Friday, December 30, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #62-63 Thu 12/29/11 In which the most interesting stories get the least screentime, aka Shut Up, Chela.

Rebe is sympathetic to Pancho because Temo wants to live with Chela, and offers help and affection.
Chela cries to Candy.
Reb doesn’t want to interfere in Chela’s relationship with Temo, understands why Pancho needs to stay close to her and feels bad for not loving a woman who is a mother to his kids, and apologizes for doubting him. They hug and continue using usted.
Chela says she and Candy carry on like hired funeral wailers. They do it some more. You aren’t getting paid, ladies. Clock out and give it a rest.
Ana is sad that the band seems to be breaking up. Manuel clues her in that Fernando is jealous because he’s in love with her, and offers to straighten things out with him. Ana awkwardly tells him she has the hots for someone else. Sadness de Manuel.
Elena boohoos and Lupita tells her to get over it. El says you can’t just delete your feelings. Ana invites them to hear her new song.
Vice agonizes over Candy and Sandra prances in informing him she’s reserved a suite for their fill-in-the-blank.
Pina is exhausted from the housework. She tells Candy this must be karma because she was Marie Antoinette’s assistant or something in a past life. Pina sends Candy to the station to do an interview; she can’t go herself looking like a Pinacienta.

Vins worms his way out of Sandra’s plans claiming anxiety issues.
Pancho practices futból with Temo. Temo whines that he doesn’t want to go to school. Pancho says everyone has to do things they don’t want to do. They’ll find Temo a new school, but meanwhile he can’t just play hooky. Temo is insufferable and just wants his old school and to live with Chela. He’s afraid Pancho will forget mama if he falls in love with a new lady.
In the sala, Ana sings her new romantic song for the other younguns. Freddy walks in. He looks lovestruck; Ana is dumbstruck. Freddy invites them to watch him win a race in Pepe’s former automobile. Pepe and Tomás are furious. Their plan was to sabotage Freddy’s car so he’d lose, but Pepe isn’t willing to mess with his own beloved auto. They all notice Ana is clutching her chest and gasping for air and wonder what’s wrong with her. She runs off to her room.
Alone in her room, Ana swoons to the mirror, but as soon as Lupita and Elena run in to check on her she grabs her packed bags and dashes off to join Chela in the vecindad.
At the studio, Candy gives an overly glowing introduction for her interviewee, telenovela producer José Alberto Castro (who produced “Teresa”). She asks the usual boring questions about his love life and family while flirting with him. She wants to kiss him like Arturo and Teresa did in the finale episode. Her own producer tries to rein her in.
Pancho takes Temo to stay with Chela. He’s excited to be there. Chela and Pancho are awkward. Pancho tries to be apologetic and understanding but Chela is distant and boohoo.
At home, Pina watches the interview while trying to iron and moaning to Arnoldo. He kicks back with a fruity umbrella drink and acts suitably histrionic over the firing of Adoración. Vins comes in demanding his whiskey but is swiftly distracted by Candy on the screen. Pina throws in the towel, er, shirt, and Vins stomps off upstairs. Pina snuggles up with Arnoldo and groans that she’s on the verge of hiring Ado back.
Ana joins Temo and Chela in the old homestead.
Pancho, not so much a gentleman, tells Chacho of the kisses with Rebe. How does Lollipop Boy still have teeth? They discuss Chela’s declaration of amor. Chacho feels bad that he has no hope with Chela and Pancho feels bad that he was an idiot and let Chela go on pining after him so long. I think Chacho asks him if he would have fallen for Chela if he’d realized her feelings sooner.
Chela confesses to Ana that she doesn’t have a novio. They laugh about Ana’s lecture to the poor bewildered stranger.
Pepe warns Tomás to stay away from his precious car. Tom asks if he doesn’t want revenge because Frauddie says he’s going to get Mónica back. Pepe uses one of my favorite phrases, “Del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho” (there’s a big gap between saying and doing). He’s confident Moni won’t marry Freddie. Well, what about revenge for what Fraud did to Elena, then? Pepe says that is unfortunate, but Elena did go of her own free will, and she was warned. Tomás won’t promise to leave things alone.
Rebe visits Pancho and they are all supportive and simpatico and smoochy. Tomás greets them on his way out and has a weird look on his face for some reason. Lupita sees them sucking face and smiles.
Next morning: Pina howls about her dishpan hands. Vins tells her they look vampiric and they bicker as usual. Vins spies on Candy and calls her. Candy refuses to forgive him and claims to be having a torrid affair with the telenovela producer. Vins runs over to the other house and sneaks around. Popeye growls at him. Narrow misses with both Lupita and Pepe.
