Monday, December 12, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #47 Mon 12/12/11 Chela spends a refreshing afternoon at the cemetery.

Beware - for some reason this show is starting very late and it wasn't finished till 9:09. It will cut off the end of your recordings if you're not careful!

Candy tells Pancho he was chicken to pretend he didn't know Chela was in love with him. He should tell the truth, that he's in love with Rebeca.

Pina can't believe Vince went to see the dog therapist - "Yeah, and I won the Nobel Prize. And now the dog is losing her fur, Vince, and it's all your fault! Did the doctor teach you to bark?" He mutters woefully: "If this continues, Abeja will end up like one of those bald aztec dogs!"

Chela has a fun vacation day. First she goes to Pedro Infante's shrine, then she visits her sister's grave and, after leaving her flowers, she spies on Pancho as he, too, comes to wish his dead wife a happy birthday.

Candy is bouncing vigorously in Avon's zumba class; when Vicente comes in she invites him to participate. "No, I dance worse than a fat hippo," he demurs, but he tries anyway. Then, yoga in pairs! And the "twin" pose: Vicente falls on top of her to their mutual satisfaction.

Nico and Chaco tell Pancho: "You'll end up like the dog with two cakes (ie, he'll end up with neither of the bombons)...

Poor Elena. Down in Brazil, naked, she confesses to Freddy this was her first time. "Why did you pretend you were an experienced femme fatale?" "Insecurity!" "If I'd known you were a virgin I wouldn't have pressed you..." He's in a hurry to leave and will be gone all day, she should find herself something to do. Uh, oh. He leaves her with a fistful of cash and dawning disillusion in her eyes.

Accountant Beto, ever the pessimist, describes Murphy's Law to Pancho ("If you think something bad is going to happen, it's because it will... If there's any possibility something could happen that will cause the worst problem, that's what will happen." Pancho confides in Beto about his love, and gets this cheering response: "Love always has disastrous consequences. You two will probably never consummate your love."

Lupe thinks it's gross that Pancho likes Rebe. Pepe thinks she'll make a groovy stepmother.

Temo is sick in bed and getting fussed over by Ana when Chela shows up to help with the fussing. "Don't tell your dad I was here," she says. Temo implores her: "Stay!" She swears she'll come visit every day.

Fer visits... some place. Stay tuned.

Pina and her buddy Catalina agree Vince couldn't actually have been visiting a therapist at 10 pm. Catis enthusiastically agrees to spy and find out who he's shagging.

After yoga, Vince is euphoric. He invites Candy to have an egg-and-banana energy drink with him outside. They're giggling and then embracing - while Catalina watches. When she storms up Vince immediately starts spewing excuses and denigrating Candy while she's within earshot.

Pepe and Enzo meet cute in the elevator. As usual, Enzo sez "Hands off my daughter." "Shouldn't you think about your daughter's happiness?" "She aspires to much more, you're from an extremely inferior class." "We love each other and you can't change that, nor can Freddy nor God." Whoah!

Barb and Becky gossip again, same conversation as yesterday.

Vince apologizes to Abeja and asks her pardon. Pina comes in and he asks if she's seen her pal yet. No. He admits Catalina saw him embracing Candy.

Candy steams remembering Vince selling her out again to save his own skin. "He's an imbecile, a baboon," she tells Ana, "but I know what to do!"

Pancho finds Chela at the old homeplace and starts in with the usual "You're the soul of the family, we miss you, the house is like death without you" routine. But she wishes he didn't always use the plural. "WE need you, you say - but do YOU need me?" "Yes, Chela." "But the kiss! Tell me, don't I deserve the truth?" "Yes, I'm in love with Rebeca. And now, you tell ME the truth." Chela says she won't come back.


Thank you CHF for the wonderful and fast recap. I loved your title. Ah, Pancho and Chela. It will be awhile I think before she comes back home. She has to deal with the fact that Pancho is in love with Rebe and not her. Freddy is such a jerk. And Elena now knows how much of a jerk. When he gave her the money and left she looked crest fallen. I wonder if Fernanda is trying to find the baby she have up for adoption? Maybe she is seeing an investigator? I agree with Melinama yesterday that that is Pancho. I love how Fernanda treats all of Pancho's children, as if they were her grandchildren.

Melinama, thank you for the recap. That Freddy is something else, his confidence is terrific. I was cheering him on, the way he stood up to Enzo. He's got a lot of courage for a young guy.

I feel sorry for Elena. For all her boasting and posturing she is a very insecure person. (Not to mention exceedingly dim to have not picked up on any of the signs including her friend warning her point blank.)

