Saturday, February 04, 2012

El Talismán #5 Fri 2/3/12 The Long Goodbye or Esteban is Estegone

Mañana es para siempre ...
Esteban relents. For now. He puts the gun back in the drawer and opens his bedroom door. Camila rushes in to comfort him and offer her forgiveness and love.

As she cradles him in her arms, Esteban tells her not to worry:
Mañana todo va a ser diferente – el problema familiar habrá terminado para siempre.
(Tomorrow will be different – the family problem will be over once and for all.)

Uh oh. Alarms are ringing but Camila doesn’t hear them.

At Mariana’s place...
Margarito and Pedro discuss Pedro’s options now that he has recovered El Talismán for Mariana. Should he get a divorce and try to make things right with Camila? Pedro rejects the idea.

The men discuss how dangerous it will be living next door to Gregorio (hereafter “the Troll”) – he’s not above having people killed.

At the den of vipers ...
Camila’s brother Armando, believing that the Troll is the new owner of El Talismán, bursts into El Alcatraz, begging bowl in hand. He is greeted with stony fury. “Lárgate de aquí” bellows the Troll. Now that los Nájera have lost the ranch:
A mí me importa un comino lo que pasa con tu familia!
(I don’t give a rat’s patooty what happens to your family!)

Another day, another dolor...
Esteban hasn’t left his room and he doesn’t answer when Tracy knocks on the door.

We see him inside, plopped on the floor, drowning in whiskey and self-pity and eyeing his gun. “I’m even too much of a coward to kill myself”, he moans.

Now he drags himself off the floor to answer his cell phone. It’s Elvira calling from the airport. She knows about the poker game. And she’s too enraged to listen when he tries to explain that someone is going to help them out. She’s getting a divorce and she hopes they never have to see each other again:
No sabes como te odio... Gregorio es mi amante ... Él me hace sentir mujer!
(You don’t know how much I hate you ... Gregorio is my lover ... He makes me feel like a woman!)

He continues to eye the gun.

Downstairs, Tracy tries to steer Camila’s thoughts away from her suicidal father and on to happier topics. “You mean like the fact that Pedro is a womanizer” says Camila bitterly.

(Understand. She is only following the rules: make a life-changing decision based on the off-hand remark of a slutty girl in highheeled sneakers.)

“The only good thing about all this is we’ll be moving far away and I’ll never have to see him again.”

Pedro, oblivious to the beating his reputation is taking, is explaining to Margarito that he intends to give the monetary value of El Talismán to Camila’s family so they can start over in a new place.

It’s okay kids, Mommy’s home.
Elvira storms into the house still spewing venom, cursing Esteban for once again ruining her life. Damn him! How could he do that to them?

Moral Philosophy, the Rube Goldberg version
Money. Ranch. Camila. Mariana. Do the right thing. Blah blah blah. Pedro is a saint. Save Mariana from the Troll. Walk away from Camila. Win Camila back. Blah blah blah.
Got that, kids?

Elvira, in contrast, is refreshingly free of guilt or self-doubt. She takes no responsibility for Esteban’s relapse. Well maybe if she’d been at his side, says Camila angrily, he wouldn’t have given in to his impulses. Besides, the Troll was only using her to get to El Talismán (ET)!

Ouch. That blow to Elvira’s ego earns Camila a resounding smack in the kisser. Camila has no idea what her life has been like living with such a weak man.

Upstairs, Elvira’s barbed words echo in Esteban’s head. He looks at the check Pedro gave him:
Al menos no podrás decir que la dejé en la miseria.
(At least you won’t be able to say I left you penniless.)

Not so pretty in pink ...
Troll he may be but he changes his shirt every day. Today our rosy-breasted ogre is at home ranting about that damned peón, Pedro, moving back into ET. And Tweedledee and Tweedledum? Well. Lucrezia is filing her nails (that’s an activity, no?). Antonio appears to be posing languidly (but he could be reciting Pablo Neruda to himself. Who are we to judge?).

Elvira charges onto this dreary domestic scene.

“¡Eres un infeliz!” she cries. She’s in a slapping mood today and now the Troll gets his.

“You were just playing me!”

“And you were just playing me” retorts the ticked-off Troll. “All you wanted was my money. Besides, I’m not the one who owns your ranch.”

That snaps her headband. “Who owns it then?” The Troll isn’t giving anything away. She can find out on her own.

Tweedledee and Tweedledum look on with evident ennui as another Nájera is booted from Alcatraz.

Tender-hearted readers may want to skip this part...
Esteban is in his bedroom writing some letters.

Elvira storms back into ET, her mood even darker than it was earlier. Armando is glad to see her – he was worried about her. But Camila’s concern is her father. He can drop dead, mutters witchy Elvira, but she accompanies Camila upstairs.

Inside the bedroom, Esteban slaps at his head and bangs his fists on the dresser. He is tormented by the thought of Elvira and the Troll as lovers. (As are we all.)

The two women are pounding on the bedroom door. “¡Te odio!” shrills Elvira helpfully.

Esteban holds the gun to his head.

Downstairs, Armando hears a shot. He shouts for Tracy to call the police – he’ll get help! (Qué?? Where? From the Vipers next door?)

Elvira and Camila enter the bedroom and see Esteban sprawled on the floor, a neat bullet hole in his temple, a gun beside his hand. Esteban is Estegone. On the mirror, in large red letters: PERDONAME. (The writing is oddly labored, as if it had to be crayoned over and over again.)

Camila runs to him and shakes him:
¿Por qué lo hiciste? ¿Por qué? Podríamos haberlo superado... Yo te hubiera perdonado...
(Why did you do it? Why? We could have overcome this .. I would have forgiven you...)

She’s, you know, acting.

Now Elvira says she never wanted him dead. Sure, maybe bust his chops a little but not this ... Damn that Troll! Well at least they have the satisfaction of knowing he doesn’t own ET!

