Monday, November 28, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #81 Mon 11/28/11 Camilo Continues to be an Idiot; Lucia Continues to be a Bad Liar; Ivan Continues to Refuse to Give Up

Camilo is being a stubborn jackass and is consulting David about finding a lawyer for Antolín instead of using the expert lawyer Ivan recommended. He makes David promise not to tell why his brother needs the lawyer then reveals the charges against Anto. David agrees with Ivan that Lic. Urbiales and his team are the best for this type of case. Camilo still insists on being dumb about it and refusing Ivan’s help. He’s sure Ivan’s just helping to get in Lucia’s good graces and steal her from him. David agrees with everyone in Viewerville that Cam is being an idiot. The problem his brother is in is one thing, and Cam’s Ivan-Lucia issues are another. And anyway, if they’re still in love, there’s nothing he can do about it. Cam says he’ll die without her. (Maybe so, if the black crow of death has anything to do with it.)

At the local pool hall, Carmen is trying unsuccessfully to put up with the catcalls of the regulars (one guy asks if Saul can lend her to him), so that she can find out what the heck Saul and Gordo did. She won’t permit that Anto stay in jail (el bote) because of them. She’s figured it all out. Gordo knew that her brother had a gun and took it, and their plan went awry when Gerry arrived. They better get her brother out of jail or she’s spilling the beans (soltar la sopa/ to spill the soup)! Saul wants them to speak somewhere else, and Gordo convinces her to go with them—-at knife point. (Yikes!)

Lic. Urbiales is meeting with Ivan and Tony and giving them an update on Anto’s case. Unfortunately, the time he arrived in D.F. versus the time he says he left Alamos don’t add up. Or at least it adds up to too much time in between. Ivan thinks he may have just made a mistake about when he left. Since Anto has forbidden them to speak to his girlfriend, who was the last to speak to him before he left, or to his mother, they can’t corroborate his story. Anyways, with a big crime like this in Alamos, it’s bound to be splashed all over the papers soon, with the accusations against Anto. Ivan leaves to speak to Cam and Lucia to prepare Celia for the news before she reads about it.

Tony asks the lawyer if he thinks Anto is innocent. The lawyer thinks he is, but he doesn’t have permission to enter the prison at will to be able to ask Anto clarifying questions right this moment.

Gordo and Saul have Carmen cornered on the bed in Gordo’s place. They are trying to convince her that it was indeed Anto who did it. She refuses to believe it. When they threaten that she’s implicated too, she says she’ll keep her mouth shut. They aren’t convinced that she’s sincere and that she would actually let her brother do time. Saul tries to scare her some more. Her brother is strong and can survive prison. But she wouldn’t be able to; she’d be raped right off the bat. Carmen spits it right back at Saul and says that he would be too, being a cripple, and so would butterball Gordo. The boys decide to up the ante. If she talks, they’ll cut her throat. Carmen promises again that she’ll keep her mouth zipped. Plus she has a daughter, who is also Saul’s, and she needs her. This is news to Gordo.

They are suddenly interrupted by loud banging on Gordo’s front door and Camilo’s shouting. Before Carmen can call out, Saul has her pinned to the bed under his body with his hand over her mouth and Gordo’s shut the bedroom door. For the second time in his life, Gordo is on the wrong end of Galvan rage. Camilo says he’ll beat him to death! (Matar a golpes!) Camilo correctly guesses that Gordo knew Anto had a gun and is likely behind the attempted kidnapping and the killing. Gordo swears he’ll tell the truth, and then tells a partial truth. He says it was the idea of his brother Anto and his sister Carmen. She thought it up to help her baby-daddy Saul get his operation. Camilo refuses to believe his sister had anything to do with this.

