Saturday, October 15, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #8 Fri 10/14/11 Is it live, or is it Memorex?

Pancho has signed the contract. Chela thinks it's no coincidence that Rebeca showed up just as they were about to get thrown out. Candy tries (unsuccessfully) to convince Chela that this will be a good thing - they'll never have money problems again.

Chela is also still angry that Rebeca was a busybody and accused her of being in love with Pancho. Candy says Chela's just not willing to admit it because she feels it's sinful and that she's betraying her sister; but Candy doesn't think it's a sin. And Chela's sister has been dead for a long time. So look out, because someone else could come along and then Chela will lose Pancho forever.

Meanwhile, Lupita doesn't want to talk to Tomás, but he insists. He's angry and he's grabbing her roughly. He says since she invited that guy to the party, how dare she get mad at him for kissing Betty? (Never mind that he's been fooling around with Betty for quite some time.) Lupita informs him that she didn't invite Alex - Elena did. Lupita runs away. Tomás curses himself for spilling the tepache (pineapple-based alcoholic drink).

Supposedly, "Regar el tepache" is similar to "spill the beans," i.e. let the cat out of the bag, reveal a secret. Except I'm not sure what secret Tomás would be referring to, because Lupita's already seen him with Betty. I think a better translation in this context would be "open a can of worms," which is literally similar to spilling a drink in that you can't ever get that drink back into the glass, but as a figure of speech refers more to making an unrecoverable mess of things.)

Tomás follows Lupita and blocks her path. She tells him that she thought he could give her honesty, loyalty, and fidelity, but since he can't, they're DONE. Forever.

She joins her family, who are mostly still giddy about not getting evicted (except for sulky Chela). Nobody notices Lupita's tristeza, and Pancho even introduces Tomás to Rebeca as Lupita's novio. Rebeca tells the rest of the family that Pancho is now legally the president of Avon. Fernanda will announce it tonight at the Avon office and she wants the whole family to be there. Pancho makes googly eyes at Rebeca.

Vicente's secrebimbo (bimbretary?) is excited that she'll soon be the president's lover. She wants to celebrate with him after tonight's ceremony. He says he'll be busy and asks if Rebeca has been around.

Arnold is "helping" Pina get ready - actually he's groping her. She tells him not to touch her so much, and he says they're like sisters. Vince comes in and wants to change his outfit. Arnold says he can change anything except his stripy green tie, because the tie is lucky. Vince is already ignoring Arnold and Vince, texting someone. Pina says she could go naked to the ceremony and Vince wouldn't notice.

Evil Rinaldi is in a bad mood. He hates Fernanda and he hates the company and he can't wait till he can finally get out of there. Unfortunately, Fernanda will already be dead by then, so he won't be able to tell her to go to hell. He explains to Mónica that Fernanda screwed up a deal he had with some investors over some neighborhood property, but a princess like her wouldn't know anything about casa populares, and by the way, why'd she get home so late last night?

Mo starts to ask about that neighborhood property, but before she can finish, and instead of asking more questions, Dad tells her to be careful because the city's a dangerous place. He also brings her up to date on Fer's cancer and the fact that Mo's future MIL announced it on the air. (Note to Mo: Be careful what you say around that woman.) The investors got nervous, but the market will calm down when Fer names a successor. (That's what you think, Enzo!) And that new successor will be Mo's FIL. Mo remembers Pepe saying that his own father would be president of Avon. She asks what would happen if Fer named someone else president. Dad scoffs and tells her not to worry about it.

Much rejoicing at Pancho's house. He promises never to change. Chela is skeptical, but they all promise to support him. They all put their hands in for a whatchamacallit - seriously, what do you call it when you all put your hands in the middle? (No, not the hokey-pokey!) Chela hesitates, but Ana grabs her arm and puts it in. Pancho cheers, "Una familia con suerte!" and they all put their hands up in the air.

