage that counts, legally. Oriana has advised Luisa to be very loving and understanding until then. She doesn’t want Fernando to have any reason to postpone that ceremony as well. Once they’re married, they can go off to Spain or anywhere where they can be away from Teresa's bad influence.

LOVER’S PARK: Teresa continues to work on Fernando, wondering how long he thinks they can wait before they can be together because they can no longer stand to be apart. In between kisses she says she can no longer live without him – pant, pant. He tells her he loves her too but he can’t hurt Luisa. This will destroy her. Wrong, blockhead, he’ll destroy her if he marries her and doesn’t love her. She doesn’t deserve that. **aw, Teresa is so thoughtful** In order to be together, they must come to a clear understanding. They have two choices:#1 – she can get a divorce and together they’ll confront Luisa and Arturo or, #2 they can leave Mexico and leave them a letter. Cue the Jaws theme: she tells him if he continues with Luisa, they’ll all be unhappy. She kisses him then walks away looking weary but satisfied that she’s won this battle. Blockhead just stands there, hands on hips. Duh, what to do! She’s managed to suck all the fight right out of him.

CASA ALCAZAR: Aurora tearfully tells her father he was right. Mariano hasn’t forgotten Teresa. Daddy asks if it’s over. Aurora admits it is and she’s so angry she didn’t listen to him. At least she tried. She learned he will never forget Teresa, but she will be able to forget him. No, she doesn’t plan on going after Martin, she could never do that to him. She plans to dedicate herself to her career and make herself stronger. He shouldn’t worry, she will be fine.

PENTHOUSE: Teresa finally arrives after dark and Arturo demands to know where she’s been and the battle begins. She can’t believe he’d act this way after she saw him and Lucia embracing. She also throws in that he’s been seeing embracing her in restaurants and golfing with her! And on top of that he causes a scene because she and Mariano happen to be at Espe’s in her time of need. He begins to explain why Lucia was hugging him – she stops him and asks why he always has to ruin everything. Every time there’s a possibility for them to be happy, he ruins it. She’s not interested in his explanations. She’s reached her limit. As much as she loves him, she wants a divorce! Poor Arturo is impactado!

PENTHOUSE: Arturo says they can’t be divorced. He loves her. And if she loves him then she’ll understand that he was talking to Lucia about what happened earlier with Mariano. “And then what,” she asks, “she consoled you and you let her, right?” He figures she’s just jealous and that’s because he’s important to her. The same thing happens to him because of Mariano. They must overcome this because they love each other. He starts to kiss her but she pleads with him to leave her alone. He refuses because he can’t think of his life without her, he needs her.

HOSPITAL: Espe’s been sedated and is resting in a hospital room as Mariano and Hernan watch over her. Hernan explains she hadn’t eaten since the kidnapping. Mariano thinks it’s best to keep her here until she’s well again. She’s suffered a great loss. Hernan says it’s been difficult for him as well. He pretends to be strong so she can lean on him. Our galan breaks down and Mariano consoles him. Rodriguito is like his son and he not only lost him but he’s afraid he’ll lose Esperanza as well. He fears she won’t recover.

PENTHOUSE: Teresa says she loves him too, he has no idea. But if she doesn’t give herself value no one will. She doesn’t believe him when he tells her he values her. If that were so, he would have accepted Fernando's help instead of continuing to “test” her. He’d trust her and he wouldn’t even consider allowing Lucia to continue working with him. That’s why it’s best he continue on his way and allow her to continue hers. He asks if that’s the real reason, or is it because of Mariano. Oh, that did it! Tiburoncita bears her teeth. She stopped loving Mariano long ago but he just doesn’t see it. There are so many reasons. There is just no fixing this. He follows after her asking her to reconsider. Divorce is such a serious step. He asks her to at least think on it for a few days. No, she’s done with all the fighting. For now, she will go live in Juana’s place.

HOSPITAL: Pati tries to console Johnny about the kidnapping. They talk about staying with Espe and Hernan says that won’t be necessary but ask Johnny to oversee the response to the flyers posted throughout the city. He asks him to check the e-mails and cover the phones in case there is a response to the reward.