Suddenly he hears a woman moaning and starts making his way to the bedroom to see what’s going on, even though Gordo claims it’s a lady friend. Carmen has enough fight in her to manage to bite Saul’s hand and let out some good screams for her brother. Cam breaks the door down and then breaks Saul’s face. Carmen spills the beans about Saul and Gordo and that Anto had nothing to do with it. Cam starts dragging Saul to the police station, but Carmen is worried about saving her own skin and the fact that she’s implicated too. Saul also claims to have nothing to do with it. It was all Gordo and he knew nothing about what Gordo was planning. He doesn’t know if Anto was involved too, but he does know that Carmen would go down for this. Cam decides to let Saul go.

Ivan takes Lucia to Casa Lomeli. He thinks it’s best that Celia hears the truth about what’s going on from people she loves, before it comes out in the papers tomorrow. Lucia looks at him and marvels at how much he looks like Alex when he’s all energized. She says he’s a good man. She remembers how bent on revenge he was when he first came back, and how different he is now. They both admit the other has not left their thoughts. Then why are they still apart, Ivan wonders. What are they waiting for? Lucia doesn’t think it’s the right time to speak about this.

Inside, Carolina is worried that they haven’t heard from Antolin yet and she has a bad feeling. Lucia and Ivan arrive and Caro asks about Anto. Ivan tells her and Celia the truth about the gun and about Anto being in jail. Neither Celia nor Caro believe he was involved and Caro becomes hysterical.

At Casa Galvan, Cam is interrogating Carmen about how this all came about and what the heck she was doing in Gordo’s bedroom. She explains how they took her there by force. She explains what she originally thought the plan was—to watch Lucrezia, spy on her having relations with JJ, and to blackmail her. She thinks it was Gordo who must have changed the plan to kidnapping and framing Anto. Camilo demands to know if she realizes what she’s done. Their brother is in jail and she might go to jail too for being an accomplice. Didn’t she think of their mother! Lechita is with Celia so Camilo forbids Carmen from leaving the house. He leaves. Carmen calls herself an idiot (estupida). She will get no argument from Viewerville.

In Rancho Curiel, Ivan has just accompanied Lucia home and refuses to drop the subject of them. Their destiny is to be together! He leaves and leaves Lucia to her thoughts. What’s this? A smile? Camilo notices it too as he stares at her from the doorway. Carlota enters the other doorway. Lucia tells them where she’s been. Camilo paces the room like a caged tiger and asks how she got to Casa Lomeli since he didn’t see that her car had left. She explains that Ivan took her and brought her back, since Camilo wasn’t there. “Of course! Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!” Uh wait, wrong show. “Ivan, Ivan, Ivan!” He resumes his usual rant. No need to write it down. Lucia tries to explain again how important this all is for HIS BROTHER. She also explains about the missing three hours and the need to get Caro to verify Anto’s departure time. “Why didn’t anyone tell me?!” Lucia explains that it was the expert lawyers that Ivan contracted that found this all out. Camilo starts to act stubborn again about accepting the best lawyers in town to help his brother, so Carly tries to talk some sense into him. He needs to keep his pride in check if he wants his brother to go free. They have to set priorities! Same old Camilo lines. Lucia gives it a try talking sense to him. Ivan loves Camilo’s family and THAT he can’t doubt. She walks out. Carly tells him what’s important now is his family and that his mother not suffer. He and Ivan can duke it out later.

The next morning, Caro and the lawyer speak to the police commander. She confirms that both Gerry and Anto left around 11am. Gerry went to see Lucia because she’s having troubles with her husband. Caro claims to not know what those troubles are. Caro asks to speak to Anto. After she leaves the police chief says there are still those unaccounted 3 hours and they still need witnesses to help clear that up.

Celia and Caro visit Anto in the cells with one of the lawyers. He asks Anto about the missing three hours and he explains about breaking down by the side of the road. Are there witnesses? Anto can’t remember the name of the mechanic, but he does remember that Judith saw him.

The next day Lechita and Carmen arrive at the ranch and greet Camilo. Carmen asks him if he’s going to rat her out to the cops. Camilo doesn’t answer and leaves in his truck.

