Thursday, October 06, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #43 Wed 10/05/11 Everyone attempts to straighten things out, but there are still kinks in the road

[Posted for Urban Anthropologist]

Please provide any missing details.    Gracias.
Lucia brings Alex to the hospital to visit Ivan, who is happy to see him. They talk about Bruno.

Hospital Reception Room:  Camilo comes in to visit Ivan, running into Lucia, Alex, and Benito.

Ivan's Room:  Ivan and Camilo talk about Lucia.  Camilo tries to tell Ivan that if he reconciles with Lucia just because he's hot for her it's going to go badly.  Ivan confronts Camilo about possibly having the hots for Lucia himself.  Camilo hotly denies it and exits, but comes back immediately and apologises.

Café:  Saul and Carmen makes pigs of themselves over the food he can now afford because JJ took him back.  He gives her some money (a single banknote) with a promise of more and she reminds him that her information is worth a lot.  Maldita sea.

Casa Curiel:  The housekeeper tells Gerardo she doesn't know where Lucia is. 
Carlota:  Gerardo, what a surprise!
Gerry:   How are you, Carlota?  I'm looking for Lucia.  Do you know where she went?
Carlota:   She took Alex to see Ivan.
Gerry:  You don't say.
Carlota:  Does that bother you?
Gerry:  No.  Although it hurts, it was inevitable.  I trust Lucia not to tell Alex he is of Ivan's flesh.  [Obviously he doesn't realize the boy overheard a lot of major stuff about this.]
Carlota:  Yes, but you need to control your sister-in-law.  I understand she is incapable of allowing Alex to leave her side, and this is not good.
Gerry:  Yes, I know.  And Lucrezia?
Carlota:  You know she likes to go to the Benevelents' Association to look good in front of strangers.  She's donating clothing and food to victims of the last hurricane. 
Gerry (incredulous):   So she has a heart?
Carlota: Dear God, you know her just as well as I do!  She does this so people will think she is charitable and generous. 

Benevolents' Association, outdoors:  Lucrezia is playing Lady Bountiful, donating clothes to charity while pretending to be sincere.  Margarita praises her, but Olga says something about how if only her daughters were there to help.  Lucrazia talks about how Lucia studies psychology to help children.  But Olga is only to a metiche who knows how other tenants in MP's building are talking about how mala she is.  Esther Mondragon is at the edge of this scene.
Olga:  But the other one, Maripaz es una fechita. [?]  Well, it's true, isn't it?
Lucrazia:  I don't know what you're referring to.  What things do you know about my daughter?
Olga:  None, but I know other tenants from her building who say she gets going from bad to worse.    She gives parties till all hours of the night, scandalous stuff, and stuff that...well, I don't know what to say to you.
Esther:  [didn't get this all because the music was loud]  You have to talk to her about the ugly things people are saying.
Lucrazia:  Don't tell me any more.  I've tried talking to her but she doesn't listen to me.  It gives me much anguish.
Esther:  I understand problems at home.  I have some horrible ones.
Olga:  What is it?  What happened?
Esther:  My husband.  The other day he got very ill.  The doctor says it could be leukemia.  If he isn't careful he will be worse than ever before.
Lucrazia:  Juan Jaime ill?  I don't believe it.  He always seemed so strong.
Esther:  Well, apparently not.  I'm praying to God he doesn't get worse because it will cause a destruction in the family.
[Actually, it would be the best thing to happen to the Mondragons.  Better than the gossip fest Olga will invite the rest of Alamos to as soon as this event is over.]
Commercial Break that leads with a promo for Protagonistas.which starts next week and for tomorrow's hot episode of Mujeres Asesinas with Asesina Belinda and Victim William Levy.  That's the best episode yet this season, but when are we getting new ones?

Casa Curiel:  Alex tells Gerry about meeting Bruno, and hugs Carlota while Lucia tells her dad they visited Ivan.

