Friday, November 25, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #36 Fri 11/25/11 It's Father-and-Son Night at the slammer!

Rebe and Pancho offer compliments in alphabetical order. The phone is ringing. She doesn't let him answer right away, and I wonder if he's risking more wrath from Chela, but no, it's Vince and he wants to see Rebeca.

Vince is still snorting Candy's pink envelope, but tucks it away when Rebe gets there. That perfume must be really strong if Rebe can smell it from the doorway! He says it's Sandy's. (He almost says "Candy.") He asks why Rebe always takes Pancho's side. He accuses her of liking him. She tells him it's none of his business, she knows he hired the model to frame Pancho, and she recognizes the perfume as Candy's. Ha! Also, he's despicable and he disgusts her. She leaves him alone to snort the pink letter some more.

Pepe and Freddy ride up together in the Avon elevator. Just when you think it's going to be awkward, Freddy reminds Pepe that they still haven't had their rematch at the track yet. Pepe reminds Fred that it's double-or-nothing. As Fred leaves, Pepe mutters to himself that it's odd Fred didn't mention Mónica.

Alex takes Lupe to Granny's old place. It has a big yard and a swingset and everything. Inside, it looks like a museum, crammed full of beautiful antiques and interesting stuff. There's an office chock-full of books. (Excuse me, I have to wipe some drool.) Alex wants her to have all of it (for the daycare, I guess). She balks. He says he wants her to take the reins of her life, and he's not doing it to mess with her emotions, but does she want to give her life to someone who doesn't deserve it? His grandma would have wanted the house to go to someone who would love it and use it and care for it as she did. Lupe says yes! She gives him a look that clearly says, "I'm thinking about maybe kissing you someday but not right now because I can't take that much awesomeness in one day."

At dinner, Pancho tells Lupita that they all support her and that the legal issues with the Casa Popular Unlicensed Daycare Center have been remedied. It can reopen tomorrow. Pepe tries to leave with a lame excuse, but Chela and Pancho see through it and get him to admit that he's actually going to race Freddy. It's a previous commitment, plus Fred already owes him money from the last time. They don't seem happy about it, but they don't talk him out of it, either.

Rebeca and Barbara rehash. Rebe says that no one else looks at her the way Pancho does. Bar says Rebe quit because of Vince last time; she can't have a relationship at work. She's never been so emotional over a guy before, either; she's going to have to choose between love or a career. Rebe says she doesn't have to choose yet!

Pina tells Adoración to bathe the dog; she's getting stinky. Candy arrives, followed soon after by Vince. (It's a good thing Candy got there first, because if her perfume is as strong as everyone says, Vince must be reeking of it.) In front of Pina, Candy hints around about a video of a model and some sexy photos. Vince nervously scoops way too much ice for his drink. He sits close to Pina and says he doesn't approve of her friendship with Candy. Candy says Pina's an independent woman and doesn't need his permission for any friendship. Candy leaves, but says she'll be back later.

Outside the racetrack, Alex is with Fred, and Tomás shows up for Pepe - I guess he heard about the race and wanted to be there for Pepe. Fred suggests making things more interesting by betting on Mónica. Pepe rejects this ridiculous idea since she isn't his property. I think they say the new watchman won't open the gate for them, so they're going to have to race on the road instead of on the track. (As they rev their engines, I try to figure out the optimum angle for a collision that would bring woe to Freddy and Tomás, while leaving Alex and Pepe unscathed.)

It's a two-lane road: Fred and Alex are on the right side, and Pepe and Tom are on the wrong side. Nobody is wearing a seatbelt, either. Yeah, sure, there's no way this could all end in tears, right? They give each other ugly looks and trash-talk the whole way, but they don't get very far because there's a car coming towards Pepe (big surprise). Oh snap - it's a cop! They try to spin around and get away, but another cop has blocked the road behind them, too.

Pina complains to Vince that because of him, she doesn't have her radio show, her credit card, or any sex; so he doesn't get to pick her friends. Candy's her friend, whether he likes it or not. Vince hints around that Candy might betray her, but the doorbell is ringing like crazy and Adoración is still washing the dog. At the door is Pancho, who demands that Vince leave with him right away. He doesn't even explain why, but apparently Vince is happy enough for an excuse to get away from Pina, because he pauses only to grab his coat.

So Pancho drives Vince to the police station in La Burra. Ungrateful Vince complains about the smell and his allergies and the music on the radio and germs etc. etc. the whole way and even as they enter the police station. They are told that the boys were using the road as a racetrack and that they tried to flee the scene and they weren't wearing seatbelts.

Meanwhile, Pina doesn't have enough to do at home, so she tries to tell Ado how to wash the dog. One of the handles comes off of the bathtub faucet and starts spraying water. (Isn't the one on the left usually the hot water pipe? Not in this house, I guess.) They panic and run into the shower for shelter, but it mysteriously begins to run all by itself, and they get even wetter and more hysterical. Then the sink faucet begins pouring water, and frankly I'd be scared too because that's really not how faucets work!

