Saturday, December 17, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of December 19, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

¡Feliz Navidad!

Telenovelas seldom seem to observe the holidays probably because they are broadcast starting at different dates in different countries. This is good because on American soap operas, the holidays always seemed rather dreary with tacky decorations and people always arriving with large wrapped gifts.

FLOR SALVAJE - viernes

Last night's episode was rather depressing - mostly bad things happened.
Catalina didn't lose her baby so she is still trying to get Sacramento.

Flor had sex with Rafa. She believes it is part of her revenge plot but it seems like she might be falling for him - at least Zahra thinks so.

Rafa seems to have had his fingers crossed when he swore to Flor that he didn't want to harm Zahra. He poisons Tío Francisco against her and is nasty about it when she confronts him.

Malicia falls off the wagon big time thanks to the odious Abelardo and Enrique discovers them. Malicia runs away and collapses.

Rocío is devastated to learn that JM is going to marry Ines. The 4P chicas try an help her. All the girls agree that it never works for prostitutes to take up with johns. They can't get past their girlfriend's past activities. So far this has been true for Flor and Sacto, Rocío and JM, Zahra and Francisco and Enrique and Malicia.

Urged on by Flor to get revenge on Mariano, Rocío takes a job as his assistant. This is probably going to turn out badly.

Desperate for money, Mina and CC talk their way into the petrolero and service a couple of the workers before Mr. Peter catches them and throws them out.

Lourdes plans her demonstration against the 4P - getting schoolchildren from all over to march dressed as angels or something.

I think that was it. I'm doing this from memory and I was making bread while the show was on so I might have missed or misconstrued something.

Over to you for Una Maid and La Casa.

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Want to thank all those on Caray, Caray! who give so unselfishly of their time to recap and comment on the shows, so that others of us can keep up with the finer plot points and discuss our theories. You are appreciated!!!
J in Oregon

LA CASA DE AL LADO – viernes
Part 1 of 2

In which Carola finally unmasks Gonzalo by following a trail left by her late sister:

Earlier, Carola found a snapshot of a small boy in a locked box tucked away in Ignacia’s suitcase. The school shirt in the photo has led Carola to the boy himself: He is Luis Mendoza, son of Israel, and the late Isabel Carmona Salas.

[So if there was nothing hinky about the birth, why on earth would the hospital identify mother and father by their initials and not their full names? Ah well, ours is not to wonder why ...]

Ignacia wasn’t Luis’s mother but she was, it seems, his guardian angel. She was quietly paying for food, medical care and education for the boy through a group helping immigrants de escasos recursos. Yeah, right.

Carola has tracked down the school director and is pledging to take over Luis’s monthly fees, what with the 50 cents an hour she can hope to earn in jail and all. But an alumni photo on the wall catches her attention – that kid in the wheelchair looks familiar ...

He should. He’s the late Leonardo Acosta, aka Iván Mora. Yes, confirms the director, Leo and Adolfo were students in his school. The older brother? No, he saw him a couple of times but he doesn’t really remember him. Does he have an address for the Acosta family? He does and hands it over.

Carola finally hits pay dirt!
The lady living at the boys’ old address is chatty tía Hortensia, sister of the Mora servant, Evangelina, who took the kids in when Mabel abandoned them. The sisters claimed the boys were their nephews and enrolled them in school under new names: Leonardo, Adolfo and ... Roberto?

Tía confirms: they renamed the oldest boy Roberto. One day, they left without a word. But Adolfo tore up all their photos before leaving ... well all but one. Auntie runs off and find what she is looking for – it’s the famous Gladview Park trio. And now Carola can see clearly that the third brother is her ex-cuñado, Gonzo! She was right! And I have to tell Pilar!

Unfortunately, Carola has left her cellphone at home. And la tía can’t help – her phone was shut off for nonpayment. But there’s a public phone on the corner ...

Emilio gets called back to the hospital.
The doctor needs to talk to him personally. [This is a clumsy device to leave Carola out there alone. We learn later that the baby has a treatable virus.] Emilio swings by the Conde apartment to pick up a jacket and finds a demented-looking Greta waiting for him. She makes it clear that quitting Silver Boys is not an option. Emilio has no time to argue and rushes out the door.

Gonzo goes visiting.
First on the list is Pilar. When Gonzaki shows up at the Ruiz house, Karen tries to get him to listen to her quejas – Pilar has become ... insoportable ... es como si fuera otra persona. Diego confirms that his mother’s behavior is unpredictable – sometimes she’s nice and other times, not.

Pilar comes downstairs, groggy and confused. It’s 9:30 at night? She feels as if she’s been asleep for a century! And no, she hasn’t been to her office. Why is Gonzaki looking at her like that?

Now Gonzo stops at the Conde apartment to tell Renato that the sightings of Ignacia were just a hoax. Someone was posing as her. Renato is unsurprised. A father’s pain doesn’t lie. He knows his daughter is dead. He turns to Eva, equally unsurprised. Now let’s go see Carola, says Renato to his wife.

Gotcha! thinks Gonzo. Eva resists his barrage of questions about Carola’s hideout. Then she warns Renato not to let on either. But it’s too late. Gonzaki lurks, watches and follows them right to Carmen’s doorstep!

Gonzo calls the cops: Comandante, this is where the fugitive from justice, Carola Conde is hiding out ...

LA CASA DE AL LADO – viernes
Part 2 of 2

Rebeca lies in bed, a prisoner of her own body and of Doc Turbio’s establishment; and she says over and over in a strained, guttural voice: Gon -- za -- lo ... Gon – za – lo ... No one is there to hear her. Her fingers claw at the sheet.

The Good Pilar arrives at the hospital, therapist and friend, to offer Emilio encouragement and advice. He needs to continue supporting Hilda in her recovery and in her gradual bonding to her daughter.

Good Pilar also asks if Emilio has checked out Doc Turbio’s place. He hasn’t but he promises he’ll go out there tonight and find out if Rebeca is being held there.

Eva, Renato and Yolanda get to the hospital. While Emilio is giving them the good news about the baby’s condition, his phone rings. He glances at the unfamiliar number – the viewer knows it’s Carola calling from a public phone -- decides it can wait, and turns back to the family. He explains about Luis and tells them of Ignacia’s surprising altruism. Eva is determined to continue what Ignacia started ... Renato is less sanguine. They hardly have enough to live on – how can they help anyone else?

Pilar is on her way out of the hospital when Yolanda stops her and implores her to help Renato. She describes his profound depression. He’s not eating, he doesn’t want to get out of bed in the morning: Se está dejando morir poquito a poco ... . And only Pilar can help him!

Hey? Where’s Good Pilar? She has disappeared. In her place -- jittery, pill-popping Pilar who suddenly has to leave. This minute. Her children are alone – they can talk later, okay?

And Yolanda is left to puzzle over what just happened.

En casa de herrero, cuchillo de palo
The cobbler’s children go barefoot (In the blacksmith’s house, all the knives are made of wood.)
Mabel explains Pilar’s situation to Javier. Yes, she is a psychologist and yes, she can help others. But she can’t help herself. Besides, it’s not surprising that she has gone mad after years of Javier’s abuse. What drove her over the edge was Ignacia’s pregnancy. Does she have family who can help?

It turns out Pilar’s mother is alive. [This should be interesting!]

Gonzalo gloats as Carola walks towards Carmen’s door and finds herself surrounded by cops.

Javier’s idea of helping a person with a mental illness:
An ambush! Wait in the bedroom, in the dark and then jump up and yell surprise when the lights come on.

Javier wants to know the reason for Pilar’s recent behavior. [And remember: He knows she has been in his house and has been playing at Ignacia but he has no idea she KILLED Ignacia; and only the viewer knows about her threatening calls to Renato.]

Pilar retorts angrily that she owes him no explanations. “You’re not well”, he tells her. “You’re dangerous! You need to be hospitalized!”

Javier grabs at Pilar as the two come down the stairs. Pilar shouts to the kids to call the police.

Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD)
Gonzaki and Carola glare at each other through the plexiglass window at the jail. She has thrown her life away, he tells her. By running from the police, she has made jail a certainty. There’s no possibility of bail.

Carola has just one question for him:
“What should I call you – Gonzalo Ibañez, Iñaki Mora or Roberto Acosta?”

She talked to tía Hortensia and now she knows everything, she smirks triumphantly. “You laughed at all of us, Gonzalo”, she says. “But you know something? I’m much more intelligent than you!”

And Gonzalo replies: “You know something else? You won’t get a chance to tell anyone.”

Carola is undaunted: “What are you gonna do? Kill me? With the place full of cops? ¡Estás perdido! Este es tu fin ... yo voy a la carcel, sí, pero tú también.
Adiós Gonzalo. Vas a tener noticias mías muy pronto!


That is to say,

"In a locked box tucked away in Ignacia's suitcase, Carola found a snapshot of a small boy."

Just in case anyone thought the small boy was in a locked box. Maldito misplaced modifier... maldito Blogger that doesn't let you edit your bloopers... bah!

