Friday, December 16, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #169 Friday 12/16/11 Teary Goodbyes and No Hope for Hellos.

Queridos, we're headed into the home stretch of CME and I can't believe we only have a handful of weeks left of our lovely Nata, fearsome Fina, repulsive Roberta, and our anti-hero Jero. Let's savor what little time we have left!

Augie repeats his indecent proposal to Nata about becoming a father figure for her baby. He wants to give the little critter everything because of how much he cares about her. Nata reacts with shock and confusion.

Karina assures Lazaro that she feels nothing for Doc PlotTumor except pity. She wants to visit him only to give him a bit of peace. Lazaro gives his sweetie a kiss and admires her compassion.

Nata tells Matias and Adriana about her heart condition diagnosis but promises it's nothing to worry about. Oh, and Augie offered to be the father of her baby. There's that little fact too. Adriana thinks it's odd that Augie would offer to be a father figure for the baby of a man he hates. Nata is torn; Augie has always been there for her when times get tough yet something feels wrong about his offer.

Anibal does his best Nancy Drew sleuthing on Augie's laptop. He finds out that Augie has been investigating Marina and Saul.

Regina and Matias convene in Jero's office. They both agree to keep mum about Fina's possible death and will wait for confirmation before they distress Nata with the news. "When will all the suffering end for Renata?" Regina asks. "When?"

Nata says her goodbyes to Gitana as they walk together in the field. "Amgia, we have to leave all this behind again. The vineyard, the hacienda, and Jero. And we're not coming back this time." Nata swears to send for Gitana as soon as she can and sobs into Gitana's beautiful neck.

Anibal barely escapes discovery when Augie bursts into his office. Ani hides in the curtains as Augie manifestos to himself that Nata will be his.

Prissy strolls by Matilde with a smug smile. Mati wastes no time in shoving Prissy in the mud. LOL. Prissy gets up in a snit. "You pushed me!" (Tú me empujaste!) Prissy calls Mati a low-class nobody. "Yes, but at least I defend what's mine," Mati counters. "As long you you stay in this hacienda, I will make your life impossible!"

Honorio pays a visit to everyone's favorite unfairly accused jailbird. Constanza admits she hated Fina but she never would have wished such a terrible death upon her. Connie changes gears and whimpers about getting out of jail. Honorio does his best to give her hope. The cops are searching round-the-clock for Corina.

Meanwhile, the mistress of disguise gives herself a haircut and giggles about Blanca's stupidity. Now she's dead and Fina gets all her money. Ja, ja, ja.

Gonzo gives Jero's information to a private detective in hopes that Jero will be found quickly. The detective agrees to keep everything confidential.

Berta arrives at work to an awaiting German. He's got a house in the country and he wants her to come with him for the weekend. Beth, the secretary, peeks in just in time to see Berta deep-tonguing German. "No puede ser!" Beth sighs to herself.

Nata says her goodbyes to the ladies of the hacienda. There's not a dry eye in the house as Nata tells everyone that she's leaving for good. She asks all of them to keep quiet about her pregnancy. The last thing she wants is for Jero to find out about her baby. They promise to keep it a secret. Nata sobs that she will never forget any of them. Of course, none of the ladies will forget her either. Sobby group hug!

Fina and her kicky new haircut peruse the newspaper. She's pleased to read her own name on the list of deaths in the madhouse fire. Though she gets nervous when Blanca's name isn't mentioned at all. "No! She has to be dead!"

Indeed, she is. Blanca is on the slab at the morgue right that very moment. A supposed suicide note was found in Blanca's pocket (penned by Fina) but the detective doesn't buy it. "A ligature on the victim's neck suggests she was strangled (fue ahorcada)."

Berta asks German to let her visit his apartment early. She wants to decorate it as a surprise. He has no problem with it. In fact, his place is in the same building as Julieta and Matias's apartment. Berta's hackles raise at the news.

Not-Quite-Padre Antonio and Padre Severino have a chat. Padre wants to pay a visit to La Bonita; he's desperate for word from Marina.

Augie opens his computer and gets his angry face on. Uh-oh. Anibal broke one of the cardinal rules of Junior Sleuthing: always cover your tracks. Augie charges Anibal and the two of them end up in a fencing match. (Isn't this how all arguments should be solved?)

