Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #132 Monday 10/24/11 The Pillars of the Family Hold Vigil for the Wounded While Dr. ManOfa1000Names Fuels Up with Cheap Tequila

Rest of the Title: and SisterUgly Snuggles with Mr. ManOfa1000EvilPlots While We Learn That Reptiles Really Do Cry

Amigos, I am leaving for 9 days in Mexico on Thursday so I need someone to write a guest recap or at least post a discussion place holder next Monday (October 31). Is anyone interested and available? Thanks in advance.

Review: The La Bonita crew gathers hoping for the best for Regina and Gonzolo and feeling awful for Dona Renata. At TOHIMC, Matias cries behind the glass at his motionless Papa reliving the moments of their reunion after too many years apart because of Fina and now maybe they will be separated forever for her evil crimes. You have to fight for your life, Papa. Matias worries about Renata who needs her Papa so, EVEN Roberta is effected says Matias, as surprised as we are. Don’t leave me, Papa. I don’t mind that he cries so long, Gonzolo is worth it.

Fina makes her debut in the prison yard with cat calls from the gang who prepare her initiation.

Antonio talks with his superior at the seminary to confess that he needs to denounce Fina and didn‘t before he joined up for the pastoral life so he has many sins to repent. The Padre gives him permission to leave so he can take care of his guilt.

At the edge of the separated yard, Fina is lured by Blanca through the bars to join her in revenge, they have so much in common, the hatred of the Monterubbios and the vengeance to see them all destroyed. Blanca blames the idiot Daniel for landing her in jail. Fina laughs oh so you’re the one who committed fraud against the Monterubbios. Blanca says, I am in this insane asylum because they say I am crazy but I’ll show them. Fina turns up her nose at this point, it’s a bit like the first day at a new junior high school, if you are trying to fit in and establish your superiority. She doesn’t need anyone’s help.

Good old nunca se rinde, Inez encourages Regina, she will soon be as good as new. But, Regina is having problems carrying on with Gonzolo so sick. She can’t figure out and neither can Inez how this monster Fina tried to kill both Gonzolo and her, and poor Renata, how can she bear being the child of this monster. Regina begs for the truth about Gonzolo’s condition. Inez tells her truthfully that they are hoping for the best but no one knows yet.

Selene brings Chema home. He doesn’t understand what is happening to him. She assures him that the doctor will let him know when the test results are back. She sweetly says they are friends and he can count on her for anything he needs. She seems to have repented her former clingy and witchy ways. Alone when she leaves, Chema continues to not know what is happening to him.

The special handsome agent says that charges are moving along for keeping Fina in jail. Roberta interrupts, what is to happen to Fina? With concern in her voice, but then assures the uneasy family that she only wants her to never get out. They will know more after she is arraigned, but he points out that although Regina seems to be getting better, Fina’s charges could be a lot more serious if Gonzo does not make it. Even Roberta takes this news badly as Matias observed earlier.

Renata and Jero go to sob in front of the window to Gonzolo’s room. Papito, dear Papa, you have to survive, you have to be strong, sobs Renata still lovely in her wedding garb. You promised to be with me forever. I can’t do without you. You protected us and loved us as though we were you real daughters. You have to hold on. She smiles suddenly remembering the first time they met. The young Pepa/Fina introduces the cold as a fish Roberta and then gets a big smile and hug from the vivacious, young Regina, Jr. /Renata. Don’t leave me! You always called me your princess. She again remembers all the time he told her he wants her to feel like a princess, like when she was planning her modest wedding and he wanted her to pull out all the stops and get the most beautiful dress so she could be the most beautiful bride ever. He also says he tried not to prefer anyone over the other but always she was his favorite and his pet or spoiled one (consentido/a). Later, in her tears when her marriage first failed with Jero, he was there saying that with him, she would always be in her home and especially at home in his heart. NO matter what her mother said, he would always be there with love for her. Don’t leave me, she sobs. Jero is so supportive these days.

