Thursday, December 15, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #93 Wed 12/14/11 As several Alamos residents lose their minds we prepare for an Anvil Chorus


There are numerous missing phrases here. Please provide any missing details. Gracias.


Maripaz laments her loneliness when she has only herself to blame. Too bad, so sad.


Hacienda Curiel: Lucia and Ivan talk about her feelings. She tells him she feels dirty.

David's Office: Esther and David talk about the association, then she tells him she will be filing for divorce.

Ag Ass Office: The other ranchers are pressuring JJ to pay back the money. He tries to say someone else did it but nobody is buying that; however it happened he is responsible. Cutberto – the guy whose crop was torched – says something about putting JJ in jail. We're talking about 40 million pesos ($2.9 million US).

David's Office: David gets a lawyer for his mother, who isn't turning back this time. She explains that Saul told JJ that he raped Lucia but that he told her that Lucia consented to sex. David asks if she believes that; she tells him that she doesn't know what to believe. And that Saul called her looking for money. He didn't tell her where he's hiding out but wants her to meet him in Hermosillo in front of the cathedral. [Of all the nerve] It's just this once. David is not pleased with this.

Ag Ass Office: JJ has a week to pay back the money.

Hacienda Curiel: ¡Por dios! Lucrazia still doesn't get it.

Lucrazia: I had hoped that Ivan would liven you up but from what I've seen he hasn't succeeded.
Lucia: Mama, don't ask me to 'liven up' after I've told you what happened. I want to denounce Saul.
Lucrazia: You don't know what you're saying, daughter. An accusation like this will be a scandal.
Lucia: I know, Mother, but –
Lucrazia: What will people say when they find out you were raped? Besides, nobody will believe you. They will think you provoked him. That's what always happens in these cases. Do you really think Saul will confess?
Lucia: The police will interrogate him and he will contradict himself.
Lucrazia: It's very difficult to prove a rape. I don't agree to let you to put the family in everyone's mouth. Por, favor, think about it. They have enough to talk about. When I was married to your father I was faithful. And ten years after the divorce I haven't been with anyone. Not that I didn't have the chance. I did it to keep our name pure for you. If you do what you're thinking of doing, where does that leave Perlita? A dirty origin, something shameful. Think about it, daughter, please. Think about it.

She kisses Lucia's forehead and exits. Santa Lucia looks like she's waffling again.

Camilo's Office: Antolin congratulates Camilo for forcing the issue of the money. Antolin and Camilo discuss how the one-week deadline could allow JJ to escape because of any money he might have out of the country and how Saul has dropped off the face of the earth. Since they can't risk JJ getting away Antolin plans to keep Casa Mondragon under surveillance.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for La Que No Podia Amar.

Outside Casa Mondragon: Antolin explains this plan to Carolina over the phone. She's not happy about this. She warns him to be careful. Finally after ending the call she checks a pregnancy test, which is negative. Again. She worries that she won't be able to have children. [Por dios, why such a hurry? In your place I would enjoy all the amor caliente this guy's got.]

Hacienda Curiel: Carlota and Lucia talk about the conversation with Lucrazia.

Carlota: Your mother told me everything. You must feel terrible.
Lucia: I feel without courage. I also feel hate, indignation.
Carlota: Of course. It's understandable.
Lucia: Now I'm sad because none of this is fair. Not for me, or Ivan, or most of all for Perlita.
Carlota: Life isn't always fair, mi amor. What are you thinking to do? Denounce Saul and seek out his punishment?
Lucia: Ivan will help me whatever I decide. But how can I prove that Saul raped me?
Carlota: Confront him. Face to face and let him try to deny it.
Lucia: Saul is a cinico. I'll appear to be one, too. Besides, he's hiding.
Carlota: So look for him. There are tests that can show whether he's lying or not. Make him submit to one of those.
Lucia: Mother said something I agree with. What will happen to Perlita? Because things like this can't be hidden. Sooner or later she will know she was the product of a rape. That her father is a delinquent.
Carlota: That's true.
Lucia: I can teach her what's important in life, but when she goes to school and some little friend tells her the truth... it's difficult, especially in a town like this.

Casa McGuire: Tony and Ivan talk about this.

