Saturday, December 03, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of December 5, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

Sorry for the delay in posting. I also haven't had a chance to see any of the novelas so over to you.

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No te preocupes, Jean. I didn't even get to watch La Casa until today. Tis the season.

LA CASA DE AL LADO – viernes
Lots of ticking bombs were set out in this episode; but we’ll have to wait for Monday to see what happens when they explode.

Part 1 of 2

Are we going to have the pleasure of seeing Javier hauled off to jail?

Because he sure is flouting the judge’s orders: Karen’s prayers to the gods of the kitchen sink are still going unanswered; Pilar is still lighting candles. (All those open flames and no water supply – let’s hope they have some handy fire extinguishers.) And worst of all, Javier is still sneaking into his old house to torment Diego. But this time, Andrea hears him and calls the police. Meanwhile Diego runs away from his monstrous father and right into the arms of Karen, just returned from her kiss-and-make-up visit to Yolanda at the hospital.

Hilda has been at the Conde apartment trying to get Emilio to spill about Orlando. She guesses part of the truth – Emilio IS Orlando (she remembers a woman calling his cell and asking for someone by that name.) But Emilio eludes her questions when his phone rings. He has to go. It’s ... um ... business.

And why has Pilar left her children alone? In that terrifying house where a man has just been murdered, where vengeful Javier is just across the way and where psycho killer Adolfo has recently struck? In that house whose walls, doors and windows are permeable to all evil?

Well she wanted to check on her office after Gonzaki admitted he had been there looking for evidence of her secret identity. Check office? Keep kids safe? Wouldn’t you pick the former? Especially if you had something to hide? ...

Pilar gets two unpleasant surprises. First, Gonzo shows up, still trying to explain why he said what he did. And he’s determined to unburden himself by telling her his own secret. But before he can do so, Carola Conde bursts in. Why? She wanted to ask Pilar about the Chuncler books and Sebastián’s death ...

Oh, Carola, not a good way to start. Pilar was your ally but now she thinks you’re suspicious of her and she sees you as a threat. Quick-thinking Gonzo grabs Carola and tells Pilar to call the cops. Pilar does so, although, as always, with maddening slowness.

Meanwhile, Carola bites Gonzo’s hand and breaks free. She runs and he pursues. She crouches in the dark and he taunts her in menacing killer mode. But as soon as Pilar appears on the scene – she’s always several paces behind in her stilettos – he switches to concerned upholder of the law. While he is switching, Carola runs off into the night.

Now the police have arrived and Pilar leaves Gonzaki to deal with them – she has just been told about Javier’s foray into her home and she is heading back there. Anyway, she wants nothing to do with Gonzaki – his lack of trust killed whatever there was between them. And besides, it’s he, not she, who has a problem with Carola.

LA CASA DE AL LADO – viernes
Part 2 of 2

Ignacia fails to find Gonzo at his apartment
so she goes back to the Casa Conde. Discovering the escritorio unguarded, she slips in and reads what is on Javier’s laptop. So it was true, she says to herself...

When Javier comes back from his most recent humiliation next door, Ignacia embraces him: ¡Eres inocente! He was writing his memoirs, not a pair of murder guides.

He’s not a liar, he tells her. It’s just that often people don’t like to hear the truth. She loves him, she says. And he tells her that she is the only one who believes in him, the only person he matters to ...

Total devotion and dependence -- What a turn-on! They head up to the bedroom where they indulge in the longest and most tender love scene in the story.

In Casa Ruiz, Diego and Andrea sleep beside their mother. Unfortunately, Pilar’s sleep is troubled – Rebeca appears in her dreams and begs for help. And at daybreak when Karen brings the breakfast tray, Pilar has gone. But not far...

Pilar has once again entered Casa Conde. She is there to ream out Javier for defying the judicial order. How dare he show his face in her house! And she’ll visit her sister at Casa Conde as often as she wants. As for Ignacia – just butt out, sister! (¡Tú no te metas!)

When Pilar storms out, Javier takes a phone call. They have to come right now, he tells his mysterious caller.

Upon leaving the house, Pilar crosses paths at the doorway with the newly arrived Renato and Eva.

It looks like these two were hoping to find an empty house – mi casa, whispers Eva. They are surprised to see Ignacia is still there. Renato seems genuinely delighted but it takes Eva a beat or two to catch up and put on a happy face.

The joyful parent and child reunion is interrupted by Adolfomael’s call to Ignacia – she has one hour to get Gonzo to the appointed place. Renato overhears her say ‘Gonzalo’ and his antennae go up.

Upstairs, Javier slinks into Rebeca’s room, slides her over a bit and sidles up beside her in bed: Get ready, he tells her. She’s going on a little trip. (Is this what his mysterious phone call was about? Are hired goons on their way to pick up Rebeca?)

Gonzaki makes his way back to his apartment just in time for Ignacia’s visit. Let’s go for a ride and talk, she says. Where? Doesn’t matter, we just need to talk, she answers. Okay, says Gonzo, under the aegis of Starry Night, just let me grab my jacket.

But he grabs something else too – his gun.

When he steps out of the room, Ignacia texts Adolfomael. Perfecto, says the psycho in the psyellar as he reads the message. He picks up his murder kit, grabs a gun, sticks it in his waistband, and races up the stairs, knocking rudely against Mabel on his way out.

A breathless Carola has made her way back to Carmen’s place. She wrings her hands. What now? If Carola wants to get Gonzo – and by extension, the cops – off her back, she should stop throwing around wild accusations against him, says Carmen. But Carola wants Gonzaki to PROVE his innocence. Carmen, with more wit than we have given her credit for, replies: That’s not so easy. Could YOU prove YOUR innocence?


Part One

We start with Rafael and Rufino confronting Sacramento and Avelino in the Land Registry Office. Sacto says the recorded documents clearly show that fences have been moved to change the real boundaries to the ones Rafael wants. Rafa tries to grab the leather-bound documents from Sacto’s hand, but Sacto tells him these documents are part of the public records and he plans to make a copy for himself. Rafael tells him he’s not allowed to encroach onto HIS lands to check out his theory. Sacto also says he’ll only regard as Rafa’s lands those that the law states are his. After Sacto is out of sight, Rafa tells Rufino to gather up all the guys and send them to the boundary. If Sacto wants war, he’ll have it.

When confronted by José María and in the presence of Frigida and Caridad (Hah, isn’t that an ironic name for Ines’ mother.) Ines says that she tried to give herself to JM, but he didn’t touch her. This was after the expected insistence by Caridad and Frigida that JM would have to make an honest woman of Ines.

Flor and Rocío are preparing for their meeting with the governor. Rocío types a letter while Flor reads stuff out loud from a book that seems to be the laws of their region. Boy she sure has come a long way from the “Run Spot Run” equivalents in Spanish that she was studying in Timotes!

Enrique shows up on the patio of the hotel looking terrible and tells his uncle that Alicia sent him on his way. He feels like a complete cad. He spent the whole night walking around Nueva Esperanza and thinking. He’s got to help Alicia.

We are treated to a scene with Ines and José María. The little twit makes me sick. When JM tells her he respects her as a professional, she pours it on thick about how much she loves him and the fact that she’s fantasizing all the time about making love with him. Then she plays her hole card. She'll give him two days to says to decide whether or not to be her novio. If not, she's going to the convent. If this works, I'm going to be very disgusted.

Flor tells Rocío that she has to convince Mariano that she wants to be his sister again so he’ll help them in their campaign to re-open the 4P Bar.

Our Saint Sacramento rounds up all of the Hacienda Rojas hands (after first demonstrating his nobility by telling them is isn’t forcing them to oppose Rafa) and they all go, armed to the teeth, to encroach on Rafa’s “boundaries”.

Meanwhile Rafa goes to Frigida, enlisting her as an ally against the bastardo. Great, Frigida, you’re willing for someone to steal the lands that your husband owned to spite his out of wedlock child.

When Rocío appears in the office of the Jefe Civil (odd how Mariano, the new mayor, seems to hang out in Quesada’s office all the time), she tells Mariano she wants to try to have a normal familial relationship with him. His face lights up. When she tells him she wants his help in getting the Governor to let them re-open the 4P, he says he can’t do it. It was an election promise. Plus, he wanted to get even with that establishment for what they did to Rocío. Huh? Rocío went there because of what he did to Emilio. No one forced her to work as a prostitute. Rocío turns away saying she knew she couldn’t count on him. He caves immediately.


Part Two

Just then Lourdes shows up, angry at the very presence of Rocío. I think she knows how much he loves his sister, as unhealthy as that love may be, and is jealous. When she lights into him, he tells her he needs a sister, a family. She replies that SHE’S his family. He says he wants a real family, and that the only thing Lourdes cares about is power. That’s why she married him. But he also needs a family. Even as rotten as this guy has been, this is a moving scene.

We next see the confrontation at the boundary between Hacienda Rojas and Rafa’s supposed lands. After some macho posturing, there’s a long gunfight scene in which, no matter how much we hope Rufino will be shot, no one sustains so much as a scratch. But Cat shows up on horseback, riding to prevent Rafa from killing Sacto. Her instincts are right because Rafa has told his guys to aim for those guys’ heads and he’d love to see Sacto go down. She gets shot, and Rafa appears somewhat chastened. Meanwhile Mariano has shown up with some cops, and it appears the gunfight is over. Cat only has a scratch on her arm. Rafa tells Mariano that it was an accident.

Ana has gone to Susana and Beba’s new school to make trouble. She drips more poison into their heads about their sister abandoning them. When she hears that Sacramento plans to adopt them, she says she’ll never let it happen. Susana pipes up that she, Ana, never did one thing for them and does Ana want them to come live with her? Of course, she doesn’t volunteer a roof over their heads but stalks off saying she’ll prevent the adoption.

There is a wonderful scene with Zahra and Alicia. Zahra refuses to give Alicia the sedatives she wants, correctly assuming she’ll just develop that addiction also. She holds her like a mother. Later she takes her to the river and the two of them get into the water in their undies. Zahra immerses Alicia in a sort of baptism and tells her she only has to believe in herself in order to heal.

Enrique has found out about the gunfight and plans to go there. When Diana whines about his leaving her, he reminds her coldly that he came to NE to work.