PENTHOUSE: Teresa is alone in her room in tears, talking to their wedding photo, complaining that if he had only accepted Fernando’s help none of this would be happening. Lucia wouldn’t be working with him and she wouldn’t have started up with Fernando. Arturo walks in to tell her Jacinto is there ready to take her to the vecindad. He pleads with her to reconsider and offers to go stay with Fernando and she can stay in the penthouse. She refuses, saying he’d only say she is only interested in money. No thanks, she’s leaving. He knows how much she loathes the vecindad. But if she’s leaving him, then she must leave all the luxuries he can give her. He may not believe it, but she’s not an interesada and she has her dignity. And that’s why she’s leaving. (need I point out she’s holding the teddy with all the “family jewels” stuffed inside?)

CASA ALCAZAR: Mariano has come to see Aurora and she’s not having it! She doesn’t want to see him and doesn’t want to hear anything he has to say. He’ll never change and she’s not going to waste her time with him! He explains he went to that house to see Luisa. He’s sure there’s something going on between Teresa and Fernando. He thinks she’s intent on seducing him now that Arturo has no money. Aurora’s astonished at this story. Luisa and Fernando are getting married this weekend. She asks him to leave. Daddy walks in and insists he do as his daughter asks. Hector doesn’t care what happened, he’s making his daughter sad and she doesn’t want to see him. SCRAM! Before he leaves Mariano assures her what he’s said is true. He loves her.

PENTHOUSE: Teresa tells Arturo she can’t stay with him if he doesn’t give her her rightful place in his life. And she can’t go on pretending to be happy when everything that has happened has made her sad and disillusioned. Arturo agrees they’ve hurt each other very deeply. She doesn’t deny that she’s hurt him. Once they’re separated they’ll be able to heal the wounds. She leaves, dragging her suitcase with the bejeweled teddy in her arms. Arturo breaks down in tears.

CASA FERNANDO: Luisa is all gussied up waiting for her man to come home. He arrives and tells her she looks lovely. He asks if she thinks he’ll make her happy. He wants to be happy with her and never hurt her. They smooch. Ugh, what a tool!

The following morning, Arturo tells Luisa that Teresa has left him. Luisa wonders if it had anything to do with Mariano, because he was there earlier. This angers Arturo. She explains he came to speak to her. This surprises Arturo and he wonders what he may have wanted to say. She admits she didn’t let him speak. Arturo doesn’t know what to think anymore. Luisa offers to speak with Teresa. Arturo hopes Teresa realizes their love is much greater than what happened and that they shouldn’t divorce. He asks if Fernando has calmed down. She tells him he was much calmer last night. He was affectionate and attentive and they had a great time. She’s so excited. The time is almost here for their wedding! Poor little lamb.

VECINDAD: Armando comes by to visit with his daughter who is dressed in what appears to be a shark skin dress! What is she up to today? He apparently gave her the key to the apartment without Refugio knowing she’s back. He suggests she go to her mother and she refuses. She’s not in the mood for sermons. As they’re talking, Luisa drops in. Daddy leaves and Luisa and Teresa talk about what happened. Luisa’s very sad and so is Arturo. Teresa says there’s no other way. Luisa can’t imagine what it would be like if Fernando left her. She’d just die. Cue the Jaws theme.

CASA FERNANDO: Lucia is sorry hear that Teresa saw them hugging. She feels the breakup is all her fault and offers to resign.

TERESA’S HIDEOUT: Luisa tells her about Mariano’s visit. Teresa says he’ll never leave her alone. Luisa pleads with her to understand Arturo was upset about Mariano and was only venting with Lucia. She asks her to please think it over. Teresa thanks her for all her help, and Fernando too, who’s been such a big help. “Isn’t he a dear?” asks Luisa. Teresa can only smile in response. What a toolette!

CASA FERNANDO: Arturo feels badly because he has only good things to say about Lucia's work. Lucia understands but if Teresa is jealous, the only solution is for her to keep her distance from him. He doesn’t think it’s right. She agrees, but it’s the only solution and it will be one less problem he needs to resolve with Teresa. She will recommend a male friend to fill in for her to do the work. She does plan to continue to see Luisa, however.

TERESA’S HIDEOUT: Oriana would like Luisa and Fernando to travel to Spain after the wedding to meet their friends. Teresa thinks Fernando is the door to another world, another level. Luisa admits this all scares her a little. Teresa feels differently, it wouldn’t scare her one bit. Luisa is very nervous but very happy. She’s so excited and the wedding is Saturday. Teresa tells her she’s very aware of that. (suuuuuuucia!) Luisa tells her the best gift would be for Teresa and Arturo to reunite on that day. Teresa doubts that will happen. (suuuuuuuuucia…..y mala!)

