Saturday, December 10, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of December 12, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

LA CASA DE AL LADO – capítulo 135, viernes

So the writers had some surprises for us last night:

Renato’s caller forces us to reexamine the suspect pool; and we learn that Ignacia sí era mamá! – or so it appears!

Ignacia Conde died the way she lived – a selfish fool and a coward. Instead of alerting the cops to Adolfael’s plan – and she knew very well he was a serial killer and a continuing threat to herself and her family as long as he remained free – she went along with him, agreeing to lure Gonzaki to his death. So it’s hard to grieve her fate. Like Sebastián’s death, (he stood by quietly and watched Pilar drink from what he suspected was a poisoned champagne glass), hers was an ironic turn-around. But the grief of the people she has left behind is devastating.

Over her dead body
Almost everyone appears at the velorio: the men in their black shirts and suits looking like mafiosi; Pilar in funereal black, but in a short, asymmetrical shoulder-baring dress that is, you should excuse the expression, drop-dead glamourous. And when Mabel stands outside the church clutching a bouquet, she brings to mind a jilted bride.

Gonzalo and Javier glare accusingly at one another and even come to blows outside the church. But Eva, her sharp edges blunted by grief, says Javier and Ignacia loved each other and she would have wanted him there. And Carola always loved Adolfo, she adds in a nearly inaudible aside.

Gonzo is still trying to get someone to reveal Carola’s hiding place. He just wants to help her, he insists. Emilio warns Eva not to give up Carola’s whereabouts to anyone, especially Gonzalo.

Renato’s grief has turned to rage and a thirst for vengeance. He believes Pilar’s alibi for Gonzo but nothing can quell the fury he feels towards Javier for stealing his whole life out from under him. It is Pilar who convinces him to let Javier pay his respects to Ignacia; the sooner he does so, the sooner he’ll be gone.

Now Renato’s rage is focused on Adolfo. When Mabel shows up proffering condolences and flowers, he rejects them furiously. What he wants to know: Where are Mabel’s sons, Iñaki and Ismael?

The creepy voice on the phone:
Friday’s episode opens with the phone call Renato receives outside the church. Renato listens in horror as the voice – mechanically distorted to prevent recognition – announces that he (or she) is the person who killed his daughter and his unborn grandson; and he is going to do the same to the rest of the family.

Mabel runs into the church for help. Gonazaki, on the scene in a flash, takes the phone from Renato, who looks like he’s about to collapse. “Who are you?” barks Gonzo to the caller. “You’re the last person to demand explanations”, replies the voice. “You were there! Can you guess who I am? I’m very close to you. Right now! Right where you are! Have you guessed who wrote the books?”

The camera pans the faces of the small group: Renato, Eva, Yolanda, Pilar – and Mabel, standing alone on the church steps holding the funeral bouquet. [Let’s think about who’s not there: Adolfo, Carola, Carmen, Hilda, Nibaldo. And the “tourists”.]

After the velorio, the mourners return home:

Carola in her glammed-up cat burglar outfit, is still in Ignacia’s room when Javier stumbles back to the Casa Conde. She hides herself, sliding under the bed, and he throws himself on top of it. Tears stream down his face.

Carola waits until Javier is asleep – his limp hand dangles in front of her face – and then crawls out with her trophy, the locked blue box. As she is leaving the room, he sits up but doesn’t seem to see her.

Carola runs downstairs and then pauses. She senses that someone else is there and calls out: ¿Quién está ahí? She sees a shadow but before she can investigate she hears Javier coming down the stairs. She runs out the door.

Javier finds the front door open. He glimpses the shadow of a long-haired woman. The shadow disappears. “I saw you” he cries into the darkness. “And sooner or later I’ll find out who you are!”

Pilar, long hair loose (just like the shadow woman’s), is back at home. She heads upstairs and swallows some pills. Lots of pills. From a prescription bottle. It broke her heart to see how Renato and Eva are suffering, she tells Hilda.

Emilio stops by to pick up the baby. Everything went fine with “tu hija”, Hilda tells him. “Nuestra hija” corrects Emilio. And Hilda repeats: “Nuestra hija”. She is more insistent than ever that they get married at the end of the month as planned. Then they can all be together and he won’t be torn between her and his parents. Surely his boss will understand he needs a few days off.

Mabel returns to the Slaughterhouse in the country. Adolfo is on his way out, ignoring her warning of the danger out there -- Renato is gunning for him.

Carmen’s surprising skill set:
Carola, now back at Carmen’s place, puzzles over how to open the locked blue box. “I have some tools...” offers Carmen helpfully. She breaches the lock in seconds. [Oh really? And what is it exactly that you do for a living?]

Carola looks inside and then reaches for her phone. She calls Emilio – she needs him right away!

Si no por las buenas, por las malas
Now we follow Adolfo as he drives up to the car rental agency. The clerk wouldn’t give him the info on the tourists when he asked him nicely, so he'll get what he needs by stealth. He cuts the power outside the building (presumably shutting down the alarm system), breaks in easily and finds what he is looking for.

Say what? Mabel is a writer?
Gonzaki comes to the Slaughterhouse looking for Adolfael. Mabel tells him his brother is out investigating Ignacia’s death. He’s welcome to wait for him. Would he mind if she kept reading? Gonzo is surprised. He didn’t know she was so fond of reading. “Oh, I love to read” she replies. “I write too, but that’s something no one knows about”.

Gonzaki narrows his eyes. “Why are you looking at me like that?” asks Mabel.

At the Casa Conde, we glimpse a shadowy intruder in Ignacia’s room, the room where Javier wallows and drinks and remembers: “Ignacia estaba embarazada. Ignacia iba a tener un hijo mio”.

He stumbles to the bathroom to splash water on his face. He looks up and is spooked by Pilar’s reflection in the mirror. He makes his way back to the bedroom and finds his whiskey bottle lying in shards on the floor.

Javier is beside himself. As drunk as he is, he manages to negotiate his way down the stairs, out the door and across to his old house. He muscles inside, pushing Hilda and Karen out of his way, and runs up to Pilar’s room. She appears to be sleeping, all covered up except for her loose hair and one bare shoulder. “No puede ser” mutters Javier. He leaves the room, still convinced that Pilar was just in his house.

Was she? As soon as Javier is gone, she opens her eyes. Her face is unreadable. Is she fully clothed under that blanket?

Javier returns to the Casa Conde, enters the study and takes a gun from the desk drawer.

Ignacia’s Secret is revealed
Emilio has arrived at Carmen’s and he and Carola try to make sense of what they have found in Ignacia’s mysterious blue box. A baby’s pacifier. A card, crudely hand-lettered, as if by a small child. On the outside: “Te quiero mucho”; on the inside, a child’s drawing. A photo of a young boy. A hospital bracelet. And a card issued by a public hospital. Child’s name: Luis. Date of birth: 4/29/06; Mother: ICS. As in Ignacia Conde Spencer. Emilio and Carola are stunned: Ignacia had a child and they never knew!
[And here, gentle reader, a confession: Until the child’s birthdate was revealed, I was sure the child was Emilio. But we all know Emilio isn’t a five-year-old, even if he sometimes acts like one.]

Adolfael is back home with the spoils
Gonzaki has been waiting and now follows his brother to the cellar. Mabel sits placidly on the couch and keeps on reading but we can’t quite make out the title of the book she is so engrossed in.

Adolfael has the info on the tourists and the address of the cheap hotel where they are staying. But Gonzaki interrupts him. He’s anxious to share his latest suspicion: “Suppose mamá wrote the books ... maybe she’s the person we’re looking for.”

Where was mamá?
Gonzaki tells Adolfael all about the anonymous phone call outside the church. Mabel was one of the people there. And think about it – why did she come back to Miami? Of everyone, she has the strongest motive to do harm to the Condes. But the most important question:
“¿Dónde estaba mamá cuando mataron a Ignacia?”

Adolfael listens wordlessly and then runs upstairs. Now Mabel is reading at the table and we can see the title of her book clearly: Interpreting Personality Theories. She glances up. “Qué te pasa?” she asks, her face the usual affectless mask.

The nameless baby is getting a name
Back at the Conde apartment, Emilio tells Eva he has finally chosen a baptismal name for his daughter: "Le voy a poner Ignacia ... es una manera de mantenerla viva entre nosotros, de recordarla. ¿Te parece?”Claro que sí”, answers Eva, very moved.

Nibaldo’s recovery is remarkable. He should be out of the hospital in time for Hilda’s wedding. “At least there’s some good news among all the tragedy”, says Yolanda. “What tragedy?” asks Nibaldo, clearly unaware of Ignacia’s death. “Why, what happened to you, of course” Yolanda sputters.
[Man... why couldn’t they trot out a miracle cure for someone like Matías ... or Omar ... or Igor? I guess we have to keep our hopes up for Rebeca.]

Carola visits Ignacia’s grave.
“I found your locked box”, she says. “Why did you hide so many things? I have the feeling now that I never really knew you. And that feeling is killing me ... what can I do to understand who you were? ¿Cómo hago?”

Adolfael goes rogue – so what else is new?
The plan was to hunt down los turistas together. But cowboy Adolfael drives to the motel alone and then calls Gonzaki to tell him he’s there. Gonzaki takes the call in his office. While he’s arguing with his brother, Renato walks in. Without missing a beat, Gonzo pretends to be talking to the police, addressing his caller as “comandante”.

Renato is consumed with frustrated fury. “Help me”, he begs Gonzaki. He’ll go crazy if Ignacia’s killer isn’t caught. He’s ready to kill Adolfo with his bare hands.


Okay guys. Sorry for being so verbose today – I get that way sometimes. Just skim through for what interests you and feel free to ignore the rest.

Fans of Flor and Una Maid, it’s your turn.

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awesome recap, tnx NovelaMaven
I especially liked your point on Ignacia & Sebastian. both kind of deserved it :)

is Pilar tormenting Javier? it wasn't a hallucination. Carola too saw the shadow.
as for the caller, how could it be one of those standing near Gonzo? I mean how could it be Pilar? it must be her accomplice. who is her accomplice? why is he/she guiding Gonzo to find the killer?
why did Pilar cry? what about the pills?
there is no answer yet but increasing question marks!


Part One

This is a rather long recap, but it was a very exciting and well-acted episode, in my opinion.

Frigida tells the shocked group in the courtroom that, before Raimundo died, her cousin had a problem and needed money. They sold the land to help him. José María blurts out that his father hated that cousin.

