Friday, October 28, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #58-59 Thu 10/27/11 La Fuerza de the episode that never ends!

Alex and Lichita are playing out at the ranch when Gerry shows up to say hi. Carolina is in Mexico dealing with her eyes. Gerry is there to check out the house and tells them to get back to playing demolition derby.

Toni sings David's praises, but JJ isn't convinced. Toni lets him know the insecticide is being distributed and applied on JJ's ranch. JJ suspects Camilo may screw up the fumigating to get revenge for Saul knocking up Carmen. He tells Toni that that's why Saul got kicked out of the house. He wants Toni to pass on the message that he'll give Carmen money for the kid if they'll just keep quiet. He doesn't want to chance screwing up the elections.

Pobre de Rosa has to deal with Maripaz when she comes looking for Alex. Maripaz is offended at the thought that Antolín might be interested in Carolina. She calls Gerry and wants to talk to him within the hour or she'll turn him in for kidnapping. When? Before or now? Gerry tells her to just do it already and hangs up on her. He tells Lucia and she takes the phone and wants to talk to Maripaz. She offers to meet her in 2 hours. "Why?" Cause I gots stuff to do, yo! She hangs up and tells her dad this has to end.

Alex tellls Lichita that Ivan is his "2nd" dad.

Gerry wants clarification. Lucia says Maripaz is playing around with all of them. Ivan wants to know what's going on and Gerry tries to hide it, but finally admits that Maripaz is threatening to turn him in for kidnapping. Ivan tells him that would mean admitting that she lied to the judge, which is also a crime. He calls his lawyer to find out what would happen. The lawyer says it's a 20-40 year prison sentence. Lucia is sure that Maripaz is just threatening. Ivan gets off the phone and says Maripaz could be locked up for 2 months to a few years, but Gerry would get a 20-40 year sentence. Ivan says he'll order that the money be deposited into Maripaz's account and they'll try to get her to leave the kid with Gerry while she finds her house. Gerry takes off and Ivan calls his secretary and tells her to deposit the check.

Gerry feels bad for causing so many problems, but Lucia tells him it was actually a favor that he took care of Alex.

Alex comes up to Ivan, wondering why his dad left without saying goodbye. Ivan just says he was in a hurry and they go to find Lichita.

Saul is still looking for Gordo and has to reassure the barkeep at The 9 Ball that he's not angry at him. The barkeep gives him a note from Gordo.

Gerry goes to Alicia's grave to reproach her again for not telling him she was pregnant and that he still misses her. The caretaker comes by to say Gerry hasn't been there in a while. He offers to bring some water for Gerry's flowers.

Lucrezia is trying to pressure Carlota into giving her back signing authority on the accounts, but Carlota refuses. Besides, Lucia can sign if anything happens to her. And she's made up her mind, so she doesn't want to keep talking about it.

Saul ducks into a hotel to meet with Gordo. Gordo says they've got to kill Antolín, but that won't be so easy. Saul lets him know he's been cut off. Gordo has been making some money, but he doesn't think Saul has the stones to do the kinds of things Gordo's been doing. Saul insists he can handle it.

Ivan lets Maripaz know that her money has been deposited, but he guesses it will take some time for her to find somewhere to live. In the meantime, he wants Alex to stay with Gerry and he wants her to quit threatening to turn him in. Maripaz grins and says that's all she wanted. Ivan hangs up and Maripaz orders another drink.

Alex comes into Ivan's office looking for Bruno. He wants a puppy of his own. "Well, Maripaz might not like that." "What's she got to do with it?" "Ummm…we'll talk about it later." Alex is SO sick of "later" and people treating him like he's stupid.