Tomás shows up at Pina’s for his plumbing work and looks crafty. He’s got plans for Champi.
Pancho catches Vins in the hall of the big house. Vins claims to be looking for Abejita. Candy strolls out and is snippy to him and gets in a few more suggestions that she’s snogging Castro.
Tomás starts twiddling with Champi but Pina hollers at him that there is no hot water.
Candy chases after Vins and he tries to convince her he’s not involved with Sandra.
Beto calls Pancho all coming unglued and demanding a meeting because the situation is super gravísima.
Tomás is trying again to tweak the car but he has to hide when Candy and Vins stroll in for a private chat in the garage. Tom’s phone rings and he scrambles around to hide but fortunately they are not too quick on the draw.
Rebe comes to the house to give Pancho a ride to work and Chela gives her a hard time as usual. Rebe refuses to be provoked into a fight. She calmly says she doesn’t want to break up the family, she just wants to make Pancho happy because they are In. Love.
Vins and Candy get back to business, talking about the usual and getting a little gropy. Tom’s eyes bug out.
More Chela. Ugh. She gets physical and Pancho and Candy have to haul her off Rebe.
In the house, Pancho tries to comfort Rebe with Special Coffee which appears to be about 80% cream. Outside, Candy patiently listens to Chela whine that she is going to fight for Pancho’s love and for some reason doesn’t tell her that this is not only ridiculous, but that PHYSICALLY fighting is unlikely to win someone’s love and assault is illegal and immoral and childish besides.
Frauddie and Alex find Tómas working in the kitchen and Frauddie and Tom have a little spat (Fraud tries to order a frou-frou drink like Tom is the barista) and Alex seems to find the whole thing amusing. Tom excuses himself to answer Pepe’s phone call, then hangs up on him to assist Pina in lacing her boot and grin at her.
The Avon execs convene. Beto gives them the usual pessimistic prognostication regarding sales. Material prices are up, they’ll have to stop producing the excellent line of goops and people will be out of work. Vins doesn’t see what the problem is. No way, says Pancho. They are not firing anyone, understand?
In a private chat, Rebe admires Pancho for caring that people will starve without their minimum-wage earnings.
Adoración visits Vins at the office and tries to use her knowledge of his affair with Candy to blackmail him into giving her her job back. Candy joins them.
Rebe tries to impress upon Pancho the importance of the company making money. They decide to pay a visit to the supplier to find out why the prices are so high.
Pina joins the party in Vins’s office and the others all talk up how much Ado deserves her job and how much Pina needs her. Vins is even affectionate to Pina, which should clue her in that they’re hiding something. Pina caves and rehires Ado.
Pancho visits the plant. Meanwhile, we find out that raising the prices is Enzo’s scheme to force Avon to import goods so he and Vins can collect a commission on the imports. Pancho learns from the plant manager that Procrema is the only supplier in the country of the materials they need. They quickly figure out that Vins and Enzo must be behind Procrema. {I still don’t get how Vins and Enzo are going to make more money forcing Avon to import. Someone please explain.} Pancho promises the plant crew that no one will be left unemployed. They cheer.
Tom tells Pepe he wants to go watch Frauddie race. Ana says she wants to go, too, which confuses them.
Rebe tells Vins she knows he’s up to something underhanded. He’s offended. She tells him she won’t tolerate any funny business like with the Japanese again.
Pancho tells Rebe that Vins wants to force them to import materials because he’s the owner of the foreign/import company. {Okay, then how does he have control over prices of the domestic company? I am missing something here.} Pancho and Rebe make out.
And, we’re off to the races. Pepe and Tomás are playing mechanic for some other racer. Ana and Lupita say hi to Frauddie and Alex. Alex invites Lupita for a drink, leaving Ana to a case of the vapors when Freddie actually remembers her name. Pepe and Tom’s driver friend convinces Frauddie to bet their cars on the outcome of the race.
Chela wears a sexy dress and brings Pancho flowers. One might think she was going to apologize for the fight, but she childishly says Rebeca started it. Then she pathetically tells Pancho no one will ever love him the way she does (he can only hope!) and dejectedly lurches away. If this is supposed to make him fall in love, it seems way off the mark.
Lupita apologizes to Alex for her uncool behavior. He forgives her. Pepe asks Tomás if he messed with the car. Tom says Pepe is going to win the car back. Pepe runs off to stop the race. Ana is super excited watching Freddie and Lupita teases her and says she totally knows that Ana is into him, although she can’t fathom why. Ana swears her to silence.
Vins pays a social call to Pancho at the mansion, and my recording cuts off there.


