Sunday, December 04, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #41 Fri 12/2/11 In which we suddenly have a friend who owns a dance studio.

Rerun: Pancho goes to Rebeca's to apologize. Becky has a gigantic migraine. Joke: she says her jaqueca (terrible headache) is killing her; Pancho asks if she's referring to one of the jeque's (sheik's) wives. She adds that there are no female sheiks, and that she loves his bad jokes. He's got another one about a cherry (cereza) who sees herself in the mirror and asks, "¿seré esa yo/cereza yo?" ("would that be me?/me, cherry?") Rebeca clearly has not heard a lot of jokes in her life, because she thinks it's brilliant. (This reminds me of a joke about a potato who was a prostitute. Punchline: "I da ho.") Me, I've had my fill of Pancho's jokes for the day!

Vince says he didn't tell Pina that the letter was for her when they were at Avon because he's too timid to say such a thing in front of all those people. After a brief review of the meteorological phenomena in his letter, she wants them to go into the volcano.

Pancho tells Rebeca she's afraid of her feelings for him. She says she can't afford the luxury of feeling anything. "Being in love is a luxury?" Pancho makes her feel his heart, and hers. Both are pounding. There's no reason to be afraid. She says they're polar opposites. He says negative and positive attract. It's too fast for her. He says he never sold fruit before it was ripe. (It sounded better in Spanish.) He thanks her for forgiving him, and leaves.

They've finished dinner at home and are chatting around the table. Fernanda enjoys the chaos and tells them what dinner was like during her childhood. Dad wasn't much for idle chit-chat. No talking at the dinner table. The only thing he wanted to know about was their grades. She'd be so proud of her excellent report card; but he'd peer at it through his glasses and say "that's your duty, Fernanda." Pepe says it sounds like living in a barracks. "Worse than that," Fernanda says mysteriously. (I think we can now guess why she gave up her baby.) (Speaking of which, I recently commented that I thought Fernanda couldn't fire Vince because he had some dirt on her, possibly concerning the baby. Now I'm wondering if I remembered wrong and that it was Pina who hinted about knowing a secret about Fer.)

Chela is in the kitchen, drying dishes with Chula and Goya. Chacho comes along with his lollipop and a shirt that I believe says "SEXY SATUR DAY." She says she has no appetite, but she'll keep him company if he wants to eat here in the kitchen. She excuses herself for a moment. Chacho excitedly jokes to himself that if he had hair, he'd comb it!

Pancho drives home happily in La Burra, "I know she likes me!" He glimpses his photo of Laurita and tells her, "sorry, but no way can I deny how I feel inside!" Then he throws her a few more guilty looks.

Chacho is breathless and excited. Chela is mystified by his good cheer. He tries to exlain it away with soccer talk, but admits it's because "you.. and me..." and then chickens out again and asks for dessert. After much more hemming and hawing, he asks her to go out dancing. Her reaction is not immediately positive, but I guess he's enthusiastic enough for both of them at the moment.

Mónica tells Karina all the latest about Pepe and Freddy. Karina closes the door to prevent Enzo from spying. Mo says he's never been like that. Kari says, "but you've never defied him before." Despite losing her car and other privileges, Mo can't stop thinking about Pepe's kisses and the dumb things he says and even his scent. Mónica doesn't want to defy her father, though. Kari says that her father should want her to be happy, and her happiness is at Pepe's side. Kari says she'd better hurry, or someone else will take him. Mónica semi-jokingly identifies Kari as a possible suspect.

I guess the volcano trip with Pina was cancelled, because Vince is looking for Candy with his telescope. He finds Fernanda instead. He crosses himself (to ward off demons, I guess) and lets the telescope fall as he reaches for his phone to call Candy. (Phone, did you see what happened to the scope? You might be next.) He asks Candy why she's not in her room, and she teases him for admitting that he'd been spying. She tells him he's playing with fire. Pina walks in on this conversation just as he's saying, "I won't mind the heat if I'm in the same fire as you!" He tells Pina he's talking to Enzo. "That's like calling me the bearded lady at the circus!" Candy protests.

Pina wants the phone. Candy wants to talk to Pina. Pina takes the phone out of Vin's hand. Candy hangs up. Pina doesn't even check the number.

Bárbara and Rebeca rehash. Bar is excited to hear that Pancho's letting Rebe take all the time she needs.

Pancho visits Vince to tell him he knows the trouble-making letter was for Candy. She's his sister and he loves her very much. If Vince dares break her heart, he'll have to deal with Pancho. Vince says he'd like to break Pancho's face. They continue to exchange vague threats.

On his way home, Pancho intercepts Alex with a bunch of pink roses for Lupita. Pancho says it's late, so he'll take the flowers to her himself. Lupita is happy when she thinks the flowers are from Dad, but puts them down when she hears they're from Alex. He's a nice guy and all, but she's never going to fall in love again. (Good luck with that, kiddo.)