Augie holds the sword to Anibal's throat and warns him that nobody betrays him. Anibal plays innocent but when that doesn't work he gives a different excuse about using the computer.

Carlos walks in on Prissy changing clothes. He gets agitated and leaves the room.

Allison and Herminia gossip about Nata, Jero, and Augie's torrid affairs. Trust us, writers, we already know this stuff.

Nata packs the last of her bags and reminisces about Jero's cuddles, kisses, and pillow talk. "You're the most important thing in my life," Jero said. Nata cries. "Then why did you leave? Why did you lie?" Manuela interrupts to give Nata a box of photos and some sage advice. "Time heals all wounds, even the most painful ones." ("El tiempo lo cura todo, aún los dolores más fuertes")

Karina warmly greets Padre and Tony. No, she hasn't heard anything from Jero or Marina. But she does want to ask Padre to take her to see Doc. He's in an awful way and she wants to offer a little comfort. She's too kind for her own good.

Corina, in a Fina-worthy wig, is captured by undercover cops. They handcuff her and drag her away.

Beth delivers Honorio a cup of coffee and comes clean to him about German's constant sexual harassment. He made advances and intimidated her. Beth is on the verge of telling Hon about what she saw between German and Berta but Hon is interrupted by the news about Corina's capture. Hon promises to follow up on her complaints as soon as he can.

Berta and Fina cackle and spit at each other in their lair. Berta is uncomfortable that the entire world knows that Fina is a murderer. She mocks Fina for calling herself free when she's stuck hiding in an apartment.

Antonio mulls over the news that both Roberta and Renata have their father's heart condition. Tony asks if Regi ever doubted that Berta was her daughter. "Of course not," says Regi.

Nata interrupts to give Regina the box of old photographs. She shows Regi the photos of herself and Berta as children. Regina's head starts spinning. Antonio pockets a few of the pictures while her back is turned.

Marina goes shopping for a baby crib with a man. We never see his face. Is it Jero? Saul? Her twin brother? Padre Severino's illegitimate son that he doesn't know exists? I guess we'll never know...

Gonzo and Honorio sit in on the interrogation as Corina gets raked over the coals. Corina admits she was hired by Blanca and Fina to entrap Connie. Hon and Gonzo snap into action. Looks like Connie will be out of the clink by Monday. Gonzo gets a phone call from a different set of detectives. Blanca was murdered and Fina's body was not recovered in the fire. She's missing. "Do you realize what this means?"

Avances: Ultimos Capitulos! Ay, dios mio. "Renata is Regina's daughter!" Tony says with certainty. He also turns up unexpectedly at Marina''s in search of Jero.

empujar - to push
bosillos del pantalón - pants pocket
ahorcada - strangled / hanged.
husmeado - sniffed (ie: sniffing around, snooping)
acoso sexual - sexual harassment


Amy- Wow! You had this up fast! Thanks amiga.

A few corrections and then I'll write a comment:
-I think Nata said no to Augie's offer pretty firmly. She said she does not love him and does not want to make the same mistake twice. I think she was shocked by the offer and by his (supposed) undying love, but not confused about how she feels. When Adri asked if she could possibly see herself in a relationship with Augie, she asked how can you even ask me that.
-The apt building is just Julieta's, not Matias's.
-Anibal escaped out of the window and didn't have to hide behind the curtains.
- Germy and Berta are going to the country home for the weekend to close a big business deal, which Gonzo knows about. And of course they will do other stuff while they are there. Yuck!
-Berta asked Germy to stay away from the apt for a while because she wants to redecorate it and make it nice for him. She says she wants to surprise him. She's just buying a few weeks' time until Fina is on to her next hiding place/plan.
-Anibal admitted to being on the computer to innocently chat with friends, but says there was no prompt for a password (clave).
-Karina did not say she is going to visit Alvaro. Instead she is asking Padre to visit him. She has not intention of going to see him.
-The pics Nata gave to Gina are the ones she gave Nata. The mistake is that Gina gave Nata a box of Berta's pictures. Some of the pics have both Nata and Berta in them and so Nata was able to point to those and say this is me, this is Berta. The reason why Gina is so confused is because Fina a while back sent her a picture of Nata when she began to torment her. So now Nata is telling her that SHE is the girl in the photos that Gina was originally led to believe was her daughter. She's more confused than ever now.
-I believe what Tony pocketed was Berta's original birth certificate, which should have her fingerprints, like Nata's did.

