Thursday, October 13, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #6 Wed 10/12/11 Free tacos! Woohoo!!!!

It's the Pina Opines Show with special guest Fernanda. Pina broadcasts Fernanda's cancer diagnosis to the whole world and asks, "how much time do you have left to live?" (Vince, who is watching the webcast, knocks down his secretary in dismay. He is supposed to be throwing a fit, but it looks as though the actor is trying hard not to laugh!) Fer is impactada. Pina asks her audience at home to pray for Fernanda's health. She says they deserve to know how much longer the most admired businesswoman in Mexico will live.

(Vince is poking aggressively at his phone. He has the secretary ask Rinaldi for a minute-by-minute report on the company's stock transactions.) Fer tells Pina's audience that the doctor didn't say exactly how long, but it'd be a few months. "And the months fly by!" Pina exclaims, barely concealing her glee. "I'll leave the presidency and travel; I don't want long painful treatments to extend my life in misery." She speaks philosophically for a while, and Pina becomes increasingly uncomfortable. Fer concludes, "life always gets the last laugh."

They've been listening to the interview at Casa Popular. They agree that Pina had some nerve asking such a question, and Fer handled it well. They again discuss whether Pancho should take Fer's offer, but no one seems to have any new thoughts to add.

Fer returns to her office and tells Rebeca she's looking forward to announcing her successor. Rebeca tries to talk her out of it, but Fernanda wants her to attend Pancho's party tonight. She also adds that she has a sensitive mission for her. "I'll give you all the details," she says, but we don't get to hear them.

The festival at Casa Popular begins. Pancho gives a happy opening speech encouraging the attendees to eat and pay for everything. Lupita suggests that he take a bath, put on some nicer clothes and make himself handsome, and sell his kisses.

Yummy tacos are served, but I don't get to see enough of the food.

Jerry, the bouncer/doorman at the gate (the same guy who worked the club where Pepe kissed Mónica last week) is supposed to be charging a fee of 20 pesos (that's about US$1.50 at today's exchange rate) per person, but hardly anyone is paying. Heh, some bouncer! (Jerry grumbles... what kind of accent is that? He doesn't sound local!) Tomás and Elena get in without paying. Betty goes in too, wanting to be with Tomás. Lupita misses her flirting by a split-second, but I smell trouble...

Temo, napping, dreams that he meets his mother, who died the day he was born. (Snif!) She tells him not to worry, that everything will be fine. He wakes up happy and tells Chela about his dream. Pancho comes in, and Chela gets grumpy. Temo wants to know what's going on. Pancho tells Chela he appreciates all she does for the family and all the sacrifices she's made for them.

Vince is still hopping mad when he gets home. (And the actor still looks like he's supressing convulsive laughter.) Pina says she did it for him. She feels that revealing Fernanda's illness will force her to appoint a new president right away. Vince says he knows he's going to be the next president, so it wasn't necessary to tell the whole country that the old lady is drying up (la anciana se está secando). But Pina can't wait to be the First Lady. He calls her a monster. Then she practices for his presidency like Vince did last week. Vince says, "to hell with humility!" and joins her. (Their maid is horrified.)

At the fiesta, Candy is eager to do her performance, but Chela tells her there will be more people around to watch later. Then, hopping around nervously she tears her dress. Chela promises to help mend it, but I'm wondering what's going to happen to such a delicate garment when she's dancing for real. (Candy is dressed like a cocktail waitress; Chela is wearing the frumpiest thing she could find.)

Mónica is driving around in a dubious-looking neighborhood with Karina, supposedly looking for the Britney concert. (I don't know which Britney that would be, but that's the "kinds of music you'll never hear" that she taunted Pepe about last week.) They're lost - Mo says she doesn't use a GPS because she and electronics don't get along. Naturally, her super-expensive car breaks down. Freddy's not answering his phone and the wrecker can't come for another couple of hours, so she decides to call "José," that mechanic. (She is referring to Pepe, whose phone number she supposedly threw away.) She demands his help in the rudest way possible. Pepe discovers that it's just a loose cable, but instead of securing it, he decides to pocket the cable and tells them it's a serious problem that he can't fix here and now. He offers to take them to his house in La Burra so they don't have to wait around here. He asks a sketchy-looking guy to keep an eye on the car.