In the living room, Carly wants to know what Lucia is going to do about the Ivan-Camilo situation. She apologizes again for having pushed Lucia into this marriage. Lucia says that neither of them could have imagined he’d turn into this jealous idiot. Imagine, putting his absurd jealousy above his brother’s freedom! Lucia doesn’t think destiny wants her and Ivan to be together. (She obviously does not know the title of this tn.) Ivan will always be in her heart, even if he’s on the other end of the world.

At the jail, Camilo tells Anto who framed him and that Carmen was a part of it.

Celia and Caro pray at the church and cry over what might happen to Anto.

Anto and Camilo talk about what Carmen’s fate might be. Anto will not allow her to go to jail. He’d rather take the fall. Camilo doesn’t think it’s fair for Anto to take the blame. Anto thinks it’s best that their mother believe he, being the already identified black sheep of the family, did the crime and not Carmen. Anyways, once Camilo took the blame to save Anto from going to jail. Now it’s his turn.

The neebish lawyer updates the McGuires on Anto’s excuse for the missing three hours. Ivan calls Judith into the office to speak to them. But first, Camilo wants to speak to Ivan alone. He’s come to offer an apology for the way he’s behaved. He knows Ivan just wants to help but he (Camilo) let pride take over. Ivan accepts the apology, then tells Cam they’ve got a good lead for securing Anto’s freedom.

In the Curiel living room, Lucia is speaking to Berenice about their final exam. Bernie thinks they should asks for a postponement considering Lucia is in mourning. Lucia doesn’t want to postpone. Life has to go on. Ezekiel interrupts with an envelope for Lucia. It’s a demand for a paternity test for Perlita from Ivan. Lucia is pissed.

Ivan introduces Camilo to Lic. Lara and Judith enters soon after. She confirms that she saw Anto by the side of the road with his broken down car, that it was sometime just after 11 given the radio program she was listening to at the time, that he was with a mechanic and she offered him a ride, and she’s willing to testify on his behalf. Yay! After she leaves, the lawyer says they still have to prove that Anto didn’t plan it all, considering his gun was involved. Tony wants them to go look at Anto’s locks (la chapa) to see if it was forced, explaining the stolen gun theory.

At Casa Meandragon, Saul tells his dad that he’s in deep doodoo. He’s obviously told the sordid story. JJ wonders how he could be so stupid as to think he’s having an affair with Lucrezia. And why’s Saul in his biz anyway? Saul admits he wanted to blackmail him to pay for the surgery. “What you need is brain surgery!” (Strangely enough, the character he is currently playing in CME has a brain tumor.) He explains about Gordo. JJ’s solution is for Saul to go this moment and propose marriage to Carmen and legitimization of their daughter. That way she’ll have even more reason to keep quiet about Saul’s role in all this. Saul doesn’t like that solution. He thinks he’s too good for that naca. Who is he kidding?

Lucia looks on sleeping Perlita and rants to Bernie about Ivan’s paternity test demand. “Does he want to take her from me?” Bernie says of course he doesn’t. He just wants to know the truth. (Duh!) It’s normal that he be suspicious and think Perlita is his. “He has Alex, doesn’t he?” “You know better than anyone that one child doesn’t substitute another.” “But why this way?” Bernie suggests she talk to Ivan. Lucia would much rather rant some more about how Camilo would react if Ivan got visitation rights for Perlita. Bernie doesn’t think Ivan would put her in an uncomfortable situation. What Bernie is more concerned about is why Lucia is so scared of Camilo. Is he mistreating/abusing her? Lucia says no, but she’s not very convincing.

Saul calls Carmen and assures her it was all Gordo’s doing. He makes his proposal. If she keeps quiet about his role in this, then he’ll marry her and take care of her and Lechita. Carmen takes the bait.