Lucia meets Maripaz at her watering hole. Maripaz is planning to find a house and have everything ready to move in in 3-4 days. When Lucia tries to talk to her about Alex's trauma, Maripaz whines about her own trauma. Maripaz thinks Alex needs a firm hand and less coddling, but Lucia tells her that will just make him rebellious. Maripaz bitches that Alex has been really rude to her. She gripes about Lucia "stealing" Ivan from her. If Ivan wants access to Alex, he'll have to marry her. Otherwise, he'd better marry Lucia, have kids with her, and forget Alex. Maripaz leaves the table. Lucia calls Gerry and tells him there's nothing to worry about, but they've only got a few days to convince Alex to live with Maripaz.

Alex complains to Toni about everyone putting him off and treating him like he's stupid. He wants Toni to explain things to him. Toni reviews the facts, but Alex is stuck on just not wanting to live with Maripaz and no one asked him and he'd rather live with Ivan if he can't live with Gerry, etc. Toni says they'll all come visit him every day.

Camilo encourages Ivan to marry Lucia, have kids with her, and forget about Alex. Ivan doesn't think he can do it. And he's worried that Lucia will back out of marrying him to leave the field clear for Maripaz. Ivan thinks Maripaz can ruin Alex's life.

Ivan takes Alex back to Gerry's. Alex has come to the not-entirely-incorrect conclusion that as far as the laws are concerned, children are worthless and their opinions don't count for anything. Alex asks who's going to help him when Gerry and Ivan are both in their own houses. He doesn't believe Ivan will help him.

Camilo and Toni talk about the fight between Saul and JJ. Camilo says getting an allowance from JJ is pointless--Camilo has always supporter Carmen. Camilo is doubtful about voting for JJ in the Association elections. He and David are both sure that JJ is crooked. Toni suggests getting into the Ag Association and then asking for an audit.

Camilo lets Carmen know that Saul won't recognize the kid, but JJ is offering an allowance. Carmen doesn't like the idea, but Celia tells her to suck it up. Carmen whines as usual. She wants someone to stand up for her, even if it means Antolín goes to jail for doing something to Saul. Carmen whines and cries and goes to her room. They have a conversation about Antolín being such a bad, bad boy and Camilo leaves. Celia cries to the Virgen for support and to her dead husband for leaving them too soon.

Lucia exercises. And gets interrupted. Again. Damnit! By a knock on the door. Gloria comes in, but Lucia keeps ellipticizing. It's Ivan. Lucia tells Gloria to tell Ivan she's asleep, but changes her mind.

She comes into the living room, where Ivan is looking at his picture. I mean, grandpa Teodoro's picture. They sit and talk. Lucia tells him she saw Maripaz and Maripaz is planning to be tough on Alex. She doesn't think there's any way to stop her. They declare their love and smooch. Lucia says he has to choose between her and his son.

Gerry comforts a crying Alex, who is upset that no one listens to him and no one wants to help him. Gerry says he'll have a few days before he has to go. Alex doesn't care if it's a bigger house--he won't have Gerry or Ivan or Carolina or Lucia or Bruno with him. They make a pact to be brave and not cry, like the time Alex was brave at the dentist. Alex will try to be brave for Gerry's sake, but Gerry has to promise never to forget about him.

Ivan insists there must be another way. Lucia insists there's no way out. She figures this is a trick of Maripaz's, but not like before. She's not just threatening someone's reputation, she's threatening Alex. But they luuuuuuuuurve each other. Ivan doesn't want to give up. Neither does Lucia, but the have to think of Alex and how defenseless he is, etc.

Toni shuts his laptop for the evening. Ivan comes home, a soggy, weepy mess.

Gordo and Saul party. They run into Maripaz. She asks why he's there if he doesn't have money. She brags about how much money she's going to have and how she'll marry Ivan soon, since he cares more about his son than Lucia. She asks to be offered a drink.

Ivan and Lucia decided to break up. Dumbasses. Philosophizing. Ivan hopes a truck runs over Maripaz. Give her a few years and she'll rot from the inside out, I'm sure. Ivan doesn't want to have found Alex just to abandon him now. Toni asks him to think about what's best for the peace of his soul. "You could marry Maripaz and then divorce her when Alex is older. If your love for Lucia is true, you can get back together then." Toni! Shut. Up.