Casa Galvan:  Camilo comes home talking about Ivan's hospitalization and they all give Carmen the hell she deserves about what she did to Bruno.  She acts like an entitled brat.
Antolin:  I don't get it.  How is it in a town this careful there are poisonous snakes?  Did it get near the house [?]
Camilo (nodding toward Carmen):  Ask this one.
Carmen:  It wasn't my fault that the dog got out. 
Camilo:  And do you know why Ivan went looking for Bruno?
Carmen:  That damned old man fired me because of this arronoso [?] just as I was about to quit [?]
Aracelia:  Carmen, you left the door open.
Antolin: How could you let something like this happen?  Don't you realize Ivan could have died?
Carmen:  How could I know? 
Camilo:  Of course!  You do these stupid things; you never know anything.
Carmen:  Shut up!
Camilo:  No. you will shut up!
Aracelia:  Stop this argument!
Carmen:  You're always against me and you never do anything for me.  No I'm out of work and how am I going to support my daughter? 
Camilo:  Stop playing the victim.  I maintain this house, you, and your daughter, too.
Carmen:  Yes, but you don't buy me clothes.
Camilo:  From this day forward you will buy nothing.  You will leave this house and support yourself and your daughter.
Carmen:  You are nobody to give me orders.
Antolin (shouting):  Camilo is right.  No doubt you'll find another guy and have another baby.
Carmen gets up in a snit and leaves the table like the petulant child she is.  Aracelia has been observing her sons through the last of this.

Hospital Room:  Ivan tells Tony about Lucia and Alex's visit and his conversation with Camilo.  Tony is disappointed that Ivan and Lucia aren't firmly reconciled.

Casa Galvan:  Aracelia despairs of Carmen.
Antolin:  She should find a husband.
Camilo:  To begin with, nobody will want a cualquiera.
Aracelia:  It worries me a lot.
Camilo:  Ja, mamacita, be calm.
Antolin:  Don't get so upset.
Aracelia (crying): Yes, it's true.  She can't stay here in this house.  She needs to look for another job, then... I don't know.  Why isn't she satisfied with her life?
Antolin:  But she lacks for nothing.  Ademas, where is the money coming from?  Mama, do you know who Lichita's father is?
Aracelia:  I don't know.
Antolin:  Because if you tell me we can force the guy to marry her and give Lichita a name.
Aracelia:  Antolin, you will not interfere.  (turning to Camilo)  And you won't either.  (She gets up from the table).

Casa Curiel:  Lucrazia speaks of MP's shameful rep. 
Lucrazia:  You don't know the anger and the shame I feel.
Carlota:  Neither should this come as a surprise to you.
Lucrazia:  She has these shameful parties that bother the neighbors.
Lucia:  But, Mama, people exaggerate.
Lucrazia:  Suppose they do exaggerate, but gossip spreads and your sister has a bad reputation.
Carlota:  And this just occurred to you?
Lucrazia:  And are we sitting around with crossed arms about this?  She's a Lomieli-Curiel, just like us.
Carlota:  Since you repeat she is a Lomieli-Curiel.  I'm annoyed because it doesn't matter if she is a      Perez or Sanchez.  What is important is that Maripaz is a brazen hussy, [descocada], a madwoman without morals or decency.
Lucrazia:  Very well, I agree with you.  What do you suggest we do?  Are we to allow our names to be in everyone's mouths?
Carlota:  Stop talking like that.  We've had enough shameful things in this family.
Lucia:  Why don't we talk to Maripaz and get her into rehab?
Lucrazia:  So the whole world knows about it?
Carlota:  At times I just want to [?]
Lucia:  We could say she took a vacation.  I could go with her because I don't have work... or classes.
Carlota:  What's going to happen with Ivan and Alex?
Lucia:  Abue, we'll have to make a decision.
Carlota:  The decision has been made.
Lucrazia:  What decision is that? 
Carlota:   I'm not going to tell you.  (Gets up and leaves the room)
Lucrazia:  Now I know where your sister's madness comes from.  Your grandmother.  She's like a goat [cabra].
You wish, loca who has the hots for Camilo.

