Saturday, January 07, 2012

Cuando Me Enamoro #182 Friday 1/6/12 Sueños Cumplidos (Dreams Fulfilled)

El Gran Final

The theme song kicks in and it's the last time we'll hear Enrique's sweet "oooh hooo" over the opening credits. Then we jump right into the action. Roberta begs Renata to forgive her and they hug tightly. Fina (who looks like a flying-purple-people-eater) takes aim from the stage.

Berta sees Fina over Nata's shoulder and twists around just in time!

Berta receives a shot in the back that was meant for Renata.

Berta falls to the ground and everyone starts screaming. Fina is in absolute shock and doesn't put up a fight when Jero and Matias de-mask her. Nata holds a wounded Roberta in her arms as Gonzo cradles Berta's head and Regina yells for someone to call an ambulance. Fina snaps out of it and rushes to her daughter's side. "Why, why, Roberta?!" Fina cries. "The bullet wasn't meant for you!"

A trickle of blood escapes from the corner of Berta's mouth as she struggles with her last words. "You hurt me ever since I was born. Your love killed me." Fina cries that everything she did was for Berta. "You took everything away from me, even Renata's love." Berta sobs and then looks into her sister's eyes. "Please, Renata, forgive me!" Nata begs Berta not to say such things. "I would have done the same for you!" Nata says.

"Renata, I hated you because I didn't know how to love you." Berta cries. Flashes of Berta's life replay and prove to us that it's true. Ever since Berta was a child, Fina poisoned her against Renata. Roberta begs for forgiveness one last time before her eyes close and she goes limp in Nata's arms. Fina cradles her daughter's body as Nata sobs and Gonzo stares into the distance with grief. All the Monterrubios crowd around in shock and in tears.

Fina loses all composure and pleads with Berta to wake up. "Fina paid for her sins in the worst way," Honorio says. "She lost her daughter, the only person she ever loved, by her own hand."

"NO!" Fina screams helplessly at the skies.

Meses Después

Fina huddles in the corner of a padded cell, cooing to a doll in her arms. A doctor tells Gonzo and Regina that Fina has not come out of shock and will probably never recover from such a tragedy. Gonzo takes a last look at Fina and says goodbye for good. Fina cries as she recalls all the horrible things she has done.

Elsewhere, Honorio and Constanza take a stroll together. She is the happiest woman in the world and Honorio couldn't be happier either. Good and bad memories of the past replay and it's clear the two of them make will continue to overcome the odds together. Beso!

Over at Hacienda La Bonita, Carlos and Jero tinker around in the laboratory crafting the perfect wine. Inside, Manuela and Matilde help set up a baby crib decked out in shades of blue. Nata is having a boy to be named Rafael. The ladies chat happily until Nata's water breaks unexpectedly. Nata is worried because it's two months too early but the ladies reassure her as they help her out to the car.

Jero and Carlos teach Anibal the ropes of the wine business. Matilde hurries in to give Jero the news about Renata and the guys hurry out. Meanwhile, Padre and Antonio drive Marina to the hospital because she too has gone into labor.

Carlos and Mati drive Jero and Nata to the hospital. Tony calls Jero's cellphone to tell him that Marina has also gone into labor. "History is repeating itself!" Nata says. "My sister and I were born on the same day and in the same place." Jero does his best to comfort Nata through the pain.

In the hospital, Jero is right by Nata's side as baby Rafael is born happy and healthy, if two months early. The happy family welcomes their little boy into the world.

Across the hall, Marina is having a difficult time and they have to perform an emergency C-Section. The babies are in distress. A nurse comes to get Jero, which leaves Nata to have some quality bonding time with her baby.

The doctor tells Jero that he is worried about Marina's condition. The babies will probably be fine but Marina's body is absorbing the amitotic fluid; the fluid has contaminated her lungs and could cause them to collapse.

Nata chats contentedly with Mati and Carlos. Baby Rafael is safe in an incubator. Carlos muses that it must be marvelous to be a parent. Matilde agrees and can't wait to make babies with Carlos. Gonzo and Regina call and Nata tells them they're officially grandparents.

Jero coos over his twin baby girls when Marina wakes. She cries as she holds them both but suddenly has trouble breathing. Marina asks to talk to Renata as soon as possible.

Jero wastes no time in grabbing a wheelchair for Nata and bringing her into Marina's room. Nata holds Marina's hand and tries to reassure her that everything will be okay. Sadly, Marina is a doctor and she knows exactly what's happening to her. Marina asks Nata to take care of her daughters. "You can become their mother. Love them like they were your own daughters."

Jero and Nata remain firmly in denial that Marina is dying but she is persistent. "I wish it were true that I was going to live. I would have loved to raise my daughters and watch them grow up. At least you will have the privilege of being a mother, Renata. I will be a part of their past, Jero, but you and Nata are their future. I could never find better hands to leave them in." By now, everyone (including me) is crying copiously. Nata promises with her whole heart to love and care for Marina's daughters.

Jero caresses Marina's hair as she starts fading away. "Jero, you were the love of my life. You gave me the most beautiful gift in the world by making me a mother. Take care of them and protect them." Jero swears on his life that their daughters will know how much their mother loved them. The last thing Marina asks is that one of the babies be named after her and the other be named Irene after Marina's own mother.

Jero and Nata sob as they promise to fulfill Marina's requests. The three of them hold hands as Marina passes away in peace.

Nata and Jero beg Marina not to die but it's not to be. "Sevillanas Del Adios" plays while Nata and Jero grieve.

After the grieving process that is the commercial break, we're back at the mental hospital. Fina walks around the courtyard and sees a vision of Roberta, looking ghostly in a cranberry colored dress.

"I thought you were dead!" Fina says. "I didn't die. You killed me." Berta says cooly.

Split second second flashes of Berta's death appear. "Of course you killed me. Your hate for Renata finally ending by destroying me." Fina squeaks she only wanted the best for Berta. "Love is the best thing in the world, Mamá, but you never knew how to love. Thank God I repented before I died; it made all the difference because I am in peace far away from you. Gonzo, Regina, and Renata's love saved me. You and I will never be reunited again."

Fina cries that she will never let Berta go but Berta stays strong. "I paid my dues. You no longer have the power to control my life or my soul. You were the architect of your own destiny." Berta cries as she says goodbye to her madre one last time. Fina pleads with Berta not to leave and tries to hug her but Berta dissolves before Fina can touch her.

Fina is left to wander, cry, and scream for Berta as ominous voices hum in the background. She rants and raves until the nurses come to sedate her. Fina will remain in the hospital, eaten alive with grief and guilt until the day she dies.

Gonzo, Constanza, and Honorio chat at a cafe and are joined by Matias and Adriana. They just came from the doctor's office and have great news: they are having a baby! Gonzo, Connie, and Hon are beside themselves with happiness. (In one way or another, the baby will be blood related to all three of them: Gonzo and Hon's grandchild and Connie's second niece/nephew. Telenovela genetics!) "It's the beginning of a new generation of Monterrubios!" Gonzo exclaims. Adri is proud to call herself part of the family. Everyone celebrates their good fortune.

Años Después

Years later at La Bonita, Rafael has grown into a handsome little boy and identical twins Marina and Irene are equally adorable. Renata joins them in the living room with a baby girl in her arms (who I assume has to be named Regina).

Abuela Regina helps wrangle the kids because today they're having a huge family reunion at The Wine Fair (La Feria del Vino, the same lovely festival where Nata and Jero stomped grapes together years before). Nata is doubly excited because Jero is going to present their new wine: San Rafael, named after their son.

The festival is in full swing and absolutely everyone is there to celebrate. Gonzo arrives with Honorio and Constanza, who have their grandchildren with them. Hon holds his granddaughter's hand while Connie holds her baby grandson.

Adriana and Matias stroll with them proudly. Connie remarks on Gonzo's status as an Awesome Grandpa because he has five grandchildren by Nata and Jero and two by Matias and Adri. Gonzo is happy to have seven healthy, happy grandchildren. Honorio admits he never imagined how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren. He's crazy about them!

Ines and Isidro chat by the bar and Andrescito has grown into a dashingly handsome young man. Isidro wears Ines down into allowing Andres to have a glass of wine. Ines gushes to Connie about how proud she is of Andres; he's going to medical school next year to help children with cancer who are going through what he did.

More arrivals to the party: Alfonsina (in a fetching orange gown) with young Luz in tow, Lazaro and Karina with a son the spitting image of Laz, and Matilde with a slumbering toddler in her arms. These are some seriously fertile lands at La Bonita!

Carlos, Jero, Anibal, and Alison wait anxious at their table for the judges of the wine tasting. A few scary-looking guys in suits do all kinds of pretentious things to Jero's sample and then move on.

Nata and her brood arrive and Jero wastes no time in showering everyone with love. The results of the wine judging are in: the winner is Vino San Rafael from Hacienda La Bonita! Cheers erupt as Jero, Lazaro, and Carlos hop onto the stage to accept the award.

Jero thanks the judges for their recognition and dedicates the award to the memory of his brother Rafael. Without him, Jero never would have come to live on such blessed land. Clips from Jero and Rafa's childhood play as Jero continues his speech. Thanks to Rafa, Jero meant the love of his life. "That's me!" Nata shouts from the crowd. LOL.

Jero thanks all the hacienda workers, especially his great friends and co-workers Carlos and Lazaro. "I loved my brother and I loved my brother's dreams. We will defend his land and all his ideas. This is for you, Rafa!"

The festivities at an end, Renata and Jero spend precious time in the fields with their children. Each of them crisply dressed in traditional white clothing, they stomp grapes together as a joyous and united family.

As their love story comes to a close, Renata and Jero stand alone in the grape stomping pit at sundown. The theme song plays triumphantly in the background.

"You are the sum of all my dreams," Jero says. "Thank you for making me feel what I had never felt before. I am much more in love with you than the first day I met you."
"And I with you." Renata agrees.
"Why?" Jero asks.
"Porque cuando me enamoro, se detiene el tiempo." They say in unison.
"Because when I fall in love, time stops."

Renata and Jero kiss passionately in front of the glorious setting sun as we say goodbye to a story well told.

Queridos amigos, I'm so honored to have been a recapper for you. This show has gotten me through some hard times and some great times - I'm sad to see it go. It feels like saying goodbye to an old friend.

To recappers Cheryl, Jules, Elna June, Lila, Marta Ivette, Sylvia, Carlos, Vivi, and absolutely every commenter: thank you so much for your wit, conversation, and friendship. I'm so proud to be part of this community and having someone to laugh and cry with is priceless. I will miss our daily chats like crazy but you'll always be able to find me lurking around. I am a proud telenovela addict and will never be able to give it up completely.

Now let's party!


