Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #168 Thursday 12/15/11 Never let a fox guard the hen house or a serpent guard the aviary

Last night we left just as the silver fox entered the hen house and offered our two little chickies a helping hand and ride into town. Tonight the protective and faithful sheepdog Laz rolls his eyes, but since one of our lovely birds is La Dueña of the Coop he is forced to concede. The fox gives the dog a victorious glance as he departs.

Over at the Den de Desamor, the young cub searches dad's office, but all the drawers and cupboards are locked.

In the La B cocina, Alison pumps Manuela for background on the characters in this tale. Manuela says apparently Doc Marina is a decent sort, she helped Manuela when she was sick, but she’s not happy that Jero ran off with her. She has no comment on Saul having never met him. They say he’s a doctor in the capital. (Did we know that? Makes sense I guess.) As for Don Augustin, she can’t say whether he’s good or bad, but he is very haughty (alzado, an interesting word that often means elevated or raised) and looks down his nose (por encima del hombro) at all of them. Manuela finally asks Ali why the sudden interest? Ali says she just wants to understand the people around her. Manuela gives Ali some advice: around here you look, listen, and keep your mouth shut. (Ve, oye, y calla).

Herminia runs in wriggling in excitement with her hot chisme. Ali cracks up and Manuela rolls her eyes, how many times has she told Hermi she hates gossip? But Hermi’s already spilling it, Don Augustin is driving Regina and Renata to Ensenada. Ali thought bubbles Hermi is the one who can reliably spill the soup.

Back the fox’s den the cub continues his search. He spies the laptop, boots it up, and appears frustrated as he pounds the keys.

Next up we see the giant letters in the bay of Ensenada announcing it is the Ruta del Vino and all I can say is I sure wish those monoliths had been there the one time I sailed into Ensenada because for the 3-4 months my boat was down there I was clueless that I was in the Wine Country. Oh well, cold beers went fine with fish tacos and I will just have to visit that now infamous wine country another time.

The doc is printing out the results of Renata’s ECG while Nata jokes about dying and Regina pats her arm in a motherly fashion.

Augustin, in white windbreaker of course, strolls and thought bubbles that without Jero in Nata’s life it will be easier to win her over again. It will take a while for her to forget Jero but Augi can be very very patient. (Since when?!?) He plans to become indispensable in her life but what are they going to do with Jeronimo’s cub? His icy glare does not bode well for the tiny creature’s future.

In the consultation the doc tells Renata she has a heart condition. He says it’s not serious but Nata needs to be vigilant during her pregnancy. Regina’s eyes grow wide as the jigsaw pieces of her brain start falling into place. “Has she had this condition since birth?” queries Regina. Doc says most likely, especially when he hears Nata’s sister also has a heart condition. In Nata’s case it just didn’t manifest itself until now. We can see by Regina’s face that more pieces are fitting together and she no doubt wonders if this lovely heart-achy chick could possibly be her own. Renata asks if she can fly to Mexico City and the doc says he will give her a prescription to minimize the altitude affect on her heart and pregnancy.

Puppy sighting! Back at La B Adri and Matias are playing Name That Dog. Matias suggests Fido (Feedo) which is the quintessential perro name. Adri corrects him and displays the chubby puppy underbelly. Silly Matias, it is a perra not a perro and both Adri and perra glare at him with big brown eyes, dumb boy. Adri snuggles the pup and tells Matias that Julietta called with some prime chisme. Apparently she saw Berta and German in her building and Robertita is the amante of none other than German Ibarrola! Matias grimly says dad’s not going to be happy to hear his kid is hanging with a married man and Adri says Regi’s not going to like it either. Matias reveals that Gonzo told him there was a fire at Fina’s psych ward but no word yet about Fina. Matias cautions Adri not a word of this news to Renata.

Our question regarding Fina’s hideout is answered as Berta lets them into her Germy lust nest. Berta coldly advises that she’ll give Fina some money to skip to Europe but this is the last thing she intends to do for mommy dearest and ma can’t stay there forever, is that clear? Fina cases the joint, feigning humility while she lets Berta blather. And one more thing, says Berta, she doesn’t want mom to insert herself in Berta’s life. She snips that Fina can go ahead and tell Regina that Berta’s not her own daughter if she wants and she, Berta, is no longer afraid of being alone because thank God she has someone. Fina supposes it’s the same so-and-so (fulano) that subsidised the apartment for them to wallow (revolcarse) in, no? And this same guy will protect Berta from everything, eh? Fina sneers and cackles give her a break, she’s not stupid. If Berta thinks this guy will give up everything for Berta then little B is sadly mistaken. Fina advises Berta to enjoy herself now because sooner or later Berta is going to ask Fina for help.  Those purple eyelids flutter in consternation.

Gonzo and Honorio are at the morgue and the locas are lined up horizontally, now clad in black body bags. The doctor tells G and H that the bodies are completely burned (calcinados) and they need authorization from the families before they can check records. Gonzo tells him he’s going to call and get Fina’s dental records sent over straight away.

Aw geez, is Isidro going to be delayed AGAIN from analyzing the prints? He sits across the desk from his bank guy drinking tea and taking a pill for his temperature. He’s also hoarse so I think he really is sick. Isidro asks the guy for a favor, something confidential to be kept just between the two of them. He  hands over the fingerprints from baby Regina Soberon and adult Renata and asks the guy to run an analysis. The guy supposes it’s for a good cause and he’ll check to see if they are a match. He’ll be able to let Isidro know in a couple of days to confirm Isisdro’s suspicions.  Isisdro wants the satisfaction of telling Regina who her daughter really is. OK so this is just between these two and Isidro is sick? Something tells me he’s going to be dead or out of commission when the results come in. GAH!!! They shake hands and Isidro smiles the grin of the doomed but hopefully I’m wrong about that.

Fina is enjoying her freedom and chugging a glass of good wine while Berta stalks around the apartment in her angry spike heels. Fina demands money and tells Berta she needs new clothes and accesories. Berta hands over some cash and sasses that she’s not mom’s servant. Fina lashes out that she’s the mother and Berta had better get her some new duds NOW.

