Monday, January 09, 2012


Post by Anita (aka NOK)



*Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 2d definition—Devolution = Retrograde evolution—Degeneration.

Key—If the phrase is followed by or includes parens, it comes from the author of the phrase; if in brackets, it’s an editorial comment.  If there are …[dots] at the beginning or in the middle, the missing words were part of a longer sentence which has nothing to do with the appellation.  There will be duplicates—sorry, it’s a long list, but when they are noted, the earliest occurrence is used and subsequent uses deleted.

Our esteemed Dr. Alvaro Nesmé is introduced in Episode #3 of Cuando Me Enamoro by his given name.  However, CarayCarayers soon had his number.  He quickly is recognized as the:

Drunk Doc

In which Alvaro is called on to save Rafael’s life

the butchering Doc
the really bad doctor
Dr. Borracho
El Borracho de Medico
DD [means Drunk Dr or Dr Drunk, take your pick]
Dr D
the boozy Dr
Dr. Nesme…yo, creepier than ever
Dr. Nesme…constructed from spare parts
…pathetic version of Spiderus [used in Llena de Amor]
Dr Death [First used by Carlos]
…a complete putz
Dr. Doofus
…that hideous excuse for a doc
…said creppt doc [daisynjay probably meant creepy, but creppt is so apt]
…Dr Death is not only an a**, he talks with his mouth full
…creepy hick
…he leaves with his teeny tail between his legs
Dr. Bobblehead who has everything (except manners, class and the ability to turn down a drink)
Doc Scumbag
Dr. Creepy [and all the possible permutations]
drunk doc [dup, but here he won his first Mr. Inappropriate prize]
Dr. Slime
Dr. Dumb
El Doctorcito
Dr. DoLessThanLittle
Dr.No no no no no…
Dr. Dud
Mr. Slimeball [he lost his medical title temporarily]
Doc Distorted
Dr. Yuck
Dr. Dunce
Dr. Doom
the Quack
Dr. Mephesto
Doc ‘only a mother could love’
Dr. Ick [or Doc Ick or Icky, became a favorite]
Doc Dipwad
Dr. DoNothing Nesme
Doc Dip
Doctor Dud
Dr. Lecherous T. Pervert
Dr. Yuck
…that scumbucket of a doctor
Dr. Freaky
Dr. Drunkard

In which Alvaro forces himself on Kari to cumplir el acto—to submit as any loving wife should

Dr. Do-Less-Than-Little rapist
Dr. Duh
Dr. Drunk
Doc Dropdeadplease
Dr. Do-Nothing-But Drink (and rape his wife)
Dr. Jekyll
…he is slime
…surely there's another snake out in the vineyard... one with the Dr's name on it.
…the Dr. is one of Satan's minions
Dr. DNBD [Short for Dr. Do-Nothing-But-Drink]
…her husband is an animal (AniMAHL sounds so much worse in Spanish.)
…that dweeby snake with the beady eyes
…that slime-covered, lying, wife-raping, tequilla-guzzling mata sanos
He's wooden and  must smell of booze all the time
Doc Dastard
Dr. Dork
Dr. Disgusting
Dr Rapey-snake [aka Dr. Rapeysnake & Dr. Rapey Snake, Dr.Rapey, Dr. Snakey, Doc Rsnake,
 and other variations that got a lot of mileage; Julia first used it in Llena referring to Mauricio]
…this is DOCTOR Rapey-snake. He takes rapey-snake to a whole new level.

In which Alvaro has a roll in the dust with Alfonsina

Dr. Doom and Miss Muddypants [Alfonsina just had to stay in the picture]
…'ole beady eyes
…that ba$t@rd
Egad he’s a creep
Doctor Drinksalot
…I'm counting the days until Doc's liver flops over like a dead fish
…awaiting an equally spinless, besotted excuse for a medico to "attend" to [Renata]
Alvaro, who got his medical degree at Jim Beam University
Dr. Death--looks and acts strange
Doctor Alvaro [spare parts man]…. no doubt he's made of seamless modern external cladding material,
            which includes the cheap toupee, no doubt a cover for a USB port.  They plug him in while he
            floats in his nutrient tank at night. [gracias, Mike]
…sure his nutrient tank will take any sort of alcohol, the stronger the better
…drunken, slimy buffoon
Dr. SlimeyRapey
Dr. Sleeze
Dr. Lessthannothing
Drunk Doctor Death
…that dreck of a human being
SlimeBucket Alvaro
Doctor Buzz Kill
Doctor Scumbucket [and other near synonymous terms]
…her rapey snake husband who dreams of boinking another
Dr. I [nappropriate]
Dr. Pus Bucket
Doc Al
Doc Pusaro Bucket [cleverly combined by Cap’n SS)
Dr. Dim
…agree..that the Dr's assertion of pants wearing is disgusting but it almost pales next to surgery
            while drunk, spousal rape, sexual extortion, threatening to murder a child, and of course
mincing about in those ridiculous pastel leisure suits and white shoes. [Carlos can really
get to the heart of a matter with just a few words.]
Dr. RS [Dr. Rapey Snake, in case any one has forgotten]
Dr. Dingleberry

In which Alvaro learns Alfonsina, NHW*, is pregnant
*Not His Wife

Doctor Dingbat
Doc Ding Dong
Nasty Doctor Death
Slimedog Rapey Snake
Dopery Doc…simply looks like a mishmash of congenital abnormalities and syndromes that
            somehow managed to survive [more of Carlos’ marvelously picturesque language]
…this man just looks like a cipher
He just oozes slime out of all of his pores
His Snakiness
…what... could Alfie have ever seen in this miserable tangle of defective genetic strands
Dirtbag Doc’s revenge