Casa Galvan, Outside:  Antolin and Camilo review what just went down.  They speculate on who could be the jerk who knocked up their sister.  When Camilo asks whether Antolin has a child anywhere he answers that he's always been careful about that.  The conversation turns to Ivan, Alex, and the issues with Carolina.  Antolin won't propose to Carolina not because she's blind but because of his lifestyle.  That she doesn't deserve a desgraciado like him.

Casa Curiel:  
Lucrazia:  Daughter, if you marry Ivan tell him you want to live in the US and take Maripaz with you.
Lucia:  Don't start this, Mother.  (She gets up and leaves.)
Lucrazia:  You don't give a damn about this family's reputation.  You're all ingrates!
The phone rings.
Lucrazia:  Who is calling at this hour?  (answers)  Bueno.
JJ:  Lucrazia?
Lucrazia:  Juan Jaime, I was just thinking about you.  Esther said you were ill.
JJ:  My wife always exaggerates.  A little problem, but nothing of importance.
Lucrazia (grinning):  You don't know how happy that makes me.
JJ:  Thanks.  I need to talk to you.
Lucrazia:  Of course.  About what?
JJ:  It's better if we talk in person, mi reina.
Lucrazia:  As you wish. 
JJ:  If it's good with you, let's do it tomorrow.
Lucrazia:  Where?  In your office?
JJ:  No, no.  In a restaurant, as it must.  Yes, I have a diet but a glass of wine won't hurt me.
Lucrazia:  That pleases me.  Where?  Good, I agree.  It will be a pleasure to see you.
JJ:  For me, too.  Mi reina.
Lurazia:  Juan Jaime.  (hangs up)  Juan Jaime will be my salvation. 
[Editorial comment:  I dearly hope we don't have to suffer through any sex scenes with these two.  It would have the same Ick Factor as the ones in the original Mujeres Asesinas.]

Casa Lomieli:  Alex wants a dog of his own (can you blame him?) and Carolina is going on again about keeping the truth from Alex.
Alex:  Tia! Tia!  I just met this fabulous dog.  Dad, can we get a dog?
Gerry:  This house is small; a dog wouldn't be comfortable.  But when you visit Lucia you can play with Bruno.
Carolina:  Who is Bruno?
Gerry:  Ivan's dog.
Alex:  But I want my own dog.
Gerry:  We'll see, we'll see.  Now go wash your hands for dinner.  (Alex exits)
Carolina (clearly annoyed):  Lucia took him to Ivan's house?
Gerry:  Yes.
Carolina:    And so you want to say that this is [?]
Gerry:  Carolina, I don't want to have the same argument.  I ask you – I'm begging you -- don't go telling Alex bad things about Ivan or I might have to take other measures.
Carolina:  Like what?  You going to try to shut me up?
Gerry:  No.  I'm going to ask Lucia to have Alex stay at her place for a few days while we settle this matter.
Carolina:  Don't you try that.
Gerry is impactado, but at least this is the first sensible thing he's said in the past 20 episodes.

Casa Curiel:  Camilo arrives to talk about Ivan.
Camilo:  I've just come from Ivan's house
Lucia:  He's OK?
Camilo:  Yes.  I had a talk with him yesterday.
Lucia:  Have a seat.  (they sit down)
Camilo:  I don't have much to say.  He says he loves you and I believe him but...
Lucia:  .He can't forget...
Camilo:  It's not to forget, it's to understand.  I know you have a solid family, but he didn't.  At least since his mother died.
Lucia:  But he has Señor Anthony.
Camilo:  Yes. I'm sure he would give his life for him, but I'm referring to someone of his blood.  I don't want to tell you he won't reconcile with you because love is also a very strong tie, but I'm going to tell you exactly what I told him.  If after seeing Alex over a few months and he doesn't react as you want him to, he'll blame you.  He'll be annoyed with the situation and you'll both be very unhappy.
Lucia:  Yes.  You're right.
Camilo:  I could be wrong, of course.  It could be that Alex will start loving his father and there won't be a problem.  It would be great between you.
Lucia:  Thanks, Camilo.  Thanks for your sincerity and for being a good friend.  I love you (te quiero) very much.
She hugs him, but I am wondering whether he isn't up to something here since he knows about Carolina's Poison Pills.
Commercial Break

