Friday, October 07, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #44 Thu 10/06/11 La Fuerza de Camilo's pheromones, Curiel family dysfunction, and Ivan's hormones

Lucrezia Borgia is furious that JJ knows about Maripaz and Ivan's lust child. She says she'll have to give him the water--and for free--which is going to cause problems if this drought continues. Oh, Lucrezia, you know what they say about giving away the water for free. Lucia points out that all their troubles have been caused by keeping secrets and trying to pretend they have a position that they no longer have. Lucrezia tries to say that they need their reputation in order to get respect, and loans in hard times. Carlota says that didn't matter to Toni. Lucrezia's response is: "Well, that's cause he's a gringo and gringos are just tacky like that. Look at all those European princes marrying secretaries, maids, and waitresses. That's not how we roll in Mexico." Carlota tells Lucrezia that nowadays what matters is money, not class. Lucrezia says in her world, it still counts and angrily storms out of the room. Carlota is bored with this conversation and moves on to talking about Lucia's love life. Lucia repeats Camilo's worry that if Alex won't accept Ivan as his father, Ivan will turn on her. Carlota tells her to just marry Ivan already and get the hell out of Alamos! And take Alex with them. Get a DNA test. "Well, what's Alex going to think? That we kidnapped him! He'll hate us." Eh, just get him a dog, it'll be fine.

Alex calls Lucia. He tells her he went to fútbol earlier, but most of the other guys are on vacation. He asks if she'll take him to see Bruno tomorrow. Lucia agrees, as long as Toni and Gerry give permission. Alex is surprised to hear that Ivan has a dad. Lucia asks Alex to have Gerry call when he gets home. Carlota is amused that Bruno, of all people, is helping resolve the problem. Lucia warns that she still has to get Ivan's permission, but Carlota scoffs at that.

Ivan is getting cabin fever already. Camilo offers to be his driver and they joke about it. Ivan takes a call from Lucia, much to Camilo's dismay.

Alex attempts to interrogate Gerry. "You still haven't answered me. Can a grandpa also be a dad?" Gerry avoids the question by giving his permission to go see Bruno tomorrow and sends Alex off to wash his hands. Once Alex is gone, Gerry calls Lucia. She is always being interrupted in the middle of her evening workout, which bothers me. For one, she always claims it's not an interruption. Why? Because her physical conditioning isn't as important as other people's need to unload on her? Screw that! The other thing that gets me is, how does she ever get to sleep after those workouts? I can't believe she's saying she was just thinking about calling him…um, yeah, cause I always get inspired to call people while I'm doing crunches. Anyway, Gerry is on board with Alex and Bruno having a playdate, and he'll bring Alex over to Lucia's. He says "they" have to make a decision: "He overheard me saying that I'm his grandfather and now he won't let it drop!" Um, no, dude, you need to locate your balls is what you need to do. Lucia says it's time to tell the truth, but Gerry doesn't know how. Yeah, I could see how you might have forgotten how after all these years. Spineless.

Over at The 9 Ball, Antolín hassles Camilo for appearing to drown his sorrows. Antolín invites him to a mellow dance club, where maybe he'll met some hotties…but he needs to change clothes first. Camilo's not in the mood, so Antolín says they need to talk…about the Curiel family.

They walk into said dance club, presumably later, and order beers while that damn annoying generic "sexy, sexy smile" song that's been playing on every TN for at least the last year plays. Antolín tries to play it like he was just kidding about wanting to talk about the Curiel family. Camilo doesn't buy it, but Antolín changes the subject, asking how the ranch is going.

Over on a couch, Maripaz is listening to an allegedly funny story about some stupid rich guy "losing" 13 thousand pesos in a dirty "chamarra" (jacket). She gets up mid-convo.

The waiter arrives with beers for the guys as Camilo goes on about the water he's sure is on his land. Antolín encourages him to get a woman, now that he's got land and money, but Camilo says he doesn't have the time or the desire. On cue, Maripaz saunters up and Antolín leaves Camilo alone with him. That is NOT brotherly behavior, dude. What happened to "Nobody messes with my family?" Maripaz asks for Camilo's cell number so she can invite him for the next party, and the dumbass gives it to her. He lets her know that he's not one for parties. Maripaz insists that especially now that he's so busy, he needs to cut loose sometimes. She orders a double whisky on the rocks and Camilo looks worried. Maripaz moves right on to "Do you have a girlfriend?" and "Hey, how come you're out of jail already?" She tries to invite him back to her place, but he weasels out of it. She kisses him rather forcefully on the mouth before he can leave. Eewwwww! Gross!