Cat gets in Frigida’s face, reminding her that Rafael Urrieta was responsible for Raimundo’s death. [He had Rufino mess with Cat’s horse and its saddle to try to kill Cat.] She also tells her that he’s stealing her family’s land. Wish someone would tell stupid Frigida that there’s probably OIL on the disputed land.

Poor Correcaminos is a total bust as an employee of Dudi’s family tienda. She mislabels some canned food, causing a big loss in profits. Dudi again says he’ll cover the money if his dad keeps her on. I don’t see how this can go on.

Rocío and Flor show up at the Governor’s office. The secretary is a bit unwilling to announce them until Rocío mentions that she’s the sister of the new mayor. While Rocío goes in to present their letter, Flor goes to the bathroom and changes into her vamping clothes.

She enters the Governor’s office looking absolutely gorgeous. Rocío leaves, and she begins to come onto him. Meanwhile, Sacramento and Rafael are outside clamoring to tell the Gov about the land problem. Enrique shows up also. Rafael charges into the Gov’s office, refusing to wait. Everyone files in and catches the Gov with his pants down. Sacto says: Amanda! and Rafa says Flor! Enrique snaps a picture and Flor smiles with a wicked grin.


Love this novela!! So different from the others I have seen. Amanda is kind of mopey, but intriguing. And is Mariano getting soft? Where is this going?? Loved MECamargo's spunk in LLena de Amor, and love her in this one too... now just waiting for Piruetas and Manuela to find amor. Me intriga muchisimo!!

La Casa de al Lado...

the "psycho psyellar dweller"
love it NovelaMaven

Flor Salvaje...

thanks for the great recap novelera!
can't say how much I love all of the little details that you add,that I miss,
adds so much more color for me,

and yes, Flor carries herself so well,
elegant, I think is the word,
even when she is sitting on a desk,
in front of the governor, with his pants on the floor

what a cliffhanger,
so many different directions this could go!


Well they haven’t wasted any time getting this one up to speed. A couple more unexpected changes…turns out Cristobal really is rich after all. We see Ronny get carted off to jail and then Lucas gets a job as official chaufer.

Marisa gets her own place and gets a decent job as a maid not much later. With things going so well at her job, not really sure how she’s late with the rent. The slimy landlord gets in her face about the late rent and she tells him off, she’ll have the rent the next day.

The kid is still super annoying but he’s apparently way ahead of kids his own age as far as IQ.

Marisa’s good friend that shacked her up for a night has a loser of a husband. One more chick that stays with a guy that beats her I guess.

Quickly the show is following the footsteps of the movie with Monday’s show having the press all over Marisa in the borrowed rich girl duds getting into the limo, etc, etc.

First night I was thinking this thing has great potential, we’ll have to see.


Nice job Novelera! You got everything covered really well.

This thing has taken some new turns and is starting to get better for sure.

Why wouldn’t Sacramento just take the evidence to the police regarding the moved property lines, etc.?
Oh my bad, so he could round up the hands and head off to a gunfight. A gunfight? There’s still some things that they write into this thing and you’re like, really? Then the police show up and stop everything, like they gotta remind them all…uh hey guys…that’s not really legal and all, you’d better stop the shooting.

The scenes that started with Rocio going to see Mariano and then Lourdes and Mariano were gold. First, when Rocio appears, just like Novelera pointed out Mariano lights up. This girl is such a good actress and her beauty is off the charts. Those eyes when she said I hope you’re not just saying ok so you can hurt me later. And then when he tells Lourdes how he wants a family, I felt it too just like Novelera. This guy is pure scum, yet he shows moments where he just wants to be a decent guy. Can’t happen though, he’s way too far off to get normal. We can’t forget this guy has done more than a handful of unspeakable acts.

Did you notice when at first Zhara brought the calmantes for Alicia with the intention to give them to her, Alicia was shaking like a leaf, clamoring for them. Man she plays that role well. The facial expressions, the shaking.

Let me see if I can get this straight…CC mislabels the canned goods with lettuce prices. So all the profits are gone, more huge losses right. So what’s up, they hired some new guy to work for a week that we didn’t see? Cause as far as I can tell, the only guys that work the till lately are Pops and Dudi. After working there for 20 some years, wouldn’t they realize if sales seemed a little off from what they’re accustomed to? Come on now…

I liked the last scene where Rocio gave the pitch to the Gov and then of course Flors entrance was nice. Done with class and of course got the Gov eating out of the palm of her hand. Then when Sacto, Rafa and Enrique just barge in I laughed a little when they looked at her with complete surprise.

I also liked the scene when Flor told the cop she had never seen Abelardo before. Loved how she got pissed and asked him if he was too drunk to even recognize her. Had me cracking up. She’s got a fire in her now, gonna be nice to see her working it all over the place.

Looking forward to seeing Alicia sobered up too, gonna be painful for Diana when she sees the beauty that Alica brings…

LA CASA DE AL LADO – viernes

terrific recap as always.

"with more wit than we have given her credit for"
Carmen the wise! haha
after this conversation I wonder what Carola's next step will be. it would be interesting if she unites with Gonzo to investigate about AC!

Is Adolfael really going to kill Gonzo? he had many better opportunities before. and what a character Ignacia is! can't believe what she is doing so coolly. though she is digging her own grave in fact.

"Check office? Keep kids safe? Wouldn’t you pick the former? Especially if you had something to hide?"
excellent point. I think we can't remove Pilar from the suspects list yet.


Thanks, NovelaMaven, for another great recap. You covered everything.

Ignacia really is asking for trouble. She's with Gonzo, who has a gun (although she doesn't know it), and Adolfo also has a gun. Could Igna get caught in the crossfire? I don't think either of the guys will shoot the other, and if she sees them together, she may know too much. Uh oh!

I can't see anything good for Carola, period. The only thing that would save her from jail would be if Gonzalo admitted he planted the drugs, and even if he told Pilar he was Inaki, why would he admit that? Even if Gonzo were killed, Carola wouldn't be in the clear. I'd like to see her saved, but I don't see how. Okay, maybe if Gonzalo, down the road, was on his deathbed, and confessed everything.

We viewers and the characters have a lot in common. We all keep jumping to conclusions, and are often wrong. This shows how clever the writers are. Ignacia saw Javier's memoirs, and said "you're innocent". But that's not really proven. Gonzalo saw those books in Pilar's office and thought "she's guilty", but that's not proven. I agree that Pilar's visit to her office, while ostensibly to see if all her things were "in order", seems a little suspicious, considering the problems at home and next door.

Okay, here's my latest guess. Pilar did write the books, but she didn't kill anyone. Adolfmael discovered the books, and he and Gonzalo were trying to follow them in their revenge plan. Gonzo has stopped doing this, but Adolfo still is, and killed Sebastian. Pilar wrote the books as a sort of fantasy, but never dreamed any of this would happen.

Or I could be 100% wrong on everything I just wrote!


Rand, thanks for the comments. I'm also a little disappointed, but I'll see how things go. Here are some other things I remember:

Marisa works for a maid company, and the head of it is a nice guy named Amador. There's also a mean lady co-supervisor, didn't catch her name. Two of the other maids seem important, a black girl named Tania, who has a basketball playing boyfriend named Jerome (who speaks mostly English), and another nice maid named Leticia.

I think Leticia is the one who told Marisa to try on the clothes of that rich girl. The rich girl is Sara.

Cris's parents also figured in this show. His father is running for Senator, and his name is Tyron Parker. He has a heart attack and they want Cris to run, but he won't, since he's into his business (and helping the world). But when Tyron recovers, Cris does help out in the campaign. I didn't catch Cris's mother's name, but she's a nice character. The father doesn't seem so nice.

We also met Carmen (whom Cris calls Nana), who I think is the lifelong housekeeper of their family. And Cris's friend Tito's real name is Tadeo.

It certainly was a classic telenovela type coincidence when the main characters met. I can't really remember half of it, but somehow Lalo (out without too much supervision, I guess) ran into Cris, and was taking him to see his mother. And of course Marisa just happened to have just been convinced to try on the model clothes in Sara's suite.

There also seems to be a theme of immigration and citizenship in this novela, with Lalo's presentation to the class dealing with it, and the fact that Marisa married Victor, a citizen, which helps her and Victor's chances.

Even though it does seem a lot like a "standard" telenovela, I'll probably stick with it. It certainly should have a lot less killing than Mi Corazon, a supposedly light novela, but which had a terrifyingly high body count.

LA CASA DE AL LADO -- viernes

Hola Deb, nice to see you in the neighborhood!

Psycho psyellar dweller -- better yet! (Though I suppose I should have written 'psellar')

Is Adolfael really going to kill Gonzo? he had many better opportunities before. and what a character Ignacia is! can't believe what she is doing so coolly. though she is digging her own grave in fact

Alex, it IS hard to believe Gonzo will be killed. For one thing, he's so central to the story. And as you say, Ismael has had lots of opportunities to do him in. He certainly doesn't need Ignacia's help. The fact that she's willing to abet a murder -- and as you know, she doesn't know who Gonzo really is -- tells us just how despicable she is (as if we had to be reminded!) A normal person would have tipped off the police.

No, I agree, if anyone gets burned in this encounter, it will be IG. Besides, as Hombre says, once she sees the Mora boys together, she'll know too much.

Hombre, it IS hard to imagine a good outcome for Carola. But she might live a little longer if she stopped teasing the bears.

Great point about the viewers being like the characters in the story. We're being swept along, drawing mostly false conclusions from the red herrings so generously strewn along the narrative path. And it IS fun.

I'm not sure of anything at this point but I do suspect that there is much more to Pilar than we have been told so far. As Alex says, she's still on the list. :)

About Rebeca -- I just had an alarming thought. I hope the lecherous larcenous lawyer Javier isn't shipping her back to Adolfomael -- she deserves better than to be left at the mercy of the psycho psellar dweller!


"it IS hard to believe Gonzo will be killed. For one thing, he's so central to the story"
yes, we have 35 episodes yet so we need the protagonist, but I mean Adolfael's intention. as you say he doesn't need Ignacia's help. so is he leading Iggy to fulfill her written fate?


... but I mean Adolfael's intention. as you say he doesn't need Ignacia's help. so is he leading Iggy to fulfill her written fate?

It looks that way, Alex. If so, he'd be using "Condenados" as a blueprint even if he's not the one who wrote the story. Also, he might be trying to set things up so Gonzo ends up doing the killing. Adolfomael may want to make the point that there's no escape from their vengeance scheme. Gonzaki will kill the Condes whether he wants to or not.