Carolina calls Gerry. Her appointment is soon, but she wanted to know how things are going. Gerry says everything is calm, Maripaz is finding a house, and she won't take Alex until Carolina comes home. He figures it's a done deal. Carolina's pain is getting continually worse and she's afraid she's rejecting the transplant. Gerry encourages her not to lose hope until she talks to the doctor.

Antolín calls home to find out what's happening with Saul. He doesn’t like that Saul won't claim Lichita and says things won't stay like this.

Antolín comes into Carolina's room. They get in a few smoochies before he takes her to her doctor's appointment. She's terrified.

Carlota wants to know what Lucia and Ivan were talking about. Lucia runs off, claiming she's late to take Alex to the pool. Toni calls Carlota and invites himself over for coffee.

The doctor is taking a long time to see them. It makes Antolín upset, seeing Carolina suffer. A nurse comes to call them.

Ivan is mopey and tells Camilo that he broke up with Lucia. Camilo is concerned, but inside he's cheering, I'm sure. He asks if it wasn't a rushed decision? He says he's really sorry about it and doesn't think Ivan has to marry Maripaz. Maybe it will be enough that he broke up with Lucia? Ivan is concerned about Maripaz saying that Alex needs a "firm" hand. Camilo then suggests seeing Lucia behind Maripaz's back, but Ivan won't make Lucia his mistress the way Gerry did his mother. Camilo convinces him to go to the packing plant.

The doctor takes the bandages off Carolina's eyes, making her incredibly nervous. It's way earlier than the doctor said she could take them off. He wants her to open her eyes slowly. Finally a commercial break!!!!

The pain is too much and she begs the doctor to turn the lights off. He thinks she's rejecting the transplant. Antolín asks what they can do, but the doctor doesn't think so. They should have told him right away when she started having pain. All they can do now is give her a sedative and some eye drops for the pain.

Alex and Lucia talk at the pool. Lucia approves of the "just be a brave little soldier" plan. She reminds him that classes will be starting soon. Alex can't wait to show his peeps pictures of their trip. He gets in the water to show off his swimming skillz.

Gerry gives Carlota and Lucrezia the run down on their run down ranch house. His estimate for the work shocks Lucrezia. He isn't charging for his own services, though Carlota wants him to, just materials and labor. Carlota breaks it to him that he's only got a month to do it in. He says he'll do what he can and start with the plumbing and electric, paint the rooms they'll be using, and save the rest for later. Carlota gives him an advance and Lucrezia goes out to see how the fumigating is going. Carlota tells him they lost 1/3 of the corn because Lucrezia refused to take action when Camilo told them about it. She asks how Alex is.

Alex tries to beg Lucia to take him over to Ivan's house. Lucia tries to ask if he'd be ok with living with Maripaz if Ivan was living there too…he'd like it if Lucia was also living with them and wonders why they can't all live together. That's what I said!

JJ bitches that the doctors won't let him out of the hospital. He wants to be home already! The doctor's putting him on a restricted diet (that won't last once he gets home) and NO ALCOHOL! Riiiight, we've seen how well that's worked so far. He accuses his wife of liking the doctor, then insults his kids.

Carlota gets filled in by Toni and cries. She tells him Lucia has been in love with Ivan since they were kids. Toni says it was the best decision they could come up with. Toni says they've got to stay out of it.

David gives him an update on the fumigating. JJ tells Esther to go give money to Carmen, but she whines that she doesn't want to. Judith and David both offer. JJ says Judith can do it so she can see what kind of craphole Camilo lives in and get over him.

Carlota is still upset. She thinks everyone is going to be miserable. Carlota wishes Maripaz would just drop dead.

Maripaz checks out a house and says it's a bit too big for just herself and her son. Maybe an apartment? Um, who is she and what has she done with Maripaz? The apartment has a lot of amenities. Maripaz isn't sure if she's buying or renting.