Pancho, having finished his bath and change of clothes (not an improvement, IMO), finds Rebeca at the door in a sexy red dress. "¡Virgen santisima!" Pancho exclaims. "Not exactly," Rebeca replies. Chela sees her and is obviously peturbed. Rebeca says she actually came to see Chela, to ask her to convince Pepe to take the job. After all, she's like his conscience. They're together all the time, they couldn't even live one without the other. It's a great opportunity for him. Chela runs through all her reasons why Pepe should NOT take the job, which boil down to wanting to improve their lives through their own efforts rather than a windfall. (Yeah, like being president of Avon is going to be a cakewalk!) They like their life the way it is. Rebeca says that complacency breeds mediocrity. "Believe me, I understand your reaction. It's obvious - you're totally in love with Pancho and you're afraid to lose him."

We now discover that La Burra has bright flashing neon lights in addition to the obnoxious braying-donkey horn. "Where are we, Calcutta?" Mo complains. (She complains a lot.) She makes fun of Pepe's poor knowledge of world geography and doesn't want to go to the festival. (Pepe tactfully doesn't point out her poor knowledge of local geography.)

Pancho laughs off Rebeca's claim that Chela is in love with him. He says she's family, and practically his sister. Rebeca asks her directly if she isn't in love with Pancho. Chela tells her to mind her own business. Pancho again sings Chela's praises as a family member and again scoffs that she'd be in love with him. Chela stomps out, wounded and mortified. Pancho invites Rebeca to the festival so that she can see for herself why they don't want their lives to change for some presidency.

Chela mutters indignantly and gets her sewing kit.

Jerry the doorman continues letting kids in for free. Alex (as Freddy) arrives and asks for Lupita. Fortunately, Elena (as Lupita) is there to intercept him. Alex doesn't pay either. Jerry grumbles.

Meanwhile, the real Lupita is crying hysterically because she just caught Tomás sucking face with Betty. Elena and Alex soon run into her, but she's not interested in an introduction. "Let's go to my house, ELENA!" she sobs, dragging her off. Alex is confused.

Chela fixes Candy's dress and tells her about Rebeca's latest visit. (They call her a lot of names - skinny, anorexic, consumptive - but she's no thinner than they are, as far as I can tell.) Candy thinks Chela's jealous of Rebeca. They start to argue, but are too wound up about the festival to continue. (Then, to add insult to injury, Chela is obliged to serve a taco to Rebeca. Rebeca is wearing a white coat. I keep waiting for something terrible to happen, but there's no payoff.)

Pepe and his fancy little harem arrive at the party. Mo holds her nose. Pepe asks Chela if they've raised enough money yet and observes that she's making a face like they're getting evicted. (He explains to Mo that some guy wants to kick them out, but he screws up the guy's name.) Chela just scolds him for wearing dirty clothes.

(Pina and Vince are still celebrating his "last day as Vice President." LOLOLOLOLOL)

Mo complains some more about the food and everything else. (She is a real delight. Karina seems to be having a good time, or at least making the most of it, but Pepe only has eyes for the sourpuss. Typical.) She gripes about not wanting to see Candy's show. Karina says, "well, we're not getting to see Britney, but at least we'll see this."

Elena spends a long time with Lupita trying to calm her down and cheer her up. She urges Lupita to go back to the party - why give that bum Tomás the satisfaction, and besides, the kids need her. She even helps Lupita blow her nose!

There's a sack race at the festival. Mo looks frightened.

Supposedly Rebeca has tried all of the tacos. She liked the mole best. Then Candy comes out to do her dance, and it is at this odd juncture that we say goodnight. Will her dress survive the ordeal?

Next time:
The Evil Rinaldi pays a personal visit to the Casa Popular.


No, I do not believe Candy's dress will survive the ordeal. She is a very good dancer, however that whole deal with her dance being part of the entertainment...I think for once my face looked just like Karina and Mo's.

It's about 6:30 a.m. and all I want right now are a bunch of tacos. Mole, pork in green chile sauce, carne asada, I want it all!

I love the chemistry between Pina and Vince (Daniela Castro and Sergio Sendel). They look they constantly crack each other up in their scenes.

Where in the heck did they get Jerry the Bouncer with his thick USA accent? I wonder if a U.S. accent is equivalent to that of a bonehead lunk? That would be funny.

I agree, Monica is a huge gigantic griper. What do these cute guys see in these PIA chicas? I like Karina a lot more than Monica.

Julie, thank you for the terrific recap. The plot of this one might not keep us on the edge of our seats (except for Candy's dress) but the scenes sure are colorful. I can't wait to see the first Fiesta Popular that gets held in the rich house. That ought to be good.

