Friday, November 18, 2011
Cuando Me Enamoro #149 Thursday 11/17/11 The Valle de Guadalupe bears a strange and bitter fruit. Treacherous butterflies flit in the DF.
Dear friends, Grab your tissues, hankies, drinks, Peppermint Pattys, Hershey's Kisses, tea, antacid, remote for fast forward, or all of the above. It’s gonna be a memorable night. There was so much talking amidst tears and loud music, please if I missed something do not hesitate to bring it up. I will happily add it to the recap.
Reviewing from last night: Hons doesn’t want to be a daddy, Ezequiel is stressing about testifying (about Nesme? I’m not sure, maybe he just doesn’t want to go back to the police station?). And remember that Augi is majorly steamed about Anibal, Renata, then hearing about Ezequiel. It’s not good.
Tonight: Augustin calms himself by coolly ordering his big henchman Melesio to “take care of things”. Melesio’s eyes sparkle as he confirms he is Very Clear on what he needs to do. Augi wraps it up by saying those who betray him pay very dearly. For Augi, ordering a hit is more soothing than an hour at Yoga class.
On the other end of the daddy spectrum our endangered ranch hand is cuddling and cooing to his infant daughter. In spite of his past he is every bit the loving father that Augi is not. He tells Luz that when he was young and without children he did something that would affect his whole life. He tells Luz (who happily gurgles safely in daddy’s arms) that he would give his life to relive his past and get rid of the actions that haunt him. He cries over this baby who is so loved, while Alfonsina tearfully listens in the background.
In arftul comparison, we move to Dirty Director’s office where he escorts CruelFakeMom Corina and the stolen escuincle out, giving Fina and Blanca a chance to laugh amongst themselves. Blanca thinks maybe DD went too far by kidnapping the child. Al contrario cackles Fina, Coni and Regina will be blamed for the kidnapping; they will kill two birds with one stone. Fina feeds Blanca’s starving ego by saying soon Blanca will be head of all Empresas Monterrubios!
And speaking of two birds, we go to the new restaurant where Chema declares he can’t believe he’ll be realizing two dreams on the same day, the opening of his own restaurant and marriage to the girl of his dreams. Dad insists that before they go into business they need to take out life insurance and get medical exams. The sinister music plays and Chema comments he hopes they’ll never have to use it. Dad mutters to himself hopefully, hopefully. (I originally thought perhaps Ben was being a bad daddy by taking out a life insurance policy on Chema, but Vivi pointed out he is just using the life insurance story to get Chema to his follow-up exam. That makes me feel better.)
In the one other restaurant in Mexico City we find Roberta sucking up to the new partner German, she tells him their age difference doesn’t bother her. After her experience with Matias she has become bored by boys her own age, blah blah blah. He asks why does Berta want to work at EM? She says her road has been difficult because daddy always had eyes for Matias and Renata. She’s no saint but she’s repentant and wants to prove it. She goes on about herself ad nauseum, brought up to be rotten by her imposter mom, boo hoo, and now she wants to change even though her family doesn’t think she can. He says on the other hand he does believe she can change. Her sweetness bubbles forth as she thanks him for being her one friend in EM. They toast as Mana’s “Mariposa Traicionera” (Treacherous Butterfly) plays in the background. (Who remembers this song from Tontas? Theme song to another rotten sister I might add.)
Matias and Adri have decided to dine out tonight and of course their choice is limited to the very same restaurant. Adri is particularly amused to spy the perfidious pair and they join them to get a few friendly jabs in about German, how is his wife (on vacation), how long has he been married (25 years), etc. All great fun.
The La Bonita clan is also sitting around the table enjoying dinner. When they start asking Anibal about his personal life he becomes uncomfortable and hobbles off to his room. Naturally they start gossiping about him being Augi’s kid and Mati makes a crack in that case the sooner he leaves the better. Renata jumps down her throat, the sins of the parents should not be visited upon their children! (I think I just figured out what tonight’s theme is.) Mati is all “Oops, I forgot about YOU...and Oops I didn’t mean...and Oops, why don’t I just shut my big fat mouth right now?” Yes indeed Mati, we’ll leave you to wrassle that foot out of your mouth while we move on.
Alf calls Kari to ask for a favor. She whispers so Ezeq doesn’t hear. He doesn’t want her to go with him tomorrow when he testifies. But she has a bad feeling, she wants to go to be with Ez and she wants Kari to go with her.
Jero and Renata tease Mati, tell her to let Anibal sleep (Jero scoffs at Nata’s mothering), and are off to have some fun together. Later Mati tells Anibal they went off for a ride and he decides to check out the hacienda.
Alf (and Luz) and Kari are at the police station waiting and fretting about Ezeq being a no-show. Maybe he met with trouble along the road? It’s all very weird.
Augustin paces in his office and gripes about his newest torture, the appearance of his alleged son Anibal.
Said torture is hanging around outside when who should come rolling up with her suitcase but the lovely diversion Alison. Seconds later a new song plays and we know there has been an instant Love Connection.
The man behind the desk calls Ezeqiel’s name and informs Alf they will grant only 15 minutes leeway. Luz starts crying to further accentuate the stress that all of us are feeling. Alf calls for Ez from a pay phone. The demon Augustin answers and smugly tells her he doesn’t have a clue about Ez because he gave him the morning off to make his statement in Ensenada.
Cut to the joyful pair of Jero and Renata riding through the country and Gitana looks just fine, whew! They dismount to hug and cuddle a bit and to bestow kisses upon one another. Renata pretends to chase Gitana so Jero can chase her, this game of love tag goes South when Renata stops short with a look of horror on her face. They both cry out Ezequiel’s name in anguish and we need this commercial break to compose ourselves, pour a shot of Mezcal, tea, chocolate, whatever, and take a deep breath.
