Tuesday, October 25, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #56 Tue 10/25/11

Sara of bulleted list fame in for Gloria tonight.

Disclaimer: I am not going to do justice to this episode. I was blinded by rage, then tears. Plus, unlike TdA type --almost every word said is crucial. Very little FF>> and I can't take notes very quickly. I hope you all will forgive and fill-in as needed. 


El Refrito

  • Maripaz refuses the more than generous offer from Ivan and lets his lawyer know that Ivan knows very well what she really wants. She is going to ask the judge to keep Ivan away from Alex. Her lawyer looks a little green around the gills as she leaves. Yeah, asshat, that's YOUR client.
  • Carly visits Porfirio the Prideful Judge and gives him what for. Oh, and by the way Sr. Juez (Soy El Recto) Iván is Teodoro's only ture heir.
  • Tony and Ivan's lawyer says "Crazy beech is crazy."
Lo Nuevo
  • Lucía waits outside Sr El Rectum's [sic] chambers. Carly reports it really did no good. They leave.
  • Iván mopes. Tony tries to pep talk him: "I lost my son 'cause he's dead. At least yours is still alive." Tony wants to know what happened to the strong man Ivan used to be. Ivan starts the usual "Damn those Curiel Women" diatribe. Tony tells him to get over it. Tony found a solution for his pain and he hopes Iván does the same.
  • As we return from commercial I see that Camilo shares a split screen promo with the Blackbird O' Doom. Camilo and David think Antolín may have dirt on She Who Shall Not Be Named, but David reminds him the judge wasn't taking any witnesses.
  • Tony and the insecticide
  • Gerry is on the phone with Carly I assume since he's talking about the ranch remodel. He whines a bit to her about his spineless ways in the situation with that woman I refuse to acknowledge. Yes, Gerry, you are a spineless wuss and I think you share some blame. Of course, Carolooney is thrilled with the ruling. I have to pause and take some deep breaths. The drunk, whoring, murdering b!tch (DWMB) comes in and Carolooney congratulates her. Well the DWMB is all smiles since she expects to be rolling in Ivan's cash in the very near future. She's gonna have a house, car, chauffeur. Excuse my choice of words, but Carolooney is beginning to see the light. "Huh? House? But you said you were going to live here." The DWMB doesn't think the house is up to her standards. She prefers one with a yard, pool, jacuzzi. Why would she stay with them. Cause of Alex they say. DWMB has changed her mind about living there. Carolooney flies into a rage. (I really don't feel sorry for her.) DWMB asks what she would rather have, Gerardo in jail? Gerry thinks he raised a monster. DWMB tells them to prepare Alex for his new life. When Gerry asks the DWMB about affection she responds that children are like puppies-they act right they get treats...they misbehave they get punished. Well, Caro. They told you you would regret your support of the DWMB.
  • Camilo visits Lucía. They talk a little about the corn and the current drama with Iván. Camilo reminds her they can have more kids. 
  • JJ holds court and complains about bugs in the corn and having to wait for the insecticide. He no longer approves of Camilo and neither does Saul. Whatever. 
  • Lucia calls Gerry about the next day's swim lesson. She has a sad. Gerry has a whine. No one has told Alex what is going on.
  • Lucrazy and Carlota are talking about the Ivan drama. Lucrazy is more worried about appearances. DWMB comes home drunk. Lucrazy wants to know how they are going to explain her having a 10 year old child. DWMB says we can say he's adopted and she's doing it out of the kindness of her heart and everyone should be proud. She leaves. They commiserate. 
  • Lucia talks to Iván on the phone. She has a sad. He has a whine and wants to give up. She begs him not to.
  • Camilo digs for dirt on the DWMB with Antolin. Camilo has a dumb because he's doing this with Carmen still in the room. Mamá tells her to keep her gossipy self out of it since she's the one that spilled the beans to Saul and stared the mess. Carmen says Saul is her cuate and Antolin flips. All kinds of Spanish words get yelled and I catch not a one of them. Carmen called him a robbin' murderin' jefe. I bet Antolin knows who the baby daddy is now.
  • DWMB has come for Alex to tell him the news. Caro tries to convince her again to live with them. DWMB is informed that Lucia picked Alex up for his swimming lesson. DWMB flips and says she's the only one with rights to him.
  • Antolin heads for Casa Meandragon and wants to confront Saul but gets the JJ Bobblehead instead. Antolin demands that Saul marry Carmen and give Lichita a name or he spills the frijoles about knowing JJ ordered the arson over at Cuthberto's that was meant to make the Maguires look bad.
  • Alex is having his swim lesson and is happy to see Ivan. The DWMB comes in and demands he get out of the pool. I bet Alex peed a little bit. 
  • Camilo is not pleased about going to jail for the arson. Words. Antolín will make Saul take responibility (?) Antolín says being part of the underbelly has it's advantages. Camilo tells him to be careful.
  • DWMB is still demanding Alex get out of the pool. Ivan runs over and helps the poor little guy out of the pool and sends him to change. DWMB tells him he doesn't have the right to take her son anywhere. He reminds her Alex is his son, too. She says she asked the judge to not let Ivan see the child and Ivan says he got no such notification and walks away.
  • JJ calls Saul and then blah blahs about Anto's threats. Esther can't believe he would do such a thing. JJ says it's a lie.
  • Alex cries. Ivan comforts and offers to take him to visit Bruno. Ivan ignores a phone call. He Lucia and Alex leave.
  • Meanwhile the DWMB goes looking for him. She is furious they are gone she calls her lawyer and says Ivan kidnapped her son and she wants to press charges. He says he is right now outside the judge's chambers. He gets off the phone and asks Ivan's lawyer if he's ever regretted taking a case. Sure Ivan's lawyer says. DWMB's lawyer confesses to regretting he took this case.
  • Ivan explains to his lawyer (who has called) that he was just trying to alleviate the boys terror and being yelled at by the DWMB.
  • Arcelia and Camilo talk about JJ, Saul etc. Camilo leaves and Carmen is so happy to finally be getting justice. She is just at bad as the DWMB 'cause she's thinking that thanks to Saul she'll have a house and fine things too. Her mom bursts that bubble and tells her she'll be working at the ranch. Carmen says she doesn't want to and flounces out.
  • David...pesticides... JJ not getting what he wants...Herdez poster FF>>
  • Saul got a facial. JJ is not pleased. Saul will marry Carmen or be out on his keester.
  • Alex visits Bruno
  • Saul refuses to marry Carmen. JJ says he has to leave and no, he may not get his things.
  • Tony and Ivan talk about Alex and the incident at the pool. Tony, like everyone else, thinks that he and Lucia can just have another child. (That's wearing thin.) Ivan wants to help the child but doesn't know what to do.
  • Saul used to really look up do his dad, but he grew to hate him. He would rather live in misery than follow his father's orders. He leaves. JJ has an attack. Esther freaks. Judit calls the ambulance.
  • Gerry doesn't want to accept money for his ranch work 'cause he's a spineless ass.
  • Judge Rectum calls Carly and tells him he is giving Ivan two days a week with Alex...despite the DWMB's petition that he not see him at all. NOT ENOUGH JUDGE.
  • Antolin visits Carolina and gets the 411 on the DWMB situation. DWMB better watch her ass.
  • Alex and Lucia begin "The Conversation" about his mom.
  • Ivan has a hissy 'cause all the DWMMB (I added the M for manipulative) wants is to marry him to bother Lucia. (The implication being that's the only reason she wants the child.)
  • JJ is in the hopital for a couple of days. David runs in. Judith spills the arson beans.
  • Alex doesn't want to live with the DWMMB. He understands that Gerry isn't his real dad (though he loves him as if he were.) If he has to live with a parent why can't he live with Ivan? This kid breaks my heart. Ivan comes in and tries to cheer him up with the news the judge says he can see him 2 days a week. That just makes Alex cry harder.