When I watched this one the first time through, I couldn't figure out why they ended in the middle of Candy's dance. I wasn't feelin' the tension. It wasn't until the second time that I realized that her dress had torn someplace other than the seam. You can reinforce a seam, but you can't reinforce an entire dress in five minutes with a sewing kit! (Hello Candy - ever hear of Spandex? Sheesh!)

I wish we'd seen more of the food, but I liked what I did see. I love carne asada. I love pork in green chile sauce. I love mole if it's savory (it's crazy sweet in most places I've had it, but the stuff I get in a jar isn't at all).

I've seen Sendel be funny before, but I've never seen him look so close to laughter when he wasn't supposed to. Most of the actors seem really natural and happy in this one, which makes it more fun to watch. (In STuD, it felt as though most of the actors were sorry they'd gotten out of bed, especially towards the end.)

Jerry's accent cracks me up. He doesn't sound quite as bad as I do, but he's bad enough

Sylvia, I agree this show is not a nail-biter so far but promises to be lots of fun. Both the greasers and the socs are in for some severe culture shock. Honestly, that's just what I'm in the mood for. I usually prefer heavy irony and complexity and lethal treachery, but I need a break from that.

The only big question I have is who Chela and Rebeca will end up with, since they can't both have Pancho. I'm not going to spend a lot of time trying to figure that one out, though. (Sure - let's check that again in six months.)

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that Pancho eventually ends up with Rebecca based on his reaction every time he sees her. (By the way, I loved her quip about not exactly being the sainted virgin, heh.) He has had Chela in his life for a long time but nothing has happened. Chela should end up with someone wonderful but I'm not sure we've met that Mr. Wonderful yet. She needs to get out of that drab housedress pronto. As you say, let's check in at about the six month point.

Oh that's right, there was even special music when she visited his house the first time. OK, I guess that's a done deal. There must be some more galans in the pipeline for Chela. (I also forgot about the huge whopping hint in the cast summary Melinama posted a few weeks ago. I keep telling myself, just because it says that doesn't mean we know how it eventually turns out. I need a LITTLE mystery, right?)

Yep. And every time I make an assumption about who will end up with whom I remind myself about Querida Enemiga. In that one the heroine Lorena did NOT end up with her doctor galan, but rather Chef Hawt. We didn't know until the the very end what her choice would be.

However I have a theory that telenovela music never lies.

You all have me thinking about Mexican food big-time. The soup I'm having for lunch just isn't doing it for me.

Add me to those who think Pancho will end up with Rebeca. His first wife was quite snazzy so it figures his second will be a looker, but do hope somebody wonderful comes along for our yearning Chela.

Nice recap, Julie...always enjoy your personal observations.

My son Ezra mused over that dress repair: I dunno, it's under a lot of pressure - like trying to repair a submarine under water... I thought she was a crummy dancer! And we just LAUGH when we see what Mayrin has done to herself fore and aft. Why didn't anybody tell her that wasn't a good idea?? Looking forward to tonight, I think the anvil will drop on Veens (though if they take the "La Fea" time stretch approach, it may take another week to get to 'tomorrow'). Monica is so awful I think there's some kind of 'taming of the shrew' thing going on here.

Melinama! Are you feeling better??

OK, so it's not just me - Candy's dancing just looked like pointless wiggling? Is she holding back because of the dress, or is that really considered dancing?

I think we're going to be forced to wait a little for Vince and Pina to get their ugly surprise since Pancho has to change his mind first, and that won't happen until Evil Rinaldi makes his threat and then there will be lots of drama with everyone discussing the topic to death before Pancho finally accepts.

Monica, taming of the shrew - I hope you're right, and I was remembering last night the story of shrieky Sandi and her mom Enshrieketa in STuD. There weren't many payoffs in STuD, but Sandi's miraculous transformation was one of them. Monica's transformation will probably take longer and be much funnier, though.

Regarding Mayrin, the concept of butt implants is so bizarre that I can't wrap my mind around it.

Thank you so much for the wonderful recap! I half-watched some of this, but I am interested in following it, because it does seem so different from some of the other novelas I've been watching so far. I think the characters are all fun!

Yeah, I can't get over Jerry the Bouncer's appalling accent either. I don't think he's much of an actor either, so we have bad accent AND bad acting. I am not sure what the point is yet, other than maybe Cap'n Sylvia is right, and he represents a lunkhead?

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