Oh dear Lord, as the scene opens we see Ezeq’s legs hanging from the tree behind Renata. NOOOOO!!! This shot is thankfully short as Jero wisely turns Nata around, insisting they return to the hacienda and call the police immediately.
Back at La Bonita Manuela hugs and welcomes her nieta while Anibal looks on, smiling the first smile we have seen on him. Manuela quickly tells him Alison is only there temporarily, “just like you!” Grandma and granddaughter go inside to catch up and Anibal sighs while birdies and hearts practically fly out of his ears.
At the station Ezeq has missed his chance to testify and the official tells Alfonsina they can send another subpoena but if Ezeq continues to be a no-show they will send the authorities after him. Alf promises he will be there next time. Alfonsina frets yet again that she has a very bad feeling.
There are also very bad feelings at La Bonita when the household sees Jero and a hysterically distraught Renata come stumbling into the house. Manuela, Mati, Carlos and Laz hear Jero’s words, it appears that Ezequiel has killed himself, hung from a tree. No puede ser! What a tragedy, exclaims Manuela. Carlos calls the police and Super Laz flies out of the house. Mati cries surely he is going to find his best friend.
Alison joins Anibal at the desert water feature to tell him something bad is going down inside. He thinks maybe he should go inside and find out but Alison wants him to stay with her. He explains he’s in town for personal business, he just met the La Bonita crew but they seem very nice. She says she was sent down to granny’s because her parents think she’s anorexic, but she’s not, they’re just exaggerating as usual. She’s thrilled to hear he has a motorcycle. As soon as he’s better he promises to take her for a ride.
Back inside the sadness and crying continue. Manuela and Mati want to see Ez; Manuela has a deep need to be next to him. Mati points out that Alf and Kari went to Ensenada to meet Ezequiel. Carlos agrees to take Manuela and Mati to see Ezeq’s body. Really? Still hanging from the tree? Is that a good idea?
At the Hons/Cons house Adri wastes no time in telling dad and Coni all about seeing Berta with a married man. “That girl will never change,” insists Coni. Hons also has a tidbit, apparently German is a womanizer and had a long affair with a woman 15 years his junior! His wife left him but since she had the money he begged forgiveness and they got back together. Adri says the joke will be on Berta when she finds out German’s money is his wife’s, not his. (I love it just as much as Adri!!) Coni is concerned that such a thing could happen at EM. ( Eh? Hons and Cons. Mat and Adri. Mat and Nata. Mat and Berta. Just sayin’. And notice I didn’t mention Hons and Blanca. Oh, and Gonzo and Fina from way back when?)
At EM German and Berta bask in their new friendship. German smiles lasciviously when Berta offers to make him a cup of coffee. (Does she know how? Has she ever?) Her flirty bliss is interrupted by MalaMama-in-white calling to demand more money. Berta says sorry but she’s at dad’s work and doesn’t have time so stop bothering her, OK? German comments he feels sorry for this galan whom she is rebuffing. The phone rings again, German drools on his desk and the wicked butterfly music plays on.
Fina curses Berta and tells Dirty Director she doesn’t have the money, if he wants more she’ll need his help.
Some guy gives Isidro documents about Roberta so that Regina can legally proclaim Berta to be the inheritor of Roberto’s trust. Isidro mutters how ironic it is that Roberta turned out to be Regina’s daughter.
We know how Fina is when she doesn’t get her way and she’s howling up a storm. Dirty Director says he’s not running a hotel where she can come and go as she pleases. Fina insists the only way to get the money is to let her out. He finally relents under her sarcastic mocking, but says they will do things his way, not hers. Famous last words Director Dumba$$. I’d hide the letter opener if I were you.
The beautiful, yet saddest song in the CME repertoire is playing. The SEMEFO forensic van has arrived (Servicio Médico Forense, thank you Google), and Ezequiel’s friends have gathered next to him but behind the yellow hazard tape. He is at last peaceful, supine on the gurney. Laz says Ez has had problems and lately has been very bothered and nervous but never did he think anything like this would happen. He is in torment imagining the circumstances and why did Ez not say anything to him? They have been friends forever. He demands an investigation! (Do it! Do what my boyfriend Super Laz says.)
Alf has just arrived home and Jero and Nata are there to talk to her about Ezequiel. She hopefully assumes they must know why he didn’t show up to testify. Oh yes they know, and they solemnly and reluctantly tell her that no, there wasn’t an accident nor is he in the hospital. Kari deftly removes Luz from Alf’s arms as Alf assumes that Ez has left her and the children. Jero sadly corrects her; Ezequiel is dead. We hear her heart pound above her cries of anguish as she rushes to Jero, trying to beat him into changing his story. She collapses in his arms while Renata also tries to comfort her, and she falls onto the floor like a rag doll.
A young worker runs into Augi’s office with the news that Ezeq hung himself from a tree at La Bonita.
Alf is up off the floor, going hysterical while teetering precariously on her spiked heels. Jero and Renata hold Alf up while she demands what is she going to tell the children about their father? Ponchito arrives on cue, “My papito is dead? My school told me but it’s not true, right?” (Dang, news travels fast in the country!) Alf cries and hugs her son. He is dressed like a little man and tells her not to cry, he’ll take care of her. She sobs with renewed vigor.
Augi drives down the road grinning broadly (I want to smash his gleaming white teeth!!) while recalling Ezequiel’s fate. Melesio had set up an ambush in the road knowing Ez would be on his way to town. He feigns engine problems and when Ez leans in to check, Melesio chloroforms him and dumps Ez in the back of the truck. Augi, having learned not to trust his employees, steps out from behind a bush to watch. Note that he is wearing his stinky windbreaker of death.