Alicia tells Enrique that she can’t risk being with him. She says he wants a lover on the side. She’s afraid that if she got involved with him and he left her again, she’d die from her addiction.

Olga tells Zahra that Francisco agreed with the cook about it not being a good idea to re-open the 4P Bar. Olga also felt that Francisco was ashamed in front of Rigoberto about having found her at the 4P.

We have a great scene with Flor and the P’s. She tells them this will be the best cabaret in the country. She pointedly looks at Abelardo, who looks a bit better than usually, and says that anyone caught gambling or drinking will be fired. It’s great to see her organizing the troops. She tells Piruetas their new choreography has to insinuate sexuality but not be vulgar.

Frigida gives the document to the judge. It has signatures and official stamps. The Gov reviews it and says it’s legal. Sacto says something doesn’t add up here. Frigida knew about the legal action. Why didn’t she say anything before about the lands having been sold?

Flor tells Ana she has to work in the bar like the rest of the P’s. When Ana says she’s special, Flor asks why she’s living in the Calle de Consuelo if that’s the case.

Enrique shows up with his camera and tripod ready to work. Piruetas approaches him and warns him not to hurt Alicia again.

José María does not believe the signatures on those documents are real. His father hated that cousin of Frigida’s, Jacinto.

There’s a long and very entertaining scene of Enrique photographing the P’s. They are dressed somewhat like characters from the 1920’s, elaborate makeup and sequined dresses. Diana arrives with Tío and looks on. Zahra arrives looking hot, hot hot! Tío is stunned at the sight of her.

Sacramento, JM and Avelino discuss how much the land deal smells. JM says he won’t let it go.

Frigida is telling Rafa that she did her part, selling the land, and now he needs to give her more money. She sold the land for a pittance and has found out there’s oil on it. Rafa gives her an insulting little lecture about how business is done. Frigida tells Rafa she’s having a horrible problem with her son. He smirks at her and tells her it’s the fault of that cousin or is it that the money was not for him? Rafa then tells Frigida that if she tries to make trouble about this, she’ll be the loser.

Peter tells Cat that Rafa wants him to drill on the land right away. Cat says that it’s because he wants to get as much as he can before the truth is discovered.


Part Two

The P’s are having some champagne to celebrate the photo shoot. Alicia has become uncomfortable with Diana and Francisco looking on and excuses herself. Diana follows her to the dressing room and accuses her of trying to steal her husband. Alicia tells her she can complain when something happens between she and Enrique, but nothing’s going on. Diana says she’s not going to believe an addict. Alicia says she has no right to speak to her that way. Diana waves her wedding ring and says this gives her the right.

Alicia is NOT backing down. She tells Diana that whatever insecurities she has about her husband, she should take them up with him. Diana calls her a vulgar cabaret performer. Alicia gets right in her face. She says she’s not going to stand for another insult. And don’t stand there and tell her that she knows Enrique because, if there’s anyone in the world who knows him, it’s Alicia. She may not have a ring and a piece of paper, but she was with him again and again and it was delicious. He painted her more than 70 times, and he painted her skin. If Diana says she knows something about her husband, it must be his shirt tail! Diana shrieks that she’s lying. Alicia loses it and grabs a knife and puts it to Diana’s throat.

When Rafa returns from the court, Ana whines that she thought she’d be a widow before marrying Rafa. He’s not pleased by that. He tells her she has to work, just like Flor said.

Enrique comes into the dressing room and tells Alicia that Diana hasn’t done anything to her. Alicia still doesn’t back down. She tells him it’s clear he doesn’t know his wife. With the knife still at Diana’s throat, she tells her to speak up and tell him how she came to wave her ring in Alicia’s face and to call her perra, cabaretera y adicta. Enrique gets the knife away from Alicia and tells her he believes her. He gently tells her to be careful and that she could go to jail for this. She tells him to tell his wife that women like her know how to defend themselves. He looks at her sadly and gives her back her knife.

Cat tells Sacto that they have to do something.

When Ana shows up at the P’s, Flor tells her, too bad, the photographer already left

José María tells Frigida that his father would never sell land for her cousin Jacinto. And if the signature weren’t really his? He tells her he’s going to get to the bottom of it.

Cat butters Sacto up, telling him Amanda made him feel worthless, but he’s outstanding and so very handsome.

Ana brags to the P’s about her night with Rafa, telling them how tender he was. They look amazed. They tell her he’s a stud all right, but tender?

Rafa gets very familiar with Zahra in the street. When she asks what he’s doing around here, he tells her he’s watching over his new business venture. She reminds him that the only owner of the bar is Flor Salvaje. He puts his hand on her waist. Francisco is watching around the corner. Unfortunately he leaves before he sees her tell Rafa to get lost.

Susana and Beba have come to Cat’s hacienda. She puts them at the table with a great meal. She sees that they have blisters on their hands. Beba is about to tell the truth about Frigida, but Susana kicks her under the table. Rats!

Diana rags on Enrique about Alicia and about working for Flor. She sarcastically says she’s sure he blames her for what happened. He says: Yes, he does; he’s sure she provoked Alicia. She keeps picking the scab and asks if he feels something for Alicia. He tells her he doesn’t want to hurt her, but yes he feels a lot still for Alicia.


Part Three

Avelino finds Manuela walking home in a slinky 4P dress and with makeup on. She’d been in the photo shoot also. He admires her and bends to kiss her. As I knew would happen, Frigida roars out, tells Avelino he’s fired, and forces Manuela to take an interminable shower and wash her mouth over and over. Why in blue blazes does Manuela take this crap from her crazy mother?

José María gets the guy who was his father’s lawyer involved. He wants him to ascertain if the signatures are real.

Francisco is angry about what happened with Rafa in the street and gives Zahra an ultimatum when she comes to the hotel. Either it’s him or the 4P. She has to choose.

Ana appears in her undies wanting another night with Rafa. Flor shows up and tells him that she wants to show him the designs Enrique brought her. She’d like his opinion. Would he spend the night with her? Ana looks on slack jawed.

Thanks so much, Novelera. I agree that Friday was a great episode. Loved the photoshoot. All the girls and Manuela looked great.

Loved the scene with Alicia and Diana.

Poor Manuela got caught in her sexy getup and Frigida, who is clearly una loca makes her stay in the shower for a long time.

So Frigida has some secret. Didn't Rafa ask her for what she wanted the money from the land sale. She was evasive.


Terrific, recap, NovelaMaven. Yes, intriguing questions keep coming up. When I saw the title of Mabel's book, "Interesting Personality Theories", I thought that's more evidence that maybe Pilar has multiple personality disorder.

But Mabel talking about her writing makes her look suspicious. And why DID she come back to Miami? We think she really loves Renato, but do we know for SURE?

The revelation that Ignacia (probably) had a child, who is now five, seems off the wall. But then again, could it be the father of that child, jilted and cut out of the Conde fortune, who is behind the killings? Could this unnamed father be the tourist?

To me, there doesn't seem to be any way the writers can tie everything together, since they've gone off in so many directions. But that's okay. I just love to keep guessing!


At the charity gala, Marisa and Cris dance, look into each other's eyes, and hope the "dream" never ends. Meanwhile, everyone else is trying to discover Marisa's story. Bruno dances with her, asks a few questions, and is convinced she is ultra rich, and has several bodyguards in attendance at this event. Tito is working with Tyron's security team, headed by a woman with dark hair, who manage to get Marisa's fingerprints. They should have the answer soon.

And Sara keeps thinking she knows that girl from somewhere. Finally, at the end of the episode, she realizes Marisa was a MAID in her room!

But by this time, Marisa and Cris are back in HIS room, and they've made love!

Since this seems like a typical novela, we know that they'll now be separated, and the next six months will be taken up by various schemes before they finally get back to together in the end. Let the fun begin!

Flor Salvaje

novelera, another Great recap!

thank you so much...


I'm having trouble understanding the Jerome character. Supposed to be a guy from the hood who plays basketball and apparently has picked up Spanish along the way. They even go to the trouble of having him use "terrorifica" for terrific during a conversation with his girl and Lalito. Yeah it's a stretch pero buenooo. Maybe it's just me, but if his spoken English didn't sound like a native Spanish speaker trying to speak English..


I really liked the scene with Alicia and Diana.
I was seriously cracking up while watching Francisco's and Diana's faces during the photoshoot. So good! lol.
I was hoping when Cat discovered the blisters that Frigida would be found out.


When Javier looked up into the mirror after washing his face and saw Pilar in the reflection, that was seriously creepy. Good music, good effect.


I love the way you organize your recaps, NovelaMaven. You have a real talent for writing.

I can't really say too much about the episode because, to me, there's so little real humanity in these cartoonish people that I don't even remember one thing that has happened as soon as they do that close shot of some character's eyes at the end.

But I do keep watching. The end is in sight and, like everyone else, I'm curious to see who killed Ignacia.

Somehow I have a corazonada that it's not Pilar. Lots of people have been suspecting her for a while now, but I think it's red herrings. Maybe we should vote on it!

LA CASA DE AL LADO -- viernes

Well-put, Alex: "No answer yet but increasing question marks!"

I don't think Pilar's reflection was a hallucination either.

Hombre, I wasn't even thinking about who the father of Ignacia's maybe baby could be. Interesting point. I was more caught up in wondering what happened to the child -- through selfishness or carelessness, did she do something that caused his death?

Novelera, thank you (although of course, you exaggerate). So did Pilar kill Ignacia? I don't know. But she is involved somehow and we are just starting to see her dark side. We DO know she's not afraid to pull the trigger of a gun.

Rand, Hombre had mentioned the music a while ago too. I agree that they are good at creating a scary, tense mood with music from one scene to the next. But I would have liked a distintive opening theme too, not just the few notes that open each episode. I liked the energetic hip-hop kind of theme that Alguien used, for example.

If we go back to the beginning of this story and remember the Agatha Christie novel that inspired it, we have to assume that among our core group -- Renato, Eva, Ignacia, Emilio, Carola, Yolanda, Nibaldo, Pilar, Javier, Adolfo and Gonzalo -- no one is truly innocent. Every single character will be unmasked as "not what he (or she) seems". But one will be the master puppeteer, the one pulling everyone else's strings. As that brilliant social commentator Karen might say: Ooooh, spooooky!!!


I absolutely loved the intro music in Alguien. The show was so good, the music coming on after the first 8 minutes or so of scenes was the best!


So much happened in Friday's episode that it was all I could do in my recap was report the events, without much editorializing.