HOSPITAL: Luisa has come to speak with Mariano! She’s come to find out why he came by yesterday. If he came by to provoke more problems between Arturo and Teresa, he succeeded. They’re on the brink of divorce. He explains that although that no longer interests him, he’s not surprised. Mariano begins, “I went to you to explain that Teresa isn’t what you think she is. Be very careful and don’t trust her. I believe Teresa is aiming to ensnare Fernando to secure her future.” DRAMATIC MUSIC AND LUISA IS DUMBFOUNDED! How will she react? Will she believe him? Ay, ay, ay!


Oh wow, wow, wow -- the stuff is starting to hit the fan now! I'm so angry with Teresa and Fernando I can barely watch. They're both so self serving. Ugh.

The actors are really putting on great performances. Esperanza (Fabiola Camponanes) had me in tears. She was very convincing.

And Arturo! Sebastian Rulli is so perfect. The entire cast is superb, even my not so favorite characters.

What will Arturo do when he finds out about Fer/Ter? We haven't had a killing. Is he capable of killing him? Will Luisa become a mujer asesina? So many questions.

Thank you, Paquita! ITA about the actors. I totally despise the bad guys (Ruben, Geno) and am mesmerized by what the in-betweeners are up to now. Arturo .... hate to see him cry. Glad to see Luisa will get to do more than swoon and squeal soon too. I know it's weird but I'm in LOVE with her voice.

Killing-wise, I wouldn't doubt one happens soon. The Ter/Fer and Rodrigo stories have a lot of feathers fluffed and ripe for plucking.

Paquita-great recap, as usual your explanations explain some puzzling parts. And very fast, it was nice finding it for breakfast.

The most puzzling part no one can explain. That scene where Tere is alone with the big Teddy, saying she really loves Art, (really???) but her pride comes first. If that is how she treats someone she loves I'd hate to see how she treats someone she hates. Oh, wait, we did see how she treats someone she hates-Aida's Paolo pointed out to a drug dealer, and, hmm, stealing Odiosa's son, I am sorry but Tere's actions aren't even serving herself well, I am convinced she is LOCA.

A cool frase -Hernan said to Espe, "ten fe." First time I have heard that.

The other one really losing it is Geno-she is really Loca around that baby, I think in coming episodes she'll be crackers, totally.

It is really getting good
I really look forward to your recaps, Paquita. They are so easy to read, include every thing but are also concise enough to get them in before I dash off to work. Thank you!

Paquita: This was marvelous. Enjoyed every word and "She grabs her designer bag and leaves in a huff" amd "well, isn’t SHE the Positive Patty" were only a few of my favorites. Thank you for bringing a little light into a very depressing episode.

Even after Mariano announced to Tere that he was on to her, she and Fernando continue their public lip locking. Huh? I kept waiting, cringing for Luisa to hear or see the devastating betrayal.

Espe's devastation was painful to watch. I can't wait for this to be resolved.

I agree with everyone that the acting has been first rate. At the awards show, Teresa, Arturo and Luisa all sat together and seemed delighted when Angelique Boyer won. I keep telling myself that this is just a story and I hope the actors had as much of a good time filming it as we have had watching it.

I don't believe there will be murder but...this is not going to end well, at least for Teresa, Luisa and Fernando. I think Art has his next love interest ready and waiting in the wings...


Thanks so much Paquita! This was a depressing episode. Poor Mariano. I am so glad that he told Luisa straight up. In the previews, looks like things explode between Fer and Luisa. Good! It's time for the blinders to come off and for that jerk to be exposed.

I want Aurora and Hector to make a HUGE appology to Mariano when the truth comes out too.

Poor Espe. My heart was breaking for her. And Teresa, her men, and their drama was just making things worse. I see a heart incident coming for Refugio when she eventually learns the truth about Roddy and that Espe is in the hospital. She'll soon start to wonder why Espe hasn't brought the baby over for her to babysit.

Great work, Paquita. We've still got lots of balls in the air with only 15 hours left to the story.

I wonder if the kidnap story will take a turn when someone spots Fito near Genovenom's house. What business would he have in that neighborhood?

Ruben diving behind the couch was hilarious. This is destined for some more slapstick to come.

