Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #128 Tuesday 10/18/11 Crying, Lying, and Spying, but no dying (not yet anyway)

This is getting better and better by the episode and we aren’t even closing in on Ultimos Capitulos, wheeeew!! Let’s see what this episode has in store for us shall we!!!

Quick repeat of the end of last night, Antonio praying, Gonzo and Hon trying to freeze the bank accounts. Fina shopping for a wedding!!

Lazaro wants to talk to Kari and Manuela tells her to listen, Lazaro tells her that he has been lying to her to protect her, but the truth is that Dr,Creepy is not dead is alive. Kari looks like she might pass out.

Roberta shows up at Coni’s to get some things and chat with the ladies about Renata Inez is shocked that Nata and Jero are back together, Inez asks how she and Roberta are doing, Gina says better than she could have hoped, but she worries that she still sees FIna as a mom, Coni tells her to trust her little by little things will get better for them. Gina thinks that people can change and that in time Berta will accept her and be a better person. They were separated for many years but Gina has faith that very soon things will get better (okay even Coni made the you shouldn’t have said that face, Gina just literally asked for something bad to happen with that statement)

Kari is loooooosing it ( to put it mildly) She can’t believe it, it can’t be, yadda yadda, She asks where he is, Laza tells her he doesn’t know, but soon he will return to jail. Kari is yelling and hard to understand. Laza explains that they didn’t tell her to keep her safe it was better she not know, She asks if it’s better for her that she know now, Laza explains that once he found out he couldn’t marry her, as much as he wanted to but what was best for him was not best for her, because of the woman she is he knew he could not marry her since she is still married to Dr, I wishheweredead. Kari tells him that it was her choice only she has the right to make choices about her life (you tell him) only her and nobody else, then she tells him to get lost.

Renata looks nervous as she meets Jero for coffee, she asks how it went, he looks very nervous and explains that they talked and that it wasn’t easy, but the most important part was that they are there for the baby, he says that it is very important that he not abandon his baby or that are not separated, Nata is looking very nervous at this point. Jero finally cracks a smile, when she explains that this has nothing to do with there relationship, and he explains that it has nothing to do with it, they have overcome many obstacles to be together. Nata jumps up an hugs him and tells him She loves him with all her heart blah blah they argue about I love you more no me!!!

Kari is still crying it can’t be

Augie is drinking, (shocker) Ezek comes in and Augie yells to get out, Augie yells at him he needs nobody and nothing and to get the heck out. Augie is staring at an outline of Nata crying about her being the only woman for him, I won’t lose blah blah!! ( lot’s of blah blahs tonight)

Roberts is packing up her things and finds a necklace that Auggie gave her, she talks about her poor sister, not knowing whats coming!!

Nata and Jero are still having coffee, talking about how she is still scared, he tells her that she is the love of her life, she says the baby is a complication, but he says that not for them. They start talking about their babies they are laughing and she shows him the present for Alphonsina, she tells him he must go see Padre and Jero is nervous, then he tells her that he has to go check on Dr.pleasejustdiealready.

Dr. is telling Padre about Jero and that she thought that maybe for a second she thought that they would be together, but it was a fantasy. Padre tells her that Nata and Jero are too strong. Padre is worried about the baby. She says that she fell in love and she will live with the consequences.

Dr.iwillneverdie is trying to convince Jero to help him gain his freedom. Jero asks if he is crazy ( was that a rhetorical question) He tries to play the victim, Jero gets mad and tells him he caused to much pain, Alvaro says that he died that he can start over, Jero asks if he is stupid ( uh really?) He tells him he is going back to prison for good.

Nata is visiting Alphonsina, she tells her how great Dr. Marina was Nata gets a little nervous. Alphonsina is worried about getting to work for Jero Nata tells her to worry about herself and the baby.

Dr.iwillliveforever is listening to Jero and the Dr decide that he ready to be moved and he swears that will never happen.

Gonzo joins Gina and Berta for coffee to explain the bank situation and Berta listens on hiding behind a bush. Gina remembers how she suffered by Fina they discuss that they will leave Fina with nothing, that she deserves nothing. Berta runs off to tell mommy. She tells her that Gina will get the money back, Fina tells her not to worry she will take care of everything at the wedding. Berta tells he she better!!

Carlos and Mati talk to his mom who tells them that they accept his marriage and accept Mati.