Tony: Had you thought about this?
Ivan: No, not really.
Tony: Do you love this baby girl?
Ivan: Of course I do. It doesn't matter who her sperm donor is; she's an innocent baby. She is Lucia's child and never will I make distinction between her, Alex, and any other child we will have together.
Tony: Therefore, why are you looking to judge?
Ivan: Because it isn't fair for Saul to get off without being punished for this crime.
Tony: What weighs more in the balance? Punishment for Saul or the happiness of this baby?
Ivan: Oh, no, no. You're talking like Carlota or Lucrezia. Hiding everything they want to.
Tony: Don't try to judge innocent people. I told you my wife cheated on me. I never told my son because of how it could have affected him.
Ivan: OK. You hid the dirty laundry of your house.
Tony: Well, yes. It's a good saying, and very wise. But if you and Lucia decide this, [????] Time will pass, her fears will go away, and she will be back with you as though nothing had happened.
Ivan (looks at his cell phone, which is ringing): It's David.
Tony: See what he wants.
Ivan (answering): Si, David; what's up?
David (driving): I called to tell you that I know what my brother did.
Ivan (holding back an outburst): There is no way that coward can pay for his filthy deeds. [porquerias]
David: I'm calling to tell you I won't be in the office this morning. I'm going after my brother to make him turn himself in.
Ivan: What are you saying? You know where he is?
David: It's all I can tell you for now. But don't worry; trust me. I'll call when I have more news. (ends the call)
Ivan: David? David?
Tony: What happened?
Ivan: David knows where Saul is. I'm sure he knows but I don't want him making decisions without consulting me. (makes a call)

Berenice's Apt: Her phone is ringing.

Berenice: Bueno?
Ivan: Hola, Berenice. It's Ivan.
Berenice: Oy, Ivan.
Ivan: I'm calling to find out if David told you where he was going this morning.
Berenice: [???] I tried calling once and it was busy and the second time he didn't answer. What's going on?
Ivan: It;s fair that I try to find out about matters between brothers [?]

Ivan is annoyed and probably should be.

Antolin sits in his car in front of Casa Mondragon. If he's going to be a private eye he really needs a care that's more discreet than a red convertible.

Casa Mondragon, study: JJ and Licenciado Gomez talk. They have bank records in hand that show that someone withdrew a substantial sum. He tells JJ that the only other person with signing power over that account is Esther. JJ reminds him that he shares the guilt in this mess with the ag ass and will have to pay. JJ isn't up to this and tells him they'll talk later. Gomez gets up and leaves. JJ yells for Esther. He asks about the withdrawals, including the one from today. She tells him she took out the money to pay for Saul's operation.

JJ is not pleased.

Berenice's Apt: She's worried about where he is. She calls but he doesn't answer as he heads toward Hermosillo.

Hacienda Curiel: Berenice and the Curiel women (menos the Merry Piece) sit around the dining room table.

Berenice: He didn't answer. I hoped he would tell me where he was going.
Lucia: He didn't say anything to me. It's been a while since I've talked to David.
Carlota: He called Ivan to tell him he wasn't going to let Saul get away without getting punished.
Berenice: Yes, yes. Something else happened this morning but I don't know what.
Lucrazia: Are you saying he's thinking of turning him over to the authorities?
Carlota: I don't doubt it. David was always more conciente than Saul.
Lucrazia: That's his own brother, Mama. How could he do that? And where does that leave us?
Carlota: This is about the man who raped your daughter, por dios! (Takes Lucia's hand)
Lucia: I'm not taking Saul's side; I'm thinking of us, especially the baby. Can you imagine your great-granddaughter knowing she is the product of a rape?
Berenice: But if you don't denounce Saul and he doesn't get the punishment he deserves he will go on with impunity. And that is not fair.
Lucrazia: I know it's not fair, you are absolutely right, but Saul will say anything. Like Lucia surrendered herself to him. And who was there to prove it wasn't so? You?
Berenice: Lucia is incapable of that
Lucrazia: We know that because we know her. Do you think the judge and the others will think the same?
Berenice: But she was drugged.
Lucrazia: And do you think that after more than a year we can prove she had been drugged?
Lucia: Mama, por favor!