Poor Aurora. Considering what Vanessssssa did to him, I can't fault Hector for his attitude.

I swear, if Teresa would spend half as much energy actually working at her profession as she spends on her lies and half-truths she could afford her preferred lifestyle on her own and not have to prostitute herself by marrying rich men she doesn't care about.

Her persistent belief that Mariano is still in her thrall proves she is now becoming as delusional as Aida.

I have a dissertation on the emotion thing but that will need its own post.

Jarocha: Can you enlighten us on average family size in Mexico? I realize that most novela families are small so writers don't create more characters they can write for but this series in particular seems to have a lot of onlies and twos:

Only children: Aida, Paulo, Mariano, Aurora, Fernando, Pati (whose mother may also have been an only); possibly also Paloma, Martin, Juana, and Cutberto

Has only one sibling: Teresa, Arturo

Has two siblings: Esperanza

We don't know about the older generation, but I don't recall hearing any of the parents of the above characters talking about brothers and sisters, and we don't meet them. Cutberto has an uncle, but none of the above characters talk about uncles, aunts, or cousins. If this series airs in China all those only children will really be able to relate.

UA, I had the same question about all the onlies. It seemed odd. But I guess you can't keep recombining all the couples if too many of them are siblings!

Great recap, Paquita. And we do need to laugh so we don't cry...

My judgment call for this episode is this: Mariano might not have all these malentendidos if he would just BUTT OUT. Really, why is he in the middle of this, anyway?

Just read the "Telenovela Conventions" -- wonderful! (I think if I had to pick the two most overused phrases in this TN, they would be "Largate!" and "Es el colmo!")

Thanks for the great recap Paquita. I really loved your selflessness in wanting to comfort Art in his time of trouble! I'm willing to help you in this effort.

Blue Lass - ITA that Mariano would not be in the mess he is currently in if he would butt out. But we knew the writers would have to do something to put the Mar/Aurora relationship in jeopardy (even if for only an episode or two).

Also we know that poor Mariano has a tendency to butt in. However I also see his actions are in light of his own realization about Ter and his love for her. Teresa's men, in my opinion, aren't really in love with her, they seem more obsessed. They aren't healthy relationships and it doesn't help that Ter plays games with them. Now that Mar is free from the "cult of Ter" or the Ter effect, he wants to tell ALL potential victims. He's trying to help others avoid being shattered by the truth as he was.

Karen, it's kind of like someone who just quit smoking.

Great recap Frances! I'll join you in comforting Arturo, mmmm.

Angelique Boyer and Fernanda Castillo became best friends during the filming of this novela. They still hang out together. Once this novela finishes I'll put up some clips of the cast behind the scenes, I would do it now but I'm afraid you'd get to see spoilers on the side bar of youtube.

I do think Teresa loves Arturo, she just tends to treat the people she loves in awful ways.

I agree that Mariano would not have gotten in this mess if he hadn't butted in. I'd be suspicious of his actions if I were Aurora too, of course we know he is trying to help but my thoughts would be why is he still getting in Teresa's business if he doesn't love her anymore? She saw it happen time and again for years while he was with Aída and she was scared of exactly this same thing happening to her.

There's a dicho here that says: "No hagas cosas malas que parezcan buenas, ni buenas que parezcan malas".


anyone think that Luisa will find out about Teresa and Fer and not tell Auturo to protect him? maybe force Teresa to stay with him.

UA: I think nowadays people usually have around two children, sometimes one in urban areas, sometimes (but much less common) three.

Mexico's fertility rate is at 2.1 children per woman as of 2008.

From the babies being born in poor families in the 80's and 90's two sounds right for urban areas. Teresa's sister was probably born in 1995, which means she was born in the midst of a huge economic and political crisis and it would make sense that Refugio decided not to have children anymore because the future was uncertain.

People having children in the 70's (Arturo's generation) probably had around 4 in urban areas.

Only the people living in more rural areas tend to have big families now and that's dwindling too.

Here's a chart that illustrates Mexico's fertility rates but take into account that this is a media of all the country and the urban and rural areas tend to differ alot (although less so nowadays).


Karen: "Now that Mar is free from the "cult of Ter" or the Ter effect, he wants to tell ALL potential victims." YES!

UA: "'s kind of like someone who just quit smoking." YES!

