Saturday, November 12, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo, week of 11/14/11: Discuss amongst yourselves

¡Hola amigos! Como siempre, voy a empezar con mi novela preferida, Las familias sin suerte:

LA CASA DE AL LADO – as of Friday

Who is Anderson Chuncler? --or-- The Trail of the Red Herrings

Earlier this week:

It’s Adolfo!
In Ismael’s hideout, a snapshot of Ismael himself and “Anderson Chuncler” falls out of a copy of La Casa de al Lado.

(Also let’s not forget: it was Ismael who many months earlier was reading And Then There Were None, the Agatha Christie murder mystery that was such an inspiration to our psychos. Could “Leonardo” have secretly been writing his own homage to the Christie classic during the hours he was confined to his room, supposedly motionless?)

No ... wait ... it’s Javier!
We learn of Javier’s secret journals, those green-bound volumes recording, in exhaustive detail, everything about his family and the Condes – rich source material for La Casa. Not only that, he has taken to closeting himself in the study where he consults these journals and writes and writes ... something.

Or ... is it Ignacia? Or Ig’s shrink?
The sequel to La Casa, Condenados, has just appeared. One copy was delivered to the public library and Emilio and Ignacia have begun reading it. They make a troubling discovery: the dedication is a transcript of Ignacia’s recurrent nightmare, the one where she wakes up terrified because someone close to her is about to kill her. You were never faithful to anyone ... not even to yourself. Who knows the dream script? Ignacia does. And so does her psychiatrist, a woman we haven’t seen on camera for a while.

Last night:

Emilio is puzzled by what he has read in Condenados so far. Unlike La Casa, which describes recognizable occurrences in the lives of the Condes, this new book talks about things which have never happened. Maybe, suggests Sebastián, this book is talking about what is going to happen. Uh oh. In the new book there are three siblings. And the oldest sister is going to die...

A sweaty, creepy kind of guy we’ve never seen before tells a black-gloved figure that the first copy of Condenados has been delivered to the library. Now what are they going to do with the other nine copies?

We see a shadowy figure slipping into the Casa Conde (the big house, that is) in the dark of night and leaving another copy on what is now Javier’s desk, next to his copy of La Casa. And we see Javier’s surprise at finding it there in the morning.

And then we get a little jolt which leads us to wonder ... could the writer be the new age nerd, Sebastián?
We see Dr. Reasonable wake up still wearing his street clothes – he seems to have fallen asleep on the couch. And on the table in front of him is a copy of Condenados as well as several notebooks filled with hand-written entries. (The herring trail is pointing to Sebastián. Is he really involved? Interesting. That would make each and every one of Pilar’s suitors evil and/or insane. No exceptions. None.)

Later on at the office Hilda is futzing around her boss’s desk and notices a snapshot of Sebastián with an elderly man (Mr. Chuncler, I presume). Nice picture, she says: Is that you and your dad? Her question appears to make Sebastián squirm.

Let’s check in with the Conde kids:

Carola pulls the old sneak-in-and-pop-up-in-the-backseat-of-the-car trick on Sebastián and persuades him to drive her to her bio-mom Carmen’s place. Carmen agrees to let Carola hide out there for now.

Carola fills Carmen in on Gonzaki – she’s not just suspicious of him, she is certain he’s Iñaki, the worst man in the world, the person behind all her family’s suffering and the person who framed her by planting drugs in her bag.

Against Carmen’s better judgment, Carola puts on a pair of lentes oscuros and a gorra (not exactly an invisible cloak, but they will have to do) and heads out to do some detecting. She has to find proof of Gonzaki’s guilt.

She’s convinced that Ismael’s old girlfriend, Lidia, can help her. You remember -- Lidia’s the one who was run over and nearly died the last time she talked to the Conde girls. Yes, Lidia is back in Miami, she is told by a waitress where the girl used to work; she doesn’t want to be found; and she certainly wants nothing to do with Carola or Ignacia. (And who can blame her? Has anyone been involved with these women and come out unscathed?)

Ignacia accepts Javier’s deal. She agrees to abort her pregnancy if he’ll return the house to Renato. How does she know he’ll do what he promises? She has his word!

Emilio poses for the Silver Boys website. Since he’s wearing a cute little mask over his eyes, no one will recognize him. Right. Meanwhile Yolanda trucks on over to Silver Boys headquarters to see what kind of service the business provides. Unlike innocent Hilda, Yolanda seems to recognize – and be scandalized by -- the product they are selling.

As for the rest of the gang:

Adolfo is off-stage at the moment -- everyone but Mabel and Ignacia thinks he’s dead. Or so it seems.

Gonzaki keeps up the pressure on the cops to hunt down Carola Conde.

The Ghost of Igor Mora keeps up the pressure inside Gonzaki’s head.

Pilar tells Gonzo the move to the new house will have to wait. (As Alex pointed out yesterday, this probably comes as an enormous relief to Gonzaki.)

She is undaunted by Javier’s ever more shameless threats and posturing. She is going forth with her charges of domestic violence against him. Gonzaki helps her prep for her first appearance before the judge. It’s a shame Rebeca can’t testify, says Pilar wistfully – she would have made a compelling witness.

Rebeca is still Javier’s captive – or maybe we should think of her as being in protective custody? He keeps taunting. Her eyes keep haunting. (And I keep hoping that she’s going to pull a “Leonardo” – that she is secretly recovering some mobility and at the right moment will use it to escape.)

And lastly there’s Hilda. She’s going to need a new job since Sebastián’s regular secretary is coming back to work. (Will Hilda leave the flat screen in the office? It’s probably too large for her room in the pensión where we (finally) learn she is living.) Is her glimpse of Sebastián’s snapshot with his “dad” going to have unpleasant consequences?


Ahora te toca a ti --

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Hola Jean,
Would you mind tagging this for me?

Mi Corazon:
Since I don't know Spanish, I won't do justice to recapping, but Friday's episode picked up where it left off -- in the candle-lit grotto of the Virgin Mary where Andres hauled a protesting, handcuffed Lola. We were shown flashbacks as he explained to her that Angel and Diana were secretly working together to split them apart and take over their wealth as Tiberio's replacements. Andres finally told Lola about "nice guy" Angel's sexual harassment of Diana, their past together at Harvard and that Angel probably has Soledad.

The next morning, Andres and Lola are kissing on her front steps. She tries to sneak inside, but her conniving gang is also waiting inside for her expected announcement of canceling her wedding to Angel. Their cheering is interrupted by a snarling Angel who wonders where she was all night. She returns his ring and he almost smacks her.

Meanwhile, Diana has been stewing over Andres' disappearance. She's also very alarmed about the "electrician" whom Marcus also called "comissario". She brings up Rodrigo's photo on her laptop for her mom, and is furious that Rodrigo has been poking around her mom's place. She storms into his headquarters, but is stopped by Mora because Rodrigo and his boss are tied up with their video conference with her old law professor. I missed a lot, but the professor implied that she and Angel were inseparable, that she took a year off as a single mother, and that someone wealthy (Tiberio?) paid her tuition.

Soledad pretends to be asleep while Felix makes out with Vicky who picks his pocket and tosses his cell phone to Soledad who then calls Rodrigo while he's talking to the professor. I'm not sure what message Soledad sent.

Is it my imagination, or do the police also suspect that Marcelo tried to murder Laura and Andres by sabotaging their plane? And why is there no police investigation of Camilo's hit-and-run and the sabotaging of Andres' parachute?


No need to apologize for your recap, Mary. You did a great job.

I absolutely loved that scene with Lola and Ángel in her Living Room. It took place shortly after The Vested One had shown a bit of his real self to Pepe, Etelvina and Adelita. He snarled at them at the end of it that as soon as he and Lola were married they were out on the street.

Lola tried to let him down gently. She told him it would be unfair to marry him loving another man and surely there would be lots of woman who would want him. He became insane with rage, almost hit her, and grabbed hold of her. It took Pepe, Etelvina brandishing a broom and Adelita yelling to get him to let go.

This did not go the way I thought it would. I was amazed Lola finally caved in and recognized she couldn't marry a man she didn't love. I didn't think she'd wake up until closer to the ceremony.


I love the way you itemize your recaps, NovelaMaven. Yes, this was the trail of red herrings indeed.

I know it won't happen, but if I were Rebeca, I'd just shut my eyes when Javier comes in to taunt me. Why give him the satisfaction of acknowledging his presence? And, speaking of eyes, why didn't one of these dummies use the one blink if yes, two blinks if no strategy?

Carmen, Carola's bio-mom, continues to appear ambiguous to me. At first she didn't even want to let Carola in. And, when she went to see Eva, I was suspecting her to hit her up for money (Not that they have much; but Carmen may not know that.) But, in the long run, she seems to be caring about Carola.

I don't know how it's going to turn out, but Ignacia is more stupid than I thought if she believes Javier will give back the house he was obsessed enough to kiss the walls on if she aborts.

Ignacia drives me nuts, but it's remotely possible she could be a good mother, since she wants it so badly. I hate to see her snookered by Javier. And, why the heck does he want her to abort so badly? Presumably, it was to keep it a secret from Pilar, but that ship sailed when Andrea overheard. He knows that Andrea knows.

Mi Corazon:
Thanks, Novelera, and LOL!: The Vested One! He's becoming as crazy as Tiberio! Does he really believe the police won't be suspicious if his wealthy bride conveniently dies on their honeymoon?


t e r r i f i c recap! tnx.

the black-gloved figure could be Gonzaki but according to that foto Sebastian knows the fake Chuncler very well and he's been keeping this secret for some reason. what's that reason? is Sebastian the real writer of the mysterious books? or is he in cahoots with him/her? we can be sure that Gonzo knows nothing about Sebastian. but we can't be this sure about Ismael. I'm thinking of Mabel too...