After Berta grudgingly departs for the clothing store Fina recalls starting the fire, slipping the paper into Blanca’s pocket, giving Blanca her flying lesson and holding up the key to Blanca’s hidden wealth. Fina smiles and proposes a toast to herself for  her genius (genialidad) in getting rid of all the obstacles in her way and getting the money she needs. All she has to do now is change her look and get her “inheritance” from little Blanca. She raises her glass to heaven and starts to toast Blanca, changes her mind, lowers her glass down and toasts to Blanca in hell.

Back in Ensenada sly Augustin feigns concern that Renata’s baby is fine as he gets a bit more info about her ailment. Yes it’s the same condition that Doc NastyN discovered. Roberta also has the condition so it runs in the family (mal de familia). Regina says thankfully it’s not very serious so they can leave tomorrow for the DF. Augi suggests Renata should stay and recuperate some more but Nata wants to leave right away. Augi tells Nata just because she’s going to the DF doesn’t mean she won’t see him anymore. She confirms that she doesn’t want to lose his friendship. “Friendship!” he thought-bubbles, “I want MUCH MORE than your friendship Renata.”

Regina calls Gonzo and he tells her about the psych ward fire and that Fina is likely dead. Regina breaths a sigh of relief, not remembering that the sneaky gata has nine lives.

Over at Empresas Monterrubio (EM) the nasty serpent stalks the soft gray dove that he hopes to gobble up. Germy approaches receptionist Beth and she squirms in discomfort under his hungry gaze. He tells her to call him German and she responds how can she help him SEÑOR IBARROLA?  She tells him Roberta just called and she’ll be delayed getting to the office. Perfect, he says, knowing that wife-type #2 won’t be around to monitor him. He suggests taking Beth out to eat but she says she doesn’t go out with her bosses and her BOYFRIEND wouldn’t like it. The serpent hisses it’s a good idea to get to know her BOSSES better as it has many benefits, and she knows the kind of work he means. He licks his lips and leers at the prospect of lunch.

Roberta gets back to the lust nest cum hideout with bags of clothing and lunch. Fina tells Berta she wants Berta to be her eyes and ears at Gonzo’s house to see what they find out about her disappearance or incineration (calcinacion, which also means calcination and this might be a clue as to Fina’s demise). Berta agrees but she wants Fina to think about when she’s going to leave and with what, because she wants Fina outta there in a couple of days and has already given her all the money she has. Fina corrects her, Berta had better invent a story for her new boyfriend because it will take a couple of weeks before Berta gets her inheritance and they can escape together. Berta asks who says she’ll leave with Fina? “Your hate,” answers mom, “your hate for Regina and all the Monterrubios which is as great as mine.”  Berta retorts that she hates Fina more than she hates them. Fina tut tuts and says Berta needs to get over it because Berta will do what is best for the two of them.

Sweet Beth goes to Gonzo’s office to discuss a delicate matter with him. She starts to say that the other day she agreed to go out to eat with him but...she is interrupted. The serpent has stalked his prey into this sanctuary and spins it so that he just wanted to go out with Beth to assist with some company training (capacitacion) and personal improvement, is Gonzo cool with that? Gonzo says he fully supports training, right Beth? And with that the sad dove leaves the office in defeat.

Germy sits down and Gonzo says he realizes Germy joined the company at a time of great family conflict but Germy’s done a great job with business negotiations. Germy says he has even better news, he just closed the Edgardo Gorrena deal and he would like Roberta to go with him to the guy’s country house to work out the details of the contract. Gonzo hesitates at the idea of his purple cuckoo flying away with this guy, but Gonzo can’t see the predator in the man and finally relents. Germy is a master of making what is nasty sound innocent.

Ines and Isidro wring their hands as they discuss proving Renata is Regina’s daughter and the thought of Fina, who may or may not be Nata’s mom, burning up in the fire. Ines prays that Renata knows whether or not Pepa is her real mother when she finds out if Pepa lived or died in the fire. But then she says there is one more possibility, maybe Pepa escaped.

Hons welcomes Coni’s lawyer to his office. The lawyer says thanks to the picture and testimony of the woman from the center they are watching Corinna’s house and any moment now should be able to capture her.

Coni’s still in jail wailing for help from the Virgencita. With all the proof they have against Corinna can’t they let Coni out? I guess they have to have someone in jail and until they get Corinna Coni gets to keep her spot warm. She’s praying to the Virgen de Guadalupe to get her out of jail soon, she only wanted to help the little baby.

Back at LaB Matias and Adri discuss Germy while the puppy energetically nibbles Adri’s fingers with tiny, sharp teeth. Matias says Gonzo is convinced Germy is a good man and even a friend, but a good friend wouldn’t be having it on with one’s daughter. Germy is an entrepeneur and great businessman, but if he doesn’t respect the Monterrubios then he has no place at EM. Adri points out the problem is so far they only have Julietta’s word for it. At this dead end they weary of family business and let the puppy scamper on the floor while they smooch and express their undying love.

As Augustin’s truck hurtles inland its occupants are occupied with their own thoughts. Regina thinks that she never wanted Fina dead but she must admit that part of her is glad to be able to finally relax. But poor Renata, although her relationship with Fina was fractured, Fina was her mother. She prays to God to help them find the words to give Renata the news in the best way possible. Renata thinks about Jero and asks him how can he be so cruel to her yet again? Why? Why does he keep yanking away her ability to enjoy life? Augi drives and thinks that he will use Renata’s fragility, hate for Jero and her courage in his favor. He’s got to stop her from going to Mexico City and find a way to get her to open her heart to him again. And he thinks he might know just what to do!

Padre Severino tells Antonio that he’s looked everywhere for Marina and he can’t find her. Tony says maybe she and Jero want it that way, at least for now. Come on you two dopes, you look like Spy vs Spy and you are even stupider! Don’t you think it’s weird that nobody can find either Marina or Jero? They are missing! Aaarrrghhh!! At last Toni says something smart. He tells Padre S that even if he heard something in the confidence of confession, if there is any doubt that Jero and Marina have not disappeared voluntarily then Padre S should investigate and get to the bottom of the situation for everyone’s good. Ya think?