Oh, yeah, Happy holidays everyone!
Thanks, Jean, for keeping this conversation going. It's been over a year now, ¿te das cuenta?

What a nice comment, J in Oregon. One of these days you and I are going to be watching the same show and we can have a conversation!


Nice work NovelaMaven.

Things are getting a bit interesting as the end nears. Too much filler though, I like the action!

Does anyone else think that Emilio speaks like a ventriloquist?? This guy and the weird faces he makes with his mouth while speaking...and I have a hard time with him being so stupid too. What did he's like she never wanted the baby. Like?? Dude, she can hardly look at her baby. Not much gray area there imo.

While I'm on a rant...

what's up with Carmen waling into the room speaking to someone who's not there? She does this all the time, you know how it goes...with plates of food in her hands or something like that only to find out that she's speaking to the walls

What's up with Eva talking about keeping the payments up for the newfound boy's college tuition?? Like Renato says, "with what money eva?". Ahh I don't know, I'll have to get a job or something, can't leave the poor thing without a college education. Nice! Gimme a break.

What's up with the camera focused on Rebeca trying to get Gonzalos name out. Jeebus.

I would fast forward all the Hilda scenes if she wasn't so smoking hot. The content sucks but she's so nice to look at. Too bad her dresses don't hug the waist, looks like she shopped with Ignacia at the tent store.

The scenes with Yolanda are gone as fast as I can get my hand on the remote. Same with Nibaldo.

Love Gabriel Porras though, this guy can act. You know what I love, whenever he sees mom, you watch his eyebrows and the face...and then it's always Senora! Love that! Like she's a complete stranger in some train station every time, LOL.

I liked watching him get uncomfortable when Carola asked him how she should address him in the future, that Roberto card that came out of the bag was golden. Loved how shook up he got and loved her confidence.

The thing with Pilar could be so much better. Personally, if the killer is suffering from these multiple personalities, then we can easily separate the crimes commited by "bad Pilar" from the weakness of "good Pilar". Would be so much better if she was calculating all of it as the one Pilar that we knew, that a lof of the timidness was just an act, etc.


Cris's undercover work at the drug company, cleverly named New York Drug, is moving along well. He's installed secret cameras through his electrician disguise. But this one lady doctor, I think her name is Flavia, is very suspicious. She KNOWS he's no electricista! It's like a cat and mouse game with the two of them. Is she actually a good guy, trying to root out corruption, but doesn't fully trust him, or is she one of the bad guys? Even though she told some hidden boss it all went "according to plan", I'm still not sure.

Meanwhile, the rest of the characters are arriving to spice things up in the Big Apple. Victor, Lalo's Dad, and his sister Yaya come to NY, and rent an apartment from Estanislo (even after Darek beats up Victor). Despite Marisa's protests, Victor isn't leaving. He says he wants to be close to Lalo, but we know he wants to reconquer Marisa.

Jerome's rent collecting for Stan is gradually getting more and more evil, although he's trying not to do anything mean to the tenants.

And a mystery woman has arrived, a rich lady named Calixta, who moves into the neighborhood, and wants to buy Stan's bar. He won't sell unless she explains where she got her money. She's very nice to Marisa and family, and offers jobless Marisa a job.

Sara has lunch with Tito, and Bruno spends the night with that blonde reporter, all part of Sara's plan to get Marisa out of Cris's life, and herself IN. She thinks Tito is gay, so orders Bruno to act gay and try to start up a relationship with Tito!

We also have it confirmed that Victor's mother Gloria had a brief relationship with Marisa's now deceased father, so that Marisa and Yaya are media-hermanas!


I saw a bit of the show on Friday and I was shocked to see the fake nose that Cris was using. I mean, wow! LOL.


Thanks for a wonderful recap, NovelaMaven!

I think Rebeca is practicing, sort of doing her own private form of physical therapy, gradually recovering her voice and motor movement.

Carola was quite stupid, in saying she was far more intelligent than Gonzalo. By revealing all her knowledge she 1) probably condemned poor Hortensia to death, and 2) gave Gonzalo plenty of time to work up a counter plan. I'm not sure if he knows she has that photo, but if he does, he can hire a prison guard or fellow inmate to get it. Then where would Carola be? And where is she? In jail, where, in telenovelas, other evil inmates or guards are routinely hired to shut up someone permanently! Don't get too cocky, Carola. And next time, listen to your Mom about that cellphone!

Rand, I also think Hilda is good looking. She (Sofia Stamatiades) was even better in Sin Senos No Hay Paraiso, where she played a wild Mexican girl, daughter of a Madam, who goes on a danger filled adventure with the sexy Colombian girls who are trying to move up in life by being druglord's girlfriends. That show was directed by Miguel Varoni (Javier)!

I'm also looking forward to meeting Pilar's mother (the previews hinted there would be something shocking revealed).

I agree there's something very suspicious about Ignacia's helping out that family, and about the initials on the birth certificate. Something just doesn't jibe, in Spanish, no me cabe en la cabeza.


excellent recap, tnx NovelaMaven.

"Too much filler... I would fast forward all the Hilda scenes... The scenes with Yolanda are gone as fast as I can get my hand on the remote. Same with Nibaldo."

agree! and Same with Emilio's silver boy scenes.

"Love Gabriel Porras... this guy can act. "


"Would be so much better if she was calculating all of it as the one Pilar that we knew..."

agree again, but it should have been plotted from the first episode, with present Pilar it would have been toooo difficult to find a motive for her.

the jail scene was excellent - excellent dialogs, excellent acting. especially by Porras.

La Casa -- viernes

"Would be so much better if she was calculating all of it as the one Pilar that we knew, that a lot of the timidness was just an act, etc."

I agree, Rand. And maybe it will turn out that way. You know things are obvious -- maybe too obvious -- when you hear Karen making diagnoses ("She's acting as if she were a different person.")

Oh yeah, Hombre, poor Hortensia is a goner -- like so many others who have been sucked into helping Carola.

And I assume that prisoners have to surrender all their belongings. Maybe Gonzo, as her attorney of record, will be able to confiscate the photo right away and all Carola will have left is her less than credible word.

"Something just doesn't jibe, in Spanish, no me cabe en la cabeza."

I like that phrase too, Hombre. And also a close relative: ¿En qué cabeza cabe? (WHAT were you thinking?)


"Carola was quite stupid, in saying she was far more intelligent than Gonzalo...."

good point! she was so overjoyed about having found something against Gonzo that she couldn't think of anything or anyone else. looks like she has done all to spite Gonzo rather than to find the truth. poor Hortensia!


NovelaMaven, I forgot to say thanks for helping us with the phrase that Mabel used with Javier.

En casa de herrero, cuchillo de palo
The cobbler’s children go barefoot (In the blacksmith’s house, all the knives are made of wood.)

I rewound it twice and it didn't hit me. I like this one, thanks!

Una Maid
THanks much, Hombre.
I have a question: what am I missing here? If Ya-ya is Victor's sister, and Ya-ya and Marisa are half sisters, then.....?
Does that mean that Victor and Ya-ya are only half siblings?
J in Oregon

La Casa -- viernes

No hay de que, Rand! If I hadn't already known that 'dicho', I doubt I would have been able to hear it.

Thanks Novelamaven for the summary.

Novelamaven,I'm still holding on to my theory of MPD. I noticed that Good Pilar wears her hair parted in the middle and pinned back, while Bad Pilar wears hers in a sexier style with a side part. It just seems impossible to me that after all this time that Pilar was faking...And I still think that Angry/Pill Popping Pilar is either another personality or Bad Pilar trying to get out and take over.

So now Mabel is also a psychologist. She told Javier that Pilar's going crazy was because he had abused her all these years. In most cases of MPD, there is abuse, but it takes place in childhood and the fracturing of the personality is a way for the abused child to separate, detach and deal with the pain caused by the abuse. That is why it will be interesting to hear what Pilar's mother has to say. Remember that Rebecca was jealous and angry when her father married Pilar's mother. Maybe Pilar's stepfather abused her. (Also abused women often marry men who abuse them).

About Carola; I don't get her character at all. Often I don't get her "causes" and why she has to know/find out something IMMEDIATELY, and acts impulsively without any real forethought. Is this characteristic of someone who's an addict? Do we know where she is on the list of "Condenados?" She's really asking for it!!

I am so frustrated that I will miss the next two weeks, and will look forward to all your comments and summaries.

LA CASA -- viernes

NJ Sue:

I'm sure you know that MPD is a very controversial diagnosis. In fact some psychiatrists doubt its very existence.

The controversy flared even hotter recently with the publication of a well-received book which purports to expose the most famous multiple of them all, "Sybil", as a fraud. Here's a link to the discussion of the book and the topic on National Public Radio (NPR):

And here's a link to a discussion on

Faking a psychiatric disorder is possible in real life so why not in art?

At the end of the day, I think your guess about Pilar is going to be correct -- she WILL be diagnosed with MPD -- because revealing her as a fake would require more subtlety than I have come to expect from this novela. And besides, a protagonist with MPD makes for great dramatic possiblities. But as we always say here, nothing is as it seems...