Let’s take a deep breath and spend a few moments with some nicer folks, shall we?
Pedro gives Mariana the big news – they will be moving back to ET. No, he didn’t buy it. Actually, he won it in a poker game. He tells her the whole story and once more recites his moral quandary. Ranch. Money. Esteban. Camila. What to do. What to do.

Mariana – who, at this point seems entirely lucid and shows no lapses of memory – wants Pedro to use the money her father left her to compensate los Nájera. Pedro hesitates -- He doesn’t want to take advantage of Mariana. “Then consider it a loan”, she says. He’ll accept on one condition: they must have a written agreement.

Mariana knows that Pedro loves Camila. As soon as she’s settled in ET, they can get a divorce and he can get on with his life. It’ll be fine ...

Their conversation is interrupted by a knock at the door – it’s the rosy-breasted Troll. He wants ET, he announces bluntly. And he’ll pay any price to get it. Mariana cowers behind Pedro.

Back at ET, the police have arrived and are taking statements and talking about autopsies. Camila is shocked by her mother’s cold reaction to the tragedy. How can she be so hard?

One of the officers hands Elvira an envelope with her name printed in block letters on its face.

Downstairs, Armando has returned (from wherever the hell he went) and gets the news of his father’s suicide.

While the police (finally) cover the body with a white sheet, Elvira opens the envelope, sees a check enclosed and reads this note:
Seguramente en estos momentos me estás maldiciendo. Pero no importa. Como verás ni matándome pude darte todo lo que ambicionabas. Pero para que no dices que la dejé en miseria, ahi te dejo $10,000 para que mis hijos sigan adelante y ojalá tú y Gregorio se pudran en el infierno un día de estos
(I’m sure you’re cursing me right now. That doesn’t matter. As you’ll see, even by killing myself I couldn’t satisfy your ambitions. But just so you can’t say I left you penniless, here’s $10,000 so that my children can keep going. And I hope you and Gregorio rot in hell one of these days.)

The Troll explains his obsession with ET; the crowd is unimpressed.
Pedro says they’ll never sell him ET. But the Troll isn’t listening. He NEEDS to own El Talismán – it’s a part of him; it’s the place where the love of his life was born and raised, where he once had hopes of happiness; and it’s the place where all his hopes and dreams were destroyed when Mariana’s father robbed him of the woman he loved.

Here the Troll points accusingly at Mariana, barely visible behind Pedro’s strong shoulder.

“My father didn’t take anything from you,” Mariana answers stoutly. My mother was always in love with my father.”

And to his claim that she can’t possibly understand unrequited love, she reminds him that his own son, Antonio, broke her heart.

The Troll brightens. So she does understand. And he’ll pay three times the value of the property.

Elvira thinks fast.
Her husband’s dead body, not yet cold, lies a few feet away. She seems unaffected by his note. But the check, now that’s interesting ... it’s signed by “Pedro Ibarra”. “Who’s he? Who cares? Algo es algo. And if that bastard thinks his kids will look on him kindly for leaving them a few bucks, forget it. The kids will never know he left them the ten thou.”

Armando and Camila sob in each other’s arms. “I hate you!” wails Armando to his dead father. “You ruined our lives!”

Elvira tells them to get ready to leave. She wants to be out of there before the new owner arrives. And don’t worry about Esteban’s body – it’ll be taken care of.

Camila thinks they should ask the Troll for a few more days at the ranch. Armando sets her straight – the new owner isn’t the odious Troll. It’s Pedro Ibarra! (Huh? How does he know? I thought the Troll wasn’t telling. Meh.)

Camila gasps. That can’t be true! Oh yes, says Elvira authoritatively (even though she knows NOTHING about it):
No dudo que ese tal Pablo Ibarra sea complice de Gregorio Negrete.
(I have no doubt that that Pablo Ibarra is Gregorio’s accomplice).

Camila’s response:
No soporto ni un segundo más en esta casa.
(I can’t bear another second in this house.)

Back at the bargaining table ...
The Troll thinks Mariana is tempted by his offer. So he seems mildly surprised when she steps forward and gives him a little slap (nothing like Elvira’s earlier wallop – I’m thinking he doesn’t even feel the sting of this one.)

But perhaps her words draw some blood: She wouldn’t sell ET if he offered her 100 times its cost. It has no price, just like the baby he murdered! He killed her child, his own grandson. Now she’ll never hold her baby in her arms. And he’ll never get the one thing he wants most -- El Talismán!

No ranch is worth a human life, says Pedro.

The disgruntled Troll finally leaves. Mariana is happy she had a chance to tell him off and thinks it gave her memory a jolt too. Pedro is glad she’s feeling better but he still wants her to see her doctor.

El Alcatraz
Tweedledee and Tweedledum idle on the porch. Doris alert! Doris alert!

“Didn’t I tell you not to touch me?” says Tweedledum, shrinking from his wife’s attempt at affection. “I don’t want anything to do with you.”

When nasty brother leaves, twisted sister takes her turn. “When are you going to get it?” she asks her cuñada. “My brother will never love you.”

Doris is unfazed: She’ll never leave him. Even if he hates her, he’ll have to put up with her for the rest of his life.

Leaving ET
Camila is now convinced that Pedro was in cahoots with the Troll right from the beginning. That explains his weird silence, that’s why he was avoiding her. She wishes she’d never met him.

If Camila is leaving, Tracy’s going with her. Although Camila is tempted to stick around so she can give Pedro a piece of her mind ...

What’s this in the mail for Camila? Another lumbering plot contrivance?
It’s a fat manila envelope from UC-Davis. Remember that scholarship she applied for? (Don’t worry, neither do the writers.) Anyway, congrats are in order. She’s going to study agricultural engineering (ingeniería agrónoma)! Now the familia Nájera has a place to go.

“Crappy ‘beca’”, sneers Elvira. “You think we can all live on that?” “It’s a start, says our scrappy heroine”. She’ll get a job, they’ll find a place to live ...

