Monday, October 03, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #117 Monday 10/3/11 Will The Real Devil Please Stand Up. Oh My, There Are Three of You?

A Photo to Explain My Reverie from My First Balloon Flight Ever. Sylvia it is like sailing and flying at the same time, have you done it?:

Tonight we have more revelations than you can shake a stick at. I am nearly hallucinating from lack of sleep from keeping up with Albuquerque’s International Balloon Fiesta. I’m leaving the house before 5:00 AM for mass ascensions and ending the day at 10:00 PM after the balloon glow and fireworks. Anyway, not your problem I know. I will put down a brief recap now so the discussion can begin.

1. Jero has to tell Renata that her mother is the devil, she wants to take it personally, so he assures her she is not the bad seed. They go off to tell the rest of the Monterubbios that Fina is responsible for the letter to Rafael supposedly written by Roberta to break off with him but in reality her handwriting is forged by Fina and she is the number one suspect in the death of Rafael. Thank heavens they hug, cry and begin to act as a unified force.

2. Honorio, Gonzolo, Constanza, Adriana and Roberta gather in Hon/Con’s livingroom to share the information that Fina attacked Constanza. They do not reveal yet that Fina is Pepa and the girls aren't to be told one of them was stolen from Regina by Pepa. (Thanks Vivi for the correction, you are so right).

3. Gonzo tells Regina that he knows that Fina/Pepa are one and they (or she) stole her daughter and has extorted money and wreaked havoc for so long. Her tearful blubber about all being to protect her precious daughter makes me kind of dizzy so that is enough on the subject. The stupidity kind of makes me dizzy too. Gonzo assures her that since she doesn’t know which sister is her daughter, she should be consoled that he was the father of both and she is glad to know they had a good life (well sort of) but a loving father for sure.

4. So they know about the money going from Jero to Regina to Fina, but will they learn soon that Fina took it back to the bank in her own name? One can only think of what we would do with the money.

5. Matias gets a call from Uncle Honorio to come quickly. Something important is coming down. Spare girl/aka sister of Hit and Run Girl wants to come along but Matias insists on taking her home first so as not to involve her in a serious family issue.

6. He shows up to two rows of family and the stories are given out one after the other. Except Roberta is hovering behind one of the couches texting like a madwoman first to her mother to tell her the jig is up, the family says she is a fugitive of justice and second to Augustin to tell him that his sacred Renata is hugging on the couch with Jero who is her refuge as if they were the perfect couple. (Side note: I was an ESL tutor several years ago and saw high school students that could text by touch with the cell phone under the desk, I used to be able to do touch typing so it impresses me and I could see them doing it) However, no one in the room seems to see her doing it right in plain sight.

7. Oh, yes, Constanza can sit on a couch and talk a little, what a relief. Honorio and she are lovely again as the Hon/Con unit we all hoped for.

8. Gonzo raps up the sins of Fina/Pepa, Honorio assures them they will get more detail later so Jero/Renata take over and begin to tell the Fina story of her forged letter to Rafael and the discovered proof that she came to La Bonita with the later, killed Rafa and left in her rented car.

9. Roberta stops texting, clutches her chest and falls to the floor, cell phone at her side. The entire cast rushes around her to watch her twitch and fall unconscious. The are a bit faster a calling an ambulance this time after Hon, Gonzo and Matias and Renata agree it is the thing to do.

10. Renata rides in the ambulance with her sister who resists oxygen to ask why would Mama kill the only man I loved and who loved me, Oh Why, Oh Why, Oh Why. Renata takes it better than I do.

11. Gonzolo and Jero arrive together at the hospital and are assured by the doctor that this was a pre-infarction or a little one and it’s not the first time but with care Roberta can be expected to recover and live a good life. (Just kidding, probably live an evil life).

12. Inez and Isidro come to visit Regina to tell her they aren’t mad that she was such a B**h. They understand how scared she was and they all make nice nice. She knows they just wanted to protect her.