About Rebeca and Pilar -- I've never been able to keep the story straight. They are half-sisters so they have one parent in common: same mother or same father?


J in Oregon - Yes, Victor and Yaya are only half siblings, although they don't know it. They have the same mother, Gloria. But Victor's father is Gloria's husband Manuel, whereas Yaya's father was Emilio, who was married to Marisa's mother Marcela, but died (I think). Got it? I think I need a chart.

BTW, the reporter is Catalina, Lalo's teacher is Mireya and the headmaster at the new school for gifted students is Joaquin.

Una Maid
Ah, okay. I was trying to follow the dialogue between Marisa's mother and Victor's mother, thanks for clearing that up. And so far as we know, Bruno is willing to seduce Catalina and schmooze up the possibly gay Tito...solely because he loves Sara and wants to please her?
J in Oregon


Yes, Bruno is pretty desperate. But at least his assignment with Catalina was probably fun for him.

LA CASA - Viernes

Excellent recap, NovelaMaven. I sort of knew what was going on with cuchillo/palo from context, but it was great to get a full translation.

I don't know. I'm not so sure Carola is finished. She's safe in jail. It WAS too impulsive telling him all, thus endangering Tía Hortensia. But Gonzaki isn't a drug lord. I don't think he has contacts to get Carola whacked in jail. And she WILL get phone calls and visits in order to tell what she knows. Eva, at least, would definitely believe her. But they've managed to thwart every chance of exposing him, so who knows.

Porras is excellent in this one. I first saw him in Madre Luna, where he was the romantic lead with some grey hair. I also saw him as the nice guy who doesn't get the girl in Bajo la Misma Luna, starring Kate del Castillo. And, who could forget him as the evil Gato Fierro. Quite a range.

NovelaMaven, I also read a review of the exposé of Sybil. I read that book so very many years ago and found it horrifying. If I remember correctly, Sally Field was in the TV version, also horrible.

There are so many loose ends in this one, it would be fun to write a list of them. One that comes to mind for me is that Emilio told Hilda that they weren't going to marry until she had accepted, if not bonded with, their daughter. This conversation is forgotten, and Emilio agrees to an expensive wedding while Hilda has still not even held the child, only gazed at her with an unreadable expression as she lies in a basket.


Thanks for the recap, Jean. I also found Friday's episode rather depressing and dark.

I'm starting to be annoyed every time Piruetas shows his face, with the possible exception of the wonderful first episode of the radionovela. I wish they'd give us more episodes of that one! This time he was so idiotic. He told Rocío and Mina that, of course, José María would prefer sneaky little Ines to gorgeous, soulful Rocío. What men want is virgins, above all else.

The actor playing Tío Francisco has the perfect face for pouting. He has the range to seem like a nice guy when helping Olga with a job. But I suppose he's meant to represent the over-arching theme: men suffer from madonna-whore complex and can never get over a woman's past. You'd think he'd be smarter than to fall for Rafa's gibe about being a better lover for Zahra. But no.

Monica Spears sure brings the hot, hot, hot, doesn't she. When she comes to seduce Rafa, she's the very definition of sex appeal.

I couldn't believe Flor gave Abelardo another chance after what he did. She told him he'd be fired if he did it again. He already may have finished off Alicia's chances with Enrique.

The actor playing Rocío was excellent in her scene with her brother. He was overjoyed she'd work as his assitant. She's following Flor's instructions al pie de la letra but her speech is hesitant and she practically trembles with revulsion at being in the same room with the brother who sexually molested her in the past.

Rafa sure has brass you know whats. Zahra comes to chew him out for what he said to Francisco at the dinner, and his first response is to chew her out for ruining his post-coital glow with Flor Salvaje!

The scene with Alicia in the plaza was heartbreaking. Self-righteous Rigoberto, strong as an ox, refuses to carry a prostitute to the Calle de Consuelo. And then Sacramento (who always seems to be lurking around with the kids in tow) snarls at Flor that ít looks like she's going to be working in the plaza and in dark corners until the 4P re-opens. And it's a good thing I took your sisters away from you. When she looks at him like he's a cockroach, he reconsiders and offers to carry Alicia. She tells him to just go away, and she and Zahra carry her, one at the shoulders and the other with the feet.


Thanks Jean and Novelera, nice recaps.

Novelera, great points.

Gabriel Porras is so good, that when he keeps showing up in Telemundos novelas, I look forward to all of them. I liked him too with Kate in Bajo La Misma Luna and I saw him for the first time too in Madre Luna with Amparo Grisales. On the other hand, when I noticed Mauricio Ochman in like 4 consecutive novelas I was like can't they give this guy a day off!

I watched Rocios eyes during that scene and I was just like wow. You could see the hesitation, the fear, the uncertainty. She's so good and top to bottom she's as beautiful as they get.

I thought the scene when Enrique came in and found Alicia drunk with Abelardo very powerful too. Both of them play the drunk / addict really well and I thought they really portrayed it well while Enrique was just beside himself with anger and sadness. I think it's a show of more realism that the novela will paint Alicia like this instead of all recovered and never to fall off the wagon. This is her reality, just as Amanda said to Abelardo, con solamente una sola gota...


NovelaMaven, I know that the book SYBIL has been exposed as a hoax. However, I do believe MPD exists, and have seen films of real people with the illness, have seen how their brain waves differ in different states. I think it is not as prevalent as once thought, and people got on the bandwagon after SYBIL --but I dont think the actual diagnosis is a hoax, and wasn't aware that it is controversial as a diagnosis.

In any case, I think it is the only thing that explains Pilar's behavior. It was also used in the novela with william Levy and Maite Peroni (can't remember the name),when his governess kills his wife during a fugue state.

My recollection is that Rebeca's father married Pilar's mother, ,and Rebeca told Pilar how resentful of her she was. This was way back when....

LA CASA -- viernes

"My recollection is that Rebeca's father married Pilar's mother, and Rebeca told Pilar how resentful of her she was."

So the father had daughters with two different women, but it was Pilar's mother he married. Okay, thanks. That makes sense.

And since Rebeca seems younger than Pilar, maybe R is the product of an extramarital fling her mother had with P's father (just like Rebeca's fling with Pilar's husband -- Oh ho ho!)

About MPD/DID:
Here's a brief excerpt from the DSM-IV Casebook (American Psychiatric Association Press 2005):

There is considerable controversy regarding the validity of this disorder. On the one hand, those clinicians who specialize in its treatment claim that it is much more common than generally recognized...

...On the other hand, there are some critics of the diagnosis who claim that most or all cases are either the result of the therapist's suggesting the symptoms or the patient assuming the characteristics of the patient in a famous case of the disorder, such as the "Three Faces of Eve".

The writer concludes, however:

...when one has observed in a patient the emergence of an alter with a completely different speech pattern and body language, one becomes convinced of the validity of the diagnosis.

About the governess with MPD in the Levy/Perroni novela, I think that was Cuidado con el ángel where Levy played a curalocos (who, in an equally credible plot twist, later retrained in opthalmology so he could cure Perroni's blindness!)

I admit I'm quite curious to see how many loose ends DO get tied before this is over.


some while ago I saw this interesting one-actor short movie by chance. it's been produced almost at the same time as MADRE LUNA. watch it online (10 min)

NovelaMaven, tnx so much for the excerpt.

LA CASA -- Gabriel Porras

What an interesting piece, Alex, almost hypnotic. Thanks so much for the link.


NovelaMaven, I had the impression that Rebeca was the older of the two half sisters. I think the father of them both was legally married to Rebeca's mother, had an affair with Pilar's mother and re-married (presumably after a divorce). When Rebeca was introduced she was presented as bitterly resenting the loss of her father to a new family and the writers made it seem she slept with Javier out of revenge. And, speaking of loose ends or maybe red herrings, the writers made us think that Rebeca was winning over Pilar's children and taking her place in her own house.


Thanks, Novelera. If Rebeca is the older sister, that definitely makes sense.

I don't know if Rebeca's change in behavior is a loose end. She WAS positively predatory when she first arrived on the scene and did seem resolved to take everything away from Pilar. Then she fell in love with Matías and she seemed to become a kinder, gentler Rebeca.

Pilar was suspiciously quick to forgive -- especially after Rebeca jumped in the sack AGAIN with Javier after Matías died. So maybe Pilar has been smoldering with resentment all along.

We have been assuming that Pilar is a threat to Rebeca because of her blind trust in Gonzaki. But maybe Pilar herself is the threat -- and if she exposes Rebeca to Gonzaki, it won't be inadvertently.


A real treat last night - no appearance by simpering Ines whatsoever!

Zahra follows Flor to the cave where Pablo was killed. Flor is begging her dead lover’s pardon for having gone to bed with Rafa. I really enjoy this novela, but the scenes of Zahra telling Flor over and over that she’s falling for Rafa and how bad that is are getting on my nerves.

Rafa talks Peter into digging on the disputed land, mostly by showing him some kind of analysis report of how much oil there is on that piece of land.