Today the Troll is a study in brown. He rages to Valentín that Mariana had the nerve to play the dead baby card. He’ll make Pedro and Mariana suffer ...

In contrast, Mariana wants to see her friend Pedro find some happiness. With Camila. But Pedro – who evidently has never seen a telenovela -- thinks it’s too late. That ship has sailed.

The Troll continues to fume and fulminate and fret – and then he has an idea. (Oooh, he looks so pleased with himself, you just know it’s something nefarious.) “Find out if Mariana still has memory problems”, he tells Valentín.

Antonio bursts on the scene kvetching about Doris – He can’t stand her anymore. He wants to divorce her now! (Does he stamp his dainty foot? Probably.)

The Nájeras, or what is left of them, have finally left ET and now they are in Fresno. Elvira is at an ATM grumbling that there’s only $2,000 left in their bank account. (She is keeping the $10,000 check a secret.)

As luck, that is to say, the writers, would have it, Mariana and Pedro are also in town at that very moment. Mariana has gone to the bank and put her entire worth in one check which she has given to Pedro. He intends to mail it to Elvira with a note asking her to keep the source of the money confidential. Mariana can’t understand his reasoning. (Neither can I. And he seems unable to hear me yelling at my tv set, telling him not to do it.) In any case, Mariana assumes Elvira will tell her children about the money and where it came from. (Hah!)

Pedro is so determined to avoid a confrontation with Camila that he suggests visiting Mariana’s aunt in New York for a few days. She’s fine with the plan. They can move into El Talismán when they get back. But right now she has a bad headache. She’ll wait in the truck while Pedro gets her medicine..

He takes a few steps towards the pharmacy and finds himself face to face with ... Camila!

Bosoms heave. But you, gentle reader, should have more self-control.


I haven't even made it past the title and I have to comment.
1. Freakin' hilarious
2. It *was* long, wasn't it. After a while I was like "just pull the trigger, dude. Put us all out of our misery."

Gracias por eso. I wish I could get mine posted so quickly.

Esteban outlived his usefulness to the story as soon as he sat down at the poker table the other night. I hate to say this, but I was getting impatient for him to end it all during this episode.

Elvira's glee at his death went unnoticed by Camila. I was hoping she would see the reflection in the mirror.

Most likely there is no life insurance payout.

I wanted to slap the writers for making them go begging to Gregorio. That was the biggest estupidez in this episode.

Now that Esteban is dead I don't think they can cash that check unless Elvira ran to the bank immediately after finding the body. Cold bitch.

I understand Mariana's feelings but taking 3x the value of the property would serve the Troll right... especially if she and Pedro could make the land non-arable before departure.

On a happier note I'm glad to see Pablo Azar in this series although I think he looked better with the facial hair he had in Aurora.

How am I supposed to pick the gems when the entire recap is a gem? Still, I will try:
* Tweedledee and Tweedledum is perfect for those two.
* What’s this in the mail for Camila? Another lumbering plot contrivance? (oh dear God I wish I had your skill.)
* Neither can I. And he seems unable to hear me yelling at my tv set, telling him not to do it.

If it weren't for the comments and recaps I would not have lasted the week. Now that Univision is playing with scheduling again I am going to have to make a firm decision about which TN will fill my secondary slot. I'm not going to lie- ET may not make the cut.

Sara...I'm with you...This entire recap of NovelaMaven is a gem. Here are some of my favorite headings:

Another day another dolor
It's okay kids, mommy's home
Not so pretty in pink
Tender-hearted readers may want to skip this part

And on phrases, have to love "rosy-breasted troll" and "another lumbering plot device".

Oh heck, let's face it, Novela is a writer of the first order and a flat-out comic genius. And she's all ours on Saturday morning. Yea!

I have a serious snarker's crush on NovelaMaven. Gawd I hope I don't take a turn for the creepy. I was all fangirl- squee- shaky chihuaha excited when I saw the recap was up.


You are brilliant and this recap is wonderful.

"Understand. She is only following the rules: make a life-changing decision based on the off-hand remark of a slutty girl in highheeled sneakers."

So right, so righteous. I am standing on my chair applauding.

What a great recap!

What a dreadful telenovela!

Did Esteban HAVE to kill himself in the bedroom? With his kids in the house? Yes. Hostile, punishing infeliz. Elvira you are also a hostile, punishing infeliz.


And did the police HAVE to interview the grieving daughter in the room with the body?

Too bad Camila isn't an artist; Estupido was already on the way to pulling a Renato Conde (LCDAL), complete with "Dude, just do it already!", but didn't quite make it there...

"Doris alert!" Hah!

And while I missed the first half of this one I think I've figured out why I can't take Don Bombastico seriously: for whatever reason, at least here, Sergio Reynoso's face seems to be where all emotion goes to die. You hear him acting, but you don't see it--especially when he's up against someone like Karyme Lozano.

"....where all emotion goes to die."

What I would give for half your wit! :-)

Novelmaven, this was a funny recap, and like the others, I wouldn't watch this one if it weren't for the recaps.
Thank you for writing out the spanish frases, and especially for your paraphrases which are hysterical. "I don't give a rat's patooty about your family" was probably my favorite.
The plot has so many of those tiresome contrivances you mention. I wanted to scream to Mariana-just sell him the stupid ranch for 3x the money and get the heck out of Fresno. Buy one in Santa Barbara or Carmel, for crying out loud.
And Camila, getting a scholarship, and what is she going to do, drag her whole dysfunctional family to her dorm room? She needs a mother-ectomy.

Novela, muchas carcajadas

This broke me up
"The two women are pounding on the bedroom door. “¡Te odio!” shrills Elvira helpfully."

Guess it's not just me, so maybe this one can move to midnight????? huh, huh, huh?????

I am confused though about the money, isn't Pedro paying it twice? .