Argh. I like this show, but two hours is too much. Start a new series, Lunivision!

Thanks Julia for your valiant effort to capture two hours worth. I agree it is to much and I totally agree that Chela should shut up. I really dislike her whole whiney manipulative story line. Thanks for hanging in there. I hope tomorrow is the last double episode, I would rather see two hours of CME as it winds down. Ah well, No Podia will start next week and everything will get back ot one hour episodes.

I liked the sweetness between Rebe and Pancho, I hope Chela doesn't whine it all into sour grapes.

Julia, huge kudos to you and all the Familia recappers. You are right, two hours is too much. When Chela comes on the screen I usually fast forward. You recappers don't always have that option. (Although nobody would mind if you did.)

Cheryl, "whine it all into sour grapes", LOL. Good one.

Thanks Julia, great recap and your title is absolutely perfect.

I am a big fan of Mayvin (Rebe), not because she is a good actor, but for other reasons....and will watch any show she is in. I think the folks at Televisa get the men watching, like me, because of Rebe, Candy and others like them on this show.

I just started watching this week, and not familiar with all the characters......but the recaps will at least let me know what's going on since I speak very little spanish.

Back when "I love Juan" was on, five years ago, we had as much fun on this blog site breaking down the show, as we did watching the telenovela.

I need to reactivate my account here, as this show looks like fun.....

Where are you JudyB.....Anon#1 wants to hear from you...Paula is back!!!, but Candy makes a better milk shake

Gracias Julia,
I don't even like to watch for 2 hrs, so trying to recap, maldita.

So sick of Chela & her sobs & whines, why is there one in every TN?

While searching online for yesterdays episode, I found one that was on Mothers Day in Mex. They cut it in the US. It was fun, it was fiesta time in el barrio. Pancho, Chela, Sandra, Pepe, Ana, Lupita all sang & Candy shook it a lot. No story line.

Thank you Julia for the wonderful recap. Loved your title, whenever Chela comes on the screen I tell her to just put a sock in it lol. Yeah, she is never going to win Pancho. Especially being physical. She is like a child this way. I know she loves the family, but I don't think she ever envisioned Pancho meeting a woman he would fall in love with. Even if he had never met Dona Fer and moved out of the old neighborhood he would have eventually found another woman. Chela just doesn't get that Pancho sees her as a sister and always will, I don't think he'll ever change his mind.

I am glad Rebe told her she loves Pancho. Even though Chela can't deal with that, I think deep down Chela knows this. Chela's crying will be every episode I think.

How many people know about Candy and Vins now? Let's see Ana, Pancho, Chela, Tomas, and Adoracion. Someone is going to let the cat out of the bag. But I have to give Candy credit, she feels guilty because of Pina. At least she hasn't done the horizontal bop with Vins.

Enzo and Vins, they are so underhanded. I am glad Pancho and Rebe found out what they are up too.

Yah, Adoracion for getting her job back. I am glad she tried to blackmail Vins, he deserves a kick in the butt.

Oh no you didn't Ana. I can't beleive she has a thing for Frauddie. I think unlike Elena she won't be giving herself to him. She is way smarter than that. Plus Ana knows what happened to Elena.

I hope Pepe gets his car back.

And Tomas and Pina, I love they way she addresses him and she does treat him well.

I wonder about Enzo and Vins, maybe they have a monopoly on an igredient in the cream that is rare, they charge alot for the cream, when in reality it is cheaper than they say, and skim in lieu of commission? They could be cooking the books, so to speak.

I believe Enzo and Vince own BOTH the raw-materials company AND the importers. So they get a hefty percentage on imports.