At the Snack 'n' Chat, Elena tells Lupita she's in luuuuv with Freddy (aka Alex). Lupita warns her that rich people are different. Except, not her father, because he promised not to change.

Before I forget to mention it, one expression you hear frequently on this show, particularly Elena in this scene, is "no te manches." It means "don't soil yourself."

Lupita also mentions the breakup with Tomás, but before Elena can say much about it, Alex arrives. Elena runs away to change her clothes.

Alex tells Lupita he's actually here to see her anyway, and by the way his name is Alex. Elena comes back before he can say more, and Lupita excuses herself and tries to leave. Alex chases her and says she's the one he's interested in. She thinks he's crazy.

Interlude: Temo stows his dog in the truck so he can accompany the family to the ceremony. Popeye is miffed.

Tomás just happens to see Lupita with Alex, and attacks Alex. Pepe pulls him away. Alex leaves at Lupita's request.

T: "What are you doing with that fresa?"
L: "Whatever I want - you've no right to complain to me!"

It looks as though Tomás is going to hit Lupita, but Pepe pushes him away. Lupita tells Pepe she broke up with T because she caught him with Betty. Elena yells at Lupita for making two lifelong friends fight over her. Pepe punches Tomás. Lupita drags her brother away because they still have to go to the thing.

Rebeca tells Fernanda that they almost lost the deal because of the miraculous timing of her arrival with the contract during the seizure. She was able to convince Pancho that it was just a coincidence, but she doesn't like what they've done. She also reports that Pancho's SIL is hopelessly in love with him, but for the moment Fernanda would rather gloat in advance about teaching her nephew Vince a lesson. But it's totally not about revenge, she insists.

The family is getting ready for the big event. Candy tells Ana to wear something more feminine (she's dressed like she's about to clean a barn). And just when I'm thinking that somebody should tell Candy to put on a pair of pants, Pancho comes out and suggests that her skirt is missing some fabric. Ha! For his own part, he's wearing the double-breasted suit, busy tie, and shabby tennis shoes he wore to his wedding.

Candy says Chela is emperifollando (preening) in her room. Actually she's just weeping and griping over Laurita's photo. Pancho interrupts to remind her that she swore on Laurita's grave to always be at his side. She gripes and worries at him. He says she has to come with, because the family would fall apart without her.

Fernanda gloats some more that tonight will be unforgettable. People arrive for the big event. Pina warns Vince not to go near Rebeca. Vince and Enzo "Evil" Rinaldi share an unfriendly, back-slappy hug. "I can't stand these people," Enzo murmurs in Vince's ear.

Meanwhile, La Burra honks and flashes into town. As the rest of the family gets out of the van, Temo puts a collar and necktie on the dog.

Before Pancho even arrives, Fernanda gives a long speech about hard work and deserving and nobility. Vince glows. Finally Fernanda gets to "let's welcome the new president of Avon, el señor..."

Enzo shoves Vince forward, not that Vince needs any encouragement. Everyone is clapping. They all freeze in confusion as Fernanda continues, "Francisco Lopez!"

Fortunately, Pancho just happens to walk through the door at that moment. Not that it wouldn't have been equally delightful if he hadn't. He takes a snack on his way in and waves hello to Rebeca. Enzo slithers away in horror, shame, and/or rage. Still chewing his snack, Pancho asks Fer about the angry-looking man who could shoot him dead if eyes were pistols. Pancho's worried the guy might be having a dizzy spell (vahido) because he's pale as a sheet of paper. Fer introduces him to the angry, dizzy guy - Vicente Irábien, the vice president. Pancho puts his hand out, but Vince refuses to shake it.

And then Popeye gets away from Temo. The little furball finds the ideal place to lift a leg: Vince's fancy shoes! (That's right - he held it the whole time he was in the truck. What a good doggie!)