Thanks for the links. The Dog and Two Cakes story if wonderful.

Oops, I meant to say PEPE is something else. Bleh, Freddy is gross.

Melinama- This recap was perfect. I loved the title and your description of Chela's "vacation" day. Chela needs a healthy dose of Candy's joie de vivre so that she can lighten up; while Candy needs a bit of Chela's gravitas so that she can take things a bit more seriously.

I call NO FAIR on that conversation between Chela and Pancho. He comes clean about his feelings for Rebe, but she backs down on admitting her true feelings for Pancho and tries to back out of what she said in her letter. She owes him the truth. She owes both of them the truth so that they can both move forward instead of being stuck in limbo like they are now.

Poor, stupid Elena. I hope she has her return ticket in hand. She should at least go out and meet up with some cool Brazilians and try to enjoy herself without Freddy the Drip.

Julia- Thanks for posting the vocab list yesterday! This tn really is rich with language.

Julie- Thanks for commenting on the Pear Robe post yesterday. Glad you liked it.

Thanks so much Melinama, This story gets crazier by the week but not always totally funny. It sometimes remins me of Juan Querendon where serious and somewhat sad issues are interwoven with the principal comeic aspects. I need to go back and read some of the other posts from last week. I am taken aback at Fernanda searching for the baby she gave away. I hope it is Pancho and not Chela.

remins me -= reminds me
comeic = comedic

It's the cookie crumbs ground into the keyboard! Really!!

And I do feel sorry for poor naive Elena. She acted so tough and worldly and now she really is, she has just been paid for her services and the cad Freddie doesn't even honor what she has sacrificed. She better get her ticket home but I agree with Vivi, Brazil is full of wonders and beautiful, fun people. She could learn something positive if she gets out of the infernal hotel room. And if she doesn't come back to try to whine her way into shaming Freddie, he has no heart to shame.

I love the title and Chela's vacation theme. Boy, wouldn't she be fun to travel with? I mean it was nice to visit her sister's grave on her birthday and all, but dressing in high mourning and wandering the city acting funereal all day seems a bit much.

Every scene with Freddy and Elena gave me for-real creepy-crawlies up my spine. He is so nasty. I was surprised he didn't just leave the money on the dresser. Well, she can't say she wasn't warned. Now she should go out and have the time of her life and forget about that smarmy thug.

Where is Alex? We haven't seen him in days! I miss you, mangote!

A few words and phrases that are new to me, and a few phrases that are easy translations but useful and fun:

navegar con bandera de pendejo - to play stupid to avoid responsibility

arrastrar la cobija - to be depressingly in love with someone who doesn't return the sentiment

rollo - speech, lecture

tener rollos - to drone on and on?
(they keep using variations of this phrase and there seem to be multiple possible meanings...)

comieron la lengua los ratones - why aren't you saying anything? (in English the cat gets your tongue, in the rather more graphic Spanish, rats eat it. Yummy)

no hay peor sordo que el que no quiere oír - there's no one more deaf than he who does not want to hear

hacer bolas - to make a mess

mandar por un tubo - to send packing, coldly dismiss

descoyuntar - to dislocate

cuentos chinos - baloney, cock-and-bull stories

despilfarro - a waste

caterva de iletrados - pack of illiterates

Enzo and Ana (well, the actors who play them) were on Don F last night. He had video of Sherlyn (Ana) from her appearances on Sábado Gigante when she was a little kid. What a little chatterbox! Enzo is much more guapo and charming in real life.

Melinama, thanks for the recap. My favorite line: “Enzo and Pepe meet cute in the elevator.” I love the way Pepe stands up for himself.

Poor Elena, but at least she realized before the end of the trip that Freddy is no Prince Charming. I'm really curious about what her next moves will be. I hope one is no more sex with Freddy.

I like that Ana told Lupita you can’t help who you love, being understanding about Pancho falling in love with Rebe. But Ana was no doubt thinking about Freddy.

Even if Chela retracts that she’s in love with Pancho, there’s no excuse for him to go into denial. If Chela returns, there should be no more foot massages and he should encourage her to date.

Julia: I LOVE that vocab. Flying the dipshit flag (navegar con bandera de pendejo) is such an eloquent turn of phrase!

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Isn't it great? You can also say "navegar con bandera de tonto" if you want to be less vulgar in the way you berate someone...

Tks so much for the great recap CHF.

Pobrecita Elena, guess she's not such a tough girl after all. Wonder what Tomás is going to do about this?


Variopinta, I envision the tangerine wedges of Freddie's head strewn all over the DF.

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