Next, Pancho visits the lovelorn Pepe and tells him to hang in there.

Next day: Tomás shows up for his plumbing duties while Pina is practicing her tai chi outdoors. She tells him to put all the new pipes over yonder. Adoración comes outside to get an eyeful. As they happily watch Tom stack pipes, Pina decides she'd like to take her yoga lesson outside today.

It's Casual Friday at Avon, and Rebeca is wearing jeans. Rebe explains Casual Friday to Pancho as if this is the first Friday he's ever been in the office. He's staring at her and it makes her nervous. He says it's just because she looks so... uf. (It is a compliment.) They have to talk about the Japanese investors coming next week. He jokes about giving them peanuts and a pagoda, or something. She asks if he's ever in a bad mood.

Fred visits Elena at the chat parlor. By the way, I'm not sure when or why it happened, but she is now calling herself Helen. He's going to take her someplace. She guesses it's a gondola ride at Xochimilco. Nope! He wants to take her to Brazil.

Mónica apologizes to Karina for thinking that she, her best friend, would ever steal Pepe from her. Pepe shows up and apologizes to Mo for yesterday (the scene in the car with Freddy). She tearfully breaks up with him.

Rebeca really wants to talk about the Japanese investors. It is a HUGE deal. He wants to talk about last night. He wants to put a name on it. It's called love! They look like they're going to kiss, but their faces are suddenly covered by strange twinkly things like the energy creatures I saw in a Star Trek episode, and we go to break. Dangit! These two are always getting interrupted by commercials.

The spell is broken. They have important things to do. "More important than love?" She wants him to stop mentioning that word! It's making her nervous, no, she's just nervous about the Japanese investors and want to get back to work.

Pancho wants to take the investors to a typical Mexican place, a dance place owned by a friend of his (also where Chacho wanted to take Chela). He wants to take her there tonight to check it out. They have snacks, too. It emerges that Rebeca has never had pigs' feet tostadas. She agrees to go with him!

Pina is trying to do her yoga lesson and ogle Tomás at the same time. Her instructor notices that she's distracted (because she keeps trying to look around him) and ends the lesson. Pina's friend Catalina shows up and they cluck about Vince and the letter. Pina's sure it was for Rebeca. "The same one from two years ago?" Cathy asks. Then she spies the new plumber and understands why Pina wanted to take her yoga class outside. She asks if she can borrow him. "No," Pina replies.

We're back at the chat place. One of the kids walks by and Freddy covers his nose. Fred tells Elena, er, Helen that she doesn't need to worry about money or anything - she just needs to get a passport. He gives her a big wad of cash. She is overjoyed. "It's only 3000 pesos," he tells her. (At the current exchange rate, that's about $222 US dollars.)

Cathy tells Pina she still doesn't have any proof (that the letter was for Rebeca). Cathy tells her to investigate Vince the way any private investigator would: check out his bills and credit card expenses. And then when she has proof, confront him!

Rebeca warns Pancho that the Japanese investors will be tough negotiators. But it's getting late and she needs to change her clothes for tonight's outing. They get closer to kissing than ever before, but then she hops up - maybe she feels a commercial coming on - and leaves. She fans herself in the hallway in front of Pancho's secretary Enriqueta. Queta is intrigued.

Now Pina is in Vince's office, looking for clues as Cathy advised. She starts tossing the place when Sandy walks in on her. Pina says she's lost a contact lens.

Pancho goes home and tells Chela he won't be having dinner with them tonight. Neither will she, it turns out. She won't tell him where she's going, but he says he has to prepare for the Japanese investors. She doesn't think it's ALL about the investors, but doesn't fight with him.

That evening, Candy takes a walk and feels as though someone is following her. She sees a man in a black hat, long black trenchcoat, and sunglasses (after dark) and jumps him. She is about ready to crush him with her fists when he says he's Vicente Irabién, and doesn't she recognize him?

Next time:
Abeja gets caught between Candy and Vince. Also: Casual Friday Night Fever at the disco!


Sorry for the delay. I really enjoyed this episode: It's setting up some interesting situations. Anyone want to take any bets on how long Mónica can keep away from Pepe?

Thank you so much Julie for the recap. I loved the twinkly lights around Pancho and Rebe. I think it is the ghost of his wife letting him know it is ok to move on. Like the candle in the living room that is under her picture. Everytime he talks to the pic the candle shoots way up with light. lol. I agree with you it is going to be hard for Monica to keep away from Pepe. She will find a way to get around her Dad. Pina ogling Tomas was funny too. At least he didn't have plumber's butt (you know the crack part) lol.


muchísimas gracias Julie

Madelaine, Tómas with plomero nalgas wouldn't be all that bad.