Wow Amy! What a lovely final tribute recap you did. The pictures are fabulous. You really created a keepsake here!

It's nice how they did a leisurely finale in the second half and they tied it all back to Rafael and his dreams. So cute with the family in white with their own private vendimia. I loved seeing the bits with Carlos and Jero tasting their new wine in their own winery with the gleaming stainless steel tanks and the wine barrels. This was the real winery at that hacienda - you cab see photos on the Internet. The tension on their faces when the serious sommelier (the one wearing that medallion) tasted their wine - very believable! LOL!

Anibal joined Carlos and Jero in their winery, and later at the Fería, Anibal told Carlos that he hoped he would be able to buy his father's lands from Jero one day: the lands Jero had bought from the government.

I think they got the math wrong with the grandkids, because Jero and Renata only had 4 kids and that was what they showed in their private stomp. Maybe they meant Renata was expecting again.

Very elegant ending. This show really pulled out all the stops for the finale, WITHOUT an endless Princess Di style wedding. Focused in the wine and family. Good for them!

Thanks so much to Amy and all the great Caray recappers for adding so much to this wonderful novela.


I can't believe I posted the first comment. What, is everyone sleeping in the morning? A little too much celebratory red wine last night? LOL!

Muchisimas gracias Amy! You really did this lovely finale justice with a lovely recap with amazing pictures. I was so happy you decided to stick it out and recap for us even after you started school. What a gift you gave us each weekend. Thank you again.

Hey Audrey! I'm up too and enjoying my chai as I read this fab recap. Renata and Jero did have 5 kids-- two boys close in age (you can see both in the pic in the grape vat), the twin girls (one disappeared for a bit of the time in the grape vat, perhaps she was outside of it on the ground), and the baby girl. I am assuming they named boy #2 Gonzalo, as Nata originally wanted for boy #1.

They really went all out to find a bushel of cute babies, toddlers and little kids for this finale. Newborn Rafael was adorable!

Matilde has lost the headband, but her blond curly haired little girl was sporting a HUGE headband. LOL! The only kid we didn't see was Panchito who should be a 13-14 year old by that point.

Matias-Adri's little boy had the same hair cut as his daddy and was also a cutie. Funny how the baby bug has now bitten Honorio and he's a doting grandpa.

OK. Going to finish my chai and see about some breakfast. Be back later to muse some more about this finale.

Excellent job, Amy. I will have to learn how to post photos now that I have full posting privileges for this blog.

I've been attempting to decide whether Fina's fate is the most appropriate. Is madness the ultimate punishment or is it an escape? Someone mentioned yesterday that ending up like Carlota in ENDA would be the best and I don't disagree. Fina will never be on the streets again but will she always be haunted by Roberta's death? I'm sure a real case of this type is impossible to predict.

The white dresses for the grape-stomping still bugs me. The ones from the first party like this were all so gorgeous they could have been bridal gowns.

Amy! Thank you! Thank you so much for this beautifully described recap of the Fin so artfully illustrated with clips! My friend, you have done this finale proud!! Yes, I even teared up when Roberta died: I knew that would be Fina's punishment, to have killed her own daughter and be driven mad by it but not mad enough to ever forget all the havoc she wreaked.

Like many of you, I also knew Marina was going to die but it was still sad. Thus, the story came full circle but written with love instead of hate this time.

What a year for Los Monterrubios and all the residents of wine country! They managed to produce an award-winning wine amidst all the murder and mayhem. The kids were cute and yes, our friends are as fertile as the soil that nourishes the grapes!

I'm going to have to find a list of Televisa Novelas, mark off and rate the ones I've seen. I think this has to be number one, not because it's obviously freshest in my mind but I loved the pace, I loved all the personalities and everyone was top-notch believeable and totally into their roles. NOBODY was missing in action!

Thank you Cheryl, Jules, Marta Ivette, Sylvia, Viv, EJ, Carlos and everybody who commented and all the less vocal voyeurs for a real educational and emotional blast! I'll see you guys around. Isn't it so fitting that my word verification is "frind" that's what I feel you all are and I'm tickled to know that anytime I can visit you in cyberspace. . .see you in comments!


I think having everyone stomp purple grapes in immaculate white clothing is the signal for us to put our beanies on. ;}

Loved the ending, loved all those adorable kids. LOVED the fact that they ran 35 minutes without a commercial -- it kind of makes up for the 15 minutes of rerun action the day before.

Beautiful job, Amy, and great pics. I wish I could capture fotos but I think it will be everything I can do just to figure out my VCR again in time for El Talisman. Oh, and I got my very first MP3 player for Christmas -- I think my first song to download will be "Cuando Me Enamoro."

Amy, you made me go through all the emotions again with your final, wonderful recap. Gracias...and the pictures were perfection. Ok, I'm tearing up again.

There were such great moments last night, and I'm with Audrey, finally a gran finale without spending the whole thing on an enormous wedding. (Hope future writers take note.)This one pulled out all the emotional stops...

I laughed-- seriously one of the funniest scenes of this TN was getting Nata to the hospital. The look on Jero's/Juan's face was perfect as he tried to calm her and she was having none of it. She even whacked poor Carlos a couple times. I loved it!

I cried. Me too on Marina. Knew it was coming, but it still made me pull out many a kleenex. Being a mother of twins, boy I remember all the horror stories they tell you of what could go wrong with multiple births. Carlos could weigh in, but they literally had the team right in the room to do an immediate C-section if needed, the delay here seemed more a plot devise. I had a few flashbacks myself with that segment. Did not understand the lack of hospital help as Jero screamed for someone.... but it was the finale. I guess we'll let that one slide.

Though a bit weird, kind of liked Berta's heavenly hallo appearrance to her mother. ( Take note-they don't mind red in heaven!) And that last jibe where she said farewell FINA was great, acknowledging she wanted no part of being her daughter, even in the afterlife.

Speaking of Fina....going along with trying not to be too violent I guess, no big end for Fina in a blaze of glory. I guess there was a sort of karma that once she had feigned being mad to get her vengeance, now she would spend her life truly confined and insane, living alone with not even the memory of a daughter who loved her ( and who she happened to kill).

Loved all the babies--of course healthy and crying premies--park the beanie BIG TIME on that one. (Mine were six weeks and they whisked them away after a brief howdy immediately to ICU because of the premature birth. ) But it's a TN...and they can only use babies over three months old, so....And the fast forward with all the kiddies at the end(missed Alfi's grown son?) I was in baby/children heaven.

Vivi I too cracked up over the headband! But didn't Mati look stunning without that darn thing. Everyone looked amazing at the fair--one quibble. Seriously, why did Laz have to wear that awful brown outfit. I would love to have seen him decked out better too.

I had to sit and hug my tees, kitty and empty wine glass for a few minutes at the end. So going to miss this amazing group. I started meekly back with Pasion, and have so enjoyed all the conversations and fun getting to know people through many TN's. This group for CME has just been the best. I so look forward to meeting up with many of you over El Talisman very soon.

Excuse me...need another kleenex. Sniff.

More pics from the finale:

I think Marina's twins were full term (or at least 8 months) since Nata's baby was 2 months premature and they were born on the same day. Just like Berta was full term, while Nata was a premie.

This was such a fun group on this CME line. There is no better combination than a good tn and chatty, witty group of commenters. You guys are one of the main reasons why enjoyed this tn so much.

As for the tn itself, I have to applaud the writers and the actors. When it first started and we knew it was going to be over 180 episodes, I was sure that we would have some long drawn out period of non-events and silliness, before the writers pulled it together again at the end. But I was WRONG. These writers knew what they were doing from the beginning and how to respect the intelligence of the viewers to keep us coming back each night to find out what would happen next to the characters we loved or hated. It was also clear that this cast enjoyed and respected each other. I wish we could have seen them all together for an interview.

Amy...You outdid yourself with those beautiful photos, capturing all the key moments of the finale. Thanks for letting us relive it this morning.

Like Daisynjay, I loved the tumultuous ride to the hospital. Labor is no fun and I was delighted to see how Sylvia Navarro played it. No stoic suffering in silence for her!

Was so annoyed by the unrealistic abandonment of Marina by the doctors, that I couldn't feel any emotion but irritation during her dying scene. And kept thinking what Dr. Carlos would say about the medical practice. Jeez, the OB even stopped to chat with Jeronimo before operating. That whole bit was simply too much for my beanie, lovely though it is.

But enough carping....

My second favorite moment was watching the little girl Matias was holding at the wine judging. She had her hands stuck in her ears the whole time, clearly did NOT want to be there. I love it when the child actors refuse to cooperate...just like our real kids!

Frankly, I thought that Fina got off too easy. She's in a comfortable place, sedated any time she get's too wrought up, and able to escape into fantasy cooing to her doll when things get too tough. For someone who killed a number of people and damaged countless others, that's way too cushy an end for her.

I did tear up at the end, watching Renata and Jero with the sun illuminating their their faces, declaring their endless love for each other. That was a lovely finale and makes for a very nice memory. Would that life were always that way.

Blue Lass- When they first had the vendimia celebrations many episodes back and we saw the white dresses, we were all horrified thinking about the ruined clothes, or the work the poor servants would have to put into bleaching those clothes! But we did find real images from the Baja vendimias with ladies wearing white outfits, although shorter skirts to avoid the grape juice stains. Here's one:

Judy- Yes, I loved Matias' daughter holding her hands oevr her ears as everyone cheered. Reminded me of the little flower girl at the royal wedding last spring. Meanwhile, Carlos-Mati's girl was clapping with the adults. I have a feeling that one of the twin girls got tired of playing in the grapes at the end and that's why some of the shots has her missing. I'm amazed they were able to wrangle so many little kids at the same time anyway!

Thanks for the vendimia info, Vivi -- fun!!

Thanks for quite the delightful closure to this novela, Amy!
wonderful pictures...
i too loved the less commercial beginning although i agree the premies crying loudly and being held around was a beanie hat detail. and to everyone else, it has been a wonderful pleasure sharing this novela viewing with all of you... god bless... and on to El Talisman.

i think at the house Renata had a younger boy along with the twin girls, Rafael and the baby girl she was holding so they did indeed have 5 kids. At the grape crushing scene, though, i constantly missed either one of the girls or one of the boys... i guess that 'tub' has a maximum occupant limit of 6 lol

judy, i too was annoyed by the abandonment of Marina by medical staff at her last few minutes... someone who just had c-section (major surgery) needs to be better monitored than that... even when her machine went into constant beep, noone came over...

Thanks Amy. You did a wonderful job wrapping this up for us with such style. The photos are perfectly chosen and beautifully presented. You really did yourself proud. Final episodes present unique difficulties and yet you provided us with a flawless effort.