  • DWMB gets slapped.
  • Carly gets slapped.
  • Lucia can't fight worth a damn.


Sara- Great pre-bedtime reading. So funny amiga! Thanks for stepping in.

I'll comment more tomorrow, but all I can say is that MP reserved a very special place for herself in Hell with that slap she gave her grandma in the previews. I mean, really! Her grandma!

Alex broke my heart in that last scene too.

I'm not sure I can watch Carly getting slapped by that girl...oooooo...I hate her so much!

Thank you, Sara. Many good laughs amidst the sorrow expressed.

Poor little boy and he's a very good actor.

I love the scene, repeated last night, when Carlota tells Sen. R. that her family isn't worth a damn with the exception of Lucia. Sad, sad. Actress who is playing Carlota must be having a ball.

MP is completely disgusting, but Laisha is doing a great job in the role. She dominates every scene she is in. Lucia doesn't stand a chance in a fight or even a verbal skirmish.

Traveling Lady- So true. Our Lucia is too mild mannered to win any kind of fight with MP. The girl needs more spirit. Each time she would call Ivan to find out how he was, or call Camilo (!) to find out how Ivan was, I kept thinking, "Go to your man!" Ivan is just down the road. She should have been at his door, sneaking through his window, whatever, in the middle of the night (just like he did that time he was motivated by lust), and given him a shoulder to cry on and some arms to be held in. She needs to be more present and forceful.