In the next scene Melesio has set Ezeq’s unconscious body on a horse and has placed a noose around his neck. Please please please say he is going to do this while Ez is unconscious. Oh noes! Pour a shot, grab a chocolate, chug some tea! Augi is there and he waits for Ez to regain consciousness so he can taunt him. Ez calls him a coward, that is the difference between them; but Augi says after they find him hanging Ez will be thought to be the coward because only a coward would kill himself. (**See note below.) Ez yells Augie wouldn’t dare! But Evil Incarnate says yes he does dare. Ez asks Augi to think of his children, his wife. Augi smugly points out Ez should have thought of them. Ez keeps calling Augi desgraciado, as if he is cursing Augi, but Augustin just smiles and says “Adios amigo,” and thankfully the scene ends there. Oh that Augie is a bad bad dog.
Next we see a split screen of Ez on the gurney and Aug in his truck, smiling and saying “If you go against me you won’t live to tell the tale.” The bastard drives up to the scene, rushes out and cries a bucket of crocodile tears over the body while Laz cautiously observes.
Chema and dad are at the doc’s for a “Check Up” as Ben says in English. Chema wants to make it quick as he is keen to get back to work.
Back at the body Augi tearfully demands how could Ez do such a thing? Laz says he knew Ez didn’t want to testify but he never thought this would happen. Augi pretends and exclaims now that Laz mentions it maybe Ez was much more affected than Augi thought. He says Ez had a great fear that the authorities would find out about something in his past, something that might end up putting him in jail. It happened a long time ago, when Ez left the Valle de Guadalupe to look for a better life. But we were kids then, says Laz, it was a very long time ago, 18 years ago at least. Manuela wonders what could he have done that was so bad? Aug says Ez committed robbery while in the U.S. and they put him in jail. When he returned home from serving time he never told them that's what happened to him. The others can’t believe it, more “No puede sers.” (That’s it? That’s the big crime of 18 years ago? Am I missing something?)
Augustin is satisfied, believing he has secured his perfidy with a neat little knot of exaggeration. Yet behind him stands Lazaro, giving him a powerful stink eye filled with suspicion.
And now presenting in fashion color Wine Country Burgundy...

Avances: Because Ezequiel is dead Augustin “Canta Victoria” (sings victory) but Lazaro doesn’t buy it. It looks like Augi passes money to Roberta, I can only imagine why. Fina has broken out of the manicomio to harass Roberta (hooray!). And the voice-over promises that tomorrow will be a night full of surprises.

** I believe the suicide anvil hangs heavily over Augustin. When he thought Rafael killed himself over a woman he vowed Rafa was weak and he (Augi) would NEVER do such a thing for a woman. Tonight he once again states to Ezequiel that only a coward would kill himself. Is there someone in Augi’s past who killed him/herself or is this an anvil hanging around for Augi’s future demise? Will he eventually off himself for not gaining Renata’s love? I keep mulling this over as I imagine Augustin’s (hopefully) horrific end. Thoughts?
Labels: Cuando
Thank you for such a heartfelt recap of a dreadful capitulo.
You are right about Augie having a 'thing' about suicide. I hated seeing him at the scene daring to poisong Zeke's well after just having him killed in cold blood. I think this time Augie (because of his need to torment 'Zeke) got close enough to the murder that he could be charged himself.
And while it is true that many times suicide is a hostile act, it is always a desperate one. Hopefully, Zeke's friends will give him the benefit of the doubt. An autopsy should show the chloroform in his system, I think. Like you, I don't think that this 'suicide' dog just won't hunt.
As to how the cowardly and murderous Augie will make his final exit, I predict it will be dramatic and somewhat gruesome. There are some dangerous machinery and chemicals in a wine-making operation. Drowned in a vat of his own young wine? That seems apropos.
The only light moment in tonight's capitulo came in the meeting of Anibal and Alison. They were cute together from the start.
Over all, the whole thing was just awful. And how did Augustin know that Zeke would be found? He was supposed to be in Ensenada testifying, not on a lonely dirt road used by equestrians. How sad that Renata had to find him.
My word verification is "poxal" So I say a pox on Augie! May he richly reap the karma of his actions in this lifetime and in the TN land so we can see his inevitable evilll end.
The show left me depressed. Having no mezcal or Hershey's kisses I will settle for a glass of Joseph Phelps Reserve Cab, from 2003.
You are correct, overall it was just awful. I am exhausted. If I could exchange my shot of Mezcal for a Joseph Phelps 2003 I would in a heartbeat. Yet the cool smokiness is somehow cleansing.
I'm bummed. Did Augi threaten to poison Zeke's well? When? I should include that.
I liked Ezequiel and wanted him to triumph over Augustin. Life ain't fair!!!
Wow. What a downer. So sorry you had to recap this epi.
Now I have my self all nervous about where Zeke can be buried. As a suicide is he allowed to be buried in consecrated ground? Talk about adding insult to injury...
Oh, and I meant to say in my earlier post that the suicide dog just WON'T hunt, as far as Laz is concerned. Oops.
My hope is that Lazaro won't give up the scent and will hunt the dirty dog down. Augustin thinks he's slipped one over on everyone, but not Super Laz!
It seems that Renata is all things to everyone. She mothers Anibal, nurses Maritata (ugh), comforts Jero even when he's horrid, reassures Mati when she says stupid things, forgives her stupid sister time and time again. What a woman!
Oh woe is me! What a cruel and shocking way for Zeke to die. How horrifying the site of this body hanging in the background! Oh. My. Freaking. Gosh! I knew it was coming but it was bad.