I become more scared for Ani's safety each time he crosses Augie. This was the most violent/scariest threat yet. I think Augie really hurt Ani's arm. That kid needs to get out of that place, now!

That was a cute memory Nata had of Jero. That's not a scene they have ever shown us before. Since Nata was wearing her red flannel jammies, I think they filmed that scene at the same time they were filming the "Jero is missing" scenes. I mean, it's not like Juan Soler had anythng to do for like a week while SN had to do all that emotional heavy lifting. I would imagine it would have been quite nice for her to take a break from all the crying scenes to film a cute, cuddly love scene.

OK. WTH?! Marina is safe and sound and setting up baby rooms and she hasn't called her tio back to tell him she's safe!? That is just cruel. I would like to say that's totally unrealistic, but I can't even count the number of times my own nephew, or other people I know, have traveled off to somewhere else or left a place on their own, and not called to let me know they arrived safely. It drives me crazy. She will have some 'splainin' to do on Monday when Tony finds her! Now, where the heck is Jero?

Thanks again Amy. This was such a snappy recap.

Amy you sweetheart! You got this up so quickly! I haven't read your recap yet but I'm going to do it now. Thank you because I've been bursting to discuss the episode.

Yes I agree, this was a snappy recap. Nicely done Amy! You are such a busy girl and we deeply appreciate your wonderful recaps. I like your vocab words tonight. I somehow feel certain I'm going to be able to use "Tú me empujaste!"

"Indecent proposal" is right! Grrrr, that Augustin drives me nuts.

Vivi, thank you for your clarifications and especially for explaining about the photos. It was kind of confusing to me. I was also pretty sure that Antonio pocketed the birth certificate. That guy likes to have a cause and this is a good one.

I'm even more worried about Anibal now. I think Augustin is pretty certain that Ani was snooping. I admire Anibal for grabbing the sword and taking on his dad, but he's no match yet.

I'm glad the pathologist decided Blanca had been murdered. Fina's not as clever as she likes to think. She's wily but she's also very lucky...SO FAR.

Thanks Amy. Yep, we're in the home stretch and where in the heck is Jeronimo???

Amy--Can't believe I'm awake and doing this on a Friday night. The whole weekend is in front of us. But, I'm spurred on by Amy's recap. Great stuff.

--love your speculation on who Marina is with, especially "Padre Severino's illegitimate son he never knew he had." LOL. We know now it isn't Antonio, since he shows up in the avances and MamaRina is very surprised to see him.

Vivi--thanks for the corrections. I agree with them.

Amy--Doc PlotTumor is a different doctor--Fina's old accomplice. We need a new moniker for Dr. JailBaitOhWoeIsMeI'mFriendless.

Tony did pocket the birth certificate. Half a novela ago I would have been furious at him, throwing my clogs at the tv set, but as a reformed sinner and soon-to-be-maybe a real Padre (NOT), he's going to use it for good.

Methinks he's only going to end up delaying revelations. Hope he doesn't wait too long.

What difference would it have made if Regina had seen it and figured out her mistake. Renata needs some good news right now and this would have been it. She needs Regina more than she needs Augie.

Knowing Renata, she's going to feel terrible for Berta to learn of the switch and will want to share Regina with her.

The one who will be left out in the cold (or out cold) will be Fina.

If the real Renata (Regina, Jr.) steps forward to claim the inheritance, there'll be no Monaco or French Riviera for her, the murderous beeotch.

Chances are pretty good that Renata will not share her inheritance with Fina, as Berta had been made to promise.

And if she ever finds out Berta knew of the switch, that will be the end of any sisterly reconciliation. Even Regina would have second thoughts about embracing her as a step-child.

Mary, you had me in Stitches with your last comment yesterday--"As far as everyone ending up in the wine country - at this point I wish a few of them were under the wine country."