In which Alvaro is missing in action during the Storm

…go out in the storm, look up and open your mouth. Drown, please, now!
Dr. Worthless T. Drunkard
Dr. Useless T. Pervert
Dr. Lump of wasted tissue
Doc is …as useful as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest
Stupid ass hat doc
Dr Creepo
Doctor Dim
Dr. Scuzzbucket
Dr. Drinkmuch
Dr. Drinky
Dr. Drinksalot
Dial a Doc

In which Alvaro “housenaps” Kari, his long-suffering wife

Doc Demented [this label cannot be claimed by the Director of the Demented Facility]
Dr. Dial-a-Drunk
Dr. Drinks well past last call for alcohol
Doc Donor-with-a-b*n*r
Doc Disgusting
…it was pusbucket
…pie cart time for him. Can we slip a little arsenic in the pies, please.
Dr. gin and tonic
Dr. Lickyface
Dr. Scumbag
…that walking oozing wound of "human" flesh
…drunken Dr Nastynesme who murmurs Alfonsina’s name in his dirty dreams
Dr. Nesmenasty
Dr. Dreadful
Dr. Dips**t
Dr. Jack Daniels
…Alvaro takes offense, to this man [in the bar] and anyone in town he is DR ALVARO NESME!!
Dr. Never-saw-a-drink-he-didn't-want-to-guzzle-down
Dr. Killsthem
Dr. Vodka
Dr. Nesnasty

In which Alvaro is arrested and jailed for surgical malpractice

Dr. Nesmethenasty
…he could just as well been arrested by the fashion police for continuing to wear those 70’s
            leisure suits that he has in way too many colors.
…and the white shoes
Doc Creepazoid
crummy Dr.
Dr. Drunk and Drool
Dr. DrinkmeNesme
Dr. Nesme...convicted, sentenced, defrocked... and he hasn't even had time to sober up...he’s
going to be very disappointed when he gets the news.
…Dr Nesme will be pissed when he wakes up from pissing the night away
…Oh, I can see it now – [Augie] and Dr. Demented in their little white jackets playing
            checkers in the play room (complete with bars) and sipping their juice; nice...
Doc Inconvenient
…he's a drunken, wife-beating, kidnapping rapist. Surely in this case annulment is in order.  That padre
needs to step up and push this, or Karina needs to get a new God.  [Man, that’s tough and we
haven’t gotten to cold-blooded killer, yet.]
Dr. Freak
…sleazy doc
…it's odd to see a woman consult her priest about having to have sex with her @%$^ of a husband
Dr. DastardlyBastard
Dr. Jailbird

In which Alvaro is revealed to be sterile

…e-vile Doc Do-Nothing is sterile! Bwahahaha
Doc Desert
Dr. Dried Up
Dr. Do Little But Drink
Doc Dirtbag
Dr. Dry-roasted
Dr Shooting Blanks
Dr. Deadsperm
Doc Esteril
Dr. LuckRunOut
Dr. Neslime
Dr. NesDeath

In which Alvaro is attacked in prison, declared dead, buried and resurrected in the third week

Dr Nasty [and all its permutations]
Dr PastyandMaybeNotDead
Dr. Dead or Alive
…really most sincerely dead…
Dr. Dopey
Dr. WhyIsHeNotDeadYet
Dr. @*!&#% is only mostly dead and not completely dead
Doc Badderthanbad
Dr. Butthead
…and was it really necessary to show this guy shirtless? Show full of hunks and we get this slime
            shirtless...gee thanks Mr. Director.
...useless, plague-take-it “doctor” had to darken our screens
Dr. Buzzkill
Doc WhiteAsADeadHalibut
...whiterthangreysole Doc NotSoDeadAsWeWish
...greysoleex isn’t ex enough
Doc Zombie [or Doczombie]
Dr. Dreadful
The grey sole…is still beeping and pulsating
I will sign the petition…to stop the bare-chested doc scenes
Dr. Death Reincarnate
…where the hell is Dr. Van Helsing and his wooden stake to put a real end to Alvaro
Doc ShouldBeDead
…Why is this cockroach still alive?
Dr. Disgusting
Dr. WhyDon'tYouJustDieAlready
Doc OfTheLivingDead
Dr. JustDieAlready

In which Alvaro, alive, is outed to the Padre by Jeronimo

Doc Invincible
… that oily skunk
Doc LousyBum
Operation: Doc Ain't Dead
Dr. Don'tTheyOwna NightShirt
Dr. upchuck
Dr. Abracadaver
Dr. Nesme the Nasty
…caldron of dead white… oh wait a minute,  those fish are thrashing around
Dr. ThankHeavensHe'sFinallyCovered
…dreaded doc
Doc DirtNap
The last thing we want to see is a reformed Doc
Dr. Overdueforcrossingover
Dr. PastyBalls
Doc NastyNames
Doc Makes MeHurl
Doc WastedTissue
Dr. KillHimOffAlready
Dr Grossinstein
Dr. PastDueToDie
Doc JustDie
Dr. DieAlready
Dr. Deathly
Doc IwannaBeFreeToDoEvil
Doc I’mSoSickOFHisFaceAlready
Dr. TooAlive
Dr. DidYouHaveToShowYourFace
Dr. Fuzzy Balls-n-Chain
Reanimated Man
Dr. Creepy is not Dead
…return of the living dead
Dr. HaHaYouAreNotAWidow is not Dr. DustToDustAshesToAshes
…marido from hell
Dr. dirt
…the livingdead down at the jail, aka Dr. Nesme just isn’t dead enough for anyone’s liking
Dr. I wishheweredead
Dr. pleasejustdiealready
Dr. iwillneverdie
Dr. Iwillliveforever
Dr. Iamimmortal
Doc iwilldieeventually
The Undead Doc
Dr. Alvaro Nesmé - I just wrote that to see if I could spit out his proper name - I still want a shower.
Dr. AboutToCauseSomeMajorGrief NOT dead