Not so supportive of anyone, our Dr. Nasty had accosted a young woman on the street, distracted by her cell phone conversation. He grabs her purse, pushes her in the flower planter and takes her wallet, discards her purse and runs off. Gee, he’s hungry!

Lazaro and Kari plan their wedding date again. He is happy if it is tomorrow. Nooooo, she wants to wait for Jero and Renata to get back and Gonzo to improve. He says they shouldn’t wait but go ahead with their plans. He squeels piggy like and sets her on a stool, then he kneels and repeats once again would you like to marry me? He still has the ring and puts it back on her finger, saying he wants her to be Senora Lopez. They seem to be the token happy pair tonight.

Marina again in more modest clothing that she wore the day Jero turned her away enters her office. She is remembering the loving scene with Jero there when she tended to his wounds from the fight with Augie. Saying all men are like little children. She sniffs, here I lived some of the most beautiful moments of my life. Baby you need to know that you are the fruit of my love for him. Of my biggest illusion. I love you father so. She hugs her baby belly and cries .

Dr. 1000Names does a little shopping that looks almost like shoplifting just before the shop closes saying he has money to pay. It’s almost hard to see him so down on is luck-NOT. Isn’t this town supposed to be really small, why doesn’t anyone seem to recognize him?

Jero and Matias discuss the irony that Renata is so destroyed by having to be the daughter of the bad mother and they both are amazed that Roberta is the daughter of the good one. Matias points out that it has only made Renata strong and brave (valiente). Just then Augie slips into the seat in the waiting room and sits close to Renata who looks in no mood to have to deal with him. He was too worried about her and her family to stay away, so HERE’s AUGIE. Only two people are going to be happy about his being here and he is number one.

I thank you Augustin, says Renata. Jero stands up in assertive fashion not saying much but why are you here. Augie says he is here inspite of Jero’s being with Renata now, he is a friend of the Monterrubios. Renata basically tells him thanks but we don’t need more people here in this waiting room. Matias seconds the motion, we are all here just waiting together. Augies seems surprised at he shut out.

Roberta comes in for a moment to look at the sleeping Regina but it is a Roberta moment: she bemoans, why doesn’t anyone love MEMEME (oops, my fingers did that). She hates that she has to share the world with Renata and remembers telling Fina, she is glad that she isn’t her (Renata’s real) mother but she hates sharing any blood with her like having the same father. Roberta goes out feeling more sorry for herself than when she walked in. Besides, with the sleeping Inez and the sleeping Regina, no one notices her sacrifice of coming into the room. Inez and Regina sleep peacefully through the whole tender 40 second sequence. She feels so alone, Boo. Hoo. She runs into Augie in the hall way who is being shunned too so they grin and sneak out together. She is so glad to see him, so he says with his devilish grin, follow me.

Matias and Adriana talk in the cafeteria about Chema’s condition which worries Adriana still just as sister of hit and split (thanks Lila, I owe you for this one). Matias rises to offer her a seat. She notices how cozy Adriana and Matias are but sits anyway.

Inez awakes and so does Regina just as Renata and Jero come in. No one knows where Roberta is. Renata thought she was coming in here. Regina and Inez didn’t see her, so may be not. They all shrug. Renata offers to stay to take care of Regina so Inez can get home to Panchito and she says, maybe I can occupy the place of Roberta for a little bit since she isn’t here. Regina heartily assures her she has her own full place in her heart.

S of H & S sees the bling ring and the couple hand holding and lovey. Adriana with full confidence of her place retires to take care of something and let the friends talk. Sis tells Matias she is sad because she had feelings for him but it is a blessing that he is with the person he loves who loves him. Yes, he agrees what a blessing. AMEN. Now let’s see if she wants to run a foul of Selene for another try at Chema.