Back at La B Manuela and Kari wonder how this will all turn out. Will Jero return and if he does will Doc TwinsForTatas be with him? Manuela’s vote is that he returns alone and with a convincing (contundente) reason so Renata will forgive him. They both have a hard time figuring out what that reason could be. Renata’s heart is broken in a thousand pieces, will it ever be put back together as it once was?  Manuela uses Kari and Laz as an example, they finally got together after all those obstacles.

The phone rings and Manuela answers then goes white. She walks toward Kari and says it’s Dr. UnendingObstacle and he wants to talk to Kari! Kari reluctantly takes the phone and is afraid he somehow escaped from jail. No, he says, he’s still in the Tijuana jail. It’s his birthday and the only present he wanted to give himself is the sound of her voice. Creep!! Manuela and Kari listen as Dr. WhyWasIBornTodayOrAnyDay whimpers that of all the mistakes he made, with her he made the worst. The guard says “Time’s up” but NastyN keeps whining “I’ve done you so much damage and I loved you with an egotistical love, but I loved you, I loved you!”  Well that’s one helluva birthday present jerkoff, call your ex and terrorize her some more. From all the ladies may I say we hope our next birthday is in HELL!

The guard hangs up for NastyN, Kari is dumbstruck, and Manuela just shakes her head, “Too little too late,” (muy tarde llegó su arrepentimiento). Kari says it hurt her to hear him and we are cursed with watching his thin-lipped maw gape in anguish as he blubbers her name over and over.

Speaking of anguish, MiClumsy is over at the chem lab dropping chemicals and pitching a fit because he’s sick of not being able to use his hands, oh boo hoo. Prissbutt uses this as an excuse, not that she ever needs one, to smarmily sooth his childish ego and fondle his hands. She is there to help out. He says he’s stressed out because he wants Jero to get back and have things return to normal. Prissy sits deeply within his space and faces him, making sure to touch his legs. She reminds him that he told her he was conflicted with his feelings about her and Mati and she caresses his face, pressing her case. Just as he is looking confused Super Laz saves the day by coming in and calling “Hey Brother-In-Law, Renata just returned.” Laz stares at Prissy and waits for Carlos to leave the lab before he departs. Priss the predator smiles smugly to herself. Is it because she thinks she’s making headway or has she identified Laz as an impediment?

Renata and Regina have their backs to us as they gaze at the vineyards from the La B porch. From this angle it’s almost impossible to tell them apart. Carlos and Laz join them and Renata tells them the appointment went well and she can leave any time. Carlos and Laz hang their heads but understand. Carlos assures her he’ll let her know what happens at La B. Renata says don’t bother, she has no interest in any more info about Jero or La Bonita; once she leaves it’s over. 

Augustin has his arms crossed in satisfaction as Renata asks Carlos and Laz to respect her wish to keep her pregnancy a secret from Jero. Jero chose to be with Marina and her children so Renata’s baby is all hers. Well? Can she count on them to respect her wish? Carlos reluctantly agrees but Laz hesitates and says he does not, since she first arrived everything at the hacienda has changed, but if this is what she wants she can count on them. (Alison has been listening to this last part and now she runs off, unseen.) Renata asks them to get everyone at the hacienda and gather them in the salon.

Anibal has been on dad’s laptop all this time and hopefully he’s done more than watch streaming video. Alison calls to give him the heads up that dad is back at the ranch. Ani says he’s found nothing, he can’t get into the laptop without the password. The kid must have been napping or daydreaming because he just now starts trying to figure out dad’s password. It’s not Renacer, what about Renata? Success! But of course dad’s back and will likely come striding in any moment.

The La B staff has gathered and Carlos tells them what he knows. He’s not sure exactly what Renata wants to say but she plans to leave and wants to ask them something before she goes. After lunch they’ll be ready to hear whatever Renata wants to say.

Carlos tells them he’s off to the vineyards until lunch. Kari prods Mati to follow him, doesn’t she have something to do outside?

Kari tells Laz about Doc Creepy’s birthday present to himself.

Outside on the picturesque patio Renata thanks Augustin for everything. He tells her although she’s leaving tomorrow he’d still like to be close to her, she means a lot to him. She says he means a lot to her too. He plans to give her all the time she needs and he wants to help her work things out. Renata clarifies for him that she really wants to be alone and dedicate herself to the baby.

Augustin says speaking of the baby, he wants to talk about what he’s been thinking about doing for it. Renata knows all too well the affect that not having a real father can have. He vows he can extend the deep love he feels for Renata to her baby. He proposes that the baby doesn’t need to have a phantom for a father, the baby can have a real daddy and they can form the real family that her child deserves. We conclude with Renata’s cara impactada as her brain tries to process his words.

So there you have it. A lot of talk, not a lot of action, and our biggest questions remain unanswered: Where is Jeronimo? Where is Marina? What did Fina put in Blanca’s pocket?

Avances: Renata wonders if she will be able to forget Jero. She kisses Augustin on the cheek but hugs Gitana with much more affection. She tells Adri that Augi proposes being her baby’s daddy. Mati pushes Prissy down. Fina cuts her hair. Beth walks in on Germy kissing Berta. New Look Fina sees something in the paper that makes her very happy. Gonzo hires a private detective to find Jeronimo. As Marina happily assembles a crib we see the backside of a mystery man. Is it Jero?

Dicho of the Day:
Cuando la zorra predica, no están los pollos seguros = When the fox preaches the chickens are not safe (Be wary of those who use good words but vicious acts)

alzado/a = haughty, vain, elevated
calcinado/a = burned, roasted
calcinacion = roasting, calcination
capitacion = training
contundente = convincing, overwhelming
fulano/a = so-and-so (fulano de tal = john doe)
genialidad = genius
mal de familia = runs in the family
muy tarde llegó su arrepentimiento = too little too late (lit. his repentance came too late)
por encima del hombro = looks down his nose at, discriminates (lit. looks over his shoulder at)
revolcarse = to wallow, thrash about
Ve, oye y calla = Look, listen and keep your mouth shut


I missed some of what happened and won't be around tomorrow, so yeah Sylvia for the the really fast recap (and love the vocab at the end).

Poor Beth. Not only is she being grossed out by German, but she finds out her boss Gonzo is a total doofus. I hope she's able to make use of walking in on him.