Even though I did a lot of cheering and promoting for Matilde throughout, I think that overall my favorite character is Roberta. What a complex individual. This actress has a unique, exotic beauty that is capable of being extremely appealing conversely remarkably repellent depending on the quality of the character who animates it. She did a great job of making us detest Roberta and even view her as downright hideous but still feel sadness and compassion at her demise.

daisynjay, I also reveled in Renata's portrayal of a demanding young woman in labor. It was spot on perfect.

I'm also very sad that this is over. I'm sure we'll all cross paths in the future, but never again in quite the way that this show brought us together.


Amniotic fluid backing up into the lungs? I've never heard of that. How is that possible?

It bugged me in the first vendimia that the long dresses didn't have a way to hitch them up to knee length to preserve the beautiful whiteness.

And how does one remove the grape stains from one's feet afterward?

Oh no - well my first TN is over - and just like the last page of a great book I will miss these characters so much. I wish there was a window in TN land to check in and see how they are doing.

I loved Nata's baby - he was so beautiful and I think that was my favorite moment.

I felt sad at Berta's demise. I know she was horrible, but I wish there would have been a way for her to live out her life and appreciate the love of her family and find some peace.

Did anyone feel that Jero was a little over the top with his hysteria at Marina's death?

I loved the white dresses and how pretty everyone looked at the wine stopming - that's so pretty.

What winery was featured in the scenes - can you send the link Audrey.

Finally, I want to thank ALL YOU GREAT recappers - without you I could never have kept up or enjoyed this TN - you're all a Godsend - fun, kind, giving people and I thank you so much. I felt strange commenting at first, but all of you were so welcoming I felt like I'd found a bunch of new friends.

So before I start getting like Jero at Marina's bedside I'm going to sign off. Chili verde recipe to follow.

Love and blessings to you all,

Mary ")

Sorry to clutter up the recap with recipes but these have been sincerely requested:

Cochinita Pibil in Crock-pot


2 ounces fresh lime juice
2 ounces fresh lemon juice
4 ounces fresh orange juice
4 ounces fresh grapefruit juice
4 pounds pork Boston butt (pork shoulder roast)
2 teaspoons salt, divided
3.5 ounces achiote paste
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon dried oregano
7 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon hot paprika
1/2 pound banana leaves, thawed if previously frozen
1 large red onion, thinly sliced
5 bay leaves


In a bowl, mix the lime juice, lemon juice, orange juice and grapefruit juice and set aside. (This is to approximate the flavor of the Seville (sour) orange or naranja agria, the citrus traditionally used in this dish. If such oranges are available, use 12 ounces of their juice instead).

Trim exterior fat off pork. Cut the pork into 10 to 12 pieces if possible - or cut deep cuts. Rub the pieces lightly with 1 teaspoon salt and set aside in a large plastic bag.

Cut the achiote paste into pieces, and slowly stir in the fruit juices to dissolve. Add the thyme, oregano, garlic, pepper, cumin, paprika and 1 teaspoon salt. Pour the marinade on the meat. Marinate in the refrigerator sealed in the plastic bag for at least 4 to 6 hours or, preferably, overnight - turn at least once.
Thaw the banana leaves if frozen, rinse and pat dry. Cover the bottom and sides of the crock-pot with the banana leaves, overlapping the leaves and letting them spill over the sides of the pot.

Place the meat in the pot and cover with the sliced red onion and bay leaves. Pour over the remaining marinade and lay a banana leaf piece over the top. Fold over the banana leaves that spilled over the sides of the pot to wrap the meat. Cover the top of the crock-pot.

Cook on low for 6 hours or more until the meat has reached 190+ degrees internal temp. 190+ is required for the pork to be “pullable”.
While the meat is cooking, prepare the Pickled Red Onions - see recipe.

Unwrap banana leaves and scrape the red onions and bay leaves off the top - reserve for later use (maybe cook down more to soften onions if needed). Remove meat from crock-pot and let stand covered lightly with foil for 30 minutes. Then shred the meat and remove the bone.

While meat is standing, pour the remaining juices from the crockpot into a saucepan and simmer to reduce to about half. Taste and add salt if needed. Pour over the shredded meat.

Serve with warm corn tortillas, pickled red onions and bottled habañero sauce.

Recipe for the essential condiment Pickled Red Onions follows. It's not Cochinita Pibil without it.

Pickled Red Onions for Cochinita Pibil


1 large red onion
1/2 teaspoon oregano
5 whole allspice berries
5 whole cloves
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons white vinegar
juice 1/2 lime
juice 1/2 orange


1. Slice red onion into thin rings, and place in non-reactive bowl. Cover with boiling water and let sit for 10 to 20 seconds. Pour onions into a strainer to drain, and return them to the bowl.

2. Combine remaining ingredients and pour over red onions. Stir and press down onions. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate.

3. Stir marinating onions occasionally. Let marinate and chill for several hours before serving as a garnish.

As Renata would say: "Gracias gracias gracias gracias gracias AmyAzul"! We have had such fun marathon weekend conversations throughout this whole tn and YOU were the facilitator. Thanks so much. Good luck with finishing up school. Be sure to post your thesis so we can all comment on it!

"I would have done the same for you" says Renata. Wouldn't that have been the WORST ending ever if Renata had died for Roberta? Wouldn't we all be floored?

I loved when Fina first thought she saw Roberta and came straight toward the camera looking right at us. That is her trademark and it never failed to give me chills.

I wonder if they will try to pass Rafael and Marina and Irene off as triplets when they go to school? Does everyone need to know the real story? I can't decide which way would be better for the children. I am sure they will tell the girls about their mother, but everyone else? EJ and Karen, what should they do?

Carlos was right about "meses despues". Have you watched a few of these tns already, Carlos?

I guess I am officially a veteran now, having finished my first!

Amy, when you said "as we say goodbye to a story well told", now THAT brought the tears to my eyes more than Marina's demise.

Thank you Amigos. Thank you for including me mid-stream. I feel like I've been in the mix for years.

Rosemary la Otra sniff sniff
(You do realize that is crying and not a reference to Augie, right?)

Amy, thank you for this lovely recap. I relived the whole episode in your beautiful prose and those wonderful photos. I usually watch my TN on tape later in the evening but this time I had to be in front of the TV at 7 to know that I was sharing the pleasure with all of you out there on the East Coast and CST. I will have to go back & check the tape so that I can sort out all of those children. How adorable they were. Did it did seem that the grandchild holding Honorio's hand was too old to be the younger cousin of Rafael, Marina & Irene

Vivi, what a memory you have. I forgot -- or never knew -- that the reason Berta & Nata were born on the same day was because Nata was a preemie. Knowing that makes the backstory make more sense.

Didn't Mati look gorgeous without her headband? I was so busy watching her that I didn't notice her little girl's headband. Another detail for me to catch when I watch the tape.

I agree with everyone that this is perhaps my favorite TN so far. It was so well paced. There were so many reveals along the way and yet the happy ending kept dangling before us like the carrot before the donkey. They just kept pulling us along up to this very satisfying end. Before this my favorite finale had been Querida Enemiga where they did this same jump to the future where we could see a picnic blanket full of the next generation of toddlers. But that TN was also about the stolen identity of the central character, who had grown up not knowing her true family. It makes sense that the writers would have the same need to show that the family endures .

My favorite moment? The drive to the hospital. I loved the way SN played it. I loved that she let out the anger which we have rarely seen. And the look on Jero's face as he tried to calm her but couldn't hit the right technique because her moods changed so fast -- so well played by both.

A second favorite moment -- when Jero anounced from the stage that coming to wine country had resulted in his meeting the love of his life and Renata showed once again her girlish enthusiasm as she waved to everyone and let them know that she was the one he was talking about. That easy affection and gushiness was what got her sometimes in trouble at the beginning of the show -- as when Diego misunderstood her intentions -- and when people misunderstood her relationship with Rafa. It felt to me like one more way the writers brought us full circle.

What a terrific show this has been. AND how wonderful it has been to share it with you all and to read the sometimes snarky, sometimes poetic, always interesting prose of all the wonderful recappers. Gracias. Muchas gracias.


Chili Verde

1 yellow onion
3-4 cloves garlic
2 lbs. pork shoulder (cube into bite size pieces)
About 7-9 green chilies (cleaned [remove stems and skin – but you knew that right?] but leave some seeds for some kick!)

Now the reason I’m not giving the exact amount of chili is because of the heat in the chili – if it’s real hot maybe you don’t want 9 – if not, maybe you do. If you love it hot than add 10. You know what I mean.

Chop onion and mince garlic
Sauté with olive oil for about 4 minutes

Add cubed pork shoulder and brown
Chop chili and add to pan

Add water to cover meat

Add about 1 tsp of cumin (my mom didn’t but my husband’s mom did – personally I can live without cumin, and I think it’s just as good without it)

Salt to taste

Cover and bring to boil; lower heat and simmer uncovered for an hour.

Viola! It should be great!

Now, my mom, always used steak (filet mignon usually and never pork which I prefer) and she was from New Mexico. However, my hub prefers it with pork – which is how his mother made it but she WAS NOT from New Mexico so come to your own conclusions.

Also, my mom always used green chili from New Mexico – she said it was the only green chili! You can get it from several sources – if you’re in NM they have it at every market. As I said in an earlier post, my mom would always send away for it from NM, she’d get it and roast it the minute it was delivered, clean it and then put it in plastic bags and freeze.

If you have any questions, write me. I have to find (so sorry) the sopapilla recipe from the Santa Fe Cooking School – it’s around here somewhere and I’ll send as soon as I find it – if I get lost from the group – somebody write to me at my home email: and Cheryl NM also knows how to get a hold of me. 

Oh and please let me know how it turns out!

Mary- The real name of Hacienda La Bonita is Hacienda La Lomita. Click the "Architecture" link to see pics:

Also, here's an excerpt from this article about la Lomita's wines (

"Hacienda La Lomita is a prime example, having built a modern processing facility and a tasting room that enhances the wine region in many ways. In addition, their wines are already receiving top awards and recognition in regional wine competitions. Their winemaker, Reynaldo Rodriquez, received several gold medals this year at the International Wine Competition in Ensenada...Tasting room hours are from 11 to 4 p.m. Wednesdays thru Sunday. Appointments are required for groups of more than eight people, tasting fees are $2.50 per wine, and wine prices range from $18 to $32 per bottle."

Let's all go!

Thank you Vivi - yes! Wow, what a beautiful place - yes, et's all go!

Audrey/Mary-- thank you thank you for the recipes. I'm going to have to start a special section of a my binder of recipes for Caray Caray. Wonderful way to remember the fun times here every time I do a little cooking. I'm on my way to the grocery store soon...think I have some great ideas from yesterday and today for meals this week.