Part One

When Sacramento wisely asks about how far along the pregnancy is, Cat, offended, tells him that Rafael never touched her after she and Sacto became lovers. But there was that one night. I think that was when he was forcing her to take sedatives. She woke up in bed with a smirking Rafa. But I don’t remember if this was before or after bedding Sacto on some hay. [Ouch!] She ends up telling him it’s his choice whether to be a part of the baby’s life or not.

Amanda is still trying to save Alicia. Having seen her with El Asqueroso, she tells her he’s a narco. She points out that their pain was very similar. She lost Pablo but managed to try to build a life for herself. But Alicia isn’t buying it. She tells Amanda just to leave her to her destiny. Alicia also tells Amanda that Sacto is wonderful; she should keep him. Amanda tells her his jealousy frightens her. And, also, no me gusta que se crea tan perfecto que critique a los demás.

Rafa comes up to Zahra and Tío Pancho at the election party and thinks he’s really clever. He says that he and Pancho have similar tastes, insinuating that he “got there” before Tío. But our Tío is more than a match for him. Me parece muy poco de caballeros que se jacte de lo que hizo o no hizo con una dama. Aparte de si usted fue primero que yo, no me importo, ahora ella está conmigo. Allá usted si no supo valorarla, y finalmente la perdió. This was good on so many levels. First of all, he’s shown Rafa that he doesn’t care who Zahra slept with before. Second, he’s demonstrated that he doesn’t think Rafael is a gentleman, or he wouldn’t mention such a thing. Clearly, people from HIS class do not. And he leaves Rafa speechless. I’m hoping he doesn’t have to pay too dearly for scoring these points.

After her brave show with Sacto, Cat cries with hurt and rage. She can’t believe he’s still going to stay with Amanda after she’s played her best card.

Ana has shown up uninvited at the party. When Rafa doesn’t want her by his side she begins to try to lord it over La Mina and Piruetas. Piru sarcastically asks her when the wedding is to be, Anaconda. La Mina pretends to scold him. “Don’t you see that she’s going to be Mrs. Urrieta?” And, to Ana, why don’t you ask him for some clothes, because you look more like a servant than a wife.


Part Two

Ines’ horrible mother tells her that she needs to make sure the inheritance isn’t split in too many ways since she’ll be marrying José María.

Lourdes is beside herself that the party is going so well. She calls Rocío a zorra, which doesn’t go over well with Mariano. She calls Cat the same thing, telling him that, while he’s busy protecting her, he’s losing the election.

Zahra tries to reason with Ana at the party. Ana scornfully asks what’s going on with Santa Amanda Bendita and says she hopes her sister won’t be such an idiot as to come looking for her at the hacienda (her worst fear, although she isn’t owning up to it).

Sacto has endured a tongue lashing from Frigida, and the will reading proceeds. At first it’s the lawyer, Andrés, who speaks but then we hear the voice of Raimundo himself. His first clause is that Sacto be declared his legitimate heir. Frigida leaps up screeching, but JM tells her to sit down and shut up. Sacto says he doesn’t want to upset “la señora” and asks where can he sign to renounce the inheritance.

The next part of the will is that Raimundo wants Sacramento to run the hacienda because JM will be practicing medicine and won’t have the time. He wants all three of his children to share the inheritance in three equal parts. His wife will have the usufructo universal of his properties while she lives but, in no way can she sell anything without the signature and consent of his three children.

After a screeching match, Frigida retires with Manuela. She proceeds to tell her daughter that Don Rai never loved her and never loved Manuela and JM either. He only ever loved Penélope. What a b*tch!

Gabriel catches CC and Dudi kissing passionately. He immediately reverts to his bratty self, assuming his mother is selling her body to Dudi. He runs off, but CC catches up with him. When he tells her his aunts were right about her, she tells him those aunts never gave a dime to her grandmother. And the house he lived in, the food he ate, and the school he went to were all paid for by her “work”.

Piruetas does a modern, hip-hop kind of dance with the P’s. At the end he strips to his undies, black ones with “Vote for Rocío” in sequins on the back.

As Sacto is preparing to go back to Timotes, JM tells him he needs to think this over carefully. He can give his family, including the new one on the way, a better life if he takes advantage of the opportunity to run the hacienda.

José María helps Rocío back to her casita with the leftover election materials. They openly discuss the problem between them of what she did before. She tells him not ALL of the guys Mariano had at the debate had been with her. He tells her how he feels about her and they kiss.

Meanwhile, Dudi, distraught over what happened with Gabriel, has gotten roaring drunk. La Mina gets it out of him that Sacto and Amanda did not go so very far away, in fact they are working in a restaurant in Timotes.

La Mina, having heard Rafa tell her at the party that he’d throw her out in the street if she didn’t come up with something soon, goes to the hacienda and tells Rafa: “I know where your Flor Salvaje is.” Rats!


Thanks for the recap, NovelaMaven. I was thinking that maybe Adolfomael Photoshopped the picture of Sebastian, who has nothing to do with this. But it's much more fun (and crazy) if Sebastian IS in on all of this. My theory continues that Adolfomael wrote the books, but who knows. It certainly doesn't look as if Javier wrote the second book, at least judging from his reaction when it appeared on his desk.

I liked Yolanda's look of recognition when she figured out what the receptionist meant when asking if she wanted any "services".

Javier definitely doesn't want a baby with Ignacia - it messes up his case against Pilar, among other things. But as for whether he'll give back the house, this has to be moot - there's NO WAY the writers will let Ignacia get an abortion, right? I've never seen anyone except extremely bad characters get them in telenovelas.

On the other hand, if Ignacia is killed, as forecast in the book, that would solve Javier's problem. But of course he wouldn't return the house, because no one else knows about the deal. I sure hope Ignacia doesn't get killed, though. So far, no major characters have died (lots of minor ones, though).

One of the ironies of this show is all the problems faced by the villain Gonzalo. Besides his weakness of love for Pilar, he has to worry about Adolfo, his former co-conspirator, Javier, who knows nothing about the plot, but keeps things hopping for his own ends, Carola the junior detective, and maybe even Mabel. Combine that with the guilt from his father's ghost, and I can see why he's going nuts!


Great job NovelaMaven :) This thing is getting more interesting each day, I'm glad I got on board.

I don't know the story behind Renato losing the house or any of that, but the scene Friday when Renato came over to talk with good! I watched that one twice it was so good. I've always loved Miguel Varoni's work and in this one it's no different. The guy is so good! And when Gonzalo comes right into the house, walks right by Javier...Javier's like "lo que faltaba" haha and then "bienvenido,estas in tu casa" I was cracking up, had to rewind!

That whole scene, I mean while Ignacia is saying that she was mistaken, I'm watching Javier and Gonzalo's reactions...first rate stuff right there. Then the face of Renato...priceless!

I'm also confused on Inaki/Gonzaki.

I liked the scene with the hidden guy looking at the remaining 9 copies of Condenados. And then a mystery guy droping the book off in Javier's study. The mystery of it makes it a fun novela.


This one is starting to lose my interest...not much they can do it seems. We see a preview of Rafa seated en el merendero for Monday and Flor's reaction. Bla bla bla...same ol story, here comes the bully bla bla bla.

I'm thinking of scraping this one and giving the new one Una Maid en Manhattan a try. 2 at a time is kind of my limit.


Excellent recap, Mary, especially since you can't understand Spanish. The professor from Harvard also said that Angel and Diana were in love, and that Diana graduated a year later, because she got pregnant. I'm sure the cops at least suspect the baby was Angel's. The prof knew someone paid the tuition, but didn't know who (and maybe the cops can trace this).

We don't know what message Soledad sent, but she was smart to send a text this time.

As for how Angel could collect when his wife dies right after the marriage, well, it would have to look like an accident. But now it appears Angel will have to go to Plan B. If Lola won't marry him, he can still threaten to kill Soledad if she doesn't sign over the money. He'd have to come out as a bad guy, and he'd never get his dream (I think) of sleeping with Lola, but he still could get the money, which is his main motivation.

But the writers could surprise us again!


Novelera, great recap! I forgot about the scene that you detailed with Tio Pancho, Zhara, and Bully. You're right, that was really good.

I'm also still a sucker for Rocio and Jose Maria. Their moment near the end of the show was really nice too.

LA CASA -- viernes

Thanks for the great comments, guys.

About Iñaki/Gonzaki-- Gabriel P's character is known as "Gonzalo Ibañez" to the Conde family. Later, they (and we) find out he is really the psychopathic killer, Iñaki Mora, the oldest son of Igor and Mabel and the brother of Adolfo (whose real name is Ismael!). So to keep things as confusing as possible, sometimes I refer to him as Gonzalo, sometimes, Iñaki, and other times, Gonzaki. Clear as mud? :)

Renato lost his fortune, including the house, mostly because of Adolfo/Ismael's vile doings -- he hired an arsonist to torch the Conde flagship hotel in Florida. The human and material damage was enormous but the company -- under Gonzalo's stewardship -- managed to survive.

But then Adolfo torched a major Conde hotel in New York and this time the damage was irreparable.

Also, Renato Conde faked his own death for a time. This invalidated his business insurance (don't ask me how) and he had no indemnification to cushion the huge blow of the second fire. The company went under and the family lost everything, including the house which was seized by the bank and was to be auctioned off.

Through some never explained sleight of hand, Javier managed to snatch up the property before the bidding opened. (Both Gonzo and Mabel wanted to buy it too and both intended to give it back to Renato.)

LA CASA -- viernes

"One of the ironies of this show is all the problems faced by the villain Gonzalo."

Yes! I'd say it is the central irony. Much of the time we're looking through Gonzalo's eyes and the view is tragic. And his love for Pilar, of course, is impossible, a sort of modern-day "La Belle et La Bête". As Igor's ghost keeps telling him...