Tío Francisco is back to being a jerk again. He wants Enrique to make up with Diana so that Filomina won’t sell her shares of the newspaper. Why this ruins Tío is a mystery to me. Enrique isn’t buying it. He says that if his mother wants to sell her patrimony, then it’s fine with him. Yeah!

Rigoberto comes to snitch on Olga for not being at work. Tío tells him that he gave her permission and that, furthermore, Rigo was supposed to help her. Rigo tells him indignantly that she wanted him to carry a drunken prostitute. What a louse! I sure hope Olga doesn’t end up with him. Enrique perks up his ears at this.

Correcaminos and Mina decide to turn the construction workers into “clients”. These guys look like the South American chapter of the Chippendales fraternity.

Lourdes tells Cat they have all the kiddies organized to picket the 4P Bar. Cat thinks this will make Flor give up the whole idea. She doesn’t know the “New, Improved” Flor Salvaje.

Mariano orders office furniture for Rocío to be set up in Cat’s hacienda. Lourdes shows up to spit venom about Rocío. Vicente is there, apparently overjoyed at the sight of a woman with feelings, something his mother completely lacks.

Rufino shows up with his usual evil grin by the side of Mr. Peter, getting ready to begin the drilling. Sacramento, a little before, has given a rousing speech to the peons, promising them lots of work, in shifts, with shorter days for everyone. This apparently wins them over, and they’re willing to face down Rufino and the guys he’s brought along.

Rocío doesn’t wilt under Lourdes’ scorn. She asks Mariano if he has to keep his wife informed of his every action and if she is, in fact, the boss. Mariano emphatically says that that’s not that case and that Rocío is staying. Vicente looks pleased.

Flor puts a stop to all the high jinks between the workers and the P’s, reminding them that they won’t be able to re-open if the guys don’t work.

During the standoff between Sacto’s peons and Rufino’s guys, Frigida shows up saying she’s the owner of the hacienda and Rafa has every right to drill. Sacto says that let’s let the workers decide whom they want as boss. They all say Sacramento. Sacto throws Frig like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder, puts her in the car and drives her back to the hacienda. They have another confrontation there, but he tells her the hacienda is his. When she starts feigning heart problems, he isn’t buying it. He wishes the heart attack were real, and then he’d be done with the burden of hating her.

Rafa shows up all in black, including his hat! He taunts Sacto with having made love to Flor all night long. They snarl at each other for a while, and then Rafa sends for Mariano. Mariano reviews a document Rafa has giving him the right to drill until the dispute is resolved and tells Sacto he has to let them pass.

We have a couple of fairly dumb scenes, not a common occurrence in this novela. Flor has Noodle try to seduce Abelardo, plus a bottle is there to tempt him. If he can resist, he keeps his job. She then does the same thing to Alicia, after first telling her she has to leave. If she can watch CC and Mina drink themselves into a stupor until nightfall without drinking herself, then she can stay.

Rafa shows up in the last scene in a red sports car and hands the keys to Flor, telling her it’s hers.


Due to Monday Night Football, I can't watch the Monday edition of La Casa until the next day. I've now watched it, and it didn't disappoint.

As we guessed, Gonzalo wastes no time in proving that Carola is not "much more intelligent" than he is. He kills his "aunt" Hortensia with a kitchen knife. He gets the picture of the Acosta brothers from Carola's prison belongings. He makes it so that (so far), none of Carola's family members is allowed to talk to her. I'm thinking, why can't Carola just fire him as her lawyer?!! But in this show, she can't.

Eventually, Emilio follows Carola's trail, finds out most of the info, and goes to Gonzalo's office to tell him. He tells Gonzo "I'm so close to finding out who Iñaki, is so close!" :)

Yolanda embellishes her fake romance to make Nibaldo jealous. Her lover is "Carlos", tall, handsome and very rich. Hah! When Nibaldo offers his car to take home Hilda and the baby, and Yolanda says no way, Nibaldo asks her boyfriend's car is bigger, is that it? So of course Greta arrives, and offers HER car. Yolanda warns her not to tell Hilda the true nature of her profession.

Javier tells Gonzo to go find Pilar's Mom to help with Pilar's mental problems. Gonzo enlists Adolfmael to go with him. Javier asks Nibaldo to get Andrea, Diego and Karen to come to his house. When Nibaldo gathers them, Karen says, in English "Me, too?" Nibaldo responds "Tú too". :) Javier tells them all Pilar is so sick, she'll have to be put in a treatment center. We see Pilar pop more pills.

Eva, upon finding that Carola is in jail, decides (wisely) that only Javier can help. Emilio asks Javier to help, and Javier says maybe, but he wants Renato to beg him to help.

Gonzaki and Adolfmael arrive at the house of Cecilia, Pilar's mother. But she's flat out on the floor, possibly dead! Who could have done this? Bad Pilar? Certainly looks that way. Although remember, there's still a chance it's someone else, such as (my wacky theory of) a not-dead Sebastian!

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Thanks for your excellent recap, Hombre. It appears you and I are the only ones around today!

Greta is turning into a major stalker. Wonder who's minding the Silver Boys store while she's trying to drive Emilio nuts? Her plastic face, black, black hair and red, red lipstick are positively creepy.

Of course, it was obvious that Carola blew it by telling Gonzaki about the photo and Tía Hortensia. I'm getting tired of Gonzaki doing awful things and then moaning that he doesn't want to be him any more.

So what happened to the tickets to Madrid? Has Gonzaki changed his mind about going? I thought he bought those tickets AFTER he discovered that Pilar was impersonating Ignacia. Now he doesn't seem that averse to Javier having her locked up in the looney bin.

That doctor at the nursing home or whatever it is where Rebeca is being held is the WORST. When she shows signs of being vocal and more responsive, he says it's agitation and gives her some drugs to knock her out.

It's beyond annoying how the Conde kids keep telling Gonzaki exactly what he needs to hear in order to foil their plans.

My word verification is surli, pretty much how I feel about the developments in this novela!

Una Maid
Well, how nice for Victor and Yaya that they just zoom to New York and rent an apartment. So neither one of them had jobs or other responsibilities in LA?
Nice. Meanwhile, Cristobal buys the hotel so his sweetie can have a job? What if she doesn't want to be a maid anymore, did he ever think of that?
J in Oregon

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Hey Telemundo watchers! I love popping over here every once in a while to see how this group is doing and to read all of your great recaps and comments. Glad to see this group stronger than ever since the Alguien te Mira days. I'm not watching any of these shows right now since I'm watching the 3 main Uni/Televisa tns and recappping the one with Telemundo darling Sandra E, La Fuerza del Destino (she was on a Telemundo/Televisa exchange program). That's why I'm popping in. Fuerza is ending in a few days, and I've seen ads for Sandra in a new Telemundo tn, Relaciones Peligrosas. Looks interesting. I'm guessing it will replace La Casa al Lado. Here is an article about it:

Part 1 of 2

Sorry I couldn't check in yesterday but I read and enjoyed your comments, Hombre and Novelera. Thanks.

Pilar’s mother Cecilia isn’t dead. But it appears she’s been attacked in her home. By whom? Adolfael is sure it’s Crazy Pilar’s handiwork. Gonzaki has his doubts.

Cecilia greets the Mora boys aggressively. “Who sent you?” she barks. “Raquel?” [Raquel??? ] [Why did Gonzo go out in public with Adolfael? Is it a tacit admission that Pilar, her mother, he and Adolfael are all in the same boat?] Gonzo says Pilar need help. Adolfael says it more bluntly: Pilar has lost her mind. “Then it’s true...” replies Cecilia cryptically.

A slender, black-clad figure in high-heeled boots delivers a letter to Rebeca in the night. The nurse finds it the next day and gives it to Doc Turbio. It’s an anónimo with one word: Géminis (in Latin and in astrology,the twins!). When Rebeca wakes up and tries to communicate again, Doc Turbio orders her to be sedated. The doc understands his position is jailer, not healer.

Greta drives Hilda and her baby home to Pilar’s house. Hilda is still so desperate to get out of being responsible for la niña, she’s looking to Karen for help. And not finding any.

Emilio is furious to find Greta there and throws her out. She threatens to tell Hilda everything if he takes legal action against her. Emilio goes to Gonzo’s office for help with his problem. He bumps into Carmen there.

Yes, Carola’s FireReadyAim technique has gotten poor Tía Hortensia killed. And now Carmen – who received a call on Carola’s cellphone earlier -- blurts out in Gonzo’s hearing that Lidia called and wants to talk to Carola ... ay caray ... hasn’t Lidia had enough tsuris from these people? Gonzo deftly lifts Carola’s cellphone from Carmen’s ‘cartera’ when her back is turned, so Carmen can’t even get back to Lidia to warn her off. And Emilio himself turns a deaf ear to Carmen when she tries to repeat Carola’s warnings about Gonzaki.

De tal palo, tal astilo...
Carmen goes eyeball to eyeball with Gonzaki: “Así que tú eres el famoso Gonzalo Ibañez. Carola told me so much about you...”