OMG-Rosemary. I did the same thing with the "Sniff" and forgot about our dearly departed scumbag!! How funny...hopefully that is one image I won't take away from this TN. (Wonder if Nata ever changed her signature perfume? )

UA, the condition that killed Marina was amniotic fluid embolism. It is something that occurs without complications in many if not most pregnancies but rarely causes problems but when it does, it's disastrous and often fatal. I delivered many babies and fortunately never had to deal with that particular problem although it was something that obstetricians are always aware of.

Rosemary la O, yes, "meses despues" as well as "dias despues and anos despues" appear often in these TNs.

Audrey, I hope everyone gets a chance to make your cochinita pibil, it is awesome. It is truly worth the effort.

The Lovely Linda and I had a blast shopping for the ingredients. Let me add that the pickled red onions are a great garnish for just about anything and go especially well on hamburgers. We add habeñeros to the mix to add a little tingle to the tongue.


"Did anyone feel that Jero was a little over the top with his hysteria at Marina's death?"

I thought Jerry was over the top hysterical with just about every major (and sometimes minor) event in this show.

As for the stained borders of the white dresses, I'm surprised that we haven't seen these white outfits marketed with just such stains. NOK Anita, are they available in the on-line shop?


Amy, what a wonderful episode that you were able to recap. You captured everything perfectly. Thank you and all of the other recappers for the time and talent you have been willing to share with us.

I was pleased to see that Jero bought Augie's land from the government. With his brood and extended family, he can use the hacienda as a guest house. When the time comes, we know he will make sure that Ani will be able to buy it.

I wish they had found someone for Alfonsina. A roll in the dirt with Dr. Nesme didn't warrant a life alone.

When Roberta appeared to Fina in the red dress, I wondered how they got that top to stay up. Must have used two-side tape and then held their breath.

One of my favorite scenes was when they came to get Jero because Renata was in labor and being defuddled, he began counting on his fingers! LOL! Renata was a joy to watch on her way to the hospital.

It was very satisfying that the story had come full circle and I loved the next generation. Where did they find such well behaved, cute kids.

I did much care for Marina telling Jero that he was the love of her life in front of Renata.

Audrey and Mary, thank you for the recipes.

Audrey, HEB's Central Market is the store that has the Hatch Chili Festival and it is always in August.

Rosemary #1

Amy, you did such a masterful job of bringing this tn into a safe and comfortable landing. Loved the pictures.

All of the wonderfully insightful, irreverent, funny recappers really made this a fun experience for me, and interacting with the commenters increased it even more.

I think my favorite part of this story was that fun filled loving afternoon on the beach (and in the tree) where Jero and Nata almost got back together after he quit being such an ass, but the room full of kids at the end was really special too - I loved the way the parents were loving and doting on them.

I did't get Marina being left alone either. If that was in the U.S., I'll bet someone would shortly be getting their butt sued off.

So long for now, and I hope I run into each of you somewhere else


Flores de Azul, wonderful recap of the finale and great pics to go with it. I thought the last image with the family at the private vendimia was lovely.

I'm glad every commenter here enjoyed the telenovela during its long run. In the end, it wasn't really a La Mentira remake but a different story altogether. I think the cast was good and they all seemed to enjoy the work almost as much as everybody here enjoyed their time shared in the blog.

Did Univision have anything prepared for the finale? No self-centered Don Francisco, etc.? I get the impression that they cut the finale in two.

I want to thank Sylvia for her great recap yesterday. I couldn't do it yesterday because I went back to Mexico City to start the new semester on Monday.

And really thanks for all the recappers. I couldn't follow this show with you or the line like I wished I would but everything I did read was fantastic and I wish I was better at expressing my appreciation for your work.

I hope I get to share points of view in new novelas with all the commenters here too. You are all pretty fantastic.


Wow...these recipes are astounding. The oven-roasted Winter vegetables we're eating today seem really pallid in comparison. I'm experiencing acute recipe-envy!

Carlos, thanks for the link to info about amniotic fluid embolism. I really thought that was just some telenovela "made-up" condition. Once again you have educated me. Gracias.

As for Jero's reaction, it's taken me a long time to get used to the wailing and crying they expect the male actors to do in these stories. But in this case, think about it...Jero not only caused Marina great emotional distress, but contributed to her death. No pregnancy?...well, then she'd be alive and well and practicing medicine. Using her long and expensive education to help others. And while she kept thanking him for making her a mother, she didn't get to be a mother really. She gave birth, but never knew the joy of caring for her daughters and seeing them grow up. All in all, Jeronimo was the worst sort of bad news for this woman. And the town lost a good doctor as well.

Good morning everyone!! I allowed myself to sleep in this morning and then the luxury of languishing over Amy's incredible recap.

Amy, our Doctor Carlos is correct, recapping the Gran Final poses some unique challenges but you really pulled out all the stops for this one. The pictures were amazingly perfect and your description of last night's events made me cry all over again. I went through about 5 napkins last night during Marina's death. I knew it was coming but it was still tough to watch.

I just loved the ride to the hospital. Silvia Navarro was so believable I felt I was in the car with them.

Those kids were all so darn cute! I laughed hard at the little girl with her hands over her ears, so very realistic. I also laughed at Lazaro's kid who seemed to be the most energetic, just like daddy!

Still reading the comments so more later...

As I am not as eloquent with words as all the recappers I would just like to same thanks for a job well done. This as been a wonderful ride from beginning to end and I have truely enjoyed myself.

word verication: tramp, QTH


Everyone: This is not the recipe I got when I took the class BUT it is from the same school and it sounds pretty darn good - so until I find the other one - I'll make this one with you and see how it turns out!

Noe Cano, long time kitchen manager and sous chef at the School, developed this version of the sopaipillas which are standard fare in most traditional New Mexican restaurants. These are so light and fluffy that they just melt in your mouth. The buttermilk causes the sopaipillas to puff up, but the vanilla paste adds a wonderful flavor. You really don't need the honey and butter that is typically served with sopaipillas.

1 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoon vegetable shortening
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla paste
canola oil for frying

Combine the flour, salt, baking powder and sugar in a bowl. Cut in the shortening until a coarse meal is formed. Stir in the buttermilk with a fork until the mixture comes together into a moist dough. Form into a ball, knead several times, cover and let the dough rest for 30 minutes.

Heat the oil in a deep pot to 375°. Roll out half of the dough and cut into squares or triangles. Drop the pieces of dough, one by one, into the hot oil and fry until golden, about 30 to 40 seconds, rolling them over to brown on both sides. Roll and cut remaining dough and fry. Drain on paper towels and serve warm with honey or honey butter.

Note: You may substitute 1/4 c. of the white flour for panocha flour, a coarsely ground whole wheat flour, for a richer flavor and more interesting texture.

Oh and Rosemary #1 - I didn't like the Marina confession either - I know they all got to be friends, but the love of her life? Come on! Generally that whole story line made me uncomfortable. Oh well. Let's make sopapillas.

I don't know how Televisa handles finales routinely, but Univision's often two-hour finale events are mostly driven by advertising revenue.

Novela finales are so high-rated that advertisers to their audiences want to be in them despite the fact that the spots cost twice as much as in a regular episode. Since Univision doesn't want to anger its audience by inserting too many commercials per hour the best way for them to handle this is to show the last two episodes back to back in order to accommodate demand for the ad spots (which are bought with others as packages, like the Stupid Bowl).

This is actually a good idea because not all novelas have a final hour that comes off a cliffhanger like CME did. FELS, for example, dispatched its male villain in the penultimate hour and all that was left was the royal wedding (despite that it was one of the most spectacular in the network's history). Had they not done this the last hour would have felt somewhat anti-climactic.

UA, I was also wondering about Mirana's medical condition and found this on the web.
Amniotic Fluid Embolism (AFE)
This is an extremely rare but fatal condition which can kill as many as half the women it affects. In the UK there are about 3 cases a year and very little is known about the condition. AFE is an obstetric emergency which occurs when amniotic fluid, foetal cells, hair or other debris enters the mother's blood stream via the placenta and triggers an allergic reaction, causing cardiac and respiratory failure. It will only happen if three other events occur. These are; · Rupture of membranes · Rupture of the veins in the uterus or cervix · Increased pressure from uterus to vein Small traces of foetal tissue are common in pregnancy but in some women it can trigger AFE. It can occur before, during or after delivery and 50 per cent of women will die from it within the first hour. Survivors may have neurological problems. It is not thought that it is hereditary or genetic. Characteristics include larger than normal babies, late deliveries (beyond 42 weeks), hard labour, sudden onset of shock, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath and chills. The cause is unknown and the condition is unpredictable and unpreventable

Vivi thank for links. There are some great pictures. I swear I am going to Hacienda La Lomita sometime.

And the recipes, yummm!!! I have a nice collection of Caray Caray recipes but it needs to be bigger.

Audrey, you have a favorite brand of achiote paste. What is it?

They're cute and all, but did anyone else think" Dang, that's a lotta little kids! And why are they at a wine tasting?" They've certainly been busy in those anos despues.

I liked the Fina ending. I think the point of the Ghostly Roberta showing up was to remind Fina that she killed her daughter. No more pretending with the doll. Also to let us know that you can still be sexy in heaven. No need to cover up a good-looking soul with a white robe.

Now we just need to demand Baja wines from our local wine stores since we're so knowledgeable now. The Vinos Valmar Cabernet was excellent at about $23.00. Need to search for some at half that price...

Hope to see you all at the next one, and thanks for those recipes. Yum!


I think we need a separate section for our recipes. This series definitely seems to have brought out the gourmets in all of us.

Before I read the recap and the comments, I just want to say that with all those kids forming the next generation, I see another TN about them in our future.

Last night after this elegant finale (well put Audrey) I went over to youtube and enjoyed some CME Bloopers. It was fun to see the villains be not quite so villainous. Rocio Banquells seems like a hoot in real life. I think one of our commenters once said they met her at a performance and she was a sweetheart. The one short bit where Jero and Augustin glare at each other then pretend that they are going to kiss made me shriek with laughter.

CME Bloopers

And Jose Ron's birthday on the set:
Jose Ron cumpleaños 29

For those who like them, here are some blooperst
from the show.


Jarocha, we posted the same thing at the same time! That's too funny.

Kelly, I'm so glad you enjoyed the wine. That's more than I usually pay for a bottle of wine so thanks for taking one for the team. I hope it was worth it for the very special occasion. I enjoyed myself immensely while watching the finale. There were a lot of kids for my particular taste but dang they were cute. I think Jero and Renata will have lots of help raising all those adorable munchkins.

cathyx, I wish they would do a telenovela featuring the next generation.

There was only one thing that kind of bugged me last night. Why didn't Alfonsina get to go on stage to receive the award? Hadn't she been a key employee by taking care of the vineyards for Rafa and Jero? OK thanks for letting me vent.