I'm glad you like this format. Scribbling notes and then writing them up like the minutes of a meeting can get tedious. Besides, I often miss the best visuals when I look down to jot something down. It's more fun to let the episode roll around in my brain and then write from memory. I know that other people are ready to fill in the gaps and correct me when I'm wrong.

I thought the shadowy figure who left the book on Javier's desk looked like Sebastián. I kind of hope he turns out to be a bad guy because I can't stand him as a good guy:) Mabel connected to Sebastián? Wow. I hadn't even considered that...

About Ignacia and her pregnancy:

Did she ... er ... do it with Adolfo? Is it possible Javier isn't even the father?

Ignacia was pregnant with Javier's baby early on in the show. That time, Javier arranged to have her abducted. (The viewer knows Javier was responsible but the other characters don't.) That pregnancy ended in miscarriage -- as I recall she was in a car crash that was part of a chain of events that Javier didn't precisely plan but certainly set in motion.

Could Ignacia herself have an abortion? Good question. It will be interesting to see if this taboo is respected in the wildly amoral universe of this particular novela.


Thanks for your kind words, Rand. I hope you'll stick with Jean and me on this one.

I like the depth in this one. You're right that Urrieta is a bully, but they've shown a human side to him. I remember the scene where Zahra found him in tears. If a different outcome could be written, Amanda would have loved him and he could have been a better man. After she discovered Pablo was married and tried to make a go of being his woman, he blossomed under affection from her.

Another point they make over and over is that prostitutes do it for all kinds of reasons. And, while all of them do not have the clichéd heart of gold, many of them are kind both to their "clients" and to each other.

Also, those who judge are judged rather harshly by the writers: Brigida and, at times, Sacramento.

Unlike nearly all other novelas, I cannot predict how this one will turn out.


I forgot to mention one thing that had me off the couch pumping my fist: Lola's closed fist punch in Ángel's face which dropped him on his hindquarters. I was only disappointed that his nose wasn't bleeding.

Mi Corazon
Oh yah! I forgot all about that! Quite a punch she gave Angel ("The Vested One", heheheh). His barely contained rage was rather disturbing last night in the Volcan mansion. I love the way all Lola's peeps rushed to her aid.
Mary, great summary, thanks!
J in Oregon

NovelaMaven, gracias!

Novelera, I agree with you when Amanda was actually changing and taking charge, actually developing feelings for Rafael...he was changing to and for the better. The story was interesting and I was curious as to where it was going to go, then all of a sudden Rafael discovers lo de Pablo and everything changed!

This is a cool place, fun to share in the novelas. I've seen the ad running on telemundo for the dvd set of La Reina...miss that one!

La Reina del Sur

on the dvd set...

I've heard it has no english,

odd, because I read where they released a version for the awards that was dubbed in english.

I may be wrong here, hope so, loved that show.

Mi Corazon:
Hombre, Angel's Harvard education sure didn't make him a very smart criminal -- the police notice piles of bodies, especially when fellow officers are among the victims. If Angel stuck to Bernie Madoff schemes of moving money, he could have quietly swindled Lola with little personal risk. He should know that Rodrigo will hunt him down if Lola has an "accident" and Soledad is executed. And couldn't the feds have Lola's assets frozen if crimes are suspected?

Tiberio wasn't all that smart either -- given Angel's years of service, Tiberio should have given Angel half with the advice to marry Lola to get the other half. Tiberio sealed his own fate by cutting Angel out completely.


"One of the ironies of this show is all the problems faced by the villain Gonzalo"
the whole show is Gonzaki's story. the other storylines are subplots.

"his love for Pilar, of course, is impossible, a sort of modern-day La Belle et La Bête"
wow! a sort of modern-day La Belle et La Bête... excellent point! excellent indeed.

"I kind of hope Sebastian turns out to be a bad guy because I can't stand him as a good guy"
me toooooo! :)

la casa de al lado
Me three about Sebastian. He is so intrusive, and such a metiche. (I also hate his too tight chin tuck which makes him look tense all the time). I think there is a chance he is involved. When Javier met Ismael/Adolfo wasnt he a car mechanic that he taught how to dress and behave? How would Ismael/Adolfo be able to write several books? We know he has alot of smarts, but to write two novels. (I have a Ph.D. and couldn't even write one, and believe me I tried). I was thinking Javier was the "author" but he did seem shocked when he found the copy on his desk.

I had the feeling that Carmen was looking out for Carola's welfare, but the fact that Eva AND EMILIO know where she is is dangerous --because they are not at all suspicious of Gonzalo.

Thanks for the excellent summary, Novelamaven

Mi Corazon

Thanks everyone for the great recaps and comments.

On Tiberio, he never knew that Lola was his daughter until he kidnapped Soledad again. By then he was in his "I loved you Soledad mood". I think in his world, he wanted to keep Soledad and then have Lola join him as a family unit, so by no means would he tell his gang members (which he did not), and he would do all to protect her from them. Tiberio was a slick mobster,no photos, never revealsed his past misdeeds to his men, his achilles heel was always Soledad.

I did not notice Soledad making the phone call, can't wait to find out what she said. So one more week of this TN?

I was happy to see the housemates defend Lola. I kept saying to myself where did they go? I liked that punch Lola.

I hope we get to see someone take that vest off Anhell.

I hope Soledad and Vicky humiliate Felix. I also hope the cops finally get a clue!!!!

I haven't seen a date for the Gran Finale or the Gran Estreno of Maid in Manhattan but, according to Wikipedia, Corazon will end on Nov. 25 - that's two weeks more.

I hope that Lola now understands that Angel is a bad guy. That would be a big step forward.


Okay, what if Lydia is Sebastian's sister? And Sebastian has had this grand scheme to get back at Adolfmael since his sister was slashed? He convinced former patient Omar to help, and is using his relationship with Pilar to get close. And maybe he knows Ignacia's shrink, and somehow heard tapes of her sessions, and used that as material for the book?

La Casa

That IS ingenious -- Lidia's family plotting against Ismael who, in turn, is plotting against the Condes.

The scenes with Ignacia's shrink always struck me as odd -- there is no warmth in that doctor-patient relationship. So it's no stretch to imagine a conspiracy between the two therapists. The connection with Lidia and Omar ... very possible.

Anyone have a clue about what ANDERSON CHUNCLER might mean? I mean, is it an anagram? In what language?


Anyone have a clue about what ANDERSON CHUNCLER might mean? I mean, is it an anagram? In what language?
it begins with the same letters of Agatha Christie, Valenzuela's (and Ismael's) favorite writer.


A-gatha CH-ristie/A-nderson CH-uncler. Hah! I never noticed that. The "CHuncler" books would be very close neighbors to the CHristie collection in the mystery section of the library. Thanks, Alex!

There were so many flashbacks in this episode that it was hard to figure out what was going on!

Finally, we find out what Soledad and Vicky had in mind with the pizza box. While Soledad pretended to be asleep, Vicky pretended to be wild with desire for Felix. While they grappled, Soledad took Felix's phone out of his pocket and texted something to Rodrigo.

A little later we find out that Soledad texted her nickname, Solita, so that Rodrigo would know the message was from her and then she sent him the address of the pizzeria. Very clever except that if Felix's phone is like mine, any text message that Soledad sent would be right there when he opens his texting app.

Everybody at Lola's house and some invitees, such as Rodrigo, Camilo and Sofía, are celebrating Lola and Andres' reconciliation.

Diana goes to see Ángel to tell him that the police are closing in and that it's time to run. Ángel says no. He isn't leaving without Tiberio's money. He tells Diana that if she thinks of betraying or leaving him, he will kill her mother and child. He orders Diana to leave Andres' house. She has to help Ángel with his plans. This includes making a plane reservation to the Cayman Islands for him, Lola and the baby.

Diana tells her mother that everything is falling apart and of course Marcosito overhears. He runs away to Andres' house and accuses Andres of making his mother cry. Remembering Ángel's threats, Diana first believes that he has kidnapped Marcos but Andres calls and then brings Marcos back to her.

The police figure out Soledad's message. Mora goes to the pizza place and finds out that it's not Felix who is buying pizzas. The police stake out the pizza place and sure enough, one of the bad guys shows up and Mora follows him after calling in backup.

Ángel, having failed in Plan A, turns to Plan B. He goes to the hideout and calls Lola. She finally answers and he puts Soledad on. She tells Lola what the police already know - that it is Ángel who is holding her prisoner.

That was about it.


Jean how do you do this - you put the recaps up faster than a new york minute. Thank you very much.

I don't know what is happening to me, I seem to fall asleep and miss parts of this without realizing it. I did not know Anhell threatened Diana.

I think this ends on the 28th? I thought Maid starts on 29th? They seem to give more previews of the ending of this TN on the other TN's, than on their own show. It looks like a big showdown at end.


So Emilio is the computer whiz kid, the hacker. Yet when he sees a photo of Sebastian and AC together, he just knows that it's real. So much so that he confronts Sebastian with full blinders and then starts filling in the whole team on it.

Don't most hackers know of a cool little program called photoshop?? Wouldn't his super sleuth skills at least let him dig a little deeper.

Not saying it can't be true, just saying he shouldn't be so sure so fast, like he's never seen a fake photo in today's world.

La Casa -- lunes

So true about Emilio's reaction to the photo, Rand. But then impulse control has never been one of our boy's virtues.

Still, Sebastián's reaction was suspect -- Why not say "What the heck is this?" and then run to the other junior detectives and show it to them and try to figure out who is trying to implicate him (or make fun of him).

Or if Sebastián didn't trust Emilio and Carola to believe him, and didn't want to check the photo out on his own, why not run it through the shredder in his office?