I'm fascinated by Monica Spears portrayal of Amanda/Flor Salvaje. Her facial expressions are amazing. It's very hard to tell what she's really thinking and/or feeling. In an inferior novela or acting performance the actor would make it obvious that they'd driven away their true love for pure reasons.

Sometimes I think Rafael is right; that on some level she does desire him.

Her behavior with Ana right now is SO different. Maybe it's about what she said to the P's: that Ana has to hit her head on the wall to get the point, and she's helping her get there. Other times it seems like she really has lost all feelings for the girl and wants to taunt her.

I love the scenes where she's working with the P's, and now Enrique, to turn the 4P into an amazing success. Her face lights up. Will this be the one novela where the protagonist doesn't end up with a great guy? How refreshing that would be!

What a fabulous recap. Thanks so much NovelaMaven. I agree with Novelera that you have a real talent for writing.

I think Mabel's sudden revelation that she loves to read and writes as well is a red herring. Why would she suddenly divulge these things when she hardly has given her sons the time of day --especially about anything personal. About her reading a book about personality theory, maybe she wants to understand her two psychopathic sons. anyway, the whole Mabel thing seemed ridiculous. Having said that, she'll probably be A.C. She certainly has the motivation.

Pilar and her one-shouldered black dress...funny thing to wear to a funeral, but ever so convenient regarding her one arm outside of the cover.

Whoever made the phone call had to be an accomplice. No one could have made it --including voice disguise-- standing on the steps of the church.

I dont understand about Ignacia's child. If he's five, then he must have made the drawing and wrote the "te quiero." Who does he live with and what is that about? Do you think there will be some tie of his parent/caregiver to Ignacia's murder?

Does anyone know when this ends? I am going away from December 19 to January 3, and would just hate to miss the ending.

LA CASA -- viernes

Thanks so much for the nice words, NJ SUE.

As for when this novela ends exactly, I wish I knew. Anybody?

I'll be away for a little while around the holidays and then again in early January and like you, I'd hate to miss the end. It's a good thing for us that Telemundo makes its shows available online. Maybe that's how we'll both end up watching the last chapters.

I'm kind of warming up to your idea that Pilar has some kind of dissociative disorder. She could have one or more personas, each unaware of the others. And one of them could certainly be AC.

I agree that Mabel's talk about reading and writing is likely a red herring. If it's not, I'll be a bit disappointed. To remain true to the dramatic premise of the story, AC has to be one of the originals, one of the inner circle, someone we have never had reason to suspect.

Mabel may be an important character but she's definitely not in the first tier. She starts out as the sinister stranger late in entering the story. Her role: to reveal past secrets of the core characters. (Or that's I see it.)

About whether or not Ignacia had a child:
Yes, I know, tighten my beanie. But the doctor who autopsied Ig's body should be able to answer that question. Maybe that thought will occur to Emilio and he'll be the one to ask.


Although I have no real information, I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that since they haven't started "últimas semanas" or "últimas capítulos" yet (they're just in "capítulos culminantes"), we still have more than a month left, and it won't end until late January or early February. Just a guess, though.


Rand, I agree that Jerome doesn't really sound like a native english speaker, although his english is pretty good. You're right, they usually use native spanish speakers, who PRETEND they spoke english first, and pretend to mess up the spanish. However, I have a lot of admiration for these actors, who are often more bilingual than I am.

Another inconsistency is that this show is supposed to take place in New York (they show all sorts of exterior scenes there), but it's really shot completely in Florida. But I don't mind suspending my imagination (as long as the drama is compelling).


I think it ends 18th of January
here you can watch the show online

La Casa

First thank you for this tremendous recap, I missed a lot of what was being said.

When I saw Pilar in the mirror, I quickly thought of Bette Davis' movie A Stolen Life, where one twin replaces the other. I was just wondering with this change in Pilar, and with the caller saying he/she was right there, does Pilar have a twin somewhere?

Just an FYI, the killing of Ignacia has changed from the prior version of La Familia Al Lado, so this is getting very interesting, and maddening at the same time.

Ignacia has a child? Has there been any previous mention of her being away from the family during this pregnancy? Was she on tour?

LA CASA -- viernes

My pleasure, Nellie:)

When I saw Pilar in the mirror, I quickly thought of Bette Davis' movie A Stolen Life, where one twin replaces the other. I was just wondering with this change in Pilar, and with the caller saying he/she was right there, does Pilar have a twin somewhere?

Wow! The old Good and Evil Twin ploy! I love it -- Pilar either replaced by the twin or in cahoots with her. Usually, the viewer is in on the secret long before any of the characters realize what is going on. But a revelation of twins here would be a huge dramatic coup! Brava, Nellie for even considering the idea!

The first inkling we had of Ig having had a child was when we saw the contents of the blue box. There are all kinds of plausible scenarios to explain Ignacia's absence from home for a few months in 2005 and 2006, but as far as I can recall, there's been no mention of this time.

Alex and Hombre, so if you guys are right, NJ sue and I may miss a few conversations but we should both he here for the final episodes. Excellent.


NovelaMaven, a twin wouldn't be out of the inner circle? and too fictional? I hope it won't go that way. I really like it to be Pilar, herself.

it would be a pity for me to miss NJ's and your interesting comments.

Thanks, you gave me the insight of what I had missed on Friday. Now I know your website is available I will share with others. Great way of expressing the ins and outs of the novela....I am very confused but sometimes feel that it may be Pilar causing most of the harm.

Re ignacia's having had a child. Remember when she decided to be artifically inseminated, and then hired the man she chose to do it the "natural" way? (I dont remember, but I think one of the Mora boys did him in). Maybe the father of the five year old was a sperm donor --or maybe it was Javier!!!! Could it have been Adolfo --unbeknownst to him? In any case, I am wondering why it matters now --unless the father or caregiver is going to be involved, as Hombre suggested.

It's amazing that at this late date the story moves on without much repetition.

LA CASA -- viernes

Aw shucks, Alex -- I'll only be gone a few days. (I also miss NJ Sue's comments when she's away.)

"a twin wouldn't be out of the inner circle?"

Good question. I suppose a twin COULD have been present from the beginning but the viewer didn't know in which case the twin was hiding in plain sight.

Or she she could have appeared on the scene some time later and replaced Pilar. It would parallel what happened earlier when Adolfael murdered his twin and usurped his position. (Although the viewer and the characters always knew there were a set of twin brothers and that one had died. We just didn't know which one.) But in that case, it's true, she wouldn't one of the inner circle.

Welcome L1144!
We're always happy to hear new voices here. The more people commenting, the more interesting the conversation!

Part 1 of 2

Well it’s official. She did it!

♪♪All you need is love ♪♪♪
Vengeance-crazed Gonzaki has gone Gandhi; and Renato Conde, the epitome of reason and heart, is consumed with hate and a lust for revenge. Gonzo argues, in vain, that once you demand ojo por ojo there is no end to the nightmarish chain of aggression and violence and hatred. Choose love, he counsels.

Not likely. Especially when Renato gets another taunting phone call from the voice claiming to be Ignacia’s killer. This time the voice announces he’s coming after Renato himself.

Nor is mad Adolfael receptive to a peaced-out Gonzaki.
By the time Gonzo catches up to little brother at the tourists’ motel room, it is too late. Adolfael is covering two bloody corpses with a sheet and holds a blood-stained knife in his teeth. He is unrepentant – these two are just collateral damage to him in a war whose rules of engagement are understood by him alone. But he is frustrated. These people acted as if they didn’t know anything at all. It looks like they were just ... well ... tourists, taking in the sights, snapping photos. Gonzaki’s ears prick up. Photos! Maybe they caught a shot of Ignacia’s killer!

Gonzo finds the smoking gun
Gonzaki scrolls through the images on the victims’ digital camera. The search at first seems fruitless ... and then he finds it. A clear image of Pilar in black, her gloved hand aiming the pistol in Ignacia’s direction.

Gonzaki is sickened by his discovery and runs to the toilet to vomit his disgust and distress. Meanwhile, Adolfael gloats that he was right about Pilar. By the time Gonzo has recovered enough to come out of the bathroom, Adolfael has gone, taking the camera with him. Then we see Gonzo’s stealthy exit, taking care to wiping the doorknob clean of fingerprints. He gets back in his car and speeds off.

Meanwhile Pilar is paying a call on Javier. He accuses (of murdering Ignacia and Sebastián, of prowling around in his house, maybe to murder him too) and she denies. Javier pulls out his gun, aims at Pilar and demands a confession.

Gonzo has tracked Pilar to Casa Conde. His sudden entrance startles Javier, who steps backward, stumbling against the sofa. He falls back and the gun fires into the air. Pilar and Gonzo escape to la casa de al lado.

Gonzo knows he has no right to judge. He just wants to understand. But Pilar stonewalls him even when he tells her he has irrefutable evidence of her guilt: he has a photo of her committing Ignacia’s murder, a photo that couldn’t be doctored because it was still in the camera.

When Gonzo, shaking his head sadly, finally leaves, Pilar goes upstairs and finds Karen, Andrea and Diego huddled in her bedroom, frightened by the gritos below. She orders them all to leave, then sits wearily on the bed and gulps down a fistful of pills.

Part 2 of 2

And at the slaughterhouse in the country, Adolfael is printing the photo of pistol-packing Pilar. “Te tenemos, Pilar”, he gloats.

Hilda forces a confrontation between Emilio and his boss, the Silver Boys madam. Greta (the first time I recall hearing her name) summons him to the office for a meeting. She receives him looking like a blow-up doll ordered on a naughty website. Her message, however, is anything but doll-like. She’s not budging on the trip to Italy at the end of the month. He’ll just have to reschedule his wedding.

Emilio straightens up, looks at her calmly and declares that he is done with this double life of his. He loves Hilda. Besides, Hilda is right – he can find another job. He quits.

A Faustian bargain ...
Greta’s not giving up so easily. She has the solution to all his problems: ditch the little girlfriend and be her partner. She’ll give him fifty percent of the business. Just sign right here ...

Carola, Carmen and the ethics-challenged girl in purple
Carola is determined to find Ignacia’s son. She and Carmen head out to the hospital where they think Ignacia gave birth. They are disappointed at first -- the records clerk refuses to give Carola the info -- but a girl in purple scrubs follows them out and offers to help them find what they’re looking for. They arrange an after-hours rendezvous, when purple girl’s supervisor won’t be around.

Studies have shown: murder is associated with impaired sleep.
Sleep seems to elude Pilar. In the final scene, she has returned to her consultorio. She takes her cloth-wrapped gun from her purse, unwraps it and picks it up ...