The next morning….

Camilo is out on Lucrezia's ranch talking to the guys who are going to do the drilling. Lucrezia drives up, wearing a purple, lacy top. Cougar. Camilo tells her the engineer is sure there's water on his land. He says he also checked on her crops, did a little watering, and the corn is doing well. He's also not out of cash yet and says he'll show her the accounts. Lucrezia's not in a hurry, having heard good things about him. She asks him to show her where he's planning to drill the well. Did that sound dirty? Cause really, I didn't mean it that way. Lucrezia, on the other hand….

Alex and Bruno play outside on the patio, while Ivan watches from the house, like a stalker. Toni comes out and calls for Bruno. Lucia explains that he's Ivan's dad. Toni comes over to say hello to Lucia and meet Alex…he offers them a cold drink and tells Benito to feed Bruno. Toni tells them they're always welcome. Ivan skulks in the office, listening to them come into the house. Toni goes into the office. He thinks Bruno will be a great ally. He wants Ivan to stay in the office while he tempts Alex with the brochure for the vacation spot Ivan had picked.

Lucrezia wishes Camilo luck and apologizes for her previous rudeness. She invites him to the house for coffee and a chat…about the plans for the ranch. Camilo politely opens the car door for her and Lucrezia drives off. Maripaz calls him just then and attempts to stick her tongue in his ear via cell phone (and trust me, if anyone could accomplish that, it would be her!) but Camilo seems a little squicked out. She wheedles him into accepting an invitation at 6 tomorrow. He agrees, hangs up, and then says "OK, I get the daughter throwing herself at me, but her mom too?!" He laughs it off.

Alex is impressed with the aquarium brochure. Toni lays it on thick, with the dolphin tank where you can swim with the dolphins. Oh, but to get there, you have to take a yacht. "Wow! I've never been on a yacht before!" "Oh, you've gotta do it!" Alex's birthday isn't for six months, but Toni says that they'll give him an early present and Carlota and Lucia will go also and that way Alex won't be missing any school for his birthday trip. Lucia tempts him with being able to tell all his friends about his badass vacation. Alex is really amped up about the dolphins. Ivan is, once again, eavesdropping like a stalker. Alex asks if Ivan is coming. "No. His foot isn't getting better, and he's got a lot of work to do here." Toni sends Lucia to get more brochures from his office. She runs into Ivan in the hallway and comforts him. "He'll never accept me, Lucia. Never!" Oh, great, we've got Whiny!Ivan who's ready to give up. "Oh, Lucia, what would I do without you?" No worries, bro, Lucia's obviously into whiny guys.

Saul visits David at the Ag Association office. David summoned him because there are some things that aren't adding up. "Why did you take a million pesos from the Association account without presenting a receipt?" Saul claims it was to pay Cuthbero for the crop that the McGuires burned. "Oh, really? Because he just called me 15 minutes ago, asking when we were going to pay him." David had to postpone the payment because there's no money. "Well, I didn't say I had given him the money." "What are you waiting for?" Saul said some "stuff" happened, that's all. David wonders if the missing money is the reason Saul got kicked out of the house. "You know what, I don't have to answer to a *bleep* like you." David says he's just as much man as Saul (oh, I'd say more, much more). Saul calls him impotent and David punches him. JJ comes in to break up the fight and is either shocked or impressed with David.

Toni and Bruno walk Lucia and Alex out of the house.

Toni comes inside and explains his nefarious plan to Ivan. He told Alex that Ivan wasn't going on vacation with him because Alex doesn't want him there. He says these are just the first steps, and it's not Ivan's moment yet. "Let me deal with it. I'm an old wolf…wherever you go, I've already been there." Toni points out that Alex is afraid of Ivan and he's got to be calm. Toni doesn't think Gerry will object to the trip, and Carolina will just have to put up with it.

Antolín tells Carolina they need to go to DF to get the tests. She's worried about what she'll tell Gerry, and Antolín suggests saying her sister left her the money she's using for the trip and the tests, etc. "And what about Alex?" Antolín says sooner or later, Ivan will take him. "I don't know what Gerardo's going to do, but you are a young, beautiful woman and you have to think about your life. Or are you going to join a convent?" Carolina tearfully says that might be the best solution. Antolín hugs her and says she spent a lot of years taking care of someone else's kid, and she's got her whole life ahead of her. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Antolín. Swear you'll never abandon me!" Antolín says he'd die first and swears it on his father's memory.