Carolina wakes up in her hotel room. She's been sleeping since they got back to the room. The pain is less now, but she's upset that they went to all that trouble for nothing. She refuses to try it again, or for Antolín to keep wasting time on a lost cause. Antolín doesn't think it was a waste. He won't engage in any serious conversation right now while she's so upset. But he does want her to know that even if she can't see, he'll still love her with his whole heart, always, and he'll always be with her. "Don't thank me. I'm doing it for love."

Lucia comes home and Carlota brings up the broken engagement. Lucia insists it wasn't for Maripaz, it was for Alex and she doesn't want to talk about it right now!

Lucia goes to her room to cry. Ivan cries in his room.

Alex tells Gerry he's going to be brave, but he'd rather they can all live together. He tells Gerry that at least Ivan is going to live with him and Maripaz. Gerry is shocked to hear it. He calls the house and gets Lucrezia. He wants to know what's going on that Lucia says Ivan is going to live with Maripaz. Carlota tells Lucrezia it's true. Lucia caved in to Maripaz. Lucia comes in and says this is the last time she's talking about it…. Commercial break

When we come back. Lucrezia and Carlota go to Carlota's room to talk. Carlota thinks this sucks. Ivan and Lucia will be miserable. Lucrezia thinks they'll get over it. "You've never been in love, right? If you had been, you'd understand." Carlota feels sorry for her. Lucrezia is just happy somebody's marrying rich in this family.

David and Judith go over to Camilo's house. She's a little shocked at how poor they are.

Celia isn't even in the mood to cook tonight. Carmen goes to answer the door and is surprised that David is there.

Benito isn't sure where Ivan went…maybe with Camilo? He asks for permission to see his wife and kids for a week. Toni wants to know more about Benito's family.

Celia refuses the money. They don't need it, so thanks, but not thanks. Judith says it's not charity, just a way to compensate her for what Saul did. Celia says the only way to do that is get Saul to marry Carmen and recognize Lichita. Judith apologizes for offending Celia's pride. David tries to insist, but Celia still refuses. Carmen is shaking with anger at Celia's refusing the money. She whines and bitches about no one giving her money for anything but the basic necessities. She's upset that Celia keeps rubbing her nose in the fact that to Saul, she's nobody.

Judith liked Celia. She's got character, which Esther doesn't have. Now they'll have to tell JJ that they refused the money. David is worried about Antolín's reaction.

Camilo and Ivan are bar-hopping, presumably looking for Maripaz. That damn sexy smile song again. Ivan drags Maripaz out of the bar where they find her, telling her if she wants to be the mother of his child, she has to start acting like it. Party time is over! "You wanted custody, right? Start being responsible." He asks if she's gotten a house. Maripaz whines about how little money she has, so she chose an apartment. Ivan says she'll live in the hotel for a month, and she won't see Alex unless he's there. At the end of the month, they'll get married. And no "My Love," he's only doing it for his son. She's still gloating. "I swear I'll be a good mother! Patient, loving. You won't be sorry!" After he leaves she gloats some more that she won, she won, she won!

Ivan goes to get his drink on. He's doing it for Alex, blah, blah, blah. Camilo says he made the fairest decision he could, then.

Lucrezia wants to go supervise Gerardo's work, but Carlota tells her to leave him alone. Lucia doesn't want breakfast. Carlota goes to see her. Lucrezia has to pick up the ringing phone. It's Maripaz, with important news…Ivan proposed! Oh, shut up, the pair of you!

Carlota tells Lucia to get out of her room already. Go to the ranch, see the house, choose their bedrooms. Carlota tells her to get cleaned up.

Celia liked Judith. Camilo says he likes her, but he's not in love with her. Celia tells him to give up on Lucia. "Well, don't tell my gossipy sister, but Ivan and Lucia broke up--he's going to marry Maripaz!"