"Adolfomael may want to make the point that there's no escape from their vengeance scheme. Gonzaki will kill the Condes whether he wants to or not."

brilliant point!
I just saw it's Avance Exclusivo in youtube (warning! it's a part of the next episode).


Thanks for the video, Alex. Me, I like being surprised so I think I'll wait until tomorrow to see the madness unfold... :)


We also met Capitán, the dog! Any show with a dog has at least one noble character.


Hombre! 50 points! What La Casa de al Lado needs is a dog. Ignacia had one, but I don't think it lasted more than one episode. Anyway, loved your comment about having at least one noble character.

I did watch a little bit of the show out of curiosity. The actor, Litzy, whom I've never seen before seems good. And it's so refreshing to see a natural looking woman's body. She has some meat on her bones, and that meat isn't all grapefruit shaped on her chest.

The novela doesn't look bad, but lately to me everything that isn't Flor Salvaje looks inferior.


Novelera, I agree with you about the girl playing Marisa. She does look good. As beautiful as Zhara is in FLOR imo she'd be even more so if she didn't have that lift kit.

When the previews came out I thought that Chris already had the rich girlfriend and that looked like it would be interesting to see her lose him to the maid character. But now we see she's a rich girl who gets whatever she wants and incredibly snoby, so in this case that will include Cris but as we've already seen him say that he's waiting for the right girl I can't really see too much drama when those moments actually happen.

The other thing is that in the movie the guy was already a senator and you know how it goes with his image, paparazi, etc. But Cris is just the son of a senator, a successful business man. I don't see why there will be the need for so much secrecy and why the paparazi are all over him and his girl getting into the limo??

Flor --

Thanks Novelera! This week should be sizzling. It's good to see Flor/Amanda determined NOT to fall under the toxic influence of either Rafael or Sacto. Their faces, when confronted by the fact she's finally acting independently, were priceless.

The landgrabbing by Rafael was handled by Sancto in Sancto's fashion, impulsively --- how else? No surprise there.

Despite everything, I was also moved by Mariano happiness at Rocío's olive branch.


Thanks for stopping by here, Llanero. And, I agree, one of the best parts of Friday's episode was that wicked grin on Flor's face when the two controlling men in her life burst in and find her with the Governor.

I wonder if Rafa, not exactly a mental slouch, will quickly grasp that the trato he made with Flor is the reason she's there. If the Governor lets her open the 4P Bar, Rafa won't be jumping her bones anytime soon.


Renato wants Ignacia to be happy. And if living with Javier and having his child is her happiness, well so be it. Javier also wants Ignacia to be happy but he really really really wants to make Pilar suffer. Eva ... well, Eva really really really wants her house.

The Case of the Tourist Trap
Per Adolfael’s orders, Ignacia drives Gonzaki to the appointed place, a regulation horror flick abandoned warehouse. A young man approaches Gonzo. He’s a tourist, he tells him, and he’s lost. Unfortunately Gonzo is pressed for time and can’t help. No problem, says the good-natured guy. He’ll figure it out himself.

Ignacia and Gonzaki enter the warehouse. To no one’s surprise, Adolfael appears, weapons are drawn, insults and threats fly. Gonzaki tries to close the overhead door but it seems stuck.

While Gonzaki and Adolfael are posturing and waving their guns at each other and Ignacia stands between them and begs for her life, two sets of eyes are watching. From inside the warehouse, a camera eye (set up by Adolfael) records the Mora boys’ damning admissions; and from outside, the eye of the Tourist observes, takes aim ...

A shocking spot of scarlet stains the white of Ignacia’s dress. Her face is pained, bewildered. The bullet hits her not in the heart or the head but in the womb. The brothers are dazed: Who fired the shot? Gonzaki runs out and sees the Tourist’s car peel out. The brothers exchange fire, Gonzo races off in Ignacia’s car and Adolfael cradles the moribund Ignacia’s head in his arms. The scarlet stain now spreads across her belly. He wants to go for help but she begs him to stay with her. Tell Javier he was my true love, she says. I’ll be waiting for him in the next life.

Gonzaki drives Ig’s car back to the Casa Conde, wipes it clean of prints and walks away. Back in his apartment, Pilar awaits him, her greeting an eery echo of her words in his recent dream: I hope you don’t mind my letting myself in with your keys.

Carola sees dead people. (Or at least one dead person.) But the ghost of Omar needs to work on his timing. By the time he warns her that her sister is in danger, it’s too late. She clutches at her left arm like someone having a heart attack. For tn newbies, this is a corazonada. She knows that something very bad is happening.

Emilio has his corazonada (although he recovers amazingly quickly) at the Silver Boys office where he has gone to resign. He can’t lead a double life anymore. The boss lady tells him the damage is done – when his noviacita finds out how he has been earning his living, it won’t matter that he has quit. Besides, she has an offer he can’t refuse – a very generous check for his company on a 15 day Italian holiday.

The kind of good news:
Javier has Rebeca whisked away by ambulance while Karen and Hilda peer through the fence and fret -- Is it there for Javier? For Rebeca? Neither one is willing to go back in that house to find out.

Rebeca ends up in the same "home" where Igor was warehoused all those years and at the mercy of the same corrupt director who let Adolfael hide out there. Absolutely no visitors, instructs Javier. He rubs his hands together gleefully just imagining Pilar’s pain when she discovers her sister is missing.

Why is this good news? Well, this may be the safest place for Rebeca right now, away from Gonzaki, and Adolfael. And Pilar?

Rebeca springs a surprise on the director. Once Javier is gone she gasps out: Gon ... za ... lo. And then: I ...ña The dirty doc hears “Gonzalo” but can’t make out the second name. Who knew she could talk?

The good news:

Nibaldo is out of his coma. The first word he croaks out to Yolanda: ADOLFO! Now she knows what we knew all along – it was the Psycho Psellar Dweller who tried to kill him.

The great news:
The lights are on and the water is running again at the Casa Ruiz. A celebratory flush, if you please.


great recap as always. tnx.

I guess we saw the killer! right? I like the way the story is going on :)

"Gonzaki drives Ig’s car back to the Casa Conde"
why did he do it?! it was too risky and totally unnecessary. so I predict it will turn out that someone has seen him! and he is going to be in trouble being accused of killing Ignacia. but no matter. someone is taking care of him invisibly :)

it was annoying to watch the long irrelevant scenes of Emilio/Orlando or Nibaldo-Yolanda while in the other side we had a matter of vida o muerte. I hope TN writers find a better way to vary the scenes :|


Great recap, NovelaMaven, of a SHOCKING episode! When I first saw the tourist and his "wife", I thought to myself, that woman looks exactly like Pilar, tall, thin, blond, tight pants, heels. Maybe it IS Pilar, and she just hired that guy to fire the shot! Gonzaki and Adolfmael sure were surprised. And Adolfmael actually set up TWO camcorders, so maybe the person in the distance was captured on tape (or memory card).

Adolfo made sure the door wouldn't close because he wanted Ignacia to escape, after he told her Gonzalo was Inaki. Gonzo really got Adolfo mad by blurting out how much he ENJOYED killing Rosa Munita Yen, whom Adolfo really liked. Ignacia was a true drama queen to the end, with a terrific dying scene, just like one in an opera.

Javier won't be too happy when he finds out. Yes, he truly LOVES Ignacia, but 1) he won't divorce Pilar and 2) he won't return the Conde castle. What a guy.

One would think that Pilar should be able to get the judge to force Javier to reveal where he moved Rebeca. But that would be if this novela were in any way connected with reality.

So who's next? I'm picking Carola.


Pilar or Adolfo?
I'd like it to be Pilar but logically it must be Adomael. how could Pilar have known about the "meeting"? and why the supposed Pilar was not hidden in the car?
it can very well be another setup by Adomael. he was recording all and when Gonzaki wanted to close the door he opposed it.


Fashionable hat hiding her face, Marisa exits the hotel with Cris and Lalo, heading for an outing in Central Park. Some paparazzi get some photos, which later appear in the paper, but don't show her face.

They have a great time, really connecting, but Marisa has to get back before she loses her job. Somehow, Cris never does get her name. Later, Marisa explains why she and Cris could never get together because they're from different worlds. Lalo disagrees, because this is America, where everyone's equal!

We find that Cris's mother's name is Amalia, and a big birthday dinner is being organized for her, I think.

We find that Amador's co-supervisor of maids is Alicia, who isn't too excited about the possibility of Marisa as the new assistant manager of camareras (chambermaids), and despite Marisa's improved English, may not give her the job.

We find that Sara Montero is a writer for fashion magazines, and her assistant (Walter in El Fantasma de Elena) is named Bruno. He might be gay, since he's helping her hook up with Cris, rather than making a play for her. She wants to meet Cris at his mother's party, but so far, she doesn't have too much hope.

However, Cris tells Tito to set up a brunch in his hotel room with "the woman from the Premier Suite and her son". Tito determines that person to be Sara, and sends her a card inviting her. Sara is ecstatic, and gets super beautified for the date.

Sadly, Marisa is on maid duty in Cris's suite, although he doesn't see her. He opens the door for his date, expecting to see Marisa, but it's Sara. Despite the fact that it's the wrong girl, she's so stunningly beautiful that he seems not to care! And Marisa is in the back of that same room in her maid's uniform!


Maybe Pilar and Adolfo are working together. Maybe years ago, when Adolfo and Javier started defrauding Renato, Pilar found out, and forced Adolfo to keep her advised. Maybe Pilar wrote the books as a guide for Adolfo's revenge.

Pilar certainly had a motive for killing Ignacia, Javier's "love". She had a motive for killing Sebastian. But maybe she's double crossing Adolfo. I just somehow feel she's some super smart, super twisted evil mastermind, behind that shy, scared whiny (but beautifully dressed) front. I don't think Adolfmael is smart enough to carry this through on his own, and needs Pilar to tell him what to do.

Or not.

FLOR - lunes, Dec 6

*TW is still out and I miss deb's pix so --- *

Anyway, wouldn't you know it. Ana, agaaaain, manages to spoil everything. A part of me was rooting for her to stay in a coma, nicely neutralized, until the last ten minutes of the last episode but that would've meant an anguished Floor till then too, and I want her as confident from now on as she's been lately.