Great insight into Mariano's personality today. It is just so rare to se a GUY put themselves in the middle of other people's business, men seem to have a natural "I should butt out," personality.

Paquita, I too love your recaps and look forward to your concise, detailed style. Thanks so much.

Mariano should have stayed out of the Fer/Teresa affair. If he really loves Aurora and he's really over Teresa, then it's none of his business what Teresa does anymore.

Johnny is the one that saw Teresa and Fernando together. Mariano should have left it to Johnny to decide if he wanted to tell Art or Luisa about it.

Mariano reminds me of two people I once knew: Heidi and Doofus (names changed to protect the innocent). Heidi had a boyfriend, yet always got involved in another guy's personal matters (the "other" guy was her next door neighbor). "Doofus", as his name implies, was a sporadically employed doofus that always either had to get involved in a particular girl's business or would show up "needing help" from her - BTW they supposedly broke up a long time ago.

Heidi's boyfriend came home one day and found her in a "compromising situation" with her neighbor. Doofus ended up moving in with the girl he was following around, because "he just needed a place to stay", much to the chagrin of the girl's boyfriend, who broke up with her and waived a rubber spatula at Doofus like it was a bad-ass weapon.

The moral of the story is when people inexplicably insist on getting involved in other people's business, many times, it means they have feelings for them. It's not just that they are trying to be helpful or they have aspirations of being the next Dr. Phil. I'm saying the novios of those people usually have a legitimate reason to be concerned. Given Mariano's past, Aurora has a right to be concerned/pissed. I don't blame her for ending it... plus it frees her up for me!

Gracias, Jarocha. Hispanic fertility rates are higher in the US and Mexico was leading the subgroups in the 90s. That makes sense in view of your information.

I love Luisa's voice, too.

I couldn't understand why Mariano was being the town crier and running to warn Luisa. He should be like "I'm finished with Teresa, Arturo and all of that...none of my business! Next!"

Aurora wouldn't even let Mariano explain, just shut him down, no explanation. She's going to feel real stupid when she learns about Luisa/Fernando/Teresa.

Then SHE will have to woo Mariano. LOL

Great analysis Sharkbyte, you ARE a cool guy!

I think Mariano is a "victim" of plot advancement in this particular instance. But in ordinary circumstances, I would think that it is just like Sharkbyte said, he shows that he is still interested or perhaps, taking it a step further, just a vindictive person.

I thought the whole Lucie/Arturo thing was unnatural. She went too far in trying to be a calming friend. When a guy is on the brink of separation or divorce, and you are a beautiful woman, I really think that is very important to keep your physical distance. Anyone, even Arturo, could have misread the signals that she was accidentally (?) giving off. It is just like Jarocha just said, " "No hagas cosas malas que parezcan buenas, ni buenas que parezcan malas".

I just found out that Sebastián Zurita was taken out of the Cañaveral de Pasiones remake.

So Angelique's galán will either be Valentino Lanús, Erick Elías or David Zepeda if the rummor mill is true. Either of those are an odd choice because the characteres are supposed to have the same age and be childhood friends.

Sebastián Rulli still needs a leading lady for his novela with Carla Estrada. The filming has been postponed for 2012. Practically everyone in Televisa has been mentioned as a contender, even some movie stars that would never take a tv job. Lucero and Adela Noriega have been discarted already and the other two strong sounding names (Silvia Navarro and Maité Perroni) are still free but who knows what will happen. Carlos Moreno (CME) wants Silvia for his next novela but he still hans't had green light for his project.


OK, Jarocha.... how do we send ideas to Carla Estrada? Not necessarily about the situations you mentioned. ;)

Sandy: I actually think this behaviour of Mariano is pretty consistent, he always gets in other people's business. He has been the vecindad protector and he has tried to save Teresa from herself before. I think he just has difficulty in staying out of situations when he sees something wrong happening.


UA: I guess you could send her ideas from the Televisa email. What do you want to see happen?


Excellent recap and excellent title. Very entertaining and thorough read; I especially enjoyed your **snarky asides**.

Mariano can't win either way. Poor guy, he was getting attacked from all sides in this episode. Yes, he should stay out of it for his own sake, but Mariano's never been one for doing what's best for himself when there are other people to be saved. Having finally realized how toxic Teresa is, he's determined to save others from the same torment he experienced. It's probably too late in a lot of ways, though.