Ivan tells Celia on the phone about the lastest updates in Anto’s case. She’s happy with the good news. She informs him that Caro was named Gerry’s heir, so she has inherited the house and the bank account. She tells Camilo and Caro the Anto update, but Camilo gets all stupid again and wants to know why Ivan is mixed up with the biz about Gerry’s will. Then he gets ticked off when they tell him Ivan helped them find the will and what was in it. “Ivan, Ivan, Ivan!” Celia is like the hundredth person to tell Camilo he’s being an idiot. Ivan is part of their family, he’s her godson, and Camilo owes him plenty. Caro begs them not to argue, and she and Celia speak about Anto’s case while Camilo broods in the corner.

Lucia calls up Ivan to tell him off. He apologizes for not informing her, but he forgot about it with all that’s happened. He’ll put an end to it if she tells him the truth about Perlita. Lucia claims he is not the father. Well, then Ivan doesn’t see what the big deal is about the paternity test being done. She says it’s an insult to Perlita, Camilo, and to her!

After Lucia hangs up on Ivan, Alex wants to know what the discussion was about. He knows the answer before Ivan even gets it out. Grown folk business. Tomorrow he starts school and needs to get to sleep.

The next morning, Ivan drops Alex off at the school. He then runs into Lucia and Bernie in town. He and Bernie meet for the first time and make small talk. Bernie makes a hasty retreat to leave Lucia and Ivan alone, and Lucia immediately starts an argument about the paternity test. Ivan thinks they should go somewhere more private for that discussion, considering they're in the middle of the street in the middle of town. She reluctantly agrees and gets in his car.

On the farm, JJ finds Camilo and tries to make small talk about the diversification of his crops. Then he gets to the real business at hand—this story that Carmen “made up.” JJ bullshits about how it was all Gordo and not Saul. Anyway, if his brother is going to be set free anyway (because of Judith’s testimony), then why bother implicating Saul? And anyways, that would implicate his sister Carmen too. If Camilo forgets about the whole thing, then JJ won’t take away his backing of Camilo’s bid to be the next Ag Assoc president. Plus, Saul will marry Carmen. Camilo would prefer that his sister remain a single mother! Well, then JJ will prohibit Judith from testifying on behalf of his brother.

Ivan and Lucia walk and talk. Same old argument. Why didn’t you wait for me? Why did you sleep with my sister? It was just once! And I was thinking of you the whole time! Lucia is a terrible liar. She denies that she hopped into the sack immediately with Camilo (true). But then she denies that the baby is Ivan’s and that she got married already pregnant (lie). And he knows the baby wasn’t premature. These things just don’t add up, and Ivan is REALLY good at math. Lucia starts to cry instead of admitting anything. Ivan begs her to get divorced so that they can marry. Lucia decides instead to hop in the cab that suddenly drives up, and takes off.

When he returns to his car, Ivan finds that Lucia has forgotten a copy of her thesis in the front seat. He smiles after reading the dedication: “To my grandmother Carlota, my father Gerardo, and Alex.”

Looks like she forgot even her purse in Ivan’s car, because she stops the cab in front of Bernie and asks for cash to pay for the cab. She tells Bernie that Ivan asked her to get divorced and marry him. “Well then, get divorced!”

Lic. Lara explains the next steps to Anto in the jail. He wants to know if there is anyone who would want to frame him. There’s still no way to prove he didn’t plan the whole thing, and the gun is, well, the proverbial smoking gun. They’ll check his locks, but justice moves slowly and Anto will need lots of patience.

The D.F. doc calls to tell Caro that a compatible cornea has been found and she will need to come immediately. He tried to call Anto but got no answer. Caro claims he’s traveling. The doctor says she needs someone trustworthy to accompany her right away. Celia offers to go with her, but Caro refuses to go without Anto since he’s the one who made all the sacrifices to make this happen.

JJ tells Saul how he screwed up since it’s his fault Camilo refuses to accept his bargain. If Camilo denounces Saul, then JJ washes his hands of Saul.