One thing though, Flor cannot blame this one on Rafael (unless Ana lies through her teeth, which I think she will) so I expect Zahra's sense of fairness to help here.

I don't know but the re-opening of the 4P's is again in doubt because of the scandal Enrique's photo is about to unleash. Rafael may take this as Flor's failure, and pursue the second part of their trato, uh oh. More complications!

And here I was, looking forward to their shows again, and definitely Alicia singing again.

JM - some guys just don't know when they're being taken for a fool!


interesting point, Hombre. but if Pilar and Adomael are accomplices then why does he always try to annoy (and even kill) her?


Alex: Remember I said Pilar may be forcing Adolfael to be her accomplice, since she may have found out that he and Javier were stealing from Renato. And of course now she knows about his other crimes, so she has him intimidated. He wants to get rid of her, but he needs her brilliant mind to keep knowing what to do.

I'll admit this theory has problems, but who knows?


Thanks for your comment, Llanero. I agree. I yelled “sh!t” when Ana woke up.

Enrique cleverly changed the roll of film in his camera, apparently guessing someone would seize his camera. Rafa has the cojones to ask how Flor could be making fun of him. Yep, it’s always all about him. If she has another lover, it can only be to enrage him. Sacto was pretty tiresome as well. “What have you turned yourself into, Amanda?” She replied it was what she always had been, sticking to her keep him away strategy. I wish she would have said; “What the hell are you doing bursting in without knocking on MY seduction efforts."

That was some evil note Ana wrote. She told her sister that she was cursed. That everyone she loved would die. Too bad this one didn’t come true.

The Gov tells Rafa that Flor Salvaje and Rocío have presented a plan to re-open the 4P and he’s reviewing it. Flor, with another wicked grin, reminds Rafa that this means the bar is HERS.

Sacramento gives the Gov some maps that apparently show how the fences have been moved. And that the land that belonged to his father and that Rafa encroached upon has oil. The Gov says he’ll review the plans.

Mariano is particularly funny and entertaining in this Governor’s office scene. He says that he’s the only one who hasn’t been with Flor. He hints he’d like to try and Rafa pulls a gun on him. When everyone else has gone, he keeps his word to Rocío, telling the Gov basically that campaign promises are made to be broken. And he won’t have a problem with the bar, including prostitution, being re-opened.

It looks like a romance is brewing between Manuela and Avelino, the new capataz hired from the petrolero by Sacto. He admires her. Later on, Rafa shows up to try to offer him big bucks to let him know what Sacto is up to. I remember that he betrayed Rocío before by showing up at the debate, so I was relieved to see his ethics are getting better. He flatly refuses to help Rafa.

Ines is SO devious. She talks a nun into lending her a habit, and then shows up at the medicatura all saintly saying THIS is going to be her “good work” as a novice. What? She couldn’t bathe some lepers or something? She has a conversation with Rocío when she lies and says that something DID happen between them. When José María (aka The Chump) walks her back to the convent, she cleverly explains away the fact that she isn’t going in by saying he should leave so the nuns won’t see her with a man. But then she asks him for a big-girl kiss. There were several!

Sacto has a long conversation with Cat where he self-righteously goes on and on about how bad Flor is. He tells her he wants to adopt Susana and Beba, and she says she has a great lawyer for him.

Enrique talks to Francisco about running the photo on the front page. He also says that Flor Salvaje is amazingly hot, a Tropical Helen of Troy.

Flor finds out that Ana took pills and is crying her heart out over her heartless sister. Rafa was told also by “Noodle” as part of the “make him love her” plan. He expressed no interest at all. When Rafa goes to the medicatura he tries to mollify Flor by saying they never had sex. Actually, Llanero, I agree with Flor in this case. Rafa’s moral compass is way off. Ana would not be in this fix if he hadn’t brought her to live with him to try to snare Flor.

Frigida is making Susan scrub floors until her hands practically bleed, and Beba is apparently on kitchen duty. She threatens Susana that they’ll all be kicked off the hacienda if she tells Sacramento what she’s having them do. Frigida is so evil I can’t even think of an appropriate punishment for her.

José María and Rocío have a spat. Having found out from Sacto that they’re going to re-open the 4P Bar, he wants to know if she’s going back to the Oldest Profession. God, it’s clear Sacto and JM are related. They have plenty of self-righteous DNA.

Flor -

You're right, Noveleara, I forgot that Rafael brought Ana to live with him as bait, an act that filled her head with ideas. And while he was correct in saying he never promised her anything, and never touched her, this is what I think Ana will deny.

The other expert liar here, Ines, has me amazed and disgusted! What next, if she actually manages to embroil The Chump (hee hee) sexually, a fake pregnancy? He is just as sanctimonious as his bro alright, and Rocío got insulted again - I guess he forgot the effort the women made to jumpstart his clinic.

Good to see more of Avelino, and that he's not for sale this time! A good guy for Manuela, and I love the way he asked her what her mother'd be as a suegra. Poor Manuela could only look at the ground - before she understood the implications, and began to smile.

Frígida - I wish her the worst novela fate possible!!! &^*%$#@!

LA CASA -- lunes

Oh wow, Hombre, how could I have missed it? The tourist's wife is a tall blonde, hair up in a pony-tail, and wearing a black pants suit. And yes, she seems to be filming the encounter from outside the warehouse. She's holding something that looks like a camera and we that a film is being made from BEHIND Gonzo as well as another from behind Adolfo.

We never see the woman's face close-up so we can't be sure it's Pilar. But when she shows up at Gonzo's apartment, hair pulled up in a pony-tail, and wearing a black pants suit ...

What if Ismael, Gonzaki and Pilar all colluded in the murder of Ignacia? Because Gonzo and Ismael could easily have done damage to each other but didn't.

And here's something I've been wondering about: How does Pilar really feel about Rebeca? Did she truly forgive and forget her HALF sister's betrayal?
Alex, I like the way the story is moving right now too.

BTW, I'm usually a sucker for sad scenes -- it doesn't take much to make me cry. But I was completely dry-eyed watching our diva, Ignacia, take her final dive. (Assuming she IS dead. You never know in this show.) Well, at least Adolfael wept for her. :)

Great recap, Novelera! I am back with this one. I gave up on Una Maid.

I didn't quite get Ana's plan. Did the girl who gave her the pills know what they would do? I mean was it like Romeo and Juliet where she knew the pills would put Ana in a coma for a few hours and then she would wake up or did she really come close to dying?

Isn't Manuela living in the house with Frigida? Why doesn't she see that Suzana and Beba are being worked liked slaves. Put another way, someone is sure to find out what she is doing and she will earn the further hatred of Sacto and her children. She has bile running in her veins instead of blood.


Welcome back, Jean!

Fideo (Noodle) talked Ana into taking just enough pills to put a scare into Rafa, so he'd be desperate at the thought of losing her and, as Noodle said, be eating out of her hand. Right.

Since these two have between the two of them the brains of a donkey, they didn't seem to get the dosage right. And Ana went into a coma.

Yes, Manuela, José María, and Sacramento are supposed to be living in the hacienda. I guess it's dramatic license that none of them ever see what Frigida is doing to the girls. Actually, the time she had them boil their sheets Sacto asked why they were almost late for school. But Susana is too timid and afraid to make trouble to speak up.


I was pretty shocked they killed off Ignacia, if they did.

Not shocked for her own sake, but fetuses seem to trump all in telenovelas. And whoever shot her shot her right in the stomach. Maybe the autopsy will reveal it was a phantom pregnancy. That WAS pretty quickly after she and Javier did the deed that she got the pink cross on the pregnancy test.

I can't remember. Did she ever see a doctor to confirm that she was pregnant?


"at least Adolfael wept for her"
I'm not sure! :)
what was Adomael's plan? he sure knew if Ignacia found out about Gonzo she would be killed.

LA CASA - lunes

"what was Adomael's plan? he sure knew if Ignacia found out about Gonzo she would be killed."

Oh yeah, definitely, Alex. He knew what would happen. The killings -- first Sebastián and now Ignacia -- are following the script laid out in "Condenados". So is Adolfael puppet or puppet-master? Like Hombre, I'm inclined to see Pilar as the most likely one pulling the strings. But that, of course, is the direction the writers are leading us in -- could well be another trick!
Novelera, that was actually the second fetus to die -- remember how Ignacia lost Javier's baby after the abduction (Javier's doing) and auto accident and then went around painting bloody fetuses until Renato bought her a puppy -- a puppy that was later killed.

Puppies, fetuses -- I'd say all bets are off in this one ... except they still balked at brother-sister incest. Or as far as we know...


NovelaMaven, I still think there's a difference, regarding Ignacia's baby. There's been lots of miscarriages in novelas, whether caused by a villain roughing someone up or having the female villain lose the baby she was using to get the galán to marry her. She then wears a padded fake baby.

To me, the difference is that we've been led to believe that Ignacia had a normal pregnancy going, that the baby would have been full term, if she were not shot. I don't remember ever seeing a woman with a healthy fetus inside of her murdered in a TN.

Una Maid
I read somewhere that Sony Pictures is involved in this production--if they own the original movie Maid in Manhattan, my guess is that the novela won't stray too too far from the movie.
That's sort of a shame, because the first episode in Mexico had some real good meaty material in it which it looks like won't be part of the main plotline.
Well, I'm in for the count, anyway.
J in Oregon


J, I was thinking the same thing, it looked like it had all kinds of different directions to go but it's already lost my interest. I watched todays episode and it was painful.


Novelera, outstanding.

Loved your comment on the "big girl" kiss, lol. Ines's act is tired. The lie that she slipped to Rocio was cold too.

The stuff with Mariano was so good, I was laughing too when he was commenting that he was the only one who hadn't had a sample of Flor.

So now we see Sacto and Rafa talking with the Gov about a land dispute. You gotta be kidding me with this one guys. First they all run down to the O.K. Corral for a little shoot em up. Then they decide they better handle this thing here proper, but instead of going to a local BLM or some other authority, it's right to the Gov. perfect!

Mina taking her clothes off for the boys down at the plant...ehh, ahh, no thanks Mina, I'll pass on this one. Jeebus.

Frigida is going to pay sooner or later. 2 innocent girls getting the hard end of her frustration isn't going to go well for her in the end.

When Cat isn't hysterical, she's amazingly attractive. I liked it when she was laying the compliments on Sacramento but not over the top, he had that look in his eye.