Oh, Fina and the Fire:

She is pleased to see the fire made the front page news, since she knows she's responsible.

When she reads the list of names of the dead or unidentified, Blanca's name isn't there. I can't remember now if she saw her own name among the dead or the missing.

(I apologize, I was concentrating on how curly and stylish her hair looked. She must have called a home-visiting beautician to get it to look like that.)

Meanwhile, Gonzo is arranging for Fina's dental records to be sent to the temporary morgue of the victims to see if any of the unidentified bodies is hers. So, at least according to the authorities one of the bodies might still be hers.
NOK again

NOK- Yes, Fina's name was on the list of presumed dead. But she was surprised to not see a mention of Blanca's "suicide" and admission to starting the fire in the paper. That made her worry for a second that Blanca didn't die from her flying lesson.

By the end of the show, the dental records had confimed that Fina was not amongst the dead, and the evidence, despite the note, showed that Blanca had not committed suicide. Considering what they just learned about the Fina-Blanca alliance to bring Connie down, I think Hon and Gonzo can make the rightful assumption that Fina is the one who offed Blanca. At least, I hope they make that assumption on Monday.

I was also impressed by Fina's new do. She can always support herself as a hairdresser if she can't get her hands on Blanca's money!

Yay! TGIF and TG we get Amy to recap and get the weekend going! When I started watching tonight my CC was not working, so I thought I'd take a chance to see if the recap was up and there it was. Thank you for giving me guidance during my viewing time.

I love the translations. You know, I think you got smarter during this past college semester. Thanks for passing along the fruits of your intelligence.

I thought Cari was going to visit Nesme too. Regardless, I love how Laz admires her big heart. A lot of husbands would not even try to understand. Our Laz IS super!

We still don't know who Marina's man in the suit is. Frustrating. I am encouraged by Antonio showing up at her door. There is still a chance they may fall in love. He'd be such a good step-dad for those babies.

ET Phone Home! (ET = Exuberant Tatas). Let Padre Tio know you are okay.

Good for Beth telling on Germy.

I like Fina's new do.

Thanks again, AmyAzul!

Word verification: sesspel - Is that what Mati pushed Priss in?

Rosemary la Otra

"No Hope for Hellos"...that has such a great ring to it, Amy. Excellent title.

And I'd forgotten that Doc PlotTumor had been used for the other medico, so I was all in favor of it for Nesme.

Favorite phrase: "Fina and Roberta cackle and spit at each other in their lair."

Those two remind me of rabid vermin-infested foxes. And Roberta cooperated by wearing skin-tight jeans the last few episodes so "Venom Wearin' Denim" sure applies.

The writers were kind enough to include some sweet lovin' memories amidst all the tears, plus the satisfaction of seeing our plucky Matilde push Prissyass down in the mud...which is exactly where the latter belongs.

Thanks Miss Amy...and enjoy your Christmas break before the next round of classes and exams begins.

Amy Azul -- thanks for such a thorough & rapid recap.

I've only seen the first half so far and was hoping that the man in the suii would be Atonio, But fro the recap I see that he is not due yet. So Who is that guy? The writers probably want us to keep on suspecting it's Jero but I for one will never believe that Jero would have done Nata wrong again -- especially without a word. So Who is he? Hmm? G;ad to hear that Tony is soon to turn up. Then we'll have at least half of the truth.

The really big reveal here is the Regina/Renata/Roberts one.That's the one they need to tease us with until the end. So please writers get Nata & Jero back together so we can enjoy them in their happiness for a while these last few episodes.

Oh How I loved Mati pushing Prisspants in the mud. Remember how devious and annoying Mati was in the begining when she didn't like Carlos & Nata before they proved themselves to her. Imagine the things she can do to Pris.

Word verification: reapin --- what a lot of our characters should be doing soon -- reapin' their just rewards.


Thank you for the recap Flor and Vivi for the add ons.
I bet the mystery man in the suit is the salesman at the crib store.

Antonio shows up later with Marina. How did he find her? She might have called her uncle and Antonio went to visit her to find out where Jeronimo is.