I know the voice that spoke to Renato, I just can't put the face to it. I came super close a couple of times but it didn't happen. Frustrating! lol.

LA Casa

Great recap, I missed it last night. Pilar, Pilar, Pilar - did not know you had it in you. Two evil dudes finding out a woman is worse than they are, how will they handle it? Will Gonzalo ask Pilar to go on a murderous Conde rampage, or will he just ask her to kill Carola?


tnx NovelaMaven, a great recap as always

"I am wondering why Ignacia's baby matters now --unless the father or caregiver is going to be involved"

agree with you, if it has nothing to do with the murders, it would be a waste of time, like Emilio and Nibaldo's boring scenes. something only to fill the 40min boxes of every episode. I hope it would make kind of sense, though I can't figure out how this child could be related to Pilar.

yet we have no explanation for Pilar's accomplice. nor for the "GONZALO ASESINO" on Javier's wall.


Super recap, NovelaMaven!

Okay, I have a new theory, but since it is similar to Agatha Christie's book Ten Little Indians, I'm not going to post it, since if it is right, people might be upset that I spoiled things. Of course, this theory could be 100% wrong. But if you read the above book, and think about the surprise ending, you can guess what my theory is as to who is Pilar's accomplice. That's all I'm saying for now.

LA CASA -- lunes

"I am wondering why Ignacia's baby matters now --unless the father or caregiver is going to be involved"

... Unless the father is RENATO!

I mean think about it. Renato and Ignacia's relationship always verged on incestuous. Her other romantic relationships were ill-advised and when they, predictably, ended, she would come back to the first man in her life -- papá. [Besides, Renato wasn't Ig's biological father, a point of little moral importance, perhaps, but enough to squeak past the usual incest taboo in novelas.]

If Renato was the father of Ig's baby, then he would deserve to be among the "Condenados". But he could also be masterminding the whole thing -- he could have hired the person who made the threatening phone calls. (Consider Nibaldo as creepy voicer -- the guy would do anything for a buck. Even if he's in a hospital bed, he's talking again.)

Alex, I still think it was Pilar who scrawled "GONZALO ASESINO" on the wall: It spooked Javier and egged him on to accuse Gonzaki. Pilar knew Gonzo was vulnerable to the accusation because she SAW him at the scene of the crime. So she knew she could step up and alibi Gonzo while at the same time providing an alibi for herself.
Have you noticed?

AN-der-son CHUN-cler
A-ga-tha CHRIS-tie

They not only have the same initials, they SCAN the same. :D


Loved your recap, Novela Maven, especially the blow-up doll line. If there's a more fake looking creature, body and face, than Greta I don't know where she might be. If Emilio refuses her partnership offer, I'm sure the next step is blackmailing him with the studio photos. She already looked at them after Hilda left her office.

Well, I guess I had a totally false corazonada that it was not Pilar who killed Iggy.

Sorry, I can't remember whom to credit with the theory, but now I'm leaning toward mpd (multiple personality disorder). Bad alter of Pilar is a killer, but good Pilar doesn't have a clue and is outraged when Javier and/or Gonzalo accuse her. Taking the pills could be a clue. Maybe they're supposed to repress the alters.

My God, Adolfo is BS crazy! He has no guilt about killing the innocent tourists. They sure faked me out by showing a dead, blonde tourist. So much for everyone who thought the blonde in the background was Pilar. But then, wham!

I am SO not interested in Ignacia's 5 year old kid.



I agree with everything you said. I may have mentioned Pilar with a split personality, almost as a joke, a few days ago. But now it looks very possible (I also thought, wrongly, that the tourist's wife was Pilar). The real question, though, is who is Pilar's "accomplice"? I put in quotes because I think the person is controlling her, not that she's really working with the person. If my theory is correct (which I don't want to mention because it's like the Agatha Christie book), it would be quite shocking!

LA CASA -- lunes

I'm pretty sure we can credit NJ SUE with the multiple personality/dissociative disorder theory but maybe Hombre came up with the idea too.

In any case, it's looking like Pilar is one sick cookie capable of wildly inconsistent behaviors. It's funny how the evil Pilar is so much more attractive than the sniveling, submissive good Pilar.


Part One

Flor is beyond friendly with Rafa. She says she just wants his experience and advice on plans for the remodel of the 4P Bar.

Francisco is eaten up with jealousy and resentment. He says that Zahra didn’t do anything to stop Rafael coming on to her in the street. [Why didn’t she tell him he left before she pushed Rafa away?] She tries to convince him that Flor only wants her image and that she won’t be “working” there again. He doesn’t even want that. He says he doesn’t want to share her. She says that if her image is the same as her body, maybe he’d be content spending the rest of his life with a photograph of her. 20 points Zahra!

José María gives his father’s lawyer, Andrés, a document that represented a real land sale by his father and the recent Brigida “sale” and wants him to compare the signatures.

Frigida continues to badger Manuela, dripping from the excessive shower, and tells her she has to dress decently and say 40 Ave Marías and 20 Padre Nuestros. Cat and Sacto arrive in the middle of this diatribe. Manuela runs into Sacto’s arms. He tells Frigida he’s not going to permit her to treat his sister this way.

Flor shows Rafa Enrique’s renderings of the new 4P. He isn’t that interested. He thinks the dibujos are just an excuse to be around him. He says she misses him, wants to be in his arms, and can’t live without him. He’s as delusional as Ana.

Diana packs to leave for the city. Enrique asks if she would have preferred a lie about his feelings for Alicia. She says she loves him too much to share him, and she’s leaving. [Wow, I hope he doesn’t talk her out of it!]

Flor tells Rafa that she knows he founded the 4P bar as his first business enterprise. One reason was the money, and the other that he likes playing around with human misery.

Gabriel is whining about the prospect of CC going back to work at the 4Ps. He wants her to work at the tienda. She and Dudi tell him this isn’t going to work. Dudi manages to calm him, and when Gab is asleep CC begins paying off her “debt”.

Rafa finally gets interested in the remodeling drawings. They spend the night going over them. She tells him she wants him to finance the remodel, but she must be the boss. What he’ll get is 50% of the take. If you’re not interested, then you can go. Ana shows up and Flor asks her to leave. Rafa concurs.

Ines is talking about what Frigida did to Penélope with JM when Sacto, Cat, Susana and Beba enter the medicatura. Ines and JM see the blisters on the girls’ hands and JM takes them in to treat them.


Part Two

Ines, pressured by Sacto, tells both he and Cat that Frigida always knew about Penélope and that Raimundo was crazy about her. Her jealousy wasn’t normal though. What she did was get Penélope arrested as a thief. When she found out she was pregnant with Rai’s baby, she made a deal with her that got her out of jail. The deal was that Penélope would leave town, leaving the baby with Frigida. Frigida would pretend to have found the baby in the street or some such and raise the child as her own, by the side of its father. She filled Penélope with promises and then betrayed her. She left the baby on the doorstep of the church. Sacto looks grim and says that Frigida destroyed his life. Because of her he grew up an orphan. Sacto tells Cat he’s going to make her pay for what she did to him and to his mother.

Manuela meets up with Avelino in the street and tells him she doesn’t want him to leave. That Sacto needs him and she wants him around. These two are definitely falling for each other.

Ana has another tantrum and physically goes after her sister. Flor tells her to grow up. And then she tells her that the difference between the two of them is that she would never put any man ahead of her sisters. Ana, back in Clara’s casita, tells Rocío that she and Rafa made love all night long. Rocío tells her that just because he had sex with her doesn’t mean he cares about her. After all he’s been with nearly all the women in the Calle de Consuelo and clearly doesn’t love them.

After Ana leaves, Flor has Fideo hide and overhear a conversation she has with Rafa. She wants Fideo to tell Ana who it is that Rafa really wants in his bed. While Fideo listens on, she flirts with Rafa and tells him she feels like a horseback ride. He should come along, and maybe he might find her swimming nude in the river.

Zahra and Flor have a long argument about what she’s doing with Rafa. Zahra maintains that she’s been poisoned by Rafael. The same thing happened to her long ago. Flor responds that she’s going to make him crazy for her and that she’s going to go to bed with him. Zahra thinks she says she hates him, but that she’s partly in love with him. Flor passionately tells her that she wants to see him destroyed.

Cat cooks a meal for Sacto and kisses him during this. For a change he doesn’t resist.

Beba and Susana return to Hacienda Rojas. Frigida is waiting for them and says she wants them to clean the cellar today. Susana holds up her bandaged hands and says they can’t do that. Beba says that Cat is good to them and took them to the doctor. The evil witch tells them about Cat being pregnant and that, when Sacto’s real child is born, he’ll forget all about them.

Andrés shows up and tells JM that the signature on the newest land sale is false.

Flor Salvaje is at the river. She remembers being with Pablo there, and tears run down her cheeks. Rafa says he expected her to be nude in the river. She replies that she wanted him to be the one to take off her clothes.


yes NovelaMaven, your theory about the message on Javier's wall must be true.

Renato, the child's father? mmm... I don't think they spoil the father-daughter love this way. it means to suspect any close father-daughter relationship, of being incestuous (since Renato seems to be a great father loving his children, it would be horrible...).

novelera, I too liked the "blonde hair play" :)
the mpd theory was from Hombre.

I wonder what the next step of our murderer parejita will be. can't wait to see :)

"I'm pretty sure we can credit NJ SUE with the multiple ersonality/dissociative disorder theory but maybe Hombre came up with the idea too. "

sorry, I hadn't see your comment.

Thanks for another great recap, Novelera. I enjoyed last night's episode.

In one respect, it seemed like Amanda was pouring the charm on Rafa as part of her revenge plot and in another, she was enjoying having a business discussion as an equal with Rafa, something she really couldn't have with Sacto.

I can't remember what it was now but in either last night's or Friday's episode, Amanda made a reference to classical mythology that it seemed to be extremely unlikely that she would know.]

Was the whole story that Ines told what she overhead when Raimundo was on his deathbed? I don't remember all that stuff about agreeing to raise the baby as hers, etc.

Poor Dudi got his dick caught in his zipper as the comic relief. Those two need a room with a door. This isn't the first time their lovemaking has been interrupted by Gabriel.

I noticed that Ines dress thingy underneath scapular was pretty tight fitting. It doesn't seem like a good idea to let her overhear the lawyer's conclusion that Raimundo's signature on the sale of the oil lands to Rafa was a forgery.

Did you notice that Susana was upset when Gabriel told her that Dudi and CC were novios? Long ago, there was a little spark when those two met and then Dudi lost his virginity and his mind over CC but maybe he will end up with Susana.