Later Carmen remembers when Carola asked her to show Lidia a photo – a photo she now realizes was of Gonzaki – and ask the girl if he was the oldest Acosta brother. [Who shuffles off this mortal coil first: Lidia or Carmen?]

LA CASA Part 2 of 2

Javier rubs Renato’s nose in it before he agrees to help Carola.

Later he reports back that he can’t get her out of jail – not unless the person who planted the drugs in her bag confesses -- but he will try to get the isolation order reversed so she can talk to her family. Eva declares he is Carola’s lawyer as of now.

In her jail cell, Carola hears Ignacia’s voice and a ghostly, braceleted arm strokes her hair when she sleeps. Later, Carola finds one of Ig’s silver bangles in the diary she is now keeping, a diary that exposes THE TRUTH about Gonzo. [If the silver bracelet set Teresa Mendoza wore in ‘Reina’ was called a ‘semanario’, then Ig’s must be a ‘calendario’.]

Sexy coquettish Pilar greets Andrea in the morning when she brings her mother breakfast in bed. Good Pilar greets Hilda and her baby when they arrive from the hospital. And nervous, abrasive Pilar hears a noise outside, goes out to check, then rushes in looking for her car keys? Where is she going at this time of night?

Doc Turbio hurries over to Javier’s house to show his the anonymous one-word letter: Géminis. Javier brushes it off as meaningless.

Gonzo returns to Cecilia’s place. Pilar’s had a personality change, says Gonzo. She tells him to stay away from her – she’s very dangerous right now. Cecilia muses over the changes in Pilar’s life, how she was married to ‘esa cavernicola’ (that caveman) before and now she seems to be with Gonzo. “You have to get the kids out of her house” she tells Gonzo.

Gonzo says: “Two people have been murdered: my ex-wife and Sebastián Andrade. And Pilar is a suspect in both.”

"No fue ella ... fue peor...” says Cecilia. “We’re both in danger! Take care of my grandchildren!”

It wasn't Pilar? Twins? Raquel?
Ooooh this is getting dicey!


Hi, Vivi! Yes, I plan to watch Relaciones Peligrosas. Somehow I got interested in the hard edged Telemundo dramas, and haven't gotten back to Univision. Also, it takes less time to read the comments :)


Great job, NovelaMaven! Yes, if Pilar has an evil twin named Raquel, that would explain a lot of things. Or would it? We've certainly been led to believe that our Pilar changes personality. Who knows? By the way, a one point, Pilar went outside, saw someone, and said the classic telenovela line "No puede ser!" I was thinking it was undead Sebastian (still no evidence for that), but maybe it was "Raquel"!

I learned a new word, "charola", which is the word Hilda used for tray (I always called it a bandeja).

ITA with your dicho about Carmen and Carola, which I guess translates to the apple doesn't far from the tree. Carmen controlled herself A LITTLE, but still revealed too much, and left her handbag with the cellphone out, just as Carola would. Oy!

It's so frustrating that Emilio never believes that Gonzo is Inaki, although he knew enough not to reveal where Carola was (too late now). At some point it's all going to come out, but who will be left alive?

The scenes between Renato and Javier are powerful. You can almost feel the testosterone boiling under the surface.

I loved Karen's face when Andrea and Diego rushed out to be with Hilda, leaving poor Karen with 2 ungiven Justin Bieber concert tickets!


I meant, the apple doesn't FALL far from the tree!

Hi from the Queen Mary 2 computer center. Am Iaddicted,or what? Thanks for the great recaps,so Iam up to date. I am awed by the person who speculated Pilar was going to have a twin. Itoundsike Raquel is the evil one. Will check in again. Happy Holidays all.Susan


Cris's undercover work at "New York Lab" (clever name) hasn't proven anything. The doctora and her security guard assistant are apparently not moving any "mercancía" since they think they're being watched. Doctora suggests a drink with "Sabino" (something like that - his fake name) at a bar where electricians work. Cris meets her there, nothing is revealed, but two thugs, sent by Doctora's boss, start beating Cris up outside. Lucas comes to the rescue with a baseball bat, and the good guys win. But then 4 more bad guys come in. Uh oh!

Meanwhile, Cris's Mom Amelia guesses that Cris slept with Marisa, and hopes he used protection. She then goes to Marisa's house, finds Mari to be really nice and sincere, but they both agree she and Cris shouldn't see each other again. Then Amelia is cornered outside the house by Catalina the reporter, and tells her "the affair" is over, it was just one mistaken night or something like that.

This gets Marisa mad, and she rushes over to Cris's hotel room, where she yells at him for revealing private things, but they end up kissing madly, and maybe even making love again (we saw him unbuttoning his shirt). So much for her resolve to not see him!

Cris bought the hotel to get Mari her job back, and evil Alicia, who hates Mari, has to offer it back.

Meanwhile, Calixta is buying a old shoe store from Don Serapio, to turn into a nightclub, to compete with Estanislao. She's going to hire Marisa, and I think she's even going to pay her $10/hour now. Wow, is she generous! Huh? Also, we can't understand what she has against Estanislao, or why she wants to help Marisa.

She also watches Lalo when Mari's out, and prevents a drunk Victor from bothering them. Victor and Yaya are selling their story to Bruno and/or Catalina (they haven't gotten any money yet). I think Yaya likes Gojo, the nice neighbor guy. However, Belinda (who keeps getting beaten by Hugo) also likes Gojo, whose real name is Gregorio.

Stan tells Darek that soon they'll change Jerome from rent collector to seller (of something - probably drugs).

More fun to come!


tnx Hombre & NovelaMaven for the great recaps

they have us look for the killer between the major characters (that's the rule as NovelaMaven said once) and it turns out that the killer is a new character that we even didn't know about her existence! so we have been teased for almost 50 episodes. haha!


Outstanding recap, NovelaMaven. Loved "calendario" bracelet.

Crap! I was really invested in the multiple personality theory. But it sure looks like they're going with twins.

I don't know why I continue to slap my knee in frustration when yet another of these dummies blurts out exactly what Gonzaki needs to know to kill off another cast member. I've grown fond of Carmen. I think she's actually a better mother to Carola than the overbearing Eva.


Part One

Flor is not delighted at the sight of the red sports car. She reminds Rafa that she doesn’t know how to drive. His idea is to drive off with her immediately and start the lessons. She snarks at him that, if he’s so jealous of Zahra’s relationship with Francisco, maybe he should invite Zahra instead. She says she’s too busy anyway, take Zahra and walks off. Rafa snarls at Zahra that she’s ruining things for him. And she replies that he must have forgotten he ruined her relationship with Francisco. She didn’t do anything to ruin his relationship with Flor, but he humiliated her to make Francisco jealous. He imperiously forbids her to talk about him with Flor. The guy thinks he has dominion over every person in town!

Mariano is still giving marksmanship lessons to Avelino and Sacramento. When he goads Sacto about Rafa being with Flor, Sacto shoots better and faster.

Ana is not changing much. She sticks up for her drunken father, mostly because she has to be opposed to ANYTHING her sister does.

Flor tells Mina and CC that, if they continue to try to work at the petrolero, she’ll take away their right to live in the Calle de Consuelo. After she leaves, Mina starts griping about Flor, saying that she’ll take the lion’s share of the money after they re-open, leaving them with crumbs. She has no evidence for this that I’m aware of but likes to cause trouble.

Alicia is ashamed of that scene with being tempted with the liquor, but Enrique tells her he’s proud of her. He tells Alicia that he has realized that his marriage was a mistake. Zahra, who is a one-woman Greek chorus in every scene, says that, if she had a coin for every john who said they’d make an honest woman of one of her tribe, she’d be a millionaire. Olga adds that he should come back when he’s got the divorce papers signed. Alicia smiles at them after he leaves, so maybe this seems like a good idea to her as well.

The Tres Hermanos Rojas discuss what is to be done about the land dispute, with Frigida eavesdropping. They all agree that their father did not sell the land. But Manuela thinks that if everything comes out her mother will go to jail.

Rafa seems to spend all his time trying to ingratiate himself with Flor. But she continues to castigate him for what he did to Zahra at that dinner. She tells him that, if he misses Zahra that much, he should go look for her. Flor tells Rafa that the reason she was with him was that he said she was the only one who could change his hellish life. She tells him their night together was just something that happened at that moment. He should not think she’s going to have sex with him every time he wants it. If that’s what you want, look around for a wife. And she throws him out!


Part Two

Caridad is telling Ines about the plan to have the kids picket the 4P. Ines smiles, saying that, if Rocío doesn’t have a roof over her head, she’ll leave town. She doesn’t realize that Rocío has gotten her brother on her side and is not going anywhere.

When Lourdes starts snarling at Rocío, she gets it right back. Rocío tells her that her idleness is her problem and that she should take a cooking course or one for painting or poetry. This infuriates Lourdes, who calls her a cheap prostitute just as Mariano walks in. Lourdes goes into a tirade and wakes Cat. Mariano apologizes for disturbing Cat. Lourdes raves about not having any power. Mariano lifts a statue and contemplates bashing her brains out. He’s now thinking of getting rid of her. Please hurry up and do it!