Carlos finally sits his stuffy mother down to tell her he doesn’t want any more lessons for Matilde. Matilde is fresh and wonderful and just the woman he fell in love with, so she should quit trying to remake her. Mama insists that Matilde is loving this and learning so quickly, she will be a half decent person in no time with her excellent teaching. But, Basta. Carlos says Matilde is just being polite and humoring her and has no desire to become the society stiff that her mother-in-law to be is. If Momma would just try to see Matilde for the wonderful person she really is she would see why he loves her so. They hug in seeming reconciliation. Maybe Mama is seeing some kind of light, maybe not, we shall see. At least she makes peace with her loving son.

Dr. 1000 drinks about 3 double shots of tequila, the cheap stuff he demands, really quickly in a bar. I don’t like this little line of impending doom one bit but there you have it, our man of a 1000 names is free and heading out to spread the good news.

Maybe the next morning, Renata is folding a blanket, speaking with Regina and suddenly Antonio walks in, (quick flight from Madrid, right, or is he still in Mexico? Oh who cares?) Renata excuses herself to go for coffee so they can talk alone. Regina says, tell me Antonio. You and I have much to talk abouts.

At the prison of the south again, Fina brings her tray of food to a table and the GANG of three show up throwing a banana peel on top of her meal, telling her to move. She says calmly, I was told I cold sit where I like. You don’t seem to understand the rules and codes here. She better do what La Gansa (the goose) says. And who is that? asks the cool as ice Fina. The ringleader says, I am La Gansa. What we say goes and they throw her food to the floor. A sleepy looking guard looks slightly interested, but La Gansa says, we were just greeting the new person.

Back at Regina’s bedside, Antonio says he was so sad and ashamed when he left. Regina says, when Fina told me that you were her ally to betray Gonzolo and me, she couldn’t believe he would do anything. He is still the milktoast we sent off some episodes ago, when he says he and Fina wanted the same thing, to split her up from Gonzolo so he thought it was a good idea to join with the strong Fina.

Jero and Inez and Isidro come back and greet Renata in the waiting room. Jero asks, how is our Papa. Much the same, she sighs. I was just going to see him. Jero rises to go with her. Inez says she will care for Regina and Renata can go see papa and then should go home to rest to keep her strength up.

Antonio says he went along with fiendish Fina but then he found out she was trying to kill Gonzo and Regina the night of the masked ball he got her out of there. Regina realizes this is the second time Fina has tried to kill them both (actually the third for Regina) And then he tells of the scene with Doña Cata seeing them at the foot of the stairs, Fina points the gun at Cata, Antonio struggles with Fina while Cata clutches her heart then rolls down the stairs unconscious. They both leave the lifeless body and flee. He adds, that day, I stopped the death of Gonzolo but not of Doña Cata.

Inez and Isidro talk about the irony that Renata is more willing to care for Regina than the supposed real daughter Roberta . They both agree that Renata seems so much like Regina and Roberta seems so much like the evil Fina. Hmmmm.

Regina cries that her mother died of a heart attack and realizes Antonio did nothing to help her. Antonio with mealy mouth begs for her forgiveness, she cries and thinks it over. He’s lucky it wasn’t me lying there.

Renata is crying in front of the window to Gonzolo’s room with Jero and says she must go see her mother. She needs many explanations. He fears for her going there for the hurt Fina can inflict even with words. But Renata insists that she has to talk to her mother to tell her exactly what she has done here.

Next time: Lots of agony and truth. Fina looks spitefully at the loving Renata, Adriana hears bad news from Chema’s doctor. Life and death decisions are coming we are told and Roberta has popped back into Augie’s bed with plots a plenty to ruin the happiness of her sister and Jero. My sympathies Jules, bring a shovel and plenty of handkerchiefs again.


Cheryl, I just saw your post as I was off to bed. I can't resist saying a few words now but I'll add more tomorrow.

First, what a great title. My favorite part was "SisterUgly Snuggles"; it's got quite a poetic and alliterative ring to it.