Thank you so much Julia. And thanks Melinama and Julie too. Although I have been able to convince my fam to let me watch CME this week, there is no way I could convince them to sit through 2 hours of Familia after that!
Glad to hear Rebe and Pancho are declaring their love openly and working together to solve mysteries. Please stop crying and whining and fighting with people Chela!

Julia, thanks for your recap and enduring Chela, the whiner. I wonder if the writers plan on having her stay this way until the last episode...please no! And I will never understand Uni programming that has TNs on for 2 hours.

I don't think Ana knows all the details of how Frauddie treated Elena. Elena and Lupita always clam up when she walks in. I didn't mind Ana putting the brakes on Manuel's ardor, though. He's been pretty presumptuous, acting like they're novios when Ana's never actually agreed to that.

Clever how the telenovela producer got himself into the show for Candy to wax poetic about what hot stuff he is.

I wish Pina and Vins would divorce already so Pina could explore other options. They barely have a marriage at all so it would be hard to feel sad about its demise. Plus, I want Pina and Tom to get to be such good buddies that she takes him to her hairdresser. Good golly does his coiffure ever need some help. But mostly I'm dying for Frauddie to have to consider Tom as a potential stepdaddy, even if it never goes that far. Hahahahahaha.

Free Champi! That poor dear does not deserve to have Frauddie's smarmy arse contaminating her upholstery.

Julia, thanks for the recap. Love the title. I'm giving Ana a break on her Frauddie-crushing cause she's so young. No need for her to make Lupita promise to keep her crush a secret though. Elena noticed it too. Elena should do Ana a favor and tell her what happened in Brazil, but this probably wouldn't dissuade her. After all, the guy took her brother's car and she's still swooning over him.

Agree Manuel is too presumptuous. I can see why Ana prefers her "impossible, perfect" love to him. Kissing her in front of the band during practice was just bad, bad form.

I am adding my voice to the Chela is annoying crowd. She is pathetic. So is that brat Temo. And two hours is an endurance test for me. Jose/Pepe has become my favorite, he is a hunk and I love his smile and tenderness towards his family. Tomas has become more interesting now he works for Pina. Now if only he'd get a decent hair cut.

Feliz ano a todos, hasta el 2012!

Boy, you guys are a tough bunch. If it isn't a TN rule already, it should be, that characters will always "fight for their love" to the bitter end. Even beyond the bitter end. And one who fights sufficiently for his or her love will win their love in the end, if it's true love. Pepe won Moni by fighting for her. Look at Geronimo in CME. I could be wrong, but I think I've heard the fight statement several times in this show, and not just from Chela's life coach. Love is a battlefield. Chela is merely doing what's expected. Fate is a terrible opponent. The victory is only in fighting until you're completely spent. Whether it makes "sense" or not. Ni Modo. Love is not reasonable -- it's about passion. I didn't make these rules up myself.

Thanks for the recap. I completely slept through the second hour.
-- JR

JR, If Pancho gave Chela an inkling of a smidgen of a glimmer that he had a centimeter of romantic feeling for her, I could see the lucha por amor. In Chela's case, I think she should follow un clavo saco otro clavo, and just try dating someone else. deserve combat pay for recapping two hours of rapid-fire slang dialogue. Not to mention all the "lagrimas". I have bailed on this show but check in on the recaps from time to time because you all are such talented writers. And I really appreciate your vocabulary translations.

Anonymous #1...Glad you are back watching telenovelas and commenting. I would agree that Candy is quite impressive and sure to delight male viewers. And who knows, you may learn even more Spanish while watching!?

Hey JudyB its been a while, glad to be back....
I look forward to watching this show...This telenovela has plenty jiggle and wiggle...and a story line much like " l love Juan ".

Pancho even looks like Juan, Paula (Rebe) has gain some weight, but so have I......

Take care I am watching tonights show now......Got to get all the names before commenting on the show

Anon, you can find a list of the characters (with photos) here.

Thanks, Julia - these two-hour things are killing me too. I think tonight was the last double, thank goodness.

Glad Ana was honest with Manuel about her feelings.

I haven't seen this one yet, but would like to before I do my recap... at least there will be lots of skippable scenes with Chela crying. Really, I'm sick of that. The question is, when will CHELA get sick of that?

Recap tomorrow.

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