We get another scene with Flor digging at Rafa. He says he’s happy she’s jealous and does some bragging about all his conquests. She tells him he should not brag about having killed Pablo as if he’d picked some flowers to win her. Love and death do not go hand in hand. Rafa keeps insisting that Flor really loves him. She tells him he’s behaving as if what he did to Pablo and to her relationship with Sacto had not happened. She tells him not to touch her.

Sacto comes up with a plan to bring lots of food from the Rojas hacienda to the 4P gals, who are out of money. Rafa tells him that the women are his. He’s furious that Sacto has gotten one up on him about the food. When he gripes about this to Flor, she tells him that with all his oil money it didn’t occur to him to give “his women” food. He tells her that HE gave her a car. “But I can’t eat a car!” Flor tells him she doesn’t know what he’s complaining about, Sacramento is becoming more and more like him. Except that he’s a bit more considerate; he thinks prostitutes are inferior beings, but at least he feeds us.

Francisco and Enrique talk about their relationships. Francisco cannot believe Enrique can overlook Alicia’s past. Enrique says he always knew what she’d done, and accepted her anyway. And that Francisco needs to do the same.

Avelino and the ranch hands again block the road. The petroleros, including Titi, are trying to go to the new oil fields. Gunfire breaks out.

The kids arrive to picket the 4P bar, with Beba, Susana, and Gabriel in the forefront. Flor looks shocked. Lourdes and Cat grin triumphantly.


Vivi! Great to hear from you. I miss my compadres from the Univisión recaps and comments. But, like Hombre, I've grown to prefer Telemundo's offerings.

Not sure about Relaciones Peligrosas. Since I'm not watching A Maid in Manhattan, I was kind of looking forward to reclaiming another 5 hours of my life per week when La Casa de al Lado ends.

I'm in for the duration for Flor Salvaje and continue to enjoy every episode. I'm scared, though, that they'll mess up the latter part of it with one of those extensions both Telemundo and Univisión love to do, adding new characters and stupid side plots.

La Casa

Wow, so Pilar does have an evil twin??? I guess the writers watch old Bette Davis movies like I do.

This is a very difficult TN for me to watch, I dont know why but for everything they do, my mind goes back to Alguien. I have not watched since last week, so I have to say immensely enjoy the recaps and conversations here.

And now most importantly, I send to you my best wishes for the holidays and may 2012 be the year that makes everyone happy. May peace stay and/or arrive at our borders.

Feliz Navidad

La Casa - martes


"I meant, the apple doesn't FALL far from the tree!"

And I meant: "De tal palo, tal astilla."

So many typos, so little time :)

Nellie! Yes, you were the one who came up with the twins idea. Once again, brava!

(Although I won't believe them until I see them. For all we know, Raquel is an alter of Pilar rather than a twin. But then there IS the anónimo...)

NJ Sue:
And I thought it was only Packers fans who showed that kind of dedication :)


"I've grown fond of Carmen. I think she's actually a better mother to Carola than the overbearing Eva."

Oh definitely. But the Bad Mothering Field is crowded, no? So far, Mabel seems to be the front-runner but maybe when we know Cecilia better, we'll see her nose Mabel out of the lead.


"they have us look for the killer between the major characters ... and it turns out that the killer is a new character that we even didn't know about her existence! so we have been teased for almost 50 episodes. haha!"

Hahaha. Maybe. Does she count as someone we've never seen if she's a virtual clone of someone we know very well? :)


Llanero from Telenovela World posted a link to an interview with our Zahra. I am posting it here for fans of Flor Salvaje.


"Does she count as someone we've never seen if she's a virtual clone of someone we know very well? "

definitely! :) unless the target twin had been shown earlier enough. like the Leonardo-Adolfo story: the one that we was seeing as Leonardo in fact was Adolfo, so we had seen the target twin. but now the target twin is out of the story.
besides, the twin idea is cliched. after they showed "pistol packing" Pilar for the 1st time, everyone was talking about a twin. I personally expected a more original idea. I am still hoping though! :)

Una Maid
Hombre, your recap much appreciated: I had an obligation away from my TV last night and had to miss the show.
So, the thugs that attached Cristobal didn't manage to dislodge his fake nose, or pull off the hat with ponytail attached?

LA CASA DE AL LADO – miércoles
Part 1 of 2

Abuela Cecilia doesn’t have a lot of fans.
Gonzalo wants to know about Cecilia’s relationship with their family.
According to Diego, she doesn’t get along well with Pilar – she’s always nagging her daughter to be more like her. (That she never liked Javier can only be counted as a point in her favor.)

Andrea tries to be more diplomatic: her grandmother is just a perfectionist. Diego’s words paint a different picture: abuela always seems to be taking pills. Lots and lots of pills. And she’s very unpredictable. That’s why he’d rather not spend time with her.

Tonight Cecilia is sitting in her dark house, where she is indeed swallowing pill after pill. “Yo nunca quería” she says. “Yo nunca quise... que Dios me perdone...”

Pilar’s own fan base is also eroding rapidly. She is so abrasive that she alienates everyone she comes in contact with. Even Diego is forced to admit his mother isn’t just having a bad hair day.

She ravishes Javier and breaks Gonzaki’s heart.
Javier resists at first and then succumbs; but when Gonzaki discovers Pilar and Javier in flagrante and she smirks and preens defiantly to the devastated psychopath, Javier has had enough for the night.

She alienates Emilio and scares Hilda away:
Emilio sneaks into Doc Turbio’s Home of Unrest, finds Rebeca there, and captures the scene with his camcorder, even getting a shot of Rebeca saying “Gon-za-lo...” Just as she is starting to say “I-ña...”, a nurse catches him out and he is forced to run. He gets away -- but just barely -- and not before Doc Turbio has recognized him.

Emilio is quite excited about his discovery. But when he gets to Pilar’s for Show and Tell, she doesn’t even want to hear about it. Right now, what she needs is a drink. Does he have a problem with that?... Huh? Emilio risked life and limb for her and this is how she thanks him? The offended hero stalks off.

Hilda runs after him. Hilda and the baby need to get away from Pilar. The señora isn’t well. It’s decided then: they will get married tomorrow.

LA CASA DE AL LADO – miércoles
Part 2 of 2

Carmen thinks she’s on a roll:
Emilio gets her a photo of Gonzaki. She manages to find the restaurant near Gladview Park, the one where Lidia used to work. And then – how lucky can you get? – Lidia herself (sadly, now confined to a wheelchair) comes forward and tells her what she wants to know: the man in the photo is Roberto, the oldest Mora boy. Woohoo! Who’s a winner now? She has to let the Conde family know. And she’ll tell them in person. She doesn’t notice Gonzo lurking in the background until he has her in a chokehold.

But Carmen, like Carola, is a fighter. She steps on his foot, screams for help, and finally elbows her way free. She catches a cab and urges the driver to step on it ...

When Javier finds out that Emilio has seen Rebeca in the Home of Unrest, he is determined to find a more impregnable setting. “What about a psychiatric hospital?” suggests Doc Turbio. He’d be glad to help get her committed.

Out in the country ...
Adolfael confides to Mabel that Carola is the perfect woman for him – she’s not afraid of anything. Really, they’re a lot alike ... Mabel breaks into his revery with the news that Carola is in jail and the charges are so serious, she is being held incommunicado.

Adolfael is furious. He’s sure Gonzaki is to blame. He can have his skinny marink Pilar, but he has no right to mess with Carola. Carola is his!

Una vez leí que la mayor astucia del demonio es hacer creer que no existe. Eso mismo fue lo que hice Gonzalo ...
(I once read that the devil’s cleverest ploy is making us believe that he doesn’t exist (Charles Baudelaire is credited with this line – do we believe Carola reads Baudelaire? Or maybe she read it in People en español?). That’s exactly what Gonzalo did...)

So begins Carola’s diary. She sits in her prison cell and narrates the story of the Mora boys and how their family was destroyed by the Condes and how they vowed to avenge their loss.

Meanwhile Carmen’s taxi reaches the Conde’s apartment building ...

Carola’s voice continues:
... Iñaki e Ismael son responsables de muchas muertes y han provocado lágrimas, tristeza ...

Carmen enters the building...

... y un gran dolor.

Carmen gets in the elevator and presses the button. A black glove reaches in and holds the door, preventing it from closing. Gonzaki joins Carmen in the elevator, and with grim efficiency, strangles her with his black-gloved hands. Then he does his post-homicide neck bends. To get the kinks out.


awesome recap NovelaMaven. tnx so much.

I wonder what role Cecelia has here. I think she's been behind all the evil. but I can't figure out how! did she have Pilar take those pills?
pity that in Miami the police don't exist, otherwise Carmen could have gone to the police instead of the Condes.


Yes, Cris's fake nose and hat didn't come off in the beating. The glasses did, but these bad guys didn't know who he was, they're just thugs. They start the beating again, but the cops and Teo show up. The cops also have the proof that Doctora and her security guard friend were faking tests, making low quality drugs, stealing some and selling some. Cris pulls off his disguise, and she taken away. However, she says "you haven't heard the end of this".