McGuire Home Office:  Ivan is back in the saddle (as in office chair), but appears to be tired.
Tony:  Need anything?
Ivan:  No, Papa, everything is good.  Thanks. 
Tony:  I have to do stuff in the office. 
Ivan (starting to get up):
Tony:  No, no, no, no.  Your first day out of the hospital you need to rest.  You think because I'm old I'm [murradas?]
Ivan:  No, no! Of course not.
Tony:  You need to be calm.  I'm going to tell Benito to stand by if you need anything. 
He exits and Ivan makes a phone call.
Ivan:  Lucia?
Lucia: How are you?
Ivan:  Content.  I'm home now.
Lucia:  Good.  That pleases me.
Ivan:  I want to thank you again for coming to the hospital yesterday and for bringing my son.
Lucia:  Well, he was a little distrustful at the beginning but he's a good an intelligent boy.  Like his father.
Ivan:  I don't believe you can see me as that smart. [brief pause]  I so want to see you.  I really do.  Can I come to your house?
Lucia:  But you're just out of the hospital!
Ivan:  Therefore, can you come over?
Lucia:   Of course!
Ivan:  When?
Lucia:  If you want, right now!
Ivan:  Of course I'd want that.
As he ends the call Ivan has a dream sequence about getting it on with Lucia near a large fan surrounded by flying doves.  He must have seen Juan and Sofia in Fuego en la Sangre on Univision when he was in los Estado Unidos.  He's embellished this by having them dressed in white, as though their wedding was earlier that day.  They start undressing and lay down on red and white satin sheets on the floor.

Park Bench:  Carlota is nicely dressed and wearing her pearls.  This looks like an AARP ad.
Tony:  I knew sooner or later we'd get back to this.  Maripaz is a young, pretty girl living alone.  It's normal for her to have parties.
Carlota:  I agree with you, but this isn't Los Angeles.  This is a provincial town and we all know the people would whisper bad things about her.  It doesn't matter to me that much; I'm resigned to it.  But I hurt for her.  Good or bad she is my granddaughter.  Tony, I'm afraid she could end up in a bad way.  I don't know... drunk, lost, addicted to drugs. 
Tony:  I understand, Carlota.   Let's get serious.  What should we do?  Maripaz has no sense [?]
Carlota:  Yes, but it could upset her if you took away the apartment or the allowance.
Tony:  Of course I could do that.  But I did this for you.  For your good name. 
Carlota:  Good name?  At this late date [estas alturas] my “good name” isn't important to me. 
Tony:  Neither for your daughter, Lucrezia?
Carlota:  I don't think Maripaz is foolish enough to put her neck in the noose [soga].  A scandal would hurt her, too.
Tony:  I don't know.  Young people think very differently.  In todos modos I will take care of this.  I will talk to her.
Carlota:  Tony, you don't know how grateful I am.  You're an angel from heaven helping us.
Tony (laughing):  How can you think that.  At most destiny is reserved.

Iglesia:  Alex, Carolina, and Rosa are taking a walk.  When Carolina asks whether Alex wants to play football with Antolin, he says he'd rather play with Bruno and Ivan told him it was OK.  Carolina is not pleased about this.  She tells the maid to take him home and they will buy him a toy later.  [I am really getting to hate this pathetic creature.]  Rosa runs after Alex.  Carolina turns back and reenters the church.

Park Bench: 
Tony:  You know how many years I've lived alone?  I had friends, and dogs.  But when I met Ivan I found a son.   A son.  Since we've been here I found a family.  Problems, difficulties, yes, but a family.  And an angel.  You.
Carlota (covering her face and gently laughing):  Ayeee!  I'm no angel.  [She must be a Mae West fan.]
Tony:  For me you are.
Carlota:  Ay, Tony,
Tony:  And how about the trip to the beach?
Carlota:  Do you still want to do that after all these problems with Alex?
Tony:  Lucia can convince him.  He's a child.  While Carolina may have put lies in his head he won't be able to resist a good trip, a good toy.  Near the place Ivan rented is an amusement park with rides and aquarium.  With dolphins, sharks, manta rays...
Carlota:  He will love that!
Tony:  Of course he will! 
Carlota has a 1000 watt smile at this.