No way is that guy Jero. No way. Can't explain yet why Marina isn't answering her phone, but that has to be Saul. And while they're putting together the crib, I hope Anibal is coming up with a really good excuse as to why he's in the office. He should have a website open to use as an excuse as to why he's on the computer for when Augie walks in. That's what I do at work in case the boss comes near, so I can quickly flip from Caray Caray to something work related.

Word ref- Spagia. How's that for a dog name?

Hi Kelly, thanks so much for checking in. It's always nice to get a comment before I turn in for the night. I'm glad you don't think the mystery man is Jero; that makes me feel better.

Beth is kind of up a creek, but if she really spies Germy and Berta kissing it might give her some ammo if she knows how to use it.

Spagia...I like it better than Fido!

Good morning Sylvia. Great job. I love your title. The first paragraph is magical as is the entire recap.

I cracked up at Matias calling the puppy Fido (Feedo). I'd never thought about it before but the name Fido must be from the Latin fidelis. Duh.

I think after Adri pointed out the obvious (didn't he know when he bought the pup?) he suggested Bobbi or Benji (the CCs said Boby or Benchi).

I'm really getting frustrated about the whereabouts of Jerry and Marina... Four days and counting for us.

Are we now going to be rooting for a wedding to actually be interrupted (Nata and Augie)?

Oops, time to get ready for work. I'll return later.


Cap'n Sylvia! The title and the review paragraph are so perfect and almost lilting in the imagery that it makes me feel better about the eeevil plot unfolding in silver fox's black heart!! Love it and haven't even read the whole thing! Oh boy! Let me dive in!


Sylvia- You made a set-up episode, where not much happened, interesting and funny. Thanks amiga. I also really love the title. So appropriate. There are many foxes about in our story right now- Augie, Germy, and Prissy.

Kari needs to call that prison and tell them that Alvaro is NOT allowed to call her. Doesn't matter if it's his birthdyay or the day he's dying. He doesn't deserve the "gift" of her voice.

No way will Nata accept Augie's offer. She made the friendship thing pretty clear. I loved Augie's face when she said she wants to be alone with her baby and put her hand on her belly.

Also, I agree Kelly. No way is the man in the previews Jero, unless Saul is spinning one of his tales again and that's what we're seeing.

I'm not sure how Ani is going to explain breaking into Augie's password protected laptop if he's caught. That's a bit more than just innocently wanting to check out a website.

Carlos- To defend Matias a bit, it was Jero who bought the puppy (at Matias's request). But considering that they have been calling her La Beba (baby girl) up till this point, you would think he would have figured it out. :) They should just keep that name.

Poor Beth. Glad she may get some ammunition to uses against Germy tonight. If he comes on to her again, she can threaten to spill the Berta beans to Gonzo.

I'm in awe once again. Great recap, Sylvia.

Your fox & hen / snake & dove imagery which begins in the title and carries on all the way through is masterful.
Then we get the cub in the Den de Desamor image. Wonderful.

I know that we are near the end and nothing really bad can happen to Nata or the baby -- but the way Auggie goes all steely and jutjawed when he thinks about the baby -- which to hi is ,of course, an escuincle --really creeps me out. Then he goes all butte won't melt in my mouth sweet about it to Nata's facae. Ugh!

Oh, I hope that the actor simply had a hoarse voice & so they put a cup of tea in Isidro's hand. Don't let anything happen to him. It bothers me also that he & the guy fro the bank are the only ones in on this info. I hope that bank guy isn't bribable.

Wow that German is slick. He did the same thing to Beth that he did with Adri/Matias. He just walks in and cops to the event that he is about to be accused of and turns it to something innocent sounding. Ya gotta admire him even while despising him.

And Sylvia -- loved your descriptions of Berta/Fina. I especially liked
--Those purple eyelids flutter in consternation.


Sylvia: Your title - side bar worhty. Your descriptions of our beloved and loathed characters? Genialidad. You tied everything to the theme, especially the marvelous dicho and vocabulary. Your recaps never fail to outshine the episode. Every word drew me in and I couldn't wait to see what you had to say next.

"Germy lust nest", "grin of the doomed", "sits deeply within his space" and "smarmily soothe his childish ego" were among my favorites.

Vivi, ITA that Kari must ensure she never receivs another call from Alvaro. I was a little surprised that Manuela even handed her the phone. I would have slammed down the receiver! Super Laz will not be happy at this latest news.

I'm also concerned for Isidro, Guera. One of the staunchest friends and nicest characters.

I'm only speculating but I think whoever is with Marina is going to be someone we don't expect.

Regina and Nata are becoming mirrior images, more alike in dress, appearance and mannerisms daily. This is one revelation I can't wait for.

Happy Friday all. Thanks again Sylvia for all of your work and efforts!


Thank you for the recap.

But all I could think of last night's capitulo was sexual harrassment suit here it comes. That's all this company needs. Did Gonzo not hear when Beth said she had something of a delicate matter to speak to him about?

I have a question does Fina know where Blanca hid her money?

Yes Diana, it's wonderful the way they have slowly and subtly made Regina & Renata look, dress and act ore alike until as Sylvia noted from the rear it was hard to know which was which.

And Nellie -- I was also wondering just when Fina found out where the bank or post office security box is. It was dumb of Blanca to tell her assuming that she must have. That reminds me -- it was really beanie time yesterday when Fina walks in to the utility room with a can of gas. Where did she get that. And Blanca. where did she get the syringe?

Remember the other day when German stuffed Berta's scarf under the couch cushion. I was wondering what that was all about. Why should he have to hide evidence of Berta's presence in their )love the term, Sylvia) lust nest? Now that Fina is in residence I bet that scarf is going to figure largely in some future plot.


Guera- I noticed when Germy threw that scarf under the cushion that something else was under there. I think it was white so it didn't stand out. Berta thinks this is their personal lust nest, meaning Germy is never there unless they've made an appointment with each other. But I bet he takes other women there and will likely run into Fina unexpectedly when he takes another of his young things there.

Sylvia! How absolutely entertaining and delightful is this? My, my, my, you made some maddening and disgusting and frustrating "action" just a joy to read!!