NM, this was a brilliant, park-the-coffee hoot of a recap. So much better than the actual show! A master storyteller---much more than we can say for these writers.

"She is only following the rules: make a life-changing decision based on the off-hand remark of a slutty girl in highheeled sneakers"

Perfection. I know TN's are full of these "nmisunderstandings" but they sure have jam-packed enough of these into one-week on this TN. This show is so blasted predictable, and with so many characters that are either flatly written, boring,or unappealling ( face it,a ,lot of TN viewing is based on those eye-candy moments) it's hard to deal with the fact we could all probably put our heads together and nail the entire plot line from here to the end.

Last night, I seemed to find myself reflecting that this TN reminds me of a really poor version of a Tennessee Williams play. The lazy loud-brazen owner of a property with the lazy children, languishing around the porch (noone seems to actually work), all the hot anguish, and steamy unrequited luuuurrrrvv, etc.

I did chuckle at Elvira last night--someone actually knows how to use an ATM machine in a TN. Who knew???

Previews--hmmmm. Anyone else think there isn't much spark between Camilla and Pedro when you really watch them? I know B can be a bit stiff, but if there's no "heat" between the leads, kind of kills the interest. Maybe just me...

I'm picking up my coffee now, but may be parking this TN.

NM, my lord, you don't mess around, do you? What everyone else said, but I really appreciate your Spanish sentence/English sentence translations.

Emilia was out last night w/ her book club and I came really close to changing the channel. Gutted it out, and it seemed each segment was worse/dumber than the one before.

- Mariana has recovered her mind? Overnight? Really?

- Esteban has the tidiest head shot ever, with no pool of blood. His (I guess it was his) "perdoname" on the mirror was somehow insincere or something - he could've just gone w/ "redrum" and been done with it.

- Has the Fresno PD come up in our esteem w/ their Crime Scene Investigation? Nah.

- Antonio squeezing wine out of the bag thing? Is this 1968?

- The Lucrezia/Antonio relationship gets creepier every episode and his rejecting his esposa last night all but wrote large the "I" word.

Basta. Hey, FWIW, Univision's been putting a little post up for the El Tal episodes which show up on La Plaza de Caray. I'll keep an eye out for last night's episode and let you know when it appears. Keep your ugly stick handy and we can offer them some "transactional analysis".

NovelaMaven, Oh how I adore your style. I was so looking forward to your first recap of this and I was not disappointed. Every line zings. Adding to the favorites already cited:

"(but he could be reciting Pablo Neruda to himself. Who are we to judge?)".

No doubt preparing for his upcoming run at Camila.

As Camila was exiting Steve's bedroom, I noticed that the crystal ice bucket was freshly filled with cubes... what a gem that Tracy is.

Steve's death came as a surprise to me. I had no doubt that he'd attempt suicide, but he was such a screwup that I didn't think he'd succeed. Well done Stevie.

Is Armando serving any purpose at all?

Welcome back Mariana,,, now go to the police.

Bill C,

"Sergio Reynoso's face seems to be where all emotion goes to die."



Thanks for the super fast recap. Last night was painful to watch with all the screaming, anger and tears. My husband and I were both shouting at Estupido to just pull the damn trigger (and put us out of our misery!) I was hoping he'd take Elivra with him! We will give ET a try next week and then decide if we will bale out on this one also. Familia keeps looking better and better after Podia and this one. We watch these shows for fun and escapism and this one doesn't cut it.

Ai, NovelaMaven, so many priceless phrases -- I concur with what everyone has said so far but want to draw particular attention to "Pedro, who has apparently never seen a telenovela..." That one had me spitting coffee.

I think we're still in the rapid-fire plot-development stage; hopefully things will settle down soon. But I agree with the general consensus: this TN is probably not going to have the subtle character development of Cuando, or the constant surprises of will be best mined for vocabulary and snark. And, of course, Fresno jokes. And making fun of the wardrobe. See? We're having fun already.

What a fantastic title! Also "Another day, another dolor", just brilliant! NMaven, I love your subtitles, they are just too, too funny. In fact, I completely agree with Judy: "Oh heck, let's face it, Novela is a writer of the first order and a flat-out comic genius." I am SO glad you are recapping this one. Especially this yelly episode.

Gah! Gagorio makes Elvira feel like a woman? Heck, she must be a troll too. Oh wait, she is.

Los Negrete might be dangerous neighbors, but Los Najera have got to be the most annoying. I'm sure all of Fresno will be thrilled to see those loud whiners leave.

OMG I've never been so glad to see someone off themselves in my life. What was that on the mirror? REDRUM? (Hee, just kidding.) And was that an Emmy statuette on the dresser? Must have been left there by the former occupants. At least Estegone was amazingly tidy in his death, not much blood or gore that I noticed.

Was Antonio drinking out of a boda bag? Man, that guy is one long cliche.

Emarie, "mother-ectomy", good one.

daisynjay, there seems to be more chemistry between Mariana and Pedro even though they keep announcing they are like brother and sister.

Novela Maven, thank you for transforming drivel into a hilarious experience. Who said you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear?

Mike, I posted before I saw your comment. I see we are on the same wavelength about Estegone's demise. Funny how we both noted his tidiness and "Redrum". We must watch the same movies. Also noted Antonio's boda bag. I can't remember the last time I saw one of those, although as a young'un we used to use them while skiing, not doubt filled with Mateus.

That would be NO doubt filled with Mateus. Is that wine still around?

Blue Lass, I've pretty much accepted there will be no character development here. Or it will be so subtle as to be unrecognizable. Speaking of wardrobe, Gagorio's shirts are amazingly tacky. I see where his kids get their fashion sense.

Carlos, the ice bucket was freshly filled? Funny how some details are so carefully arranged and others, such as talented writing and believable plot development, are not.