David explains to JJ about the missing million and JJ tries to brush it off. "How can I not worry about it? That's way too much not to know where it went!" JJ reminds him that if he's in for a penny, he's in for a pound. "Are you sure that wasn't the payment for whoever burned down Cuthberto's crop, to cast blame on the McGuire's." JJ reminds him, "you're either with me or against me." David insists that he won't be against him, because he's his son. I get ready to groan, but then he finishes up with, "But I'm not going to be with you either." He storms out of the office. Go David! Saul wonders if David will go run to tell Ivan and JJ gives him a "Shut up, stupid!" look.

Alex tells Gerry about the trip. Gerry agrees it sounds great and gives his permission. Carolina cries quietly and doesn't appear to be comforted to hear that Ivan won't be there. Alex asks for her permission and she says of course, and claims to be crying because she's happy for him to be going on vacation.

It's club time again (spare me!) and Antolín goes over to ask Saul what's up. "Don't talk to me. It's your fault they let Camilo out." "You made a mistake. I told you to leave my family alone." Saul whines that he lost his credit cards and got kicked out of the house, but then he got the cards back. "Then what are you complaining about?" Antolín asks if he might be able to pick up some cash doing a job, but Saul says no. Antolín sees Maripaz dancing, then goes outside. He gets on his cell phone and asks someone else for a job that pays good money. Maripaz comes outside, cup in hand, to retrieve her car from the valet. Antolín offers to drive her, but she turns him down. She drives off, cup still in hand, and Antolín follows her in the Pimpmobile. He sees Maripaz run down some poor old person crossing the street. Antolin jumps out of his car and takes a picture of Maripaz crouching by her victim on his cell phone, then looks horrified. Maripaz gets back in her car and drives off. A couple come running up and Antolín says the woman looks like she's dead. He asks if the saw the car that hit her, but they didn't. Rather that use his own cell phone, he gets them to go back to their house, a block away, and call the Red Cross from there. Once they leave, he checks out his cell phone picture, then goes back to his car.

Maripaz pulls up at her old house and frantically rings the bell, yelling at Cleto to let her in and wash the car. She claims she ran over a dog and insists he wash the car--right now!

Maripaz comes running into the house, crying for her mom. Lucia, Lucrezia, and Carlota all come running. She now unloads on all three of them that she ran a woman over and killed her.

Cleto is outside, washing blood off the car.

Everyone's at the dining room table now. Carlota gently tells Maripaz she should have called for help. Lucrezia Borgia says she did the right thing. Carlota sadly says of course Lucrezia would think so. "Well, do you want me to end up in jail?" Um…yes. Maripaz demands a whisky, but Carlota says no way. "You were drunk, weren't you!" Maripaz defends her drunkenness on the grounds that she was out partying. "I had two drinks" Lucia tells her if anyone saw her, it's even worse because it's a hit and run. Maripaz tells her not to be an "ave de mal agüero" (bird of bad omen; harbinger of doom) and besides, she didn't see anyone. Lucrezia asks where the car is, and doesn't appear to be alarmed that poor Cleto is out there washing away evidence of murder. Lucrezia starts to ask her if she can see now where her drinking has led, but she backs off when Maripaz says she's in no mood for lectures. "I left because I was scared! Besides, that woman came out of nowhere! Why is it my fault if people cross the street without checking to see if there's a car coming!" Carlota repeats that she should have stopped to help. Maripaz says she didn't and that's it. "I don't want to spend 10 years in jail!" That's it? 10 years? For killing someone? Lucrezia Borgia tells them all to calm down. Maripaz agrees. "I'm sure someone found her and called an ambulance and she's being taken care of." Lucia tries to point out that if Maripaz had been the one to call, the ambulance could have gotten there sooner, but Lucrezia shuts her down and preaches family unity. She takes Maripaz to go get cleaned up and go to sleep in her old room. Carlota puts her head in her hands and says this is the last thing they needed. Lucia calls it unpardonable. Carlota hopes it wasn't fatal. "I don't know what to do with your sister!" Lucia gripes that they'll have to put off the trip with Alex, but Carlota says "no way!" If anyone identified Maripaz's car, the cops will be there the following day or the day after. If that doesn't happen, they're going on vacation! Lucia points out that the car is still in David's name, and if they arrest him, she's going to tell the truth. IF? Oh, Lucia, this time, you've taken family loyalty too far.