I suspect Fina is going to be cooking someone's Goose pretty soon at the southern jail. I don't see her caving without a fight.

I enjoyed Renata's flashbacks. It reminded me what a sweet and loving relationship she has had with Gonzo.

I can't believe Carlos actually sat his mom down and had an honest and adult conversation with her. Not that she'll go along but still, good for him.

Oh man, did you see poor Hit 'n Split's face when she saw Adri's rock? I kinda felt bad for her. But "let’s see if she wants to run a foul of Selene for another try at Chema"...Sele will no doubt sort her out quickly.

You're going to Mexico for 9 days, sounds fun! Have an awesome trip. If we can't get a sub for you then I or someone will happily post a header that night

Oh my...I love any title that reminds me of Land of a 1000 Dances and Dr. Dipsomaniac was in full swing last night, wasn't he?

You're at your best when annoyed by sleazy characters Cheryl. Your observations of Roberta's "forty seconds of sacrifice" and MEMEME thoughts were a hoot but my favorite was your musing on Antonio.."or is he still in Mexico? Oh who cares?)"

I just HATE it when a character, who's done something heinous, then bleats (demands actually) Forgive me, forgive me! I can't live in peace until you do!" Of all the nerve! Like Regina owes him something after he left her mother dying on the stairs.

If Regina decides to forgive him, for her OWN peace of mind, fine. But for him to demand it is adding insult to injury.

Reminds me of an old gripe. Someone who wronged me very badly, told me he'd made an agreement in heaven, before coming back to this life, to teach me "forgiveness" Like his rotten act was really a deed of New Age nobility. Don't you just love the way we humans can self-justify?

Cheryl, enjoy your trip to Mexico. Thanks for the rapic recap. I too love the title.

Imagine the heinous acts that Fina & Blanca are going to cook up once Fina gets over her first day posturing. Will "La Gansa" take her down or vice versa?

Your take on Roberta was right on. Loved the MEMEME.

Dr. Awful took a boat when he escaped from the jail. I wonder how far away he is. Once he starts downing the tequila I fear for poor Kari.

Did I see a small chink in Marina's armor? As she remembered the night of kisses (and more???) on the desk and fondled her stomach she went further than before she told the niño adentro that he/she is the fruit of a great love and a great illusion -- but she also said that the baby's father should be with them. Is this the first step toward putting pressure on Jero after all?


Cheryl: This was fantastic. Wry, witty and wonderful.

I love your astute observations: "I don’t mind that he cries so long, Gonzolo is worth it." Excactly! You always capture the essence of the moment so well: "She runs into Augie in the hall way who is being shunned too so they grin and sneak out together".

"SisterUgly Snuggles with Mr. ManOfa1000EvilPlots While We Learn That Reptiles Really Do Cry" was my favorite line.

Sylvia, "I suspect Fina is going to be cooking someone's Goose pretty soon at the southern jail" had me laughing out loud. My thoughts exactly.

Judy, "Dr. Dipsomaniac was in full swing last night" was fabulous!

Guera, interesting thought on Marina. I wondered if things were going along too civilly and if Marina was going to continue to supress her desire for Gonzo. She does seem to be yearning for him (understandable in her situation) and while insisting on a marriage doesn't appear to be in her character, that may well change. I like Marina and want a happy ending (whatever that may be) for her.

I thought Laz's squeal was totally improvised. It didn't seem to fit in but I smiled in delight as he is the best looking man here, there or just about anywhere.


Cheryl- I love the titles! And the recap isn't bad either. :)

Looks like we will have a few of these low key episodes as everyone tends to Gonzo, Gina and Chema, and the villains plot their next moves. Since Laz and Kari are the happiest right now, we know that Dr. 1000 will be making an ugly and unwanted appearance soon.

Jero is being the perfect husband right now. Just the right amount of quiet strength and loving embraces. He even managed to keep his cool relatively well when Augie appeared and quickly put his focus right back on Nata and giving her physical comfort. Good boy Jero. Even better that this is driving Augie crazy.