Sylvia, you'll be as delighted as I am to know that "Matoosy" is still available. Looks like an average of $4.99 / bottle. Quality stuff. We used to bring back a couple of cases whenever we'd get a run out to the Azores. Squadron morale, you know.

What a contrast on wine consumption, though! CME: all the attention to quality from growing the grapes to fermenting and blending to enjoying from the proper stemware. El Tal: Antonio playing with his bag out on the porch.

Univision has a post out on Google+: "Tenemos el gusto de anunciarte que ya podrás ver los capítulos completos en línea, de tu novela favorita El Talismán."

"Tu novela favorita El Talisman"? Guess again, Uni.

Oh joy, now we can enjoy our favorite telenovela both day AND night? As many times as we want? That really makes my day.

Yep, from fine wine to cheap boda bag swill. That pretty much sums it up.

Cracks me up that Uni is making this TN available just about everywhere to watch when they've been so quick in the past to pull other TN's off sites. Methinks they doth push too much...

Let's see I can watch Teresa, Old Eva Luna or SDA on Hulu anytime too. ( You know things are bad when I'm seriously thinking, Hey, Gaby wasn't that bad...I could rewatch Soy).

Oh, and character development?? Hard to do that when you've got writers who have graduated from the University of Telenova Cliche Writing.

Daisynjay, I'm wondering if Venevision used unsupervised interns to write this one.

She shoots! She scores!!

Thanks for the terrific recap, NM. I didn't see this (delightful??) ep but didn't really need to after reading your masterpiece.

Did I miss something about time changes? Does Univision even WANT us to watch?

Mike, I would actually expect better from unsupervised interns, something along the lines of new ideas and originality.

I just checked out that post. Most of the comments pan the show, citing things like the Fresno cops with bad English accents, Daddy Troll has a Mexican accent and Daisy Do-Me having an Argentinian accent, stupid plot and characters, stuff like that. I learned a new word though, "chafa", which means crummy or cheesy.

I just re-read NM's recap. It truly is delightful. I'm glad my honey asked me to turn the show off last night (he said the yelling was giving him a headache), I enjoyed it much more this morning while reading the recap.

What a fantastic re-cap of our favorite telenovela!

Best lines:
-"Rube Goldberg version" - SO TRUE! Just talk to each other already!
-"another lumbering plot contrivance" we are all amazed someone could come up with something so poetic about a delivered envelope
-"does he stamp his dainty foot?" LOL LOL
-That last line was HILARIOUS!

Why were Elvira and Camila pounding and pounding on the door and then after the gunshot they found all they had to do was turn the knob to open it?

Mike and Sylvia - Redrum! Love it! Mi marido y yo had our first date at The Shining back in 1980.

Well, Esteban's suicide sure "shoots" my theory that the bad dye job was so they could gradually gray his hair as he got older. Didn't we read that the as-of-yet unborn grandkids will play big parts in the plot down the line?

Variopinta - Pedro only gave Esteban $10,000, saying he would give the rest to Elvira, afraid that Esteban would gamble it away.

Emilia - what book is your club reading?

Rosemary la Otra

Seriously, Novela Maven, that last line: "Bosoms heave, but you, gentle reader, should have more self control" is just such a hoot to me! As if we are all getting so wrapped up with this, our favorite tn.

While still chuckling at that I spanish dict'd what they'd said in the avances: Dejate Secucir... Febrero. Huh? Seduce ourselves in February? Anyone get that meaning? Does it only run this month? Are we seduced yet?

R la O

What are the schedule changes, Comcast still shows 7: Familia, 8: Taliiman, 9: Podía

If only Esteban had shot Gregorio & Elvira too.
It was a very neat suicide, no blood spatter.

Think I might give Maid in Manhattan a try.

I don't think even FELS was THIS bad in the beginning.
It will be interesting to see how TV y Novelas rates it.

Wow! What a kind welcome back to Uni! And as usual, there’s by far more wit in your comments than there was on our tv screens last night.

Sara, you are too much! As I’ve said before, the feeling is mutual. Thanks for ... um ... validating my reaction to Estegone.

Urban, I was glad to see Pablo Azar’s name in the credits but I agree, he sure looked better (and had a juicier part) in the otherwise rather dismal “Aurora”.

JudyB, what can I say? You’re making me blush! You are such a superb writer yourself that I’m honored that you even stopped by today and am simply blown away by your praise. Thank you. Now cut it out :)

Elna June Thank you sooooo much. What a dreadful telenovela, indeed!

By the way, as to “Hostile, punishing infeliz” – yes, “infeliz” is one of those words we Anglos should just borrow whole from the Spanish language. I can’t think of a single English translation that does it justice.

Bill C
“Sergio Reynoso's face seems to be where all emotion goes to die.”

Oooh! Snap! I was thinking too that he is a gifted voice actor. But, alas, he has what used to be called “a face for radio”.

Emarie Gracias! And “she needs a mother-ectomy”! Too funny. Me, I was hoping a house was going to fall on Elvira before the end of the hour.

Variopinta So glad you got a laugh out of this. About the money, I think Pedro gave Estegone $10,000 so his family could get by in the short term. The big money – probably in the millions of dollars – was sitting in Mariana’s bank account. That’s the money these two innocents are now so hot to turn over to witchy Elvira.

I hadn't even noticed that they were pounding on the door and then suddenly were able to open it. Ha ha ha!!! Normally we would need to call Sherlock Holmes to figure out such a mystery, but not in the El Talisman alternate universe.

The Shining as a date movie? Cool!

By the way, I think I need to apologize to the Najera kids, there I was ripping on them about being a couple of loads and it turns out Camila just got accepted to college. She must have recently graduated from high school and Armando is what, a junior or senior? They sure mature early in South Texas. At least they got the right college for her agriculture degree.

Esteban should have been played by Gerardo from LFDD. Both of them were cowards.

After "Eva Luna", wonder what Blanca Soto thinks about this trashy TN?

Thank you to the recapper. You are one heckofa storyteller.