13. Gonzo tells Jero that he must go tell Regina that Roberta has had a little heart event that landed her in the hospital. Jero assures him he will wait for Renata to come out from Roberta’s room and will take her home.

14. Oops, almost forgot some where in here, Augie skulks in his office and is washing the bad taste of that spoiled wine down with snorts of a golden liquid poured from a cut glass carafe into a large brandy snifter. Augie gets the fake stick from the madre plant brought in from Zeke. Zeke easily explains that he got it by taking the keys from the bedridden Alfonsina so he is sure he got it right and no one saw him. We see Zeke remembering Carlos passing him the baton (don’t you wonder what fun things will sprout out of it?) Just to consolidate his reactions to the text from sister dearie Roberta, he calls Renata repeatedly and then calls Roberta who is already unconscious by this time.

15. Back at Valle de Guadalupe, we don’t see a tearful Marina but we do see tearful Lazaro, tearful Kari, angry and confused Matilde, conciliatory and confused Carlos and briefly a recovering Alfonsina who can’t believe her luck at being treated so well for a change.

16. A worried Manuela takes the bull by the horn and confronts Padre to get the story. Sheeesh, he is so easy. They go off stage so we don’t have to be disgusted with him spilling his guts once again. The only good thing is that they all hate Augie so much, that no one has told him that Dr. PastDueToDie is still sooooo past due.

17. Adriana is left back at the house wondering what the cell phone is doing in the side crack of one of the couches (me too, the last time I saw it, it was at Roberta’s side, I swear it was.) Dear, smart Adri figures out it is Roberta’s cell and she has lost 5 calls. Who could be so anxious to reach her? She sees Agustin’s name on the missed call list and has an instant recognition that it is strange that the galan of Renata is making calls to sister Roberta…

18. So what’s to do? Roberta wakes up and curses her mother who had sworn to her that she did not kill Rafa. Roberta who likes to take a line and repeat it ad nauseum gets this one right. To Mom in her pillow she says: I hate you, I hate you, I hate…. Well you get the idea.

19. Next steps: oops again, sorry, I got side tracked by the finale of Teresa and can’t remember a thing. But, lots of stuff, lots of trouble and hopefully lots of kisses with the right sets of lips in our future. Buenas noches, amigos mios.


Amiga you are burning the candle at both ends and in the middle too! There is a lot to be said for a quickie so a brief recap is just fine. You know us, doesn't take much to get us going.

Oh great Sylvia, you are around. I cannot get into Delicious to attach the recap. Do you know how it is being done now? If you do it I want to learn from you next week. Thanks amiga.

I just emailed Paula for a tutorial. I know how to get in but I haven't figure out how to post, duh. I'll send you the info so you can do it next week.

Cheryl- I just tagged it for you on Delicious. Melinama sent me the new password. Just e-mail me if you want it.

Great summary, especially given your crazy schedule. What fun the hot hair balloon festival must be. I did it once a few years ago in Turkey. Absolutely wonderful!

This was a great episode. Will this be a turning point for Berta? With so much time left, I don't see redemption yet. It was nice to see Nata being so loving to Berta (although she doesn't deserve it), and seeing Nata and Jero so united. All poor Augie can do is have tantrums in Ensenada. LOL!

I had to laugh when Manuela convinced Padre, without even trying very hard, to tell her about Doc Alvaro. I loved her using logic on him, "Did Jero tell you under the seal of the confessional? No? Well, then you can tell me. It's not like I'm asking to go gossip about it."

One thing, Gonzo and Hon didn't reveal to the family that Fina is Pepa and either Nata or Berta is Gina's stolen child. They decided to keep that one under their hats for now, at least until the DNA tests are back. Those two big reveals about Fina's homicidal tendencies was enough to cause all heck to break loose.

Thanks so much Cheryl. Your quickie covered all the bases. So glad you enjoyed your balloon ride. They are quite fun and give you a wonderful perspective down below.