Actually Hombre was the first person to come up with "split personality --which is not a real psychological diagnosis. That's when the idea of Multiple Personality Disorder came to me. Last night when they showed the avances, a sexy and rakish Pilar was running aorund in some black outfit. Made me surer than ever this must be the explanation. Although I haven't taught Psychology for awhile and could be wrong, I don't think there are any pills to deal with the "alters.' It is usually done through therapy. (Incidentally, when someone is in another personality, his/her brain waves are altered and not the same). I think NovelaMaven is right about the sleep thing. I think Pilar takes the pills to sleep. She takes so many, it's a wonder she doesn't overdose. Beanie time!

Novelamaven: I can see how Ignacia and Renato might have had an incestuous relationship. It was certainly sometimes suggested in the acting.

Hombre, since you're just making a supposition based on Agatha Christie, it wouldn't be a spoiler to tell us who you think is behind or with Pilar. I am dying to know who you think.
I am thinking Eva, or Mabel.

Novelamaven, thanks for the recap. It was great.


Jean, what Ines said to JM, I believe, just when Sacto and the rest walked in, was that she had either overheard or been around when her mother, Caridad, and Frigida talked about the whole evil plan to get Penélope out of the picture.

So, what Ines overheard Frigida telling Raimundo on his death bed was, I suppose, less than she actually knew. But I'm pretty sure she overheard Frigida say to Raimundo that she knew about the baby and that she'd fooled Penélope into thinking she'd care for it. Not sure why the business about having Penélope arrested wasn't told to JM at the same time as the rest of it, if Ines knew it. Maybe Ines was afraid the whole story might turn him off HER in some way. Or maybe it's just a continuity error by the writers!

Yes, I did notice poor Susana kind of freezing after she heard Gabriel say that Dudi and CC were novios.

Thanks for clearing up what happened to Dudi. I didn't understand. I thought it was like before when he used the pillow. I was thinking that, without using Viagra, why would he need medical assistance to "reduce" the problem?


Okay, NJ Sue, you asked for it! As you pointed out, who knows how much if any of this show is based on that book? We do know that AC are Anderson Chuncler's initials, as well as Agatha Christie's. Okay, if anyone doesn't want to see my theory, stop reading now.

Here it is: In the book, a character FAKES his death, telling another character that's the best way they can find the killer. So you can probably guess who I think might have faked his death, with Pilar's help (there would also have to be some help from the coroner's office, too). But it's possible, and that person could have some mental hold over Pilar. We'll see!

La Casa,

Have not read the post yet, but wanted to tell Hombre your comment was the first thing that came up and I have to agree with you 100%, that's exactly what I was thinking after I heard the voice on the phone during last night's episode. I can forgive Renato for not realizing who the caller is, because he thinks he's dead. Let's see if it is true. I would like to know what the ties are that bind the caller and Pilar.

La Casa,

BTW, after I heard the voice and it sounded so familiar to me, I then went on cablevisions (don't mean to plug them), free on demand telemundo site and went back and put the voice to the actor, so Im pretty sure Hombre is on the right track. (and I guess I cheated!)


Our heroes' bliss was not to last. Sara accuses Marisa of stealing her fashionable clothes, and her identity. There's a little truth to it, as Mari did put on the clothes, and wore them out to the park with Cris. She's prepared to accept any consequences.

Cris shows up (although they're bugging him about his drug company, Tecla, faking drug results, and he also wants to attend to that). He wants to understand from Marisa why she did it. She tells him it was a stupid dream, and it's best for everyone if they don't see each other again. No way will he agree to that!

Sara plays good guy by dropping the charges. She and Bruno then set up a news expose where the whole thing is going to come out anyway. There will be lots of pressure on Cris not to continue seeing Marisa, but how is this going to steer him toward's Sara?

Meanwhile, Stanslao has his henchman (Derek?) mess up Mari's hot water heater, then fix it, to look like a good guy.

We also see that Belinda is attracted to Gojo, the nice neighborhood guy. Hope she can get away from odious husband Hugo, who's trying to make a little Huguito with her, to her dismay (she's secretly still taking her bc pills).

I'm not too enthralled with this show, but the characters are attractive.


For some reason, this show really has me hooked. I continually find myself standing up, yelling at the scream, pumping my fist in the air, etc. Yes, it's all insane. But what entertaining insanity!

Javier is really down and out. He's been drinking. He keeps thinking he sees Pilar. It happens again, and he chases after, only to fall down the stairs of doom, knocked out at the bottom.

But Pilar was really there! Dressed in her black leather catburglar suit, eyes full of mischief and delight, she scurries back towards her house after terrorizing Javier again! But she runs into Mabel outside the house! Oh oh. Mabel wonder what she's doing, and Pilar is speechless. Later, she's back in her house, taking more pills to sleep. But Mabel finding a groggy Javier, and confirms that Pilar WAS there, and looked a little crazy.

Later, Mabel tells Gonzalo that Pilar is going crazy. Don't throw away your life with that woman, she'll be your downfall. Right now, no one suspects you. Why don't you just leave town and save yourself? I'll take care of Ismael. Gonzo says you don't understand love. He later order 4 tickets for Madrid. Yes, he's apparently leaving town, but taking Pilar and her kids. We'll see.

He's also seen a woman who looks like Ignacia, alive! Huh?

Yolanda had pretended to Nibaldo she had a new boyfriend. Now, he's "disappeared" from the hospital. Actually, he was just discharged, and went back to work for Javier.

Emilio turns down Greta's tempting offer of 50% of her agency, plus 100% of her. Will she want revenge?

Carola and Carmen meet with the unethical nurse, and find that Ignacia's baby daddy had the initials I.M.V. Ismael Mora? Iñaki Mora? There's also an address, and Emilio will go check that out.

In the meantime, he helps Pilar locate Rebeca, seeing the Crooked Doctor meet with Javier, and realizing Rebeca must be at his clinic. Emilio and Pilar (the shy good one) go to the clinic, but may not be able to find Rebeca.

Rebeca did say two words to the Doc. Gonzalo, and I- ña - ki or something like that. Doc tells Javier, who knows what it means!

Can't wait for more fireworks tonight!


Also, Renato is feeling no more desire to live. Interesting, the book Condenados says the Renato character kills himself!

LA CASA -- martes

Yes, this show is nutso and yes, I can't stop watching! Thanks for the super recapette, Hombre.

I was struck by a few things last night:

Javier's dance card was especially full.
>He had an impressive string of visitors: Pilar of the Night, Mabel, Nibaldo the Undead, Crooked Doc and last of all, Gonzaki.
>When Doc Turbio leaves, Javier calls someone and tells that person to get Pilar and Emilio out of the sanatarium NOW.

Mabel runs around seemingly trying to protect and warn people.
>Gonzaki, once again, brushes her off, telling her not to play at the affectionate mother. Still, he has heard her message -- he realizes he needs to get out of there NOW but he's not going anywhere without Pilar and the kids.
>Eva doesn't appreciate the warning about Renato's fate. (Eva doesn't know that "Condenados" ends with the family patriarch's suicide BECAUSE SHE HASN'T READ IT!)
>Javier is the only one who seems to appreciate what Mabel has to say: Pilar of the Night is no hallucination. (And that message was unplanned. Mabel's intention had been to find out more about Pilar, not to out her to Javier.)

>Once again Rebeca appears to her in a dream.
>Another envelope marked "Para Pilar" is slipped under her door. Wanna bet it contains the Pistol-Packing Pilar Pic?

Could Ignacia really be alive? Is there ANOTHER Ignacia?

Where is the trail to Luis's father leading? In 2006, Ig hadn't met the Mora boys and she did no travelling that year.

Who is the next victim, according to "Condenados"?


tnx Hombre, great recap

Gonzo went to his mim's(!) house and removed Pilar's foro from the camera. the conversations between the 3 were interesting. Adomael is angry with Gonzo's still ongoing love. in Gonzo's presence he makes fun of his amor and in his absence is doing some mischief making a copy of Pilar's foto. wow! Can't wait for fireworks tonight either!


"Who is the next victim, according to "Condenados"?"

apparently Renato. though this way, AC must be a seer rather than a killer :)


NJ Sue, I'm sure you're right about drugs not helping MPD, but I think I remember why I thought they would. In the TV show "The United States of Tara" the protagonist has this syndrome (is that the right expression) and she doesn't like taking whatever medication suppresses the alters because of the side effects. Apparently, if she takes them, they work. If I remember correctly, one of the alters flushes them. In googling I found out what you already know: It should be called Disassociative Identity Disorder.

And maybe "Pistol-Packing Pilar" [Thanks, NovelaMaven!] doesn't know that her office is a bad place to hide the gun. The manuscipts for the books were found there.


Part One

Correcaminos comforts Dudi because of his pain from the stitches, but at his age even having her touch his face and kiss him causes worse pain.

Rafa is passionately kissing Flor by the river. She reminds him with an interesting smile that this is the very place she made love so many times with Pablo. This is the place where the betrayal that drove him crazy happened. Here she made love from the heart. He doesn’t like it, but, as usual, his confidence in his prowess causes him to say the next time she comes here, she will only think of him.

As predicted Fideo tells Ana Rafa and Flor have a “date” by the river. Flor strips and enters the water; Rafa follows. Enter Ana and Fideo. Ana is beside herself with rage, while Flor has a hard time suppressing laughter. Ana charges into the water with her clothes on, threatening her sister. Flor gets out of the water and leaves. She tells Rafa: “Too bad, and just when I was “feeling it”, but I leave you with the replacement.” Ana catches on, and tells Rafa her sister didn’t come here because she wanted him, but because she wanted Ana to see them together.

Susana tells Cat and Sacto that she knows the baby is Sactos. And that this is why Amanda left him – because he was unfaithful to her. Sacto tells her that what happened with Cat was before he married Amanda, and that Amanda had forgiven him. He tells Susana that he wants to offer the girls stability and they have to trust him. At this Susana finally spills the beans. Brigida nos obligó a trabajar cuando tú no estás, de limpiar y coser. Y si habláramos, nos echara los tres.

Meanwhile, Cat reassures Beba that what Frigida said is not true. That she and Sacto would continue to love she and Susana even after the baby is born. And that the baby will be her little brother.

Rocío shows up at the clinic and overhears José María complaining about Brigida and her “sins”. She thinks he means her. JM assures Rocío that he did not mean to speak of her, rather of his mother. [This is what I love about this novela. In most others, she’d walk away and believe what she overheard for weeks.]