Casa McGuire, Office:

Zavaleta: I understand your indignation, Ivan, but much time has passed. Although we can get a DNA test to prove the baby is the child of Saul Mondragon there is nothing to prove whether the act was consensual or not. It will be his word against hers.
Ivan: And therefore, this infeliz will get away with it.
Zavaleta: Not if he confesses, but I doubt he will. I know you won't like what I'm going to say, but as your lawyer I have to tell you how it will play. The daughters of Señora Curiel don't have good reputations. The older … we know her character and personality. You had a child, got married, then got divorced.
Ivan: Where are you going with this?
Zavaleta: Señora Lucia married Señor Galvan, and divorced him when you came back.
Ivan: Ya, Licenciado, ya.
Zavaleta: Permit me. You renewed your relationship and everyone knows. Her baby is the child of Saul Mondragon whether by rape or not.
Tony: Son, listen. The lawyer is right. I know you're angry but it's better not to let it out. [moverle]
Ivan: No, this can't be.

Casa Mondragon: JJ and Esther argue about the money she took out of the bank. JJ accuses her of having tantrums and she tells him off. Big. She is leaving him. He calls her crazy and she says she was only crazy when she thought he could change. More insulting crap from him. She knows he feels nothing for her. She finally tells him she's leaving in the morning and exits. Like a typical spoiled brat he shoves all the papers off the table.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for ¡Feliz 2012!.

Dr Fuentes' Office, the next day: Carlota and Lucrazia get the news that Lucrazia is headed for kidney failure. She asks whether she could die and he tells her not to think of that, but of the solution. Carlota takes her daughter's hand.

Hermosillo: Saul waits impatiently for Esther, but it's David who arrives.

Dr Fuentes' Office: The good doctor explains that Lucrazia will need dialysis three times a week and she may need a transplant. He gets up to check whether they can give her her first appointment the day after tomorrow. Lucrazia is good and scared.


David: No, Saul, mother didn't tell me to set a trap for you.
Saul: Therefore, what the devil are you doing here? Who told you?
David: She told me, but I'm here to see you.
Saul: Why? To betray me? Surely you called the police to arrest me.
David: No, Saul. You're my brother and for all you've done I'm here to give you the chance to give yourself up (entreges). It's your only chance, Saul.
Saul: You are still (nuts?) That's what it looks like.
David: It's for your own good, Saul [Something about his sins was blipped out] Act like a man.
Saul: You're not enough to be my brother.
David: Then what? Are you thinking about hiding for the rest of your life? What about your conscience?
Saul: Conscience? Don't you know me? Get out of here! Leave me alone!
David: You leave me no choice but to take you to the police. (grabs his arm. Esther enters)
Saul (getting free): Look. (both look at Esther)
Esther: David, why are you here?

Saul steals his mother's handbag, runs, and jumps into a cab. It pulls away just as David reaches the door. David makes a gesture of frustration.

Outside Casa Mondragon: Camilo calls Antolin, who reports that Esther left the house with a suitcase early that morning. He makes a comment on how little by little JJ is more alone and how Esther must have realized what kind of a rat she lived with all those years.

Casa Mondragon: The maid informs JJ that his wife left with a suitcase. David isn't in and Judith left for work early. He comments about he will enjoy the peace and quiet of the house now that he's finally alone. He sips his coffee, nearly spits it out, and calls the maid to bring him tequila. She tells him there isn't any; la Señora got rid of it. JJ looks frustrated.

Casa McGuire, office area: Lucia tells Ivan she decided not to denounce Saul. She explains about Perlita and he doesn't argue with her. He will give Perlita his name and she will never have to be ashamed. Lucia is still angry that Saul will get away with this, but Ivan tells her that sooner or later he will pay for his sins.

Hermosillo: Esther tells David she had brought money for Saul (Ay, dios mio!) and now they don't expect to see him again (Yeah, right.). David offers to take her back to his place, but the cab is waiting for her to go to a hotel.

How is she going to pay without the purse Saul just stole? Enquiring minds want to know.

Commercial Break

Casa McGuire: Ivan gets a call from David about Saul's escape. He explains that Lucia wasn't going to press charges, so let's leave it at this. We see the anvil being hoisted. Lucia gets the call from Carlota that Lucrazia is sick and she's to come home immediately. She and Ivan exit.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucrazia is living up to our nick, but Carlota may be following her.

Lucrazia screams and breaks things.