I know most of you good hearted people believe Roberta will be redeemed but until she actually stops her madness (texting Mom and Augie, telling Renata they are only half-sisters, and not playing this game with Regina) I'll be hard pressed to believe it.

Our chat about the ladies of this tn this weekend sent me on another research trek through the internet. I decided to look up more info about Silvia Navarro and found that she started acting as a baby in pampers commercials and her first tn was at age 1 in a tn called Una Mujer Marcada. I found some pics of her as a little girl, including two stills from Mujer Marcada with her in them. I collected the pics on this Flicker stream. The two pics from the tn are in black and white. I find one of them hilarious because the male actor is just smoking away in front of baby Silvia. Times have changed! SN looks just the same, even down to the wide arched eyebrows and porcelain skin. Here's the link (go from older to newer):

Cheryl just saw the pic. It is beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing.

Vivi - thanks for the link and the recipe (from the Teresa thread).

Yes, thanks for the tag. Vivi, can you send the new pass word to me at Your are so good! And thank you for the correction that they did not tell about the dual demon Pepa/Fina or about the girls at the Hon/Con meeting. Roberta had enough to text about. I am so disappointed in her, really, we've given her so many chances and still she betrays us every time.

Thanks for the kind comment on the Balloon photo Karen, The whole thing is dream like and the weather has been divine so far. I have about 800 pictures from the first two days already. I needed to sleep and pay attention to Willa today buat will be up and out there for the Special Shapes flight tomorrow if the rain holds off until later.

Thanks for getting this up so quickly, Cheryl. Now, go enjoy those balloons!

I do hope this will be a turning point for Roberta, but like Vivi points out, there is still so much time left in the show. I loved how kind Renata was to her. How can Roberta not see the light and which way to go? Stupida.

Yay for Adri for grabbing the cell phone. Now let's hope her curiosity wins out and she listens to the voicemail and reads both the incoming AND outgoing texts. That cell phone holds a cache of juicy info.

I was relieved to see Regina apologize to Inez. It's bad enough to walk around with that Precision Haircut, let alone having your bff mad at you for caring too much.

Looks like Jero is back in Gonsi's (thank you for the nickname to Guera's word verification) good favor. If only Dr. Tatas' tatas won't get in the way, there could be a reconciliation between Jero and Renata. Still too soon, though, huh?

Looking forward to seeing Fina creeping around AGAIN in disguise in a hospital.

Rosemary la Otra

Cheryl, such beautiful picture! It looks like the balloon is kissing the water. No, I have never gone ballooning but I would love to try it sometime.

Dear me, such a sad episode tonight but oh so many revelations as you stated. I don't believe you left out any details so this was hardly a quickie.

My favorite line of the recap: "Inez and Isidro come to visit Regina to tell her they aren’t mad that she was such a B**h." You said it sister!

Vivi, what lovely pictures of SN. She was as beautiful a child as she is an adult.

Cheryl, thanks again and have a lovely day in the air tomorrow.

RLO, I agree, isn't it wonderful that our brainy Adri found the phone? With her there is at least a hope that she might actually do something with the information. They could entrap Fina with that phone if they wanted to. Check the outgoing messages!!

Cheryl! What an absolutely beautiful foto! I have been dreamily staring at it wishing I could have been up in one of those beautiful balloons!

Thank you so much for this super fact recap!

I was in a literal panic (yes, I clearly have the TN disease) this evening as I could not get my to work! I could not find the live feed of Univision Pacifico and only saw Univision Este which was airing the final hour of 'Teresa'.

RATS! I missed all of CME and the first hour of Teresa!

"Teresa" was so draining (yes, the sickness) that I can't even come up with an intelligent comment as to all that has happened on our "CME".

As a side note on the "Delicious" issues, some of the most reliable IT websites have been giving the blow by blow on the Delicious fiasco. ZDNET is calling it one of the worst decisions ever.

In any event, thank you so much Cheryl. I'm going to ready your recap again and will comment later.