I will give her props for the way she handles Alex. She broke the news to him perfectly. She was firm, but gentle and explained in terms he could understand. Gerry, the man he knows as his father, SHOULD have been the one to break the news to him. But the coward got out of this too. I was not in agreeement with Carly and Lucia letting him off the hook so easily. I hope Ivan gets a chance to lay into him and Caro. THAT would be the best use of that pent up anger he has.

You are hysterical, Sara! I loved "Sr El Rectum [sic]" and "Yes, Gerry you are a spineless wuss."
Really aggravating story, yet I watch.
They all give each other so much ammunition to blackmail each other.

Sara, thank you for your lovely bulleted assessment. I love bullets!

Speaking of bullets, I think it's about time MP got shot, killed, or suffered a fatal vehicle accident. Really! So many things would resolve themselves - more or less.

It could be my pregnancy hormones talking (or I'm just plain evil) but I kinda wish Carolina has a massive eye infection since the pain is getting worse rather than better and loses the ability to see. Antolin would then retaliate against MP. Ha! Nobody else has the nerve that he has. He's so dreamy except when his Argentinian accent slips out occasionally reminding me he should take more diction classes.

I better keep this hateful rant short 'cause I can go on. I am so sick and tired of promos featuring a slap or fight with MP. It gets me all excited for the night and then the next day it turns out to be the most whimpering and pathetic slaps or attempts to slap. NO real beating of any kind. Come on...where are the real girls with passion who can kick some A**?
I guess I've watched too many "Mujeres Assesinas."

Vitriol Quazi

Sara, great recap, thanks. I have a hard time watching this train wreck. The child abuse really breaks my heart. So, needless to say, I miss a lot with my ranting and raving.

VQ, I am with you. Heck, put MP in front of my car and I will run her down, free of charge. Put Carmen there and I will do a two for one special and never look back. There should be a law passed that does not allow people like them to reproduce.


Don't forget to run over Caro, too!

Thanks for the swift, concise post, Sara. I was flipping out during this episode. This was completely outrageous.

Maripaz' lawyer now knows he's been had. The bad news is that he probably can't do anything about it until he finds out that he was paid with dirty money. I am hoping that Carlota finds out about this tonight.

MP will go straight to hell for how she is treating both Alex and Carlota. However -- as usual -- we will have to wait until the finale for that. I predict a road accident resulting from too much alcohol.

Caroloony is getting exactly what she deserves. I agree; I am not feeling sorry for her in her battle with Merry Piece. They both deserve bitchslapping and I'm surpripsed MP hasn't hit Caroloony yet (this did happen in a previous novela).

Lucia did handle Alex very well and I agree that Gerry should have been the one to do that. She needs to nurture her inner bitch to deal with her sister.

Oh my dear Sara, how I've missed your light and quirky touch!

DWMB -- perfect! But wait -- then you award her a second "M" for Manipulative. Inspired!

And then there's old Judge Rectum. Hah.

"She has a sad"
"He has a whine"

It's amazing that you can put together a handful of absurdly gorgeous actors, stir in a stellar supporting cast of old-school pros, place them in a splendid setting and still come up with the new millenium's equivalent of 1950's Soviet realism. So grim. So humorless. Thank goodness for the unintentional laughs (hey dove wranglers, you know who you are...)

Sara,thanks so much for stepping in. Your recap was great and ITA w/you regarding she who shall not be named. The fact that she is using Alex to manipulate everyone is revolting and painful to watch.

Yes, Lucia needs more spunk. It's annoying that the writers seem to only give gumption to the wicked.

And yes, we all those characters who keep associating Alex with a pair of shoes (you can have other kids) STOP IT! It just heightens one's annoyance at this line of thinking b/c MP would think like this not good, kind, rationale people.

Something good better happen tonight because I'm not sure I can take this. HIT the DWMB (I concur with the others above).

Here's what they should do now- Dump her skinney little butt at the border, somewhere near Algodones/Yuma/sand dunes, and tell her if she can make it to LA in one piece, she's gets a million bucks. That's what Ivan had to do and it's the least she could do to actually earn some money. Doubt she'd make it to Yuma and all the problems of Alamos would be fixed (once JJ kicks it of course).

Thankfully the judge saw his way through the rectum where his head is and gave Ivan a couple days a week with the kid. This is a legal thing, right? So no more threats from MP about keeping the kid from Ivan? Or hiding him in this jacuzzi that she wants so badly. Ivan would have better off getting the Wall knocked up. The wall would have been a better mother.

Carolina is finally getting her comeuppance. Antolin to the rescue!

