Friday, October 07, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #121 Friday 10/7/11 Regina Plays the Fool and Roberta is the Tool.

What can I say? I love a rhyming title. Anyway, we're in for a torrent of tears in this capitulo so have your rain gear at the ready!

Rehashing from last night, silly sheep Regina plays right into wolverine Fina's hands. The DNA test has proved that Roberta is Regina's long-lost daughter. Regi weeps about what a miracle it is and how she can't wait to give Berta all the love she was never able to while Berta was growing up. Regi hopes Berta will accept her. Gonzo and Jero have dual shoulders for her to cry on.

Padre plays sick (poorly) to avoid having to tell Karina the truth.

Once Regi has closed the floodgates, Jero says he would have guessed that Renata was Regi's daughter. The two of them are very similar in appearance and behavior. Regi is convinced that Berta is her baby but she still thinks of Nata as a second daughter. Gonzo says that, while Berta is the daughter of the woman he loves, Nata will always have a place in his heart as his daughter. Jero has a hard time accepting that Fina was so cruel to her own daughter but chalks it up to Fina being a despicable person.

Suddenly we're on a trip to Goofy Town when Fina knocks out a gardener with a shovel and steals his clothes. I'm not sure what's funnier: how Fina looks dressed as a hillbilly or the fact that she fits into that guy's overalls. LOL.

Gonzo encourages Regina to tell Nata and Berta the truth as soon as possible. Regi worries about upsetting Berta because of her heart but Gonzo offers to have the cardiologist check up on her first. Jero is more worried about how Nata will react.

Regina fidgets with her "R" necklace and a lightbulb goes off over Gonzo's head. When he married Fina, one of her daughters had an "R" necklace and Gonzo insisted on having an exact replica made for the other so that Berta and Nata would both have them. Gonzo remarks on how many clues were right under their noses and wonders if Fina was using the "R" necklaces to purposefully throw them off. Regardless of the necklaces, Regi is positive about Berta.

After the commercials, Berta and Nata accompany Gonzo and Regina at Regi's place. Nata asks about Doña Cata and Regi informs her that Cata passed away. Gonzo cryptically tells Berta that there is something important she needs to know.

Regina explains her past to Berta and Nata. Nata listens with rapt attention while Berta seems bored. (I'll try to give the abridged version since we already know this stuff a dozen times over). Regi's husband Roberto had a pregnant girlfriend the same time that Regina was pregnant. Both babies were born on the same day in the same hospital. The other woman kidnapped Regi's one-year-old baby. For years, Regi looked for her daughter and the kidnapper. Now Regina found out the truth; Fina was the kidnapper and Regi's daughter is either Berta or Nata.

Nata jumps to her feet in surprise and Berta breathes shallowly. Gonzo explains that Roberto left his fortune to Regina's daughter and not Fina's. When Fina found out, she kidnapped Regi's baby in hopes of getting the inheritance in the future. Then Roberto died in an accident that Fina provoked. Berta grips her chest and Nata starts to cry as they both digest the news that Fina caused their father's death.

Jero paces in his apartment and worries about how Nata is going to take the bad news. He just wants to be by her side to hug and console her. Jero writes her a quick text. "I love you and who you are no matter what."

Regina explains that Fina herself told Regi the truth because Berta and Nata have almost reached the age stipulated in the inheritance. Fina pressed Regina for money in exchange for the truth, money which Jero generously loaned Regina. Nata is unsettled that Jero already knows all of this groundbreaking information. She asks for more information about Roberto and Regi assures her that Roberto was a decent man who made a grave mistake.

Regina admits that she knows which of them is her daughter because of the DNA test she had done on the toothbrushes Fina gave her. Regi also admits she took Berta's hairbrush out of her purse for even more proof. Berta and Nata hold hands as they read the DNA test results. "It's Roberta." Nata cries.

Señora Clampett sneaks into the Monterrubio Mansion. She pilfers through Berta's old room and abuses the maid. Fina grabs her by the neck but she swears she doesn't know why Berta has her suitcases packed. Fina threatens to kill the poor girl's mother if she does not find out.

Berta grips her chest some more and is speechless at the news. She swears that Nata will always be her sister despite this news. Nata is happy that Berta has the piece of mind that she is the daughter of a good woman and not a murderer. Knowing the truth about this herself, Berta looks away with a sullen expression. And has apparently decided to follow through with Mami's plans despite her being a boyfriend killer. Now what do we think of her redemption odds?