Antolín and Camilo walk out of their mom's house, talking about the trip. Celia is disappointed to hear Ivan won't be going. Camilo says it'll be about a week to a week-and-a-half trip. Antolín says goodbye to his mom and says her breakfasts are still the best ever. He asks Camilo how it went with Maripaz. Camilo says it was a lousy favor Antolín did him…that she's bugging him all the time and begging him to come see her apartment. Celia advises Camilo not to get involved with her and to stand her up and not go to her apartment later.

Carlota and Lucia scour the newspapers and finally find an article about the accident. She was dead by the time the ambulance got there, but they have no leads on the vehicle. Lucrezia talked to Cleto and reiterated that Maripaz had run over a large dog. She told him to keep his mouth shut. Lucia says there are no leads on the car, which makes Lucrezia happy. When Lucia says the woman died, Lucrezia responds with a desperate, "ni modo!" (whatever). Lucia wishes they knew who the family was, to be able to help them somehow. Carlota can't think of how, without hurting Maripaz. "How far are we going to go to defend an irresponsible drunk?!" Sing it, sister. Carlota cries that sometimes she'd like to go to sleep and never wake up. Lucia gets sad and says Carlota is the one holding this family together, and besides, she has a great-grandson to think of. Carlota hopes he never finds out who his mother is. Lucia asks what she'd do without Carlota's advice, and her scolding. "You've always been a smart girl. You'd know how to go on. Promise me one thing--defend your happiness!" Lucia promises.

Lucrezia and Maripaz get into a shouting match in her room. Maripaz wants to go back to her apartment since no one knows what happened. Lucrezia will go get her stuff, but Maripaz is grounded. She angrily agrees she won't leave the house.

Gerry talks to Toni about the trip. Gerry tells Carolina that the day after tomorrow, Alex is going on vacation with Toni, Carlota, and Lucia, but not Ivan. She tells him she's gone to see an eye doctor and she's going to see if they can operate and restore her sight. Gerry thinks that's great. She wants to take advantage of Alex being gone to go to DF. Gerry asks if she couldn't wait until after his job is done, so they can use the money from that. "I don't want to wait, and I don't need your money. Beatriz left me some gold coins and I can pay with that." Gerry is surprised to hear it, but agrees she didn't need to tell him about the coins. Carolina tells him Antolín will be going with her to DF. Gerry asks if they're dating, but she says they like each other, that's all. Once Alex leaves for his trip, she'll go too. Gerry looks concerned.

Carmen brings Lichita to meet her baby daddy, presumably. Saul is pissed to see them outside the Ag Association. She tells him that she needs money and he's not keeping up his end of the deal. If he doesn't use the information, she will. Saul shushes her when she says that yes, that's his kid. He pulls out his wallet and tries to buy her off with one bill, then two. She tells him she wants an apartment, so he'd better figure out how to get her one. "An apartment?! Are you crazy?" "Aren't you even going to say hello to your daughter?" Saul says he doubts she's his. Carmen threatens to tell Antolín.

JJ complains to the accountant that he needs to get the money from somewhere to pay Cuthberto. The accountant insists there's not enough money in the association. There's hardly enough to pay for office supplies and payroll. He has one idea, though…"Make a transfer from your account to the insurance fund." JJ doesn’t like that answer. Oh, suck it JJ.

David goes to see Ivan. He gets the story about the rattlesnake bite. David seems mildly impressed. He explains he's been busy and asks to see Toni. Toni's busy checking into transport for Bruno for the vacation. David asks about his replacement…just out of curiosity. Ivan guesses there's problems with Daddy Dearest. David says they don't agree about how to manage the business. "Yep. You're honest and he's not." Ivan asks if he wants to come back. David tries to hedge, but Ivan points out they need someone for the packing plant. They can always send the new guy over there and David can work with them at the home office. David tries to object--the other guy might be better. Ivan says it's not like they're leaving him unemployed. "Besides, we're half brothers, right?" David agrees. "You're the brother I always wanted to have." Coming from a guy who grew up with Saul, that's not really saying much.

Gloria drags Maripaz's bags into her room, happy that Maripaz is back. Lucrezia dismisses her. Maripaz is wondering if anyone went looking for her. Lucrezia says even if no one did, that doesn't mean Maripaz can go back. "But I'm used to a different life," Maripaz whines. "Well, since last night, when you killed someone, your life changed. You're in no position to make demands, so put your clothes away." Maripaz whines about having to put her own clothes away and stay there with these "moñas" (losers? Tiresome people?)