Kari is crying to Manuela, she tells her that it is glad that it’s out now and tells her to cry to let it out. Kari is sure she will never be happy.

Jero is listening to the Padre lecture him about the mess that he an Dr.Tatas got into.

Nata is on the phone with Berta who is taking pleasure in taunting Nata about her Family , They can’t find Fina, she then starts in on her aunt and then goes on about her engagement to Augie, Nata swears it’s over and wants nothing to do with him.

Chema is walking down the street, and runs into a friend, he doesn’t know who she is, where he is or what he is doing there.

Gina is reporting Fina to the bank so that they can freeze her bank account.

Adri and Matias are at a beach picnic, he opens a bottle of wine, she sees the ring on her napkin and losses it he asks her to marry him she says duh of course!!! They make out!!

At a bar a lady is trying to get a beer and Chema sees her so he jumps over the bar and grabs her a beer. They chat about friends and she asks if he has a girlfriend he says yes but she is traveling for business. (someone is checked out)

Adria and Matias are talking about Chema, she swears she is only worried about his health.

Nata and Jero talk about the Padre and that things are okay for now, then he tells Nata that Dr.iamimmortal is still alive.

Ezek is telling Laza that Auggie is losing it. He loves Nata and is crazy Laza tells him that he needs to relax, Ezek knows that he is on the edge. Laza tells him that he told Kari about Dr. being alive

Fina and Berta meet for coffee and Fina hands over a bag full of money, And discusses her plan to ruin the wedding and then leave the country, Berta is surprised she is trusting her, she says she doesn’t, but she knows the first part of the plan, but she will have to wait till later for the rest.

Jero confesses that the reason he saved Dr.iwilldieventually alive is to bust Auggie. Renata is muy impactada!!!

DVR cut avances!! but I guarantee they are good things are going to keep getting better from here!!!


Thanks Jules. You totally crack me up with all your names for Doc iwilldieeventually (my favorite one of course).

You are so right that this one just gets better and better by the episode. The writers did it to us again. Just when we are all kvetching about Fina's bank account and why haven't the good guys figured it out, bam!, Gina decides to prosecute and Fina has to scramble.

"okay even Coni made the you shouldn’t have said that face", I laughed out loud when Coni made that face.

The deal with the necklace, Augi actually gave it to Nata and Nata asked Roberta to send it to her but Berta wants to keep it so she lied and said she couldn't find it.

At first I wanted to slap Kari because of all her blubbering but then I remembered it was because she found out Dr. pleasejustdiealready was alive and I almost started blubbering too. I don't blame her a bit.

I think Ezequiel should quit his job at Cruz sin Amor and ask Jero for a job. I worry for Ez's well-being.

Thanks Jules. Awesome recap and a great mid-morning treat with my cup of tea.

Wow. I can't believe I'm the first to comment. I probably won't be by the time I'm done.

Great recap Jules. Yes, lots is happening and seems to be leading up to fireworks at the Gonzo-Gina wedding. Can't wait for it, but I'm sure Fina and Berta will be causing lots of mayhem.

All of Chema's friends are failing him. It is not normal to not remember people who are your co-workers and friends, how you got somewhere, or that someone broke up with you. By the way, the girl he spoke to at the bar is Matias' spare girl- Hit & Run Sister.

Also, the suitecase Berta was packing was to send to Nata and Nata asked her specifically to send her the emerald necklace Augie gave her (Nata) so that she can return it to him. Berta is 1)jealous that Augie never gave her such an expensive gift, 2) is keeping it for herself, and 3) lied and said she couldn't find it and the maid probably stole it. Nata did not believe that about the maid and does not believe it's proper for her to keep the necklace or the engagement ring. She plans to return both to Augie.

Nata didn't know Nesme was still alive, so it was a double shock that he lives AND that Augie was behind the attempt on his life.

I was really surprised when Nata honestly told Jero what her fears were leading up to his conversation with Marina- that being face to face with the mother of his child would make him change his mind about being with Nata. How often do we get a tn character that does that without prompting, or without having first acted out their fears by doing something stupid, before revealing the feelings that led them to do it.

I was a little mad at Alfi during her conversation with Nata. She know Tata is pregnant, and yet she goes on and on abotu how a baby links two people, forever! "Uhm...but I'm sure you and Jero will have some kids soon." Thanks Alfi. Can I have the present back?