Maddening: nobody suspecting foul play in the disappearance of Jero; PrissAss' antics; Carlos acting like a stupid 12 year old with his first real live girl; Gonzo and Carlos should do a face-off to see who can look the most stoopid and confused--Germy ran rings around the spot where Gonzo's gut instinct should be. . .sheesh!

Disgusting: NauseatingNesme and I'm sorry I said I kinda like Germy, what a butt-sniffing wretch he is, I don't care how great his business sense, sleeping with the Bosses's daughter within a week a hiring in, even if said daughter is a female version of said lecherous cad;

Frustrating: Renata seemingly listening to and considering the merits of AwfulAuggie's proposition; The fingerprints and Renata's true identiy, can we settle this?? And finally, this was more nerve-racking than frustrating: Anibal fooling around with Auggie's computer!!! AAAAAGGGGGHHHH! Auggies gonna catch him and do a really late term abortion!!! Get outta there, Anibal!

Cap'n, thank you sooooo much for this fun, detailed and visually rich recap! (Can't wait for the discussion: Y'all are going to get me fired!)


OMG Lila -- really late term abortion !?! fell off my chair.

And Vivi -- good catch on the other object under the cushion. I didn't see that. Lots of possibilities there. Maybe Fina will find both items & use it to prove that Berta has no one to take care of her after all -- except Mommie Dearest.


left out something:

Germy, what a butt-sniffing wretch he is. . .AND OPENLY SEXUALLY HARASSING AND STALKING THE RECEPTIONIST!!!!! uuuuuuUUUUUUF!!


There must be some reason that we're starting to see Alavaro again. Either he is about to play a central part in the plot (but I can't imagine what since he's safely stashed in prison) or maybe to give us some closure with his suicide.

My two favorite scenes this week are Fina waving bye bye to Blanca and redirecting her toast to Blanca... both nice touches.


Sylvia, such a detailed and fun recap, complete with vocab. Thanks a lot.

So Saul is a doc? That must be comforting to be sitting in one of his treatment rooms and have him walk in with your chart in one hand and the never absent dice in the other. Wonder if he has ever lost one while performing a rectal exam?


Sylvia - Loved it, as usual! Your Fox/Hen and Snake/Dove themes are awesome. The references like Den de Desamor, la Duena of the Coop and calling Anibal a cub were all a treat. My favorite is Roberta as Purple Cuckoo, and I also got a good laugh at MiClumsy.

Thanks for the Calcination link. We can only dream that Fina finds her end like that. And the vocabulary is really appreciated!

David, your missing dice theory is hysterical!

I am wondering if Jero could have been hypnotized? This is a TN, after all.

Speaking of which... has any other second tier character died from the sniffles? I am worried about Isidro.

Back when someone told us that in real life Julieta and Anibal are siblings, I looked it up on and happened to notice that Sylvia N is in 180 episodes, while Juan Soler is only in 172... if anyone wants to do the math as to when he could make re-appearance.

Poor Kari getting that awful phone call from Dr. BirthdayBoyOhBoy showed that she sure is stronger now than ever. I was fearing another mascara run.

Nellie - I think Blanca told Fina the money was in the Cayman Islands. Did I hear that right, Vivi? So.... if there is only one bank and only one banker and only one safety deposit box in the Caymans, like there is in DF then she's good to go. Big if.

I wouldn't give up on your Blanca/Country connection just yet. Blanca could be like Robey's friend and have just passed out and was nimble enough to survive that fall. Did I hear Fina saying something about the slipped-in paper being a suicide note apologizing for all the mayhem and destruction she caused with the fire?

Great job, Sylvia! Thanks again.

Rosemary la Otra

Rosemary la O, my understanding was that some of the money is in the Caymans but a good part of it is stashed in a box in the post office there in Mexico City and that is what the key is for.


R la O! Yes, you're right, Fina did say she supplied Blanca with a suicide note, etc., just as you said. Thanks for remembering that!

Good morning everybody...Great recap everyone else, loved the "Germy love nest" and Roberta walking around in "angry spike heels". Terrific imagery.

The calcination New Age link was interesting....can't say "calcination" is a word I've ever used or even read before this.

Like you, I was surprised to hear that Saul was a "medico"...up until now, I think we've only heard about his gambling addiction.

And Lila, ye gods! "late term abortion"...freakin' funny. I always get terribly nervous when an innocent is going through the desk of a bad guy...but if I'd known what you were going to say, I would have laughed and relaxed.

Sylvia..your dicho and vocab was extra super good this time. Thanks so much.

Wonderful title, superb recap. I didn't get to see the epi but your recap was so vivid and full of imagery that I was able to run the capitulo on my inner film projector. Thank you, Cap'n.

I cannot abide German's sexual harassment of Beth . What a depraved woman-eater. Maybe German will have a Fina encounter at the lust nest and that will be the end of his smarmy self.

Doesn't EM have anyone minding the store??? I don't know the state of sexual harassment laws in Mexico but here, regardless of his business acumen German would be considered a dangerous legal liability.

Sylvia, the image of Augie as fox is really perfect, not just because of the silver hair but because as attractive as they are, foxes can be vicious and very territorial.

We used to live on 6 acres in the country and we had two denning fox pairs on the property. Both of the males decided to challenge my husband and they would defecate on the outdoor dining table at his preferred spot or on his favorite chaise lounge or next to one of his bicycles. The situation became absurd when a friend suggested that DH should do some marking of his own around the property! Ay yi yi!

But when Augustin saunters in to La Bonita like he owns the place he perfectly captures that smug sneaky fox attitude on his so handsome face. Such a good call, Cap'n

Haha EJ! Your poor DH! That is so funny to those of us who didn't have to clean it up.

NOK - I am loving your list! By next year we can have an on-line catalogue.

Who knew the psych wards had such fine hairdressers? Fina's hair looked the best it's ever looked last night. In fact, Fina looked quite pretty last night. She's lost some weight (or is that just because I am now recording in HD?), and I thought that brown velvet track suit looked so comfy. It looks like what I wear for the most part, only I don't have velvet yet. Santa? Too bad her nice hair is getting chopped off tonight.

The avances look like we may be having a classic Dynasty-esque cat fight. I hope Mati is pushing Prissybutt in the pool a la Crystal and Alexis.