I thought the same thing when I saw her; that Fina could definitely get a job as a hairstylist. She supposedly did it herself and it looks fantastic. She did a nice job.

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Saturday.

Best part of last night was Mati pushing PrissyPainintheButt in the mud - and then slapping some on her face!!

I too am so worried about Anibal - but he's a smart kid - although not smart enough to push the escape key before closing the computer.

As far as the Blanca murder - at least the dr. figured that she was murdered and didn't pre-strangle herself before thinking, nah this is too much trouble, it's easier if I just jump! Geesh.

Cathyx - I was thinking the EXACT same thing - MariTatas is probably shopping for cribs and that guy is the salesman!!! The writers are yelling PSYCH to all of us and laughing.

And the winner of worst wig of show goes to Corina. What was that thing - I think she got it at the halloween store sale. And I thought she was leaving town - wouldn't you have left town by now?

Where is Jero? I miss him so. I just want to see him again in his little suit - looking perfect, with that perfect hair, smiling his perfert smile...ok, I'm going now.

Thanks Amy, good job. Very nicely done. I hope that you really get to enjoy your Christmas break.

Vivi, I agree with your additions and corrections but I do differ with you on your first point. I think when the conversation with Augie began Nata was firmly resolved but I tend to agree with Amy that when it concluded, she was shocked and confused.

Shocked that Augie would propose such a thing in the first place and then less resolved at the end when he said:

"Take the time you need. You know that I'll always be here for you... always."

Then he gave her a peck on the cheek and the only response she gave was to yield up her cheek for the peck. She didn't respond or even look at him, but it appeared to me that she was already considering his offer.

The fact that she brought the subject up to Adri, pointing out that Auge has always been there for her, makes me think that she may be considering his offer.

I'm beginning to think that Jerry has somehow been locked away in the prison that Alvaro is in. Why else (plotwise) would the padre be going to visit Alvaro?


Excellent point, Carlos! Oh, I bet you are right. We were wondering why the reappearance of that Slime Bag, and I think you could definitely be on to something.

As much as we all despise Roberta, I do feel bad when we compare Beth's reaction to German's advances, which are appropriate, to poor love-starved Roberta's, where she is actually happy with the set up and thinks she has finally "found someone". Sometimes I look at Roberta and all I see is a very damaged child.

My word verification is: Dicing. Hmmm could this be a reference to Manuela's cooking, Saul giving a rectal exam, what could happen to Augie with an epee, or us trying to figure this all out?

R la O

Finally saw the rest of the episode. Click. Click. Click. Things are falling into place.

Didn't take long to get the truth about Fina/Blanca. I don't know how the cops tracked down the zorra aka Corina in her lair in the country but she sure is spilling the beans now that her bobbed head is in the noose so to speak.

Anibal really thought fast when Auggie called him out about being on the computer. He didn't deny it -- in fact he told Auggie : hey if I were doing anything wrong wouldn't I have denied I was using it? Ironic that he claimed to be sending an email to his mother -- since we know that she's dead but Auggie doesn't.

That's a thought -- that Jero may be back in jail. Auggie had somebody on his payroll. That would explain everything except who was on the plane with Marina. In the old days that woldn't have been such a mystery but in the security conscious protocols of airports today how is that possible?

word verification: messess how appropriate -- but there are a few mops out there cleaning up a lot of them ( and Mati bent on making a few more for Pris)


I have far more faith in our Nata's ability to learn from her mistakes. I think she was touched by the offer and shocked by it. But her answer when Adri asked her if she was considering it gave me all the answer I needed. Nopis. She's going back to D.F. and won't even give Augie a second thought. Just like she did last time, and they were engaged at that point!

Not only that Vivi but she pointed out to Adri that she had once before allowed herself to be convinced to take a ring from him even though she didn't love him and she knows that was a big mistake. It would feel very wrong to me if she actually considered that proposal -- too much like backsliding on her part.


Thanks for your recap Amy. Your title did capture the Where's Waldo/Jero theme that we've been tormented with all week. Your speculation on who's that guy with Tata was funny.

Add me to the list of those who are concerned about Anibal's safety. I wish before Nata leaves he tells her he's concerned his father might kill him.