Ivan pulls up to Rancho Curiel to return Lucia’s things that she left in his car. Unfortunately, the welcome party is Camilo and he wants to know what the heck Lucia was doing in Ivan’s car. Ivan says they had to talk about personal stuff. He and Lucia love each other, the baby is his, and if Camilo was man enough he would give her a divorce. Camilo laughs, calls him crazy, then punches him. It’s on! Full out rumble on the Curiel lawn, with Ezekiel trying to stop them, while not being stupid enough to jump in the middle of it. MP and Lucrezia run out and also try to get them to stop. (Thankfully the only time we’ve seen these two tonight.) MP is not as smart as Zeke, gets too close to the melee, and gets popped in the mouth and knocked to the ground by Camilo’s flying elbow. The two snorting bulls don’t even notice and grip each other’s lapels, fists ready to fly some more.

Avances: Camilo is caught naked, getting it on with MP in bed, by the whole Curiel family.


Good work, Vivi. I checked the program grid and thus far I don't get another double header this week!

Camilo is spiraling down into more than jerkhood, but I will give him points for not wanting Carmen to marry Saul. Although it would be fun watching her turn the Mondragon household turvy.

Carolina is being an idiot about the operation. But what else is nuevo?

Thanks Vivi!! You read my mind with "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia".

Camilo is really losing it.

It's probably not the case, but I'm just going to tell myself that Gerry is the cornea donor. I like it better that way....but Carolina is being a twit about it.

Thank you, Vivi, for this lively and thorough recap.

Camilo is indeed falling apart, even while he is trying to do the right thing by his family. It's hard to see a good outcome for Camilo. His role has become more interesting and GS is doing pretty well with it, IMHO. Still, he seems wooden against the stronger actors (I'm thinking about the actors playing Antolin, Carlota and JJ).

Ivan seems sooo pushy to me. Every time he approaches Lucia, I cringe. His best role is as a dad to Alex. He's gentle and loving.

I like Celia's sweet relationship with Carolina. I hope this is an omen of good things ahead for Antolin and Carolina.

Vivi, it was so nice finding this early recap.
I still think that MP will unwittingly save the day in some way, maybe by seducing Camilo (this is the closest to redemption she'll ever get.
I think she knows very well who shot her father even though those two neanderthals were masked, she was a witness. It is hard to disguise Gordo the biggest man in town and Saul, the masked man with a limp and a cane.
Lucia finally looks like she really loves Ivan; more so than in the TN's earlier scenes together on the beach, and of course, the wall.

OOPs, had a mental lapse there. Saul wasn't at the scene, but Gordo was poorly disguised, and I think MP recognized him.

Morning all!

How many times can multiple people call you a jealous, idiotic jerk before you believe it and do something about? I really thought Camilo had turned a corner when he accepted the lawyer and appologized to Ivan, but then he was at in again by the next scene! I hope getting caught in the act with MP puts an end to his and Lucia's marriage once and for all. I'm still frustrated that Lucia just won't end it already.

Traveling Lady- Yes, Ivan is pushy, but I do think he's being more gentle and cool headed about it than he was in the past. He's not accusing Lucia angrily, he's just stating the facts. "You love me, I love you, you don't love Camilo, and the baby is mine. Why can't we be together?" The only way he's going ot get any result from Lucia (who would rather keep things as the are than make a move to make herself happy) is by pushing her to act by reminding her every chance he gets that this situation is not logical and it's not making anyone happy.

Carmen is a piece of work. I really wonder if she was being sincere when she was being threatened by Saul and Gordo that she would keep quiet in order to save herself. She certainly seems willing enough right now to let Anto take the blame. I'm glad that Anto acknowledged that if he has to take the blame for Carmen, it's only fait since Camilo took the blame for the killing of Ivan's attacker for him. It gives me more hope that redemption is in the cards for him and not death. Also the fact that Caro and Celia are bonding so much and Caro has already lost Gerry. She does need to snap out of this lastest stubborn stance and get the damn surgery. I'm hoping Celia and maybe Alex can convince her.