There is a marvelous extended scene with Brigida and Sacto. Of course, they moved back and forth, but I’ll put the whole thing together. To begin with, Sacramento shows absolutely no mercy or respect for Frigida. He tells her that at first (probably meaning when he found out she’d “sold” the land) he wasn’t going to be so hard on her, but now, knowing what she did to his daughters, he will have no mercy for her. When she threatens to call the police, he tells her to go ahead. And that the one who will go to jail is she; it’s a crime to exploit children. He goes on to tell her that she killed his father, badgering him on his death bed. Her eyes widen and she asks who told him that.

He doesn’t answer, but goes on to say that she separated him from his mother and she’s going to pay for every one of those lonely years. She snarls that his mother was a prostitute and that she had nothing to with her leaving. He tells her what happened. “You deceived her. You told her you were going to bring me here to live beside my father and, instead, you abandoned me.” When she tells him to leave, he responds that the one who will be leaving is Frigida. He lists the reasons: 1. She made him live like an orphan. 2. She killed his father. and 3. She falsified the documents of the land sale. When she raises her hand to slap him, he grabs it and tells her don’t even think of hitting me. And don’t even think of being anywhere near my daughters. Because it is I who will throw you out in the street. You don’t own anything. I only have to convince José María and Manuela, and with everything you’ve done, that won’t be hard. I waited a long time for Frigida’s comeuppance; and it was worth it!


Part Two

Meanwhile, in the 4P Bar, Alicia (looking absolutely gorgeous) and Piruetas review Enrique’s renderings for the remodel. Alicia is delighted, and says he’s a genius. Enrique shows up to speak with her, and Piruetas tries to tell him she doesn’t want to speak with him. But Alicia asks Piru to leave. Enrique tells her Diana grilled him about his feelings for Alicia, and he told her the truth. He also tells her Diana went back to the capital, and that he would have done the same if he’d discovered that the person he was sleeping beside only thought of someone else. Alicia tells him that, if he feels something for her, he should show it by making the 4P absolutely marvelous.

Rafa shows up where Zahra and Flor are talking, and confronts her with having set the whole thing up at the river. He doesn’t seem angry, and says that she probably fell in her own trap. “Tell me you didn’t wish for a moment there that Ana would not appear!” She tells him that she planned it so Ana would see what kind of man he was. He won’t leave her just because she asks it. He replies that, of course, he’ll leave Ana. He’s going to unite all the P’s that evening, and Ana won’t ever want to see him again after what he plans to do.

Back at the clinic, JM tells Rocío that he does feel something special for her, but when he thinks of what she used to do and that she’s still spending her time there, it torments him. He wants her to find other work. [Boy, this is a mirroring of what goes on with Francisco and Zahra. And went on with Sacto and Amanda. I think there’s a theme here that men are very subject to the Madonna/whore complex. The women they love have to be above reproach.]

Rocío asks him if Ines has been consoling him. Ines, of course, is eavesdropping. Rocío asks him if Ines is the one who has been convincing him to doubt her and causing him to remember her past. She tells him he’s falling in love with Ines, that Ines is the ideal woman that he deserves. Against this, she can’t fight. She assures him he didn’t do her any harm, and goodbye. [Such dignity and kindness toward a man who really led her on and then could not put the past behind him. The undeserving one is JM.]

Ines comes out of hiding, removes most of the nun's costume, and they appear to be ready to make love. Gak!

Sacramento goes to see Cat and accuses her of lying to his daughters by telling them they are going to all be a family. He doesn’t intend to fail as a father to the baby, but he doesn’t plan for them all to live together. He tells her he can’t let her love him, because Amanda left him empty. He only cares about being a father and becoming the most important man in the region. No one will ever walk all over him again. He can’t feel love for her. After he leaves, Cat looks like she’s aged 10 years. After Luisa assures her she will find a good man, Mariano shows up right on cue. He tells her the Gov has required him to live in NE, and he hopes her offer of his staying there is still good.

Rafa’s plan is revealed. He has Titi again make love to Ana, both wearing masks. Ana discovers that it’s Titi and rushes out into the street screaming. All the P’s are there. He tells her he never touched her. And that he only used her as bait to get back the woman he loves: Flor Salvaje.


Alex, Maybe I heard wrong but I thought Mabel said that the patriarch of the family (i.e., Renato) would be the FINAL victim, that he would commit suicide out of despair over his daughter's death.

Hombre, I am more confused than ever. I would have thought if anyone's death was faked it was Ignacia's. You speak of a male who faked his death. The five males who have died are Ivan (wouldn't be him), Matias (a possibility), Igor(wouldn't be him, as he doesn't speak), Carola's boyfriend Omar or Sebastian.
Probaby Sebastian is a good possibility. I hope we find something out before I leave on vacation, otherwise I will be cruising the Caribbean for 2 weeks thinking about whodunnit.

Novelera; As I said I haven't taught Pysch for about 10 years, and they are always changing the names and symptoms in the DSM. But in order for there to be a possibility to take drugs to deal with the other personalities, the "main"person has to know they have this illness.Usually the therapy is to flush out the various personalities, so the person is aware and understands their purpose. I don't think Pilar is aware of the things she does as the Black CatWoman. They completely forget what has occured when they are in this fugue/disassociative state --which explains the copies of the manuscripts, the gun, etc. and her genuine denial that she has done anything bad.

Someho I think Ignacia is alive, ,but how, since we saw her at the morgue????


NJ Sue, in the TV show I referenced "The United States of Tara" (I think it was on Showtime.)the "main" personality was aware that she had DID, so I suppose this is why the drugs worked for her. But she was not aware of what the alters did and was told about their doings by her family members. This was a showcase for some very good acting by Toni Collette.

I agree and also don't think that Pilar is aware of what the black-clad version of herself does. If our theory is correct, of course. So, in Pilar's case, the pills are to get to sleep, not to suppress alters.

Una Maid
Thanks Hombre for the recaps. Scrolling through, it is obvious that Casa and Flor both have much more complex plots and characters. However, I am signed on with Una Maid, since I am stuck with that time slot. Eduard Siller (Cristobal) doesn't really do much for me, but I agree that there are some other interesting characters here.
J in Oregon

LA CASA DE AL LADO – miércoles

Algunas preguntas nada más –

Is Pilar really crazy or just crazy like a fox? Is timid, sniveling Pilar completely unaware of and unresponsible for murderous vixen Pilar?

We saw Pilar make the latest call to Renato, a voice distorting device attached to her phone.

But how could she have made the first call since she was right in front of us when first Renato and then Gonzo spoke to the caller?

And if she made some but not all the calls, then she has an accomplice. Who?

Both Gonzo and Nibaldo have seen “Ignacia” from the back, several feet away. Gonzo knows it was Ig by her hair, her clothes and her bracelet.

Is she really alive or is someone impersonating her?

Could ghostly Ignacia be another “alter” of Pilar’s?

The camera lingers on Carmen lately. Why?

Could she be playing at Ignacia (for a price)? We know she’s a crook. Why else have a set of lock-picking tools at home?

Or could Mabel’s suggestion be true – Pilar and Ignacia are in it together and everything about the murder is fake.

But if Ignacia is alive, how do we account for the body in the morgue? No one could have predicted Carola and Emilio would go to check on it – unless they were in on the fake death scheme.

Did Ignacia really have a child or is this another red herring, an elaborate hoax by the evil mastermind?

And if she did have a kid, where is he? And who and where is his father?

Adolfael is enjoying himself enormously. Could he be more involved than we suspect?

Is Doc Turbio inadvertently protecting Rebeca by keeping Pilar away from her?

Have we seen the last of Sebastián? His name is still in the credits. (rats!)

And what’s up with Mabel?

Does she really love her murdering psychopathic progeny?

Is she really trying to protect Renato?

Why HAS she shown up now after all these years?


NovelaMaven, your excellent questions pretty much summarize the crazy situations of this show. Okay, here's my absolutely crazy theory. I thought it was shot down yesterday, but maybe not.

I think Sebastian is still alive. You pointed out (and I also noticed) that he's still in the credits. I think he and Pilar faked his death. I think he told Pilar they should fake his death, so he'd find the real killer. But that was a lie. He has a grand scheme to punish everybody in the Conde and Ruiz families, because they've all sinned. They also weren't too nice to him. Also, he's crazy, too, but in a totally different way from Pilar.

I think he knows she has two personalities. Maybe she had them years ago when they were dating, but she had them controlled. Maybe he brought them back out. I think he's using her to kill everyone for his ends.

And what about Ignacia. I think it's really Sebastian dressed up as her !!!! Okay, pretty far out on that one, but you indicated people only saw her from behind.

I have NO CLUE as to Ignacia's child.


Some of the things which happened last night are:

Yolanda finds Nibaldo in Javier's house. She's mad at him for working for Javier, betraying the family. He's mad at her because she has a boyfriend (she doesn't, but she decides not to tell him just yet).

Emilio tells Hilda he's quit his job, because he loves her. Also, he has lots of savings now. So they can pay for the wedding (which they're going to move up even sooner, I think), and she'll never find out he was an escort (until Greta takes action :)

We see that Pistol Packin Pilar is taunting Renato, who looks as if he's about ready to pack it in himself. She has a voice box which makes her sound like a man. Of course this doesn't explain the voice that called Renato outside the funeral home, when Pilar was standing right there. Maybe an accomplice did that. Or could Pilar have a twin? I don't think so, I really think she has those two personalities.

Good Pilar shows Gonzalo the photo, and says it has to be a fake. He says he even forgives her for murder, he just wants the truth. She is adamant (without saying it) that she never did this. But maybe she has some vague doubts, which she keeps at bay each day with another fistful of pills.

Of course, there's no murder if Ignacia's alive. Gonzalo has seen her a few times, Nibaldo saw her, and although he hasn't seen her yet, I think Javier is getting hope.

Gonzo and Adolfo think maybe Pilar and Ignacia worked together to fake Ig's death. I just can't see Ignacia doing anything requiring brains. I think she's dead, and someone else is dressing up as her.

We're now in últimas semanas! (usually 5 more weeks, which would coincide with Jan. 18th that someone else mentioned.

LA CASA DE AL LADO - continued

I almost forgot, Rebeca! She's moving her fingers now, but not showing anyone. When Javier grills her about Gonzalo-Iñaki, she stays silent. Emilio and Pilar are sure she's at that clinic, but the director gave them a story about Javier owing money from the Igor Mora stay, that's why they were talking. Emilio isn't buying it. I would think Pilar could get a court order to find her sister.