Antolín fills Gerry in on Carolina. They'll leave later that day and get home by the end of the following day. Gerry picks up his stuff for work. He won't take Alex because a friend's mom is taking Alex to the circus.

Ivan likes Camilo's land. They talk crops. Ivan wants to go back to LA after he gets married. He asks Camilo to keep an eye on Lucia while he's gone. Camilo says he should make a clean break if he's going to. "But I at least have Alex. She doesn't have anyone." They go over to El Socorro.

Maripaz gloats to her mom about what a huge-ass wedding she wants and how she guesses they'll move into the house with Toni.

Lucia and Carlota arrive at the ranch house. They meet Ezequiel, the ranch manager and start looking around. The go inside the house and start talking to Gerry.

Ivan sees Lucia, but he wants to leave. Maripaz runs up and wants to kiss him, but he shoves her off. Lucia remembers them crying and breaking up.

Judith tells JJ they rejected the money. She doesn't know if they'll accuse JJ of being behind the fires. He says he'll just deny it all…though the gossip will hurt his chances for the presidency. Esther wants him to stop worrying about the presidency since it just stresses him out. He scoffs at her for making up the hospital bed.

Carlota is pissed at Maripaz for being there. Lucrezia acts like nothing is wrong and congratulates Ivan. Lucia walks off and Camilo goes with her. Ivan leaves and goes in the other direction. Lucia asks Camilo to tell her grandmother that she's ready to leave.

Carlota gripes at Maripaz for putting on a show. She knows Ivan is just marrying her because she forced him to do it. "He'll always be in love with your sister. That will be your punishment." Camilo relays Lucia's message and Carlota takes her leave. Lucrezia gripes at Maripaz for being imprudent. Gerry reminds her that Ivan's not marrying her for her. "Why is everybody always against me?!" whines Maripaz. Lucrezia says it's because she's stupid. Works for me.

Camilo is worried that Lucia is too upset to drive, but she says she'll be fine and she and Carlota leave.

Gerry bitches at Lucrezia for Maripaz's behavior. Lucrezia says at least one of her daughters will be happy, but Gerry doesn't believe Maripaz will be happy.

Ivan hates Maripaz, big shock. Camilo tells him he made his choice, so he'd better suck it up.

Maripaz keeps gloating. Lucrezia tells her that's not the way to win a man over. Maripaz thinks she can get him back with the same behavior she used 10 years ago.

Lucia wants some alone time and Carlota is hovering. She slams down a picture of her and Maripaz together.

Toni tells Ivan that JJ is out of the hospital. Toni still wants to have the party next week, though he assumes there will be no announcement of an engagement. Ivan tells him that he's marrying Maripaz and Toni gets that "Damn, kid, you sure are stupid," look on his face.

Tomorrow: more crying, whining, and moping; Lucia gets kidnapped.


Why did this episode go on for an hour and a half? What did I do to deserve that?!

I am so mad at Maripaz. Gane! Gane!
Sweetheart you didn't won a thing. Even if Ivan marries you, he will still be in love with Lucia.
Merry Piece is sooo delusional that she thinks she so good and so hot that Ivan will fall in love with her again, it's sickening! I think that he would rather run for the hills. And all of this could have been avoided if Antolin didn't get rid of the evidence just to appease Carolina....:( I feel so bad for Ivan, Lucia and Alex. And how much y'all wanna bet once the marriage is set that Camilo will move right on in Ivan's place??

Thanks for the quick recap. . . and a good one.

I'm kind of interested in the relationship that JJ and Toni are having. I think its the first time that JJ has had a man friend who can beat him at his own game. It's not going to change JJs behavior, but its an interesting relationship.

These women--pee-u. They stink. Carlotta is the exception, but even she's not connecting all the dots. Is it that they don't have jobs so their minds rot?