I agree that Gonzo is worth the tearful scenes in front of his window. Plus, the actors were on top of their games in those scenes. Loved also seeing those memories Nata had of her times with Gonzo. (Didn't mind seeing handsome Young Gonzo again either.)

Have a great time in Mexico!

Dictionary: awesome: A Cheryl recap.
So many of your bests have already been noted. But I love your " He’s lucky it wasn’t me lying there." What a self-serving...No, buster, go live with your guilt some more and get out of my face. And doesn't he have some other valuable info he should ne sharing with Gina? Or is he only concerned in easing his own guilty conscience.? Jerk

Speaking of jerk, Dr. Snatch&Grab sure couldn't wait to hit the sauce. Does not bode well for Kari and honestly, Laz needs to don his superman shirt and make this cretin head back to the real bars--the iron kind.

So fun watching Auggie being dismissed by the clan. Even having Matias step up, good boy. But little Miss MEME ( wonderful new name) heading off for a quick roll in the hay after supposedly being so concerned about Gonzo...yeah she's not redeemable. If what happened to her father didn't do it, nothing will. I'll have to get ready with some Rolaids for the scenes with the "It's all about Me" couple.

Off today myself, but no such great trip. Just staying close to the homestead and doing some early Christmas shopping. Hope your time in Mexico is wonderful and can't wait to hear some details! Safe trip.

Thanks for another great recap Cheryl. My favorite:

"...We Learn That Reptiles Really Do Cry..."

Clearly Ms Goose doesn't realize with whom she is messing. I have a perverted pride in our Fina. She's our bad girl and she is certainly badder than any silly goose.

Carlos' mom looked genuinely disappointed. I think that she means well. In fact, I felt a little bit sorry for her. Mati doesn't seem to mind humoring her.


Loved going from Dr. ManOfa1000Names to Dr. 1000 Drinks. Thanks Cheryl!

I also cringed the impending doom when Nesme started drinking. One thing I'd enjoyed about his incarceration is that he was drying out. Guess not enough. I hope Laz and Kari won't regret not getting married "tomorrow". Maybe later will be too late.

Not enjoying the flashbacks of Marina's lovely evening with Jero. I was glad we didn't have to watch it, but are they going to make us see it after all in a memory? I am guessing the baby was conceived on the desk.

Judy, your forgiveness story is jut jaw dropping. The nerve of that person!

Rosemary la Otra

Good morning. Thank you for the kind comments and great speculations already this morning to enhance my morning coffee sipping. I am looking forward to my trip but so sad I will be missing 7 episodes. It is so frustrating that we can't get back episodes from the internet. Arrrggghhh. Ahh well, I guess I have to sacrifice something for my good times in Mexico. Just think Vivi, there will be a nearly synchronized meeting of you and the Martins when I meet Jarocha next weekend. Or that is my hope.

I am amazed at how BAD Roberta has suddenly turned seemingly for good. She sure has painted herself into a corner.

La Gansa has a big surprise coming doesn't she. I love how Fina has gone from big society maven to jailhouse tough without blinking. She shows no fear and no remorse. What a delicious BadAss, I have no doubt of her deserving the awards she won now.

They seem to be avoiding the Constanza remembers the truth about the daughteer switch trick moment. I had hopes at the beginning of this latest hospital sequence that Regina would need blood, they even mentioned last night that she had lost so much, and the two daughters would be tested to see who could donate and.... but not yet. The writers must have something better in mind.

Oh yes, Judy, your tale of the self-righteous justifier ran a chill right up my neck too, like Rosemary LO says. It is so chilling it seems the stuff of fiction but more chillilng because it happened to you. eeewww. Life is stranger than fiction!

JudyB, man oh man your story makes me mad! That is one of my pet peeves too and I could have slapped Tony. However your story really takes the cake, sheesh.