At Gonzalo's law office, the busty secretary gives him the tickets to Madrid, thinking that since Javier left (and Rebeca, and now Gonzalo), she may be out of a job.

Emilio tracks down the house where Ignacia's son Luis lived, but the lady there has only been there 1 year, and doesn't know the former occupants. So that's a dead end for now.

Both Eva and Renato overheard parts of phone conversations with Emilio talking about Ignacia's son, so that may come out.

Here we go again!


Marisa tells Cris they're too different for their love to work, so it's over. Sara completely embarrasses Marisa with a TV special, but she does it by pretending to defending her. When Cris criticizes Sara, she cries, and he ends up apologizing (typical).

We now see his new disguise to root out the drug company shenanigans: Glasses and a fake nose. Yeah, that'll fool 'em. He had a world class make up artist do the transformation.

Meanwhile, Marisa's out of a job. Will she fall for Estanislao's schemes?

LA CASA - miércoles

Thanks, Hombre! Nice work!

Your theory that Pilar and Sebastián faked his death has a lot going for it. Even so, I'd HATE for it to be true -- it just feels like it would be breaking the rules of play since he came on the scene quite late. (And also because he is SO insufferable.)

Maybe he'll just make some ghostly appearances the way Omar does from time to time.

I could totally see Adolfael, aka The Joker, dressing up as Ignacia -- what a great way to mess with the minds of the two people he seems to despise most: Gonzaki and Javier!


"They completely forget what has occured when they are in this fugue/disassociative state --which explains the copies of the manuscripts, the gun, etc."

a) but the gun and manuscripts were there, wouldn't she see them?
b) we never saw her being surprised about what has occured when she is in this disassociative state.

"Could ghostly Ignacia be another “alter” of Pilar’s?"

I think yes, Pilar is impersonating Ignacia. if I were the writer I would never have shown the morgue scene! :)

as for Mabel i think she really loves her sons. why should she lie about it? she was extremely depressed not being able to show her feelings, now she is getting better little by little.

FLOR SALVAJE - miécoles
Not a recap - just some thoughts.

Sooo disapointed in José María. He succumbs to Ines' paltry charms for sex and then she closes the deal by telling her mother that they are engaged! I'm pretty sure that JM will end up with Rocío. If this were a typical novel, Ines would get pregnant and die in childbirth leaving JM free to get together with his true love.

Rafa's scheme works much better than Flor's to humiliate Ana and turn her against Rafa.

The renovations begin at the 4Ps throwing Alicia and Enrique together.

The nasty Diana has left town but Enrique's mother blackmails Tío Francisco into working to get them back together by threatening to sell her shares in the newspaper.

It seems like Frigida may be heading for the manicomio. She put on an amazing performance of foaming at the mouth fury and spitefulness that left JM, Ines and Caridad slack jawed.

Lourdes tells Catalina that the only way to get NE back on its moral compass is to get rid of Flor.


Hombre, Sebastian's death scene didn't seem to be fake. he was alone in the kitchen. but interesting theory - if only Sebastian the insufferable isn't involved :)

NovelaMaven, I don't think Adomael despises Gonzo, but vice versa. (I may be wrong)


"NovelaMaven, I don't think Adomael despises Gonzo, but vice versa. (I may be wrong)"

Actually, Alex, I think you're right. Gonzo despises Adolfael but what Adolfael feels for Gonzo is resentment and jealousy -- sibling rivalry to the nth power!


As for Sebastian's death scene, I think he had to swallow some drug which made it look as if he were dead (for when Gonzo discovered him). It could put him in a temporary coma. It could be painful when it takes effect (it worked in Romeo and Juliet, right? :)

La Casa

Hombre, I agree with you who was calling Renato. The voice I heard yesterday was not the same voice that I heard the previous night. When I saw Pilar holding the phone I just clicked off the tv.

I do hope it's Ignacia, I would like for her character to turn out to be the slickest of them all.

It'll be a first, two have two meek women "outmurder" two nutty men. But I still think there is someone else out there pretending to be dead.


Ana rages at Rafa and, of course, she’s still mad at her sister, blaming her as well. Rafa uses the familiar Spanish dicho: Cria cuervos y te sacaron los ojos. by saying Aquí está su cuervo lista para sacarte los ojos.. Flor is not completely happy with the way this is going. She tells Rafa he himself made her believe Ana was his woman. He smiles and tells her he did it to make her jealous.

Mariano tries a new stragegy, telling Cat he’s no longer pursuing her as a woman and that he’s bringing his wife to live at Hacienda Lazarral.

Yep, Jean, José María is a prime chump. Right after they get it on, and she has gotten her way, she suddenly remembers her poor mamá waiting and that she cannot possibly make that journey home alone. He falls right into the trap. And now he’s engaged!

Rafa has Titi further humiliate Ana by admitting that he was paid to have sex with her.

When Ana throws Rafa out of Clara’s old casita, he comes to live in Flor’s old place. She tells him she now lives at Zahra’s house, so he’ll have to be alone.

Rocío is demonstrating some real courage by not falling apart about JM. She tells the P’s that what he wanted was a virgin for a wife. She’s willing to let him go to be with the right woman. Flor echoes my sentiments by saying he’s not worthy of her.

Sacramento confesses to Susana and Beba that the reason he can’t be with Cat is that he still loves Amanda.

As Jean mentioned, we get an amazing scene with Frigida. She’s got guns blazing at everyone. She has figured out that Ines was the one who told JM about what she did to Penélope. Caridad reminds her that she did what she did to Penélope to hang onto Raimundo. Frigida shrieks that Sacto is trying to steal the hacienda now that he has the confidence of her children. JM arrives with Ines. Frigida goes ballistic on Ines. JM tells his mother that she should not have had Sacramento’s mother put in jail. And, because of all the things she’s done, he wants her to go live with Caridad. We get more hysterical rage. Everyone in the room looks at her with new eyes. They see what she is.

Enrique and Rafa are now working together on the remodel. Francisco overhears their plans and looks very unhappy.

The reason Lourdes wants Cat to help her eliminate Flor Salvaje is that she blames her for the Governor not implementing her nasty little law about deporting any prostitute who was caught practicing her trade in NE. She sure is a nasty piece of work and Cat will likely help her because of her resentment of Flor/Amanda.

Sacto shows up to talk to Rafa. When Flor asks him what it’s about, he gets very nasty with her. He says that the fact that Rafa is one of her multiple lovers doesn’t give her the right to know what he wants to speak with him about. He also insults her when she asks about the girls, intimating that she’ll never see them again. He behaves like a complete, self-righteous jerk (what else is new!).

When he goes in to see Rafa, he tells him that a lawyer has certified that the signatures on the land sale from Raimundo Rojas were forged.


"...sibling rivalry... "
once Adolfael said to Gonzo "we were a team, you was my god". now he wants to take his god back (from Pilar). while investigating about Ignacia's death, he seemed to be greatly enjoying being with Gonzo again.

"Sebastian had to swallow some drug which made it look as if he were dead"
good idea!

So many interersting comments. I know I've missed the "discussion" but am only getting a chance to glance through the comments now.

I think that Hombre's theory about Sebastian makes the most sense. I am thinking that he knew Pilar had MPD and by becoming involved with the Condes was trying to protect her and prevent her from murdering anyone. I remember that before he died he was most concerned about Ignacia and kept discussing the threat of her death with Emilio, and I kept wondering why. Perhaps he knew she was Pilar's target- forgetting that it was written in the book about Ignacia. Although I'm not so sure he faked his own death. His death was pretty convincing.And he seemed nervous and afraid (of Pilar?) before it happened.

About Ignacia: months ago I wondered why she always wore dresses that looked like maternity dresses. I suspected that maybe the actress was pregnant. Ignacia's's never worn a dress with a waist --and the actress has a great figure. Maybe that she would always wear the same things makes it possible for someone to impersonate her. It could be Pilar, but she is much taller. For some strange reason,I am thiing of Carmen who is probably closer to her height, has the same color hair, etc. I think that Ignacia is dead. Even in this looney thing we couldn't have seen her corpse in the morgue and then find out she's alive. But who knows? It's also interesting that she keeps showing up at Gonzalo's house, although last night she appeared at Javier's house,too.

About Pilar: I am still betting on multiple personalities...and not necessarily only two. I think she is reaching the point where she can't control her anger (mabe another self coming out), and maybe the pills she takes are tranquilizers rather than sleeping pills.

Someone said she did not seem surprised by the gun or the manuscripts. Don't forget that she's owned a gun for awhile, and killed Riccardo Merino with it. I thought she did seem surprised by the manuscripts and definitely denied having written them. I believed that she didn't think she had written them. The problem is that the actress is not good enough or subtle enough, so it's hard to tell what is going on with least that is my feeling. I know it seems hard to believe, but a person who does suffer from this illness can be completely in the dark about what she has done. The fugue state is almost like having amnesia. People have been known to go somewhere for a whole weekend, do things that seem perfectly normal to the people they meet up with, come home and have absolutely no recollection of any of it.

If Pilar feels that she really loves Gonzalo and he keeps asking her to confess and says he wouldn't judge her, why wouldn't she confess that she killed Ignacia? She was outraged that Gonzalo would accept the fact that she was a murderer and still love her. Or was she faking??

Oh well....


It was a night of revelations. Somehow, even though lots of our questions were answered, the episode was a bit depressing. I think we LIKE mysteries!

Whoever said Ignacia is really dead, and someone's dressing up as her, take a bow! Whomever said it was Pilar (NJ Sue?), double bow! Mabel follows Evil Pilar to her consultorio, and when she leaves a few minutes later, summons Ismael to help search. They find a wig, a flowery dress, bracelets (Igna stuff). I don't think good Pilar knows she's doing this, but pretty soon thereafter, Gonzalo, Javier, Renato and Eva are shockingly told.

Renato just about killed himself, kneeling down at Ignacia's grave, putting a gun in his mouth. But he couldn't pull the trigger (also his cell phone rang).

We also find out about Ignacia's "child". Turns out Luis was NOT Ignacia's child. The father is Israel Mendoza, and the mother, married to Israel, is Isabel M - something. Yes, all the initials match. But Ignacia was just paying for the kid's schooling, since she's such a humanitarian. What!

More to come.


Emilio and Hilda's baby has a fever, so it's off to the hospital, Hilda fighting it every step of the way. The operation and treatment will use up all of Emilio's savings, so Hilda's sad about her wedding going poof! But in one of the very, very rare instances of kindness on this show, Nibaldo says HE has savings, and will pay for the wedding. Go, Nibaldo!