Carlota and Lucia are making trip plans. Lucrezia comes in and berates them for making plans while the sky is falling. "You don't want anyone to know what Maripaz did? So the best thing for us to do is go on like nothing happened." Carlota says the trip is important because Alex needs to reconcile with Ivan. The plan is for Alex to get to know Toni and realize that Ivan's a good guy. Lucrezia asks what's going to happen if something happens with Maripaz. Carlota says she'll just have to deal with it. She wants to go check out Lucia's beach wear. She refuses to let their plans be derailed by Maripaz's craziness. Lucrezia calls them "egoistas" (selfish) to which Carlota replies "el burro hablando de orejas!" (the donkey talking about ears; the pot calling the kettle black).

Maripaz's landlady instructs the maid to do a thorough cleaning. Camilo comes in, asking if it's Maripaz's place. The landlady says it used to be, but her mom picked up all her clothes and hopefully she'll never be back! Camilo leaves.

Ivan yells at Toni about not going on the trip. He finally gets to his point--he needs some alone time with Lucia to get their sex on! Toni understands, but if Alex keeps rejecting him, they'll lose all the ground they've gained so far. "But I love Lucia!" Toni asks who he loves more and Ivan yells at him not to ask that question.

Ivan waits outside Lucia's house. He asks Cleto to let him see Lucia, but Cleto says they're all asleep. Ivan bullies his way into the house, cane and all.

Lucia is just putting away her trashy romance novel when Ivan walks into her bedroom. She calls him crazy and he tells her to shut it and climbs into bed. She keeps calling him crazy and says he's not well. "I'm well enough for this!" he insists and starts stripping down. Lucia can't control her giggles at first, but then she climbs on board the lust train! Maripaz walks in on them, angering Ivan, Lucia, and presumably all of Viewerville.


Is it wrong of me to wish Maripaz had wrapped her car around a telephone pole and put her out of my misery?

Yes, I'm terrible.

Great recap. Thanks, 5 ft.

Ivan is just not the best Ivan he can be right now. Tony and Lucia are very patient with him. With his particular look, DZ can seem pretty sinister. Hard not to root for the dimmer Carmelo.

Just an observation about this novela and Sortilegio, by same group. Both lacked suspense, with events unfolding quickly but without the dramatic impact they should have IMHO. This story is better, I think, and could have been a very good novela instead of a pretty good one. Something's missing in the pacing or structure -- not sure what. Same problem in Sortilegio, by the way, of making our hero a real pain in the behind before it's all resolved.

No. I think we all know that will ultimately be the solution to the "Maripaz Problem". She's a walking (or driving) disaster! And the poor kid if she ever tries to claim her "rights" as "mother"!


Thank you 5ft Latina, you always give such good recaps. I agree that Maripaz is a walking disaster and can't end up well. If this didn't have such good recaps by you and the others I wouldn't be watching it.
I feel bad for the nervous little blind woman who has nothing in the world except for Alex.
It is hard to get on board and cheer for any of the characters-and the plot is strange, kind of disorganized. Not unwatchable, though. I'm happy because the Spanish is easy to understand.
Is Tony supposed to be Irish?

Tony is at least half Mexican - I suppose from his mother. It was explained at one point. In fact I think he told Ivan that his mother was from the same area as Ivan.


Thanks so much Kat. I love the title and kept chuckling throughout the recap. :)

That last scene was hilarious. Ivan is a horndog, but Lucia finally started to look like she was getting into it. But the looks on their faces and MP's face when she barged in had me LOL. Now, did Ivan bring any protection to this impromptu midnight raid, or was he planning on having another unplanned baby with another Lomeli-Curiel daughter?

Kat- I loved you rant about Lucia's constantly interrupted workouts to listen to other people whine at her. ITA.

I am disappointed in Lucia and Carlota for not turning in MP to the cops. I don't care that she's family. She killed someone! What is the definition of "too far" in this family? Because I think killing someone crosses that line. I also think David should turn his dad and brother in for fraud and embezzlement. I'm just not for this "I'm not against you, but I'm also not with you" attitude. If someone breaks the law, then you SHOULD be against them. Even if they're family. At least with the Galvans, they don't know what Antolin is doing and they don't ask. He also doesn't share that info with them. If you're a criminal, and you have family members who aren't, then don't let them know what you're doing. That way you don't put them in the tough position of having to choose between you and the law. At least that’s what you would do if you actually had love for your family. Which MP and JJ and Saul seem to lack.

Yes, Toni's mother was Mexican from Sonora and his dad was Irish or Irish-American.

Good stuff, Kat. And I agree with you, but her demise at this stage of the story would be premature.