The mature conversations between Nata and Jero keep surprising me. This must be a telenovela first. I was certain that Jero would keep the Doc Nesme secret from Nata and it would be a reason for her to get mad, but nope, he told her.

Vivi, I wanted yank Alfi's hair when she said that to Nata.

Thanks for the recap Jules. Quite a lot happened this episode and your names for the wretched Dr. were great.

I hope no one gets hurt at the wedding. I feel that Fina needs a few obstacles before the big anvil takes her out.

Renata should have asked the maid to pack and ship her things. Why on earth did she ask Roberta? I'm sure Renata will appreciate the great care she took in packing...chucking stuff at the suitcase from across the room and cramming it in.

Why has Constanza still not mentioned that Fina almost certainly lied and faked the DNA samples? Has she forgotten about it? Does she now think Fina lied to her and not to Regina? She seems to be talking much better now so it's weird she hasn't said anything about it.

So, Carlos's new acceptance of Matilde came with a comment that she will turn her into a woman "worthy of Carlos." Uh-oh. My Fair Lady-ish plotline coming up? This should be a riot.

I was glad to see Kari unleash all that righteous anger. Really it was horrible of Lazaro to treat her like a helpless child and let her think he didn't love her anymore rather than telling her the truth about her own affairs.

Thanks so much, Jules.

Great title -- thanks for the recap Jules. You're right that things are really heating up. I can't believe how rapidly the action is progressing when there are still a couple of months to go.

I'm worried about Nata. Did she believe Jero when he told her that it was Agustin who put out the hit on Dr Toonastytodie? I think that Ezequiel asked Lazalo to speak to Renata about the way Auggie is suffering. If you put those things together -- If she continues to believe in the goodness of Auggie, Nata may feel the need to go see him and straighten things out with him. Given his current mindset that could put her in physical danger.

I gotta say I enjoyed the scene with Fina in her latest wig shopping and regaling the saleslady with how much her husband loves her and loves to see her in new wigs and looks. The saleslady was just lapping it up -- and counting her pesos.

I wonder how the emerald necklace is going to play in the story. Nata wants to return it to Auggie -- but Berta is keeping it. Will Berta taunt the raging bull with the jutting jaw by wearing it in front of him?

And Chema teaming up with Julieta -- problems there? Or a new romance? Is it possible that the delusional Chema may become dangerous? I vote for an operable tumor (after he has caused the appropriate mayhem) and some tender nursing by Julieta.


Jules: A heartfelt thank you for the terrific recap!

You were really on your game - the title was perfect! Also enjoyed "Dr.iwilldieventually" among many others.

I laughed at: "lot’s of blah blahs tonight" but you were right at the onset, this IS indeed getting better and better.


Did anyone else think the saleslady was a dead ringer for Fina??? I thought they looked like mother and daughter - same face, expression, mannerisms.

Perhaps I'm too "Finafied". LOL.


I hope I'm not speaking too soon-- but I am loving the fact that the writers have brought the major couple together and have them dealing with each other openly and honestly well before the end of the show. I cross my fingers and hope that although they will suffer much more heartache and endure more obstacles that maybe they will do so without falling back into the trap of doubting their love for each other. Wouldn't that be a change of TN reality?

I loved Kari's outburst. She reallly stood up for her right to make her own decisions and experience her own emotions. That realization may be the real turning point for her.


Loved Kari too. She's made some horrible decisions regarding the UndeadDoc, but they're her choices to make and she was right to get furious at Lazaro. She may be occasionally wrong (to us anyway), but she's not a child. Hopefully this new attitude sticks and she can stick the dagger to the doc, (figuratively of course, she's not the killing kind).

Thanks Jules, this is great. I too loved all your names for poor Dr.

I felt sorry for Lazaro. I thought that Kari was a bit harsh in the way she treated him. I blame Jerry for telling Lazaro about the Dr. in the first place.

Lazaro made a mistake in the way he handled it but if Jerry felt that he had to reveal that Alvaro is alive, he should have told them both together at the same time.

Julie, I cringed when Carlos' mom vowed to make Mati worthy of her son. Will we get to hear the two of them singing The Rain in Spain?


I believe Marta Ivett is visiting her mom this week and does not have access to a computer so she cannot do the recap tonight. I will post a header this evening so we can discuss the episode unless someone wants to do a recap. Anyone?