I was really hoping MarianoBear would spill his guts as Tere was walking away from Arturo.

True Jarocha, Mariano has "helped" others before! Maybe he does view himself as the much needed Dr. Phil of la vecindad!

Too bad Eugenio Siller isn't on the list for CdP, he would be great with Boyer and more her age! He was very good in Mi Pecado.

Plus, Mariano didn't see Fernando/Teresa together, Johnny did. Mariano is running to tell Luisa secondhand information. He should have stayed out of it.

But now that he's put the matter on the platter, Luisa can't run from this. He told her straight up that Teresa was seducing Fernando for $ now that Arturo's broke. Luisa's going to have Oriana's warnings in her head about Teresa being a golddigging social climber. Teresa just told her that she's divorcing Arturo, and she's going to think back to all the times Teresa told her not to ask Fernando who he was with & remember all the times Teresa/Fernando have been alone, embracing.

It's not going to be pretty for Luisa b/c she's going to have to face up to the face that Oriana was right about Teresa all along.

Now back to Aurora. She doesn't want to believe Mariano's "ridiculous" story of wanting to warn Luisa about Teresa seducing Fernando, BUT:

Didn't Oriana tell her when she was in Cuernavaca that Teresa was circuling around Fernando?

Oriana's story + the upcoming Fernando/Luisa breakup is going to prove to Aurora that Mariano was telling the truth, he was NOT looking for Teresa.

Awesome recap Frances. I agree that the Teresa/Fernando scenes are hard to stomach. Poor Arturo. He deserves so much better. I'm worried he will get drunk as a skunk again.

I'm glad that Mariano told Luisa of what Teresa is going to do. I don't think she will believe him though.

Fernando had better be afraid of Arturo's temper. I think Arturo would beat the crap out of him once he gets wind of the fact that his best friend is messing around with his wife. Luisa could kill him too.

The scene with Teresa repeating the mantra that her pride comes before love was very telling. Things wouldn't be the way they are if she had told Arturo about Fito in the first place. He wouldn't have stolen the important papers for the case and Arturo wouldn't have lost his fortune. Teresa can't see that she's the reason for a lot of the misfortunes that have happened to her and Arturo.

I really hope the baby is found soon. That storyline has my nerves up in knots.

From the previews for tonight's show, it should be good.

Sandy: I don't know, Mi Pecado was written by the same writers as Cañaveral and they used some lines and situations of CdP in Mi Pecado as an homage. It would be weird seeing Eugenio Siller repeat the same lines if the people in charge of the writing the remake keep the lines too.

Check these two scenes:

¿Qué me das si te demuestro que todavía la tengo?, MP version.

¿Qué me das si te lo demuestro?, CdP version.


Con't re:Aurora + Mariano's story + Oriana's story

Both Oriana & Mariano have now told Aurora that Teresa is circling around Fernando. Oriana would have no reason to tell Mariano about Fernando/Teresa.

If two people who don't have much to do with each other tell you the same story about a third person, you might want to pay attention.

Plus, Teresa & Fernando WERE in Zacatecas WITHOUT their partners Arturo & Luisa. I'm wondering if Johnny somehow is going to end up corroborating Oriana's/Mariano's stories to Aurora, Arturo & Luisa since he is the only eyewitness to this tomfoolery.

Paquita...WOWSERS! Excellent recap. I couldn't watch last night. Yes. It is the pathetic truth. The anxiety I feel is getting the best of me! LOL!

Wrt the upcoming novelas that Jarocha has mentioned. Maite Perroni? Really? She's a cute ingenue, but I hardly see Tilt Head Perroni in the same class as Silvia Navarro or Lucero.

I also think I am going to have to see Boyer in something else before I decide how I feel about her.

Yes, she was the perfect person for this role, blah, blah, blah, but I think she has done such an excellent job of making me sick of this character's mannerisms; voice, antics; clothing (yes...I still can't get over that one grey number with the stripe running down the middle of her back and down the length of the skirt), and just about everything else that it will be a long time before I see her as someone besides "Teresa".

How wonderful that Rulli will be a leading galan! Can't wait to see him and another Silvia Navarro TN!

I might just have to wait for Sharkbyte's recap tonite as I just don't know if I can watch. The whole Geno/Rubigote deal plus Teresa looking like she is losing control is TOO much!