I also enjoyed Mati pushing Miss Prissy in the mud. She just needs to get catch when she's about to pounce on the dunce by someone other than Mati.

While I am happy Dr. Tatas is not endanger, though if she starts whining again I'll start to wish her away again.

I'm looking forward to possible seeing our rat friends where-ever Jero is stashed.

Vivi and Güera, I truly hope you are right... but it's my contention that one can never ever underestimate the bad judgment of a telenovela main character... male or female... especially if it involves a decision that will have the the viewers weeping, wailing, and gnashing teeth.


...not to mention extend the show a few more episodes.


Weighing in again. I think Carlos has our answer and thus, end the speculation. Augie did have someone in his pay down at the prison. That's where Jero must be now--out of sight. Here's where Doc Nesme can be really arrepentido, if he happens to see him before the Padre's visit and tells.

Going over some past episodes, we wondered for awhile who the mole was in EM who was going to tell Berta how to embezzle funds. With Blanca gone and Fina onto other matters, we can put that red herring to rest--just as we can put Blanca's "daddy" phone call to rest. Dang, we had a bunch of red herrings and wrong turns, but it's been quite a ride (oh, is Gitana safe now?)

FOR MARY--Just in to our CME Emporium:

>A Jero action figure, fully-jointed, complete with his little suit, looking perfect, with that perfect hair, smiling his perfect smile (comes with his socks on).


NOK - Do you really think they would have put in Blanca's "Daddy" phone call just to throw us off the track? She may be dead, but does her story end with us not knowing where she came from? How dare they?!

I am going to miss the sanitarium scenes, especially the lady who liked to flick her long arm sleeve. And that twitch-walk-twitch-walk one. That was so funny when Fina was reading the list of the deceased and felt bad about some, but not so bad about others.

R la O

Hello and a belated thank you, thank you to Amy Azul! I have just been reconnected to the internet after two days disconnect which turned out to be a technician's error of unplugging my wires and plugging someone else into my slot at the neighborhood connection box down the hill. It is scary to think how dependent I have become. I had to go visit a friend last night to send a couple of urgent emails.

But, I'm Back and have just read this marvelous fun packed recap and all your amazing speculations.

I wish Antonio had shown Regina the REAL Roberta birth certificate instead of tucking it into his breast pocket. I liked the timing of Regina telling Antonio that she had never doubted that Roberta was her REAL daughter when Renata walks in the room immediately after that sentence and shows Regina who is who in the picture collection.

Karen, and all who are terrified for Anibal's safety, I am joining your club. Anibal hasn't won any sentimental moments in Augie's cold, cold heart so he is definitely moving to the ELIMINATION round. I can't decide if Renata will be smart enough to get out of town and whether Anibal will be able to share his special insights with her first.

Herminia finally has been given a purpose though, her chismosa nature that Manuela always criticises will fuel Alison so when she and Anibal put their teen powered thinking caps on, Alison will have information to contribute too.

I am so glad that Honorio has always been on the right side of harrassment issues and having been the victim of Blanca's accusations he still is quick to believe Beth and support her report unconditionally. He is the one that pointed out Germy's bad boy rep when he came into the company although he didn't think that was a reason to turn down his financial support or joining the family's inter sanctum of power at EM.

Wow, it is such a relief to be back online and catch up with this wild horse race toward the finish line. I'm hoping I get some revelations tomorrow: first I would like to get the REAL daughter stands up. Second, where in the world is Jero. Or, even who is going to help Anibal get away from Augie and start to tell what he knows.

Thanks Amy for a great recap and vocab.

I’ve got a lot to say.

Mati: Now that Mati has decided to fight (yay!!) PrissButt doesn’t stand a chance. I think Carlos’ frustration about his hands is because he wants to be able to get rid of Priss. He certainly isn’t that interested in her if he walked away from her when she was dressing. I do wish he’d step up. I think he’d get rid of her fast if he overheard her smart mouthing Mati or if in her cockiness or desperation PrissButt dissed her to him.

Jero in Jail: Carlos, I would think someone would notice if there was an extra prisoner. However, I like the plot point. I read the same thing in one of my historical mysteries. A young boy was in Newgate about to be hanged for a crime he didn’t commit and a policeman friend of his guardian saw him there and told his guardian (a viscount) who immediately got him out (good book).