I think Dr. 1000drinks is still in Ensenada which is a pretty big place. He couldn't have gone far in that little power boat. If he tried to go up or down the coast to the next town he would have been easily identified and caught by the police. So I think he likely went to another part of Ensenada, quickly abandoned his boat and is wandering one of the many, sprawling neighborhoods.

Buenos dias, Cheryl! Thanks so much for hitting another home run for us. I'll be back later today to write up a real comment but I had to make sure to check in. That title is fantastic!


So I went back and read the recaps from when Fina tried to kill Connie and Tony allies himself with Fina. Although Cons says to Fina that she is sure Nata is Gina's daughter, Fina never confirms it verbally. She just gets right to the attempted murder. She also never confirms to Tony which one of her daughters is Gina's either.

So although Connie, like everyone else who knows Fina, Berta and Nata, strongly feels that Nata is Gina's daughter, the DNA "evidence" has them all stumped. The fact that they all keep bringing up their doubts says to me that someone will keep digging.

Hey buds, yeah...I ended up being even madder about the self-styled justification than I was about the original betrayal...and I was plenty mad about that!

However...ironically..I did have to learn "forgiveness" 'cause otherwise I would have had an ulcer! Go figure.

Cheryl--What an episode. You turned crying into an art. The title alone deserves a first prize.

I wanted to comment how everyone in the hospital waiting room was paired up and consoling each other--except our dear Roberta. But you got it amiga.

When Berta figured it out, she knows it's not her fault, it is sunny Renata's. So now Auggie and Bertie will team up and rain on her parade.

I can't keep up with all the Nesmeisms. Here are the ones from just Episode 125 - 132:

Reanimated Man
…return of the living dead
Doc Nasty
Dr. HaHaYouAreNotAWidow
Dr. DustToDustAshesToAshes
Dr. dirt
The livingdead down at the jail, aka Dr. Nesme just isn’t dead enough for anyone’s liking
Dr. Creepy is not Dead
Dr. Iwillliveforever
Dr. Iamimmortal
Doc iwilldieeventually
Dr. pleasejustdiealready
Dr Toonastytodie
The UndeadDoc
Dr. AboutToCauseSomeMajorGrief NOT dead
Dr WeHopeDiesSoonAPainfullySlow Death
Dr PreviouslyInAComaThatDidn'tKill Him
Dr. Cockroach
Doc Shouldbesharkchum
Dr. Icky
Manofa1000Names (aka Dr. 1000Names)
Dr. Nasty (dup 100 times)
Dr. 1000 drinks (this was too good to leave out even though it wasn't part of his name)

Enjoy, NOK

Sylvia, Thanks for the clarification on Nesme's actual location. I was so dazzled last week by wild rides with Emilia and Mike, I forgot about the scene where he takes off in a stolen boat. So the tension builds. Gee wouldn't it be fine if Kari would marry Laz on a wild lark so they could leave town on a honeymoon. But they are too happy for that to go down easily. We have to have scary times with Dr. No first. Yuck.

Vivi, thanks for checking on the facts of what does Consta KNOW -vs- what do they all think. That makes a lot more sense because she would be so inclined to clear up Renata's life if she could. And Antonio is SO useless, sheeesh. He could get his pie cart with Fina driving it for all I care.

Ooops. I posted Nesmeisms before reading the comments.

Judy for Dr. Dipsomaniac;
Guera for Dr. Awful;
daisy for Dr. Snatch&Grab.
I'll put them up first in the next list.

The MEMEME and the "all about Me couple," reminds me of when Jero and Nata play the "I love you more, no I love YOU more" game when nuzzling. Auggie and Berta play, "it's all about ME, no, it's more about MEMEME, no, it's most of all about ME."

Cheryl--the blood donation also made me think that this is where the revelation has to come, but then I remembered that not all daughters have the same blood type as the mother (my daughter and I would not be able to donate to each other). There would also be no need to do another DNA test before blood donation, so no revelation yet. Carlos? Care to comment?