Iglesia:  Carolina kneels and Antolin enters.  After telling him in her usual play-the-victim style that Lucia and Ivan are plotting something, he hands her a big wad of cash [Of course, we're wondering where it came from]..  He explains it's so she can see a doctor about an operation that will enable her to see again.  She responds that it isn't important.  He reminds her about seeing trees, flowers, etc.    She still resists.   She is really playing her disability for everything she can get out of it.  Finally she tells him he is a good guy.   He tells her yes, but he's taking the risk that when she sees him she may not like what she sees.  That she will look at the face of the devil and never want to see him again.  She tells him she can see his soul and he asks how she can see something black.  As she smiles he turns away.
[The closeup of Antolin made me think of the Corleones in The Godfather.  Made me wonder whether he's a lost son of that family.]
Commercial Break

Casa McGuire:  Benito escorts Lucia to Ivan's office.  Ivan is looking better than in the last scene in the office.  Benito leaves them alone.  They kiss across the desk.  Reconciliation?  Perhaps.

Merry Piece's Den of Iniquity:  Tony arrives for a The Serious Conversation.  She greets him in what looks like a tunic top that needs tights at the very least.
MP:  Don Anthony, come on in, please.
Tony:  Thanks, Maripaz.  Forgive the bother, but I need to talk to you.  Can we sit down?
MP:  Of course, come in.  (They do.  Tony has to pick something up off the couch so he can sit and Maripaz takes up most of the couch with her legs stretched out.  She must have seen Basic Instinct)  And what can I do for you?
Tony:  I've come here because your family is very worried about your lifestyle.
MP:  Really? 
Tony:  If you recall, my intention in giving you this apartment is to avoid a scandal to protect the good name of your family.  Not for you to have parties that result in people talking against you.
MP:  Excuse me, Don Anthony, but since I don't let my family dictate my life, I won't let you either.
Tony:  I'm not trying to, but advising that you do so healthily, and above all with discretion.
MP:  I am of age and I will do what I feel like [antojar]
Tony:  You seem to have forgotten who is paying for this apartment.  Just as I have been generous, I can take it all away.
MP (grinning, as in no puede creer):  To stop buying my silence?
Tony:  Not precisely that.  I said I was protecting the good name of your family.
MP:  As you wish.  I know many men would pay for the privilege of being my lover?
Tony:  So it appears.  You have one month to think about it.  After which I will stop paying the rent and stop your allowance.  Think about it. (gets up and puts on his hat)  Have a good day. (He walks out.  Merry Piece's face isn't so merry anymore.  She doesn't bother to get up to escort him out.)
MP:  Damned old man!
Casa McGuire:  Lucia and Ivan talk about Alex.  She understands how he feels and feels guilty about what her family has done.  He decides to give up on Alex considering the consequences of disclosure.  Ivan is angry that Carolina has been poisoning the boy's soul about him but doesn't want to cause Alex any more pain.  Lucia still feels that despite all this he should still fight for Alex.
Obviously neither of them knows that Alex overheard most of this when eavesdropping on Gerry and Carolina.

Street:  Tony calls Carlota to tell her about his meeting with MP.
Tony:  Carlota, I'm calling to tell you that my conversation with Maripaz did nothing.
Carlota:  Nothing is important to that girl.  I think it's better you should take away the apartment and the allowance.
Tony:  I threatened to do so, but it seemed unimportant to her.
Carlota:  Let's see how important it is when she has nothing to eat.
Tony:  I gave her some time to think about it.
Carlota:  I don't think that will do any good, Tony.  She is too stubborn and you know what?  This may not be the way to do it.