Alfie's literally fighting the horrific news and collapsing was so real, so wrenching. As soon as they got there I was like, "somebody take the baaaayby!" Powerful scene.
I know it's too much to ask, but could somebody notice horse hooves in the dust and where was Zeke's truck and rope marks on his wrists and think about how he got up in the tree? So glad that Super Laz isn't buyin' it.
Sylvia, ITA and WTF?! Robbery? Is that it? I know Zeke was an honorable man and his word meant as much to him as his family but damn! I wish they had at least given us a sepia-toned grainy flashback of him killing someone in self-defense who was trying to rob HIM. Damn.
And yes, I went to bed thinking what would be fitting for Auggie. I agree with your premonition of a suicide anvil hanging over his head. I don't think he would do it over Renata, though. He's more the police have him cornered and he's not going to let those bastards take him alive. How does that come about? I don't know, some crimes of Auggies come to light, Arely may be a part of this, maybe Laz somehow gets to Mal-isio's conscience (I know, it's a stretch) and he rats Auggie out? Desgraciado is too good a word for this hell-born henchman of the devil! Uuuuuuuuf!
Thanks, Sylvia. The writers killed Zeke but you killed this recap!
1) Benjamin is not evil. The doctor said he HAD to bring Chema in for another check up on the tumor situation. Since Ben refuses to tell Chema the truth, he had to come up with an excuse for why Chema needed to go to the doc again. The insurance thing is a lie. Just a continuation of the lies till he dies plan.
2)Gitana didn't run off. Nata just pretended she did to tease Jero and run off, instead of giving him the "prize" he was asking for since he beat her in their horse race. There was probably going to be some more tree loving until the Zeke discovery.
3)The story Augie told about Zeke: Zeke did grow up in the Valle (so what we remember about him and Laz being friends since childhood is right), but he left when he was 18 to go find a better life. He ended up somewhere else where through poverty and desperation he committed robery (it seems it probably involved some sort of assualt) which landed him in jail. He told everyone that he went to the States (el Otro Lado) and that's where he was during that time. We assume that Augie must have done his due diligence before hiring him when he came back to Ensenada and found out Zeke had just returned from a Mexican jail, and not the States as everyone else thought. I can see him hiring Zeke knowing that someone with a past to cover up would be grateful, loyal, and easy to pressure into doing what he wanted.
I am so sorry you got such a sad episode. But you handled it like a pro. Even giving us a virtual "I miss Zeke" t-shirt. Gracias amiga.
There were some powerful scenes last night-- Zeke talking to baby Luz, the body discovery, Jero and Nata telling the LaB crew (SN's acting was particularly good), the actual murder, and of course Alfie's reaction as Jero and Nata tried to hold her up, and Kari quietly crying over Luz in the background. So much sadness surrounding this poor baby. And Panchito, as always, reacts like a little stoic man. I needed my hankies last night.
Perhaps that's why the writers gave us uber cute Alison and Anibal to lighten the mood at LaB.
Interesting theory about Augie meeting his end at his own hands since he often scorns suicide. I like Elna June's idea that he'll drown in his own vat of wine. I'll keep that image in my mind as we are forced to look at his smug face and crocodile tears the next few episodes at least.
As for the city folks, loved how Adri rubbed it in that Ibarrola is MARRIED, and I also love that the joke is on Berta. Her sugar daddy has a sugar mama. She won't be happy about that. She really needs to do her research first. I think both Matias and Hon said that German is a brilliant businessman. Just a womanizer. I can buy that. If corporations didn't do business with people simply because they have affairs/are womanizers, no one would be doing business with anyone! Heck, half our presidents would have never been elected! But they do think that it will be a huge problem for Gonzo if Berta is German's latest conquest and that he would be smart to stay away from her. Ha! Yeah, right.
Can't wait to see Fina torment Berta tonight.
I agree with Lila. Augie is as perverse and evil as Fernando in FELS and will likely go the same way.
Anyone want to speculate on the final fates of Fina and Blanca?
Lila, I am so with you. Where is CSI-Mexico when you need them? They should be noticing the tracks, shoe prints, how the heck he could have done it, etc. My comfort was that wonderful stare that Laz gave Aug at the end.
Speaking of the bottom feeder, I know I get too into these TN's when I almost through my wine glass (that was my bracer last night) at the TV screen when Aug drove up and flashed that grin. And then the flashback of the hanging...I couldn't even watch. Instead, I calmed myself with all sorts of befitting images how that slime of a jacket-hog can meet his end.
The scene with Alfi and Jero, well-done, but I was okay until Ponchito walked in. Waterworks kicked in and I need to go by kleenex today.
Only good moment, (and I wasn't sure I got the facts right so thanks for making my day this morning!) was the German info on the fact he's not the Sugar Daddy Berta thinks. Wonder how long they will let her string along until they tell her? Or maybe they won't? Payback's a bitch.
With upheaval at work and these episodes, my nerves are frayed this week. So hoping tonight is a bit less emotional. Thank you for the shirt image. The color will fit in nicely with a new pair of cords I have. I'll take one please.
As for tonight's episode, would anyone be willing/able to cover it? I am entirely swamped with pre-Thanksgiving coursework. Thought I could handle it this week but no dice.
Sylvia, your words penetrate our minds and hearts, ever impactful.
I had to smile at "ordering a hit is more soothing than an hour at Yoga class" and "hearts practically fly our of his ears".
I take comfort in Laz's stare - he isn't fooled.
"Oh dear Lord, as the scene opens we see Ezeq’s legs hanging from the tree behind Renata. NOOOOO!!!"
Very, very disturbing scene. We all were expecting something bad, but even so I was shocked and sickened by that scene.