Mariano is evil, but under that evil we see bits and pieces of a lost boy, he wants so bad to be loved and have real family. One things for sure, he cracks me up. This guy is such a good actor.

I too was hoping Ana was coma bound for the rest of the show. She's unbearable.


So as you all know, I'm in on this one for a while now and I've enjoyed it up to a point. I have to be honest though...

With Alguien there was real suspense, that stuff felt real and it was one of the best novelas I've seen. La Reina speaks for itself, and the fact that it was based on true events, it was kind of in a league of its own.

But with this thing here, La Casa, it's just lunacy at every turn. I can't take any of it seriously. Things that don't even make any sense and I really don't care that they don't. There's no feeling of suspense or terror because it's all just seems like a joke. I know I'm coming off as a big negative here and I'm not trying to rain on you guys that really are enjoying this thing, trying to figure it out. But I'm like, so if it turns out to be Pilar or whoever, meh.

Like I said, I've enjoyed parts for sure and I'll watch to the end but I just can't feel any real suspense. Watching Ignacia go down was so boring, it's like just go already.

Does anyone know what the replacement is going to be yet?


J in Oregon, I never saw the movie, but it does look as if the family in Mexico will figure highly in this version. Last night, Marisa spoke to her mother (Gloria), who I think told her that the stepfather, Teo, was coming to New York and would stay with Marisa. Victor, Marisa's husband, was not told where Marisa is, but he'll probably find out and come to New York. His sister, Yaya also figures to have a big role.

In New York, Cris's brunch with Sara doesn't go too well. He's totally bored with her, even though he, she, and Bruno (whom she says is gay but apparently is not), all went to the same high school. She used to be a fashion designer, but now writes reviews. Cris is bored to tears, and ends the brunch abruptly. He then orders his staff to find that "beautiful latina, elegant, with a son" that he WANTED to have brunch with.

They can't find her (still checking guest lists). Mari even admits to her boss Amador what she did, and he doesn't fire her, but agrees they should keep it quiet. Cris and Sara are going to be in the hotel a few more days, until the party for Amalia (Cris's Mom), so Mari has to avoid both of them (this allows for a funny montage). At the end of the show, though, Cris is riding in his limo and sees Marisa and Lalo walking along. He jumps out to confront them.

Other minor things: Tania tells Jerome he has to get a job, not just play basketball. Belinda thinks all relationships are bad, since Hugo beats her. We find that a poor looking but nice neighborhood guy is named Gojo. Estanislao is still trying to get Marisa to sleep with him for a better apartment. Lalo asks his Mom is all relationships go bad (since that's all he's seen), and she assures him that not all do, that sometimes, there is lifelong love and respect (let's hope!).


I agree, this show is not as tight as Alguien, which had a well plotted 3 part story arc. And La Reina del Sur was super tight, going through almost a lifetime in 63 episodes (I'm watching the dvd, and it's just as good the second time around). Maybe La Casa was extended, and they had to come up with some new stuff. It sure looks as if Pilar is one of the bad guys now, but it doesn't seem to match what was happening way earlier.

Anyway, Ignacia IS dead. Gonzalo, Renato, Eva and Javier are at the morgue. Gonzalo wants to "take charge", tells everyone there must have been a mistake (while he knows there wasn't). When the other 3 find out Igna is dead, they're destroyed, and I was especially moved by Renato's suffering.

Hilda tells Emilio that they should have the wedding the end of this month. This was just when Emilio has to go to Italy for his stud holiday, and he tries to wiggle out of things, even though Hilda says if he doesn't tell his jefa what's what, SHE will.

When Hilda serves Andrea dinner in bed, Karen gets jealous, and tries to get some attention from a bored Andrea.

We last saw Pilar at Gonzalo's apartment. She asks him where he was last night. He lies and says he was looking for Carola. She seems to be trying to get him to tell her the truth, which he won't. They then have sex. This whole thing seemed quite weird for Pilar, unless she IS the author of the books and a killer. Gonzalo definitely suspects her.

She also acted weird with Emilio, telling him it was obvious that Adolfo put the poison in Sebastian's wine. He's not sure, it could be anyone. Her facial expression again makes us viewers doubt her.

But she's sincerely upset when she finds that Rebeca has been moved by Javier.

I could be wrong, but this all reminds me of when Gonzalo was revealed as a killer. First, we all speculated as to various people who could be killing. Then, the writers started showing more and more weird behavior by Gonzalo, and many of us thought he was the one. He was. I think the same thing is now happening with Pilar. We'll see.

La Casa -- martes

Thanks once again for a terrific summary. It's true that not much happened last night but the reactions to Ignacia's death were interesting. I was struck (not for the first time) by what a marvelous actor Daniel Lugo (Renato) really is. He elevates the quality of any project he is in, I think.

I also think that Maritza Rodriguez is a much better villain than heroine. She struggled with the submissive victim role but she rocks as a devious femme fatale. (Of course the writers still have time to pull the rug out from under us about Pilar as murderer -- they've certainly done it before!)

Hombre, it's funny that we have come to see a 63-episode story as a tight narrative arc. In other formats -- film, written novel, American tv mini-series -- we would consider the length ridiculously overblown. But we've become accustomed to our daily fix and have adapted to the looooong telling of the story.

As for La Reina del Sur, couldn't agree more. I'm watching my DVD's too and it does stand up very well to a second viewing. Now if only the producers of La Pola would come out with a boxed set ...

La Casa

okay, let me amend that -- a 63 chapter written novel wouldn't be weird. But a 40 hour play or movie would be ridiculous. So our novelas are more book-like than cinematic.

Pilar would have to be really sick to have been involved in Ignacia's death, know about Gonzalo's involvement, show up to question him and then sleep with him when he lied to her!! But I am leaning toward the Pilar/Adolfo team. After all, it was Adolfo who found the Chuncler book first, put all the clues around, was angry with Javier, as was Pilar. It would make sense that they were in cahoots, and even would mesh with my theory that Adolfo poisoned Sebastian. (Too much of a coincidence that Adolfo would have been there the night of the party, tied Karen up, but didn't kill her...and remember he said he had come because he was bored.
Pilar seems to be concerned about Rebeca, but if she is the real villain maybe she wants Rebeca alive so that she can get revenge for Rebeca's having had an affair with Javier --a point she brought up at the abuse hearing.

Poor Carola. Will she escape being a condenada? Even though Carmen is not the brightest light, and we have speculated about the need for her as a character, I think she does serve a purpose. She gives Carola real maternal warmth, and good advice, and this warmth might help "cure" her, if she survives. (Carola said she hadn't been drinking or taking drugs since she was in Carmen's house). I have come to like Carola and hope she survives.

I agree with NovelaMaven: I didn't shed a tear during Ignacia's death scene, although I thought the actress did a good job.

I was right about Nibaldo's surviving, but wonder why it was necessary, and what role, if any, he'll play in the denouement.

In spite of this not comparing with ALGUIEN, and having many many plot holes and inconsistencies, I am still riveted, and want to know how it will end.

One last thought -- Renato Conde certainly loves Ignacia more than any of his children. We do not know who her biological parents were. I was thinking --Igor, Ivan, Inaki, Ismael --and Ignacia.
Mabel looked upset to hear about the death of Ignacia.
Could there be any connection to Mabel? of course, there would have to be a lot of convolutions to get around the incest theme. Probably not a good supposition.

La Casa - martes

tnx Hombre, for the great recap.

the day before Pilar said she didn't want to see Gonzo anymore and now...:) if she's so attached that does murder, of course she won't give up easily.
if she is really a killer (I hope she is!) I wonder how and when it all started.

I totally agree with you about Daniel Lugo.

Part One

Sorry for the length, guys. Lots is happening and I'm not good at condensing.

Ana has apparently not seen a long tunnel of white light while unconscious. She wakes up meaner than ever. She tells Flor hysterically that she wanted to die, meanwhile carefully looking beyond Flor to make sure Rafa is listening.

La Mina gets fired from her “cleaning” job at the the petrolera for being discovered with one of the workers sin ropa.

Sacto convinces Abelardo to show up at the custody hearing by waving some cash in front of him.

We get more interminable ranting from Ana. Rafa tells her sharply that her sister stayed up all night crying over her. Doesn’t move the ball. She accuses Flor of witchcraft. It’s the only thing she can think of that keeps Rafa infatuated. [It couldn’t be because Flor is gorgeous and, despite her recent behavior, a really good person; while Ana is a nasty, envious, selfish brat.] She goes on and on about Flor ruining her happiness and says that she hates her sister. [Flor should have left her picking corn and being periodically flogged by the straw bosses.]

Zahra says to Flor outside the room that Ana is mal, which I assume means a bit nuts. FINALLY!!! Flor says she’s not suffering from love but from being capricious. She’s been playing life and death games. She says Ana has been competing with her since she was very small. She had patience before, but now Ana is grown and she’s done putting up with her. She needs to get on with her life.

Cat is all excited, cooing over Sacto about the adoption plans. She’s so eager to get Flor out of Sacto’s life for good, and she’s really obvious about it. She’s handled the whole thing. Her lawyers have gotten a citation issued for Flor to come to court. If Cat were a bit smarter, she might realize that her constant razor sharp tongue being used on Flor may not be the best strategy.

Everyone in town seems to have a copy of the paper with the Gov and Flor on the front page. Zahra tells Francisco that this photo shows a lack of respect on his part. He says that her not showing up last night is also a lack of respect. She fires back that she was with one of the girls who took an overdose of pills. He starts getting overbearing with her, telling her she needs to realize she’s moved to a higher social class and shouldn’t go to the 4P’s any more. This does not work with Zahra. She tells him she’ll do as she likes. These are her people and keep his nose out. Bitchy Diana remarks that this is what Enrique and Francisco get for mingling with people like that.

When Flor gets her citation to court, she thinks it is going to be about re-opening the bar. She gets all dressed and made up. It’s so nice to see her and the rest of the P’s so happy.

Quezada and Mariano look at the plans and the boundaries between the hacienda Rojas and Rafa’s supposed lands. Mariano says it’s obvious what happened. Rafa never expected to get caught, and did a very clumsy job of moving the boundaries.

Cat shows up at the girls’ school oozing fake maternity and asks them to do something that will be a secret between them.