Casa Lomieli:  Alex confronts Carolina about what he overheard.
Alex:  Why did dad say I'm his grandson?
Carolina (impactada, like the music):   Where did you hear this?
Alex:  The other day you were talking and he said I was his grandson.
Carolina:  Look, Alex, antes que nada you aren't supposed to listen to other people's conversations.  And your heard badly.
Alex:  I didn't hear badly.
Carolina:  Of course you did.  I don't remember talking about this.  Are you sure we weren't talking about something else?
Alex:  I heard stuff I didn't understand and that I didn't like.
Carolina:  Sit down with me, son.  Sometimes adults talk about things that children don't understand.
Alex:  You were saying that Ivan is evil and was going to steal me.  Lucia says this isn't true and Antolin also.  My dad, too.  Therefore whom do I believe? 
Carolina (starting to get uneasy):  I don't know.  At best I was mistaken.  Sometimes I feel things that aren't right. 
Alex:  Therefore Ivan isn't bad.
Carolina:  I don't know, mi amor.
Alex:  But he told me I could play with Bruno whenever I want to.  That can't be bad.
Carolina:  Maybe that's to look good in front of Lucia.  I don't know.
Alex:  So you still think Ivan is bad?
Carolina (getting real uneasy):  I said I don't know.
Alex:  He said I'm his grandson, so that means he is my grandpa.
Carolina:  You know what, Alex?  I'm getting a headache so I can't talk well.  We'll talk later, yes?  (She gets up and leaves the room)
Alex:  I don't understand.  (collapses back on the couch in frustration)
La cobarde goes into her room and has a crying fit before calling Antolin about the eye specialist.  He's already on the way there.

Eye Specialst's Office:  Antolin talks to the doctor about Carolina, explaining that she sometimes sees shadows.  He tells him he needs to examine her.

Casa MdGuire:  Tony almost sounds like JJ as chews Ivan out for weakening in the battle for Lucia and Alex.  He hopes that it's the medications Ivan has had to take for the snakebite.  They can't leave for the trip until they complete a business deal that's worth a lot of money.  The money from that deal isn't important except that money is for making the people you love happy.  He didn't work his butt off for ten years for failure.  Ivan was a hard worker for ten years, not a silver-spoon son, which Tony doesn't want.  He tells him he wants to see him energetic and alert again or else he's fired!
Commercial Break starting with a promo for tonight's La Rosa de Guadalupe

Outdoor Restaurant:  Lucrazia arrives to meet JJ
JJ:  Lucrezia, you are always so beautiful.
Lucrazia:  Thanks, you look well, too.
JJ:  Would you like something to drink?
Lucrazia:  Water, please.  You look better than I thought.  I was upset when Esther said it was serious.
JJ:  You know her; she always exaggerates.
Lucrazia:  And that's good because I have to ask you a favor.  It's about Maripaz.  She's out of control.  She's always partying and I'm afraid she's becoming an alcoholic.
JJ:  I understand your worry.  What can I do?
Lucrazia:  I feel that she needs a father figure and an authoritative man like yourself can convince her...
JJ:  Lucrezia, Maripaz is a weed.  [mala hierba]  If I couldn't convince her to not divorce David, how do you expect me to be effective about this?  No, mi reina.  There are women who born with whores' souls. 
Lucrazia:  Juan Jaime!  How can you say that?  She's my daughter.
JJ:  It's not your fault, it's hers. 
Lucrazia:  You aren't going to help me?
JJ:  I could, but I don't think it will help.  I'm sure she will slam the door on my nose.

Casa McGuire, Office: 
Camilo:  Did you fight with Señor Anthony?
Ivan:  You know what's up.  In a few words, he called me a coward.
Camilo:  We all have our bad days, no?
Ivan:  And you?  What's going on?
Camilo:  The workers are operating below potential and that's not good.  We're also needing more product volume.
Ivan:  The fruit from Gonzales?
Camilo:  That will be ready for harvest [cosecha] in a week.
Ivan:  And your ranch?  How does it go?
Camilo:  I've found water.  And with water I'll have [?]
Ivan:  Camilo, congratulations!
Camilo:  Ivan, why did you give me this land?
Ivan:  Well, first because I didn't need them.  Second, because I owe a lot to your family and third because I didn't want anything to do with the Curiels.
Camilo:  And Lucia?