Thanks for the recap, Jean. I didn't see the whole episode, but now that Lola knows how wrong she was about Angel, not just disbelieving Andres, but believing Angel over ALL of her friends and family, I hope she's a little more trusting of them in the future. Of course what really matters is having the good guys win, but I'm still a little mad at Lola for her attitude (Andres was just as bad, though, believing Diana for quite some time).


Wow, this show is going off in all sorts of directions! With all the new developments, they can easily keep it going for a while.

Yes, we're not sure about Sebastian. When Hilda asks him about the photo of him and Anderson Chuncler, he gets VERY defensive. So much so, that I think he fires Hilda (her job was just about over anyway). Then, when he goes outside, tears up the photo, and drops it in the trash, she retrieves it and gives it to Emilio. When Emilio shows it to Sebastian, accusing HIM of being Anderson Chuncler, Sebastian says it's a fake, it's photoshopped (my first theory). But Emilio doesn't believe Sebastian (other peoples' theory, which I'm leaning towards). We'll see.

Emilio is also going to see the librarian in the morning, to ask if Sebastian is the one who dropped off the new book. But that won't work, because a mysterious stranger KILLS THE LIBRARIAN, shooting through a book into his brain! Sure seems like Sebastian would be the one to have done this, since it was right after he was accused. But as we all know, we all don't know. Or maybe we don't know all.

Pilar asks Emilio to crank up those spy cameras in the Conde castle, to see if Rebeca is prisoner there, and also record anything else juicy (her abuse hearing against Javier is coming up, too). Emilio is fine with this, but in return, he wants Pilar to determine if Sebastian is Anderson Chuncler, something which both Pilar and we viewers have no idea how she could accomplish.

Javier ALMOST gets Ignacia to get an abortion, making an appointment, taking her to the clinic. But as some of us predicted, abortions are very unlikely in telenovelaland, and Ignacia can't do it. She later tells her Dad, yes, she is carrying Javier's child.

After discovering that Emilio is a Silver Boy, Yolanda yells at him, she'll protect her niece from him, how could he dream of reconciling by doing this? But after Emilio says he'd do anything for his baby, when Hilda shows up, Yolanda lies to her, and says Emilio just works in computers. Hilda now does want to reconcile, but I don't think Yolanda is sure what she wants to happen.

Carola needs to contact Lidia, but can't do it in person. She convinces her bio Mom Carmen to go to Lidia's address, and show her a picture of Gonzalo. Just ask one question, "Is this the older brother of Ismael and Ivan?" Carmen agrees. But when she goes out, her ex (the possible father of Carola through rape, though probably not) wants revenge, and his buds rough her up, and take her purse (with the photo). Whoops!

Mabel doesn't like the abandoned storehouse where Adolfmael is staying. She tells him she has a plan. She approaches Gonzaki (who thinks AM is dead), and wants to buy his "new house". He doesn't own it of course, but she fast talks him into "lending" it to her, for her to live in, for a while. She then gets Adolfmael to go there, and AM loves that basement. Unfortunately, Gonzaki knocks on the door to visit!!!

La Casa -- lunes

Thanks, Hombre, for a terrific and terrifically funny recapette.

"But as we all know, we all don't know. Or maybe we don't know all."

Yup. That about sums it up!

About the cameras in the Conde house, I heard Emilio say the only room not wired is "Leonardo's" -- that is, the room where Rebeca is being held. So Pilar may get to see lots of stuff she'd rather not and still not be able to confirm that Rebeca is in the house.

Poor Carmen. Even before those goons mugged her and grabbed her purse, she was rehearsing her one line and couldn't get it straight.

And the poor old bibliotecario -- casual contact with those Condes is almost always fatal. On the bright side, lots of character actors are getting work.

La Casa -- lunes

Hombre, tnx for the great recap

I'm sure that Sebastian is A.C., but I wonder WHY?! and HOW??
when Mabel entered to Gonzaki's house I first thought she was with Sebastian. I can't figure out how else Sebastian is connected to all this but somehow by The Moras. ademas, he must know Ignacia very well.
when Adolfmael was talking about living together with Mabel, the expression in her face was strange and unreadable as always.


NovelaMaven: That right, Carmen was repeating "Eduardo" or some other wrong name!

Alex, Adolfmael had just told Mabel they could get to know each other and "make up for all that lost time". I think she doesn't want him to die or anything, but she also doesn't really want to get too close to him. I don't know if her cryptic expression conveyed all that, but she seems to have mixed emotions about both of her sons.

La Casa

Alex and Hombre:
I wouldn't be too surprised if it turns out that Mabel isn't really Iñaki's mother. She's made throw-away remarks like "He's nothing to me" and insinuated to Ismael that the two aren't brothers. She is remarkably insistent that Gonzaki not call her "mama". And she always treats him icily whereas with Ismael she shows at least a scintilla of affection now and then.


"she seems to have mixed emotions about both of her sons"

very true, Hombre.

"I wouldn't be too surprised if it turns out that Mabel isn't really Iñaki's mother... she always treats him icily whereas with Ismael she shows at least a scintilla of affection now and then."

I agree, but you know, nothing is as it seems. so neither would I be too surprised if it turns out that Gonzaki is Mabel's favorite son! :)


Great recap, Hombre.

NovelaMaven, you also picked up on the same thing I did. That Emilio's cameras don't work in the very room where Javier has stashed poor Rebeca.

I STILL don't understand why Javier was so insistent on Ignacia having an abortion. Maybe he's just cheap and doesn't want to pay child support. Pilar already knows about it, so it's not that. Someone mentioned it might count against him in the court hearing. But that one is for domestic violence, so I don't see the relevance.

Anyway, he sure has ambivalent feelings about Iggy. After saying she'd have that abortion por las buenas o por las malas, he goes into her room, stroking the bedding and looking like he misses her a lot.

Carola's supposed father said something about being angry at Carmen for putting the blame on him for everything that happens. I don't think he's really Carola's father.


This show is now at least 50% flashbacks, including a couple of loooong ones recently where they showed about a dozen scenes since the beginning. Who do they think they're kidding? This should have been over, as I read somewhere, on November 11. Maybe they're fine tuning the beginning of Maid in Manhattan.

I went "Oh, no" when they sent Mora to the Pizzeria. He's the WPIM (Worst Policeman in Miami). It looks like he didn't screw up too badly this time.

Not sure what Ángel is going to do. At this point, his best move would be Lola signing over the $ and disappearing. He surely can't think he can blackmail her into going forward with marrying him, can he? Yeah, I suppose they might go there.

Jean--thanks for recapping. I agree that there must have been a scheduling change because we are seeing soooo much filler.
Also, Novelera, I agree with you that at this point, Angel would be better off just strong-arming Lola for the money...wouldn't that be a lot easier than trying to force her to marry him:
J in Oregon
PS I sure hope Maid en Manhattan isn't a vapid comedy like the movie...


La Mina spills the beans and Rafa realizes Amanda and Sacramento are probably at her father’s old restaurant. He went there for the subasta of Ana. Speaking of Ana, she’s eavesdropping as usual and overhears Mina and Rafa. La Mina asks Rafa for a “little extra” for her betrayal.

José María and Rocío have a very tender love scene together. She tells him she loves him very much He notices the picture of her with Emilio and she tells him that was the man she loved and the one Mariano killed.

Sacramento has returned and tells Amanda that his visit to NE was a nightmare. He tells her about the reading of the will and how awful Frigida was. He does NOT tell her about Cat’s pregnancy. Oh boy, slippery slope. Amanda tells him that whatever he decides is all right with her. She doesn’t care about the money.

Ines is starting to show signs of being devious. She tells Manuela that SHE would not support a muchacha así, referring to Rocío’s candidacy. But, if JM is supporting her, then she must have some good ideas. She waits up for José María, all sweetness and light, to watch over Cat. JM admires Ines, and seems conflicted, not quite on board with an open relationship with Rocío.

Sacto goes to La Beba and Susana’s school, and portrays himself in Beba’s little story about a lost little angel saved by a grown angel.

There’s a very intense scene when Rafael shows up at el merendero. Amanda runs from him, but he corners her in the storeroom. He accuses her of making him think she loved him and then going to bed with another. She asks what he’s doing with Ana. He tells her he hasn’t touched her, and why such hate? He tells her that she couldn’t have loved Pablo since she accepted that he was married and was willing to give him up. In his version of love, she would have gone there and scratched the wife’s eyes out. He scoffs when she says she loves Sacto, and says that her marriage is a lie. Surprisingly he leaves and doesn’t try to drag her off.

Cat seems to be looking forward to the baby, and moves to Francisco’s hotel with Luisa, asking that she have the only key.

Ana tells Zahra about La Mina coming to tell Rafa something, and Zahra figures it out. When La Mina comes into the room, Zahra rages at her that she will get Amanda killed.

Rafa tells Rufino that he wants Amanda to desire him.

Enrique shows Diana the paintings of Alicia before the opening of the exhibit. He thinks this will cause her to break the engagement. Wrong. She acts as if all is well and kisses him.

Zahra calls the merendero and tells Sacto that Rafa knows where they are. He goes into a complete panic, and tells all the customers they’re closing early. He tells Amanda they have to leave right now. He says that if Rafa shows up he’ll be forced to kill him. I think this means he doesn’t want that sin on his conscience.

When Amanda tells him that Rafa was already there, he goes completely nuts. Why didn’t she tell him? People look on in amazement as he screams at the top of his lungs. Amanda tries to smooth things over and goes to wait on a customer, who compliments her on her eyes. Sacto throws the guy out. He insists that Rafa must have done the deed with her while he was there. Amanda is finally fed up and runs out of the restaurant. It sure looks like Sacto’s insecurity and jealousy is going to doom this relationship.