It sounds like super good things are happening on our TN!!!


Wowsers. I can't even spell this evening, but I'm sure you know what I meant.


What a beautiful picture Cheryl. I have always wanted to do that. It looks like so much fun. I love parasailing but ballooning looks better.

Such a dream-like picture Cheryl. Beautiful. Glad you had such a wondrous time. And still got up our recap. You're awesome.

Watching Jero and Nata last night was a killer. I could have screamed, just kiss her already! Then they could have had the anvil fall on Fina, Auggie could choke on his venom and we could call it a day. But there's a lot to go...bums me to think what the heck could happen to tear those two apart again.

Vivi, I'm with you. I want to see Berta back up her feelings now with some action and apologies. Until then, I hold judgement whether she turns back to the light.

Seeing Auggie being ignored and frustrated was so fun. What scum. I'm sure his jealousy will make him do something stupid. Let's hope our little Adri starts the bandwagon going with that phone discovery. Will Jero spill about Auggie and Berta too? Nata is in a believing mode...I say go for it!

I left the room during the Padre bad, but I was getting some laundry done before the Teresa finale came on. Thanks for filling that in. That little dude sure doesn't understand the term "confidential" does he?

Cheryl: Thank you so much for doing this in spite of your busy schedule. The balloon ride looks incredibly fun!

Your recap was excellent - full of details and of course your on target insight: "Honorio and she are lovely again as the Hon/Con unit we all hoped for". A lovely touch despite the grim events of last night.

I know Roberta is evil and I apologize, but she always seems to have a soft spot, some vulnerability that gets to me despite everything she's done. Can she atone? I'm not sure but I am hoping she can somehow be forgiven.

Great comments everyone.


Cheryl, your photo is gorgeous. I've always wanted to se that Albuquerque balloon festival. We have one here in Syracuse every year --great thermals over the hills south of town. But Syracuse weather being what it is the balloons often don't get off more than once or twice over the weekend. I've never tried going up. Your description makes me want to even more.

What an episode! The reveals coming one after another -- the touching scenes between Nata & Jero --the (real this time) heart attack -- action packaed.

I'm still holding out for Roberta to turn back. But we know that it will be a while yet. She is feeling so abandoned right now that I think she will latch on to Regina and continue to perpetrate the lie -- either to get herself a mother or strictly for the cash. But in the end she'll be back in the arms of her remade family.

Did anyone catch exactly where that cutting which Carlos gave to Zeke came from? It sounded as though it was not from the caged mother plant but that it was from an early and not too hardy attempt by Rafa to grow vines from that mother plant. I thought I heard & saw that this early version of the vines grew fast and well at first but didn't produce grapes. (something like that) That would make sense because Auggie would recognize the switch if it were just some unrelated vinestock. I rewound the scene several times but I couldn't catch exactly what Carlos said.

Enjoy another day with the balloons Cheryl.


Cheryl! Beautiful picture, oh my gosh how lovely it must be. . "would you like to ride in my beautiful ballooooon!" I'm just on #11 revelation and just had to stop and say, I'm sorry, but Roberta got to me last night: not boo-hoo sobbing but my throat actually tightened and my eyes welled up with tears and I think my bottom lip trembled. Yah! Imagine that! From Roberta! Now I know she's the devil's imp but did anyone consider for a moment the blow this news might be that dear mommy killed her fiance? Guess I know the answer to that! Anywho, even though I just knew this news would occasion her heart attack she was still effectively pitiful in that ambulance. How gratifying it's going to be to see her finally turn on her Luciferian mother and emerge from darkness!

Okay, thanks Cheryl, back to your wonderful cap and the comments may have to wait til after work. Big time luuuuuuvin' it!!!!


Thanks for the balloon photo, Cheryl! I'll be there, but only for a few days this time. Enjoy!

I'm switching over to CME since Teresa is fin...

Cheryl, that photo is glorious. A ride in a hot air balloon is on my bucket list for sure. It looks wonderful! Thanks for recapping despite having so many time constraints.