And she's right, because her boss was Mr. Tanaka, who's a super close political friend of Cris's Dad, Tyron. So if they go after Tanaka, Tyron's campaign could be sullied, even though he had nothing to do with the fraud (he accepted lots of money from Tanaka). Oh well.

Marisa and Cris are back to being lovers again, although by tomorrow, something will probably happen to derail them.

Bruno introduces Yaya to Sara, and Yaya's a big fan of hers, knows everything about fashion. Although she won't reveal much about Marisa (since she wants money), Sara hires her a a personal assistant, and it won't be long before Yaya spills the beans.

Victor apologizes to Marisa for his threatening to have Marisa deported and take away Lalo. Too late, bud.

Lety is scorned again by a one night stand she thought was true love. Her galpals want to set her up with Gojo. But Gojo likes Belinda. She probably likes him too, but abuser Hugo is lurking, ready to beat her again.

Calixta's club is taking place, with Marisa working there. Alicia had to grovel to rehire Marisa at the hotel which Cris now owns, but Marisa already had a job, so Alicia suffers again. Good!

Tania and Jerome think everything is just perfect for them, which means something bad's about to happen.


Thanks again, NovelaMaven, wonderful recap!

Cecilia takes pills. Pilar takes pills. Could they BOTH have multiple personalities, and it's sort of genetic? We still don't know if Pilar has a twin, or she just switches. I'm going with MPD. BTW, from what Cecila was saying, she could almost be taking enough pills to do herself in.

Carmen, so close! But another in the long line of victims, mostly female and helpless, of odious Gonzaki. A few weeks ago, I was feeling a little forgiving towards, him, but that's OVER. And do I care that his precious Pilar has disappointed him? Not a bit.

It's getting more and more like the scene some of us envisioned months ago, everybody dead (except the kids and the servants), as in Hamlet. Carola's diary could be found at the end, as the only surviving clue to a long chain of murders.

But in the meantime, yes, why not have Hilda and Emilio get married tomorrow? Nibaldo's paying, and as for wedding planning, a dress, music, food, forget it, this is a telenovela! No problem.

Javier says maybe he can get Carola out if he can show she has no ties to established drug dealers. The amount found on her was such a large quantity, she could never had bought it w/o those ties. A weak defense if you ask me, but I can tighten my beanie enough for that.

So now Rebeca will probably be transferred to a mental hospital with locked doors. Another way to end this novela would be she recovers, but no one believes her to be sane, because she is after all, in a mental hospital! So she can't tell anyone.

It's all quite macabre.

LA CASA -- miércoles

Oh yes, Alex, Cecilia hasn't shown her hand yet. Villain? Victim? Both? Either way, she's insufferable.

Hombre, I also thought Cecilia was playing at suicide last night but I doubt it was more than a gesture. She has more to tell us ...

"Macabre" is the perfect way to describe the story as it is playing out right now. It could still go in a few directions:

If Bad Pilar is literally the evil twin of Good Pilar, then what has she done with her sister? Is she even alive?

Is Bad Pilar just (one of)mentally ill Pilar's alters? Has Cecilia been covering for her all her life? Was Sebastián trying to do the same?

If indeed Carola's diary is what is left amid the ashes when all the Condes and Moras have been murdered or committed suicide, is it possible that Pilar will be left to dance on their graves? Remember that Carola doesn't know about Bad Pilar and is still sure Gonzalo is responsible for Ignacia's death.

I sure hope your idea about Rebeca doesn't come true. That would be unbearably awful -- mouldering for the rest of her days in a locked ward where no one will listen to her because she is certifiably mad.

I expect the writers will spare the children -- they know they can push the viewer only so far -- but I'm not so sure about the servants, at least not Nibaldo and Yolanda. Those two seem very much entwined in the history of both families.


During the gunfight over the petroleros crossing to the disputed lands one oil worker and two ranch workers die. Titi is also shot in the leg. Rafa almost blows Sacto away but is talked out of it by Mr. Peter.

Meanwhile, back in town, Flor Salvaje confronts Lourdes and Cat, telling the TV reporters that the reason for all this is that Lourdes and Cat have a grudge against her. Lourdes is mad because she doesn’t agree with her husband’s decision to re-open the 4P Bar and Catalina because… Zahra jumps in. Because she lost both her men to Flor Salvaje! Flor says that the only difference between she and Cat is that, while the P’s charge, Cat gives it away! Whoa!

Piruetas has quickly organized the P’s. They dress in funny little girlish, cartoonish dresses and wigs. Piru dresses as a clown. They come out of the 4P bar and win the kids over instantly. They put on a production of The Three Little Pigs and pass out candy to the kids. Enrique takes lots of pictures, saying that the version in the paper will show the gals of the 4P doing “social work” with the children of the town. Cat and Lourdes leave, completely defeated.

Sacto arrives at the site of the shootings and is devastated by the deaths. Rafa confronts him, and says he’s only fighting like this because he lost Flor. Sacto’s point is that they can’t cross his land to get to Rafa’s land. Peter tells Rafa that what happened with the deaths is very bad for the company and that they won’t be able to cover it up.

Francisco is more than happy to report on a story for the newspaper about the shootings. He tells Rafa that, if he won’t give his side of the story, he himself will write one up. Rafa looks a bit worried at that.

Back at Hacienda Larrázal Lourdes says that the men who were killed were just fewer clients for the 4P Bar. Rocío was listening in, but this is too much for her. She tells Lourdes that it’s terrible to manipulate kids to close the bar and now she’s happy with the death of some innocents. Mariano is shocked that Lourdes arranged the thing with the kids without telling him. Rocío says that tomorrow the paper will say that the wife of the mayor used these kids. Mariano chews out Lourdes. When she says she’s his wife, he says it’s unfortunate. She ought to shut her mouth and open her legs!

Rafa comes to see Flor. She tells him she knows he was ready to kill Sacto. He says he put him in his place. He again accuses her of caring about Sacto and that he might have to take “drastic measures” if that’s the case. She tells him he’s just like his wife, Catalina, in that they both like to threaten people. She muses that Catalina is expecting a child by Sacto. It could have been her also (smiling). This, as planned, drives him nuts. He tells her not to joke about this. And that the only child she will ever have will be his.

Francisco and Zahra make up. Alicia and Enrique talk about the painting on the ceiling of her bathroom, and they end up in that tub together. These two are just great together. I’ve got my fingers crossed.

Filomina orders Diana back to NE. Diana tells her she’s of legal age and makes her own decisions. Filo says they’re both going to NE and we’ll see if Enrique will resist if she herself is there.

Sacramento shows up at the 4P. He says he’s changed and is stronger and more of a man than before. He has a man’s needs. When Flor tells him she gets to choose her clients, he tells her he hasn’t come for her but for Correcaminos. Flor looks very unhappy at this.


Thank you so much for the recaps of Maid En Manhattan. They are very much appreciated! I just watched tonight's episode and understood some of it, so I'm looking forward to the next recap...



Marisa and Cris just can't resist each other. The clothes come off, the kissing begins, and they despite all the obstacles, they declare their mutual love. Cris says he'll tell his parents.

Yaya is all excited about the money she'll get from Catalina for the interview about Marisa. But first she has to contend with her new boss Sara. Not only that, Victor in having second thoughts. He realizes that if they splash Marisa's private life in the press, Marisa will hate him, and probably continue to keep Lalo away from him. He tells this to Yaya.

Yaya meets with Sara, who wants the info first (before Catalina), and for free. Yaya hedges. Sara threatens. Either tell me, or you're fired. Yaya gulps, then agrees to tell all. But what does she tell? That Marisa was married to a druglord in Mexico, and had to leave because he killed a man!! (total lie). This may cause problems.

Lety's "boyfriend" not only wasn't THE ONE, he also stole all her savings! She's too embarrassed to tell her friends. Belinda is too embarrassed to tell about Hugo's treatment. She's also embarrassed he wants her to be embarasada. I think she's still secretly taking her pills. Gojo doesn't want to cause problems, so agrees to be introduced to Lety (except that the other girls think she has this super galan now).

Calixta is definitely hiding some prior connection with Estanislao, but we don't know what it is. When she hears that Marisa is back with Cris, she assumes Mari won't want to work in their new nightclub. But Mari says even if she's with a super rich guy, she still wants to work and stay true to her roots.

Lalo does well at the retreat for super bright kids. His teachers, Joaquin and Mireya seem to be attracted to each other, and have some kind of plans for Lalo that make me nervous that something's not totally right.

Bruno has sex with Sara, but she then kicks him out. He thinks she's just using him as her toy (she is).

Tonight Cris may find out about Marisa's (untrue) past!


After killing Carmen, Gonzaki puts the body in the trunk of his car, taking care to put a paper bag over the security camera first. He then runs into Eva, who wants him off the Carola case, and Javier on it. He tries to talk her out of this, but to no avail. Renato looks on helplessly, head hanging down.