We see people gathering for the debate. Rocío is dismayed to discover that Mariano has brought the doctor who was cooperating with him in keeping her in the nuthouse before.

FLOR SALVAJE- Thanks for the recap, Novelera. I watched most of this one. I don't really want to see Rocio get humiliated in a debate by Mariano again.

People might start going to Amanda & Sacto's restaurant for the show. Did you ever see the old SNL skit about this couple who had an elegant restaurant in their house. It started off fine with their daughter playing the violin for diners but gradually the couple started fighting and the whole thing ended in chaos. Sacto and Amanda are kind of like that in their restaurant.

I'm also sure that JM and Rocio will have more to go through before they get together and I'm sure Ines will figure in that.


I just received the dvd's of La Reina Del Sur, Parts 1 and 2. Each package has 6 discs, and unlike many telenovela dvd sets, the ENTIRE novela is included, all 63 episodes, a total of about 42 hours! It's true there are no subtitles. This is not a bluray, so it's not HD, but the picture is very clear, and is 1.78:1 aspect ratio, which fills my tv, and looks great. I'm excited!


Thanks for the info, Hombre. I was tempted to buy it, but was afraid that it being in Volume 1 and and Volume 2 might mean the whole thing is not there.


Jean, I never saw the skit you commented about, but it sounds interesting.

You could be right about people coming to watch the merendero fights, but Sacto attacking every young man who notices that his beautiful wife is, in fact, beautiful is not very good for business. Plus the guy was not really insulting and had no no idea she was his wife. But he threw him bodily out of the restaurant.

I'm sure the crooked shrink is going to say that Rocío is still nuts. But Rafael is there, all prepared to spill lots of beans about Mariano as well. This is what he said he'd do a while back. Wonder if he's going to out him for killing Silvia? I remember that Mariano came to Rafael, whitefaced with panic and confessed that he'd done it. And Rafael told him: una prostituta más, una prostituta menos, basically "big deal - no one will care".


Ok guys, I just ordered my "Reina" DVD's. Now if they'd only come out with an unedited version of "La Hija del Mariachi" and "La Pola", I'd be able to cancel my cable service and live happily ever after:)


Thanks Hombre for the info on La Reina!

I'm right behind you guys, great news that it's all the chapters and not condensed. Maybe it's the original that was actually shorter than the U.S. got but that's fine, I read that we actually had some filler here and there so no big deal if that stuff isn't there.

The only question will be when to watch it...

MI CORAZON- martes
What a waste of an hour!!! Once again the bad guys get away with their hostages from a giant police stakeout. Talk about lame! When he leaves the place, Angel apparently sees that pizza pickup guy is being followed and tips off the guys inside the hideout. I won't even bother mentioning all the ways it could have been done better that I have learned from twenty years of watching cop shows.

The only casualty is Felix who gets shot in the shoulder but still manages to get away with the rest.

Otherwise, Angel gives his ultimatum to Lola and she decides not to tell Andres about it so he keeps asking her why she is sad.

That was about it.


You're right, Jean, it was a frustrating episode. How many times could they cut back and forth between the cops faces and bad guys behind those boxes? It was funny how they untied Vicki and Soledad to tend to Felix's wounds, as if they know what to do, and men wouldn't.

Angel didn't tell Lola not to go to the police. He didn't say don't tell Andres. He just said don't do anything stupid, your mother's life is in your hands. So why does Lola assume this means tell no one? She should tell everyone! Angel doesn't have to know this.

But it looks as if she, Chabelita and Angel are going on a plane trip to the Cayman Islands. And Diana had to obtain the tickets. I'm not sure if Diana is going (probably not, although Angel said she had to remain by his side).

And why can't they put out on the news that Angel is a bad guy? I think Soledad yelled it out at some point, so Rodrigo and probably Andres know. But of course, this info won't get out, so Angel will be able to go right through airport security, right?

These little details are necessary, if you want to extend a grand finale over a few weeks. :)


Mabel is able to convince Gonzo that she's alone in the house. After he leaves, she again brushes off Adolfmael's attempts to be a family.

It turns out Emilio does install a camera in Rebeca's room. Javier almost catches him, but doesn't. Now Pilar can watch her sister, and all the other rooms, from her own bedroom monitor. She still won't help Emilio determine if Sebastian is a killer, because she knows him, and he's not like that (just as well as she knows Gonzalo!)

Emilio is shocked to find that the librarian, Salvador, was murdered.

Emilio does have one helper, though. Hilda. She's so apologetic after not trusting him, and he decides to strike while the iron is hot, proposing. She accepts, and Don Renato is glad there will be a happy time now. They want a lavish church wedding. No one has money, but Emilio does, so he'll pay for it. Yolanda tells him she only told Hilda he worked in computers because it's HIS job to tell her the truth, and he'd better do it, cuanto antes!

But maybe Hilda can pay for the wedding, since she's now working for Javier, caring for Rebeca, cooking, etc. Actually, she's spying for Pilar, so she gets a double salary.

Gonzalo is being haunted more and more by his voices and visions. Pilar, the trained psychologist, doesn't begin to recognize these symptoms and recommend medication or professional help. She just thinks he's tired or something.

Sebastian is also acting a little frantic, begging to speak to Emilio, to convince him he's not Anderson Chuncler. His demeanor is convincing to me. Either he's not, or he's totally psycho. I think he's not AC. Someone (either Sebastian or Carola)feels that Adolfo can't be Chuncler, because he doesn't even know the old guy in the picture was an actor. So this part's still a mystery.

Carola is upset that Carmen lost both the picture and the address, especially since she didn't copy the address (or try to remember it). They've got to find Lidia some other way.

Ignacia tells her father that even though she's having the baby, her life is ruined. She wanted a family. Now she has no reason to live. Her problem may be solved, because at the end of the episode, Adolfo shows up, and seems to point a gun right at her!

LA CASA -- martes

Thanks for another terrific minicap, Hombre.

"Sebastian is also acting a little frantic, begging to speak to Emilio, to convince him he's not Anderson Chuncler. His demeanor is convincing to me. Either he's not, or he's totally psycho. I think he's not AC."

About Sebastián's fierce denial of wrongdoing and Pilar's staunch refusal to hear anything negative about him -- I think we were all struck -- as we were meant to be -- by how several similar scenes have been played out by Gonzaki, Pilar and a third party. If this were a piece of music, we'd call it "Variations on a Theme".

Me, I don't know if Sebastián is AC (although maybe his last name, ANDrede, is a clue), but I do think he's hiding something.

About Mabel and Ismael -- Did you catch that moment when Ismael was tucked in his bed in his "room", i.e. the cellar, and Mabel opened the door quietly, looked down at him and seemed to blow him a goodnight kiss? (or made a gesture of maternal affection -- I can't picture it exactly, but I think it was a kiss.)

There was one fleeting visual of someone carrying a box (like the one that held the remaining copies of "Condenados" in a dark room with straight chairs lined up along a wall. A waiting room. Who has a waiting room like that? Sebastián?
It shouldn't be long before snoopy Karen finds the monitor in Pilar's room.
If Ignacia is really the first to go, I'm sure we won't have a chance to miss her. She'll stick around to haunt everyone in their dreams.
And speaking of sticks, it's amazing that after everything that has happened, Eva still has such a long one up her rear and still thinks Hilda isn't good enough for Emilio. She should only know ...

LA CASA -- martes

About Carola, Carmen and Lidia -- I think Carola has given up on the Lidia angle. (She is now persona non grata at the restaurant and when Lidia's friend threatened to call the cops on her, Carola knew she had to get out of there right away -- after all, she IS wanted by the police for drug charges.) She told Carmen she'd just have to find another way to verify that Gonzalo is Iñaki.


Hombre, tnx for the great recap.

"Pilar, the trained psychologist, doesn't begin to recognize these symptoms and recommend medication or professional help"
neither does she want to know what her beloved is suffering from!! unbilivable indeed.

"Gonzalo is being haunted more and more by his voices and visions"
and now, Mabel too has come to help Igor's ghost warning Gonzaki about his impossible love _ the only bright spot in Gonzaki's life that he would prefer to die without it.

I guess it is still early for Ignacia to leave us but her days seem to be numbered.


Jean and Hombre, thanks so much. I thought it was just me, I thought it was the stupidest episode I had seen and again they have to make Lola an idiot. I thought I was the only one that felt that way.

I know it's a job, and if actors raised their hands ala Mario Cimarro they will be deemed difficult, but I wish at time the actress who plays Lola could have raised her hand and said no let's not do this this way.

But, I did not know how Anhell knew about the cops, I seriously thought that finally we found out one of the cops was working for Anhell - I guess not.


Another dragging it out technique I've noticed is that, unlike before, when they return from a commercial break, they repeat part of the scene we saw before the break.

Ángel said something, I think it was to Diana, about a juez. This is absurd. It appears he still plans to marry Lola using the threat of harming her mother and THEN bumping her off.

I don't understand why Lola hasn't at least thought bubbled: "What a dunce I've been rejecting all of Andrés' outright statements that Ángel was not to be trusted! Oh no, I had to blindly stick up for a liar and a murderer."


You clever commenters have said it all before a Californian gets her coffee!

I did wonder why the heck Pilar wasn't glued to the screen for the goings-on at Javier's House of Abuse of Servants and Disabled Persons when he outlined his plans to withdraw all financial support for Pilar. Oh wait ... it's gotta be so Maritza can, for the thousandth time, show us her slack-jawed, bug eyed reaction.


"There was one fleeting visual of someone carrying a box in a dark room...."
it was Sebastian's office.


Amanda gets on a very small bus and refuses to listen to Sacto any more.