Carlota: Daughter, what's wrong?
Lucrazia: Leave me alone! I need to [???]
Carlota: Not like this.
Lucrazia: Then how? Don't you see that I'm desperate? Do you know that this signifies I'm on the brink of death? That I'll have to submit myself to a horrible treatment for the rest of my life?
Carlota: Por favor, Lucrezia; many people live that way.
Lucrazia: Not living; surviving. I'd rather die. [???]
Carlota: Enough, Lucrezia. It's true. I'm sorry this happened, but you have to stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Lucrazia: You don't understand.
Carlota: Of course I understand; you are flesh of my flesh. What happens to you affects me very much.
Lucrazia (crying): Thanks, Mother, but in this moment I feel so alone.
Carlota: You aren't alone. I'm with you. And you have your daughters. Who might donate a kidney. I can't because I'm old But your daughters are young and healthy. You don't have to worry.
Lucrazia: Perhaps at times I've been unfair to Lucia. [Dios mio, is that ever an understatement] How could I face her to ask for a kidney?
Carlota: Por dios, Lucia isn't resentful. [rencorosa] [Something about the thousand loves in her heart and lack of rancor]
Lucrazia: Maybe, but if we're not compatible...
Carlota: There is Maripaz.
Lucrazia: Por favor, Mama! Do you really think Maripaz would do that for me? I don't know about that.

Of course that was sarcastic, but we spot another anvil. Lucia gets home.

Carlota: Thank God you're home.
Lucia: How is mother? What happened?
Carlota: It's very serious. Her kidneys aren't working well. She is in danger of dying if she doesn't get the necessary treatment.
Lucia: You know what treatment she needs?
Carlota: Yes, but she doesn't want to go. She'd rather die than submit to dialysis. I don't know how to reason with her. Help me!
Lucia: Yes, I will. (goes into Lucrazia's bedroom)

Lucia: Mama, it's me.
Lucrazia: What do you want?
Lucia: Only to see you, to see how you are.
Lucrazia: Didn't your grandmother tell you I'm dying?
Lucia: Por favor, you're not dying. (takes her hand) The treatment can help you live for many years.
Lucrazia: Does it look good to live connected to a blood filter?
Lucia: Don't think that way Look at it as [???]
Lucrazia: I don't know how to be that optimistic.
Lucia: Grandma says you won't go for the dialysis.
Lucrazia: Why? I don't want to.
Lucia: Por favor, Mother, you have to. I don't want to lose you.
Lucrazia: I am not a good mother, Lucia. You have suffered and it's my fault. And look at your sister; I didn't supervise her. Everything I wanted for you two failed.
Lucia: Because I love you and it doesn't matter that you're not perfect, Mother. It's me, Mother. Tell me you get it.

Lucrazia continues to cry as Lucia goes out to the sitting room.

Carlota: What happened? What did she say? Will she accept the treatment?
Lucia: No, she doesn't want to.
Carlota: We need to find a way to convince her.
Lucia: Not for the moment. The news took her by surprise. The negative attitude will take time.
Carlota: But the disease won't wait that long.
Lucia: I know.

They clasp hands.

The barn just outside Hermosillo: Saul counts what's in Esther's purse as El Gordo arrives. El Gordo is angry because thanks to Antolin (or so he thinks) he is a suspect in Gerry's murder. The two argue briefly and finally agree to go through with their plan to kidnap Alex and demand a ransom large enough for them to leave the country.

Casa McGuire: Ivan and Alex find Tony asleep in his study. They talk about Alex being alone in the afternoons and that he'll ask if he can spend two afternoons a week with Carolina. This anvil is now in place.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for La Rosa de Guadalupe, The Columbine Episode. and La Que No Podia Amar.

Casa McGuire, study: Lucia calls Ivan to tell him about Lucrazia's illness and to tell him she's going to Berenice's to get her to help.

Berenice's Apt: David arrives and Berenice doesn't let him in. She tells him to leave. She is angry with him because he didn't trust her to know that he went looking for Saul. At the next knock it's Lucia. She lets her in.

Casa Mondragon: JJ's lawyer informs him that he is in debt and that after the divorce his assets will be less than half of what he currently has. He's going to need help. JJ actually has the gall to think that Ivan will bail him out of this. What hubris.

Berenice's Apt: Berenice agrees to visit Lucrazia the next day. Ivan arrives to pick Lucia up. She mentions the possibility of a transplant. She tells him that best compatibility is between relatives.* Finally she tells him she just wants to forget everything and asks that they make love. They kiss and we get flashbacks to many of their previous lovemaking scenes. They're still in Berenice's apartment.

*That's another anvil.


Confrontation between Ivan and JJ, and it looks like El Gordo is using Maripaz in his scheme.


cynico cynic
mover to move or let go
porqueria dirty or disgusting thing
rencoroso(a) resentful


As typical of TN, they are loading the last couples weeks with tragedies. Why can't they just let things play out without beefing up the story with ridiculousness?