R la O

Sylvia: I loved the recap and thanks for the vocab. I really am beginning to learn more and more Spanish.

I'm hoping the scene in the avances with Marina is a future scene and that is Antonio. Surely, she's not so delusional as to be that happy knowing Jero is only there because of her threats. I can't imagine his behaviour being anything but sullen. But Marina did take a complete 180 from intelligent, capable doctor to whiny co-dependent mess.

Puppy still alive!!! And getting revenge on Adri for all that shaking she took earlier this week (though it should have been Nata she was chewing on). Loved the little ad lib of Adri's as the puppy grew rambunctious. I find I didn't pay any attention to what was being said between Matias and Adri because I was watching the puppy. Advice: never have plot turning dialogue when babies and animals are in the scene.


R la O: I was also hoping the same re: Mati and Prissbutt.


I also don't remember anyone saying that Sául was a doctor -- but it makes sense. He & Maritata could have met in med school or something. They were living together until he gambled away the house and broke her heart.

I also loved the scene where Fina toasted Blanca in Hell.

Just one thing I liked about Alvaro last night -- when he went on about how he loved Kari he realized thata it was an egotistical love. Big step forward. Can something come of this self awareness? Will he be a help somewhere?


Wonderful recap, Cap'n. You waded through a lot of talk and little action. The avances seem to have more action. These guys sure know how to keep us coming back.

I hate that all the unsolved,loose endings are going to be piled up in a series of big reveals and dispatching bad guys at the end. I want to see more of the Jero-Nata reunion without the Fin credits rolling over them.

More after I read the comments.

Kelly & Sylvia--we all know it can't be Jero. The mystery man IS wearing a suit, though. And, she is smiling at him as though she knows him.

Interesting speculation as we don't know of any other men in Doc TwinsForTatas's* life--just Padre S, Saul, Augie and Jero. The only one who would wear a suit is Jero. It wouldn't be a delivery man either, he'd be wearing work clothes. *Love the new name

Dang this is tantalizing.

My word verification is etrat--hoping that's not what Jero has to eat to stay alive.

oh, and Antonio.

Robey--they've done this to us before, so I'm with you and likely a future scene with Antonio (who wears a suit jacket, now that you mention him....hmmm.)

Oh querida Sylvia: angry spike heels, indeed Roberta is armed and dangerous looking in them. I loved the Spy-vs-Spy comparison between Gonzo and Carlos our loveable duffuses (or is that duffi in plural).

I had observed that both Blanca and Fina were looking quite svelt in their velvet exercise outfits. I wonder if they were padded before thinking of the swinging purse and tatas running scene even in heels when Blanca outran two young people in much better shape.

I can't believe that Anibal sat at that computer while Augie went all the way to the city and back and only got the password at the last white-knuckled minute. They do keep our shoulders hunched up at these moments.

I am so sick of Renata being stupid about Augie but she really did look him squarely in the eyes when she reminded him of how she really regards him in spite of his protestations of DEEP love. Hopefully her Mommy danger radar will kick in and she will avoid him but then the plot would be stunted and at this late date, that doesn't seem likely to me.

Sylvia your vocabulary, the title and the story book flow of your recap are all perfect. Thanks you, thank you.

Doc Carlos, I am wondering if you are at all amazed that that the doctors in this TN are such a joke: Marina is emotionally inappropriate and adolescent; Nesme is just such a train wreck on all levels; the gynecologist is eternally gape-mouthed at the way babies keep popping up in Jero's life and now maybe SSSaul is a doctor who still has his license? Or maybe he doesn't if he has been busted. Years ago when I began my biomedical research administrator career, I worked in the Boston City Morgue. The pathologists and everyone else for that matter ran a end of year betting game on how many autopsies would be done in a given calendar year so who knows...

Thanks for all the great comments! I woke up this morning thinking the man in Marina's room is NOT Jeronimo. The suit didn't look classy enough. The Antonio theory works for me. NOK, I hope he's not somewhere eating rat, LOL!!

Carlos, I totally missed that Matias tried calling the pup Boby or Benchi. It's funny how, when recapping, we often cannot see the forest for the trees. I like La Beba as Vivi suggests for the puppy's name.

Diana, I think the wardrobe staff is having fun dressing Renata and Regina alike. Neither the ladies or anyone else around them notices but we are obsessing about it.

My first thought with Beth was that she should run straight to HR. However the HR professionals are right up there with doctors and lawyers in the telenovela world, they are a bunch of inept losers and are usually the most inappropriate buggers of the lot. No wonder she tried Gonzo first. If she sees Berta and Germy maybe she will approach Honorio about her dilemma. If only Renata were still at EM Beth could go to her. She could also go to Adriana and/or Matias.

ITA with those of you who think Alvaro was brought back for a reason. He's the one who can bring the roof down on Augustin's head. The other one who could do it is Melecio. Makes me wonder if the La B staff will ever find out the truth of Ezequiel's fate. Let's not forget poor Ezequiel!

Now that you guys mention it, the scarf thrown under the cushion has got to make a reappearance somehow. Maybe Germy subconsciously collects trophies? I would LOVE to see an accidental meeting between Germy and Fina. Bring it on!

I was thinking maybe Blanca had survived her flying lesson but I looked at the avances again and now I'm thinking Fina was probably happy at reading Blanca's obituary or news of her death.

David, missing dice, ROFLOL!!

Thanks for your recap Sylvia. Like others I enjoyed your animal imagery for our characters.

Fina toasting Blanca in hell was funny.

ITA w/Lila this was a "maddening and disgusting and frustrating" episode. I really hope Anibal does not get hurt ("late term abortion" was classic)

Sylvia - not only do you see the forest AND the trees, but you also pick up on the flowers and ants and rays of sunshine that complete the picture.

I also love the name La Beba for the cute puppy. Karen, I once had a precious terrier-dachshound mix named Giovanni who loved to be held like a baby. He would also bark at me if I looked at anyone besides him when I was talking. lol His well-earned nickname was "Baby".

Girl talk here... To borrow a line from our Carlos: Well, helloooooooo Matias! The previews of La Que No Podia are showing us a very handsome guy.