Silvia we posted at the same time! Great minds think alike!



"Why didn't Alfonsina get to go on stage to receive the award?"

Don't forget... Priscila helped too.


Such a lovely job Amy! I did not keep up with this one (darn it), but I made sure to watch the Fin. It was a perfect ending. I, too will miss hearing Enrique's "oooh hooo."

Priscila who? I tried hard to forget her, bah.

Here's an interview Silvia did on Hoy a little after the CME finale in Mexico, she talks a little about the novela:

Silvia's interview..

And here's a small interview
after Silvia's image change for Lidia de Amor, for those who were interested in that novela and seeing more of how she looks now.


Thanks for those bloopers...that's how I sound every time I try to speak Spanish...ababbbabbabaaa...nice to know native speakers can mess up those vowels also...

JudyB, no kidding, especially with words like desafortunadamente and probablemente.

Jarocha, thanks for the links. Silvia Navarro talks very fast! I have a hard time understanding her, but I did understand her say the is a great friend of Juan Soler and she thinks this is the secret to their on-screen chemistry. It was also fun to hear her talk about her upcoming telenovela and who is in it.

Amy, thank you so much. You really did justice to this final episode, and with pictures, too!

Kids, kids, and more kids. I'm glad they went right to the happily ever after rather than spending time on a wedding.

I thought Marina's swan song went on too long and got boring. But may she rest in peace and spend all eternity believing she and Jero had some grand romance.

Probably the reason there was no one around during Marina's swan song was that, you know, it IS the ONLY hospital in Mexico City -- and they have all those other telenovela personajes to take care of.

Julia, love the new photo with you chanelling Matilde!

Rosemary #1

Amy, once again, your ability to write concisely and hit every point is a delight to behold. That talent will do you a world of good in your post-school career, though you no doubt already know that. Thanks for the prose and also the photos.

Why was Jero so emo on Marina's death? Could it be he realized he has no experience of little girls, who are wonderful for the first twelve or thirteen years and then...

Wasn't Alfonsina originally the expert on grape growing while Rafael, then Carlos became the wine producers?

A systems approach to vendimia dresses would call for a heavy white paper mantle to be Velcro'ed at knee height. Easily removed and discarded leaving only routine maintenance for the upper portion of the garment.

Got a little weak in the knees reading Carlos' and Ebony's explanation of AFE. Yeah, it's been 29 years since our third and last bun came out of the oven without complications, but still, that's scary.

UA, thanks for the info on why the two hour finales. It was nice to see a non-boda gran final, wasn't it? Gracias, Univision y Televisa!

Fabulous recap, Amy, and sensational photos! You created a beautiful pastiche for El Gran
Final as we again bid farewell to another TN that has been part of our daily lives for so many months.

This was not one of my favorite novelas, but I adored the song and enjoyed several of the actors.
I detested the characters of Fina, Blanca and Nesme so much that I could not bear to watch them.

Re Jessica Coch, as viewers of Mi Pecado know, she was horrible throughout and soon, after asking for forgiveness, I think she died in a car crash. .. did not get a chance to live long in her repentant state of mind.

One thing that has been bugging me all along is that are we to believe that Honorable Rafael saw a spark of Goodness in Evil Roberta
that would have made her a self-sacrificing wife and helpmate?

I love Sylvia Navarro - terrific actress - and enjoyed also René Casados, and Alfredo Adame in a fairly typical role. I thought the new Adriana, Florencia de Saracho was adorable - very expressive, and I liked her straight talking, "tell it as it is" character. With regard to JS,
he is handsome, but I find him
bland - lacking in intensity, although, yes,he was somewhat over the top in the hospital scene.

What I liked best were the
Monterrubio family scenes, and I enjoyed how the writers let us be privy to all the disagreements, large and samll between R & J as a married couple instead of giving us another huge wedding and showing us a superficial relationship as they floated off blissfully after exchanging vows.
I agree: other writers, take note.
Of course, I loved seeing all the children at the end.

I did not join in much, but I really enjoyed reading all of the comments of this wonderful group
and witnessing the great bond you have formed through this TN.
I am so impressed as always with the varied background and intelligence of each contributor,
and as always learn a great deal
on a variety of topics as well as adding to my Spanish vocabulary.

I do not plan on watching Talisman, but I see two other possiblities in my future:
Yesterday the program Hoy previewed
two TN's:

1. Un refugio para el amor with Gabriel Soto as the protagonist
(I'm hooked on him as a good guy)
and Jessica Coch as a villain once again. Her mother, also a villain will be played by Frances Ondiviela - don't know her but she is beautiful. Female lead to be played by Zuria Vega - Robert Blandon will have a role as well

2. Lidia de amor - with Silvia
Navarro as a brown-haired veterinarian and Christián de la Fuente as co-protagonist.
Also included: César Evora
and our Adriana and Kari from CME.
Don't know the plots but like the actors.

Thanks again, Amy for a Fabulous Farewell and sincere appreciation to all of the recappers who helped me understand the fine points and also made me laugh a good deal along the way.

Amy, Amy,Amy, what a beautiful and sad, and bittersweet and happy recap. This had to be the best TN yet. I truly loved it and will get the DVD from Amazon in its abridged version, but thats ok too.

Queridos, I haven't been around here lately as two weeks before Christmas my computer died. I am at the libary now, but a new computer was purchased, I am waiting for the new dialup modem to arrive. I have missed and will miss you all daily,as I will miss this novella. I'll be looking for all of you as well.

Thank you all for the encouraging words for my still pending move to Baja. It will happen soon, 2012 is going to be a wonderful year for all of us.

I join in the thanks to all of the recappers that made my nightly spanish conversation class so much fun and easy.

Amor y hasta luego!


Rosemary, it was excellent luck; I found a long thin strip of brown suede in my sewing trims box. The perfect Mati headband! It was uncomfortable...came off the minute the show was over. I've no idea how she could stand to wear that all the time!

Julia, your picture is hilarious! You are one funny lady. Your camisa (or vestido) is perfect too.

Floridia, those are some very nice sentiments. I'm glad you popped in today. We'll see you on the Lydia de Amor board.

Valeena, I've been wondering about you. Sounds like you successfully working out life's kinks and looking forward to a fun and adventurous 2012. Do let us know when you make it down to Baja. I am determined to go there myself in 2012, hopefully via the water freeway. If so then this time I will be sure to stock up with some good vino and bring it back home.

Sylvia/Jarocha--thanks for posting those bloopers. Definitely looked like a fun set. I have to say, boy I'd go dancing with Rene anyday. Smoooth.

And as appropriate, we get a wonderful learning lesson on our final day. Those details on Marina's medical condition are frightening.
Can I also add her "love of my life" seemed a bit much, but technically, she was right. All she had was Saul to compare with, so yeah, Jero pretty much was it. Sad though it was.
I was bugged more by her 'name one of the girls after me'. Really? I could go with her thinking of her mother's name, maybe let Jero name the other after his mother? With twins, just found that a tough thing that one will deal with that direct connection to the deceased mother, the other not. That's just me...

Valeena, what a great idea to get the DVD version -- I came in halfway through, so I can fill in the backstory AND get to spend more time with my favorite characters!

Julia! I love the new look! Lol

I noticed Matias did not have a wedding ring on when they announced the pregnancy. Another costume slip?

Amy, thank you so much for your wonderful wrapup to this roller coaster tn. The photos were spot-on. You are a heckuva writer.

Where was Padre Severino while his niece was dying? Couldn't someone have guided him in from the waiting room long enough to give the last rites? Maybe they tried the scene both ways and Padre's bobbing and weaving added comedy where it definitely wasn't needed.

Also, How in the world did both Renata and Marina regain their pre-pregnancy figures 5 minutes after their babies were born??? There's a beanie in this house somewhere, sure needed it last night...

I also loved the little girl holding her ears. Wasn't she pretty close to Lazaro when he did his signature whoop? Maybe she was warned to cover her ears.

OK, how old was Andrecito when he had cancer? I thought he was 10 or 12. Now he's going to med school? What a prodigy.

I'm finished ranting.

My favorite part was Renata in labor in the car. It appeared as if Jeronimo was told to just go along with Renata's ad libs. He looked genuinely like he had no idea what would happen next!

one more little rant: Fina back in the looney bin? She fooled the doctors once, who is to say she won't bide her time, refill the gas can and wreak more havoc. The only good Fina is a dead Fina.

What excellent actors to be able to make us hate / love / defend them so fiercely. Such talent.

Word ver: immen I have immen(se) gratitude to all of you for the recaps, comments, cyber-friendship, laughs, tears....sniff. (Not Augie-style)

Oh, hey, was anyone else suprised to see Ines without the helmet hair?

Mike, we've got to stop meeting like this!!

Oh my goodness, it is absolutely perfect weather outside right now-- 60s! And just to make the day better, I return to so many great comments to read and videos! I loved the bloopers and the cake in the face video. Fun seeing the cast having fun with each other. Thanks Sylvia and Jarocha. I agreee, nice to see that native speakers trip all over their words sometimes too. Padre Sev-- "Can we just cut this scene?" LOL!

I think someone once asked about how galans are always in good enough shape to carry these women around in their arms all the time, especially considering how many takes they have to do when filming. Well, Juan Soler answered that question. Sometimes they have to put the woman down and take a breather.

So good to see you both Floridia and Valeena. Valeena, I think it was you who originally provided us with the La Lomita info, so I know you've been doing your research on the region for a while. I hope you make it there soon!

Julia- LOL! I love the headband and outfit. ;-)

Emilia- We learned in Teresa, when all the high school graduates were going off to med school and law school, that in Mexico after prep school you go right into your professional program in college-- be it becoming a doctor, lawyer, eonologist, nutritionist, etc. So it makes sense that Andresito would be going right into his medical degree program "next year" when he is 18.

I will certainly miss the song, just as I miss the song from LFdD. Here's hoping El Talisman will have a good one.


I too noticed that Matias wore no ring; neither did Honorio, and I
couldn't tell if Carlos wore one but Gonzo, yes.

Julia, completely agree about
Marina's lengthy swan song - too much!

Daisynjay - I thought the same thing about Marina's request to
name one twin after her - a constant reminder for one of the
girls to live down - I thought it presumptuous and poor judgment, as well as unequal treatment,but then she did make some unwise choices along the way in spite of her intelligence, and too, she was taking her last breaths and perhaps not thinking clearly.

Jarocha and Silvia - Love the Bloopers! .. makes everything real.
Many thanks.

Jarocha - Best of luck in your continued studies. Along with your hard work and dedication, Luck comes in handy at times. Thanks as always for your insights into the inner workings of all things Mexican.

Thanks for the info, Vivi. Makes perfect sense, as long as the child knows what they want to be when they grow up. (60 years in and I still don't know!)