Path of least resistance, I suspect (and this isn't specific to novelas by a loooooooong shot).

And not a word about Antolin looking exactly like a cheap private eye from a bad TV-movie, Vivi? For shame! :)

I missed nearly everything about Lucrecia needing a kidney transplant, so reading that here was definitely the biggest of all anvils. Though I'm thinking that this could turn out to be a redemptory act for, of all people, Maripaz; she still doesn't know Gordo shot Gerry, right? What would be a better catalyst for her to take a bullet for someone (unless Juliet showed up out of nowhere and whacked her)?

Thank you UA for the wonderful in depth recap. I love the way you list the conversations and thanks for the vocab it is really helping my comprehension of Spanish.

So Lucrazy is in the anvil's path. Wouldn't it be poetic justice if Merry Piece is the only compatible donor? I wonder if she would give a kidney to her mother? And El Gordo using Merry Piece? It really doesn't look good for her.

Saul either really, stealing your mother's purse, what a scumbag. I guess he was afraid David would haul him into the hoosgow.

I am glad that Lucia is starting to recover from the trauma of her rape, but she is really between a rock and a hard place as far as proving the rape. It's too bad that there isn't more proof besides friends and family to back her up. Even if they got Saul's DNA and compared it to Perlita's it would just prove he is the father and not how she was concieved. The only hope might be the waiter who Saul paid off that night.

I love Antolin as a PI he reminds me of Mannix from back in the day. They had similiar cars.

(Gloria:condolences & hope you feel better!)
UA that was a wonderful recap. Thank you!
How ironic that Saul steals the purse of the woman who made it possible for him to literally run off with it!

Vivi, thanks for the recap. Love those anvils lining up and teetering on the edge.

When I finished watching this last night, my arms and hands were aching from clenching my fists so much whenever Lucrecia was on the screen. She is THE WORST. She does have a good point about not wanting Perlita to be teased or ashamed of her origins, but she's still singing that cantaleta about her imaginary paparazzi. Never ever does she consider what is best for Lucia.

I agree with the lawyer that this case wouldn't go well in court. This situation is asking for some vigilante justice, or a walloping dose of cosmic retribution.

Kathleen, good point that Esther enabled Saul to run off with her purse! Too bad that surgery wasn't botched!

So Ivan and Lucia just take over Berenice's place? She must be a really good friend. At least they didn't haul in any pigeons to join them.

Did anyone else roll their eyes at Carolina? Alas, a negative test, I will never have children! How long have they been trying? A few weeks at most?

It was pretty obvious to me that Lucrezia's sudden kidney disease is to pave the way for Maripaz as a donor after something happens to MP. Because we all know MP would never give one up voluntarily LOL!

Yeah, I couldn't believe Lucia and Ivan just made themselves at home at Berenice's place. You know what they say .... Mi casa es su casa!

Ester is such an idiot! Is she surprised that Saul stole her purse? She should just be amazed that he hasn't done it before.

Thanks for the recap UA! Exciting episode.


Thanks for the recap UA. Your title captured my frustration from last night. Wow, some of the mothers in this TN have truly lost their minds!

ITA w/Julia regarding Lucrazy. I would get livid listening to the bile she kept talking. Ok, life would be horrible for Perlita if the truth came out but isn't that reason 753 for Lucia and Ivan to leave this wretched little town.

Yes Audrey Esther is an idiot! Why can't people discern between not turning your back on someone (I'll visit you in jail) and enabling him/her to make other people's lives miserable. Yes he's your "son" but he's also committed a terrible crime that you as a woman should understand. Kathleen - enjoyed your noted about the irony of Esther's action toward her despicable son.

Would MariPaz even make an acceptable organ donor? I would think her innards are all pickled. Plus, I can't decide which would be a more suitable end for die because she's too snobby to submit to the indignity (she imagines) of dialysis, or to live many more years feeling that her life is destroyed and that she is humiliated. I think she needs more humiliation, though.

I did think it was pretty funny when Lucrazy was telling Lucia how she remained celibate all those years, not because she couldn't get a man, oh no, she was quite attractive and all...

Oh, I meant to thank UA for the recap, not Vivi. I'm a flake. Our UA has a distinct style which cannot be mistaken! But thanks for posting it, Vivi!

Does anyone think JJ will even try to leave? I think he believes he's invincible. And Antolin really does need a boring sedan and a hat if he's going to do the PI thing.