I think this is going to be the biggest test for Berta. If she's still on Mami's side after finding out about Rafa, I doubt redemption is in her future.

Nice to see Regina acting like a rational human being again. Thankfully she apologized to Ines quickly. Regi will need all the friends she can get once it comes out that Berta is supposedly her daughter.

"Honorio and she are lovely again as the Hon/Con unit we all hoped for". How sweet. They are back to being our one happy couple in the midst of misery.

Way to go, Adriana! She has been one smart cookie throughout the show. I bet she will figure out Berta's scheming in no time.


So glad you included that photo Cheryl. You brought a little magic into our morning.

And I like the 1., 2., 3., type recap. Works for me.

My favorite line? "hopefully lots of kisses with the right sets of lips in our future". Amen to that!

Rather amused that with all that brain surgery, not one bit of Connie's hair was cut off. Not how it works in real life, alas.

Not sure if there's any redemption in Roberta's future but she's a sad case, that's for sure. Regina? terminally annoying. Makes you almost wish she'd ended up with the equally annoying Grecian Formula bullfighter.

Hi Judy, You're in rare form this morning! Grecian Formula bullfighter, indeed. Spot-on description. I also noticed Connie's full head of hair - amazing, huh?

Cheryl, your photo is killer. Can't wait to get there and ride. Of course, there won't be a sky full of balloons after the festival...

Your recap was perfect. I too like the numbers. and Regina's apology to Inez and Isidro. Not liking Regina all that much but maybe she'll be a good influence on Roberta. (Think, Regina. Pepa had a daughter named Roberta. Would she really go to the trouble of renaming HER daughter Renata and Gina's daughter Roberta? Yes Pepa/Fina is scheming but that would be uber-confusing dontcha think?)

Does anybody else keep refreshing this page in order to get a short verification word?

I do believe Roberta has finally turned a corner and might be on her way to redemption. However I also so her roll her eyes behind Honorio's back when she was playing nice. That was before she found out about mami killing the love of her life. I wonder what her next steps will be? will she continue being Fina's pawn or will she make some decisions on her own? It still seems way too soon for the truth about Renata to come out but this show has surprised us before.

Hee, "Grecian formula bullfighter". Good one JudyB. ITA that Regina is terminally annoying not to mention increasingly stupid.

JudyB: "Grecian Formula Bullfighter"!!!!! PERFECTO!


P.S. I've seen the actor playing Antonio in other TN. He never seemed to have the lizard eyes before. Wonder what happened?!

Emilia, I've been wondering about that name thing too. Did Regina ever hear the name of Pepa's daughter? Did anyone else?

I didn't know that the cops had already started their investigation of Fina for the Rafa murder. They have traced her flight & car rental?

JudyB - love your Grecian formula bullfighter. What ever happened ti him anyway? Will he be back? Will he find his long lost but bodies never found family? Will he find a cure for lizard eye syndrome?


Well, we got skunked in part this morning. A rare bit of rain made the mini-mass ascension delayed a bit and not enough balloons went up for me to ge a media ride which I was in line for but pleasant with pretty clouds in the pictures today. And I am home early which is nice.

I love the Grecian-formula-ed Antonio with reptilian eyes. Funny how we have such fun with these characters but once their little plot has run through they don't get mentioned often.

The writers have painted iRenata into a corner with makng her previously so polite and kind Augie turn into a hissing viper wiith terminal under bite like a bull dog now. How long will she over look his mean spirit and dangerous revenge tactics? I hope Roberta rises up from her infarct to come out him at the hacienda when Renata can witness.

Guera- We didn't see it, but when Renata and Jero told their news to the family, Jero said that on the way over to the house, he got a message from the investigators saying they traced Fina's flight and car rental that day.

I can't remember if Gina heard baby Berta's name. I was on vacation that week.