And when do we hear from the jeweler? A day before the TN ends? And isn't anybody going to mention that MP murdered a woman while drunk?
Even without evidence, that might get her to back off with all her threats to implicate her father and the family. Keep her at bay a little by mirroring her own behavior.

So now that Lucia-wimp is kidnapped, will that delay the wedding?

Kat- Thanks for taking 1 and a half for the team. What a depressing episode to have go on and on.

But everyone is right. If Ivan and Lucia have made this stupid decision together, then they need to suck it up.

I wouldn't mind if hubby Ivan keeps MP on a very short leash. That would be kind of fun to watch.

Who the heck is kidnapping Lucia? Is this Gorgo's new business? Kidnapping for ransom?

Oh 5ft, I thought of your dismay last night when I heard Sexy Smile. You always seem to get that song, don't you? Thanks for recapping an hour and a half....especially since there was so much CRAP.

I only caught the last 30ish minutes and I am still seething. The DWMMB's self-satisfied smile and her damn gané, gané made me want to puke. Laisha is a great job as villainess.

Lucia is a twit.

Ivan wants to go to LA? Is he stupid? DWMMB + LA= Trouble.

I think he should marry her and make her life a living hell. Then be all "You won. We're married, but I don't have to be your husband." Separate bedrooms, short leash etc.

Camilo is just licking his chops waiting to make a move on Lucia.

Thank you 5ft. What along episode and great job!

Between Ivan's raging and Carolina's crying, I had visions of past bad novelas past dancing in my head.

Starting to not care even more whether Ivan and Lucia ever get together. Leave poor little Alex with here he was, spring Judith, find a match-up for David and I'm satisfied. Oh, and don't let anything happen to Bruno.

Oh, and get Antolin away from crazy Carolina.

Thank you 5ft for the 1 1/2 hr recap! Love your side comments.
Did anyone notice Carlota talking with Tony affectionately, and then after looking up at Teodoro and then looking a bit apologetic? It was cute. The portrait is a little flat and blurry except for the eyes which weirdly look real.
The portrait of Teodoro is Ivan older with a beard, definately.

Good work, Kat. I wasn't expecting to see this so quickly.

I guess this episode was a little longer because of some program adjacency at time of original broadcast in Mexico. But Merry Piece won't be making merry much longer.

I find it really interesting that she thinks that Alex is "spoiled" and needs "a firm hand." What good did that firm hand do her? I can't see Lucrezia ever having been an indulgent mother and it doesn't look as though Gerry was less than appropriate in raising Alex. Is it that she can't stand to see a happy child when her own life is so miserable?

Ivan will banish her to a separate bedroom if the wedding does actually happen.

Does anyone else think that someone should have stomped on MP's insistence on a big fancy wedding? This certainly is incredibly inappropriate in view of the circumstances. Not to mention that if I were the local parish priest I would refuse to perform the ceremony. MP has a bad rep and the local gossips will certainly speculate endlessly on why Ivan is marrying her when he is clearly in love with Lucia.

Going back to LA isn't an option from a story perspective, so I suspect that the kidnapping of Lucia will prevent that. Alex does not need to be uprooted and taken away from Gerry, Carolina, Tony, and Bruno.

Whom MP will murder if they move in with Tony. Ivan should purchase the adjacent property and have Gerry and Carolina move in with them.

So does this mean that Antolin destroyed all other copies of the crime scene photo?

I realize we're not close enough to then end for this, but I would love for Carlota to discover the theft of the jewelry and have Maripaz arrested just before the wedding ceremony.

Did we have any notification that this episode would be a long one? Tks 5ft for suffering through. Has it "jumped the shark" yet?

Did Antolín really destroy the evidence, I doubt it. Even if he did, Lucrezia has the photo & maybe someone will discover it in the move.

Geez, one happy family, Iván, MP & pobrecito Alex. My parents were always fighting & it was a relief when they divorced. Someone should take Alex to see the judge, he's not an infant. But I guess that's not in the novela rules.


Thanks for the recap 5ft Latina.