Back at the Facebook Nook, Alex returns to explain himself to Elena. He's not really Freddy and he likes the real Lupita. Elena tells him that Lupita and Tomás fight like that all the time, and in fact they've already gotten back together.

Pina is checking Vince's blood pressure in Vince's office. It's high. The secrebimbo brings them a glass of water, but says she needs to get back out there because the gossip is really good! Pina is horrified. "A dog! It's a good thing we didn't bring Abejita!" They wonder if it's all just a tasteless joke. Or maybe the cancer has spread to Fernanda's brain and given her Alzheimer's. (I hope Pina doesn't give medical information on her radio show.)

Fernanda asks Pancho to make a speech. Of course, no one has prepared him for this in any way, but Rebeca tells him to just say it's an honor, blah blah blah, whatever occurs to him. He tells her he's worried, blah blah blah! Chela starts muttering to Rebeca about having to eat another chicken (I think it's like eating crow) and what a coincidence it was that she arrived just in time to rescue them from el Tranceti. (I still don't know why they call him that. The cast list refers to him as Enzo Rinaldi.) Rebeca says they can discuss it in her office later.

Tomás wants Elena to help him get back with Lupita. She doesn't seem to have a big problem with him cheating on her, but she does scold him for letting him get caught. She agrees to help him, but he'd better behave himself.

Pancho speechifies awkwardly, taking a long time to explain his own name, then introduces his family. Enzo, who has been hiding behind a plant, seems to react to Chela's introduction, but I can't see enough of his face to identify the reaction. (Pancho says she's a good cook and that she either gives good massages with her feet, or is good at giving foot massages - I'm not sure which.) Also, when introduced, Ana gives the crowd a double-Harvey Smith, which I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be doing if her father were aware of its meaning (and since he introduces her as "a rocker," you'd think she'd be doing the horns instead, but maybe ancient British punk is making a comeback).

After introducing the family, Pancho starts to run out of steam. That's okay, because the main act is ready to take the stage. Vince shoves Pancho aside and demands an explanation from Fernanda. He rants and raves about how dare she not give the presidency to him. "What a bear [fool] my daddy is making of himself," Freddy says to Mónica. She again remembers Pepe's claim... I think she's already figured it out, but how long before she tells anyone who'll be interested?

Fernanda asks Vince several times if he wouldn't rather discuss this in her office, but he insists. "Okay, Vicente - you asked for it!" Rebeca operates a remote control, and Enzo's voice wafts over them like a bad smell.

How are you, Vicente?

(Enzo tries to sneak out of his hiding place, but scurries back to the plant when he hears his own voice.)

Vince: You know, Enzo... same as always. Waiting for that damned old lady to die so I can rise to the throne.

(Enzo looks ready to hang himself.)

V: ...And I think it'll be soon. Imagine if she discovered all I've done, and I haven't told you, I've had meetings with important businessmen, to partner with and double or maybe triple our profits.

E: Are you sure you're going to inherit the seat?

V: Of course, Enzo, I've spent a lifetime sucking up to that old lady, all my life growing that fortune. Without me, she wouldn't have accomplished anything. So much time earning and earning to get the presidency. There's no doubt. The only thing in doubt is the day señora Fernanda Peñaloza flakes off, dies, leaves us. Hopefully it's today. I hope!

Fernanda turns to her stunned nephew. "Does that seem like sufficient reason to you, Vicente?"

Next time:
Teeth are gnashed.
Vince plays doormat to a Catwoman.


My goodness Julie, you really outdid yourself on this one. Lots of juicy vocabulary and links to equally juicy hand gestures....what an education! Muchas gracias.

This is the first episode I've actually watched all the way through. I really got stuck on Fernanda's horrid make-up. Not sure why they're putting harsh black eyeliner on a pale blonde and then highlighting the furrows above her lip with bright red lipstick. Rebeca of the Implants is much more subtly done. Well...those are my Deep Thoughts for the day.