Karen is hilarious, whether being mistreated by Pilar, shunned by the kids or jealous of Hilda. Every time she opens her mouth, I laugh.

Javier is downtrodden. So what if Pilar is nuts, the fact of Ignacia's actual death has him destroyed.

Renato's hangin' on by a thread, too, and when Greta shows up at his door, demanding to see Emilio, you know this can't help.



And Carola goes for a walk with Carmen in the old neighborhood where the Mora brothers used to hang out. If only she could get some proof that Gonzalo is Iñaki!

LA CASA -- jueves

"It was a night of revelations. Somehow, even though lots of our questions were answered, the episode was a bit depressing."

Really? I thought it was very exciting, Hombre.

"Both Gonzo and Nibaldo have seen “Ignacia” from the back, several feet away. Gonzo knows it was Ig by her hair, her clothes and her bracelet.

Is she really alive or is someone impersonating her?

Could ghostly Ignacia be another “alter” of Pilar’s?"

That was one of my guesses though I sure didn't KNOW it would turn out to be the truth. Still, I can't say it surprised me.

"Did Ignacia really have a child or is this another red herring?"

Another red herring, it seems. Even so, it's very hard to believe in Ignacia the altruist playing Secret Santa to a needy child all this time when everything we know about her screams narcissist.

Even funnier than Karen's shtick -- Mabel earnestly recommending to mad as a hatter Javier (and Gonzo) that someone talk to Pilar's family so she can get the psychological help she needs. (Or maybe she's hoping to get Pilar locked up to keep her away from Gonzo.)

As for Nibaldo's generous gesture, does anyone think that wedding is actually going to happen? Especially now that Greta has apparently decided she doesn't vant to be alone:) Hey, Nibaldo, if I were you, I'd hold off on the deposit for the caterers...


NovelaMaven, good point about Hilda's wedding probably not happening anytime soon. It's just as likely that one of them will be murdered, the way the show is going.

And yes, YOU were correct on your hunches! Well done!


Part One

Sacramento and Rafael exchange insults in the 4P Bar. Sacto calls Rafa a thief. Rafa fires back that he came to show off in front of Flor, and that he’s trying to get back the woman he lost. Sacto says he’s wrong. He doesn’t want a woman back who’s been with who knows how many men. Rafa tells him the priests brainwashed him, and he thinks he’s perfect and can judge others. [Oh, Rafa, did you ever hit the nail on the head!!]

Increasingly rotten Lourdes plots with Cat. She says she’ll get some man to say he’s caught an awful disease at the 4P. She also wants 100 or so children to picket the 4P Bar when it re-opens. Cat goes along with all of this craziness because of her never-changing main objective - getting Flor Salvaje to leave town so she can’t get back with Sacramento ever again.

Speaking of rotten, Filomina tells Diana that what’s happening in NE is her fault. She should never have left her man out of pride. She needs to get her hindquarters back there and stake her claim again.

Flor chases Sacto out of the bar telling him he has no right to be there. He gets up on his high horse and accuses her of getting it on with the Governor, Rafael, and maybe dozens more and all for money. How does she think he feels about her rolling around with the man who ruined their marriage, who tried to burn Zahra alive, chained her up like an animal, and killed Pablo? Does she have so little dignity? Goaded by this, Flor responds that she hasn’t slept with Rafa. He looks very surprised then asks her why she accepted Rafa’s money. She says it’s none of his business, and it’s clear he feels like a Rojas now, very far above her. The idiot misinterprets that immediately, saying she’s telling him she hasn’t been Rafa’s woman in order to manipulate him (Sacramento) and get money out of him.

Rafa is very humble in his conversation with Zahra, telling her that he’s happy that Flor just lets him be around her. She’s his last chance, and he truly wants to change.

Enrique and Alicia are so sweet together. Can the writers arrange an earthquake in the capital that will crush Filomina? Diana would back off without her constant goading. He echoes my own thoughts; it’s so great to see her smile again. Piruetas interrupts. Drat! He’s convinced Enrique is bad for Alicia. I’m convinced he still has a sweet tooth for her and is jealous of Enrique.


Part Two

Mina hints that CC should make a try for Sacto. I’m pretty sure CC is over that earlier crush. She tells Mina about the debt she’s paying off with sex. Mina says that considering CC and considering Dudi, one time should have paid off all debts forever!

Frigida falls to the floor saying she can’t breathe. She then manages to shut herself in her room threatening suicide. Manuela gets in the room and is completely duped by Frig’s pity party. Later Frig tells Caridad that it’s all an act to stay in the hacienda and that Caridad needs to help her.

Zahra tells Flor that Rafa wants to change and be a good man for her. Flor responds that she’s already changed to the bad side, and she only wants him to suffer. Zahra responds that, well then she’ll have to come across, because he’ll become suspicious if she doesn’t take him to bed.

Francisco organizes a “business dinner” at the hotel with Mariano and Lourdes, Catalina, and Zahra. Rafa is the last guest. When RU arrives he says he has no business with anyone there except Zahra. Francisco says possessively that he wanted his woman by his side. He wants everyone to just get along.

Ana shows up and tells Flor she wants to work at the 4P when it re-opens. And that, if Flor wants help destroying Rafa, she’s on board. She says that Rafael Urrieta is a demon. Flor protests about her working there at first, but finally agrees, reminding her that she can't expect special treatment for being her sister.

Rafa says this dinner is a farce. He asks Zahra why she didn’t tell her boyfriend that such things would not work with him. Rafa tells Francisco that no one has given Zahra more pleasure than he gave her. Francisco lunges for him. He later tells Rafa that, while Rafa may have oil, he has money and influence. Tomorrow he’ll talk to the President of the Nation and ask that he be called before a judge and put in jail.

While sitting at this uncomfortable dinner table, Cat begins to have the classic TN symptoms of beginning to miscarry.

Alicia gets into a tub filled with rose petals and with candles. She seems surprised that all this is there. Enrique?

Rafael tells Flor that he has just done something awful. He’s destroyed the life of a woman who was his for many years. [? Does he think Francisco is going to dump her over this?] He says he couldn’t bear to see her happy. It wasn’t jealousy or envy. He’s just full of evil. And the only person who could help him be a better man doesn’t want to.


Yeah, well, Hombre, I sure hedged my bets, didn't I? :)

As for the wedding plans being derailed, I was thinking more of Greta turning Hilda against Emilio by finally confronting her with the truth. But you think mayhem, not mischief? Could be ...

I know some people don't like to talk about the 'avances' because they sometimes feel like spoilers (even though they often lead us astray) -- but even without the previews, I still felt that Emilio's reaction when Gonzo asked him (a few episodes back) who dies next in "Condenados" was a hint of what was to come.

Remember how stunned Emilio looked by Gonzo's question? And how he got up abruptly without saying a word? I have a hunch he ran off to see the next victim, maybe to make sure he/she was still okay.

La casa de al Lado:
Saint Ignacia --puhleese!!!!I certainly didn't see that one coming, and findit ludicrous. But it works thematically: that all the characters in this wierd tale are not what they seem.

I know the karen/hilda competition is a comic relief. But it also is interesting that Hilda who has such a problem with her own child (and I really dont understand why)is so nurturing to Pilar's children.

The major personality, according to my theory which may or may not be right, is the Pilar we've known up until now. The Black Cat Woman is a secondary personality, and I think that the Angry Pilar might be a third trying to break out. Pilar passed into Cat Woman and as such recognized that she had to get rid of the Ignacia costume.If she was Pilar the Victim, she would have been confused when she saw the clothes. So at least, if my theory is right, the writer is psychologically correct.
Mabel: I agree it is really funny that Mabelkeeps telling people that Pilar is going crazy and that her familyshould do something. Given her two sons, it's the pot calling the kettle black. I have become interested in Mabel and am looking forward to finding out her story. Eva --No!!!

I also find it funny that although Renato is asolutely broke and bankrupt, his flashy suite of offices remain open for Gonzalo, and for the sexy girl who slithers around a nd who seems quite bored and upset. Who's paying the rent and their salaries????

And finally, another funny moment was when Renato decided not to pull the trigger because he had a call on his cell phone. I guess he wasn't that keen on killing himnself after all.

I hope something substantive happens tonight, as this will be the last show I'll be able to see for the next two weeks.

Happy Holidays to all, and a happy and healthy New Year to you and your families.


NJ Sue, we'll miss you! Hope you can read some of the recaps.

BTW, the secretary's name is "Olga", and it is quite funny that she's still sitting there, loyal to the end (although not keeping anyone out of Gonzalo's office)!


I agree with you about multiple personalities, it's almost obvious now, but the problem is that Pilar forgets only only what she herself has done. while she should have completely forgot all that occurred when she was in disassociative state. and it's the writer's fault, not the actress.

the Luis/Ignacia story was such a bland red herring! dislike! santa Ignacia... haha

seemingly we are going to see Pilar's family. I wonder what her fate will be. asylum?


Have a wonderful trip to wherever you're going, NJ Sue.

Regarding the offices and Olga being open, I'm unclear about who pays the rent on that suite of offices. Wasn't there something up on the wall about it being Javier & Assoc? I know that Renato installed Gonzo there after he became his son-in-law, but it still could be Javier's property. Just that Renato was his biggest or maybe only client.

Well, they would have definitely had to enter science fiction territory if the ice cold corpse on a slab in the morgue was really alive all the while.

I agree, NovelaMaven, that what will postpone Hilda and Emilio's wedding will be Greta spilling the beans. Although I was somewhat surprised she came looking for Emilio. Unless it's to try to blackmail him with the pictures. I thought she'd go right to Hilda.

I was gobsmacked that Carola brought little Luis and his family to that law firm. Of all the places she could have had Emilio show up for the big reveal, why risk Gonzalo finding her there?

LA CASA -- jueves

Buen viaje y felices fiestas, NJ SUE! Te vamos a echar de menos.

I know the karen/hilda competition is a comic relief. But it also is interesting that Hilda who has such a problem with her own child (and I really dont understand why)is so nurturing to Pilar's children.

I think Hilda is like a big sister to Andrea and Diego. She gets them because, in a way, she's one of them, a child who has some growing up to do.

It's a good thing she has such an insightful and caring psychologist to help her negotiate her postpartum depression and find her way back to her daughter. :D


I stopped by Telenovela World and one of the posters there reminded me of something. Ignacia forged a check on Javier's account for $1 million. Has he not noticed? Is the money in her account? Do banks give you that much in cash? If so, where is it?

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