In which Alvaro escapes from prison hospital, goes on a rampage and is rearrested

Dr WeHopeDiesSoonAPainfullySlowDeath
Dr PreviouslyInAComaThatDidn'tKillHim
Dr. Toonastytodie
Dr. Cockroach
Doc Shouldbesharkchum
Manofa1000Names (aka Dr. 1000Names)
Dr. 1000 drinks
Dr. Dipsomaniac
Dr. Awful
Dr. Snatch&Grab
Dr. No
Dr. Shouldbeconsumedbyworms
doc Notdeadandgone
AlvarNo Nasty
Doc Unflushable
…runaway doc [and also Doc runaway]
…demon doctor who won't die
Dr. Drunk-o-the clown
Detestable Doc
Dr. DrunkySkunk
Dr. AllVile Nasty
Dr. Awful
Dr. GivingUstheStinkShoes
Disaster in Disguise
Doc Please-Stop-Breathing-Our-Air
Doc DaddyYankee
Doc TryingToBeJustinTimberlake
Dr. WeddedBlissInterruptus
Creepazoid husband
Dr. LoserBoozer
Dr. OhShitHe'sNotDead
…nasty Dr. N
Dr. StealYourClothes
Return of the DeadLiving
Dr. Psycho
…bad Doctor-not-dead-yet
Dr. Dontlistentoherpullthetrigger
Dr. Creepamonte
Dr. Gunsucker
Dr. MyLiver'llBeLeatherSoon
Dr. WhatAWasteofAir
Doc PointShake'nShoot
Dr. Flask....don't leave home without it
…throw a match at the looney lush and he'd probably combust immediately
Nightmare on Nesme Street
Dr. HumanSlime
Dr. RollinRatPoop
Doctor PleaseDropDead
Doc AlwaysShootsBlanks
Dr. LockHimUpAndThrowAwayTheKey
Alvaro (refer to [Caray’s] incredible list for your own favorite alias)
Alvaro Nesmé (drop in alias here)
…booze hound doctor Nesme swigs from the flask or swills and slurps from a bottle
…resurrected Alvaro Nastay
…nightmare on Alvaro street
…may he soon rest in some kind of pieces
Dear Doctor Dastardly

In which Alvaro has a face-to-face with Renata and then sings his heart out

Dr. Alvaro McNasty
Nastynez crawls out from under his rock at The Rock
Dr. DreadfulShouldBeDeadful
Dr. StillWearingTheBadToupee
Dr. IhaveSeenTheLight

In which Alvaro is seen and heard less and less

Dr. FutureWormBanquet
Dr-I-only-die-my-hair-on-top (thank you R la O)
Anvil Score (Nesme)=0. Nesme has to go. There is no redemption for this dirtbag.
Dr. Shoescrapings
Dr. UnendingObstacle
Dr. WhyWasIBornTodayOrAnyDay
Dr. BirthdayBoyOhBoy
Nesme is just such a train wreck on all levels
Dr. OneUglyRatAmidstThoseCuteActingRats
Dr. JailBaitOhWoeIsMeI'mFriendless
…that Slime Bag

In which Alvaro is redeemed and Padre-in-training Antonio is the only one who cares

Dr. N seems to be getting off easy.  His barbaric cruelty went far beyond his alcoholism.
Doc He'llAlwaysBeAFreak is suddenly turning "good."
I was also hoping for bitter unholy defiance from Dr. Doom, not participation in a 12 step program.

        ***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***

Tastefully collected and repackaged by NOK (henceforth to be known as Anita)

Friends in real life


Anita, thank you for your amazing and thorough list. So many of those names made me laugh, it's hard to pick a favorite.

Isn't it interesting how this somewhat minor character caused such a ruckus amongst our group? Although I never had a "wow" moment while watching Odiseo Bichir act, it must be a testament to his talent and reprehensible representation of the character that he consistently got our knickers in such a twist.

Amazing compilation! We sure got some mileage out of him...

"Dr. HaHaYouAreNotAWidow" will always be my favorite.

Lol! What an ingenious list. Thanks for reuniting all the names Anita!

By the way, Odiseo and Yolanda are actually together in real life.


Jarocha, I guess he's not such a bad guy after all.

Wonderful. I'd completely forgotten some of walking down a gruesome Memory Lane again...
Many thanks to Anita (NOK) and Sylvia. How sweet it is!

What fun, Anita and Sylvia. I admit feeling sorry our leisure-suited medico. If you recall, his friend (Fina's cancer Dr.) thought that he was a well-respected rural physician and was apparently responsible for saving Kari's daddy's life. Padre Severino thought highly of him and it seems as though the whole community did as well.

That said, I also admit to taking devilish delight in ridiculing him. I almost feel bad about that... yeah... sure I do.


Oh my, as I read through all those I thought, "Did we do all that?" Now there's great character development and acting when you can cause such a passion among viewers. Dr.IHAveFoundTheLight certainly got our creative juices flowing.