Regina assures Nata she still wants to be close to her. Nata thanks Regi for her kindness but she can't help but feel like her world is falling apart. Regi hopes that her relationship with both girls will grow over time. Gonzo says that, along with Matias, they are going to form a new family.

Fina seethes over having such little information about Berta. They have to stay in contact for her plan to work. The maid reports to Fina that Berta's suitcase is being sent to Regina's house. Fina thanks her for the information by punching her lights out.

Regina leaves to have a private moment with Berta. Left alone with Gonzo, Nata crumbles into a heap of sobs. "Why, Papá? I don't understand why she hates me so much when I am her daughter. I would have loved to be Regina's daughter. To be the daughter she looked for and then found and loved unconditionally." Gonzo holds Nata tight. He loves her. She is his daughter and always will be. (Viewerville, raise your hands if you teared up during this scene. I'm not too proud to admit I cried. Sylvia Navarro is brilliant at crying. Her sobs are heart-wrenching.)

On to something less depressing, Adriana and Matias plan to take a trip together soon. (Who knew that Matias would ever be the least melancholy thing about an episode.) He asks if she talked to Chema yet and surprisingly doesn't throw a fit or knock over any chairs when Adri promises she will later that night. Except probably not since Chema just had a serious attack while strolling on the sidewalk.

Constanza is finally getting the speech and physical therapy we hoped she would have had last week. Connie's making great progress and she and Honorio plan to renew their wedding vows once she fully recovers.

Detective Whose Name I Keep Forgetting grills the manicomo doctor for letting Blanca have access to a phone. Once he leaves, Doc has Blanca brought into the office to chew her out for it. He refuses to put his work in jeopardy for her. She throws herself at him and calls him Honorio. Two orderlies have to carry her off. And now I have to go take a shower because that made me feel incredibly icky.

Gonzo and Regina get some fresh air. Regi wants to help both Berta and Nata heal so they can move on together as a family.

Karina stops by the hacienda kitchen to get her things so she can move in with Alfonsina. Matilde swears to Kari that Lazaro was not unfaithful. They need to talk and resolve things. Kari agrees to return later that night to speak to Laz.

Nata lies on her bed and wonders why Fina hates her so much. The text from Jero interrupts her thoughts. She asks to meet him at La Mentirosa because she needs him. We end with a shot of Nata curled up in misery. Qué bummer.

Avances: There's light at the end of the tunnel next week! Nata and Jero make-up and make-out and Agustin juts his jaw in anger. On the bad news front, I saw Chema pass out in one of the quicker clips.

parecida - similar
acogedora - cozy
mercancia - merchandise
fideicomiso - trust fund
recurrir - to appeal, to fall back
deshacerse - to fall apart, to come apart


Amy, Wow, you got this up fast tonight! OK, I've got my foulies on and I'm ready for nasty weather...

Trip to Goofy Town is right. At least Fina had the pant legs cuffed kinda sorta as if they didn't fit. Señora Clampett, LOL!!

I wish Regina would have read your abridged version of her sad tale. Goodness but she blathered on, didn't she? If Roberta hadn't already known the ending she probably would have keeled over from another heart attack.

Berta's redemption odds? Looking worse every minute.

Yep, I have to raise my hand. SN is world class at tugging the heart strings. I felt so bad for her. Ugh.

"Qué bummer." Definitely.

Amy, you really took one for the team tonight. Somehow you managed to find the humor (lots of it in fact) in tonight's rather depressing episode. I salute you and your superb recap. Well done! I enjoyed the whole thing and even had some laugh-out-loud moments.

Loved your title and your opening paragraph. Struck just the right light note before heading into Excruciatingville.

Man I almost bailed on this was so hard to watch! And yes...Renata's emotional pain was the worst of it. Roberta's a pro like mom at twisting the knife.

Like Sylvia, I got a chuckle out of Señora Clampett but my personal favorite was Detective Whose Name I Keep Forgetting. I can say that about more and more characters these days...and even acquaintances!

Thanks Miss Amy. You managed to make a dreary episode sparkle.

I'd say Roberta's redemption odds got worse last night. I don't know what it will take to change that, but how many episodes are left, anyway?

Fina looked hilarious in hillbilly gear; I'm sure she will get into a snit about it on Monday and we'll get a good laugh at her expense.

Amy Azul - I have not had a chance to watch last night's episode yet, but your title tells me things may have turned out as expected, but not as hoped.

It may not be kosher to return to the previous episode, but I wanted to respond to some of the comments there.