I am sick, sick, sick with Lucia's behaviour. Everyone (the Curiels and Ivan)is culpable for the current situation. They let MP get away with EVERYTHING all the time and now look at the outcome. Even Lucia's simpering and crying while the love song plays makes me want slap her back into reality. Hard. I'm losing my enthusiasm for this novela.

Wilted Quazi

Actually last night episode, was equivalent to two episodes 58 & 59 when it was originally aired in Mexico. Tonight episode will be capitulo 60.


Thanks for the recap Kat. I hope your show is going well and sorry you got such a crap episode.

ITA w/all the comments thus far especially Wilted Quazi. I'm tried of everybody.

And UA, so glad the brought up the weeding stuff. Can MP even have a church wedding with a divorce? And since they are broke, who will pay for this delusion she's dreaming up? The logic has been so painful on this show, Ivan will end up paying for that too.

Camilo is delusional as well. Does he really think Lucia the wimp will marry him? She's just going to pine over Ivan until MP goes poof. I keep hoping that this month before the wedding will drag on and the two don't marry.

It's really getting silly isn't it? Maripaz found drinking so many times, yet Ivan and his crazy Dad, who are rich americans with so much money, haven't hired someone to follow her around and take pictures so they can go back to the judge? This is just silly. Small town everyone knows she's the h! yet, Ivan gives up with Lucia and is going to marry Maripaz. Seriously, rich or not in whatever country, it would be the first thing to bring to the judge's attention. They dropped the ball here. Alex has not shown he's a weakling, why the overall concern of being treated badly, I think he would know how to take care of himself. When he lived with Jerry and crazola, he was always sent to his room, what difference would it make now. Maripaz by all signals in this TN, would have given up in less than a week, I thought that was the direction they were headed in. Sorry if I'm going on and on, but seriously this is just a weak point in this TN, and the writers should have rethought it. Maripaz should have been murdered and the rest of the novela could have been about the suspicions on everyone, with Lucia against Ivan etc. That would have been different and interesting. The writers really blew it here.

Again I say Tony, seriously that's what you would do if Ivan were your flesh and blood? He's been getting on my nerves for quite a while.

I don't think Ivan will agree to a church wedding. I think he'll kibosh MP's grand fancy wedding plans, too. I think 30 seconds in a judge's office is more what he has in mind. How delusional is MP to want a huge wedding...does she not realize everyone would just be laughing at her because they know Ivan doesn't want to be married to her?

Is Celia's home supposed to be a hovel? It doesn't look that bad to me.

The powers that be would NOT let Saul and Gordo kill Antolín, right?! RIGHT?! If he's gone, what reason would we have to watch the show?

Kat, thanks for going above and beyond and then some. This episode went on forever! And you're so busy! Good for us, though...we got bonus Kat snark!

When this show first started I thought it'd be J3 who'd be the object of everybody's hatred. I was damn wrong about that, y'all...Maria Paz Curiel is delusional and selfish to an illogical extreme, even for a novela antagonist (the closest analogue I can think of is probably our beloved Sharkita). But she's also the symbol of the one weakness of most of the characters on the show: they tend to coddle or protect others when they really...really...really shouldn't. Sure, it's THE LAW in novelaland, but it's kind of taken to a dry extreme in this show.

Gracias, for the fabulous recap! you guys are tremendous!!!!

Maripaz has been selfish and delusional since day one which is what I personally mostly can't stand about the character. The fact that she still says Lucia stole Ivan from her and that Ivan raped her are proof enough to have her lock up in the demented house for a lifetime.

The preventative measures that both Lucia and Carlotta could have taken was to denounce Maripaz for the hit and run before she had a chance to consult a lawyer on the custody case. The minute that Lucrazy paid off the blackmail and lied to Carly about it; Maripaz maintained the upper hand on every body. Also, at every turn; Lucia was against that her father and mother do jail time for their sins which was something that Ivan tried to avoid in fear that Lucia would hate him and when she allowed him to dilvulge everything, Maripaz already had gained the uppper hand once more by telling the judge her side first.