As for Nata and Augie. I'm trying to remember if Nata has actually ever seen Augie do something terribly mean. He tends to have his tantrums when she is not around. Yes, he's pushy. Yes, he's arrogant. But so is Jero, and she loves him. I don't think she finds pushy people to be a problem, she did grow up with Fina after all. I think the key thing for her is that he has always been respectful and honest (she thinks) with her. She has certainly learned more truth from him, than anyone else. Jero only recently got on the truth train with her, and he is now catching up to Augie on that front. Also keep in mind that Augie saved her life, and I think she will be eternally grateful to him for that. She needs to actually witness/see him in major BSC meltdown mode before she will believe he is a bad person.

Good point on Auggie, Vivi. We all so want Nata away from this pond scum that we forget he's always a little more careful in the personality department when she's around.

With all the revelations happening, at some point she has to start at least suspecting he may not be the stand up guy she thinks he is. Jero has already hinted that to her, so the seed is planted. Berta or Adri's discovery of the phone calls may open up the Berta/Auggie can of worms.

Or if Auggie does set fire to the La Bonita vines like he threatens, being that Jero, Carlos, Laz and Zeke are all aware of that plot, it would be easy enough to let Nata know how and why it all happened.
Poor thing, I guess she needs all those bubbles to burst before she can move on with her life.

Sorry, but I loved the way he was so comforting to Nata last night. The one hospital scene, they just barely touched each other's fingers, but you knew it was a reaching out effort. Love those little touches either by the actors or the director. I could stand more of those, thank you.

Daisy, the hospital scene was amazing. I just run out of words for how realistic Sylvia's portrayal of her character is. That hard, wretching sobbing and the way the clung to each other made you feel like you were peeping in on a private moment. Seems Sylvia was literally born to her craft and I am actually enjoying her and Jeronimo together and am rapidly forgiving his earlier jerkiness.


Back from vacay (where I missed you all so much) and finally caught up. One thing (of many) I noticed: Nata gets along really well with Auggie.

When he's hundreds of miles away.


Thanks for bringing up that scene Daisynjay and Lila. Like you, I am in awe of Silvia Navarro's acting skills. She is flat out amazing.

And Vivi...thanks for that photo link. Yes, our favorite actress was also a beautiful baby, and a cute little girl. But she has so much more going for her. Has to be a terrific IQ behind those acting skills she displays.

daisynjay- I noticed that fingers touching thing too! I think at one point Jero was holding just one of her fingers. Also when Nata started crying in the bar he reached out and started wiping away her tears. Very natural and very believable that these two people love each other, despite everything that has happened.

That photo is stunning. Suddenly I have an overwhelming desire to attend that balloon festival next year. It must be amazing. Thanks for writing such a perfect recap even though you're so busy!

I loved the scene where Jero was barely brushing Renata's fingers. The hugs and talking were nice, but the finger thing just seemed so intimate. Marina who?

Yay, Adriana. Don't stop now; read ALL the messages on that phone.

I hate how everyone is keeping the secret about Doc JustDie from Karina.

1. Cheryl, I love the balloon photo! Would you mind (since it's copyrighted) if I use it for my desktop?

Weather Channel was talking about a wind phenomenon called the "Albuquerque Box." Apparently, the balloons ascend to one altitude and the winds blow them in one direction. Next the balloon ascends (or descends, I guess) to an altitude where the wind blows them back to the starting point.

Vivi, where were you in Turkey?

2. Also love the numbered recap! Which was amazing, especially since you posted it so quickly. The recap's particularly appreciated because our son called about 7:30 last night and I missed most of the 2nd half.

3. Roberta looks much better when they make her up to look like she's not wearing make up. True for all of them, really.

Mike- I had such a great time in Turkey! It was really one of the best trips I’ve ever taken- such warm people, amazing history, and delicious food. I travelled to Istanbul, Ephesus (including the Library of Celsus), Pamukkale, Hierapolis, and Cappadocia (where I did the hot air balloon-just amazing). Here is one of my photos from the ballooning:

Loved the balloon photo!!!!!