Den of Iniquity:  The maid informs Merry Piece she's prepared vegetable soup.  Not-so-Merry Piece dismisses her as she calls Antolin to get him to come over.  She tells him about Tony's threat.

Restaurant:  JJ and Lucrazia talk about water and their lands. 
Lucrazia:    How much will you pay me?
JJ:  Nothing.
Lucrazia:  Then forget it.
JJ:  Ivan and Maripaz have a son, don't they?  (Lucrezia looks surprised).  Oh, I know all about it.  And if you don't want a reporter blabbing this all over you'll give me the water for free.
Lucrazia:  You're a “respectable” man, no?  And what will people say when they know that you had it off with a servant girl that resulted in a son and that son is the famous Ivan McGuire?
JJ:  It's not the same thing for a man to have a bastard son here as for a society girl-child to become pregnant by the son of a servant.
Lucrazia (wipes her mouth and gets up):  You are a pig!
She grabs her purse and leaves.  We are spared a sex scene with them for at least the next five episodes.

Den of Iniquity:  Merry Piece pours Antolin a drink.
Antolin:  I understand but you haven't explained why he would take away the apartment.
Maripaz:  It's a family matter.
Antolin:  Yes, I know, but if you don't explain, how can I help you?
Maripaz:  The only thing I want is for you to find me a lover.  Young, rich, and handsome, who will support me.
Antolin:  That's not going to be easy.
Maripaz:  Why not?  Am I ugly? (She pulls a Sharon Stone on Antolin, per no sirve para nada)
Antolin:  No, but I want to know what's behind this.
Maripaz:  Stuff I can never tell anyone.
Antolin:  When have I betrayed you?  Therefore...
Maripaz:  You really won't tell anyone?
Antolin:  Of course not.  I'm a man of my word.
Maripaz:  Very well.  Señor Tony is in love with my grandmother and wants to protect her.  It's that my grandmother was pregnant by another man when she was married and my mother is not the daughter of Teodoro Curiel.
Antolin:  Such a fuss over that?
Maripaz:  You're a pelado to whom this doesn't matter, but to those of us in high society it's very important.
Antolin:  If only they knew what a little whore you are.  (She throws her drink in his face, but Antolin keeps his cool)
Maripaz:  I am not a whore!
Avances:  Capitulo Estremecedor!
Alex knows!
Maripaz runs someone down with her car and Antolin is nearby taking a picture with his cell phone camera!

cosecha   harvest
delfin   dolphin
descocada   brazen, cheeky
estas alturas   late date
fechita   ????
mala hierba   weed
mantarayito  manta ray
pelado   insolent person
soga   (hangman's) noose
tiburon   shark (but we already know that, don't we?  ;)


Wow, splendid recap! Especially the conversation details. I share your spine-shivery response to the thought of JJ and Lucrazy together.

Ivan sure has some bizarre fantasies. Birds?! REALLY? Yuck. Maybe I'm just not enough of a romantic, but the idea of gettin' down in guano just doesn't appeal to me.

Thanks for the recap UA. It's fun reading someone else and her/his disgust over Carolina and JJ/Lucrazy hot lovin'.

What is it with these fantasies? I don't understand the make believe love scenes and they are not romantic.

Yeah, that's my reaction too when I see a love scene being staged in a dovecote - how messy it much be and how HORRIBLE it must smell!!!! Who wants to make love in a dovecote? So NOT romantic - disgusting!

All sorts of stuff happened in this episode - again! They keep surprising me.

Loved how Lucrazy called JJ a pig and walked out on him - LOL!

Great recap UA!


Maybe there is something sexy about a pigeon coop that we are all missing, because I had the same thought as some of you. Yuck.

Tony is pretty great though in how he won't put up with all the bs. He should line up everyone in this thing and give them all the what-for, especially Carolina. She's wearing away any sympathy she might have had.