Smiling Marina: Of course all you smart people who say it’s a salesperson Marina is smiling at have to be right. I don’t think she would be so delusional to be smiling so happily at Jero, because he’s not going to be so carefree happy under the circumstances, it’s too early for her to have met someone else she could be that happy with, Antonio has been ruled out. Saul doesn’t seem possible. But a happy Marina now that she doesn’t have to watch Jero and Nata together shopping for her babies is a great possibility.

Anibal: I think there are too many sword fights between him and Auggie for it not to figure into the finale. Either Anibal kills him (though not likely considering he’s not that good yet) or Auggie is about to kill him and Jero kills Auggie to save him.

Fina: Those of you who have commented that Fina is not that smart when she hatches a plan are spot on. Any halfway decent coroner is going to see that Blanca was strangled. To even remotely have a chance of it appearing like a suicide, Fina would have needed to hang her from the bridge. And even then, it probably wouldn’t have made a difference. Any halfway decent coroner would still notice she had been strangled before hanging—unless she was strangled with the rope?

Nata: I hope Nata doesn’t accept Auggie’s proposal. I hope she doesn’t make another major life decision at the height of an emotional state. Better to go home and be with her family and wait until she’s calmer. That baby will have plenty of “fathers” anyway: Gonzo, Matias, Honorio—since the baby isn’t his, and Isidore.

I think Berta will die of her heart condition. She clutches her chest when she’s under any kind of strain and I don’t think it’s for show or sympathy.

My best friend wants to start watching TNs, but she wants to watch a good one (I told her she should have been watching this one). Which one are you all thinking of watching next? The one with Matias and Benita? She’d like to watch the one I’m going to watch.

I decided, even though none of my favorites are going to be in one soon, that I might continue on with one of the new ones. I did want to try and watch less TV and TN’s are a great time commitment. I also like the idea of taking a bit of a break from them. The problem is, I love this community too much to let it go.

I’d also like to make list of good, classic TNs (I love to make lists). Any recommendations for some older ones to look out for. Of course Alborada, which I missed this time around, is one everyone mentions. Also, Pasion. Any others? Thanks.


RLO--Sometimes I think the writers forget what they have written or what has been filmed. At least they caught Corinna. It bothers me, too, that Ezeke's "suicide" by knotted rope and no stool was dismissed without further investigation, but Blanca's "thin red line" was picked up immediately. Must be the difference between DFCSI and EnsedadaCSI.
Word verification is craming--what they are going to do in CME to resolve everything by Jan. 4 (is it the 4th that we have to say goodbye???)

NOK, it does seem unlikely that Augie could arrange for Jerry to be stashed away unnoticed in a prison, but here are my reasons for suggesting the possibility:

Augie does have connections in the prison

Augie doesn't appear to be particularly concerned about about Jerry escaping from wherever he's being held

The fact that we're all of a sudden hearing from Alvaro

Another consideration is that since Saúl is a Dr., perhaps he's keeping Jerry somewhere... drugged

I too, worry about Aníbal. I'm afraid that he could be expendable... almost certainly there will be some sort of fencing showdown between him and Augie.

Rosemary la O, every time we were in the prison manicomio, the first thing I would look for was the lady with the flapping sleeves... she truly seemed locked into her own private little world.


Well, I don't have much to add to all these smart, funny comments, but I do want to thank Amy for the recap. Excellent as always. Great title, great review of the action, great commentary, great vocab.

If that man with Marina isn't the crib salesman, I'm guessing it's the interior decorator. She did say something about her babies being happy in that room, right? So I think she's at her home. How she got that mural painted so fast, I've no idea.

I'm getting very worried about Aníbal. He needs to get out of that house. Plant a few bugs if he wants to, but not hang around in person. Augie is too scary. That fencing bit was creepy.

Great recap.

I cant see Auggie allowing Hero to live and possible return to Nate if anything he probably killed him (or tried since we know the writers wouldnt kill him off) and dumped him somewhere then had Saul lie about him leaving with Marina to force Nate to hate him enought that she would rush into Auggies waiting arms.