Sylvia y Susanita - Please include me in the Facebookless and Proud of It Club. I figure all the cool people are on this blog anyway!

Vivi - love your pictures, love your job. The first 13 years of my professional life I worked as a counselor/recruiter for disadvantaged high school youth getting them into the medical field. We had a great run until Reaganomics decided we didn't matter. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation picked us up for a few years after that. Our roster of alumni includes a dean of a med school, a director of a mental health facility, and numerous doctors, nurses and pharmacists. My buttons burst thinking of "my babies" grown up and making a difference.

Making a difference just like you and Susanita. My heart warms hearing what you do, too, Susanita. It DOES take a village. Thank you for contributing to humankind in a positive way.

Now that I've commented on some of the good our group does, let's laugh about the negativity coming out of Thursday's episode:
Julia - "Kari is a pitiful sappy wimpy bore and maybe he could do better"
Cheryl (our wonderful, serene, hummingbird loving Cheryl) - "Roberta needs to die"
Lila - " track minded wad of tissues...smacks upside her head"
Good thing we've got Rosemary #1 to add something kind about one of our beloved leading ladies - "at least Fina has that wonderful, evil cackle"
Really, you guys crack me up! Thanks for the laughs!
Off to tailgating (yes, I may have a drink or two before noon) for the Ute football game. Honestly I am more excited to get home tonight and watch last night's episode. Talk to you then!

Rosemary la Otra

How you found such great humour in last night's episode...well I'm amazed. Fantastic job!

"Señora Clampett" and yes, how hysterical that everything fit so well. But giving the poor maid a sucker punch was a truly "such a bitch" moment.

After a half box of kleenex was consumed watching Nata's confusion and despair at thinking she's Fina's natural daughter ( how does SN pull out those sobs---I forget I'm watching a TN when she does that) , got to thinking about Berta again. No redemption in the near future. I'm sure she's about to turn the tables on Fina and keep the inheritance for herself to get back at Mama for Rafa. That should take Fina even further over the deep end considering her whole purpose all this time was to get her hands on that money. Blanca, move over, meet your roomie....

Speaking of which, there has to be some reason we are still seeing this nutjob in all her insanity. She seems to be our one character that the writers just keep dangling out there with no back story or what her real purpose is.
C'mon...give us a bone here.

LOVED the previews. I'm shutting off the cell and curling up in my easy chair to watch Monday. (Better be Monday!!) Of course, it'll be like the tree, it will all go wrong probably afterwards, but I'm enjoying a little happiness for Nata while I can.

Amy- What a fantastic Saturday morning treat! I agree with everyone that I am amazed how you made this depressing episode funny. Although, Fina in that hillbilly costume was hilarious. I think the actress is having a blast. That poor little maid.

OK, so I'm in a hotel all next week for a work conference (it's here in DC, nothing exciting). It starts Monday night and I think we have some kick-off get together that evening. Uhm...I plan to be UN-social between 7 and 8 and in my hotel room so that I can see Jero and Nata make up and make out. No way am I waiting to get back to my dvr on Friday to see that. :)

I felt so bad for Nata. To find out she is the daughter of a woman who has only ever show how much she despises her, while that same woman doted on another who wasn't her real daughter. It's got to be utterly confusing and hurtful. I'm glad Jero sent her that text.

I hope Laz tells Kari the whole truth when she comes back to confront him. It's time for these secrets to end. It was hilarious the lengths the Padre went through to keep himself from spilling the beans to Kari. At this point, if Laz doesn't do it, I hoping that either he or Mati put her out of her misery (and put her into new misery knowing Doc Death is alive).

R la O- We have such a great group here. And you are equally impressive. How wonderful that your alumni have achieved so much!

OK. Off to enjoy the amazing weather we're having. Happy Saturday everyone!

Fortunately it is raining in SLC so we've postponed our departure for tailgating (I would have never used the word "fortunately" pre-CME addiction), and I've been able to watch last night's episode.

For the first time I actually had tears. What a sad, sad show.

Amy Azul - you can certainly hold your head high today with this re-cap. Enjoyed the lol moments while reading this, especially "Senora Clampett" and "who knew that Matias would ever be the least melancholy thing about an episode".

Daisy made me laugh with her "it'll be like the tree". My arse still feels splintery thinking of that romp.

Jero, who is finally showing his intelligence, needs to confront his doubts and get Renata's and Regina's DNA tested. Why can't even one person questions Fina's integrity with handing the toothbrushes over to Regina? I can't stand it!!!