Then of course the flashback to the actual murder... yikes! I don't know which was more alarming, Augie's almost cheery "Adíos amigo." or Melisio's gentle almost affectionate caressing and
scratching of the horse's ears as he waited to do the deed. Double yikes!
Adri was so on target with her probing and revealing questions about Germán's wife. Excellent.
We all figured out Germán as he oogled Adri's butt at the convention. one might think that Honorio would be especially sensitive to allowing a "known womanizer" (his very words I believe) after his Blanca adventure... but nooooo...
One good thing, Gitana seems happy, healthy, and safe. Renata must have fetched her home while we weren't looking.
OK, another good thing... no whiny self-pitying Marina last night... but at what price?
Fine actress that she is Renata's portrait of delayed shock was really good. She always does so much with small gestures that capture my attention.
Love the t-shirt. there a cape coming for Lazalo?
Vivi, thank you for the clarification on the details. I am glad that Ben is not an evil Auggie Daddy. I was just seeing evil everywhere last night I guess. I've updated the recap with the corrected details. I have such a hard time understanding Augustin all the time, and everyone else when they are blubbering.
I still think all that angst over a robbery is dumb, especially if he was a hungry kid. The things we do to ourselves.
Elna June I also just love your idea about a winery inspired death for Augustin. I'd hate to spoil a whole vat of wine for him but maybe if he still has that ruined vat sitting around we could dump him head first in that one? Or maybe stick him in a crusher? I saw a de-stemmer sort of machine one time that looked truly nasty. It could mangle him right up. Ah, I feel better already.
Thanks for your comments everyone. It was a tough episode but it was an excellent one. The acting was top notch. Even little Ponchito was believable. Heck, even tiny Luz was doing her part. Alejandro Ruiz (Ez) and Aleida Nunez (Alf) really knocked it out of the park last night.
Super Laz cape - I wonder if there is a cape designing site like those t-shirt designing sites? I'll have to look around.
Forgot to mention too...add me to the list of beanie blazers who wonder why a robbery charge was what was nagging on Zeke? Hopefully if they think about it, the usual group will suspect that a charge like that wouldn't be enough to cause him to take his own life. Can't remember if Zeke was shown as a religious man, but as a whole, the folks there are highly religious, and suicide at one time was highly frowned upon by the Catholic church and that would mean he couldn't be buried in consecrated ground. (Queue the padre scenes to see if that still holds). That may be enough to get Laz really on the trail tyo prove he didn't really do it.
Don't you just love that liberal arts education!?
Isn't he the first almost main protagonista character that has been in more than 2-3 episodes to die--and such a horrible death.
I hope the SEMEFO (thank you, Sylvia) figures out that he couldn't have hanged himself. It would have been kinda hard to do it yourself on such a high limb without a truck or a horse under you.
Augie now deserves the most awful punishment ever; to gloat over the death of another human being, deserves something beyond justice in a penal institution. Hanging or electrocution is too good for him.
At least they threw a few crumbs our way to relieve the sorrow in the Berta-German and Alison-Anibal (and as someone so clearly indicated in MEPS--who names their kid Anibal, anyway).
Now to read the comments (sorry if there is a lot of duplication in sentiment).
Augustin is so horrible, he even patted Ezequiel's knee while he was verbally tormenting him. He is a bad, BAD man. ITA with NOK, he deserves a truly horrific demise.
Urban, I don't see Fina and Blanca having a lasting friendship. They need each other right now but they are both control freaks and alpha bitches. I would love to see an ending where they are somehow stuck with each other and end up doing each other in. I'm not sure how that would work, I have to think about it. But I suspect one will survive longer than the other. I cannot speculate who that one will be.
Grateful for the appearance of young Allison - looks like a nice, innocent kid and hope she and young Anibal can be buds and stay the hell out of trouble!! Leave the foolishness to the grownups, please!
Sad, sad, sad about Exequiel and since Alfonsina will end up telling somebody about overhearing him tell the baby that he had to disappear, that will be a complication to the murder, not suicide, theory.
We watch too much NCIS. I saw "SEMEFO" on the van and thought, no, that should read "NCIS" and David McCallum should be examining the corpse. Anyway.
Maybe this isn't fair, but I really wanted Alfonsina to turn off the waterworks for Panchito.
I'm withholding judgment on German. First day on the job, wife out of town, and a chance for dinner w/ someone to talk to. That said, Roberta's said enough for his witch (to be polite) alarm to be ringing all bells and whistles. She looked really nasty (to be polite) with all the eye shadow. Maybe he is a womaizer, but hopefully an old enough and smart enough womanizer to avoid a workplace entanglement.
Thanks again, Sylvia!
You brought such sensitivity to this recap, but thankfully still had your humor ("ordering a hit is more soothing than an hour at yoga class"), your attention to detail (looking up the meaning of SEMEFO) and creativity (coming up with a tee-shirt).
I was hoping Zeke would just be left for dead and miraculously recover like so many of the characters. Never foresaw the sadistic gloating before death by hanging...truly the most grisly and emotionally painful death of a "good" character that I've ever seen in these telenovelas. Very depressing.'re a peach to volunteer again so soon and
@Carlos...looking forward to your wry sense of humor to lift us all up out of the doldrums.
I had no York Mint Patties and no booze last night. Went through it cold turkey. And was utterly miserable. Hope there are some rays of light tonight.
That's an interesting theory you posed about the suicide anvil hanging over Agustin's head. I'll have to think about that.
The speculation about whether Zeke can be buried in sacred ground is interesting. Rafa was buried in the churchyard even though he supposedly committed suicide. Was that because there was doubt?