More girl talk... May I be the first in line to order an I Heart Gonzo's New P.I. shirt? Let's hope we get to see more of HIM tonight!

I do hope the man in the suit is Antonio. Otherwise, why in the world did they ever bring up that awful plane crash with his wife and daughter? Isn't there enough heartbreak without throwing that in? Unless they are going to show up alive any day now.

R la O

Fina toasting Blanca first in Heaven, then realizing her mistake, Hell, was a hoot. I laughed out loud and actually liked Fina at that moment. She's so deliciously evil.


Also, since Alejandro Ruiz is my fav (loved him as Jacinto in MEPS, was bummed he was only on STuD for a blink of an eye), I'm always remembering Zeke. Did anyone come up with a T-shirt "Justice for Zeke"? Probably.


Silvia I am always blow away by your incredible recaps complete with vocab lesson! Your knowledge of the Spanish language is amazing, how long have you been speaking?

I haven't seen yesterdays episode yet but with your writing I feel like I already have!

Nok: you are really funny.."My word verification is etrat--hoping that's not what Jero has to eat to stay alive".
loved it!

Ok, all, here are some more items from the CME Emporium (it grew out of its former retail space) and generously underwritten by Rosemary la Otra--whom we acknowledge belatedly for the idea)

> White summer tees with “I am your dad” (silky pajama top sold separately)
> Eau de Jero Cologne in a miniature spray bottle hand-concealable for a quick spritz
> Pervy Psych For Bad Guys course of study
> Review course for Dr. Marina Sepulveda, Ob/Gyn, on the various methods of birth control
> ALERT: RECALL of Neanderthal Man masquerade kit. We will replace it with a Top of the Line Abe Lincoln kit
> Bullet-proof vests for formal wear to weddings
> Nata and Tata couturier-designed off the shoulder matching red dresses
> The Cheap Knock-Offs of the aforementioned red dresses
1. a red tee with one arm hanging out the neck to simulate an off the shoulder dress
2. Setting aside my red jogbra now...(see #12 below for the complete outfit)
3. a red all embroidered dress from Oaxaca but not one shouldered
4. a shapeless red tshirt from CBGB's the NYC Bowery St. jazz dive to commemorate a Burning Man art show some years ago that a friend was featured in
5. a frumpy wool Einstein-looking sweater, but at the appropriate time, I will surreptitiously slide it off my shoulder
6. a red flannel dressing gown. It's not bullet proof, though.
7. a red long sleeved shirt with 101 Dalmations frolicking down the front.
8. oversized red tee and sweats! (sorry-hardly a sexy number, but it's the best I got.)
9. red taffeta Christmas blouse (with a hideous rhinestone buckle on the back that matches Marina's shoulder thingie), pink flannel jammy bottoms and red felt slippers, ready for the evening
10. wrap up in a red blanket to get into the spirit of things.
11. a turtleneck, off the shoulder, fashioning a gold barette on the empty armed sleeve to look more like Nata's dress
12. red jogbra under the ubiquitous blue t-shirt, tugged down on one side. But I couldn't hang onto my moustache because I needed both hands to keep the cat from drinking my wine.

> New CD version of, “Cry Me a River,” specially recorded for Roberta
> Headbands and hand-bandages and leather corsets for next wedding
> Big Girl Panties for Marina in pkgs of 7, for everyday and weekend use
> Maybe Renata has a well-used pair of flannel jammies she can loan Marina.
> Phone number of Rent-A-Rat (or two), in any shade as long as it’s grey—they practically have speaking parts they are on-camera so much--Loved the closeup profile of Señor Rodent. He's looking fat and healthy. I hope they paid him appropriately.
> A black SUV-styled horse for Laz (comes with his own GPS)
> The Boy Scout Book of Knots for Kari since the Girl Scout Book didn’t work for her
> Another Emilia Special: a stainless mixing bowl that's about 18" across. (Mike has dibbies on it for use as a beanie, if some of these plot lines continue.)
> Companion to the above—a high grade titanium clad thumper for maximum reverberations on bowl (can be sold separately).
> Country Air Cleaner—a testament to its cleansing power as Nesme wakes up covered in dirt and debris inside a shack, but when outside chasing Kari he is perfectly clean
> Coupon for One Dinner Entrée half price when you purchase one at full price to Silvia Navarro's restaurant Sabor Amor
> Cheerios. Send 5 boxtops and a self-addressed, stamped envelope and we will send you, free of charge, the video of Mr. Casual by the fire’s Cartas a Juan commercial. The man has a killer smile. (Can be rewound ad infinitum)
> ANVILS. In several sizes and weights, depending on who will be receiving them (plastic versions for those who are expected to survive).


Cheryl, Your list of less than admirable physicians doesn't include Fina's brain cancer Dr. (who later hired Alvaro), Alvaro's prison Dr. who sold out to Augie, the psychiatrist who certified Blanca as crazy (and later Fina?), the director of the prison manicomio who became Fina's chauffeur... I'm probably leaving someone out, too.


Robey, I did a "I Miss Ezequiel" shirt for one of my recaps but I definitely prefer "Justice for Zeke". I'm sick of Alfonsina bad-mouthing him. I realize she doesn't know what we know but I'm tired of it. Justice for Zeke!!!

Elle, if you could see how many times I have to rewind to understand some of the dialogue you would laugh. I am not fluent in Spanish but I'm trying to be. I wish my closed captions were reliable but they're not very good these days. I keep Google Translate open next to my recap document and when I hear a new or unusual word I type it into Google Translate. Sometimes I get the word right the first time but Google will "suggest" the correct spelling if I've typed in a non-word. It's a very helpful tool. It's not good with slang or dichos so for those I just do a search and usually some kind of definition pops up. Last night's episode seemed to have a plethora of new and interesting words and phrases. I also have a very good (and huge) Larousse Spanish/English dictionary.

Sometimes if I'm in a rush I'll do a recap on the fly and just race through. Surprisingly those are sometimes the funniest recaps but I learn more when I take time to really try to understand new words.

I started trying to learn Spanish when I watched Alborada, my first telnovela ever, in 2006 I think.

NOK, I LOVE your lists. What a hoot. I'm going right out to buy my Cheerios. I don't have any weddings on my calendar but I think a bullet-proof undergarment of some sort should come in handy.