Thanks Julie for hanging in on this...I hope you pick up an audience for your well-crafted recaps. (Lurkers...speak Julie and Melinama know you're there.)

I am really enjoying this light hearted TN and the blogs. One can only take so many heavy drama TNs. Its a nice relief from Fuerza. Keep up the great writing!

Thanks, Judy! These recaps aren't taking as long as it looks. I'm posting them late, but I'm starting them late, too. For all the talking these characters do, they usually don't end up saying much. This one was a little unusual because so many things happened in one night. The next few episodes will probably be fluff.

Fernanda's makeup is a little harsh, but maybe as president of Avon she feels she needs to put all the products on display at once! (Let's hope Pancho doesn't follow suit!)

Since Evil Rinaldi has an office in the Avon building (I'm still not clear as to whether he's an actual employee or just a tenant/consultant), I wonder if it will become more obvious to Pancho and Chela that the timing of their attempted eviction really wasn't a coincidence.

I'm starting to understand why Fernanda said she didn't deserve anyone to shed a tear over her death. She claims that she only wants to help the Lopez family and it's not about revenge, and she really seems to believe it when she's discussing it with Rebeca; but there are ways to help people and teach others a lesson without abusing your power and manipulating them and using them as pawns.

Having said all that, however, Vicente's reaction was priceless. (As was Enzo's!)

I agree Julie..Fernanda had reason to be disgusted with Vicente but there were less spiteful ways of teaching him a lesson. Let's just say she's an ambivalent us all.

Thanks for chiming in Anonymous...we need to know who's watching and why.

Julie, what a fun recap of a very busy episode. Whenever the plot includes nacos we seem to get the best vocabulary and idioms. I notice there are a lot of the same phrases and sayings we heard in Un Gancho al Corazon and Llena de Amor. I'm glad I kept a vocab list for Llena because I've learned to just keep it uploaded when I watch Una Familia.

In Gancho the character of Beto was always saying "No me manches" or "No manches". According to my spreadsheet we gathered that "No manches" meant "No kidding", and that "No me manches" meant "Stop pulling my chain" or "Don't bullsh*t me". I don't have anything for "No te manches" though, so that's a new variation.

Thank you for sharing the "Regar el tepache" with its link and the other links too. After all, we are here to learn Spanish, right?

Anway, thanks for the terrific recap. This was a good episode, one that actually moved the plot along.

Anon, thank you for commenting. I hope others who are enjoying the novela and superb recaps will also comment.

Oh hi Anon, you posted while I was composing my very long reply. Thank you! I do hope you'll stick around.

Tks so much Julie, super recap.

I'm enjoying this TN, surprisingly.

The best was when Popeye peed on Vicente. I believe our 1st pregnancy will be Abeja.

Vicente's expressions are priceless.


"I believe our 1st pregnancy will be Abeja." Yes!! Great idea. Such a coupling will either tear the families apart or bring them together. Or both. I thought Popeye was quite dashing in his collar and tie.

hilarious! i laughed so much during the espisode and then again reading the recap. thanks for the work you put into it!

i thought Popeye was headed for Pina's feet. did you catch the furry shoes she had on?

this is definitely the Latin American version of the "Beverly Hillbillies"...


Carolina, that would also have been very funny, for Popeye to become enamored with Pina's furry shoes. Good thinking there.

Yes, it definitely reminds me of a variation of the Beverly Hillbillies.

Beverly Hillbillies - LOL - I've been looking for an excuse to mention a "ce-ment pond" for a while!

We've had a taste of Green Acres as well (Mo and Kari at the fiesta). I'm sure we can look forward to a lot more of both!

Julie- You and Melinama have been like superheros with this tn.

I missed this eventful episode (and don't yet have it programmed into my dvr), which is why am so happy you gave us such a detailed recap. Thanks!

I wish I could have seen Popeye pee on Vicente though.