Because that has to be the next stage of conflict. She is a bigger liability in Ivan's quest to claim Alex than Carolina is due to her lack of any sense of responsibility. She is just as skilled at cruelty as Carolina and her lack of feeling for Alex will drive that to new lows.

The jealousy thing over Ivan officially started last night and now she will use this against Lucia under the heading of "At least I kept my sex life away from your sacred home, Mama, while Lucia is fouling the nest."

If Lucia has half the brains we think she does she will blackmail Maripaz with threat of disclosure about the hit and run although I somehow think Antolin will beat her to that.

Lucrazia will have a tantrum either way.

I don't think we're far away from Antolin and Camilo finding out that Saul is the sperm donor for their niece. I feel bad for their mother when that happens.

It is definitely a different set of values, Vivi.
But it seems that in TNs the last people anyone ever want to call is the Police. Secondly, they never call EMS for anything. I mean, what is that? The woman is hit by a car and everyone just stands around trying to figure out if she's dead or not.

I may be wrong but calling the police in Mexico is not quite the same as calling them here. From what I hear many times they try to blackmail you themselves and they are very easy to pay off.
At Least I've heard that, so you may want to call anyone BUT the police.
According to some stats I read in Time mag recently, they only solve about 5% of muders.

I didn't realize the same people made Sortiliegio and this TN. I didn't realty like Sortiegio and am not sure about this one.

Haven't read recap yet but it sounds good.

Kat thanks for your recap. No you are not terrible, MP is.

Vivi - ITA regarding the law vs. family. And MP killed someone. Good grief. Perhaps the writers are using this conflict to show how Carlota and Lucia are flawed, but, IMO, it makes them look weak. You can't consider yourself a moral person while you let family members literally get away with murder.

UA - MP had already been jealous but now that she's seen this, she'll act even worse (if that is possible). If Alex finds out she's his mother, he'll be far more traumatized than he is now about Ivan.

Karen, I've said this about Alex all along. The biggest problem they have is that there is no way to tell him that Ivan is his father without also telling him that MP is his mother.

Which is a bigger issue than usual because his father is in love with his aunt (whom he now believes is his sister)!

Of course the HEA of this story will be that Alex will have loving parents (Ivan and Lucia) who will probably have a baby immediately, two loving abuelos (Gerry and Tony), a rockin' bis-abuela (Carlota), a good uncle and aunt (David and Judith), and all the dogs he will ever want. I think we all know how Maripaz will end up and Lucrazia may or may not be in the picture.

I'm predicting that Saul will end up in jail, possibly along with his father. No prediction yet for Camilo or Antolin.

Kat, thank you for the recap inspite of your busy schedule. No, you are not terrible. I have felt the same way from day one.

So MP is now an asesina. Now I know where Antolin is going to the get the money for Carolina surgery.

I really like David. He is getting better in every episode while good ole JJ is getting worse.


Are there no locks on doors in Mexico, or is that just TN's??????

What could be better after being blind that one of the first things you see is Antolín?

Don't know WHY we have to have Maripaz AND Carmen in this TN, one of them is enough torture for us.


UA - You are right. I think I've just been in denial about Alex being told who his father is and everyone just being silent if he asks about his mom. Since Alex is having trust issues, by the time he is told MP may no longer be with us (a guess).

This recap made my morning. I love your commentary.

I thought that Maripaz called her family "momias" (mummies), which I thought was funny because that what what Valentina called Laisha's character Constanza in Gancho.

I hope tonight starts out with Ivan and Lucia chucking Maripaz out, locking the door, and getting back to business. Now Lucia has top-notch blackmail material to use against her; why not take advantage. "If you tell mommy we're having sex, I'll tell the police you ran over someone." "If you tell anyone Mom isn't Teodor's daughter, I'll tell the police you ran over someone." "If you don't leave Ivan alone, I'll tell the police you ran over someone."

I REALLY enjoyed watching David pop Saul in the snoot and drop him to the floor without breaking a sweat. Saul didn't see that coming. David must be able to get through his workouts without everyone calling to whine at him.

Loved your hilarious title and that last paragraph, for sure! To answer your question: no, and if not, Antolin's blackmail of the hit and run is a good second best!

How did so much blood get on the car? Also, what's wrong with that crappy club that besides playing the horrid sexy sect smile song they also let an obviously drunk person get behind the wheel, still holding a drink, no less.

I meant sexy sexy. Stupid phone.

Thanks 5ft! As usual I didn't catch the Thursday episode so I'm off too watch it now. Can't wait until the last scene!

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