Ooops, typo. It's only fair that Anto take the blame, but it's also fate too. :)

The more I think about Carmen being willing to marry a man who pinned her to a bed and threatened to cut her throat, the angrier I get. She wants THIS guy to be the father of her daughter and have her child live under the same roof as him?!

The problem with Antolin taking the fall for Carmen is that she learns nothing from this other than she can always count on her brothers to cover up for her. She's been thrown out of her family home and taken back in, she has not been consequenced for playing hooky from computer class, and now she isn't being punished in any way for enabling Saul and El Gordo.

Unless Saul does something to her despite Camilo's attempt at protecting her from him. We know he's capable of that and I shudder to think what kind of a father he would be.

Did nobody think to do a gunpowder residue test on Antolin to determine whether he actually shot the weapon?

Oh, should have just kept using "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" :)

I completely missed Antolin saying it was fate that he take the blame for Carmen's stupidity, but it makes sense--karmically speaking, this is/should be payback for at least one of his sins. I'm not sure if it ends with this, though, or if something else will manifest in the last week or something.

As for MP getting an elbow in the face...Dios mio, how I laughed at that. (So, so wrong. I know. But y'all understand, right?) And then they had to trump it with the avances for tonight's episode, where she goes ahead and conquers Mt. Camilo...I guess that's one way to kill two birds with one stone (exit Camilo and Lucia's marriage and Lucrecia's acceptance of MP, stage left).

Oh Bill. I understand, and I stopped typing for a good full minute so that I could laugh. ;-)

How many times before have we wanted someone, ANYONE, to pop MP in the mouth?

Lovely recap!

I'll join the chorus of being oh so happy at MP getting popped in the face. So mean of me, but she had it coming for so long.

I too feel that though Ivan is being insistent, that he's not doing it in the aggressive fashion of the earlier episodes. He just wants to knock some sense into Lucia, who is being a coward. I agree that their scenes together now are much better than ever before. There is FINALLY some chemistry there.

Hmm not sure how the whole Carmen/Antolin/Saul thing is going to play out. Are they all going to end up free somehow?? It's funny but it almost sounded like JJ welcomed the idea of Carmen and Lichita moving to the house. I think he's feeling very lonely. Maybe Carmen will end up with him instead hahaha!!

I hope getting caught in the act with MP puts an end to his and Lucia's marriage once and for all. I'm still frustrated that Lucia just won't end it already.

This is because Lucia is a coward. Lucia will use the Camilo/MP tryst to justify running back to Ivan, when that's what she wants to do all along.

The more I think about Carmen being willing to marry a man who pinned her to a bed and threatened to cut her throat, the angrier I get. She wants THIS guy to be the father of her daughter and have her child live under the same roof as him?!
Yes because at least she'd be a "MondragON."

Lucrecia's acceptance of MP, stage left).
Lucrazia overlooked Maripaz KILLING somebody and being all non-chalant about it. She'll most likely overlook Maripaz sleeping with Camilo, she'll just blame it on Camilo being "one of those people."

If Carmen & Saul were smart, which they are not, they could blame the whole thing on Gordo, since nobody saw Saul (who hobbles with his crutch) or Carmen (a female) at the scene of the crime.

Gracias Vivi,

I think MP would have recognized Gordo, or at least realize is certainly wasn't Antolín.
I don't know why the lawyer can't get Antolín bonded out, it's murder, but the only proof they have is the gun.

The best thing was Camilo's beat down of Gordo & Saul. Carmen, understandably would agree to anything to keep from getting her throat cut. I believe she will eventually do the right thing.

Redemption - Lucrecia & Carmen
Disaster - MP, Saul, Gordo
?? - Camilo, JJ


Maripaz' game of one-upwomanship she's been playing with Lucia is going to end soon. The only thing Lucia should care about now is using this as the springboard for the divorce. I don't know if you can file for divorce on the basis of emotional abuse, but adultery is usually effective.

Remember also that Carlota threatened to toss the Merry Piece out on her culo if she didn't stay away from Camilo. For MP that's another broken promise to add to a long list. If she's out the door before her alimony payment happens (I don't think it's been a month) I can see her kidnapping Alex -- or Perla -- for a big ransom.