It's been fun to read about your fun at the Balloon Festival.

We were planning to come back to Santa Fe for a bit before returning home, but then I discovered that my dates would coincide with the ABQ Balloon Festival, and there is usually not an RV site to be had, even in Santa Fe. It's really not fun RVing when you drive into a very crowded city due to some huge event. We also ran smack into Cheyenne's Frontier Days and had to delay plans to miss the Pendelton Round-up. Ugh!

So - I'm glad to see your photo and hear about your balloon ride! Live vicariously! Actually, I do want to go up in a balloon some day, but maybe not in a big group.



Love your Turkey photos, Vivi!

Vivi, your ballooning picture is wonderful! The terrain is amazingly unique to me. In fact I enjoyed all your pictures of Turkey. Thanks for sharing.

Aarrgh... my Tuesdays and Thursdays are so withdrawalish given I don't have computer access during the days.

Cheryl, I love the balloon picture! You could sell that to a jigsaw picture company. It looks just like a gorgeous picture I would choose a puzzle of.

Vivi, your pictures are nice too! How fun to go to Turkey! That is where JFK Jr. went on his honeymoon. You know he and I had a thing going, that was before Chema and I got our thing going.

At the risk of sounding ignorant, especially given my grandfather was born in Turkey, what are those pointy, white (mountains?). The pictures are breathtaking.

Emilia - excellent point about Roberta's name. Duh, Regina. Think McFly Think!

Remember when we all thought Auggie was sooooo good lookin'? Now he can't even hold a candle to our Laz.

R la O

Thanks ladies! I wish I were a photographer like Cheryl so that I could have done the Turkey pictures justice. It took me a few days just to figure out how to take pictures in indoor locations where flash wasn't allowed that didn't turn out dark. Therefore my Blue Mosque and Hagia Sofia pics are crap. But once I got to Cappadocia in the center of the country, I had figured it out. Just in time for the ancient cave dwellings and cave churches, as well as ballooning over the Red Valley of Cappadocia.

R la O- The pointy rocks that look like they have little houses on top are called chimney fairies. They are shaped by the wind. Very otherworldly looking, no? People lived in the caves for thousands of years until fairly recent times when the government forced them out to live in safer, more modern dwellings. There is also an underground city in the area where the people would hide for months on end from enemy invasion. It's an amazing place.

Vivi, who was the chick with all the boobs? (Alabaster statue?) Speaking of pointy, white mountains.

Wow, Rosemary LO, no wonder you are cracking up in your photo. You sure know how to have a good time, JFK Jr, Chema, etc.

LOL Sylvia! It's Diana (aka Ishtar) the goddess of sexual love, and fertility (hence the MANY boobs). She was worshiped in Ephesus, where I took the picture.

Well she sure is impressive. I once knew some twins who each had four nipples, but Diana/Ishtar blows the Carney twins out of the water.

Vivi, thanks for sharing your amazing photo. I will go look at the others soon. This week is so full. I really want to see Turkey one day. It looks ultimately photogenic. Let's go take photos?

I have enjoyed reading the comments today. I sat the Fine Arts Show at San Isidro Church as required but it rained so hard it was really pleasant to take a breath and be there.

I really thought Augie was going to have a bigger infarct thatn Roberta trying to get someone to answer his calls. This man has no patience at all.

Oh, forgot, Mike you are welcome to use my picture as your desktop decoration. I am most flattered.

I may not have time to make it into a puzzle but I do intend to put it in several ehibit competitions.

Last if you check my website, you can find it by clicking on my name here, then choose the url, then once on the home page pick My Albums. The newest Balloon Fiesta photos are there with other things.

Cheryl, I was laughing out loud the way Augustin kept striking out with his phones calls. It's fun to see a control freak who is out of control.

I agree with those of you who found the Nata and Jero scenes very tender. I am trying hard to loathe Jero and not forgive him but he is making it more difficult with every episode.

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