Thanks Anita. Just makes me keep missing this TN and group still.

What a hoot!

My favorite snarky comment was Mike's "no doubt he's made of seamless modern external cladding material,which includes the cheap toupee, no doubt a cover for a USB port. They plug him in while he floats in his nutrient tank at night."

They made the character so easy to hate—medical murder, rape, drunkeness, kipnapping, and straight-up shoot-'im-in-the-head murder—Alvaro became the poster child for demon drink.

My biggest complaint about Alvaro was the shallow one, I wanted him to do something about the black toupee to make it match the grizzled grey sideburns! Many of us women have to undertake similar efforts for the sake of our fellow man. Hahahaha. I thought the hair thing was just a TN costuming problem until I saw a published photo of Odiseo (off the set) with the same bad rug.

Glad to know he is nice to Yolanda in real life. She is just great.


I have read the list three times and each time I see a name I swear I had not seen before.

Oh right Carlos, I can tell you feel so bad for poor Nesme. We all do. He really was a pathetic sort of man. Completely a slave to his urgings, a nasty bully when he sensed he might be in a position of power, and a whiny wimp when things weren't going his way.

Gruesome memory lane, LOL! Good one JudyB.

Alvaro really was the first and possibly biggest SSaul in this TN, wasn't he?

Cute! Thanks, Anita!

Word verification: heness That seems redundant somehow.

Too busy today to read until now. Thanks so much Anita! Dr. Alvaro really did generate some hate amongst us. LOL!

Oh, and I love that picture of the two actors hanging out in real life.

Dr. Abracadaver was always my favorite. I forgot who coined it - brilliant!


Great list! Funny that he was only once refered by his real name and then only in a sarcastic way. Poor guy. Let's hope we never see him again.


Ha ha ha, I love reading illuminates Dr. Nasty's entire plotline. He looks so friendly in real life...what great acting to make us hate him so much.

Thank you for appreciating the list. It certainly was fun to do--even having to go backward to the very first mention when we were more than halfway through and re-read all the recaps and comments carefully.

Thank you, Sylvia, for your collaboration.

It was interesting to see the very loud verbal reaction that his behavior provoked in us, while not really having a huge impact on the main characters or the main story line.

True, he messed up in the attempt to save Rafael to get the ball rolling, but Rafael was at death's door anyway. During the rest of the telenovela, he wreaked havoc on characters in side plots.

I wondered how Odiseo came to the attention of casting--his character wasn't in La Mentira. Although it probably had nada que ver with it, I saw Silvia's 2008 movie, Amor Letra Por Letra and there he was, in a minor part.

However, according to IMDB, he's been in a lot of things, beginning around 1977 (I guess that's when he could go toupeeless).


Dr. Abracadaver was penned by Julia in her comment on Sep 24. She is the mistress of all things macabre, no?

Didn't Julia also come up with Dr. Allvile Nasty?

Sounds like something I would say. I think it's funny that I am apparently "the mistress of all things macabre." I am the most mild-mannered shunner of creepy things! I guess fictional villains bring out my deeply-buried dark and malevolent streak.

Julia--maybe I should aclarar a bit--Mistress of All Macabre Punishments, maybe?

Yes Anita, with thq5 clarification Julia must admit she is the mistress of All Macabre Punishments as well as Funniest and Most Scathing Nicknames.

Oops sorry for the typo, using my sister's phone to peruse my email.

I would be delighted to accept such an honorable title.

If I may offer an honorific in return, Anita, Listmistress and Emporium Empress.

Need to think up some more good titles. We have so many deserving and distinguished Lords and Ladies of the Realm.

Vivi--The Terabyte Queen, w/a mind like a steel trap that lets nothing go. You are indeed correct. Here's Julia (recapping), in her own words:

"Dr. AllVile Nasty sits in his new office, self-medicating as usual. His feet are on the desk with the bottoms aimed at us, which is offensive and insulting in some cultures. Since it’s Nesme, though, the rudeness of his soles can’t remotely compare to the repulsiveness of his soul, so ni modo. He mutters to himself that he knows Karina has always preferred Lázaro, but he will never have her. Never. He crushes his glass in his hand (also ni modo; it was just for show as he was drinking straight from the bottle) and says she’ll be dead before he’ll let her be with another."

This one was a little harder to find.

On bended knee, I accept my new titles (dull blades for the knighting, please).

They are much preferrable to being Wardrobe Mistress for Renata-as-a-Sponge-Bob-fashion-statement.

My word ver: bodisgo--hmmm, as in where did that dratted piece of pearl-studded velvet go? or is it Mme. Wardrobe Mistress looking for her missing actors.

Very Funny, Anita, and a tremendous amount of work to boot.
También muchas gracias.

Jarocha, thanks again for the
inside tip on the private lives of our entertainers.

Some of you may have seen Fina (Rocio B.) on Don Francisco
tonight. Apparently, she was ill for 4 years a while back but has made a full recovery; I did not get the illness. Furthermore, her former husband robbed her blind several years ago, and she lost everything. He also alienated
her son for about 5 years. Her entire family has always been very hardworking. All were greatly affected by this unfortunate circumstance. She managed to overcome both situations and is now doing very well. I know she was thrilled to receive the best actress Antagonista award for
her efforts. She also has had a long career as a singer. You all probably know all this.

Thanks again for all the fun.


Thank you, Anita, for letting us re-live these funny names. We sure go for the jugular when someone rubs us the wrong way!