By this show's standard, the difference between US custody law and Mexico is that in US as long as both parents are mentally sane and non substance abusers; they both will gain joint custody of their child(ren); while in Mexico, only the mother, is the primary custodian unless they can show proof that she's incapable.

In Maripaz' case, her family did Alex a great disservice by not actively petition that she was incapable to care for him because of the (stupid) scandalous nature. Carlotta's effort to change the judge's mind was already too little too late.

And at this impasse we're all besides ourselves by Lucia and Ivan decision to brake up their engagement and marrying delusional Maripaz. I guess this is where TN meets real world and there's a disconnect. In TN world, it was written since episode 1 that Ivan will justifiably leave Lucia for his son so that Camillo will come to the rescue and later will have a quadrangle Ivan-Maripaz-Camillo-Lucia -- we just can't avoid this course in TN world.

However in the real world, there's no way on earth that Ivan will leave Lucia and marry his tramp sister because of his child. In the real world, Maripaz delusion will be over in a nano second and Ivan will maintain custody of Alex and probably might not even marry Lucia because her stupid crazy family are too much headache that he might not want to deal with.

So because the writers are not daring enough, we have the next 40 episodes to curse at every character for their stupid behavior. In my case Antolin has been intriging since day one and continue to command the same level of interest.

Only one thing -- I want to see adios love scene between I&L before he's married to delusional M-


Awesome job Kat. Thanks. I hate all the characters(with the exception of Alex,Bruno and the driver of Toni)on this show!!!Their decision making is seriously flawed. I am getting fed up with the writers for their handling the Ivan/MP/Lucia mess. One lie from Grandma started all this. She is sorry now but the damage is done. Lucrazy just makes me ill.There was a whole lot of rod sparing in her childhood. What an idiot!!

I thought Alex's acting last night was top notch and so realistic. His character has really developed over the week. I want to strangle Lucia, Ivan and Tony over this marry MP thing. What have they been smoking? Typical TN story line and getting trite. Can't wait for MP to get her just desserts. This may be a short TN but its already getting tedious. Good recap esp since it was a double show last night. Ugh.

I guess if any of the characters acted with an iota of common sense, this novela would have been over at chapter 20. It is going a bit over the top.

Ivan loves Lucia
Lucia loves Ivan
Camilo loves Lucia
Judith loves Camilo
Maripaz loves Maripaz & Don Dinero
Toni has affection for Carlota & she for him
Antolín loves Carolina & she loves him
Left out in the cold, Carmen, Saul, David, Geraldo

Abeja & Popeye love each other, oops, sorry another novela.


Myo--you may be on to something. One final Lucia/Ivan love scene before the she can get pregnant. -_-

I wish Ivan had been more like Jose Miguel. He flat REFUSED to marry Ivana the Skank Ho.

¡Por faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavor!!!, the only way MP is going to get pregnant is with another cliche drugged, drunk scene. Although being married to MP, you would what to be drunk out of reality.


Maripaz will get pregnant by another man if she wants to. Ivan doesn't ever drink enough at one time to flunk a drunk driving test and the town is probably full of fair-skinned dark-haired men with dark eyes.

She could easily get a church annulment because her marriage to David was never consummated. However, that doesn't make any of this appropriate.

I agree that caving to the blackmail was the point of no return. Carlota should have put her foot down and refused to pay. Lucrazia and her paranoia about scandal can go to the devil.

Is there anything in Mexico like Civil Commitment in the US? That would now be the only reasonable solution to this problem.

Carmen and Saul deserve to be out in the cold. David needs to find someone nice and Gerry needs to find his cojones before he finds a good woman.

I want you to know that I am writing this from mykindle. Whoop whoop.Anyway, great recap. I mainly stick zround for Antolin, my guilty pleasure.


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