R la O

AmyFlor, Super, super recap! I saw you had it up at warp speed (again!) last night, but I was just too tired to comment.

SN was absolutely first rate in that scene. She made us all feel the excruciating pain of having received horrible news.

I actually yelled at Regina to just shut up. ...and Gonzo...really thinking that they are all going to be one happy familia?! Give it up, Mister!

The most sickening was Roberta. She way she told Nata she would still be her sister even though SHE was the one to gain Roberto's inheritance. Basta! Roberta could fall off a cliff right now and it would not bother me one iota.

Also agree with Julia's comments from yesterday re Kari. She is a Brown Paper Bag and that Scumbucket of a pathetic Doctor put her in that wrapping. Once she hears the news that he is alive, I fear for what she will become.

I'm not too pleased with Laz and his secrets right now.

I'm surprised that Malafina's maid has hung on this long with that job of hers. I hope she leaves and runs to safety.

If Roberta is redeemed, I will be very disappointed. She continues in her ugly ways and nothing but ugly words spew out of her ugly, big, and distorted mouth.

Did I hear this correctly ( was not my friend last night), but did Nata text to Jero that she needed him? I thought I heard her say that right before she went back into the fetal position.

I am another one to raise my hand at having cried during Nata's scenes.

RLO: How absolutely wonderful that you have successfully mentored so many young people!! You have my admiration!

However, I think you must be confusing me with someone else. I am learning that Vivi is the Super Woman of this blog. It was nice to hear your kind words even though I am sure they were meant for Vivi. I don't think many can match her accomplishments.

...and...a high five to you, too, hermana for being Facebookless! Mind you, I love all sorts of technologies and gadgets, but FB...meh.

I felt vindicated the other day when the president of Google said that people don't know how to communicate anymore except via texting or FB messages. He also said he was astounded that people didn't even know how to leave a proper voice mail message! Right there with you, hermano!

Most of the people I know want to deal in 5 minute soundbites or nothing but text messaging. I rather enjoy face to face conversation over a nice lunch or dinner.


I'm afraid I can't raise m hand -- I'm on facebook -- but I really don't know how to use it and so just open it once a day to see if there are new grandkid pics or news fom overseas nieces & nephews. If I actually attempt to post somehing it either goes to everyone when I meant it for just one person -- or it never shows up at all. Since I don't put much up that is stoo personal it's no biggie if everyone reads it. But -- since my son & daughter-in-law don't always check email or phone messages. I recently tried to tell them by facebook that my hubbie & I were off for a week in Maine. I got a quick response reminding me that I had just announced to the world that my house would be empty for a week. Oops!

I can however raise my hand and admit that I was sobbing along with Renata. What a sad scene and SN did such a good job. Her sobs were heartrending.

Roberta was so nasty all through this episode. She can't pass up an opportunity to pretend to be consoling while reminding Renata that her mother Fina had killed Jeronmo's beloved brother. Her eye rolling and bored expression were such a contrast to Renata's edge of the seat interest in Regina's story. BUT the worst for me was when she called Nata over and told her that nothing would change how she felt about Nata just because they are only half sisters. She was unfortunately telling the exact truth. Nothing will change. She will still resent Nata and undermine her at every opportunity.

Let me also join the chorus of admirers of your efforts on behalf of disadvantaged youth R la O.


Yes, Susanita!

I think the reason they keep inserting tedious digressions is to enlighten confused Teresa refugees like me -- I'm still confused, but I'm enjoying the ride so far.

I like that Renata -- she's beautiful, sexy, smart, and she can pull off some pretty outlandish outfits. My kind of girl!

Thanks, Amy, busy Saturday. Read later. Wanna thank you. Maddening episode. I could hit Regina the way Fina slugged that poor maid. I hope this farce doesn't go on too long. Bert, you really deserve a painful attack of your physiological heart, bitch, cause you sure don't have an emotional/spiritual one. You and your momma are just fuel for hell fire.


Not only is Roberta sticking the knife in Nata's at every opportunity -- but she is gearing up to justify her behavior.

She is already resentful of the new family situation because she thinks that everyone really wanted Renata to be the long lost daughter. (Well she is right there.) She is going to screw them all over and she is going to think that she has the right because she thinks that they are choosing Renata over her - that everyone is worried about Nata more than about her and on and on in her twisted view of the world.

I still hold out some hope that the unconditional love that she gets from Regina will turn her around.