One other thing that really confuses me. It has been said that Teresa really loves various people, but just treats them badly.

If that is love, then I want no part of it.


I think Arturo would beat the crap out of him once he gets wind of the fact that his best friend is messing around with his wife.

I thought this too Pirate Babe. If so, maybe there'll be lots of blood. One can only hope.

Luisa could kill him too.

She might, but if anyone gets whacked, I hope it's Ruben, Geno, Fito, or Oriana. And hopefully there's lots of blood.

And fire.

And explosions.

And bikinis.

And more fire.

And bikinis.

I agree, Susanita. She might feel passion or interest or attraction or possessiveness, but that isn't love.

I think there are many many many actresses who have been second-string who would do better in a leading role than Maite Perroni. She seems to have a fairly limited range. Time to promote someone new, I think.

Eugenio Siller is 30 now, but would be an excellent leading man for AB.

Jarocha, I want Televisa to be the next network to do Dark Shadows! I think Diego Olivera should be the lead. If anyone wants it, I'll repost the cast listing (slightly revised since the last discussion on the subject). Carla Estrada would be the perfect producer.

Paquita - wonderful. Finally reading all the great comments after a day of calls and a late lunch.ready to go home already and have three more hours of work!. Argh! This certainly brightened my afternoon.

This TN is getting rough on the nerves to watch. I was more tense after watching - suppose to be able to relax at night watching the telly!! Comments all pretty much hit home for me too on what happened. Teresa is increasingly delusional too, jjst like some of the others, she needs to take a good look at some of the women around her...she's not THAT special. Maybe in the 'hood she was, but not in the real world.

As for Mariano, yeah, he's a buttinski, but that seems to have always been his role. Think about whenever things go wrong...who do the folks at home call? I think he not only feels he constantly has to make things right for people, but now use the lesson he learned about teresa and make sure noone else falls into her trap. Can't say I blame him, but it always hurts him.

Thought Aurora could have at least let the poor guy explain. gees....But I love seeing AD's pupy dog look, so it was okay.

Jarocha - interesting info on Boyer's next TN. I love Lanus and Elias, do like Zepeda too just don't see him with Boyer. Hmmmm. I would think EE is about the same age as Boyer. Valentino would be a bit too old, but hey, I'll stretch my beanie to watch him any day.

I think Lanus, Zepeda, and Elias all do pretty well at playing younger than they are. I love all three of them so I'm looking forward to seeing whoever is picked. Teresa's mannerisms are really grating on me but I imagine AB will have a new look and new mannerisms in a different show. I really liked her character in CS; she was totally nothing like Teresa.

I remember when Llena de Amor started right after Mi Pecado, it took at least a week to get used to Armando Araiza in a good-guy role. He was SO EVIL in Mi Pecado, and so effective in that role, that I still had this instant flinching reaction when he appeared on screen. But soon I did see him as the new character.

Yes, Jarocha, those scenes are almost identical in content, but could be changed easily....a special meeting place rather than the medallion. I actually think that Eugenio Siller needs a breakout role like Sebastian Rulli with Teresa. He has a sincere quality that is wonderful to watch. If the novela powers that be keep doing what the American film industry has done, putting “star power” chemistry-less couples together, they will have what we have here in the US, very few good romantic movies! These newer novelas have none of the chemistry that the older ones had,IMHO.

I’m still watching the novela, but I agree with Susanita, there is an impending sense of dread as the scenes evolve.

Poor Fernando, he really doesn't want to hurt Luisa, but he just can't stop himself.

UA: YES, YES, and YES!!!!!!!


Julia: Thank you!


I started the new David Zepeda novela and am still watching it some, but I DON'T think DZ makes a good romantic lead. I don't think his eyes emote enough or something. It isn't as much about the age as some nebulous quality in the person’s face and eyes. In love scenes you need to see vulnerability in the eyes and face.

Urban-so, so true, Teresa would be a fabulously successful attorney here in the States, anyway, and not need to marry for money. If only her powers could be used for good...

Jarocha, yeah, Ter loves Arturo, she just tends to treat the people she loves in awful ways. What an understatement. I got to thinking she has not been a blessing to anyone...ever. Whether she calls them her BFF or her enemies, they all have to suffer the same...

Sandy in TN: Yeah, Lucia's work uniform also went too far, too, I thought.