I've said this before, but how great is this little Alex actor? So, so sad. Please let something, anything, good happen tonight! Is there a saint of telenovelas we can talk to?

"Is there a saint of telenovelas we can talk to?"

Kelly, unfortunately not. The Telenovela gods are as cruel as the Greek gods.

Vivi, do you know one way or the other if JJ is the biodaddy of MP?
If I remember correctly, Lucrazy was engaged to him before she married.


Rosemary- They wouldn't allow brother-sister incest (in this way the TN gods are less cruel than the Greek gods), and Ivan is JJ's kid. She has also slept with Saul and nearly with David, so no way.

Vivi, thanks. I forgot about the incest angle. I just cannot figure out how MP became so evil. She will stop at nothing to get her way. She acts very much like JJ.

The second thing that drives me crazy is all of the bofetadas. I have never slapped anyone and I doubt if anyone I know has. If MP slaps Carly, she is signing her death warrant.

I hope Antolin continues on his war path tonight especially after he finds out about MP and her shnanigans.


Totally ditto NovelaMaven's comments! Great recap Sara, and I loved the "she has a sad", "he has a whine" shorthand too - perfect condensing.

And, no kidding about the humorless Soviet realism - so depressing!. Just reading the recaps at present. Can't handle MP making Alex's life hell.


Great recap, Sara.

I missed the first half of this episode and looked forward to reading your recap.

I go along with all of the commenters on how hateful and mean MP is. How Lucia is so wishy-washy.

Why doesn't Antolin put her in her place. She's due for something bad to happen. She's getting worse and worse. That poor Alex.


Normally I don't advocate violence against fictional women, but the DWMMB really does need to pull a Rubi.

Not trying to excuse Maripaz's rcent behavior but if we have to really blame somebody, blame Saul. He is the one, along with Carmen that really started this whole big mess. Maripaz was just being her own partygirl self before all this went down. (I know she is an alcoholic and needs some serious help) Without Saul opening his big mouth and feeding Maripaz with ideas and ordering her to get custody, she would not care much about Alex. She probably was amused and a bit happy to know he was alive but did not start having ambitions of grandeur and using Alex as a pawn until Saul coerced her into it. Remember the angry tirades about going after IVan to get the kid and the whole thing with the lawyer.

While I am extremely disappointed in how she is behaving lately, I'm still holding out hope for her. Judith is becoming more and more fascinating to me.

UA just caught up in reading a week's worth of recaps and I just read your personal history from the other day and it reflects on your posts and comments about the toxicity of families and narcicissm of characters. How did your father play a part in your life? You did not mention him? Was he an enabler too?


For JJ to be MP's father wouldn't be impossible because we do have a precedent for actual incest in Mi Pecado. Rosario was raped by her own father and her daughter Lucrezia is the result. Remember our earlier discussions about how she and Lucia don't look like sisters?

Ibarramedia, my parents separated when I was 7. I saw my father on weekends until he died 10 years later, just before Christmas of my senior year of high school. Since his father deserted his family when my father was 4 he had no clue how to be a father.

I need a translation here of something I should already know:

pege la gana

Muchas gracias.

Normally I'm all for redemption, but Mp is beyond help. She can't go to prison, drive off a cliff, marry Saul. Whatever horror awaits her, it is deserved. Actually Saul may be more in line for redemption than she is. Maybe he and Carmen have a chance together?

Totally agree though about Judith. What was it Vivi said about the Biblical Judith? She saved ehr people? This Judith can at least save herself and her mother from JJ. Come on Judith! You're 30. Time to stop hanging around the house waiting for a husband and step up!

Still chuckling at Novela Maven's description of this novela -- Soviet realism, indeed.

We're in need of some new formulas or new twists on old formulas, done well. Still, after some recent duds, I'm enjoying this one or at least looking forward to watching it every night.

Thanks everyone! I had fun recapping this one.

I think tonight I may have to pull a Maripaz and have a few "copas" before I watch the episode. I don't know if I can stand much more of the DWMB's antics. I know it's just a show, but I think she bothers me so much because I know there are parents out there that DO use their kids as pawns. It's all a little too real for me.

UA: pege la gana ~ strike the fancy

e.g. se me pege la gana = I'm in the mood for it

Sara, this was super funny; I love your short-and-snappy style.

Gracias, Julia. That's what I thought it was, but it wasn't in either of my dictionaries.

I think maybe it should actually be "pega la gana" or since it is often used in a subjunctive tense "pegue la gana." I'm not sure; I am not a spelling and grammar ace.

Here's a Wordreference forum discussion of this idiom -- usually you hear "lo que se me pega/pegue la regalada gana" or "porque se me pegue la regalada gana.


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