Thanks for the wonderful recap. This is the first tn that I have watched from start to finish and I LOVED every episode. What made it even more enjoyable was reading the daily recaps and comments on this blog!! Thanks for all your hard work and all the laughs. I can't wait for El Talisman to begin!

There's now a Google+ page called "La Plaza de Caray" where all of today's recipes and link are posted. Basic idea is to provide a place to keep in touch. There's a photo on the top left of Silvia Navarro and TBLMOE for your delight as well.

You might have to do something w/ your Blogger I.D. or even create a Google+ account. Lo siento.

Amy I loved your recap and the fabulous photos, thanks for making the last episode really epic!

This has been one of my favorite TN's so far, the actors were believable in their roles, the wine country setting beautiful.
All of you make this such a special place to visit, I am always behind watching the shows but love that I can watch recorded episodes and still find fun recaps and interesting comments here on Caray. Not to mention interesting facts and info from Jarocha and Vivi , you two are a wealth of knowledge! Vivi you have more memory than my PC !!!

Someone should make a cookbook with all the great Caray recipes! I have made Carlos corn casserole that was delightful, I will try Audrey's Pibil soon too, sounds yummy-licious! Any recipes for Puerto Nuevos's grilled lobster or fish tacos? I haven't been there in over 20 years but my mouth still craves the taste of them!

I think they were stomping on rubber grapes during both stomping scenes, I curiously watched the grapes and never saw broken grapes or juicy stained feet. I'm sure they stained Sylvia's dress hem later. The scene with the kids was also very clean.

Daisynjay I agree with you on Marina asking to have a twin named after her was too much. raising Marina's twins full time is a big commitment for Renata even if Jero is the father. Plus what if you dislike the names Marina and Irene? I would hate having to daily hear the name of my husbands old girlfriend..dead or alive.

I soooo wanted Anibal to inherit his father's property, I wonder why he wouldn't get it being his only heir. Jarocha do you know if that is because he wasn't in the will? Also why would the government own it now ?

A better punishment for Augustine would have been to waste away in prison, dying was too easy and end for him. Fina also could have suffered more in my humble opinion.

Julia loved the outfit...too cute, Nok can use you as one of her models !

Does anyone know if the cast will be together on any TV special ?

Best wishes to all of you for a safe and prosperous New Year filled with exciting new Novelas and delicious Mexican food!

Amy Azul
Thank you for a wonderful recap, truly a fitting ending to one of my favorite TNs. The screen shots were lovely and perfectly matched my memorie of the episode. I have so enjoyed recapping on this team and I continue to learn from each of the recappers and commenters daily. Cheryl, most gracious snarker around, Jules-who kindly accepted the tag team subsitution of Lila and I n Tuesday, Lila, our new recapping prodigy, Marta Mistress of Any coversation, Cap'n Silvia naughty, delightfully clever and snippily snarky (remember Prissbutt? Changed my English vocab forever), dear amigo Carlos and you Amy were pure pleasure to work with.

Commenters, you were SO much fun. Good luck to each of you.

Kind regards to all and see you on ET, if you continue.


If the link I posted doesn't work, go to and use the search window to find La Plaza de Caray

Wow Mike...your new Plaza de Caray site is fabulous. We have to get Urban Antropologist's Stuffed Grape Leaves recipe in there. Did I miss it?

Amy Azul--A huge bow to you for bringing us to the end of our wonderful tn is such style. The screen shots were perfect. I said before and will say again what a wonderful community this has been and what a privilege to belong.

There's nothing I can comment on the finale that would add anuything significant. Loved it all. Wish we could have met all the little ones up closer, but they only had so many minutes left.

Carlos--you made me treary-eyed with your emotional goodbye to this particular tn.

Oh, and the Emporium did have some vendimia dresses--our version had 6-inches at bottom with a velcro border so that the stained part can be removed and the whole outfit doesn't have to be dyed purple or bleached white in order to be used again.

I'm looking forward to seeing many of you on ELT and meeting some new folks as well.

Thank you so much for all the recipes. I feel decidedly in a Mexican dinner mood, even though tonight we are off to our favorite East Indian restaurant.
Anita (formerly NOK)

Mike, your new site is wonderful. Thank you.

Rosemary #1

Thanks Mike. Wonderful site. After re-watching the last hour of CME this afternoon while cleaning (I just couldn't help it), I then get a view of Silvia and Colunga with all the fabulous recipes. What more could a girl want??

Thanks Cap'n and Jarocha for the bloopers link. I love bloopers and they kinda help shake one out of the novela spell (if that's what ya want) and I watched a related video of Jessica Coch getting married: really nice to see "the real Roberta" smiling and expressing love and happiness! Thanks!


UA, I, too, have been hoping against hope that El Talisman has a good theme song -- for some reason, it's ridiculously important to me. I just LOVED the Teresa theme, and the CME theme was beautiful as well.

Mike--Just accessed your great new parking place for left-over feelings for CME and soon to have no left-overs after making these great recipes.

One small note for accuracy's sake--Change Cuando "de" Enamoro to "me." It's probably just a typo, but as someone who learned at her mother's knee, I have editorial eye.
Anita (formerly NOK)

Sylvia, I use the El Yucateco brand of achiote paste because that's what they sell here. It comes in 3.5 oz or 15 oz packages. I've been very happy with it. It's available on Amazon if anyone has a hard time finding it.

I also prefer the Jardine's Sontava Habañero sauce. They have a very orange colored one that has carrots in it which is apparently the Yucatecan style and is a product of Belize (next door). I like the flavor. Just 4 to 6 drops in your taco though, that stuff is bottled fire!


Judy, I went back and grabbed UA's Stuffed Grape Leaves and Cheryl's Stuffed Jalapenos recipes. They're now on the Google+ page.

Blue Lass, did you say you had Virginia roots? Emilia and I are in Yorktown.

Mike I loved your site Plaza Caray. It was great!

I'll go back to check out everybody's recipes for sure!


MIKE---HOW ABOUT PUTTING Marina's Third Rate Romance poem on our new website?

Amy Azul, Let me add my thanks for your lovely ending recap with perfect screen shots to commemorate how beautiful this last capitulo is. I am reluctant to let go of this most astute study group. Like Carlos said, it will never be just like this again but I look forward to keep ing up with all of you across the CarayCaray telenovelas. I managed to tape the last two episodes so will play them over several times. Although I wanted to see the close up of Matilde in her wedding dress sans headband but at least she was clean foreheaded at the wine exhibition. Yes, her baby in the big headband was too cute.

I loved Roberta's last "appearance" to mom in a striking red dress. Red and warm colors were always Renata's favorites (she even chose red over green in her bondage on the shrimp boat with Augre). I hope Fina didn't bet too many mindnumbing drugs, she so deserves to have mental pain everyday since we can't put her on a torture rack these days.

I liked the huge crowd of little children and babies. Glad for them that they can hire a lot of nannies to help the local economy.

And yes Sylvia, Alfonsina should have definitely been asked to join the boys on the stage to accept the award.

Hey, y'all, La Plaza de Caray on Google+ isn't "mine", so please feel free to jump in, post a link or a recipe or comment on the theological dogmatic underpinnings of Fina's salvation... or damnation.

Now I just have to get back to my own Google+ page and my beloved news feeds and stuff. I'm real close to bailing on Facebook.

There were a few open rabbit holes that the writers didn't choose to lead us down that I thought were tantalizing.

Antonio's wife and daughter who disappeared in a jungle plane crash. I thought for sure they would turn up.

Where the heck did Blanca come from and why?

I would have loved to have had at least one meal at Chema's restaurant.

Did Gitana ever find love? All the other ladies got to have children... why not our favorite mare?

Why didn't we get a chance to meet Germán's son? They hinted that he was a sensitive artsy type.

I wouldn't have minded another ten episodes or so.


Carlos- Well, the little wooden horse that Rafita was riding was named Gitana...

Carlos, a deeply personal question if I may: which is now your favorite?

A. Cuando Me Enamoro
B. Un Gancho al Corazon

did anyone comment on grown-up Adriancito? he was pretty handsome, but have really that many years gone by? he went from about 12 y.o. to about 16 and grew about a foot! Little Rafa and the twin girls cannot be more than 5 y.o.

Well Marta Ivett, when our story began Andresito was about 12. A year passed in our story, and he was away being in Eva Luna. From that point I am guessing another 3-4 years has passed by as Rafita and the twins appears to be 3-4 years old. That would make him 17 in our jump in time. That's about right.

I wonder why they couln't find a 13 year old to play Panchito? Everyone one else was accounted for.

Mike, I'm going to have to ponder your question for awhile because both Gancho and CME are very dear to me. However, as much as I enjoyed both shows, far more important for me is the daily camaraderie that we shared with both. The recappers for both shows were very talented and everyone who commented here was delightful.

Gancho had Coni (be still my heart), Ximena, and Beto. I don't think I've ever seen steamier love scenes than those between Coni and Beto nor any funnier actor or actress than Veronica Jaspeado (Ximena).

I think that I was more intrigued by the story presented in CME.

I recapped regularly on Gancho and only did a couple of guest recaps on CME, but my Gancho recaps wrote themselves while I had to work a bit on the CME recaps.

I'm going to sleep on it and get back to you with a favorite tomorrow. Meintras tanto, I'd love to hear from others who watched both (that includes you, Mike) as well as from others who can compare CME with other TNs they have enjoyed.


Carlos- This is a tough one. CME vs. Gancho. I'll do it by categories.

-Recappers and commenters: A tie.
-Story (flow, coherence, interest level): CME
-Memorable characters: Gancho (Ximena, Beto, Nieves, Don Cesar)
-Main couple: CME
-Secondary couple: Gancho (Beto and Connie)
-Memorable Villains: A tie. (Fina and Hissabel are equally vile. Berta and Coni tie for the bad girl prize. And Augie and Oscar are both creepy.)

So they're even in my mind. They are such different kinds of tns. I would watch all of CME again from start to finish. But I would search for specific scenes from Gancho-- Beto and Coni; Nieves and any man who floats her boat; and Ximena and anyone.

Mike, yes, I lived in VA for 23 years -- HS in Richmond, undergrad in Charlottesville, then the DC area until I finished graduate school and took my first academic job in Southern Cal. Now I'm in Maine.

I was within shouting distance of you two the summer before last, when I went back for a conference and to visit old friends in the area -- Annapolis, Chincoteague, Charlottesville, Falls Church, Leesburg, DC & Baltimore. But that was before I (re)discovered telenovelas and this wonderful community. From now on, EVERY time I travel, I will be discreetly checking to see if there's anyone nearby with whom I can share my obsession over some coffee and pan dulce...

Vivi, your analysis of the two shows is very similar to mine. Just to refresh your memory of Gancho, see if you can watch this and not laugh out loud.