In their cell, the boys continue to trade unfriendly comments about their racing prowess, incomes, etc. A guard tells them to "calm down or I'll calm you down." They don't stay quiet long, and the drunk in the cell with them (let's call him Otis) complains. Fred gloats that he and Alex have Lupita and Elena and brags about how he took Elena to a luxury hotel suite. Tom nearly strangles him but unfortunately, Pepe pulls him away.

The clerk tells the dads (well, Vince and Pancho - where's Alex's dad?) that they can't pay bail till tomorrow because the safe won't open until then. HA! Pancho has his phone, but Vince forgot his, and the clerk won't let him use the phone there because it's for employees only, and only prisoners are entitled to "one phone call." Pancho and Vince argue over whose fault this is, and the clerk says if they don't pipe down they'll both be arrested for disrespecting authority! Vince grabs the clerk by the lapels and the clerk tells the guard to lock up BOTH of them! Pancho protests, he wasn't being disrespectful, but the clerk disagrees. Vince says he's friends with the chief of police; the clerk replies that his grandmother was Empress Carlota.

Fred and Pepe are surprised when their fathers join them in their cell. Pancho calls Chela to let her know what's happening.

Pina can't seem to get a plumber on the phone and finally thinks to call Candy. Water is beginning to drip down to the first floor. Ado is worried because she doesn't know how to swim. Pina says they'll die together. What fun. (Abeja is perfectly calm, wrapped in a pink towel.) Candy shows up with a monkey-wrench to save them from drowning.

Morning comes. Otis wakes up and says he recognizes Vince, but no one pays any attention. It seems that fathers and sons did not spend much time chatting last night, because only now does Pepe try to explain himself to Pancho. The clerk interrupts; Vince complains about Otis. The clerk says the safe is open now, but (as he failed to mention last night), now that they're in jail, they won't be allowed to pay their fines or those of the boys.

The clerk gives Pancho his phone to call someone to make the payment, and Pancho hesitates, recalling the question posed by Nico and Chacho last week:

Or Rebeca?

Find out Monday!

Next time:
Pina finally gets her hands on a real plumber. (Literally? Let's hope so!)


Oh, hey! If I'm not mistaken, the finale of Destilando Amor is on in the wee hours tonight. If you'd like to see Vince in his previous life as a tequila-poisoner, this is your last chance!

Thank you for the header Julie. I did watch the finale of DA I loved how it ended. I liked this espisode of Familia. I loved the fact that Vince and Pancho were in the same cell all night. Sergio was funny sniffing the note. Reminded me of Rogrigo from DA smelling the scarf! lol.


can't wait for your recap, julie.

the flood scene was hysterical. all the bathroom fixtures going off at once. how perfect that Tomas is now a "plumero"! i guess he gets out of jail in time to go to Pina's rescue. this match up should be a hoot. talk about karma for Veence.

on another note, doesn't the gorgeous Barbara look a lot like Catherine Zeta-Jones. she really is a beauty. and was she really kissing Arnoldo in the previews? we all suspected the swishy act was a front...


In the slammer, padres, hijos y amiguitos. This TN is hysterical.

Barbara is gorgeous, very regal, I must ck out the actress.


Julie- Looking forward to the recap later. This was a fun episode with the jail and bursting pipes. Also loved the progress Alex made with Lupita.

Yes, Barbara (Ingrid Marie Rivera) is gorgeous. She was Miss Puerto Rico 2008. We first saw her in tns in Hasta Que el Dinero Nos Separe in the role of Milagros, an awkward, ugly duckling. I think it was her first acting role and this is her second. Here is the recap, with pictures (!), of the episode she first appeared in. She is the unibrowed, bucktoothed girl in the 4th photo down:

I forgot to mention in my last post I cried when Aaron met his death. I felt bad for Minnie cause they actually really loved each other. Aaron was so diabolical. I like him better, Sergio that is, in this Familia tn. Manana es para siempre is replacing DA in late night. Has anyone seen this tn? It was aired I believe in 2008. Sergio is in this one too. Madelaine

Julie- I have never watched all of Destilando Amor, but have seen bits of it. I watched the final hour last night and it was a cute ending.

Madelaine- They are showing MEPS again? They just replayed it during the day not too long ago. It was recapped here on Caray during the original run. It's good. Lucero is hte main villainess and she is GOOD. Sergio is a secondary villain and fun to watch. Silvia Navarro and Fernando Colugna are the leads. It's a good tn with great actors, but light in the romance scenes with the two leads. You'll want to see them together more. But it's a good mystery and the characters are pretty smart.

Madelaine, we (many of us here) liked MEPS a lot. I don't know if it would be anybody's favorite, but it's among the better ones I've seen, mostly because of the excellent cast, a better-than-average script, and interesting characters. (Contrast with the next TN, STuD, which also had a very good cast but a terrible script and characters so evil and/or hapless and/or stupid we wanted to hit them all in the head. Hard.)

Hi Julie, thanks so much for the header. No rush on the recap, I think we are all enjoying our post-holiday rest.

Alex and Lupita are such an adorable couple. Go for it, you couple of crazy kids!

Re the house the Alex is "giving" to her for the children, it sure has a lot of knick-knacks in it for it to be a place for kids.