I'd rather see Camilo get a clue than die as he has committed no sin he deserves death for but it feels like he might die in the act of rescuing the baby, an act he might think would endear him to Lucia.

I predict that JJ will end up alone. Where does he get the idea he can forbid Judith from testifying on Antolin's behalf? She's 30 years old, not 3.

Variopinta- Would you say Antolin is a ?? too?

MP definitely knows Anto wasn't involved, she even said so in front of Lucrezia. But there is no way she's going to get involved and risk the authorities finding out how she would know Gordo or Anto so well as to know who was or wasn't among the attackers. Like Carmen, she'd rather save her own skin. Plus, she came on the scene as the attackers were driving off and wouldn't have gotten that great of a look at the masked men as she was focused on her wounded father.

The attackers were wearing gloves, so there wouln't necessarily be any residue on Anto's hands or the hands of the real shooter.

Ivan is creepy with Lucia. Everytime she calls he says, "Hola Lucia" very slowly, almost smug-like! But I don't like David Zepeda as a galan anyway - he has the face of a villano - pointy eyebrows and vampire teeth!

I wonder if the story would have been better if Gabe Soto were playing "Ivan" and David Zepeda were playing "Camilo?"

Ivan & Antolin look more like brothers than Camilo & Antolin.

I'm finding Ivan creepy and stalker like with Lucia too. He definitely invades her personal space. She seems to want to shrink into the ground whenever she's near him, contrary to what she tells Carlota that she still loves him.

I'm not sure if this is just the actress mis-interpreting the script, but Lucia is such a doormat that I get the impression she actually doesn't want to be with Ivan because he would ask to much of her. She certainly seeks every excuse to avoid him. At least with Camilo she always had excuses to keep him at arms length rather than really be engaged in the relationship.

Ah Camilo, Camilo! Such an idiot! You've already been lectured and warned, and you know what's on the line, yet you still succumb to MP's sleazy charms?

Thanks for the great recap Vivi! It was an exciting episode! I'm really looking forward to seeing MP and Camilo caught inflagrante!


P.S. I think MP's mouth bruise moves from the left side of her mouth when she was downed in the yard to the right side when she is with Camilo later.

Wonderful Vivi. Your recap overflowed with delicious details and humor "Cam says he’ll die without her. (Maybe so, if the black crow of death has anything to do with it.)" Excellent!

My thoughts are with Celia. Will any of her 3 children survive, and if so, in what state? As you so aptly noted Vivi, I fear Cam is doomed. Carmen is a disappointment whatever happens next. And while I wish for a happy ending for Anton and Caro, I can't see him escaping murder and blackmail for a happily ever after ending.

Hope I'm wrong.


Antolin killed in defense of Ivan; that doesn't count as murder, but they could get him on failure to report it. The blackmail is another story.

On a cosmic level, though, one could make a case for the money being returned by Camilo redeeming Carlota's pearls. But how did he get that kind of money?

I don't think Carmen will die, but I have given up hope that she will grow up.

I was worried about Antolín because of the Romeo & Juliet references but I've changed my mind, he is going through too much now to die. I think he & Carolina will live happily para siempre, lucky girl, can't wait 'til she sees him for the 1st time.

Gabriel Soto was going to be Iván at one time but I'm not sure if DZ was even in the plan at that time.

I just don't think Lucía (the actress) is very good, she just mopes, very disappointing performance, which of course means she'll win the premio. MP on the other hand is doing an excellent job, she really makes you hate her.


DZ was originally cast as Camilo and GS was originally cast as Ivan. After screen tests, the director and test groups liked the reverse better, so they switched them.

Thanks Vivi for the great recap. Lucia and Camilo should just divorce already! I didn't like the way he got in her face and almost hit her. And the Marcia, Marcia Marcia is really good. Also I know the actor that plays Lic Lara was the smarmy Marcial on PVAA but I wonder if he is Italian? I swear the candence of his speech is just like an Italian. Especially when he says por favor it almost sounds like per favore.