"El tuyo es PERMA, nente." LOL! There is no scene with Ximena that I can watch without laughing. Thanks for the memories Carlos. Now I'll have to watch all of those Ximena-Rolu clips that I see listed on the side. The full body cast period should be particularly hilarious.

Other funny Gancho moments:
The first 2 ½ mins with Nieves and a naked Mau:
Beto and Coni:

Cap'n Sylvia- The bottle was out of my normal budget but it was very good. Didn't taste any bit like Renata's feet.


Vivi & Carlos. I would also rate the two shows much as Vivi did. It was the Coni / Beto scenes and anything that included Ximena which I liked best about that show. But Nieves and Estrella were favorites as well.

Overall though I liked CME better.

I enjoyed the community of recappers and commenters on both. It's always hard at the end of every show to have the particular recap community break up. I know that we'll run into each other again and it will be warm and supportive but it will be different.


Great recap, Azul! I haven't been around as much but love checking in de vez en cuando to see what everyone has to say...

I have to say I've fastforwarded a lot the last few weeks, but was glad I stuck with it... the finale was beautiful. I LOVED the very end with the happy family in the grape vat, such a feel-good despedida! I, too, enjoyed the boda-less finale.

I'm so glad this tn introduced me to Silvia Navarro, I absolutely adore her spunk and fire (and although not everyone agrees, I'm a total fan of her quirky wardrobe)! I just started watching tns about a year ago so I haven't seen her in anything else, but she seems so genuine and has the most contagious laugh... although the hyperventilatory crying was a bit much at times ;)

Not such a fan of Juan Soler, but Silvia made him believable some how. I'm going to miss Adriana/Matias and Matilde/Carlos, such fun parejas! Random note: I much prefer Jose Ron with less hair, there's just something "not right" about his look in LaQue...

Thanks again for the tireless dedication of all you recappers! Watching these shows would not be the same without you all!!


Mike, I just checked in on the Plaza de Caray site. It's great. Thanks for setting it up.


Oh wow, I just spent the evening connecting to all the links. Thanks to all who posted those. The bloopers were great! We must all schedule a group tour of the Hacienda! The recipes! Mike, how sweet are you? Thanks for setting us up with La Plaza.

I somehow also missed Mati's baby's headband. Mati really looked so pretty that I must have kept my eyes on her. They made her look like she had aged/matured where the others looked the same if you didn't count the guys' hair brushed to the other side.

Mike - I did notice Ines' new non-helmet hair. What a great makeover!

I think my favorite episodes, besides the absolute favorite of Regina/Renata hugging, were all the parties. Especially before any shootings or helicopter propaganda commenced, or mother's rolling down the stairs. They never seemed to end well, but still I'd love to have been invited.

R la O

Vivi!! Now I must find el Gancho online, I must see them all! And I must have one of those "mole" tshirts ;)


Amy, thank you for your wonderful recap. Your pics were great and your captured the mood perfectly. Best wishes in your studies.

Mike - thanks for making the CME page those wonderful recipes. And thanks Audrey and Mary for your contributions.

Thanks Sylvia & Jarocha for the bloopers. And Vivi for your links.

Other TNs - as a person who studies media I'm going to try to create more options than limit myself. CME is a melo/drama while Gancho was a comedy so I could pick both (one for each category). Though I must admit that I enjoyed the communities around these two TNs far more than the actual TNs. I had so many good laughs and learned: interesting facts, Spanish, the fascinating backgrounds and abilities of the recappers and commenters. But for the record my fav TN was my first, "Alborada."

Oh and Julia I love your photo!

I think CME and Gancho are very different. CME had an ongoing storyline while Gancho had mostly incidents following one over the other.

If you watch an episode of CME you feel the need to watch the next, while you can jump form one episode of Gancho to one hundred episodes later to fifty episodes earlier with no need to follow the timeline.

Meanwhile, CME has a very likeable lead that you could root for the entire Telenovela. And Silvia Navarro acts circles around most leading ladies out there. That's something that appears to be pretty difficult to find nowadays.

Gancho has the most memorable cast of characteres in a telenovela: Xime, Beto, Coni, Nieves, Estrella, Paula, Rolu, Gaby, Salvador, Lalu, Jaqueline, Cristian, even the baddies.

Xime was the best, so funny. Beto and Coni are still one of my favorite couples ever. Not only were they funny and hot, once they revealed themselves as a couple they were oddly functional in a way that most telenovela couples aren't.

AnotherAmy: You can find the whole novela here. It is worth to watch.


Julia, please add me to those who really like your new look. I think that you look every bit as fresh, fetching, and frisky as Matilde. Have you ever danced on grapes?

Karen, the more I think about comparing Gancho and CME the more inclined I am to take your path of wanting to keep each in its own category of entertainment but for the sake of discussion I think comparing the various components of each show as Vivi did can be fun.

A feature that I think both have in common is how well all the actors worked together and seemed to enjoy each other.

Over time I've developed an idealized memory of Gancho, but after thinking critically about it I remember interminable, tedious, repetitious bickering between the two main characters that had all of us reaching for the remote.

In CME, Jerry's stupidity and emotional blundering drove me up the wall. Instead of making me want to reach for the remote, I'd like to have been able to zap him with a few jolts from a TAZER. He never seemed to learn.

CME episodes often left me breathless from the excitement but the Gancho episodes would leave me breathless from laughing.

Vivi, as much as I've enjoyed CME, I don't think that I'd watch it in its entirety again unless it were in the company of this same group that we have here.

As for Gancho, I think I probably would watch it all over again, especially with the old Gancho gang (or this CME bunch)... but even all alone.

So Mike, I think I'm gonna go with Gancho... but only by a slight edge.

Karen, I loved Alborado, too, and I did watch it twice.


Mike, Cool Plaza page! Thank you!

Myrna, thank you so much for letting us know you have enjoyed the recaps and for sharing your thoughts.

Audrey, I use a similar-sounding habanero sauce from Belize called Marie Sharps. Like yours it is fiery but so incredibly balanced in flavor it is a delightful condiment. Thank you for reminding me of your favorite achiote paste. I'll make my own if I have time, inclination and ingredients, but I do like to have a good prepared product just in case.

Carlos, thank you for your list of unfinished plots. I was wondering about some of those. I guess we will just have to imagine in our own minds how things went. In my mind Alfonsina was eventually able to inherit the money that Fina stole from Blanca. The handsome investigator discovered the connection and worked to get the money to Alfonsina. She was very grateful. He has grown quite fond of Alfonsina and her children and has applied for the Ensenada Chief of Police, a job which recently opened since the former Chief decided to go into winemaking. Panchito adores him and they were off for a weekend of deep sea fishing and when the wine judging was held.

Perfect, Sylvia!!! How about a spinoff series?

Really Carlos? You would watch ALL of Gancho, all over again? You must really love Coni! There were some real tedious periods in there...But with this recap/commenter group, I'd suffer through them again too. :)

Although Jero had me wanting to break his face many times in the beginning, I forgave him long ago and so was able to fully support him and Nata as a couple from the moment he accepted and apologized for being such a butthead. Plus, I really enjoyed their chemistry-- the way they supported each other during sad moments and hard times; the romantic gestures; the way they laughed and joked with each other; and even the way they fought and made up. Of all the tns I have watched, I think Nata-Jero has been the most believable main couple I've seen. I can't think of another couple that actually spoke to each other as much and shared their true feelings (even if they were ugly), and then tried to work through it like adults. Aside from the main couple, I think the other reason I would watch it again is to see more clearly the parallels between the past and the present, and how the writers tied them together.

Sylvia- I also made up a romance in my mind for Alfie and the handsome detective. LOL! I am sure that Nata and Jero raised her salary enough to support her family and likely started a college fund for her kids too, so I don't think she's in need of money.

Vivi did you really? Well then it's confirmed! They would make a very handsome couple and he seemed calm and centered which I think would be good for her.

I'd watch Gancho all over again, too. Maybe I'd FF>> a few Moni and Mau scenes. But I could never get enough of Ximena, and I loved so many of the other characters as well. Beto and Constanza's torrid romance, Estrella Falcón, Actriz, and her inappropriately young novio Aldo, Nieves (always worth a close look just to see what she was wearing), everyone always abusing Jero, saucy tough Paula, Mau as a bug...what's not to love? Even the villains were mostly spicy good fun rather than bone-chilling creepy. It was a fun diversion.

Jarocha, whenever I think about Gancho I marvel at the wonderful cast that was put together for it. Almost every character was so quirky that one character who was fairly normal, Mao's mechanic Tano, stood out and seemed odd amidst the others. I never did trust that guy. Don't forget Costeño and his chemistry with both Nieves and Ximena and I can still picture César in his footy airplane pajamas.

I think everyone here agrees with you about Renata. For me the only annoying things about her was that she insisted on hitching her wagon to such an immature jerk and her blind spot where Augie was concerned.

I will admit, however, as much as I detested Augie, he was the male character I most looked forward to seeing. He was never boring.

Sylvia, I really like your supplemental scenario for Alfonsina. I would have also have liked to see Alison wolfing down a whole lobster at Casa Chema.


Casa Chema could also be another whole telenovela. I wonder why writers keep copying old novelas when we have all these amazingly clever new ideas? Such a mystery.

I don't know if this will actually be the theme song of El Talisman or if someone just used it for a promo, but it's a cool song:
El Talisman by Rosana

ATTENTION: There will one more CME bonus post tomorrow. Stay tuned...

WOW -- fantastic song! I am looking forward to hearing it every night. ;}

Does anyone know where El Talisman is supposed to be set? I know they're filming in Miami, and it's very tropical-looking.

Blue Lass, I read that the family starts out in Texas and then moves to Fresno, California.

Rosemary #1


I loved Gancho and I came into it halfway through. The commenting group was great and the show made me laugh out loud. As Carlos said, it was such a great ensemble that the vignettes were worth watching without any forward plot development. It was like watching an old group of pros in a theatre company bring their best to each day's performance.

CME was well written and the character development was the best I have ever seen in a TN. The long arc of storytelling that happens in TN-time allows for this, but I have never seen writers/producers use the format so well to define the characters. Most were nuanced, making them much more interesting to watch and root for over the many months of the TN. Plus, this group of commenters and recappers—the community, is really quite a special one. I love that Melinama has created a forum where we have real discussions and disagreements but no ugliness and hating. It is a very civilized space and I have so enjoyed hanging out with the you all.

Like Karen and Carlos, I'll keep Gancho and CME in different boxes. I'll say Gancho is my favorite comedy, Xime, my favorite character, and CME my favorite dramatic story. I would probably pay to watch Navarro read the phone book. For my money she is she most talented 30ish actress acting in the world of film and TV right now—anywhere. If she speaks English, I'd love to see her do some American film.