UA, thank you so much. This was terrific. Your translating the conversations was such a help! It shed light on so many things I couldn't dechiper on my own with such limited Spanish. I also appreciated that you noted the various locations of the scene along your fun comments:"[Por dios, why such a hurry? In your place I would enjoy all the amor caliente this guy's got.]" I'm with you on this UA. Totally.

I haven't the slightest sympathy for most - Esther, Lucrazy, etc. but my heart goes out to Lucia. I fear you are right anon, this is being "beefed up...with ridiculousness".

Thanks again! Diana

OK. Finally back to my office and able to comment. Thank you so much Urban for another stellar recap with lots of great dialogue.

I think that word you were looking for when Lucrezia flings stuff around her room is "How else am supposed to unburden myself/let off steam?" The verb is desahogarse. She is such a drama queen. Just like MP. I was struck that we opened with MP in bed whining about being all alone, and Lucrezia curled up in bed in the same position and also whine about being alone. Like mother, like daughter. I think this kidney story will somehow bind together MP's and Lucrezia's stories to some end that makes a difference in both of their lives. I', not really finding it so ridiculous. Those two only react when something affects them personally. What more so than their health and mobility?

I was upset at Lucrezia bringing up the scandal thing again. But I have to admit that she was right about this becoming a stigma for Perla her whole life if it got out that she's a product of rape. We already saw how Lucia lost her job over some gossip in that small town. (I also thought about them moving, but I don't think Lucia really wants to leave.) People would always be whispering about Perla, their kids would overhear, and it would be the thing those kids use to be cruel to her. The lawyer also had a point about how this would play out in court in that town. Unless they find that waiter and he confesses, I don't see much hope for the case in court. I'm all for some vigilantly justice now.

Caro needs to chill. Just enjoy the baby-making process with you hot man!

I keep waiting for the moment that Carmen discovers that her Saul raped Lucia and fathered Lucia's daughter as well. Surely that will play a big upcoming part? Or did I miss a scene and Carmen and Celia already know? I'm still not sure if anyone else knows Saul fathered Lichita besides Carmen, Saul and Gorrrrrrdo. Can anyone with a better memory than I shed some light?
BTW I was not totally convinced that I & L actually made love at Berenice's or just made out. The lovemaking scenes looked like flashbacks to me....

Well, they definitely headed into the bedroom. I think it was implied. I think there were some new bits woven into the flashbacks, as well.

Ivan, Arcelia, Antolin, and Camilo also know that Saul is Lichita's father. Possibly more people as well; I can't remember.

Well, they definitely headed into the bedroom. I think it was implied. I think there were some new bits woven into the flashbacks, as well.

Ivan, Arcelia, Antolin, and Camilo also know that Saul is Lichita's father. Possibly more people as well; I can't remember.

Thanks Julia! I def missed some things in the past.
Vivi-interesting to note the similarity in scenes with Maripaz and Lucrezia laying alone whining about it. I noticed that in Lucia's fetal-position scene, she not only had someone seek her out, she welcomed his embrace. As many have pointed out before Tweedledum and Tweedledee are alone as a result of pushing love away.

I'm sure one of them will realize in the opening of tonight's episode that they need to go somewhere else.

Maripaz would never give anyone a kidney voluntarily; this will be a posthumous donation, so no redemption. That is, if her kidneys aren't thoroughly pickled already.

And I would be all for Ivan and Lucia pulling up stakes for D.F. or the US. This town has the most antiquated mindset ever if she has to worry about what they say about her being raped.

Of course, the fact that she isn't pressing charges enables him to commit his next criminal act.

Karen, I'm totally on your page about Esther. She is an idiot. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt and she needs to be in super-deep denial about Saul after hearing that he raped Lucia. Even JJ knew he did it!

Thanks for the vocab word, Vivi; I couldn't figure out how to spell it.

JJ really has lost his mind if he thinks Ivan wants to run his ranch or help him in any way, except into a jail cell.

Wow, I'm amazed at your abilities UA, do you type fast? How do you get all that dialogue?

I get really mad at these TN's when they cover up a serious crime like rape or murder. There doesn't seem to be any worry by any of them that Saul could do this again to someone else. They shouldn't teach the viewers that covering up a violent crime is ok. Or that you shouldn't speak up against the bad person because they are family, which this TN is famous for. He needs to be locked up. Rape is a serious crime and should be treated as such. Ugh.