Daisynjay Thank you! And I can totally get the Tennessee Williams vibe (Our Troll is no Big Daddy but he is intimately familiar with “mendacity”).

So far, Pedro and Camila haven’t had much screen time together so I guess I’ll give them a pass for now. What I do like, though, is the chemistry between Pedro and Mariana – maybe because they are both actually, er, actors?

MikeI’m glad you like the Spanish phrases and translations. I include them because it forces me to pay close attention to the language when I find myself distracted by Pedro’s killer smile, say.

I do love your list of absurdities. I’m glad you mentioned the tidiness of the death scene. I didn’t want to dwell on it but yes, it was crazy.

Carlos Thanks so much. It’s kind of fun to be back here.

Thanks for the ice bucket detail. That’s one problem with recapping – I sometimes miss delicious visual details when I’m looking down at the page and not up at the screen. (Occasionally I will take a second look at an episode for that very reason. Not this time though. Nuh uh.)

I do have hopes for Armando since, as I mentioned to UA, I rather like the actor. So far, I agree, he has not been well-served.

Blue Lass So glad you enjoyed the recap. I’m afraid you’re right about where this Ship of Fools is heading. But we all knew that before we got on board, right? My experience has been – the crappier the show, the more fun the recaps. When shows get too good, you have to treat them with respect and intelligence. Fortunately, that’s not likely to be a problem for us, is it? :)

Cap’n Sylvia Thank you, amiga, but hey:

“Gah! Gagorio makes Elvira feel like a woman? Heck, she must be a troll too. Oh wait, she is”

“OMG I've never been so glad to see someone off themselves in my life.”

This is why I’m so thrilled to be on the team with you.

Emilia Thank you! Yes, do watch. I’d be surprised if this one doesn’t end up on “The Soup”. It is a paradigmatically bad episode of a paradigmatically bad novela. What more can we ask?

Rosemary la Otra So glad you liked it. I wasn’t sure about the last line so I’m happy it worked for you. Thanks for your kind words.

Anonymi, thanks for chiming in today.

The sun is shining, the sky is blue and Mr. Maven wants us to go for a stroll. See you later!

I have a suggestion for these writers - they'd be wise to read these comments and use them to improve their product. But I suspect it will be a cold day in hell before they'd do that. It may be me but the writing has seemed to have gotten worse lately.

This is absolutely hilarious. So many of my Caray buddies were waiting for this one to start that I thought I should give it a try. So far the recaps are SO much better than the show. I'm glad I stuck with my light hearted Familia con suerte. I don't think I can stomach this one -- but I will keep reading these recaps because you are such amusing writers. This one is so full of great lines I couldn't possibly quote them all.

But I did love the title and ""She is only following the rules: make a life-changing decision based on the off-hand remark of a slutty girl in highheeled sneakers" Thanks so much for the gift of this recap.

Güera from Syracuse

We are not alone:

"La Peor Novela de 2012" kinda says it all, though the year is young.

Asco novela y fracasco adds to the opinions.

What a waste of talent of some.
Some miscasting.
Waste of our time, where is FC?

No one is recapping this one at telenovela world, what does that tell you?

V, do they usually do recaps at telenovela world? I don't go over to that board very often but I don't recall seeing recaps as a typical thing there, just discussions.

Nmaven, I'm still chortling over your recap, thanks again. I am enjoying the comments, too. I am glad the TN doesn't make sense, more fun that way.

Just a scraping of the obsurdities:
1) No property in Fresno is worth killing over.
2) Kicking any woman anytime is a crime in the US, and a home invasion with an assault on a pregnant woman would have caused at least a police investigation and coverage on the News.
3)Police in the US generally investigate crimes with something other than a 3 inch pencil and a 3x4 inch notepad.
4)Gambling is likely a crime in Fresno, especially at those stakes (someone was actually telling the police that the property had been won that night at a poker game, no response), I am sure that is illegal. I doubt that you could legally collect on such a bet.
5) Winning a scholarship to college doesn't provide for your family. Scholarships are generally won while you are still in high school. Camila has to be at least 30.
6) Getting pregnant in the US doesn't give the father of the child rights to your property. Marrying the woman doesn't protect the child from a custody battle.
7) 10,000 dollars buys you squat in California. The way that family lives it would give them about a month's expense coverage.
That's just a start.

They do recaps. I like it because it is in Spanish, so I can pick up a few words. Amor Real was in great detail. But the ones since are very short & Talisman, nonexistent.
You need to be careful though, Mex is ahead of the US, so you can get spoilers.

Familia y Podía are recapped.

Variopinta, oh right, those "Resumenes" links up on the side. No danger of spoilers for this one. I believe this is its original airing and has never before aired in Mexico. That's one of the things the publicity was making a hoo-haw about.

I've noticed that the commenters on the telenovela foro are very good about marking their spoilers. Wikipedia on the other hand, they happily blather all manner of spoilers so I never look there until a telenovela is over.

Telenovela world has a link direct to caray caray.

Camila ran upstairs with a bent coat-hanger -- no, really -- saying she was going to find out what was going on with her Dad. Although I don't know at what point she stopped pounding and started picking.

And I think Antonio and Doris's kids are already born, but not in the picture -- away at boarding school, perhaps? At least one of them was referred to by name in the "cunadas-abuse-the-maid" scene.


I guess Telenovela world has people that are willing to do the recap, just like Caray. Could not believe the detail for Amor Real, point by point of each chapter. I was expecting the same for all the novelas but that one was a work of love.
ck it out

Wow! I am in awe of your recap NovelaMaven, and of all these hilarious comments. All of it has been brilliant!

I have nothing to add, other than I am in total agreement with everything said. The recaps and comments are just SO high quality on this tn, that I am tempted to keep watching just for that (as I suspect is the case wit many of us here).