I don't fully understand why Alex is still Freddy's friend. Freddy is very disrespectful towards his lady friends and since Alex is associated with him he should be concerned that he will be viewed the same way. (Especially after Freddy's comments in jail.)

I liked the ending, Bombon o Chela?

OK, recap's done. Thanks for your patience!

Sylvia, I thought the same as you when I saw all the fine breakables at Alex's grandmother's house. The kids are gonna have to stay outside!

I love that you were trying to "figure out the optimum angle for a collision that would bring woe to Freddy and Tomás, while leaving Alex and Pepe unscathed". I was also hoping the Freddy and Tomas would just beat each other to pulps in the cell.

All those faucets running? Clearly the house is haunted. They need an exorcist, not a plumber.

"Otis", LOL, that's a flash from the past.

Carolina, in answer to your earlier question, yes Barbara is a stunner. There aren't many woman who could have pulled off that slicked back hairdo with such feminine panache.

Thanks Julie! This was a fun episode what with the plumbing disaster, drag racing, etc. I think Pepe had promised on the family name that he would not race in the street, but rather the autodrome or whatever the track is called. Shame on him for breaking his word. However kudos to him for refusing to "bet" Monica.

Oh, Barbara - maybe I'm wrong about this, but she (her face and her voice) remind me of one of the Nuestra Belleza contestants from LFMB. I can't remember which Miss she was, but she would have been the one with the most lines, who was upset because her parents weren't coming to see her, or something.

Odds are that I'm misremembering and it wasn't her at all, but Barbara does remind me of her.

Julie- What a fun recap of a fun episode. Gracias amiga!

Indeed, where are Alex's parents? Have we ever gotten an explanation for why we never hear about them or see them? We just know about the grandma who has been dead a year. And yes, that house is just an accident waiting to happen with a bunch of kids running through it. But what a lovely gesture and that yard is wonderful for kids who don't usually get the chance to play on the grass.

I laughed when Candy went sashaying up the stairs in her tight top, tights, and high heels, carrying that big old wrench.

Julie-Ingrid/Barabara was not yet a Miss Puerto Rico winner, nor had left PR for Mexico yet when LFMB was filmed. It's also not in her very short IMDb listing. It might be someone who looks similar. But I didn't see the show, so I can't be 100% sure who it was.

Thank you so much Julie and Vivi. I will defintely be watching MEPS.
I love mysteries, huge Agatha Christie fan.


Vivi, a lot of the IMDB listings are incomplete, so I wouldn't put much stock in that. But you're probably right that it isn't her. She does seem very familiar, though, and I didn't watch that other telenovela, so maybe I saw her in a commercial or something. She is certainly memorable.

Great title; very funny recap. I love how your mind works...trying to work out the physics that would allow Tomás and Freddy to get smashed up while sparing our two young heroes. Veeens "snorting" the odiferous stationery cracked me up, too.

That house is awesome...what you can see of it, that isn't covered with tchotchkes. They need to clear most of that out, maybe sell it for operating expenses. Pretty generous of Alex to offer it up. I too wonder what his family situation is. Parents? Also, he seems smart, reasonable, and nice, so why is he still Freddy's friend, and why does he go along with his harebrained schemes like road racing without seatbelts even?!

Looking forward to Monday's...finally Tomás is making himself useful.

...and here's some vocab:

chorrillo - diarrhea

a jalones - yanking (how Pancho dragged Veeens out of the house)

qué trácale eres - you're such a cheater

inaudito - unheard of

mazamorra - corn pudding (what Vince called the jail)

amilanarse - to get scared

palanca - crowbar

soquete - idiot (literally means ankle sock, or lamp socket)

desazón - unease

berenjenal - messy situation, a jam (literally, an eggplant field)

and one I couldn't figure out...

¿Por qué me embarran el atole? - literally means "why did they grease my atole (sweetened corn drink)"...but what does it mean?

Julia! I LOVE that you are looking these things up! AN eggplant field. What wonderful Spanish this show shares with us, too bad it goes by so fast. thanks for the recap Julie!

found this

tener sangre de atole

te·ner san·gre de a·to·le Verb

be cool, be coolheaded, be levelheaded; Synonyms: ser impasible

Embarrar also means to muddy or smear, so maybe it means
Why did you muddy my atole? or
mess things up for me.

Who was saying that?


Julie, nice job on the vocabulary! Those are some keepers for sure.

thank you SOOO much for the vocab...


Thanks, Julia! Was "chorillo" by any chance in one of Nico's (BigBoy's) scenes? There's usually some kind of poop/fart talk when he's around, but I haven't been taking the time to examine any of it. :)

When Vince was complaining about the vegetable truck, Pancho said he hoped Vince would catch a bug and get chorrillo.

Julie, your recap handled all the action so seamlessly. My favorite line: “I’m thinking about maybe kissing you one day…” Julia, gracias for the vocab.

I’ll admit to liking Tomas a wee bit when he showed up to support Pepe. He makes a lousy boyfriend but a pretty good buddy.

I’m going to miss watching DA, especially Eduardo Yanez. At least on Una familia con suerte, Sergio’s character will hopefully get a cheerier ending…

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