I admit as well to being a "Facebooker". It was my sons' idea so when they went to college I could have FB as well to see how they're doing. Before long, I had all their friends "friending me" so I could see how they are doing at school as well. Then my sister who lives in KC got on and her kids who I don't get to see too often, and we all can share photos, articles about each other, etc.
Amazingly, after being on about a year, I started getting friend invites from old high school friends I hadn't talk to or heard from for MANY years. They live all over the country, so it was exciting to hear from them and then see what's up with them and their families all the time. We now have a reunion planned for 2012. I added in some of my volunteer organizations and my sport teams' pages. Heck I even have the Univision page (pathetic I know) I guess I'm a bit of a regular now since it turned out to be pretty positive for me.

Kind of a tedious episode, with Regina dragging out the reveal of stuff we already knew. Just one more reason to Gorilla-tape her.

Great recap, though! I love the rhyming titles, too. Also, "Who knew that Matias would ever be the least melancholy thing about an episode." That cracked me up. Indeed. He was being downright pleasant and functional, for once.

I think maybe someone (Renata or Jero) would have asked if Regina really trusted DNA samples from Fina, but then Regina said she'd swiped Roberta's hairbrush too just to be sure, and everyone accepted that as a double-check. Renata was reeling too much to remember that her brush had disappeared; maybe she'll pick up on that later.

I HAVE to be on's the only way I ever know anything about my family. Seriously. Even though I speak to many of them frequently, it somehow never occurs to them to mention significant things. I've learned that various cousins have gotten married or had babies, that my grandfather had died, that people had moved, etc. through Facebook. I rarely bother to post anything myself, though.

Well, now that last night's episode is out of the way, can we hang up our storm gear and put on the sunscreen to bask in Monday's episode? It's looking promising.

Hey now, no slam to the Facebookers, it's just not for everyone I guess. I have a friend whom I met in Mexico a few years ago, moved there 30 years ago from Detroit, got on Facebook to keep track of his son who moved back to Detroit to go to high school, then managed to hook up with some long, lost relatives in Jamaica solely through Facebook and his unusual last name. So it definitely was a positive for him.

Urban Anthropologist asked how many episodes are left. There are about 181 total, we are at #121, so 60 episodes or about 12 weeks left! Lots of time for all sorts of plot twists and mayhem.

Güera, you are so right about Roberta feeling screwed over because now everyone is consoling Renata for NOT being Regina's daughter. When will she figure out that things just aren't going to go her way as long as she's being a manipulator. Her plots almost never work out. That chica just can help banging her head against the wall over and over.

Julia, I'm pulling out the sun block for tomorrow's episode just in case. I'm ready for some sunshine after Friday's storm.

Amy, I do not know how you manage to get these posted so completely and especially so quickly!

Right before this episode came on, I'd just finished watching a DVD a friend loaned me of a movie called "Winter's Bone" which was compelling and affecting but not what I'd consider enjoyable. It was set in the Missouri Ozarks, and so Fina running around in straw hat and overalls was really kind of a much-needed comic relief.

But I'd give anything to see Eulalia return the sucker punch to Fina - with interest. Jeez. That led me to wonder what kind of demise the writers have in store for her. Maybe burned at the stake, a la Fedra in LldeA?

Roberta - hopeless. Redemption for her? The Magic 8 Ball says, "hell, no."

Vivi, I was thinking more about your report on Shakira being appointed to the commission on educational opportunities for Hispanic kids. Such a remarkable young woman she must be when compared to so many of her peers who seek publicity by getting arrested, going to rehab, carousel divorces, etc.

Facebook - yeah, I have an account. Not sure why. I have two friend requests from people I don't know that I'm ignoring. There are people who are friends whom I'll likely never see or even talk to again. Lord knows I will never use their intrusive "apps" for anything. It is useful for a news feed - NPR, NYT, etc. Google+ may be useful some day and I'll be happy to bid FB a joyous hasta nunca.

Hi, Guys! Again, Amy, thank you for the wuuuuunderful cap and enjoyed the comments as well. Not that I really care about her, but I was wondering did anyone else think Roberta was surprised to discover that Fina had "facilitated" her daddy's demise? She fakes so much, it's hard to tell. And Fina WAS funny as Samarai Hillbilly!

So. Since the writer's are not above an inconvenient beer belly getting in the way of true lurve, they prolly aren't above "I can't tell him I dont love him cause he'll die" plot line getting in the way our other love birds. Sheesh! So tiring. Ah well. Looking forward to the reconciliation. . . though it will only last half an episode.