Again, kudos to the actors. This was an extremely well acted episode. Alfi's performance was heart wrenching. And Sylvia, your description of her attempt to beat a denial out of Jero was masterful.
So hard to watch. But like most of you I am looking forward to the Blanca/ Fina plotting and especially tonight's torture of Roberta.
I, like you all, am chuckling at the irony that Berta's sugar daddy has a sugar mama, as Vivi said.
Yes, Carlos! Looking forward to your recap of tonight's episode. Yo are so insightful -- and clever.
We know it will be good.
Willa and I will now go off to the Corrales Bosque to commune with the Rio Grande and the transiting cranes and geese that visit us this time of year on their way to Mexico.
I love Maná and have many of their CDs so was somewhat perturbed by giving the beautiful song of Mariposa Tacionera to the "perfidious pair" as you called them so aptly.
Matilde steps in it daily it seems. But she was only a slight diversion last nlght and thanks be to the heavens that Maritatas cried off camera.
Augustin's evil grin and enjoyment: "For Augi, ordering a hit is more soothing than an hour at Yoga class." 'nuff said, perfect image.
I am holding hands over Willa's fluffy ears, and assuring her that none of you were thinking of the noble poodle when comparing Augie to dirty dogs.
Carlos, I am so glad you have a greed to give us tonight's recap. Amy deserves the break so she can study and concentrate and we will all enjoy a Carlos Special! I will particularly prize it since I am going back to Bosque del Apache to photograph birds for the weekend and the hotel I am staying at although in the heart of NM does not have a Spanish TV channel. What is the world coming to when Socorro, NM is not part of the Univision world. Sheesh! So I will have my computer and internet connection and will check frequently between photo editing sessions after dark.
Sylvia, I loved Lila's hug so I will do one too:
We are all immensely grateful for your beautiful writing. No one else could have handled this with your total love and devotion. Mil gracias.
Does anyone know of a site where I can get a head start?
Another story line I am really looking forward to with great glee is the Berta/German pairing. I just love how they are both using each other with no clue to the disappointment down the road. German is an experienced womanizer? Ha, I suspect he is an amateur user when it comes to Berta. I fully expect her to chomp him up and spit him out. Bring it on German!
Mike, not only was I not looking forward to the episode, we spent yesterday afternoon and evening meeting with the estate lawyers and creating a big old to-do list. Luckily there is a family trust which saves a HUGE amount of time, hassle and money. And then of course we decided to treat ourselves to dinner. As it turned out I very much enjoyed the episode even though it was cringe-inducing. The acting was just that good. And I find the concentration during recapping to be meditative.
Cheryl, it sounds like you have an amazing day/weekend planned. Of course when we dis bad dogs we exclude all royalty such as Willa. Sometimes I forget she is a dog.
Most of the sites have pulled the CME downloads. I just checked and Cap 150 (1/4) can be found on Daily Motion. Then it looks like another 30 minutes or so can be found on Cap 150 Part 2
I liked your phrase about Augie's "stinky windbreaker of death." Oh yeah!
The acting was so wonderful, especially Ez with Luz, Alfie with Jero, and Super-Laz giving Augie the stinkeye. Lazaro can smell a skunk (in WV we call 'em polecats!) way earlier than everyone else. Sic him, Laz!!
Carlos, I'm so looking forward to your recap. It has been too long. And, Lila, thanks for volunteering so soon after your award-winning debut!
Sylvia, I liked your idea of Augie falling into a grape crusher. I started to say something about Augie-doggie ending up as Alpo, but Cheryl reminded us that Willa would be mortified! Let's let Augie-hamburger end up as chum for the fishies!!
Word verification is 'mantric' Die, Augie, Die, Augie, Die.....
Please sign me up for the Zeke shirt! We need to start a CarayCaray gift shop, then we'll be able to identify Caraymates walking down the street (or crying in the airport... I still laugh at Daisy doing that in her I Heart Chema shirt).
Amidst all the angst, I loved your ongoing humor like Mat and Adri, Mat and Renata, Mat and Roberta.
What's Roberta's deal going after a married man? In ChangeYourLife 101, maybe she can start by finding someone unattached? As much as we keep rooting for her, she has such a long way to go before she is even decent. I don't think this telenovela lasts that long. Is she still going to say that Zeke pushed himself on her, now that he is dead?
Since I got behind, as always, during the week, I have to laugh at everyone's comments. The one I loved the most was JULIA's about Padre Tio being so long in the hospital and did they just tell him he has pneumonia but really he's dying of a tumor imminently. That really cracked me up and objectifies how silly the whole Chema plotline is.
I am looking forward to reading a Carlos re-cap! Get some good studying in, Amy, and try to drop in with a comment or two. You've become a regular fixture to our weekends.
Rosemary la Otra
Wow, our Augie really does have his little issues, doesn't he? I too have been thinking of appropriate ways for him to exit this life, and am currently gravitating toward something involving a wood chipper.
Mike, re your question yesterday about DEFCON, I remember that during the Cuban Missle Crisis, but never when I was in the military, and I was in Korea during both the Arab-Israeli war of 1967 (when we were administratively extended) and the Pueblo Incident of Jan, 1968 (when the ca-ca really hit the fan). Did the Air Force use DEROS (Date Estimated to Return from Over Seas) or ETS (Estimated Termination of Service)?
Carlos, I'm looking forward to your efforts with tonight's episode. Your comments are so on target and complete that I'm sure the recap will be an enjoyable read.
What kind of a suicidal person takes the time to tie a hangman's noose before offing himself?