Mariano tells the Gov that that photo will be ancient history before he knows it. And what he needs to do is to become a hero. The heroic thing is to appeal to the desires of the voters; i.e., opening up the 4P. And it will be a venue for entertainment, have a casino, and will pay lots of taxes.


"Pilar would have to be really sick to have been involved in Ignacia's death, know about Gonzalo's involvement, show up to question him and then sleep with him when he lied to her"

many times Gonzo tried to tell her the truth but she didn't want to hear it. even more: he clearly told her who he is, and Pilar didn't accept it. so she doesn't want to hear Gonzo's truth - by asking questions maybe she is hiding another truth instead.


Part Two

Cat senses Sacramento might have a problem, and prepares the ground by starting to tell him about the girls being at the hearing. Flor shows up. She asks what Abelardo is doing here. First Sacto, rather stuffily, asks for a formal separation. If he thinks this will bother her, he’s wrong. She readily agrees. Then he goes on to say he wants absolute custody of the girls. Flor says she left them with him for their own good, but she didn’t anticipate a formal custody hearing. Cat jumps into it, thrusting out the newspaper and saying Flor is a terrible example for these girls. It turns out the document would bar her from any contact with them until they are of age. Flor is outraged. She refuses to sign. She’s sure the girls won’t want to be apart from her so long. Cat: “Why not ask them?” Of course, she’s rehearsed them to say they don’t want to see their sister.

Flor is heartbroken. Sacto looks rather appalled at how much he’s hurt her. She tells him he set a trap for her, not letting her know what it was about. When the girls confirm they want Sacto to adopt them and that they don’t think their sister cares about them, Flor signs. Wow, this was such a sad, sad scene. I wanted to slap Cat, who is grinning away at her triumph. Sacto chases her outside. She says she only has one question. Did he do it for revenge? He goes with the self-righteous pose again, saying she did the right thing. She then snarls at him: Si tanto te asquea mi vida, déjame en paz, muchacho perfecto. Vete con Catalina y tengas una familia feliz con ella. Quizás funcionará con ella. He looks pretty chastened. I think he actually wanted her to still have feelings for him after what he just did.

Ines is cooing away at JM, telling him he saved the sinner’s life. And that she would have been dead without him coming into her life making her happy, especially with the kisses last night. JM gives her a sharpish look and says he gets the impression she doesn’t really want to be a nun. She wonders why he’s asking. Perhaps he wants to marry her? This does NOT work. He finally seems to be on to her and says that marriage is not a quick decision, nor is entering a convent. And don’t be a baby.

Ana is working on Rafa, trying to interest him in her being his exclusive woman. At one point he tells her that the problem is that she doesn’t interest him at all. Even this doesn’t slow her down. She even says something about using her to make Flor jealous. She has an overrated sense of how good she will be in bed, especially since Mariano is her only experience.

Mariano has gotten some guys who were 4P clients to march in the streets asking for the re-opening of the bar. The petroleros join in. Lourdes overhears and starts snarling at Mariano. Boy this woman really brings the vicious. She’s a good actress.

When La Mina, Alicia, and a couple others are talking about what renovations the bar will need, Rafa shows up with Ana clinging to him like a limpet. He says she’s the new queen and everyone will have to obey her. What? Does he plan to go back on his deal with Flor to give her the bar?


"Pilar would have to be really sick to have been involved in Ignacia's death, know about Gonzalo's involvement, show up to question him and then sleep with him when he lied to her"

many times Gonzo tried to tell her the truth but she didn't want to hear it. even more: he clearly told her who he is, and Pilar didn't accept it

Alex, great point!

NJ sue, Ain't nobody playing with a full deck in this story. (subtitle: Psychopaths 'R Us)


NovelaMaven, I agree 100%, Daniel Lugo is an excellent actor. His grief at Ignacia's passing was so well acted, that I had one of those awful thoughts that sometimes happen to parents. What if... And had to shake off the image of my son instead of Ignacia on the slab.

He was great as Sidi Alí in El Clon also.

I meant that if Pilar is in league with Adolfo and knows the truth about Gonzalo and sleeps with him right after having Ignacia killed (and if she was responsible) then she is really really sick --which we know she is, murderer or not.

A favor: Does any one have a suggestion for a modern novel in Spanish that is light or funny. I would like to know for my cousin's twenty-something daughter who is returning from a semester studying Spanish in Costa Rica. The only novel in Spanish I've read (and not the whole thing) is LA REINA DEL SUR.

Daniel Lugo is really, really good. I enjoyed him in El Rostro de Analia too.

Novelera, I agree with you regarding the scene where Amanda had to face the facts of her actions and actually sign her sisters away. The scene was well done and heartbreaking. She's trying to justify it but Sacramentos response of her possibly changing her mind back and forth had merit. She had to accept it. Very hard to watch that.


NJ Sue, a very amusing book, while not new, is El Sombrero de Tres Picos by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón. It was written in 1874 and is a farcical comedy that takes place in Spain. Our Spanish class loved it.

Anything by Isabel Allende is fairly entertaining and easy reading.

NOVELERA: Thanks so much for your suggestions. I'll have a look at both authors.
Susan (NJ Sue)


NJ sue,
To add to Novelera's comment --
You might want to look at Isabel Allende's book of short stories, "Cuentos de Eva Luna". Also, she's written a couple of preteen level novels. "La ciudad de las bestias" is fun and accessible for an intermediate-level adult.

Angeles Mastretta is a Mexican writer who grew up in Puebla and her fiction reflects her background. I love her collection of very short stories: "Mujeres de ojos grandes". I also liked her novel, "Arráncame la vida" (which was made into a movie filmed in Puebla a couple of years ago).

Laura Esquivel's "Como agua para chocolate" is wonderful and so is the movie based on the novel.

Mario Vargas Llosa is a Peruvian writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2010. But I love him for one of his minor works, a novel called "La tía Julia y el escribidor". The "escribidor" of the title creates radio soap operas. It's a crazy and hilarious story but might be a little challenging.


I'm gonna drop this one guys. Absolutely nothing there to keep my interest.


There was some AMAZING scenes last night with Flor and Rafa and then later with Flor and Ana.

We've talked before about the ability of the lead actress, but wow! Did you see her eyes when she put Rafael in his place? And then when she got mad and told him "pegame!". Really good.

When she told Ana and Rafa that she had divorced Sacto and that she had granted him rights to adopt Susana and Beba...the look on both of their faces was priceless. And then to leave them with no doubt-how much clearer do I have to be so that you two understand that NOBODY is important to me. Wow!

The last scene where Rafael tricked Ana into putting on a mask so he could let the other guy have his way with her en silencio really threw me for a loop. Not that Rafa wants to watch, just the fact that his equipment aint working with anyone other than Flor.


Since not too many people are watching this show, I may start writing summaries every few days.

Cris is ecstatic at having found Marisa and Lalo on the street. She still hedges in giving him info, only telling him her first name. He gives her an invitation for the Benefit Gala for his mother, in a few days. Then she has to go.

His staff still can't figure out who she is. Cris hopes she'll show up at the gala.

In Mexico, Victor calls the only New York number he knows, Belinda's. She won't reveal Marisa's number, and her husband, Hugo, beats her again, thinking the call was from her lover or something. Beli tells Marisa, who apologizes, then calls Victor to tell him to stop bothering them.

Estanislo approaches Jerome, who needs a job. Stan has a job for Jerome, which probably involves tricking Marisa into something. Jerome is hesitant, but there is that big wad of cash.....

Sara orders just one ticket for the gala, getting Bruno mad. Later, she's told that the price for one ticket is $3000, but for a couple, it's $2500 total (yeah, right!). So she goes with the couple, tells Bruno she'll deign to let him go, but he has to pretend he's gay, since that's what she told Cris.

Cris doesn't just own construction companies, he also owns a drug company. Told that someone's faking the drug trials to make it look as if a drug is safe when it really isn't, he tells Lucas, his driver and cuate, they're going to go undercover again.

All the other maids want Mari to go to the party (they even try to get Lalo to help), but so far, she's opposed to the idea. However, when see finds that Sara is sort of researching Cris, this may change her mind. She'll need a dress.


Much of this episode was the grieving for Ignacia. Each character reacts differently.

Javier first thinks of throwing himself off the balcony, but is rescued by Ignacia's ghost voice. He then decides that Pilar must have been the murderer! He confronts her, and of course she'll tell him he's crazy.

Renato asks Gonzalo, where were YOU last night? Gonzo says in his apartment, but Renato's not too sure. He may also be near a heart attack.

Eva says there's a word when you lose your wife, your parent, or your husband (widow, orphan, widower). But losing a child is so awful, there's no name for the parent who survives.

Carola is frantic to find what happened, but Carmen doesn't want her to go out. Emilio gives her the news, and they go to Renato's apartment. Seeing Gonzo there, Carola, yells that HE must have been involved. She's skating on thin ice, as he wants to turn her in. But she and Emilio leave, and Gonzo is prevented from leaving by Renato's heart problems, Eva begging Gonzo to stay.

Emilio and Carola go to the morgue after hours, avoid the late night staff, and say their farewell to Ignacia's body. Carola doesn't dare go to the funeral. On the way out, an employee catches Emilio, asking what he's doing there.

Hilda tells Karen that losing a baby is the worst thing in the world. Karen shoots back, well you have a baby you don't love. That's worse!

Adolfo calls Gonzalo, we have to meet. I have a recording that may show who killed Ignacia. You're smart, can you come look at it?

I'm still thinking Pilar did it. But I'm not so sure if she's working with Adolfo, or if she just somehow knows what he's up to. I agree that Alex's question from the other day as to how Pilar would know of the meeting, is a very good question!


Great job, as always, Hombre. Thank you.

Gonzo and Emilio talk about how the deaths of Sebastián and Ignacia are following the script of "that damned book". When Gonzo presses Emilio to tell him who the next victim is in the book, Emilio looks appalled and then, without saying a word, bolts out. We see him a few scenes later banging on Carmen's door, looking for Carola. Does that imply that Carola is the next victim?

It's interesting how Eva and Renato have, at least for now, reversed roles in their relationship with Gonzaki. Eva looks to Gonzo for support while Renato regards him with hostility and suspicion. But Eva has a habit on turning on people. I expect she'll be back to lashing out at Gonzo tonight, especially after Carola's accusatory rant.