Since they have bumped off so many characters in the first week, and our herione is going off to college, I suspect we will get a time jump and a bunch of new characters next week. Let's see if that improves things at all.

I also noticed that all of a sudden Elvira and Cam were able to bust into the room after Estupid offed himself. I laughed out loud as Evil-ra was yelling hateful things at Estupid while Cam was trying to keephim from offing himself. She might as well yelled with us to "pull the trigger already!"

Jarocha e-mailed me yesterday to ask about this show, as we know it's not in Mexico yet. I will have fun sharing our opinions. :) By the way, her uncle passed away some days ago, which has been really difficult for her.

I'm so sorry to hear that about Jarocha's uncle. Vivi, please let her know we are thinking about her.

Not even in Mex yet?? Tell Jarocha not to bother. Do they think the US is estupido y gullible???¿¿¿¿¿ guess so!!!! This isn't even worth the midnight hour, maybe 2AM

This isn't even Salvador Mejia, the king of mierda.

OH HELL. I just skipped forward on my DirectTV schedule, and it says that starting Monday, Familia is going to be on from 7-9, El T at 9, and La Que at 10!

I was supposed to start recapping on Tuesday, but the main reason I signed on for El T instead of La Que was that I can't stay up until 10...maldito sea!

Vivi--I second Sylvia's sentiments. I'm so sorry to hear Jarocha has lost a loved one. Please pass along our thoughts.

As for El Tal:
Damn Univision for making an absolute piece of what is shaping up to be unwatchable crap (Sorry, even Meh-jia is better.)

And damn all of you for being so damn hilarious that I feel compelled to watch (I say this with affection.) For some reason, I find it hard to keep up with the show/snark/banter if I am not actually watching the show.

Crap! I specifically don't like 9:00 either. 7:00 is my favorite but then El Talisman got moved to 8:00!! I can't imagine the crew recapping LQNPA likes the 10:00 slot either.

Blue Lass, can you tell how long this reschedule is going to continue?

Blue Lass-You and I are on the same maldita boat. And my heart goes out to the UFCS reacappers that just heaved a sigh of relief thinking the days of 2hr episodes were behind them.

WHY????¿¿¿¿ do they do that to us. My time slot for novelas is 9PM, now I'm watching 7-11 ???? ¡no puede ser! why do they keep messing up the schedule??
Guess they are testing us to see what hour we can stomach Talisman. Uni!!!!it ain't no hour, no way ningun, nunca, nada, ni

"...UFCS recappers who just heaved a sigh of relief....

One of a couple of threads on Univision. The fans of LQNPA aren't pleased with the change either.

But to clarify, as long as there are some of you who want to comment I will hang in there and recap this show. Late airings will likely have shorter recaps though. Of other recappers have to bail because of time or whatever it's totally understandable. Stoopid Looneyvision.

I feel worst of all for the UFCS recappers who are back to two friggin' hours.

I will pass on your well wishes to Jarocha.

I too feel for our Familia recappers. Two hours is a huge burden.

Correction: IF other recappers have to bail... I'm so pissed off I'm not even proofreading. Very unlike me.

Vivi~~So sorry to hear of Jarocha's loss. Please give my sympathies to her. Robey~~~I just read the recap and comments for Thursday's show. Thanks for clearing things up for me. The guy playing Antonio reminded me of someone , but I just couldn't figure out who it was. BINGO...Spike from Buffy....a brunette , fangless Spike....but equally smarmy, cocky, and oily. As for Uni's penchant for moving shows around...remember when they moved Corazon Salvaje to midnight ? That made them very unpopular with some of us here.

I've been seething since last night, Sylvia. I love to recap, but it gets to where I don't want to volunteer because the schedule gets all kinds of screwy and it becomes difficult to plan my evenings.

And again, my sympathies to the UFCS recappers.

As a recapper I want to do a thorough job, but if the show starts/runs too late, I find myself flying through it because I know if I don't it will be midnight and beyond before I get to bed. I'm sure all the recappers feel the same way.

To clarify--not that I would bail, it just seems whenever a new show starts I agonize over the decision to recap. I chose not to volunteer for LFDD because of the TdA locura we had all endured.

I want Familia at 8 & Podía on at 9.
They can stuff Talisman. If this isn't in Mex, maybe they WILL read what we say.

I second Vario's emotion ;-)

Sylvia, they are showing this new schedule through Wednesday 2/15. On Thursday 2/16 some kind of Premio show is occupying all the evening TN slots, and on Friday 2/18 it just says "To Be Announced."

Dare we hope that this is just some kind of sweeps madness? I'll try to hang in there...

Sara, all good points. The later the hour the stupider and less clever I become.

Even though El Talisman has its faults (boy howdy), the stupider telenovelas are often the most fun and hilarious to recap. I had a ball with my episode. I don't want El Tal to go away, it's just that these schedule changes drive me nuts. In my perfect world El Tal at 7:00, Una Familia at 8:00, Podia at 9:00.

Blue Lass, you are a trooper for hanging in there. Nobody says the recaps have to be long.

Sara, thanks for checking. I'm still baffled by the reasoning behind these changes.

Wait, hold it Uni is really trying the 10pm EST timeslot again for novelas, even if just short-term? Why? Are they that afraid of Relaciones Peligrosas somehow becoming another La Reina del Sur (it's more coherent than this cracked-out show, sure, but it ain't Reina)?

Oops, I meant BLUE LASS thanks for checking. See what I mean? I'm not even drinking or smoking anything. My angry fingers are flying faster than my angry mind.

Well, I work one night a week -- and I specifically arranged for it to be Wednesdays this semester, so I'd have Wednesday morning to do my recap. SO I'M STILL IN. I'll just be a day behind all the rest of the time, because I won't be able to watch the DVR'ed episodes until the following evening...AAAARGH...

"The later the hour the stupider and less clever I become."
I sure wish I had a late hour as an excuse. I fear I am stupid and dull no matter the hour. LOL

I wish I had the ability to do half a recap the evening of and the other half in the morning. Alas I am completely non-functional in the mornings. It's sad really.