Meanwhile, back at the second debate, Rafa says why Rocío would make an excellent mayor. Mariano asks rhetorically why Rafa would support her candidacy and says that it’s because he’s taking it out in trade, just like she did with the doctor. We see Ines looking shocked.

Piruetas is with José María getting a wound check when JM asks him if all the guys at the first debate really slept with Rocío. Piru is a gentleman and doesn’t answer.

Mariano says that Rafa is helping a prostitute and also is the owner of a bordello. Ana pipes up that MG is a client of this bordello and, moreover, he was the one who gave her her “debut” at the 4P’s. Lourdes looks like she swallowed a fly.

Cat tells Luisa she’s expecting Sacto’s child. Luisa echoes my own doubts. What about that night you were drugged? Cat insists her pregnancy is too recent for Rafa to be the father.

While Sacto looks all over, Amanda has loosened her hair, and a guy in the street tries to buy some time with Flor Salvaje. Alicia rescues her pointing a knife at the guy, plus the other streetwalkers rally round.

El Asqueroso is now ordering Abelardo to approach the clients of the restaurant to sell them drugs. At first he’s horrified, but seems to agree at the sight of lots of money and enough to buy sex.

As I expected the crooked doctor at the asylum is introduced. Mariano says this guy knows that Rocío is nuts. Lourdes holds up his medical license, as if this means he couldn’t be bribed. When Rafa asks why she was released if she’s crazy, MG comes back that José M got her out in return for sexual favors. Now Rafa really goes for the throat. He more or less says prostitution is not that big a crime when compared to murder. He says that MG buried Rocío’s brother alive, caused Clara to kill herself, and strangled Silvia.

JM has not gone to the debate. Ines comes to see him afterward, not too subtly asking if he DID get Rocío out in exchange for sex. He is upset she’d think he had no ethics. She asks him the same question she asked Manuela. Could such a woman make a good mayor?

There was a great scene with Alicia and Amanda. Alicia tells Amanda she’s not the same because she did it for her sisters. Amanda says that the point is that she doesn’t want to deny her past. She asks Alicia if she can imagine being with a man who’s ashamed of you. Alicia says that Enrique accepted her as she was. Amanda says she has to lie to Sacto so he won’t be jealous. She says she has to choke down her desire for vengeance for Pablo’s murder. “If I listen to my heart, I don’t want to play happy family. What I most want is revenge on Rafael.” She also says that when Rafa spoke to her in the storeroom, it was as if he could see her thoughts. She’s afraid they’re somehow tied together for life.

Amanda returns to the casita. She has tear-stained cheeks, but greets him coldly. He comes out with his refrain: Perdoname. Over and over he lashes out jealously and then begs for forgiveness. It’s getting old. Sacto says that Rafa is still looking for Flor Salvaje. She tells him she’s the same Amanda he met before she went to the 4P’s. He’s the one who won’t let lo de Flor Salvaje go. Amanda tells him it’s time to run. Sacto should jump at this, but this is a telenovela. So he says they have to earn some more money first. He then mentions Mariano’s offer of help. Amanda hotly refuses anything to do with the man who killed her brother.

Ana tries dancing like Flor Salvaje, the way their mother taught them. It almost seems to work with Rafa.

Amanda has an odd dream of being very affectionate with Rafa, then trying to step into a lake that turns out to be made of ice.

Sacto goes to Mariano in spite of what Amanda said. Cat tells Rafa she’s expecting a baby.

Mi Corazon
We are getting more than our fair share of regurgitated material, that is for certain.
Why oh why would Angel bother to marry Lola when he could get her to sign over the money, and threaten to harm her family if she ever tells.
Are we all smarter than the Vested One?
Guess so.
Does anyone know if they are broadcasting on Thanksgiving?
J in Oregon

Mi Corazon:
I agree with everyone's complaints. The cops sure are dumber than the dumb crooks -- since the cops now know that Angel and Diana worked for Tiberio and know where both live (Rodrigo even visited Angel's pad and Diana's mom), the cops probably should have arrested Angel and Diana before staking out Felix. And if Angel and Diana were smart, they'd already be in the Cayman Islands with Lola's loot. And how did 9-year-old ADD Marquitos get from granny's house to Andres' mansion in Beverly Hills so fast -- skateboarding? Marquitos is smarter than the adult cast and the scriptwriters combined!

Yay! Just found the Telemundo thread... have been dying to discuss Mi Corazon!!

I usually DVR them and catch up on the weekends, but I got confused this week... I'll admit I've kind of lost interest in the main plot and characters and tend to FF through a lot (Lola is getting on my last nerve, tottering around in those stilletos and microskirts with her baby in her arms!)... but I love to follow the Adela/Daniel/Lopez :( Camilo/Sofia stories. Here's my question... the last episode I saw last week had Adela warming up to Daniel but still playing it cool. Then this week they're holding hands and looking amorously at each other as they watch the standoff unfold on tv?? Did I miss the official reunion scene? Or was it an editing glitch?

So glad to have found the Telemundo thread!!


Mi Corazon
Amy--glad you are here! Maybe I missed it too, but the Daniel/Adelita reconciliation seemed to consist of her putting her hand on his arm...and after that, they are like a couple.
(It never worked that way for me...)
J in Oregon

Mi Corazon:
Well bummer twice in one week: the Telemundo signal dropped out twice, first from 8:30 to 8:45 on Monday, then for seven plus minutes in the first segment on Wednesday. During the blackout, I think Angel forced Lola to marry him in a garage at gunpoint (I know this from later flashbacks!). How romantic! And with the despised two-time other woman Diana as her "maid of honor"! It couldn't be legal because Diana's two faces don't legally count as two witnesses! Moreover, the justice of the peace immediately complained to the police. So Lola's gunpoint third wedding fulfills what I read on another website -- that she would have FOUR loser husbands (I'm assuming Andres is number four)!

I won't attempt to recap the silliness that followed, except to note that LA's finest have no ability to track by car, helicopter or satellite Felix driving off with Vicky and Soledad. Good thing these cops weren't chasing O.J.!

What especially pissed me off in the stupidity department was "fed-up" Diana knocking Angel over while he was menacing Lola in the grass for something she did in the gettaway "honeymoon" car. Diana has her own gun, yet it doesn't occur to her or Lola to grab Angel's gun while he lies unconscious! They take something from his pocket but not the car keys or gun!!! They could smartly speed away in the car while he beauty sleeps, but NO!!! -- they dash for the woods in their heels with Marquito! They even pause for requisite apologies and hugs!!! Uggg!!! Now I may be mixing this up with tomorrow's previews, but they reach another road and flag down a car, then Diana appears to be shot from behind. Bet she's sorry she didn't grab Angel's gun!

Mi Corazon
"Take the gun! Take the gun!"
"Take the car! Take the car!"
That is the sound of the Mi Corazon audience heard screaming all across America.
And no, Mary: Diana getting shot was the end of tonight's episode, not the preview.(Note to self: next time you go to meet with a blackmailing, kidnapping murderer, you might want to skip the stilettos...)
J in Oregon


I don't like what JM is doing with Rocio. Dude needs to man up and quit worrying what others think. First, he doesn't go to the debate to support her, then he really treats her coldly in the office in front of Ines obviously concerned with what she thinks, he barely returns the kiss. Then he stands her up after she made a nice romantic meal.


The scene with Javier bantering back with Karen in Spanglish was awesome! I loved how he toyed with her when she said angry and he said "hungry"?? lol.

I was surprised to see how fast he discovered the cameras, the look on his face was priceless.

I saw at least two occasions where Javier had Hilda super uncomfortable and she made quick escapes to another room. Does this actually happen?? Do people run off mid sentence and then just carry on with their day like it's all good? They must because later she brought him some tea like nothing had ever happened.


Hola a todos. I'll be very scarce the rest of this week.

I had a class last night and two other things tonight and tomorrow night that won't get me home until 10:00.

So, no Flor Salvaje recaps for sure.


With 2 weeks left, there has to be some stupidity to avoid wrapping up the show. And yes, we had lots last night. Rodrigo and Andres DO go to Angel's apartment, but they're too late. Then they go to Diana's Mom's place, and are also too late. But they do find Diana's Mom knocked out on the ground. When she recovers in the hospital, she tells Rodrigo that Angel took Diana, Marquitos and another muchacha. Andres finds a little salamander pin that Lola left, so that confirms who the other muchacha was.

Carmen (Diana's Mom) also heard them mention Mexico. This makes sense, since the airports are on the lookout now (we hope). But there's a big frontier to patrol between Los Angeles and Mexico.

As Mary and others have pointed out, Lola and Diana could have used their brains a little more when, after Lola convinces Angel to stop for a bathroom break, and Diana clocks him with her gun, leaving him lying on the ground, they stupidly don't take the gun or the car.

The explanation for why Felix couldn't be tracked is 1) it was night, so helicopters are out, and 2) Felix said don't follow us or we'll kill the ladies. This sort of makes sense.

I agree, there was never a scene of Daniel and Adelita reconciling. But I do like them together.

I liked when the justice of the peace said he couldn't do a coerced wedding, because of ethics. Angel pointed the gun at him, and said "how 'bout THESE ethics!" and he pronounced them married. Fortunately he then reported this to the cops.

Of course we figured Diana might have to die (we don't know if she does, but she certainly looked as if she were shot at the end of the episode), to allow Lola and Andres to raise Marquitos (still not sure what will happen with Carmen).


Yes, Adolfo shoots Ignacia. No, she doesn't die (doesn't even get hit). But now she knows Adolfo is alive, and she tells Gonzalo. Way later in the episode, he goes to the new house, and demands that Mabel give him up. Mabel weakly denies, and Gonzalo leaves, but Mabel later tells Adolfo, you're going to have to speak to your brother. She also tells him that Gonzalo says Anderson Chuncler in the picture was an actor, the real author of the book must have been someone else plotting against the Conde family! This knocks naive Adolfo for a loop.