¡qué what!

Berenice is mad because Davíd didn't tell her he went looking for his brother????. Uh oh, not sure about this, she doesn't even want to talk to him about it?????? Is that ALL she was mad about?

Just curious & it happens in muchas novelas, a person leaves & 1 second later someone else arrives & they don't run into each other???? as in the case of Davíd & Lucia.


Cathyx, what I do is record the episode on my DVR. I do this even when I'm home in case I get a phone call or am faced with an emergency of some kind during the program. During the broadcast I do the outline, which lists locations for each scene and a line or two about what's going on. Before the end of the episode I know which conversations I'm going to translate and type out the frame for it.

I then rewatch the episode on playback to fill in the details. This can take an additional 3 hours at times when it's necessary to go back more than once over a phrase that's hard to understand because of an unfamiliar word or an interfering noise. Televisa actors rarely mumble, so my rule now is that I only attempt it 3x.

The second most frustrating thing is when the dialogue is censored. It's occasionally possible to lipread the actor if it's a full-face shot, but not usually.

The title is the last thing to go in. Then I proof the document before sending it in. I don't always catch every mistake.

Ditto on covering up crimes. This only allows the perp to keep on with his/her life of crime.

Now I'm even more impressed. You take a lot of time and you don't even get paid. Although I'm certain that all the recappers put a lot of time into theirs also, and that is why they are all so terrific. Thank you every one for all you do. I can't say enough how much I enjoy this. It's something I look forward to every day.

I think the bartender will provide the proof of whatever they put in Lucia's drink. I think it was Sául who visited him & it had to be for that reason.


Gracias, Cathyx.

The bartender is the only possible witness, but considering how his town is that might not be adequate. My guess is that Saul will die during the whole kidnapping scheme. That covers paying the ultimate price for his sins while keeping the rape under wraps.

Unfortunately, Lucrazia was right, and as the attorney confirmed, nobody outside of the Curiel/McGuire/Mondragon circle will believe that Lucia was raped by Saul. Lucrazia doesn't even believe that Lucia was raped by Saul, and that's her own mother, so why would the rest of the town who has been gossiping about their family being loose sluts believe Lucia either?

Saul was trifling, mugging his own stepmother.

What does Tony not telling his bio-son about his mom cheating on him have to do with Saul raping Lucia? What Mrs. McGuire did while Tony away wasn't a crime. What Saul did WAS.

It really doesn't matter if Lucia denounces Saul or not, Perla is going to be talked about in that town. They'll whisper:

How she was miraculously born 6 months after the wedding and never was in NICU so obviously Lucia was pregnant before she married;

How Ivan was married to her sister and had a child with her and is now married to Lucia (and in the future has kids with her)

SOMEBODY in that town is going to blab that neither Ivan nor Camilo are Perlita's fathers.

If Lucia doesn't want the closed minded folks in Alamos laughing and taunting Perla, the best bet is to marry Ivan and move back to the United States where nobody knows or cares.

And Carlota really screwed Lucia's chances of denouncing Saul by not telling Lucia about the rape or getting her medical attention.

And JJ is delusional enough to think Ivan would bail him out.

I so agree that Lucia and Ivan need to get out of that town. I know Ivan would love to. But I don't think that either Alex or Lucia will want to. Alex for obvious reasons-- friends, Carolina, Lucia, and Antolin. I have no idea why Lucia wants to stay in that gossip-ridden town, other than to be with her grandmother. But she was never excited about Ivan's idea to move to the States when they get married.

As for assumptions about Perla, everyone who doesn't know about the rape think that her dad is Ivan (the guy Lucia was engaged to before she married Camilo). So there will be less gossip if people don't widely find out Perlita's Saul's child. Outside of the people who know the truth (family and close friends), NO ONE in that town is going to believe that Saul MONDRAGON, Lucia's ex-boyfriend, raped her. They will all think she was messing with 3 guys at the same time, not just the 2 they now assume. I am afraid the lawyer and Lucrezia are right on this. Lucia will have to weigh the empowerment she may feel in taking Saul to court (and likely losing), vs more gossip in the mouth of the townspeople about her and her daughter. It's a tough choice and I understand why she's choosing to protect Perlita.

I have no idea why everyone's first thought isn't that Saul may rape again, or that MP might kill someone while driving drunk again. It's not like either one is repentant. Very bad examples of putting family above the law.

Thanks UA! Another great one!

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