The scene in Ignacia's taller made more dramatic than logical sense. She's still lying on a slab in the morgue and someone has already boxed up her stuff and covered the furniture with dust cloths?

Meanwhile Pilar looks positively celebratory, all decked out in red, white and blue. I agree, Hombre, she'll brush off Javier's accusations easily by saying he's crazy. And she should know -- she's a trained professional.

Flor -

Thanks, Novelera! Yes, it looks like Rafael went back on his word. Not only does his equipment not work, but neither does his sense of "word". But what I loved the most was that Flor didn't seem to give a bean and has insulated herself successfully (for now anyway). It floored Ana, whose reason for living is to best Flor in everything and having Flor notice, mind, feel, react. Where's the fun for Ana if her sister doesn't care, doesn't feel jealous, doesn't give a hoot any more about what she does? Excellent!

Let's hope Flor continues this way. I just don't see Rafael having anything else to lure her with. Which also makes Ana redundant, although she doesn't realize it yet, lost as we last saw her in her blindfolded glee, thinking 'I'm into kinky!' I bet my witch of a sister never had THIS with mi señor'!



Rafa wants everyone to think he’s selected Ana as his bed partner and no longer wants Flor. I don't think he's gone back on his word about the bar, at least not yet. He told the P’s Ana would be the queen of Nueva Esperanza and everyone had to obey her. He didn’t say she’d be running the bar.

While the men of NE parade through the street shouting for the re-opening of the 4P Bar, Lourdes has again visited Frigida and Caridad, enlisting them in the Killjoy Brigade to protest the bar’s re-opening.

Cat is sucking up to Susana and Beba big time. Cat only thinks of Cat; it doesn’t occur to her that never seeing their sister until they are adults might not be a completely happy outcome for them.

Flor tells the P’s that it wasn’t easy to break the bond with her sister, but it’s done. She’s able to get over the pain she felt in the “Kangaroo Court” very quickly. She tells the P’s they are now her family.

Flor shows up at the bar right after Ana has jumped into the hammock with Rafa, overjoyed he’s going to bed her. She smiles sarcastically and calls it a romantic scene. She wants to talk to Rafa, and Ana is dismissed. On her way out, Flor congratulates her on the “teatro” of faking a suicide attempt to get Rafa’s attention. Bingo! Rafa tells Flor she’s gotten hard. She reminds him that his threats, persecutions, and killings have been the cause and why should it surprise him. He says he brought her to the bar to only be his. Flor: “And look what that cost you. They tell me you can’t function at all unless it’s with me. And that’s too bad, because I won’t be doing you any favors.” He gets up and she says: “Stick with Ana and see if she can te levanta un poquito la hombria with a significant gesture at his crotch. He raises his hand to strike her, and she tells him to go ahead and do it. He does not.

Flor also tells Rafa to have a great time with Ana, but that having the honeymoon after the wedding is bad luck. Look how things turned out with Sacto and I. We’re divorced. Both Rafa and Ana are stunned. She also says that he’s adopted the girls and she’s given up contact. This Flor takes no prisoners!

Looks like there may be a triangle developing with Piruetas, Manuela, and Avelino.

The Governor shows up in town and asks the P’s to come to the Plaza of the Headless Guy. Zahra and Flor ride in his car to that location. Everyone in the cast is in this square. The Gov points out the advantages of the new “Entertainment Palace” that is planned. Their taxes will be less because of the taxes presumably paid by the business. The funds from the 4P will be administered by Zahra and Rocío to be sure money goes to the town.

Francisco is griping to Enrique and Diana about Zahra’s appearing in public with the rest of the P’s. He says he won’t permit her to be involved in this dirty operation. I don’t think this relationship is going to make it. Diana is snarking all the time about how disgusting the whole thing is. Enrique and Alicia look at each other and each smile. José María is also in the criticizing chorus, saying that managing the money is still being part of it. Snotty little Ines says it’s a good thing Rocío didn’t win the election.

After Rafa finds out that Mariano has been out there to look at the fake boundaries, he goes to Peter and tells him he has to move equipment onto the land and start work right away.

Ana shows up to gloat about her new status and to ask for sexy clothes for her big night. She’s disconcerted when Flor doesn’t give a rat’s patootie. Llanero, you said it! Where’s the fun for Ana if her sister doesn’t care what she does.

Rafa convinces Ana they’re going to re-enact a fantasy of his. No kissing, no talking, and she wears a mask. He has Titi stand in for the actual act. Not sure if this is because he has no desire for Ana or if he can’t do it with anyone and doesn’t want her to know. It’s pretty despicable, even though I totally dislike Ana.


Great recap, Hombre! Boy these people are so very annoying.

Gonzaki has a very good point. Adolfmael wants him to come over for a brotherly chat after he's had Iggy lure him over and, he thinks, wanted to kill him. He may have only wanted him to confess on tape, but still...

And who does Javier seek out to tell about Ignacia's death? Why Pilar. And does she boot him out or call the cops because he's violated his stay-away order? ¡Por supuesto que no! And just a day ago he was giving her that shark smile over having moved her sister out of her reach!

Javier accusing Pilar is pretty ridiculous. We know about the blonde tourist, but he does not. And he's basing this on the fact that she said she wouldn't let anyone harm her family or some such.

I loved when Karen told Hilda off about ignoring her baby. I'm SO tired of this story line.

While Renato asked Gonzaki to go with him to the morgue, I thought it was outrageous that he stayed around while the rest of the family held on to each other and sobbed. That was no place for him to be.


NovelaMaven, I also liked "Arráncame la Vida". I have the movie version saved on my DVR, but I never seem to have time to watch it because of all the telenovelas!


One more thing. I thought Ignacia's taller was all packed up because she did it herself, thinking she was leaving the country with Javier.

La Casa

Novelera, that makes perfect sense about the taller -- thanks!

Great recap, as usual, Novelera.

Are Susan and Beba now living at Catalina's place? Catalina is certainly trying to manipulate Sacto through the girls but it was sad to see Beba so grateful to have a doll. Even before she became the cold, vindictive Flor Salvaje, Amanda didn't pay a lot of attention to her sisters' needs.

What is it with Tio Franciso? He gets involved with a prostitute and then gets all starchy when Zahra hangs out with her former colleagues?

Does Ines' mother know that she is pretending to be a novice to grab a man? does Frigida?


Jean, Cat suggested that everyone come to HER hacienda for the celebration. Meanwhile, she'd had the chocolate fountain and the presents arranged by Lucía. The girls are still living at Casa Rojas with the odious Frigida making them do the housework and, presumably, still boiling their sheets every day to kill the lice she says they have.

They haven't really said whether Caridad and/or Frigida know that Ines is pretending to be a nun. I was surprised to see her with them in the habit last night. I thought she was only putting that on to impress José María. I think it's likely she may have let her mother in on it because her mother was dead set on her marrying JM.

I know, Tío Francisco is all over the map. I despised him when he tried to get rid of Alicia. Then I liked him again when he tried to find her and help her in Timotes. I also liked his willingness to hire the P's, so far mostly Olga, to work at the hotel. But now he's back to being a jerk again.

Apparently he thinks the magic power of his engagement to her makes her entire past disappear. And now she's supposed to belong to a different social class, forgetting all of the people she was close to for so many years. Dumb.


tnx a lot, Hombre.

when I saw them rousing suspicion vs Pilar first I thought it makes her unlikely to be AC. but now I think since Pilar as a killer is tooo unbelievable the writer needs to prepare the audience. yet I can't figure out what her motive could be. protecting Gonzo could be a good (maybe the only) motive. but the 1st book was written months ago!

NovelaMaven, Thanks so much for all your suggestions. I have read Allende and Llosa Vargas in English, and will definitely look into ARRANCAME LA VIDA.

Alex, I think that Pilar had some motivation to destroy the Conde family. At the beginning,it could have been to get even with Javier --since his life and fortune seemed to depend on Renato Conde. Then she obviously knew of his affair with Ignacia. It might also be that in her early days of being a victim of abuse by Javier, she wrote the first book as a way of fantasizing what she would like to do if she had the courage. But Im still thinking that if it is Pilar, then Adolfo was her accomplice because he made sure people got the book and was respoinsible for all the clues to Rebeca. And he doesn't seem smart enough to have done all that on his own. He's always looking to someone else to tell him what to do. If Pilar and Adolfo were working together, she would have known where to find Ignacia, and might have hired the killer. (But I dont think the blonde in the background was Pilar. Why would she expose herself that way?) Wouldn't it be a hoot if she and Adolfo were romatically/sexually involved, and he was jealous of Gonzalo, rather than of Pilar? And when Adolfo tells Ignacia the exact words of her dream, maybe he knew it because Pilar knew it from her therapist and told him to say it.
If Pilar is not the mastermind/ murderer, then there is no other option than Javier.

Great summary, Hombre. In addition to Renato, I found the only other moving moments were when Carola and Emilio went to say goodbye to Ignacia in the morgue. You could really feel their pain at losing their sister, and how there would never be the 3 siblings again. (By the way, the employee who finds Emilio is the same woman who showed Renato and Gonzalo Ignacia's body. The Morgue director?)

Once again, thanks blogmates
for the advice on books written in Spanish.

I am really stymied and looking forward to seeing how all this plays out.

Una Maid
Rand, sorry we are losing you. Hombre, I am watching this one with some interest as it is the only channel I get and this is the only time slot that works for me.
So, any recaps about Una Maid will be wildly appreciated by me!
J in Oregon


Does anyone know anything about the guy who plays Peter the Petrolero? I'm trying to figure out why he sounds drunk all the time. Is he a latino actor going overboard on the American accent, or a gringo with really bad spanish pronunciation? His scenes make me cringe.



You're killin me! LOL. How about the faces he makes with every line. The anguish, the deep breaths, the worry! hahaha. This guy makes me cringe too, puro payaso.



Jerome was hesitating in taking a job with Estanislao, but Tania's granny needs and operation, and insurance doesn't cover it, and it's $6,000 (gimme a break!). Also, all he has to do is collect rent, right? So he takes the job and gets a big advance. We know trouble is coming.

Cris tells his family members he's going to go undercover again at his drug company Tecla, to root out the fraud. Everybody's opposed, but they point out how his Dad Tyron always fought for what was right, and Cris is going, anyway (with Lucas's help).

Everybody tries to convince Marisa to go to the Charity Gala, and eventually, after Sara is super mean to Lety, Mari decides to go. She shows up looking absolutely beautiful, almost like Cinderella.