For those who question why Rebeca can't blink once for yes and twice for no, the answer is simple. She can't control her blinking. This same question came up in Alguien. In a telenovela, if a paralyzed person can control their blinking, they blink all over the place. Six or seven episodes later, someone notices. Since Rebeca isn't blinking, by telenovela rules, that means she can't.

But she can move her fingers a little. When Hilda sees this and shows Pilar, Pilar has a WONDERFUL idea. Let's call Gonzalo. Gonzo of course rushes over, and in a brief moment alone with Rebeca tells her "don't you dare" (blab).

Pilar's camera idea doesn't "pan" out, as first Diego sees the monitors, then Andrea, then Javier. Ooops.

Emilio is convinced Sebastian is Chuncler. Sebastian denies it, but also says something weird like "what if I were?". And later, when Ignacia asks if he's Chuncler, he says "What do YOU think?" For a calm good guy, he's sure acting like a twisted bad guy.

Ignacia's latest idea is to "change history", or at least the story in the book Condenados, by going away, muy muy lejos. As if.

Carola's bio Mom Carmen may not have succeeded with the Lidia caper, but she volunteers to help with the Sebastian caper, since Sebastian doesn't know her. I'm sure whatever plan she, Emilio and Carola come up with will work perfectly......Not!

Late to the party on this one. I sure was shouting, "take the gun, take the car!" with the rest of you.

I also noticed that Daniel and Adelita seemed to have gotten together without much drama.

I figured Diana would die but I thought it would be while saving Marcos or Andres. Now I suppose Lola and the kid will bond just like he did with Andres.

I was surprised that the judge objected to the proceedings. I thought he had been paid off by Angel. Do honest judges marry people in parking garages?

Then there was the planned getaway/honeymoon to the Cayman Islands. Diana went into the airport. It wasn't clear that she was aware that the police were on the lookout for Angel. I don't see how Angel was planning to go through airport security anyway with a hostage at gunpoint. Very sloppy and weird.

LA CASA -- miércoles

Good stuff, as always, Hombre. Thanks!

I'm confused -- I thought Ignacia KNEW Adolfael wasn't really dead because she insisted on looking at the body. So either a. Ignacia is being extremely sly, b. The writers have forgotten the previous scene or c. I misread that scene (the most likely possibility.

"I'm sure whatever plan she [Carmen], Emilio and Carola come up with will work perfectly......Not!"

So true, Hombre. Carmen seems to have a gift for screwing up -- just what our junior detectives need. And I don't think she's exactly scrupulously honest either. Maybe it was just sloppy writing, but we were first told her pregnancy with Carola was the result of assault by several cretins. So how was she able to finger this guy Mario as Carola's father?
So Mabel wants the boys to make nice. No more of that nasty shooting at each other. (And let's remember: The Mora family have already killed two of their own while the targeted Condes are all still standing.) I guess we'll see how it goes.

I also loved Javier's stunned expression on seeing the monitor screen. You can almost hear him
thinking: Who ARE you, Pilar?

"Do people run off mid sentence and then just carry on with their day like it's all good?"

Hahaha! These guys do it all the time. One trait they all seem to share is a VERY short attention span.

About Sebastián -- the viewer is certainly being encouraged to see him as creepier and creepier. Still, if his back story is true -- he and Pilar were a couple and then Javier came along and swept our girl off her feet -- you'd think his grudge would be with the Ruiz family and not the Condes. It's fifteen years later and he's still alone, still stuck on Pilar. That doesn't sound emotionally healthy, doctor:)

I love the suspense of each episode. Just as with "Alguien" at about this point in the story, and as ridiculous as it frequently becomes, I can't wait to see what will happen each night.


NovelaMaven, Ignacia did SAY they should ID the body, but she never did. It was forgotten amidst all her other problems.

As for Carola's father, I also don't think that guy is the father. I think the original story, that Carmen was raped by many people and didn't know who was the father, is true. She just pinned it on that guy on the spur of the moment, when Carola was pressuring her. This is what I think, not totally sure of it.

You make some good points about Sebastian. He sure is an enigma.

Due to hubby's surgery haven't been around. Everything is coming along well, so I can get back to "reel" life.Enjoyed reading all recapettes and comments.

Someone brought up the question of why Javier was so against Ignacia having his child. I think because he once stated that he has the goal of going into politics (that's why he wouldn't let Pilar divorce him), and I guess a mistress and illegitimate child would not help the "best lawyer in the US" get elected.

I thought Javier's trying to find out what was on the TV was more scary than any of the people pointing guns or shooting. Varoni's acting and the kids' made it a really suspenseful moment.

When we saw the person kill the librarian, there was a small hand pointing a gun wearing a shiny black leather glove. It reminded me of Catherine Siachoque in DONDE ESTA ELISA. Could AC be a woman? Mabel?

I think that in this telenovela, there are dramatic interactions and events that get completely forgotten. So the Hilda/Javier interaction was not a surprise. I am still wondering about other things: what has happened with Emilio and Hilda's baby? Is she well? Does Hilda have anything to do with her now? Pilar killed Ricardo Merino and is running around as though nothing ever happened, Diego is diagnosed as being gay, and???? Emilio seems to have given up his "daytime job" as gigolo to run around and prove Sebastian is Anderson Chuncler. One wonders whether all these loose ends will eventually be tied up. I agree witnh Novelamaven that the writers seemed concern with giving us a suspenseful episode EVERY night. The writing arc be damned. Oh well, it's fun and keeps us coming back...


Hombre, thanks for the clarification about Ignacia and the circumstances of Adolfo's (second) faked death. That makes sense.

NJ Sue, so nice to see you around again. And it's very good to know that your husband is doing well.

Thanks for reminding us about Javier's political pretensions -- I had forgotten he was so worried about his public image, especially since his private one is so execrable.

I made a decision to stop worrying about all the cabos sueltos in this story and I'm a better person for it:)

Novelera, It's always more fun when you're around so I'm looking forward to your return. Enjoy your real life! The virtual one isn't going to go away.


I totally forgot, Pilar fell down the stairs of doom. But she's fine, it was just a plot device to put different characters in different places.


General: The Telemundo website has blessedly restored its great 15 minute weekly summaries with English subtitles. I discovered these a couple months ago, and wish I discovered them sooner, since they don't go back many weeks. Accessing them is tricky -- I can only get them to play at work in Explorer. A few weeks ago, the English subtitles disappeared, then returned just last week. It's great to see the machinations officially explained. Andres actually did warn Lola about Angel's harassment of Diana way back in the hospital corridors after Debora was shot by Diana. Angel cleverly defused it by claiming to be confused by Diana's non-stop flirting. In the parking lot, Diana demanded gratitude from Lola for "saving her life", but Lola snapped back, "You would have shot ME if Andres wasn't there as a witness!" Then Diana offered Andres a plot to make Lola jealous (and win her back?) by moving into his mansion. Andres stipulated that she stay in a separate room as a guest only. This is giving me a different perspective on Andres simply self-indulgently shacking up with her.

There is also some humor. The guys nicknamed Diana "Dangerous Curves", Camilo warned Andres that she will strangle him with her legs and that she has the perfect resume of a psychopath.

There are a few more weekly summaries for me to catch up on.


Mariano gets the Governor to buy votes at the last second and steal the election from Rocio.

Then first order of business is shut down the cabaret with an old shoot em up! That's right folks, your new mayor just pulled out his six shooter and is lighten' em up in the street with the rest of the gang! Gotta hurry though, he has to get back in his tux and get to the cameras and continue the victory celebrations. Gotta appoint Quesada as the new Jefe Civil.

Sacramento is so ignorant to so much, kind of hard to watch his stupidity. Amanda has turned another page, she's back to being tough and showing her disapproval.

CC should know that Dudi's feelings are real. She's really screwing this one up good.

Rafael has come around full circle, showing his human side now. Telling Cat that she can keep the house and raise her child there, that he will be the one to go. Nice moments, but should we forget that this guy just tried to kill her like 3 times?? Well, she tried to kill him too I guess lol.


It's the amazing race to Mexico! Will the bad guys make it south of the border with their hostages before the police catch up with them?

As we left it on Wed., Angel shoots Diana. When she doesn't fall down and die fast enough, he shoots her again. Angel drags off the screaming Lola and Marcosito and that's the last we see of them for this capitulo.

We skip all the business of calling the police, having the ambulance come etc for Diana. I guess she's not in Camilo's class or, more likely, there's no major character to weep and wail over her.

Anyway, cut to Rodrigo and Andres at the hospital. The doctor says that Diana ain't gonna make it. Commissario and son get permission to see her. She wastes a lot of her final breaths telling them things they already know and Andres tells her that. He wants to know where Angel is going and where Soledad is. I'm not sure if she actually told them anything useful because I kept trying to fast forward through the flashbacks but finally, Diana dies.

Meanwhile, Felix, sans all the rest of his goons, is driving towards the border with Soledad and Vicky. He is in bad shape from being shot but the chicas' repeated attempts to escape are unsuccessful. (It would seem to me that two healthy females, even is one is handcuffed (with hands in front) could overpower a guy on the verge of passing out even though he has a gun but apparently not.)

Finally, they stop for the night. Felix ties the ladies up. They manage to find a bottle, break it and get a piece of it to cut their bonds all without waking Felix up.

Otherwise, Sofia is taking care of Camilo. She decides to stay the night. Camilo is taking things slowly and says that he will sleep on the sofa but Sofia takes the initiative, appears in sexy underwear and jumps his bones. They declare their love for each other, etc.

Our other couple, Daniel and Adelita are continuing their progess towards couple-hood. Daniel is initiated into diaper changing on Chabelita to show that he is up to being the father of her baby.