Hope this perks up an otherwise empty Monday until tonight--more items from the CME Emporium (I guess you can tell when these items were listed in the catalog):

> Beanies for 15-mo. olds to watch telenovelas by (but only with abuelos). Just make sure you buy them their own little beanies-size extra extra small

> Better get an emergency batch of I MISS ZEKE into production for distribution next week

> Public relations course for Berta that covers when to use the term “estupidos” most effectively

> I am placing my tee order now: I Miss Zeke/Long Live Chema

> From a website called They have two models: one with the standard propeller, and the other is a deluxe model with battery powered brain wave altering electrodes. The battery pack also powers the propeller. Which would be best? Also, they only come in extra small, extra extra small is out of stock. Do you think the extra small with a used wad of gum would work?

> Are the beanies the winterized version or for summer use only?

> I was lucky enough to receive a hand made sailor cap beanie with special telenovela processing powers, so no more aluminum foil for me.

> Another Emilia Special Offer: Beanie, beanie, who wants a (free) telenovela beanie? David, I wish I had known sooner that the twins would be at your house. I'd have set them up with little beanies - sans propellers or gum.

> I would go with the standard propellor model in small. It will help on those moments when you're not available, but the rest of the time, wouldn't you rather have them climbing all over you with big hugs asking "why did they do [that], huh, why?" And the propellor works as a whirlybird outside in non-TV moments. Two toys for the price of one.!

> A winning lottery ticket for Ezeke…quickly

> Direct line to Jarocha for the REAL scoop on all things tn-related

> Blank stare-resistant ponchos to wear at drunken tailgaiting parties (available only in autumn)

> Fishbowl sized, handblown Majorcan wine glasses, (in Mexico, a dozen glasses come with maid, dustpan and whisk broom)

> How many of those "I miss Zeke" shirts are we having made up?

> I'm going out on a limb here and will order one "Save Zeke" t-shirt. I hope it arrives before it becomes obsolete

> Adorable Trojan Babies—the kind that don’t drink, wet or cry; only one per order, but order now before they become Trojan Toddlers

> Dr. Carlos better start the presses for the "I miss Zeke" t-shirts

NOK, Your list making and your Emorium offerings are so fabulous. I was just visiting over at "Familia" and suggested perhaps we could special order some I heart Pancho sweatshirts to get through the cold winter here. Thanks for making us all laugh.

We are already going from freezing rain to slushy snow so I am set for an indoor day winding up to my CME recap. Let the TN gods throw me a bone, please. We all need some glimmer of hope on the horizon here. I wonder if we have to face another week of no Jero sightings. I sure hope it is PrePadre Antonio in that crib room. I am in the Jero has been sequestered somewhere in deepest Mexico and is neither with Tatas or NastyNesme in their own special versions of hell.

I'm having CME withdrawals!!!!!!! Hurry up 7:00 (PST)!!!


Amy, I really really like your writing. You write what needs to be written and no fluff. Thanks.

I'm thinking it's a good thing that CME will go past Christmas and into January, even if only a little. First week of January is usually kind of bleak, so a little TN cheer will be appreciated.

Word verification: "quessies" like the newly pregnant Renata is having.

Someone might already have noted this:

El Talisman replaces CME.


Thanks Robey. We were guessing El Talisman but weren't quite sure. I hope we are guaranteed a shirtless Aaron Diaz on horseback for every episode.

I'm more interested in the other one, but the 7:00-8:00 (PST) time is more convenient.


Yep, me too. I can't handle the 9:00 time even though LQNPA sounds more interesting. That's why I pretty consistently stick with the 7:00 show.

Sylvia: Don't know Aaron Diaz. Guess I've got something to look forward to?


Well someone posted a picture of him and it was impressive. He played Mariano in Teresa. He is also a very good singer so quite a talented guy.

I think the woman who plays Regina in CME is also in it.

RE: Regina. That's the one where I saw a preview with her shouting in the phone in true villain style. Would be interesting to see her as a villain after her playing the saintly Gina.

I saw the finale of Teresa. I liked that guy. He's pretty easy on the eyes.


Not saying Gina will be playing a villain, but that scene made me think she might.


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