UA, great recap, thanks.

I laugh at the sparring between Lucrazy and JJ, what a pair.

Can it be too much to ask that Carolina is the one that MP hits with the car? I don't want her dead just a little break from her craziness.

I love the AARP romance, they are like two teenagers. They are a lot more fun to watch than Ivan and Lucia.

I cannot believe that Carmen's brothers do not know the baby daddy. I thought Antolin knew everything.


Me too - totally enjoying the "old farts". Tony and Carlota are so much fun together. And Carlota is acting such the coy, demure, young debutante - LOL! I half expect her to show up in a Gone With the Wind outfit with fan and southern US accent.


Actually MP SHOULD go to the United States. She could slut around all she likes and nobody would care.

The dovecote thing has been in at least two other novelas, FELS having been one of them. I don't get it either, despite doves being cute.

I would love for Tony to confront Carolina. He wouldn't be afraid to call her out on her crap.

As to Antolin and Camilo, I think someone else pointed out a couple of weeks ago that Aracelia deliberately kept this secret from them so neither of them would beat Saul to death. We know Antolin could easily do that after we saw how he dealt with El Gordo and I think Camilo would certainly want to in view of his opinion of Saul.

Carmen is trailer trash. I am still wondering how Aracelia and her husband could have three kids like those.

Carolina needs a taste of Karmageddon. Not a whole serving; not yet.

Merry Piece is going to get some of what's coming to her tonight. She might do OK in the US where nobody would bother her, but she'd better have a lifetime supply of condoms. Carolina is a logical victim because she wouldn't be able to see the car; it's almost too easy.

Except if Carolina were the victim, wouldn't Antolin up and beat the crap out of Maripaz? The previews showed him taking pics, which he'd do for anyone else, but he really has a soft spot for her. Maybe Araceli? Could be a come-to-Jesus moment for Carmen.

Great recap.
"He must have seen Juan and Sofia in Fuego en la Sangre on Univision when he was in los Estado Unidos." Very funny.These weird fantasy sequences are so cheezy.
MP would self-destruct anywhere she lives. Carmen also. I was hoping they would move in together, work at a meat-packing plant somewhere far away.

Thanks for the recap! I love your conversation details.

I don't like make believe love scenes either.

Never mind the Doves, The fan has got to go. I saw that in FELS and a few others too.


I wonder if novela writers are trying to substitute this for the skinny-dip-makeout-under-the- waterfall scenes.

Can't they substitute something else, anything else, for the waterfall makeout scenes, that doesn't involve bird dung? Even something like a barn WITHOUT birds would be better. There was a barn makeout scene in that Venevision novela that was on in the afternoon a few years ago and it was HOT. Then again, it involved Jorge Aravena aka Chef Hawt.

I mean, especially if it's a FANTASY. It could be anything! Cozy ski cabin! Outer space! Mermaids! Tree right there in the vineyard where all the peasants are working! Whatever.

The fan in the love scene was needed to air out the poop smell. I think they'd be too worried though about falling into it to be romantic, but I guess if guano doesn't stop you...

Now alien mermaids! That would be something. Or maybe Bruno could just watch. Dog drool is better than bird poo, I guess.

The mermaid thing was done a few years ago in Rebeca. Princessa had a dream sequence when she fell asleep on the beach. She was a mermaid swimming near the ocean floor when she swam into a big net. Martin pulled up the net and she was in the back of his boat. She had lots of attitude and he said something like "What's this... a mermaid! Now do I throw you back or leave you tied up in the back of my boat?" She starts yelling "Desgraciado! Infeliz!" and a whole bunch of words to fast for my comprehension when her friend wakes her up by saying "Talking in your sleep?"

Of course this was a Swept Away dynamic between them. It was hilarious.

Sorry to be chiming in so late. Just got home and am watching the show. Thanks for an outstanding recap Urban!

I am cracking up reading all these comments about the fantasy dove sequence. I actually left the room. I only want to see real love scenes. Not crazy fantasies thay give me the willies.

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