Sorry I'm so late to the dance. Thanks, Amy for a stellar recap - and Sylvia for Thursday's, sorry I didn't comment.

Looking forward to tonight to see how Berta will act, as if we didn't know. Got my "I tolerate Berta, but just barely" t-shirt at the ready.

Amazing Amy Azul! I loved your recap which I read amidst the final weekend of Abq.'s Balloon Fiesta so I am only now able to read the comments and respond with my gratitude for your humor and great writing. Thanks so much.

I am howling at the recap and the funny comments this weekend. One wonders when if ever Regina and to a lesser extent Renata will get their intelligence back. I loved Gonzo's dream of a happy new family, Hallucinations isn't just a hot air balloon in New Mexico any more!

I have been enjoying these dismal episodes that have priceless eye rolling and other expressions from Jero, Roberta, Renata and Gonzo that seem to let us know the writers are hinting about Eureka moments and pie cart arrivals in our future.

If I don't get to write about some serious romance tonight and I mean NO AUGIE INTERRUPTUS here, I will be writing a very sad but snarky recap wishing even more people than Roberta would die! So there, its is such a relieve to be among friends so I can express real feelings. Thanks AMY, you are the bees knees.

lol to Emilia about the Barely Tolerating Berta tee shirt

and lol to Cheryl with No Augie Interruptus

Way to get Monday going!

R la O

I'll be ready for it, Cheryl! Renata & Jero's lurve-making scenes haven't been the hottest for me but I'm still ready for one and poor Renata has been beat down enough in this little soap opera! Somehow I think if SN were old enough to play the Regina part, we wouldn't be ready to slap her around like we are Regina! Oh, well, bring on the romance!


I meant to say relief and I forget already all the spelling errors I keep making when typing fast.

I will vote yeah on facebook. It enables me to keep up with friends and family on 3 continents in 2 idiomas and post far more photos than I could so easily elsewhere. I do not post seriously personal information nor do I want to read much of it. It is such a visual delight to me. I did however unfriend one person from high school days that decided hs fb friends were a cheap target to advertise his real estate business, basta! I don't have an opinion on whether people should use it or not but I happen to find it a convenient tool for communicating about Spanish, photography and friends old and new.

my verification word is resole: I think that is posole warmed up the next day, isn't it?

Amy: Laugh out loud moment: "(Who knew that Matias would ever be the least melancholy thing about an episode.)"

Sylvia: Is it 181 caps for sure? I've also seen 171 bandied about. I hope they're not extending this one. So far it's been a tight little TN. When they expand them, it makes too much room for stupidity.


Loved that Jero sent her that text and how she responded.


I think this tn was meant to be long from the very beginning. The writers seem to have thought and planned out how they were going to make a long tn that remained interesting (and not over the top silly...TdA...ahem...). I think they're succeeding so far.

We get a steady stream of revelations. We have villains we want to see brought down (Fina, Augie), villains some want to see redeemed (Berta), lots of characters we are rooting for, and couples we want to see end up together, including the main couple. That's pretty good in my book.

OK. Off to the hotel and the conference. I won't be around much this week, but will sneak peeks at comments on my phone on my breaks. :)

Vivi: That's good to know. Means for the most part, it's going to continue in its glorious way. I'm so loving this TN!!!!!


Amy, wonderful job on a very difficult episode. I think if I were faced with recapping this... I would have even outdone Renata in crying.

Which brings me to Renata's crying... I was not as affected as everyone here... and she's only just begun. Just wait'll she finds out about Marina's pregnancy. Maybe I should invest in Kleenex.

I was talking with a patient this morning who told me that she cried and cried with Renata Friday.

Roberta says that they'll still be the best of sisters. Oh good. I'll bet she's planning to split the trust fund with Renata.


Doesn't Fina have the trust fund now? I thought that was part of her demand, all Roberto's money. She said she was going to split with Roberta but has she?

I don't think Regina has access to the trust fund. It's set aside for her daughter. That's why she had to try to sell everything and ask Jero for help to come up with the equivalent amount. So the trust money should still be there, maybe? I don't know; maybe Regina just couldn't sell off the investments fast enough, and she now owes most of that money to Jero.

That makes sense. I wasn't clear if Regina owed the trust fund money or her own. You're right. I don't think she can touch the trust fund money. It's all her daughter's, i.e. Roberta's. Oh, and whatever she decides to share with Renata...NOT. This is all becoming a very tangled web.

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