You are right. Just typing and matching blood compatibilities does not require any DNA testing nor would be unlikely to arouse suspicions about parentage unless...

Regina has type AB blood and Roberta has type O


Regina has type O blood and Roberta has type AB

In either of those cases it would be impossible for Regina to be Roberta's mom.



"...he'd made an agreement in heaven, before coming back to this life..."

So, did he happen to mention whether Heaven is in black and white, set in the 40s, and smoking is permitted?


Carlos, I happen to agree with Gonzolo that heaven ought to be a place where one would feel the most cool, fashionable in what you love to wear and permitted to do anything since nothing would be bad for your health.

Oh, I hope heaven has that 40s glam style, but I could do without the smoking. The only thing that would have made Gonzo's afterlife fantasy better would have been his appearing as his younger self :).

Judy, that is unbelievable (yet all too believable). How did you refrain from sending him right on back to heaven (or wherever) with a death glare?

I hate it when the villains pop up, suddenly sorry (or only sorry their evil schemes didn't work out better) and say "you HAVE to forgive me." Everything's still all about them. I thought our terrible toreador was supposed to go try to make things as right as he could (perhaps by telling the police everything he knows about Fina's deeds), not go jerk Regina around some more.

I'm surprised they let Chema go home and then Selene just abandoned him there on his own when he keeps fainting and having amnesia. That is not safe. He needs someone keeping an eye on him.

Cheryl, thanks ever so much for an ever so delightful recap. I could recap next week...unless someone else really wants to.

Julia, I would be so grateful if you would honor us with a guest appearance for the Monday night recap. I hope it is fun for you. It always is for me.

I can't believe that Antonio would even be allowed to enter the priesthood when he has a death on his conscience.

Cheryl, mil gracias! Better late than never. Your caps are always spectacular and I really, REALLY appreciate all you guys, especially during these tough episodes. I'm watching #133 now and your advice to Jules is right on target! It is soooooo clear that Roberta is not Regina's daughter, when is someone going to wake up and realize that Fina's providing the biologic samples for the DNA test are part of her plot. How in the heck are you going to trust someone who has/is wreaking all this murderous havoc! It's driving me kraaaaayyyyzayyyyy!

Thanks again, amiga, back to the show!


JudyB, the irony of learning forgiveness aside, your 'friend' was/is an extreme A-hole. Still makes me fume thinking about it.

Vivi, thank you for going back and checking on the Coni/Fina thing. It was kind of driving me nuts that Coni wasn't confirming Renata as Regina's daughter, but she's not absolutely certain so I get that she's not stirring the pot. Now, if she puts her head together with Isidro and Inez then she might decide to pursue it.

Oh yes, and have a safe and wonderful trip to Mexico!!


NOK, thanks for this ongoing list of monikers and epithets for Dr. Shouldbeconsumedbyworms!! FUNNY!!


Yes, NOK, thanks for your continuing list of the icky doctor. My title was in part an homage to your efforts!

Cheryl, your recap is so vivid it's as if I actually saw the episode. Thanks!
Mike and I leave for home tomorrow and will miss you and your spectacularly beautiful part of the country.

Safe travels to you, Emilia and Mike. It was so fun to have you visit. Willa is sorry she wasn't allowed on any of our adventures but will hopefully be able to entertain yoiu next time for sure.

I hope you are able to catch up with the plot lines of CME when you get back to steady episodes. I'm glad I was able to help you keep abreast of the rapid fire events. This TN just doesn't slow down.

Has Jules been in touch with the other CME recappers today? Should I put a discussion heading up?

Vivi, If you can, yes please put one up. I don't see any signs of a posting or draft on the system. Thanks.

I haven't heard from her nor do I have her email address.

I agree with Cheryl. Go ahead and post. Thanks Vivi.

Will do.

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