For those of you who expressed support for my son in Iraq, I got an email from him yesterday in which he estimated he will be back in the U.S. on the 29th of this month - so we'll miss him for Thanksgiving, but he'll be with us for Christmas ;)
David in IN
Emilia, no we would never think of turning Augi into (gasp!) dog food. However I can report that the man-eating sharks would happily chomp him down and leave extra bits for the crabs and starfish. Did you know that sharks bite first, then circle and wait for the victim to bleed out before eventually finishing the job? Sounds appropriate for Augustin.
Thanks for the group hugs y'all. I really needed it after last night's episode!
I'm just a little slooooow....
Can't make t-shirts, but I'm happy to crochet a beanie for whoever wants one. Mine certainly came in handy last night! I have plenty of yarn, probably for a beanie the size of a Volkswagen, just let me know... Emartin105 at
But to dwell on the morbid for just a moment... that noose was already fairly taut when Zeke was sitting on the horse, which means he probably didn't fall far enough to snap his neck and kill him instantly. Augie made him slowly suffocate. Even WORSE. Evil ratbastart. David, I like your idea. Augie can throw himself into a woodchipper.
They'd better do a full investigation, like Laz wants. An old robbery charge is not worth killing oneself over. Plus, there should be evidence of the chloroform, of his hands having been tied, etc. Plus, he had driven his truck there, and then used a horse for the suicide? Did Augie and Melesio move the truck to make it look like he'd gone to the hacienda and taken a horse? If the truck was at the hacienda, wouldn't Augie realize Zeke hadn't gone to Ensenada? How would he explain that? Did they just let the horse run loose to help the story?
Chatty Mati needs to learn how to shut up. Honestly. I wonder if she'll ever have to realize that it was her big mouth that was the final nail in Zeke's coffin.
But at least we had cute Anibal and Alison to cheer things up. Don't do anything evil, kids.
Carlos, I am so looking forward to your recap. It's been too long!
What a lot of wisdom and humor we have in this little group. Not only is your recap a gem, Sylvia, but the comments have all been so well put.
Auggie was so despicable in this episode.That grin on his face as he drove to the site of the hanging was cringe inducing. I too wanted to "smash his gleaming white teeth!!" Sylvia, I loved your description of his performance at the death scene "Augustin is satisfied, believing he has secured his perfidy with a neat little knot of exaggeration." Nicely phrased.
Hard ep to watch let alone recap, Sylvia... my kudos to you
here is my cyberhug!
LOved your snark! can't chose one!..
For Augi, ordering a hit is more soothing than an hour at Yoga class.
They toast as Mana’s “Mariposa Traicionera” (Treacherous Butterfly) plays in the background. (Who remembers this song from Tontas? Theme song to another rotten sister I might add.)
Anibal sighs while birdies and hearts practically fly out of his ears.
Famous last words Director Dumba$$. I’d hide the letter opener if I were you.
We hear her heart pound above her cries of anguish as she rushes to Jero, trying to beat him into changing his story.
Augi, having learned not to trust his employees, steps out from behind a bush to watch. Note that he is wearing his stinky windbreaker of death.
that Augie deserves a self-accidentally-imposed death... the grape crusher sounds good as does some slow burning fire he can't escape from...
Berta... well, whatever grief she gets from a combination of German and Fina, she asked for it. hopefully she will get to confess and earn some points/forgiving someday.
Totally agree on the Nibal and Allison pair, they look great together... and I did see the butterflies and hearts fly around.
Looking forward to your recap, Carlos! go for it!
Where to begin. Well Judyb. Is it what you thought it would be? It’s exactly how I thought, though I did think later they might have killed him and then strung him up.
I had to fast forward through the flashback. I watched a little, but after that horrible grin of Auggie’s when he came to the crime scene, I couldn’t stomach it. I also couldn’t stomach his crying scene. No jail for this guy. He must die. And not suicide. It must be horrible.
I thought Alfie’s breakdown scene was phenomenal. What an excellent actor. And loved that Kari took the baby because she sensed what was coming.
So sad and then this: “Note that he is wearing his stinky windbreaker of death.” I laughed out loud then felt horribly guilty.
I’m with Vivi. I like the way they say “Anibal”. Though when I first heard it in MEPS, I thought it sounded a little too feminine for a man—if said incorrectly sounds like “Annabelle”.
I want the Jerk Augie's jacket caught on the trailer hitch of his truck and then have someone drag him all over the wine country until he is no more than pulp that can be use for shark food.
Does he really think that because he did not do the deed that blood is not on his hands? I also wonder if Mati has any feeling of guilt for all of her talking out of school - I do think she had been warned.
Loved your t-shirt but I now want one that says "I Odio Augie".
Rosemary #1
The Catholic Church now believes that someone that commits suicide is mentally ill and did not know what he/she was doing so it not a sin and said deceased can be buried according to the rites of the Catholic Church.
Rosemary #1
R la O
As to the hangman's noose... I had the same thought. If there were ever a fishy suicide scene, this is it. Surely a careful analysis of the scene and an adequate autopsy will reveal the truth. I noticed at least they had the crime scene tape cordoning off the area.
Thanks for the link, Sylvia. You're a peach.
Thanks for the encouragement everyone. I'll try not to disappoint.
Julia, I adore your diabolical Augi endings. Yes yes yes and the sharks and crabbies still get to eat.
Folks, I just love my beanie made special for me by Emilia. You should definitely take her up on her offer.
David, glad you have good news and will be welcoming your brave son home soon.
Robey, no...I just saw the part where Zeke was hauled into the truck and was hoping for a resurrection. I never would have foreseen the wretched, tortured hanging. I'm still in shock.
Congratulations on your son's impending return from Iraq. Your family must be very proud of him and VERY glad to have him back in town.
R la O
Perhaps my take on Roberta is too psychological, so you'll forgive the bias, I hope when I opine on why Roberta would hook up with a married guy.