You put SO MUCH work into this, with Sylvia's help. You guys are both increible.

Now, when's El Talisman starting? Has anyone heard anything?

Rosemary la Otra

Truthfully, I did nothing but cut and paste. All credit goes to our amazing Anita. Aren't we lucky that she joined us and maintained those amazing lists? No kidding, I was laughing so hard when I read the word document because it brought back so many great memories.

I still do not see any scheduling for El Talisman. Come on Univision! Throw us a bone here.

Floridia, thank you for the info on Rocio. I did not know any of that stuff. I've scheduled the program to record but it will not be on for another 20 minutes here on the west coast. I watched the Premios that you referenced. I was quite miffed at the time because Azela Robinson (Fedra) from Llena did not win, however Rocio was very gracious in her speech. Now that I've seen Rocio in CME I can understand why she won, but it was by no means a blow out. Actually, I still prefer Azela's performance, but I'm not as peeved about her losing.

Hahahahaha the list was awesome and I didn't even watch CME (Dr. PastyBalls, Doc-in-the-box :))) ). So many funny nicknames, difficult to chose even 10. How about the nickname: Dr. Acula? Just saying' :D

And wow, I didn't know he and Yolanda were together in real life. Gah, I haven't watched her in anything since 1993, when she was drooling over my Juan del Diablo. Oh and she appears in La que no podia amar too, she's Doc Cutberto's wife!

Fun fact #1: In La que no podia amar, both she and Javier Ruan (Don Maximo) make an appearance. In Corazon Salvaje, she was held by force in a brothel and raped by non other than...Don Maximo :D.

Fun fact #2: Both Yolanda and Odiseo Bichir played characters who fell in love with characters called Juan, played by the great Eduardo Palomo, may he rest in peace. Yolanda, as mentioned earlier, was in love with his Juan del Diablo and Odiseo was also in love with a character called Juan, played by the same actor, except that Juan was a transvestite :D :D :D.

Anita, the blogger formerly known as NOK, 10,000 thank yous for this master list. At first when you talked about pbulishing it separately I thought it would be brief. Silly me. This is a real opus. Your dedication is astounding.

Yes we get another excuse to hang out together one more time. I had to jump into cold, deep water tonight taking on a two hour episode of Una Familia so I am fairly numb.

Thanks to Alexandra, Jarocha and others for filling in real life actor stories that are so sweet.

I did see Rocio Banquells on Don Fernando tonight. I though she said she had an allergic reaction to taking steroids for a lung condition. My Mom had bad and lasting side effects from taking steroids to open her air passages. Rocio is very lucky she can sing again. What a lovely voice. I still miss Cristina! DF did a little better tonight than he did with the La Fuerza del Destino cast.

The telenovela cat was incredulous that he wasn't getting his usual hour of lap-time last night. Come on, Talisman!

Word verification: refressu. Yes, it will be refreshing -- when it STARTS.

Wow, Anita! Not only have you compiled this list, but you know Who contributed the name and Where and When. Amazing!

It's quite a collection. A very creative group of recappers and commenters, no? I bet the actor himself would get a big kick out of the list. Thanks so much for compiling and sharing.


Alexandra, Dr. Acula? I love it!! Just goes to show you that now matter how many nicknames we already have there will be some clever person to think up another original. And thank you for the fun facts.

Blue Lass, still no El Talisman on any program schedule that I can find. I just checked TV Guide online up through Jan 24.

I think I may start taping "Manana Es Para Siempre" at 2 a.m.

Audrey--Thanks, but there's still a lot of hunt and peek. If someone wants to know who and when, I guess which episode it happened in (with the help of the "master" list) and then quickly read the recaps and comments. It isn't hard to find Nesme references and then figure out how close I am.

Alexandra--so glad you stopped by to tell us about all these coincidentals.

Blue Lass--Cheryl came up with your favorite Nesmeisms in her recap, "Lazaro and Carlos argue one more time that Matilde knows, Kari is going to know any minute now that Dr. HaHaYouAreNotAWidow is not Dr. DustToDustAshesToAshes, but Lazaro still thinks she can’t stand knowing the truth. However, his resolve is more of a dissolve, no one else is backing his pointless gesture of protecting her from the truth."

Our recappers are master wordsmiths.

Oh-oh-oh! On the way down the hall this morning what do I see with my own eyes but the back of a woman in her sponge-bob 'outfit'!!! It's here with these fashion forward college kids!(and their professors).
I got to say I didn't object to the outfit but no way am I cutting off my corduroys, and its winter too? uhn-uhn.

LOL Bonney! I'm telling you, these TNs are often fashion forward. What that says about fashion is a whole other matter!

Hi everyone. I miss you all and CME so much - I didn't know what to do with myself last night from 7 to 8!! :( Is anyone else in withdrawal?

What happens now? :(

Sad Mary, I know what you mean. I was out yesterday afternoon/evening and had to remind myself that I did NOT have to be home at 7:00 on the dot to watch CME. Boo hoo. Luckily my sister called and invited me to come over and watch the new Downton Abbey that she recorded Sunday night. It saved the evening for me. But what about tonight? We don't even know when El Talisman starts. Hmmph.

However, our own Cheryl recapped Una Familia Con Suerte last night. I'm reading her recap right now and it is helping to ease the pain.

Hi Sylvia: I didn't get into the Familia one - and I don't know if I'll start El Talisman - mostly becuase I watch other stuff at 8 - then again if everyone else is how can I not watch??

It was such a long TN - wish they'd bring them back!