In addition to Nastay, I'm wondering if Arely is going to reappear since she was featured in Renata's flashback wherein she, Nastay, Auggie and Renata were discussing her need for an ecg. Both Nastay and Areley got some goods on Augiee.


Lila: I'd like to see Arely again. I liked her.


I would love to see all the little chickies (and boy animals) come home to roost and gang up on the big bad territory-marking fox and engineer his downfall. Maybe then we can have a crisis-free wedding. I guess that's why the writers have made Jero disappear. We always need a big happy wedding to wrap up the Gran Final, right?

Quadruple wedding: Nata and Jero, Mati and Carlos, Kari and Laz (because Nesme dies and they now can have a church wedding) and, why not, Marina and Antonio.


Yay! The end of a busy day and I get to read all these great comments.

It's kind of cool that we have some true mysteries on our hands as this tn rolls to a close. I am still convinced that there is no way Jero is playing happy families with Marina.

I am hoping that Doc Nasty's appearance means he's about to off himself and Kari can get married in the Church. He already spilled his guts to the cops about everything he did with/for Augie when he testified to free Jero. What I don't understand is why the cops haven't come knocking on Augie's door. Does someone have to make a formal complaint against someone in order for the cops to come after you? I guess that's a dumb question. I guess the cops wouldn't go after Augie for theft of the vine shoot unless Jero made a formal complaint against him. And can a convicted criminal like Nesme make a formal accusation of attempted murder? He has no proof either. Melesio has the most damning info, but considering he took part in a murder, I'm not sure he's be so willing to testify against Augie.

NOK! Your list keeps getting better! What? I am underwriting the Emporium? If I had that kind of money I'd pay for us all to go on a retreat in Ensenada so Sylvia can see the wine country she missed in her months of being there.

I don't think Jero is playing house with Marina either, but the advances from two nights ago showed the previous night's scene where Jero is standing with Marina at the airport and in that quick glimpse he looked very loopy to me. I didn't pick up on that when we first saw it in the telling of Saul's story, but if it really did happen, and that was not just Saul's tall tale, then I do think he has been hypnotized.

I agree that something is up with Nesme. But what is our Dr. OneUglyRatAmidstThoseCuteActingRats doing?

R la O

Hey Sylvia, brilliant as always! Thank you kindly!

Only comment for now is: German went on my "S-list" when he was hitting on Beth. Don't care if he and Roberta knock boots, especially since German and Gema seem to have reached an "understanding." But since Beth Made it clear
That she wasn't interested... Think it's time for mi esposa to use her iron skillet on someone else.

I love the idea of sending Emilia after German. Go get him!!

R la O, I wasn't actually in Ensenada for the entire time, I was just having some boat work done there. However I might have eaten four months worth of ceviche and fish tacos during the weekends I flew down there.

Hi all.

Sylvia - I don't speak/understand Spanish either - but like you when I hear something over and over I write it down and ask friends who do speak the language - it's amazing how much I've picked up and how much more I understand now than I did at the beginning of the show. Of course there's tons I don't get BUT that's why we have these wonderful recaps!! Yay.

So as far as Jero goes, Vivi I'm with you - there's NO WAY he's with Marina. No way. I think they drugged him and took his ID. and someone posed as him on the flight. As far as the guy in black with Marina in the previews, maybe Antonio found her - or an investigator and she's showing him she's fine and preparing for the babies? Thoughts? I will not accept that Jero bailed on Nata, twins or no twins. I just can't understand why everyone is giving up and not looking for him. :(

And why isn't MariTatas calling her uncle the Padre to let him know she's ok - that she landed safely, whatever?? Geez, how come everyone suddenly forgot phones exist? Crap.

I hope we see Jero tonight - I miss him as much as Nata does and am as frustrated that he doesn't call!! If he could he would call, he would so something is terribly wrong with him. Has to be. Where's Jero?


Mary: "Where's Jero?" indeed.

Kudos to the writers for keeping us in suspense, though. It really is a good plot point that is keeping us all on edge, and all talking about it.


Hooray for you Mary! As queen of the MiJero fan club I'm glad you are sticking up for him. The more I think about the more sure I am that Augustin did something foul to him. The problem is that Jero has a bit of history in the disappointing behavior department. It's sad because he's been working so hard to prove he's loyal to Renata. Only someone as nefarious as Augustin and who knows the Jero/Nata history as well as he does could pull this off. I hope Augustin doesn't rack up any more body counts before this is over. I'm worried about Jero (I'm pretty sure he has to survive), Anibal and Padre S the most. However anyone who purposefully or inadvertently steps in Augi's way is in trouble.

Fingers crossed that we get to see Jero tonight!

Yes Sylvia!! Of course Augustine did something - I mean he said it himself right - "I'm going to stop this wedding" so he got creepy Saul to trick him - why would he do that except for the purpose of luring him into a trap. How that happened I have no idea - but Jero had no reason to not trust Saul - at least to a certain extent - and Jero had no idea he was in cahoots with AuggieDoggie so it must have been easy. Also, Jero already screwed up with Nata big time before - unless he's insane he never would risk that again. Where is mi Jero - let him be safe and will those big dummies call the cops already! Geez.

I'm sorry I'm ranting - I had a root canal this morning and I guess my mouth was open for so long I can't seem to close it!



P.S. How I wish Fina would meet Augustine - maybe give him a flying lesson.

Mary, you are making me laugh! But I'm sorry about your root canal. I hope everything went OK.

I love love LOVE your idea about Fina giving Augustin a flying lesson. I'm pretty sure everyone will end up in the wine country so the sooner the better.

I can't wait for tonight's episode. I still have another hour and a half to wait!

Sylvia: thanks honey, yes my root canal is fine - I just was going in for a consultation, but when he told me I needed it, I asked him to just do it now - to have to live in the anticipation of an upcoming root canal would have driven me crazy and I never would have gone back until the tooth was falling out of my face and I went begging for a lobotomy to stop the pain. So it's over and I'm so happy - and if it gets crazy I gots me my pain pills.

As far as everyone ending up in the wine country - at this point I wish a few of them were under the wine country.

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