Fernanda is acting a bit like a villain. Pancho is going to be so mad when he finds out she was behind the accelerated eviction. However, given how little money they made from their block party, I think the Evil Enzo would have been breathing down their necks to snatch the casa popular anyway. So they are better off having Fernanda buy it from Enzo.

You're right, Vivi - Enzo was going to seize the property eventually anyway. And I think Fernanda would have waited a little bit without manipulating if Pina hadn't forced her hand by broadcasting the cancer diagnosis. So, take that, Pina!!

You didn't really miss the desecration of Vince's shoes. They didn't really show it. The dog is sort of standing behind Vince's leg, and if you frame-advance slowly and look verrry closely, you can just barely detect slight movement as the dog shifts his weight a little bit. I don't think you can even swear he's lifting his leg.

He didn't go for Pina's maribou (or fur)-trimmed shoes, but at first I thought he was going to attack them.

Regarding "no te manches," I looked somewhere else and it just meant (literally) "don't get dirty" (without the bathroom connotation). Regardless, since the literal meaning is obviously about as significant as that of "Don't have a cow," it's not as though it matters much. I just thought it was funny because someone I know is always telling people not to wet themselves (i.e. don't get too excited, which was what I thought Elena meant by it, too.)

There's a discussion on Word Reference about the usage of "no te manches" here. Oddly enough, the consensus seems to be that everyone says "no manches" and no one ever says "no te manches" in Mexico. So I guess someone's going to have to tell our characters that they're not speaking properly. Tee hee.

Julie, I just read the word forum about "no te manches" (thanks for the link) and whatever they think, Elena says "no te manches" a lot. I just re-watched the scene where she says it and I'm going to say it's the equivalent of "No way!" or "Get outta here!" I might change my mind but for now that's what it sounds like to me.

Throughout the dialogue I know I'm missing a lot of plays on words. I also re-watched the scene where Pablo is making his speech and Vince busts in and has his meltdown. First Pancho gets Vince's name wrong and calls him "Ibabian" ("iba bien" = did well, i.e. a has-been). Then Vince corrects it to "Irabien" ("ira bien" = will do well). Then Pancho says whatever, Vince is "iracundo" which means irate or irritable. So it took me about 5 minutes to figure out what they were saying and by then it's not even funny anymore. How I wish I could keep up with all the jokes and double-entendres! Oh well, I hope I'll get better at it as the show progresses.

Heh, you just nailed the difficulty in following Pancho's speech. At first, even when I recognized that the word was intentionally wrong (instead of saying "what's that?" and trying to look it up), I tried to figure out the joke, thinking it might be important. And it'd be better to get it than to not get it, of course. But it would take ten days to write up and explain every one, even if I understood it right away, which I usually don't.

I'm sure I'm missing many of the jokes entirely and now I'm forcing myself not to investigate most of the ones that I can tell are jokes. don't get. Even if I do get a joke, I don't mention it unless it seems worthwhile. It just takes too long!

The main thing I got out of the "no te manches" discussion is that, as someone on that forum said, it barely means anything. Which often seems to be the (non-)payoff when we try to find out the meaning of some idiomatic expression that people say frequently and indiscriminately.

I just wish there were some way to do an audio search-and-replace in every episode to remove all the words and phrases that don't mean anything! The dialogues would be much shorter and clearer!

Oh and speaking of which, I did a search on "el Tranceti" and the only references I turned up were discussions of this telenovela. I think it is some kind of pun nickname. "Trance" can mean "difficult time," and Evil Enzo has certainly been a bringer of difficult times. I don't know if that's it, though. It's kinda weird that Chela would refers to him that way when talking to Rebeca, so maybe I'm wrong.

Enzo must really be feeling cheap now. Vince is too arrogant to be ashamed of himself, but Enzo looked as though he was hearing that recording through everyone else's ears and seemed really affected by it. (Again, ICBW and maybe it's way too early to expect him to be experiencing human emotions!)

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