I think the story might have worked better if DZ/GS roles were kept as originally planned, although I have enjoyed DZ playing a good guy for once and always enjoy his scenes with Alex, as I always enjoyed DZ scenes in "Soy Tu Duena" with Santiaguito.

However, that might not have worked either because the weakest link is SE/Lucia. Like I've said before, if Judith weren't his sister I'd be rooting for Ivan to hook up with Judith and take her, Alex, Tony & Benito back to the US.

Vivi: I'm surprised test groups apparently preferred David Zepeda as Ivan. He's really not doing a bad job, but Gabriel Soto just seems more decidedly...galan-ish. (And I can't help thinking that David could have rocked Camilo's slide into Jan Brady status.)

Yes, I think that specialist licenciado is doing an Italian accent. I remember him from PVAA and I'm pretty sure he spoke with a normal Mexican accent then. And not so nasal either.

The Italian accent is very pronounced. It must be deliberate.


On the Curiel blackmail thing - they could be going by the theory that ladrón que roba a ladrón tiene 100 años de perdón. Neither Lucrezia nor MP are palomas blancas. And he did it to help Carolina.

But Antolín is still culpable for forcing Ivan to leave the country and taking some of the money Gerardo left Ivan. I think Camilo confessed about what really happened when that worker got killed during the attack, when he saw Ivan return all safe, healthy and rich. But I don't think the money stealing came to light.


I think both Camilo and Antolin need to sit down with Ivan and have an honest conversation about what really happened all those years ago-- Anto doing the stabbing; them lying to Ivan at first to convince him HE did it; Anto making his little deal with Lucrezia's ranch hand to make sure Ivan left town; Anto then lying to Ivan about Camilo being the stabber; Gerry leaving enough money for Ivan to start over in another town and continue in school; Anto stealing most of that money and only giving Ivan enough to cross the border; and Camilo ripping up Ivan's letters to the family all those years. I can't remember well, but I think Anto even lied about there definitely being an investigation about the stabbing and that Lucrezia had brought charges against the stabber, as a way to pressure Ivan to leave the country. That's a lot of crap that neither Galvan boy has come clean about and appologized for. Until they do, they are not redeemed in my eyes, not even Antolin, whom I love.

Oh, and just because things worked out for Ivan in the end, does NOT excuse what they did nor mean that they shouldn't appologize.

Thanks Vivi, both the background on the casting and the recounting of Anto and Cam's past sins.

ITA with those who think Lucia wasn't convincing. (The child Lucia was more convincing).
I have to say she is acting more like she loves Ivan now-but yeah, up until now she seemed unhappy and, well, vaguely annoyed.
I was a difficult part; the Judith part was easier-
The actress playing MP-very good IMHO.

I'm glad I read through the comments before posting my comment. I was wondering what accent that lawyer had, I guessed Italian, but since I'm not native Spanish speaking, I wasn't sure. Any guess why the writers picked an Italian attorney?

Maybe the actor is from Argentina?

I've been watching the Argentine episodes of Mujeres Asesinas, which were done before the network began getting the actors to de-regionalize their speech. Understanding them is sometimes a challenge.

Licenciado Lara reminded me of Forrest Gump. And Yes, he could be Argentinian. Their Spanish has a mixture of Italian in them.

Arturo Velasquez

Vivi~~~Thanks for a superb recap, as usual. I'm trying to get back into this novela since I have no opportunity to watch Fernando or Eduardo right now. At least, I can watch Marcelo. I think that the recurring blackbird of doom has sealed Camilo's fate. What an unhappy character. Lucia is just not that into you, Bro. Move on. So many telenovela characters seem to carry this fatal flaw..the inability to face the truth and move on to find some happiness in life. My pragmatic soul just seethes as I watch them waste their lives pining for what or whom they will never have.

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