Sharkbyte, I am glad Mar told Luisa, but I had the after thought that had Fer and Ter decided to cut off their relationship it would be better if no one knew what a near miss they had had. HOWEVER since this is not the case and Ter is not backing off, too bad Fer, and Ter, yer busted!

UA regarding the reformed smoker analogy, yes!

Sandy - I'm curious as to which older TNs you are referring to with better chemistry between the leads. I've only been watch for a few years.


La Mentira, Amor Real, Corazon Salvaje '93 (didn't watch the latest version)and one of the most wonderful...Ramona.

I don't mean to be too critical, just a few of the last ones seemed a little flat to me. Maybe the "flatness" is in the eye of the beholder!!!!!

"If only her powers could be used for good..."

Jeje. Good one, Emarie.

The 1993 Corazon Salvaje was one of my first novelas. Edith Gonzales and Eduardo Palomo were pure magic together.

Now for the revised cast of the (still hypothetical) Televisa production, Sombras Oscuras. The original English-language names are listed to avoid confusion:

Barnabas: Diego Olivera
Roger: Cesar Evora
Elizabeth: Helena Rojo or Jacqueline Andere
Carolyn: Altair Jarabo or Angelique Boyer
Victoria: Livia Brito
Julia: Daniela Romo
Prof. Stokes: Otto Sirgo
Tony Peterson: Jorge Salinas
Sheriff Patterson: Sergio Reynoso
Willie Loomis: Rodrigo Vidal
Joe Haskell: Sebastian Rulli
Peter Bradford/Jeff Clark: Valentino Lanus
Maggie Evans: Jacqueline Bracamontes
Mrs Johnson: Patricia Reyes Spindola
Adam: Eduardo Santamarina
Eve: Sabine Moussier or Yadhira Carillo
Nicholas: Rene Casados
Angelique: Edith Gonzales (w/blond hair) or Silvia Navarro
Laura: Maya Mishalska
Quentin: Christian de la Fuente
Tom & Chris Jennings: Eugenio Siller
The Grand Inquisitor and/or Satan: Enrique Rocha
Other Inquisitors: Guillermo Garcia Cantu, Sergio Sendel, Alejandro Avila, Sebastian Ligarde

UA: That's an interesting cast. I do think Televisa could use a different type of story but since Emilio Azcárraga Jean became the president they haven't taken many chances. They had one great supernatural novela called El Maleficio but the great late Ernesto Alonso made that one.

Angelique will have dirty blond hair in the Cañaveral remake. I have seen her in other type characteres and I think she will be able to leave Teresa behind. Although Julia had a strong character and she could be moody sometimes so maybe we'll remember a little bit of sharkita from time to time.

Sandy: I agree about the new leads not having as much chemistry as those in the past. I was a little dissapointed at the Zepeda/Echeverría coupling to tell you the truth. I was expecting more I guess. Maybe the whole crazy hormones thing he had with Wilkins at the begining ruined them for me because he looks a little passive now.

Daisinjay: EE is 9 years older than AB! And he is the closest to her in age out of all the possible galánes! I like Valentino the most out but I'll have to wear a beanie if they are supposed to be the same age.


Thank you wonderful recappers, Paquita today and Jardinera for yesterday. You are talented funny people and your details are so helpful I will read the recap and comments soon as I had a busy am.

Last night I was wondering what was giving me indigestion and realized I was watching this novela with all its tension and angst. Well, three more weeks of stomach churning events to go.


I envision this as a series of 13-week stories with the following changes:

-- The series takes place in Spain so the witch and vampire come from an earlier century. That allows for more periods of history to look at.

-- Clean up inconsistencies in the original.

-- Incorporate supernatural elements that are culturally relevant, such as La Llorona.

Considering that there's a movie coming next spring you'd think this would be a good risk.

If I were a composer I would have long since created a cycle of operas about those characters. I even have that cast in my head...

Woo, didn't think EE was 9 years older, but he could easily pass as closer to her age.
I agree Eugenio Siller needs a really good break out role he can seek his teeth into. With every role he's gotten better and I think with the right one, he could surprise too.
I would also like to see each of these guys with a Silvia N./Boyer type actress who can really go toe to toe with them in the TN. After TDA, I'm rather done with the weepy or too sweet/innocent female leads for awhile. I may not like Teresa, but I"m getting spoiled with Teresa and Cuando and the feisty female lead (good or bad).

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