I wonder if Uni has ever followed a telenovela with a sequel? I wish they would have done it with CME.


I too preferred Fedra's villain.

Blue Lass,

I loved MEPS - far better than CME;
I am recording it now because I only watched the last 3 or 4 months of it. I am concentrating
on the scenes between Silvia and Fernando and other scenes portrayed by actors I especially like.

Lucero was an excellent and beautiful villain. Other easy on
the eye villains are Sergio Sendel and Robert Palazuelos. Both are excellent actors. The latter plays
a classic macho who treats women
like trash. He has an extremely
brutal scene near the end; I am fascinated by him because he is
cute and I think his acting is terrific. One of the reasons I couldn't watch the CME villains is that they were unattractive to me.
In real life, I couldn't tolerate these bad guys, but in a novela,
if I think they are cute, I have no problem watching (shallow). I think you were watching LVO where we had the mesmerizing villains of Fabian Robles and Julio Aleman.

Another superb actor is the guy who plays FC's friend; he's really Mexican, but he puts on a phony bad Mexican accent because he is supposedly from the United States.

Also, the Caray recaps are right there waiting for you ready made.

Also enjoyed reading how you ended up in Maine. I'm originially from Boston - went to camp in Maine.

Jarocha, I sent you an email;
don't know if you still use that one.

All the best to all,

Floridia! Thanks for the inside dope. That Sergio Sendel is a cutie-boots. Reminds me of my ex-boyfriend -- in more ways than one.

Unfortunately, the programmable aspect of my VCR seems to have given up the ghost. I think my only option right now is to record LQNPA -- assuming I can still just turn it on and record. Yeah, I fall asleep before ten...remember, the sun goes down right after lunch around here. ;}

Floridia--There was only one super villain in CME. Handsome Augustin was the last person we believed could be truly evil. Boy were we wrong. The thing was, he worked alone or with some henchmen he was paying well--some of whom we never saw.

The rest of the men were twisted by circumstances or choice, like Antonio and Ezekiel or our poor Dr. Nesme.

We had only had one truly evil woman and that was Fina/Pepa, but unfortunately her evilness rubbed off on her biological daughter, Roberta.

So I'm not sure which villains in CME you couldn't watch.

Where did everyone go??? I wanted to boast that my handcrafted, one-of-a-kind CME telenovela beanie arrived from our one and only Emilia. Does it transfer? I may need it for El Talisman.

Dang! Not only do I miss you all but I just hit the wrong button and lost the post wherein I tried to tell you all.

I'm getting into Una familia con suerte -- lots of cute characters and quite amusing comedy bits -- but I miss our little community.

I too received my beautiful beanie in today's mail. ¡Guau! Emilia you've been crocheting up a storm -- one for Anita & one for me all in one day's mail. Gracias. It is so lovely. I'm going to put it on now and imagine myself back in our little CE community.

Güera from Syra - #1 - cuse

Anita, oh yes your beanie will transfer quite nicely. I like your analysis on the CME "villains". For me one of the best parts of the characterization is that the baddies were rather ambiguous, not truly evil like Augustin. Yes, they were weak and made wimpy choices but ultimately we kind of understood what drove them. Ughie was just plain BSCBad.

Floridia, I think you are talking about the actor Mario Ivan Martinez who played Esteve in MEPS. He is a super talented guy with an amazing voice. Apparently he is highly respected in live theater and has received numerous awards for his talent. I was in Guanajuato several years ago at the Festival Cervantino and tried to get tickets to his performances (for children) but alas, they were sold out. Not that I would have understood much anyway.

As for El Talisman, it is still coming "Muy Pronto". Hmmmph, how soon is Muy Pronto anyway? I just checked TV guide online and as of Thursday Jan 26 Familia is still on for 2 hours and no El Talisman to be seen.

I might even want to watch Q'VIVA -- the previews make it look fun -- but that also is coming "muy pronto," alas.

(re-posted from Una familia)

When I turned the TV on to set a tape for tonight -- there was the afternoon TN Ni sin ti ni contigo. First I was mesmerized by a pair of unforgettable eyes -- it was Marissa from Tontas. Then the scene switched and there was (be still my heart) Juan Querendon AND, standing next to him a young woman in ..... the PEAR ROBE.


Don't forget that our Esteeve was also in Amor Real, as a bit of a dandy, Renato Piquet, Matilde’s best friend’s brother, but still sporting an unidentifiable accent and spuing French here and there.

Güera and Mary--have you checked out the Google+ site Mike set up (or someone did)? Mary-your recipes are there. I finally figured out how to post comments.


As I mentioned, I am shallow.
If I think a bad guy or
gal of any degree of involvement in treacherous deeds in a novela is physically unattractive, I do not like to watch them perform
their dastardly deeds; there's nothing good to watch.
Fina - do not like her looks; hated her personality; did not
enjoy watching her;
Blanca - same thing with her -
even worse because she was so
loving and caring in MP;
Nesme - couldn't stand his looks or his character or the brutal acts he committed
Augustin - not crazy about his looks; did not enjoy his psychotic moments.

In contrast, I could watch Lucero as a villain because she is so beautiful (IMO);
Similarly, I can watch Fabian Robles as a villain because
he is very cute and he plays
a bad guy so masterfully;
I am fascinated to watch Julio Alemán as a villain because he is
brilliant in any role he plays.
I could watch Colunga as a villain,
and I could watch George Clooney as a villain. I would prefer however, if the protagonists
were equally good looking.


Yes; he's the one. I had googled him last year when watching the show. His performance was terrific
and most amusing.