Finally Gonzo gets away and dumps the body in an industrial area. Later, Emilio, who was upset Carmen wasn't returning his calls, goes to her house, and is arrested by the police. He's shocked to find that Carmen is dead, and I think the police believe he's not the killer. I don't think Gonzo set this up, just left the body in a place where it would be found.

Adolfmael holds a gun to Javier's head. You're such a hot shot lawyer, get Carola out of jail. You have one week! Even though the cops are called (by Karen, next door), Adolfo easily escapes, and Javier, fearing for his life, tells the cops there's nothing going on. Leave me alone. Don't you know who I am? he bellows.

Carola thinks she hears Ignacia's voice in her cell. Gonzo comes to visit, gloats about silencing Carmen, and Carola struggles with him. Before the guards come to separate them, she says, "Hear me well. I swear, one day I'll kill you with my own hands. I swear it!" (I hope she does).

Cecilia rushes into the scene. She's still being cryptic, just warning everyone to save the kids from Pilar. Pilar pours out her hate to her mother - get out! Children, go upstairs! Gonzo asks Pilar, who's Raquel? She's shocked and rocked, but recovers and denies knowing any Raquel. She also acts as if she didn't know about the planned trip to Madrid. Either she's not Pilar (she's a twin), or she's so far gone, she can't remember her Pilar personality, and has gone totally into her Bad Pilar (Racquel?) personality.

This bad Pilar calls Renato with the voice box, and tells him it's time to join Ignacia. She urges him to put the gun in his mouth. Now go ahead, shoot! We hear a shot. Is he dead?!!!!!

Oh, and by the way. The wedding of Emilio and Hilda is tonight! Why not?

LA CASA -- jueves

Thanks for a great job, as always, Hombre.

Renato figures out that Pilar is the voice on the phone egging him on to kill himself. I don't think he did it last night, but I guess we'll know soon enough.

Amigos, I won't be writing any recapettes for the next several days but I will try to post a new header later today so you can talk amongst yourselves.

Have a joyous holiday, one and all!


Great recap, Hombre! This thing keeps me glued to the TV, but I still wish for one good person to get behind. So far my favorites are dead: Matías and Carmen.

I was staring at Carmen's body on the ground and willing her to stir just a little. But no. The writers of this have no mercy.

Bad Pilar (or Raquel) is way more attractive than Good Pilar. She walks with a confident, sexy stride and looks coquettishly at every man she meets. And I absolutely enjoyed her scene with Gonzaki. He's desperately looking for the kindhearted Pilar he was so in love with him and she gives him nothing except an offer for a quick roll in the hay. Loved it! Especially love to see him suffer after what he did to Carmen.

I think the gunshot is going to be a fake-out. Maybe Eva or Yolanda wrestled the gun away from Renato and a shot went into the wall. But, based on how mercilessly teh writers kill off any character with a shred of decency, who knows?


Part One

In a rather confusing series of events, Flor lets Sacto go off with Correcaminos. He HAS changed. The old Saint Sacto who only really wanted to make love with his wife is ready for just sex. We get to see Ana smirking because she senses that her sister is hurting.

Vicente tells Mariano, Lourdes and Cat that Rocío is the best example for the girls of the 4P. She was one of them, but is now earning her living in a better way. Lourdes scowls and Mariano smiles fondly at his stepson.

Lourdes and Cat put their heads together and say they plan a lección for Flor Salvaje. I don’t like the sound of this.

Enrique and Alicia engage is some pillow talk about the painting on the ceiling of the bathroom. Enrique tells Alicia that she will always be his muse. They begin to make love yet again when Filomina walks in without knocking. [Does anyone ever knock on doors in telenovelas?] She glares at the loving couple on the bed. When they notice her, she says that he should enjoy himself while he can. But that he better be at the hotel in the morning where his wife awaits him. God, what an overbearing b*tch

Flor also interrupts Sacto and CC, telling them they can’t do the deed until the official re-opening of the 4P bar. This is the instruction of the Governor and the Alcalde. Sacto thinks it’s jealousy, and I agree with him.

Filomina’s showing up like that has shaken Alicia’s confidence. She says his family will never accept her. He reassures her.

Sacto shows up in Mr. Peter’s office, telling him that he filed an action with the court that was granted. They can’t drill for oil until the issue of the signatures is resolved. This is interesting, but confusing. Supposedly Rafa also had a document saying they COULD drill until this was resolved.

Francisco and Zahra have made up. Over breakfast he shows her the front page of his paper with a photo of the P’s and the kids. It’s a very positive story. He opens the paper and inside discovers the very sexy photo of Zahra that Enrique took [bowler hat, leg up on a chair]. He has a fit.

Titi is trying to ingratiate himself with Ana. He says he has nowhere to stay and is injured. He spends the night, supposedly on the sofa. But she wakes up with him in bed. Nothing happened, but she’s still furious and throws him out.


Part Two

José María comes home to a huge engagement party. He looks absolutely miserable. To top it off, Caridad and Frigida have decided the wedding date will be announced at this party. Ines comes out dressed like a bride, simpering and giggling. She tells him this dress isn’t even close to the one she has planned for the wedding. And she gets in the middle of the room and announces they’ll wed in two weeks! Meanwhile, Rocío has come in with Lourdes. Lourdes had insisted the night before that she accompany her somewhere. I’m not sure if she planned to hurt Rocío this way or not. She doesn’t have that gloating look, so maybe it’s just bad timing.

Enrique shows up at the hotel room. He asks Diana how she could let her mother bring her here again. Filomina says that, if he doesn’t return to his wife, she’ll fire him from the newspaper. Enrique: “Do you think this will stop me?” She then tells him he won’t see a penny of his father’s inheritance and she’ll even take away his surname. Enrique: “Please do it. This name Losada nearly cost me the only woman I have ever loved in my life.” Diana turns around to face Filomina devastated. The evil woman has put her through a humiliating experience because of her refusal to lose a prestigious wife for her son.

Rocío cries on Flor’s shoulder. She doesn’t seem to have noticed how unhappy José María was at the engagement party. She tells Flor they were the perfect, happy couple. And why oh why did she have to choose precisely that man to fall in love with.

When Peter tells Rafa about the judge’s order not to drill, he’s predictably furious. He looks capable of murdering someone there and then.

Enrique tells Flor he wants to work for the 4P Cabaret. She tells him they can’t afford the salary he earned at the newspaper. He says he’s fine with that. I expect he made some $$$ from the art show of his paintings of Alicia. He wants to be the official photographer and perhaps to also paint some portraits of the P’s to hang on the walls.

Peter has had the oil company draw up a document describing profits being shared from the new oil fields, only the ones in the disputed parcel of land. Rafa snarls that it’s not right. He was the one who found out there was oil; Sacto would have just planted potatoes on that land. Sacto just smiles, enjoying Rafa’s futile rage. Boy, Tony Dalton looks like the Devil himself when he glares at Sacto.

Evaristo arrives on that same road where the guns were fired and tells Titi and the others that Rafa signed. There will be work for everyone!

We see the re-opening of the 4P Cabaret (formerly 4P Bar). It doesn’t look that impressive on the outside, but maybe the inside will be more dramatic.


tnx Hombre, great recap as always.

so Gonzo's fate is to be killed by Carola! :)
I'm amazed how much hatred the writer arouses against the protagonist! it's too risky. I personally like this character for it's dimensionality and originality but the viewers mostly evaluate the characters with their good/bad deeds(Ismael kills more and easier but his victims are unknown, so the viewers would hate him less).

Thanks for the recent recaps, Novelera. This whole back and forth business with Zahra and Tio Francisco is getting old. The whole scene in the hotel restaurant with the Governor and his constipated-looking wife was ridiculous. Either Francisco is ok being with an ex-prostitute and her past or he's not.

I hope but don't expect that this will be the end of the trouble between Enrique and Alicia.

I think Lourdes brought Rocio to the engagement party on purpose. Lourdes and Catalina were planning the party and then Mariano came in. They didn't tell him what they had planned and that's when Lourdes 'borrowed' Rocio.

I didn't think the exterior of the 4P's looked that different either but I think they now have a neon sign. I, too am eager to see what the inside looks like.


Thanks for the summary!

There's definitely something weird about Lalo's teachers. I'm not sure what they're up to yet but it isn't good...

It's annoying that Yaya is telling lies. Why doesn't she just tell the truth? It will eventually be cleared up and she'll look stupid. Sara will probably fire her once she finds out she's a liar.

We'll see what happens tonight...

Una Maid
Hombre and Nancy: I thought the same thing about Lalo's teachers. It wasn't anything definite, just a hint of collusion. Or maybe both of the actors had indigestion the day they shot that scene!
J in Oregon


I agree, Jean. The whole dinner with the Governor and his wife was so annoying that I forgot to describe it. Sometimes I develop amnesia for scenes that don't appeal to me! Francisco needs to accept Zahra for who she is or let her go. Of course Zahra wasn't behaving very well either. She didn't need to rise to the bait and come up with so many outrageous comments at that dinner.

I have my fingers and toes crossed for Enrique and Alicia. I at least hope that Filomina goes back to the capital, and soon. I can't stand her!

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