I hope to get a chance to recap Lidia when it comes out next year. I'm just sayin'...


R#1 and Blue Lass:

Fresno? Did you say El Talisman is set in Fresno, CA? I am gobsmacked!

Of all the cities in CA in which to set a TN, Fresno would probably be my 300th choice! For the sake of verisimilitude, yes, there are large Ag estates in that area. But they are almost all owned by large conglomerates not individual farmers/ranchers. It is not remotely tropical, like say, San Diego and looks NOTHING like Miami. Well, I take that back, both cities are flat.

You could knock me over with a feather right now...


EJ, that is what I read. Maybe they will have the 3-D letters again telling us exactly where we are!

Rosemary #1

EJ, wasn't there a short-lived comedy back in the 80's called "Fresno?" Think it starred Carol Burnett and was meant to be a take off on Falcon Crest or Dynasty. Anybody else remember that?

Speakin' of La Plaza de Caray, I'd like to add some photos and could use some help, so please add anything you fancy. Julia, your picture of your own sweet self in the Matilde outfit would be very nice on LPdC.

Jarocha, muchisimas gracias for the Gancho link... I guess I won't be leaving the house for a while ;)


Fresno? I'm speechless. I wonder where they did the actual filming? I know there are some spectacularly beautiful wilderness areas and ranch resorts (dude ranches) not far from Fresno proper.

Carlos: I love your never ending dislike of Tano. As well as your love for Coni, I was reminded of it in the Fuerza line with Ibarramedia's love for Maripaz (Laisha Wilkins has a way with men). It's funny how you got to recap the episode where Coni saved Monita's life and got thrown in jail (redemption and punishment) and Ibarramedia recapped the episode where Maripaz saved her mother's life and then died (redemption and punishment).

And I did rewatch Gancho completely with you all, each and every single episode. I think I've only really done that again with Teresa, with other novelas I've missed some episodes and relied solely on the recaps to remember what happened.

I'd say Gancho flows pretty well for the first 175 episodes and then gets a little tedious in the last 45. However, there were still little moments here and there that made it worth it. I would watch it for a third time with all of you!


Attention grupo CME--

Before we dissolve this special CME community, be on the lookout for a special post-CME posting by Sylvia tomorrow evening. Teehee, I think everyone will enjoy it.

Mike, I am new to Google+ and haven't got it figured out yet. But I love La Plaza de Caray and I will be sure to join in there and post some things.

Thanks, Julia - I'm still trying to figure out a lot of the ins & outs of Google+, too.

But anybody that wants to post a photo or video or link, please, have at it.

MIKE--H E L P!!!
I just joined Google to be able to use plus+Google. But I can't figure out how to post a comment like Emilia did under Third Rate Romance--I wanted to add The Ode to Marina.

Amy: I don't think there is anything I can say that hasn't been already said except your recap and pictures were lovely - thank you.

Everything tied up neatly but I have to keep asking myself, did Marina really need to die?

Carlos, like Judy, I kept thinking of you during Marina's anguishing last moments. No staff - cringe inducing for certain.

Thank you Amy and all the wonderful recappers who brought all the joy and heartache in such masterful ways daily.

See you on the next.



I knew I shouldn't have put away that beanie.

BTW, I had Uni on while I was getting ready for work this morning, and I *think* they said Rocio Banquells was going to be on "Don Francisco Presenta" tonight.

I enjoyed this telenovela most because of the tempo of the plot. And even the ending exceeded my expectations by dipping into the characters lives after the villins were put away. I do regret not seeing Matias and Adria's weeding! But it was wonderful and the kids stole my attention from all else.
About the vendima gowns: Why not I ask myself; we do the same one time only with wedding gowns and I am curious as to if a stained wine gown would have some elegant way to be embellished. :-&
Thank you everyone for being here and see you soon, maybe Talisman. Is that going to include settings with gambling casinos I wonder.

P.S. I have added the shopping emporium stock list to my binder of vocab and dichos. Too good to forget!

Loved CME and Sylvia Navarro but if I had to choose only would be Gancho. Tedious though it got at times, there was ALWAYS something funny going on in every episode.

Every cast member was great (even the beige bland Tano) and I'd watch it all over again in a heartbeat...especially with my crazy CarayCaray mates.

Bonney Churros, maybe the telenovela will be about raisins. El Talisman won't be the first novela filmed in Fresno:

Blue Lass, thanks for the heads up. I will record Don Francisco tonight just in case.

I think Gancho had the best characters ever. We are still quoting Ximena, that says something, nopis?

Sylvia, thanks! Do you think Carol Burnett's character was a role model for Fedra in Llena? Fedra had some of the same expressions and mannerisms and snotty attitude.

For the Californians: is Fresno a less fun town than Barstow?

Now - Anita, et al, here's a temp fix for the La Plaza thing. I put up a comment for commenting. I need to figure out how anyone other than me can get in there and start posting.

Mike, having visited both but being an expert in neither, I am pretty confident that Barstow is less fun than Fresno.

Mike: Fresno and Barstow are both armpits - or maybe one is an armpit and the other is a toilit.

I'm going through CME withdrawal. I guess I'll have to go to the gym tonight. :(

Toilet - meant to say toilet.

Emilia and I spent exactly one night in Barstow back in March of 75. Stayed in a charming Motel 6 next to the rail into the Marines' depot. Rumble rumble rumble. Cold at night in March. We had to put quarters into the baseboard electric heater. We did have a Magic Fingers Bed though and we both thought we were having arrhythmias.

Hence my inquiry as to whether we had simply failed to appreciate a fine and vibrant city.

I definitely think Fedra in Llena owed a lot to Carol Burnett. I think in a discussion of one of the early episodes I even linked to a YouTube clip of CB in "Annie" to show the similarity. She definitely had the same loosey-goosey, overly provocative mannerisms.

I want to ask a CME question - and I know this is way after the fact and was possibly discussed long before I started commenting BUT at some point did Regina, after meeting the Monterubios and having constantly been searching for her daughter, ever ask what the of their birthday was? Just wondering.


I’ve had a great time reading all your comments. Now I’d like to make a few of my own even though I know I’m coming late to the party. Firstly, I’d like to say how comfortable I feel making a dissenting opinion on this site because, even if everyone disagrees, it will be done with kindness and respect. OK. I’m in a minority of one here, but I feel like Marina should say whatever she pleases on her deathbed. It’s not as if Nata wouldn’t know that Marina is still in love with Jero. I’m sure they’ve met several times over the course of their pregnancies and she’s not stupid. I can also see why M could still be in love with him. As the mother of his children, J would treat her golden. Besides, Nata is the winner and can be gracious about it. She has Jero’s love and she also had his first-born—and a son (that whole first born son thing is important to some men). I disagreed at first about naming one of the twins Marina. Thought it was OK until someone pointed out that it wasn’t fair for one of the twins to have the mother’s name. I agree with that. If it had been one child, then I see no problem with it. I’m sure Nata wouldn’t mind hearing the name everyday. After all, she’s raising those babies as if they were her own. I think with the twins, though, it should have been as someone suggested: one named after Marina’s mother and one named after Jero’s. If they wanted to honor Marina they could have given them both her name as a middle name. I’ve seen that done before.

I also am in a minority of one it seems about Mati's headbands. I thought they went well with her outfits and was totally her. And Carlos didn't seem to mind them.

If you talk about inappropriate—I think it was inappropriate for Berta to make a big confession in front of dozens of people at a birthday celebration. But it was very dramatic. ☺

I was pleasantly surprised to see Andrecito. I had forgotten about him. I liked Ines hairstyle for two reasons: it was more flattering and it showed a passage of time.

There really wasn’t a punishment good enough for Fina—I think her being just sane enough to always remember she killed her daughter is as good a punishment as any.

Here’s hoping that Jero gives Anibal his father’s hacienda as a wedding gift and if he was already married to Allison by this time, a gift when they have their first baby.

Got a little confused about Nata and Jero’s children. It looked like it was one boy, twin girls, and a baby girl. But in the wine vat it looked like two boys, one girl and a baby. Didn’t even notice the children’s reactions to things at the big wine festival. Have to pay attention to both when I rewatch the final ep.

Thanks Amy for a great ending recap and for including the pics. Thanks to everyone: recappers, commenters and lurkers. You all made this fun and a great experience. It’s one thing to put down the plot of a show, but to do so with such flair, humor and affectionate snark is amazing. I’ve enjoyed this community so much that I’m not waiting for the next SN, Lu or FC TN like I usually do, but jumping right back in with El Tal. In the meantime, I have the last three eps of CME I can scan and La Heredera DVD with SN that I bought at Borders going out of business sale, and maybe a scan through MEPS DVD to tide me over until El Tal starts. I’m sad when I read a couple of people say that this was a “perfect storm” situation and there will not be another experience like this again. Here’s hoping that’s not true. Maybe even a better one?

Emilia: received my beanie on Saturday!!! Can’t believe how quickly I got it. I love it! I love the colors, I love that the tissue paper you wrapped it in matched, the note on the outside of the package was a hoot and chrysanthemums and peonies (on the note card) are two of my favorite flowers. Thanks again so much!! Can’t wait to use it when El Tal comes on.

I paraphrase Wickman in the 1995 version of Pride and Prejudice. Let us not say farewell, but as the Carays would have it hasta luego.


Forgot to mention I liked that they showed Antonio had become a priest.


Robey that was a wonderful post. I hope you enjoy La Heredera, it is a darker novela than the types Televisa tends to produce.

I actually had no problem with Marina wanting one of the girls to be named after her, that's a very traditional thing to do here. Jero could add a middle name to one of the girls if he wants to add the name of his mother, so I see no issue there.


Great post Robey! I don't think you'll find that many people who disagree with you. You make great points! Let us know how La Heredera is. Perhaps I'll look for a copy myself.

Thanks Jarocha and Vivi. I thought about it all weekend and since I was so late in posting kind of rushed through what I wanted to comment on. I missed a couple of things.

I thought the deathbed makeup on Marina was great. I was hoping she might survive, but once I saw how she looked I said "S**t-she's a goner."

There were comments made about how well the actors portrayed their characters, even the bad ones (characters, that is, not actors). I know that with Roberta, even though I got to the point where I was sure she couldn't be redeemed, there was always that little bit of me that was still hoping. That was a good job on Jessica Coch's part to show that even in her vileness there was something there to root for.

Jarocha: I was thinking that one twin might be jealous of the other for having the mother's name, but if it's a common thing, maybe that wouldn't even be a factor.


Great post Robey! I loved the ending of this one, esp all those adorable kids. I don't think you'll find a lot of people who disagree with you. Great points! Let us know how you like La Heredera is. Perhaps I'll look for a copy myself.

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