I just may have broken the code on how to post on "La Plaza de Caray." Would be obliged if you'd test this.

1. From my own Google+ page, I created a circle and named it "Caray"
2. I dragged all of you (who are on Google+) into the circle, and also the "La Plaza de Caray" page.
3. I opened the Comment form at the top of my page.
4. Just below and to the left of the comment block was a green rectangle labeled "Public". I clicked on the "x" to the right of the word "Public" in the green rectangle. Then clicked on my "Caray" circle, which created a blue rectangle labeled "Caray" below the Comment block
5. Typed my "OK, this is a test..." comment and clicked "Share". Then checked the "La Plaza" page and there it was. It should also show up on your own Google+ pages.

Problems, holler.

La Dona Emilia and I are off for her birthday weekend, a couple of days in Manteo, NC. Nice quiet, small place on the Albemarle Sound.

Ooooo I wish *I* were in Manteo...

Mike--Thanks for the instructions. I'll be sure to check them out--even though I figured out how to post.

Is this going to be a Beanie-free weekend?

Emilia--a very Happy Birthday to you. Hope the weather cooperates, but walks on the beach in January can be very special.

Floridia--I see what you mean, now. Preferences are always subjective, so it is not shallow. I loved watching Juan Soler, even during his worst behavior (Mary agrees) but two of my good friends who saw some of CME said he did NOTHING for them.

Most of CarayCaray like good-looking Sergio Sendel and he always seems to be playing someone with a bad streak. Which tn was it that he was always throwing cell phones? (One I didn't watch.)


That was Destilando Amor;
SS destroyed a number of phones -was often in a rage when things did not go along with his plans.
I loved that novela - just finished watching it about a month ago; it had been shown a few years earlier but was repeated at 1:00 AM. I recorded it and watched at my leisure - really enjoying my DVR. I record all of the novelas
I watch. The DA theme song is also beautiful. In this novela, we learned all about tequila production and the agave plant instead of wine; almost everyone
in the novela - male and female - drank tequila freely.

SS played the greedy, unscrupulous, womanizing cousin of
the protagonist, Eduardo Yanez...
two 6'4" handsome and charming hombres. While I like Juan Soler,
for me, he pales in comparison to these two guys.

I liked the type of villain SS played - IMO far more sophisticated; he was not a psycho killer - just a person who manipulated and cheated anyone in his way to accumulating wealth and power.

I much prefer this to an Augustin,
a Fina, or the gal in TDA...too far over the top for me.

Floridia--Wonderful intro. I may have to look for DA. I also like sophisticated bad guys. But don't you think that was what Augustin was--stealing the sarmiento vine, the underhanded way he was going to take over Rafael's lands (using Nesme) and probably a whole bunch of things we didn't know about before we met him?

It wasn't until he met Renata that his obsessive, single-minded objective--possession at any price--began. I'm reminded of Rosendo Gavilan in STuD, who was content with stealing from the absent patron and abusing his off-and-on lover--until he met Valentina. Then he kinda went crazy trying to possess her and keeping Jose Miguel away from her.


I suppose, but Aug. started getting progressively loopy and psychotic as time wore on.
Re Rosendo - I suppose similar, but there again not at all attractive to me, so didn't like looking at him to begin with.
And of course Ivana was over the top, so I couldn't stand watching
her either.

There is a very handsome egoistic womanizer on Ni contigo whom I enjoy watching although he is extremely bad news. He had a minor role in Mi Pecado
as the boyfriend of the blonde antagonista, Altair Jarabo.
He didn't impress me much in that novela, but he is very charming in this one... Ricardo Franco,
worth checking out.

Floridia--It seems as though it's only you and I keeping this thread open...Ni Modo...

I'll check out Ricardo Franco.

Speaking of galans now, I've been comforting myself, waiting for El Talisman to begin, by watching the Mexican version of Montecristo on-line. It's a 2006 Silvia Navarro vehicle (someone on CarayCaray suggested it). Her galan in this one is Diego Olivera (Padre Juan of TDA). His hair is about the same length as it was in TDA, but when he puts a black bandana around it, he looks like an FC Junior.

We all agreed about Ivana. I couldn't believe she had actually been an attractive protagonista that won FC's heart in La Usurpadora (didn't see it).

We all noticed Altair Jarabo's boyfriend when the camera first panned across him at a party in Mi Pecado. He was very nice looking then, so I'm glad he's getting bigger roles.

I was reading Ls plaza de caray though I didn't know how to post to it. But now I cant even access anything but one post -- the second chili verde recipe.

I'm quite hopeless at this stuff.


Hey Carlos -- if you're out there congrats on Baylor's undefeated season so far. How long can either of our teams keep it up? But so far, so good.



I'll check this site once/day.
If you get a chance to check out Contigo, let me know.

In a nutshell, Sabine M. is playing a widow in her first role as a protagonist. I've always thought she is very beautiful.
I missed at least 2 weeks, so don't know exactly how it happened, but she had an affair with Jose Carlos (Ricardo Franco).

Shortly thereafter, she learns that he is a total womanizing phony
and that her daughter is madly in love with him. Undaunted, he takes advantage of the daughter whenever he can ; the mother was just forced
to tell her daughter about her liaison with the mujeriego.

The daughter moved out and is now living with Octavio, a male friend, of her mother and his son.

Sabine aka Leonor has her own dress designing emporium; one of her designers is Nicole whom Jose Carlos is intently pursuing while
sleeping around.