Roberta, as written, is a VERY sad character. She is like a balloon with a painted face on the outside but nothing inside but hot air. Her core sense of self is, more or less missing,so she will always seek someone else to fill in her identity blanks.
If she can't make a what should be a positive self identification (like with her Mother) she will define herself by her emptiness, what she doesn't have. She gets something out of participating in her Mother's schemes because she has a role, and for a moment that job makes her feel important and less empty. When she tires of Fina's endless evil, all she can see inside is her own emptiness and she blames Renata for having everything.
Really, as a character she is written (psychologically) very well, and by that I mean very consistently. She has a terrible role model, no self esteem and she is spiteful and vindictive. For her to have a miraculous change of heart at this point would be, well unbelievable and unsustainable. She's a pretty ruined person.
Now to the choice of Hernan (married man) or however we spell his name. Hernan is a player, and he gave Berta the once over when they first met. That would be all it would take to pique her interest. He was attracted to her. That outside interest kind of, you could say, fills up her empty balloon with hot air and she is SO needy she will do virtually anything to get attention. She is also splitting from her Mother which, although highly beneficial in the long run could make her feel especially bereft now.
A man like Hernan would smell her neediness/vulnerability like a shark smells blood in the water. Hernan may just be Roberta's comeuppance/anvil, because he can give her NOTHING she is longing for...not emotional security and love, not money, not self esteem.
It is a tragic turn of events for her character, because he will leave her even more emotionally devastated than before. Her choice for Hernan is sort of an emotional suicide.
He is just a user, pure and simple.
Great writing though and very lifelike.
My take, for what it is worth.
Wonder who Augie will tap for the next capataz of the Twisted Cruz.
If we really want to get technical, why on earth didn't Jero take 2 min. to call 911 and tell the police & rescue where to come. If Nata hadn't been so distraught, he should have stayed with the body until the authorities came.
I hadn't thought about the noose being so artfully prepared. The propmaster must have watched too many Westerns (US) and wanted it to be authentic and got just the opposite. Maybe it was deliberate and Laz figures it out.
David--Great expectations for you and your family....Give the kid (he's probably not Anibal's age, right?) two turkeys for Christmas and one for every one he's missed.
As for the knot on the noose, I guess they figure Zeke works on a ranch/hacienda and knows his way around a good knot. Weren't we just criticizing Kari for her LACK of knot tying skills. LOL!
You are so welcome.
By the way, I should have also said that because I have compassion for her character I certainly do not find her sympathetic. She's really quite dreadful.
After I sent the post I was afraid I may have strayed too far into professional projections onto the TN characters. Perhaps I need MY head examined???!!!
LOL at myself,
I'll never forgot Julia using her architectural engineering expertise to explain how some of those whopping big breasts are held up and contained within their brassieres.
Julia, remind me to always be real nice to you.
EJ, great analysis of Roberta. I just thought she was a bee-atch!
and Julia, remind me to steer clear of you when you are angry. Your death plan for Augie - while exactly right - is extremely, um, imaginative!
Reading comments just wanted to say you hit an obvious chink in the suicide story I missed: "What kind of a suicidal person takes the time to tie a hangman's noose before offing himself?" Was a damned neat, expert noose! Duh! This cannot stand!
I may need an official Emilia brand beanie. They're so highly recommended! I've been trying to knit myself a beanie (well, a hat) and it isn't going well. I've pulled it apart and started over seven times already. I do have one I made last Christmas with my mother's supervision, but it's double-layer wool and too warm for indoor telenovela-watching.
Vivi, thanks for the happy Zeke picture. I'm afraid tonight's episode is going to be an overload of sadness. I'm looking forward to finding out how Augie is going to be found out, though...I hope it doesn't take weeks and weeks.
David - how wonderful about your son coming home. Is this for good, or a visit? How will you explain your transformation from a nice, stable dad to a quirky Caraymate?
EJ - great analysis on Roberta. Thanks for spelling it out for us. It is because of this tainted upbringing that we've been so patient and hopeful with her. If only this, if only that. But, I tell you... if she follows through with spreading lies about Zeke, I will definitely stop rooting for her to change, and will assign her to Julia's Death Panel.
R la O
Vivi: Terabyte (your phenomenal memory)
Julia: La Julia de Abu Ghraib (for your designs for Agustinian justice)
Elna June Sonoma: Elna Jung Freud (for your psychoanalytical skills)
the rest of you are in the queue.
David, so good to hear your boy will be back by the end of the month. Will he get to come to Vincennes or will he have to go to his home station for the holidays? If you wanna bat the military stuff, shoot me a note: Nav130 at gmail "punta" com.
Ha! Word verification is "looth" like Sylvester the Cat's baby tooth.
Masterful treatment of a difficult episode! Wow! I missed last night and was kind of glad I had a conflict. I'd seen it before - once is enough!
Thanks for bringing up the Marposas Traicioneras song - perfect for Roberta. DH and I went to find the song, and we got a big kick out of it because my husband is a serious butterfly photographer. We haven't run across a mariposa traicionera yet, but there is a "Malicious Skipper" LOL! Though what that poor insect did to the scientist who named it to earn such a name - I can't imagine.
Cheryl, your beanie is amazing and yes, you do have an enchanting smile. I need to take a picture of my custom beanie. It is SO COOL! I'm glad you had a good day.
Emilia may I order a TN beanie in the proper colors for an aging redhead? Any green would do. Mike, I LOL at my nickname. I am humbled but I LOVE it.
Cheryl, You are fabulous in your beanie. Good luck in this weekend's photo safari—may all the birds pose for you as beautifully as you did for the camera.
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