I just hope this TN can keep it up with the fun, it lasts forever.


Thanks for your recap Julie. I have been meaning to join this TN but am reluctant to add a third one. I hope to be visiting more often once the semester is over.

Karen, this TN will be around for a while... it can wait till your semester is done. :)

Sylvia, I saw where you figured about 40 minutes for CME without commercials and credits. On GH, it's down to about 36 minutes. No kidding. Soon the show itself will just be brief interruptions between commercial breaks.

Julie, thanks very much for your recap. I didn't even get to watch the episode until today so I didn't have to wait at all, hee.

I agree this was an episode of setting things up. A lot of things. I give Monica and Pepe a day. The poor girl is in too much torture and something's got to give.

Karen, things don't seem to move very fast in this telenovela, at least not yet.

Julie, no kidding about the commercial breaks. These shows are getting almost as bad as NFL football, two hours of commercials for eleven minutes of action.

How long? Not long at all, I hope! We need some action! Speaking of which, I loved your comment about Rebe sensing a commercial break coming on. I mean seriously...just go for it, kids.

Not much happened in the episode but it was pretty funny, anyway. I loved the little details like Vins telling Pancho to go to the devil and Pancho replying that he's already with him, Chacho taking a swig of juice for liquid courage before...almost telling Chela he's smitten with her, all Pina's junior-highish ogling/pretending not to have been ogling.

Thanks for the recap, and especially for explaining Pancho's jokes. I have such a hard time with those!

So, today's dose of edumacation:

lecho de rosas - bed of roses; pleasant situation

azotar - to flog

tunda - a thrashing, beatdown

ponte las pilas - stop procrastinating!

lagañas - sleepy-gunk in eyes

hacer caravana con sombero ajeno - to take credit for someone else's deeds

ojo de chícharo (y pico de seda) - keep your eyes open (and your mouth shut)

ajonjolí - sesame

chiflón - draft (of air)

tener los pelos de la burra en la mano - to have evidence

ni que ocho cuartos - absolutely no way

Thanks, Julia!

Does anyone think that Kari might actually make a play for Pepe if Mo keeps away from him for too long?

Does anyone think Pina will ever do anything with Tomas besides look at him?

Does anyone think things will go well when Tom finds out that Fred's planning to take Elena to Brazil?

Does anyone think Chela could possibly be more dense about Chacho?

Does anyone think the Japanese investors storyline will be nearly as uncomfortable as the one about the Arab investors?

Thanks so much Julie! No worries about the delay.

"Does anyone think the Japanese investors storyline will be nearly as uncomfortable as the one about the Arab investors?"

If there is anything TNs know how to do right, it's playing up uncomfortable and/or offensive stereotypes of other races and groups. Let the over the top stereotypes begin!

I want at least one of our couples to be happy. I don't need all of them to be happy all at once. We know that won't happen till the end anyway. But I'd like for at least Pepe and Moni to be happy, or Lupita and Alex, or maybe for just one kiss between Pancho and Rebe.

Looking forward to the dancing, but not to Chela being miserable watching Pancho and Rebe.

In the vocab, that should be sombrero ajeno, not sombero. Someone else's hat.

Oh, Julie, I think things will go just swimmingly when Tom finds out Freddy wants to take Elena/Helen to Brazil. Tommy will probably throw them a bon voyage party! Well, he'll probably throw Freddy one. Okay, maybe he'll just throw him.

Why is Freddy offering this trip anyway? That's a long way to go for some roundabout revenge snoozling. Does he really intend to go, or just get Elena's hopes up as a way of securing her affections, and then dump her? Or does he intend to use her in Brazil and then strand her there? Somehow I don't remotely believe he's actually just going to take her on a nice trip.

Incidentally, Mexican passports are apparently really expensive. Why so much, I wonder?

Julia, thanks for the detail and vocab - and the potato joke. My favorite line: "Phone, did you see what happened to the scope? You might be next." lol

I guess tonight we'll get to see Chela when she's really really angry. Kari's been a good friend trying to get Monica with Pepe. Maybe she would even make a play for Pepe if it would stop Monica from wimping out.

Niecie, the recap was by Julie, not by me! We're easily confused...but I'm always flattered to be mistaken for Julie!

Right now I don't think Kari intends to get involved with Pepe. She really wants Monica to be with him and be happy, but she isn't above teasing a bit about taking him for herself if maybe that will get Monica in gear. However, eventually she might do such a good job of hyping him up to Monica that she falls for her own sales tactics...who knows? She does seem to see his value, unlike most of the other snobs of their "class."

LOL, Julia! And I'm flattered to be mistaken for you. I really, truly don't have the patience for that much vocab work, but knowing more of the colorful words increases the enjoyment so much.

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