Nicole's mother owns the boarding house where many of the characters reside. Her husband recently died of a heart attack; there is a budding romance between her and one of the boarders, but there is also another widow living there, the cook, and she now thinks she likes the same guy, although there are rules that there are to be no couples in the pension. Everything must be above board - no hanky panky, and so far there has been none.

Another main romance is between Julia(Alexandra Rossaldo) and Iker (Erik Elias). Iker loved Julia,
but she was planning to marry Octavio because of her hidden past;
spitefully Iker decides to marry
Fabiola and quickly goes off on a honeymoon. When he returns, he finds out that Julia called off the wedding. His wife wants to hang on to him and is now conniving to keep him.

Leonor will ultimately find true love.

Nicole will eventually end up with Eduardo Santamarina who very cleverly and humorously plays a blindman to whom many girls are attracted.

There are a number of romances, but all in all, it is light and pleasant and no psycho killers.

The father of Jose Carlos, Iker and Isabella has been drugging his wife to go out gambling. Isabella
is rich but has taken on another identity pretending she is rather poor. She is also a Kleptomaniac; she steals when she gets upset.

Right now she thinks she loves ES.

Floridia--Whew! Sounds like a lot of characters to keep track of. But the synopsis is great. I would have to tape it, but I'll give it a try.

I was thinking of Augustin of CME again while doing dishes. Before Rafael arrived to provide a little competition to the wine business, Augustin was IT--biggest employer around, smooth operator in and around Ensenada, respected and powerful. He thought this little upstart pipsqueak would be easily taken care of--and Fina did the job for him. Unfortunately for him, Jeronimo walks into Augustin's territory.

Meanwhile, as we (meaning CarayCaray commenters) determined, when he liked or wanted something, it was to posses it and use it for his own pleasure. Renata was going to be the symbol of his new wine, so he HAD to have her. Of course his behavior became more bizarre, the more she kept her distance.

Google+ has some quirks not self-evident, while trying hard to be like Facebook. Try entering Mike's name and see what you get.

OK, I did it: I befriended Univision on Facebook. When El Talisman finally starts, I am gonna freakin KNOW.


You might not like it, but it's worth checking out RF. Not on today, the holiday.

Guera, you may need to set up your own Google+ page, if you've not already done so. Let me know if you have problems, 'cause this is pretty new to me, too.

Mike--You back from Emilia's birthday bash?

re: LPdC (otherwise known as La Plaza de Caray). Do you manually have to remove those "other" postings that pop up (a la skeletons made out of paper)?

Can you remove one of Juan's interview links?

word ver: messi (as in all things having to do with children and fingerpaints AND things electronic)

For those of you asking, it seems like El Talisman is starting on the 30th of January at 8pm/7c on Univision


Alexandra, where did you see that El Talisman starts Jan 30th?

I checked and El Tal is not showing for the 30th or 31st. Getting tired of waiting for it, may go back/commit to watching Podia.


Robey, I did another search and found a site called Mas Que Telenovelas that announced El Talisman will start January 30th at 8:00. However, like you, I also checked the TV Guide site and Una Familia shows to be airing for two hours on Jan 30th. It's so frustrating when Univision doubles up on some telenovelas while making us wait for others. I wish they would stop announcing that El Talisman is airing "Muy Pronto" and just give us a date for pete's sake!! Estupidos!

Berta--I mean Sylvia. I agree re: Univision. It's very possible hasn't updated their grid. Zap2it's schedule is still ending at 1/29 (as of this morning). Ugh!! WHERE IS EL TALISMAN?!!!

I think THIS is a beanie moment.


Hee, I think we will forever be quoting our Berta! You're right, Uni has been known to change their scheduling at the last moment, totally upsetting the scheduling for TV Guide, Tivo, etc.

Wouldn't that be....Estupidos???

IT'S OFFICIAL -- on the avances for El Talisman this morning, instead of "muy pronto," it says, "Lunes 30."

As Agustin Dunant would say, "Zarpemos!"

Blue Lass, did they confirm the 8 pm time?

Manteo was lovely, BTW, and we found a great BBQ place in Currituck. Cold by VA/NC standards, but likely tropical by ME standards. ;-)

Mike, I can't remember if they specified a time -- I'll pay attention tomorrow morning.

We used to go to Kill Devil Hills every summer when I was growing up in VA. I miss it. The beaches in Maine are very beautiful, but...

If that was more than 20 or even 15 years ago, you might not recognize the OBX now. Long lines of traffic during the summer, overbuilt w/ vacation homes and all the supporting chain restaurants, etc. Emilia and I don't even think about going there during the summer anymore.

Floridia--I tuned in to Ni contigo ni sin nadie. Let me tell you, I started early before Corazon whatever ended and who should I see, sitting behind a desk looking very Augistin-like, was Augistin himself. What a riot. I felt right at home.

With Ni contigo, RF came on screen within the first few minutes. You are so right....he is a stunner AND I believe, matured nicely since Mi Pecado days. Doesn't look like just a pretty boy anymore.

I see we have posted the recapping crew for El Talisman. Only a few more days to wait for their wordsmithing.

Hope to see you all from time to time on Mike's La Plaza de Caray.


Yes, I have noticed Augustín
and usually move past him quickly; he has a negative role in that novela as well. He's from Spain and apparently an excellent singer.

Glad you got to see RF; he has the perfect face and intriguing, deceptive eyes for the role he is playing. Perhaps he'll be ready for prime time soon.

Ahoy all, I just posted the Sinopsis for El Talismán.

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