That was about it.


Thanks, Mary. I do remember most of those things, but since we write the recaps from memory, I'm sure many of them never got mentioned here. I also forgot lots of them (not "Dangerous Curves", though!) So thank you for listing them, as they really help to explain everything better.

Yes, Angel did shoot Diana. Twice. He hustles Lola and Marquitos into the SUV and speeds off, leaving her lying in the dirt. Fortunately, a bypassing car saw the shooting and reported it to police. Diana is transferred to the hospital, where she has a moving death scene.

She tells Andres and Rodrigo that Angel has Lola and Marquitos. She confirms they are going to Tijuana, Mexico, to the old ranch there. She also talks about the tickets to Cayman Islands. I think Angel still wants to get Tiberio's money and go to the Caymans, but I'm not sure about all this. But first, he's hiding out in Mexico, and Andres and Rodrigo will probably want to go there.

Diana begs Andres to forgive her, which he does. She also wants him to care for Marquitos and her mother, and he says don't worry, I will. She then dies, very sorry for what she's done.

In another camioneta (SUV), Felix is having trouble driving, because of being shot in the shoulder and not treated. Vicki and Soledad are still handcuffed, but after he almost faints and has a crash, he lets Vicki drive. He starts feeling weak again, and makes them pull over. It's night now, and somehow they built a beautiful bonfire! Felix has tied up Soledad and Vicki (not too well) so he can rest. They're back to back. They see a bottle, which they can smash to cut the ropes.

First they have to stand up. This is accomplished with the help of the editing department. They stomp on the bottle and Felix doesn't wake up. Now, they have to bend down for Soledad to pick up the bottle. This is no problem for Vicki, as her "table dancing" skills allow her to bend WAAY back, and Sole gets the bottle fragment. Hopefully, tonight they'll get free.

Adelita has to change Chabelita, and Danielito finds out some of the joys of parenting. Can he handle it? :)


Whoops, Jean, looks like we both posted at the same time. Thanks for reminding me of Camilo and Sofia. I thought it was funny how Sofia, who formerly didn't really believe in God (since she was a woman of "science"), now does, since she witnessed Camilo's miracle return to life. This new belief also seems to have her dressing sexier, too! :)


BTW, Jean, your recap was hilarious! I really love the playful tone you've been using in your posts. Thanks!


Javier doesn't take the spy monitor thing too well. He smashes the monitor, sort of throws Diego to the ground, and stalks over to the Conde house. He goes up to Rebeca's room, finds the camera, rips it out with a letter opener, and smashes it! Rebeca's not too happy about this.

Neither is Hilda, and here's where Javier REALLY becomes a pig. He snidely asks her why she didn't come to his room for a drink last night. When Hilda's changing into her jammies, Javier peeks through the door to leer at her innocent toplessness. He later gets WAY too close to her, telling her they both know what they want, right? This leaves her terrified, unable to defy big strong imposing Javier. Nibaldo knows something's amiss, but she won't tell him.

She wants to tell Pilar, but Pilar isn't there (out for a drive with the kids or something). She almost tells Karen, but no. Karen is miffed she missed this great gossip. So close!

Adolfo calls Gonzalo, tells him he's in the house with Mabel, and Gonzalo goes there. They have their usual macho confrontation, Adolfo calling Gonzalo a coward, daring him to shoot him. It really does appear that Adolfo can't be Anderson Chuncler, since as others have pointed out, he's too stupid to write a book. Gonzalo, Javier and Sebastian are still in the running, though.

Gonzo's going to the house means he has to abandon Pilar, who has to get Sebastian to take her home from the hospital. Sebastian actually spends the night with her, sleeping fully clothed next to her on the bed. Gonzo arrives in the morning, and is NOT happy about this. Of course Pilar isn't so happy with Gonzo, who won't tell where he was, just that he was "protecting" her. After Gonzo leaves, Sebastian says "At least I have NO secrets". Oh really?

Emilio is with his pretty jefa, who is upset when he says he may be quitting to get married. Not only was he her best escort, but she was hoping for some nookie tonight, I think. How he resisted her hazel eyes and moist ruby lips is beyond me, but he does.

Ignacia asks Javier for money, since she's leaving town. He won't give her one centavo. But he wants her to stay, since he really has a thing for her (and Pilar, and Hilda, and whatever). Igna isn't too impressed with Javier's desires, since his deeds (no baby, won't give her money) don't seem to match up.

Adolfo finds Nibaldo, pushes him around a little, stuffs a wad of hundred dollar bills in his pocket, he's got a little job for Nibo. (where he got the money is anyone's guess, as 2 episodes ago, he complained to his Mommy of having no money). We'll find out about this job tonight.

So who is Anderson Chuncler? This has to be the coolest mystery since the first part of Alguien, when the writers hid the murderer's identity from us for weeks, having us jump from one character to another. It could be Javier, Gonzalo, Sebastian (evil music confirms this possiblity), or even Mabel, Lidia, Ignacia's therapist. Or even someone we've never seen. I want to know!!!


Hombre, tnx for the great recap. I loved it.

Pilar asks Gonazki to marry her and at the same night sleeps next to Sebastian!! maybe she did it to spite Gonzo - who hadn't accepted her request.
I wonder if Gonzo will kill Sebastian or Sebastian will kill Gonzo.


Thanks for the recaps. In yesterday's previews it showed the girls had escaped from Felix and were congratulating each other when they flag down another chance is it the car that Anhell is driving?

And thanks I completely missed the scene of reaching over for the bottle.

Mi Corazon
Mary, Jean and Hombre: thanks much for the comments. I never would have thought to attribute Vicky's agility to her 'dancing' days, but fortunately, Hombre has an eagle eye for those details.
By the way, hard to believe Angel would leave a witness behind who just saw him shoot a woman in cold blood. The driver of that van that stopped for Lola and Diana apparently drove off scot-free.
Oh well. Maybe the Vested One is getting careless...
J in Oregon

LA CASA -- jueves

Excellent job, Hombre -- and very funny!

I want to know too!

We may think Adolfmael is too dumb to write a book, but Gonzaki isn't so sure:
"A esas alturas, te creo capaz de cualquier cosa", he tells little brother.

And Adolfmael is so irritated at Gonzaki that after Gonzo leaves, he gets out the Gladview Park photo (he recalls how Gonzo asked Lidia to snap it, sign and all, so he'd have a memento of the trash dump he escaped from), puts the photo in an envelope, seals it and writes on its face: "Para Pilar" (in rather girlish looking script, by the way). If Rebeca is too impaired to out Iñaki, then Ismael will have to do it himself!

I loved the parallel scenes of the ladies in red -- Mabel and Pilar -- trying to control their mouthy offspring. Although I was pumping my fist in the air when Andrea said to Sebastián:
"Tú.. ¡tú no te metas!" And then she turns to Pilar and says: "I don't even know who this guy is!"

It's too bad it didn't occur to Mabel to calm her youngest with a tablet and Dish Latino. Clearly Pilar is the more resourceful mother.


"Pilar asks Gonazki to marry her and at the same night sleeps next to Sebastian!! maybe she did it to spite Gonzo - who hadn't accepted her request."

Oh yes, I think there's more than a little passive-aggressive in Pilar. Allowing Sebastián to spend the night in her bedroom knowing full well that sooner or later, Gonzaki would find them there -- well talk about waving a cape in front of a bull!

[But the most horrifying thing of all -- that pig Sebastián lies down on her bed and doesn't even bother to take off his dirty shoes!] :)

Sebastián follows Ignacia back to the Casa Conde and after sneaking a look at what was in his laptop and seeing the Chuncler books on his desk, he accuses Javier of being AC. We know -- or we think we know -- that Javier didn't put the books there. But if Sebastián thinks the journal and the laptop contents point to Javier, we may have to move "the best lawyer in the America" to the top of the suspect list. (Of course Sebastián may just be trying to divert attention from himself as a suspect.)

Then too, Ignacia dropped another hint a day or two back about how she told Javier about her recurrent dreams. So he could well have written the dedication to Condenados.
Ignacia sneaks downstairs and takes Javier's checkbook from his desk. Will she forge his signature? Will she get away with it?
I thought Emilio's jefa looked distinctly unhappy after he turned her down. A woman scorned ... another loose cannon?
Every single time I see Javier's photo of himself on Renato's old desk, it makes me giggle. Every single time.


NovelaMaven: I was pumping my fist in the air when Andrea said to Sebastián:
"Tú.. ¡tú no te metas!" And..

I loved Andrea for the first time! as you mentioned once, this pig Sebastián is awful as a good guy!


I was wondering...during the flashback with Adolfo, he remembered lidia taking their photo, but in the photo he was seeing himself twice, once in the wheelchair? Was he hallucinating? I came on too late to know what that's about.

I loved how Sebastian and Ignacia were in Javier's study como si nada. The look on Javier's face, so good! He's like, are you serious?? What are you guys doing in here! haha.

How come Hilda looks a little preggy in her cute little dresses? Is she hiding una panzita?


Rand, there was a third brother, Ivan/Leonardo, who was Adolfmael's twin, who was always in a wheelchair. Gonzo and Adolfo killed him by pushing him out of the Conde's upper floor window. But everyone thought Adolfo (who had been married to Ignacia) was dead, since he then got into the wheelchair, and pretended to be Leonardo for a while. Sounds nutty, but that's how this novela started.

Hilda can't be pregnant because she hasn't had sex with anyone since her baby was born, I'm pretty sure. It must just be that dress.

Thanks Hombre.

I remember some of the wheelchair scenes when the show first aired, I wondered at the time if it was fake because I remember the actor in Alguien, and I thought they wouldn't give him a role like that, at least not permanent.

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