I'm tempted Sylvia. Only because these episodes are so good right now.

Jules, Thanks for the excelent title and following recap. I had looked forward to having time to read it until this afternoon and now I get to relive all the amazing activities again. This TN moves at warp speed and it is helpful to have these recaps as reminders of how much we learn with every episode.

Now we even have side characters bringing new threads to the plot. What will Carlos' parents do to screw up Matilde and Carlos as they smother the wedding plans.

Dr. Alvaro Nesme - I just wrote that to see if I could spit out his proper name - I still want a shower. He is lurking behind doors and probably going to make a break for it since he knows they are transferring him in either tonight's or tomorrow night's episdode.

That emerald necklace is going to cause all manner of problem. Renata would do well just to buy another one and hand it back but Roberta is going to have so much fun torturing both her and Augie over it. What a slime ball Roberta is.

My thinking is that Roberta will be stunned that Fina's big surprise is a spray of bullets at the wedding. She somehow isn't thinking beyond the bags of money SHE will get either way.

Oh Vivi, I hope you can do a guest recap. That would be so wonderful. I will be meeting Emilia and Mike and we are going up on the tram to the top of the Sandias for sunset followed by a mexican dinner at the bottom. So I will set my vcr to record and look forward to the discussion and recap later tonight. Hurray.

I will do it then! I am meeting Emilia and Mike in a few weeks. How exciting! Say hello to them for me.

Coming late into the comments - nothing but meetings today. But this was so welcome to read and you did such a great job Jules!

I understood Kari's reaction (after I had to remind myself that for once her tears were justified), but it was such a bummer that the minute they showed a positive scene, they immediately stuck in someone crying or conniving. Oh and I would be happy to slap Alfi silly for that comment to Nata-seriously woman?

Zeke should be worried about Auggie - maybe they need to let a few others know that the bolts in Frankenstein, or should I say Augustein, are coming undone. I too love the way Jero and Nata are so forthright with each other, but that isn't going to stop others from trying to tear them apart and it will get ugly. That necklace has to come into this somehow too - the writers love that necklace imagery don't they?

Ah Gina, you just keep living in the clouds. Inez and Coni will hold the ropes and reel you back in when needed.

My first thought at Mama's remake comment on Mati was " well, if she could at least get her to lose the headband..." but I think there's more to this. (And why said hubby was left at home?) I can see poor Mati (did I actually say that - ok she did win me over), caving to turn into some society snob to please Mama and think that's what Carlos wants. That boy better speak up if he sees that happening!

Diana, I also thought the sales lady looked liked Fina

Hooray!! Vivi is doing tonight's recap.

Diana, I didn't notice the salesgirl last night but I reviewed the scene and indeed she looks as if she could be Fina's daughter. Fina was great in that scene, she really had me chuckling with her wiggy lies.

Cheryl, ITA that Fina would be better off if she stayed on the lowdown. But no, she's so eroded by jealousy and spite she can't resist popping up to wreak havoc. It will eventually be her undoing I'm sure.

Your evening with Mike and Emilia sounds both fun and stunning.

Vivi, thanks again for doing tonight's recap. You are a sweetheart.

Thank you Jules--did enjoy the new Nesmeisms. My PC is on the fritz and that's where I have my cumulative list of nesmeisms and have to use an alternative communication device. So, now I'm three days behind, but hope to bring it up to date soon.

How come we haven't seen Gorillauggie--thumping on his chest yet. I've been waiting for it with baited breath.

This was a great recap and great comments. Yep, that necklace is going to become a problem for Nata and Bertie. The only ways to reveal what Bertie did is for Auggie to spy her wearing it and blame Nata for giving it to her or for Bertie to slip and Nata to see her wearing it. I like the former set up--more mayhem.

I just watched Rick Baylis's "Mexico: One Plate At A Time" that aired this past Saturday. The episode is "World Class Wines of Baja" and was all about the wines and wineries in El Valle de Guadalupe! He didn't go to the La Lomita winery where our show was filmed, but he did visit several others.

I was looking through the PBS listings last night...I think that episode is replaying on the 29th, for anyone interested who missed it last week.

Thanks Vivi! I wasn't even sure I was going to get to see tonight's episode, and this particular episode is not available on the internet - which I would need as I have no recording device.


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