But is a pumpkin looming?


Just like us, the characters have suspicions as to who killed Ignacia. Javier finds "Gonzalo Asesino" in red paint on his living room wall. He previously thought Pilar might be responsible, but she intimidates him by threatening to call the police, so he sort of drops that idea. Now he thinks Gonzalo did it, and they have a bit of a fight at the church.

Since Renato also suspects Gonzo, and he can't prove he was in his apartment, he asks Pilar to lie and say he was with her. She hesitates for a while, then tells Andrea, and later Renato, yes, Gonzalo was with me all day and all night. Renato believes wonderful, honest Pilar. I'm not so sure about Andrea.

Carola probably suspects Gonzo. But her Mom Carmen asks if may Ignacia had a diary (we certainly never saw this before). Carola sneeks over to the Conde house, goes through Ignacia's suitcase, and sure enough, there's a mysterious orange, book, sized plastic box, locked with a combination! Could a diary be within? Por supuesto!

Hilda has to watch her baby while Emilio goes to the church. Boring.

Adolfo invites a wary Gonzo to see his video of the shooting. Sure enough, a gloved hand was right outside the door, and shot Igna! They both suspect "the tourist". Neither notices that tall blonde "wife". They see the license plate on the rental car, and Adolfo tries to find out who rented it. The rental car company won't give him the info, but I'm sure he's not giving up yet.

So, either there really is a brand new character, with a motive we've yet to discover, who shot Ignacia, or Pilar is involved. If it is Pilar, either she a) is a very good actress, hiding her involvement, and finding out things with super skill, or b) could she have split personality, and not even KNOW she did it? I wouldn't put it past the writers to pull something like that.


AnotherAmy, Peter is played by Timothy Janssen, a Colombian-German. I googled and some of the info about him is in German so perhaps he's a new arrival in Colombia - not sure but if so it might explain his lack of clarity in both english and spanish - and definitely his height!

He did come over to TW soon after the novela started to say hello, and promised to post FS production photos. He never did though we even taught him how. Never showed up again, in fact.

Novelera, thanks for the recap!


Please ignore all my typos. I really should proofread better. Anyway, I also noticed that the tall blonde seemed to be holding a camcorder. Could she have taped it to look as if Gonzalo fired the shot?


Titi and Ana have some hot sex, somewhat spoiled by the fact that the actor playing Ana does not portray sexual ecstasy very well. That wide smile on her face looks exactly the same as when she thinks she’s gotten one up on her sister.

We see a very amusing montage of the estreno of Piruetas’ radio-novela (Ladron de tu Corazón). The comic relief is great. We learn the apellidos of all. Dudi Abdala is the galán. Minerva Dosamantes (Mina) is the female protagonist. Elena Rincones (CC) is the female antagonist. Alicia Fuentes (Malicia) is the singing voice that introduces the show and is heard several other times, and Manuela Rojas is introduced at the beginning as the producer. They bring out every cliché in the book in the small part of the show we see! Later on, both Manuela and Piruetas are congratulated in the street.

In the 4P Bar Flor tries to get Rafa and Ana to decamp elsewhere so they can get busy on preparations for re-opening.

Mariano tells Sacto that he and Quezada found that the boundaries were definitely moved between the Rojas property and where Rafa says things belong to him He tells Sacto, and JM, that they have to file a legal action against Rafa.

Rafa tells Ana she’s now ONE of his women. She pouts. Titi comes in and gets paid off, although he says he would have had sex with Ana for free. It was pretty good.

Francisco and Zahra argue some more about her spending time with the P’s. She again tells him they are her girls and she’s going to help them with or without his approval.

When the P’s are discussing how to make the re-opening as spectacular as possible, Alicia suggests that Enrique could help with the design changes.

Sacto, José María and Mariano meet with the Governor and show him the plans that show what Rafael did.

Ana is disappointed to find that Rafael is going to install her in Clara’s old house. She thought she was going to a great house of his. When Flor is upset that he’s moved in there, he reminds her the casitas still belong to him. After he tells Ana to go inside, he tells Flor that he wants to be around to watch the creation of the new bar. And, by the way, he wants to be near her because he’s sure someday she’ll need a man; and he’s the only one who knows what she wants.

Alicia comes to the hotel and Olga convinces her to take a tray up to Enrique on the balcony. He looks at her like she’s the last glass of water in the Sahara while Diana glares like a gorgon. She tells him she wants his help in designing the new look of the 4P bar because of his artistic talents. He catches up with her in some wooded area (?) and tells her she’s still his muse, and he wants to take some photos. Lots of great poses and then he kisses her.

Mariano comes to take Rafa before the judge. While there, he insults Ana and reminds Rafa that he was Ana’s first. He snarks about Flor too, which causes Rafa to go for him. They have a sweaty fight outside. But eventually Rafa is taken away.

Flor asks Zahra to lend the new bar her image. She doesn’t have to work there; the guys just need to think she does. Uh oh. This won’t go over well with Tío.

Frigida continues to torture Susana and Beba. At one point Susana refuses to clean and I’m all excited. But when she pours her tea on the carpet and is making Beba clean it up, Susana takes her place. I’m MORE than ready for this part of the novela to stop.

After the evidence is presented before the judge, he says it is more than clear that Rafa falsified documents to steal the land. Rafa pipes up that what the judge has before him isn’t the whole picture. Frigida shows up and testifies that SHE sold the land to Rafa. JM and Sacto are stunned. Now, I’m pretty sure this isn’t going to work unless they’re saying she had the right to sell land before Don Raimundo died. Because his will said she can’t sell anything without the approval of all three of the siblings. We’ll see.

Una Maid
Hombre, you omitted the fashion commentary of Marisa's gala outfit, which my sister commented looked like a billowy blue parachute. (Far cry from Mi Corazon.) Guess the costume department doesn't have a supermodel body to work with...
J in Oregon

Thanks for the recap, Novelera. I haven't seen the episode yet but reading your recap makes me eager to do so.


J in Oregon, you're right they don't have a supermodel body to work with. But I thought the gown Marisa ended up in, long, navy or dark purple, I think covering both shoulders, was the most flattering of the ones she tried on. It was a little like a greek goddess look, with flowing material which enhanced her curves without showing too much. I think it had an empire waist. Her hair also looked beautiful, curled, piled and styled to one side.

Even though she's not model skinny, I like the way she looks.


tnx Hombre for the great recap.

the message on Javier's wall was really confusing! if Pilar is AC (I don't see any other candidate) then who did write this message? it couldn't be Carola, she was in the morgue. could it be Diego? maybe he has seen Gonzo in Ignacia's car. who else could have seen him?
is Pilar trying to have Gonzo accused? nah! her deep love for Gonzo seems to be true.
I hope it's not Ignacia's ghost!


"wouldn't it be a hoot if she and Adolfo were romatically/sexually involved, and he was jealous of Gonzalo, rather than of Pilar? "

great idea, NJ! though after the last episode we can be ALMOST sure that Adolfo was not involved in Ig's case.

LA CASA -- jueves

Thanks Hombre! Nice work!

Pilar, by lying for Gonzaki, is also providing an alibi for herself.

"the message on Javier's wall was really confusing! if Pilar is AC (I don't see any other candidate) then who did write this message? it couldn't be Carola, she was in the morgue. could it be Diego?"

Alex, it could have been Carola who painted the message on Javier's wall. It took her a while to get back to Carmen's place from the morgue. We don't know how long Emilio was waiting for her. But Diego? Wow! Very clever. We shouldn't discount him (even if all the characters in the story do!)

Someone else was painting blood-red messages for Sebastián, right? (or am I remembering wrong?) In retrospect that person was likely AC, toying with Seb before killing him.

It would have been easy for Pilar to slip in the house and paint the message. Why? Maybe to provoke Javier into accusing Gonzaki, knowing she could provide a lie that would alibi them both?

On my tv, the locked box in Ig's maleta was blue. :)

The final scene: Renato is with Mabel outside the church when his cell phone rings. An anonymous male voice says: I'm the person who killed Ignacia Conde!
NJ sue, de nada! I think you'll like Angeles Mastretta's work.


The locked box probably was blue. Maybe I was thinking of Ignacia's cell phone, which was red or orange. Anyway, hopefully we'll see what's in it tonight.

I think Pilar could have painted the message. As to whether she really loves Gonzalo at this point, that's a good question. But if she's crazy and has a split personality (my latest stupid hunch), no problem!


"it could have been Carola... It took her a while to get back to Carmen's place"

when Javier saw the message, Carola & Emilio were still in the morgue.

"Maybe to provoke Javier into accusing Gonzaki, knowing she could provide a lie that would alibi them both?"

"if she's crazy and has a split personality..."

both are good ideas! so we have 3 possibilities now: Diego, Pilar/alibi, Pilar/split personality


J, I'm still recording so I'll stay tuned for a little bit anyway.


Great job Novelera. Is it just me, or does it seem too obvious that Rigoberto and Olga are going to get together? :)

I'm really having a hard time with Tio Franciscos attitude. What? Now that he landed Zhara he looks on the rest as lowlife? Come on now, give me a break.

I don't need to see Mina showing any arms or legs. The less skin I see on her the better.

Amazing what lengths Frigida will go to. Looking forward to seeing her fall.

Rocio is drop dead gorgeous. Just thought I'd throw that in there ;)

Did you guys catch when Abelardo came asking Flor for work...she called him papa when she said she'd be right there. That really caught my attention. Kind of weird since she's rejected him as a father over and over.

Cat is trying too hard, laying it all on too thick. But when she smiles, the girl could melt anyone. Including Sacramento. You can see his eyes changing when he looks at her..

Too bad we don't have a story line with Louisa.


Lately the new Pilar is much more attractive. When she isn't hysterical with her eyes bugging out of her head she looks amazing. Lately cool and in control, a completely different look on her face and she's incredibly beautiful.

I still like Karens spanglish, too bad more of them don't play back like Javier.

Hombre, I like your theory about Pilar having a 'split personality" --or actually suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder. These people can get into a "Fugue" state where they seem to be normal to everyone else while they assume another personality and do things they have no recollection of. That really could explain Pilar's often bizarre behavior, which I always thought was just bad acting. It could explain how she could be a loving mother and a murderer at the same time --because she obviously is not a psychopath.

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