Happily, I'm both a morning AND an evening person. I'm just not an afternoon person. I have never understood why the siesta has not caught on here...

As I re-read my commentary I realize I am neither a morning person, afternoon person nor an evening person. I now see why my hubby calls me Slug.

Sara, clever is subjective and a matter of perspective anyway. Your husband calls you slug? I knew I liked you! I graduated from UC Santa Cruz, mascot the Banana Slug. Go Slugs!!!

Blue Lass, I always think of the siesta when the the people in our telenovelas get up early to have a big breakfast before work, work all day, then make a dinner date for 9:00 p.m. They truly must bring out their little mats like in kindergarten and take a mid-day snooze. Otherwise they wouldn't get much sleep at all.

Oooo the little mat sounds wonderful...

Shall we get some made up with a slug motif? After all, there's almost nothing in the store except giant belt buckles and raisins...

Thanks so much for this recap and for everyone's comments. I have nothing to add that hasn't been said, let me just register my disgust with any plot line that relies on the two leads, who are so IN LOVE, not sharing information with each other. Like that Pedro is a supposed manslut, or that Mama Evilra is wallowing in moral turpitude and should not be trusted with millions of dollars.

Also, "Another day, another dolor" is an instant classic.

Back to two-hour episodios of UFCS?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I really enjoy that show, and I enjoy recapping, but I do not enjoy recapping double episodes. Much of the joy of recapping comes from the pleasure of observing the details, the themes, the nuances, and crafting a retelling of it in a way I find amusing. When I have two hours to cover, I only have time to hit the highlights of the plot. It is not so much fun that way.

Technically, he calls me Slugolas (rhymes with Legolas from Lord of the Rings.)

Since you mentioned TN breakfast. I don't know why, but I am fascinated by TN meals. Especially breakfast. They always seem to be eating the most delicious looking fruit. And always with some sort of fruit juice.

And we haven't seen one meal on El Tal. Drat. Wait, have we? Didn't the Najeras go to the Cucarachas for dinner? What did they eat? I missed one episode this week...

You aren't offering high-heeled sneakers in the shop?

Hugs to you Julia and all UFCS recappers. I really hate those infelices at Univision.

Julia, the RameraWear isn't in yet.

high heeled sneakers, Daisy Dukes and Suzanne Somers Thigh Master

Univision does not have the digital rights to the Televisa novelas. If we can't catch those on the random sites we find them we're out of luck.

When their current contract with Televisa expires we'll see if they renew it with digital rights or if they have to produce everything from scratch. If they choose to continue to import Televisa's novelas it will become very expensive but cost less than producing their own.

No wonder your name has Novela in it. You are definitely a Maven and thank you for your recap.

Based on the comments (I'm only on #60), I've decided that the writers unknowingly have written a Comedy With Bloodshed for us to enjoy.

My word verif is: finic--and me wishing it were true.

It's been said before, but the best reason to watch this show is to better follow the award-level snark. Is that an Emmy catagory? It should be.

We should be jumping ahead in time soon so maybe it gets better. Or maybe happy hour has made me unreasonably optimistic.


Maybe this is a secret Harvard Psychology Dept experiment. "Let's get some seemingly sane people hooked on good telenovelas in 2011 and then in 2012 we'll introduce the bizarre El Talisman and THEN we'll switch times on them. How many of these otherwise sane people will eventually crack and what role does snark play in them keeping their sanity?"

Güera, My pleasure! Thanks for the nice words.

Vivi, my sympathies to Jarocha and her family.

I’m so glad you liked the recap. I couldn’t agree more about the comments – they are amazing. So witty, so much fun. I’m glad to be in this study group with all of you.

Julia ¡No hay de que! More two hour episodes for you? – yikes! Those were such torture during “Triunfo del Amor”. If this one has a stretch of doubles, I’ll have to revert to Telemundo mini-cap mode (which, honestly, I rather enjoy).

Anita Aw. But truth in labeling – I’m not exactly a maven, I just play one on CarayCaray. :)

kelly Yeah, happy hour probably has something to do with your optimism. I know that after the Kahlua and cream I just enjoyed, everything looks a little sunnier to me

Sara, We did see the Troll throw a tantrum over salsa at a family meal. (He was served green and he wanted red. Some gimlet-eyed viewer here pointed out that there WAS red salsa sitting on the sideboard.)

As I recall, we never got to see the meal that Elvira and Estupido were invited to – we just joined them after dinner. But I will definitely be on the look-out for feeding times at the various zoos in the show.

Rosemary la Otra ssshhhhhhhh. No one was supposed to know about that.

Schedule changes? Crap. I was liking the early hour. A lot. I suppose Univisión wants something strong running against Telemundo’s “Relaciones Pelagrosas” at 9pm central.

Also they probably have an eye on the Telemundo novela that will replace “Flor Salvaje” at 8pm central time (I don’t know when that will be. Sorry.) I’m sure Uni wants something with an established audience at that hour so people don’t jump ship.

NM, thank you for such a delightful recap of an absolutely dreadful episode.

The jury is out if I like this TN or not but I do look forward to the recaps and comments.

The death count is already mounting and this only the 1st week. On the plus side, I love the music. Rosana is terrific!

The emporium must carry the entire "Rhinestone Cowboy" accessory line. I am sure it will be top seller! And don't forget we need the boda bags.

Rosemary #1

Una Familia is ending very soon in Mexico and is going to be replaced by "Por Ella Soy Eva" with Lucero, Jaime Camil, Marcelo Cordoba, etc. It is to begin February 13th in Mexico. I am sure they are trying to hurry along Una Familia in the US so they can start the new offering. Una Familia is much too long, I want instant gratification and am very impatient for it to end.

Rosemary #1

My experience has been – the crappier the show, the more fun the recaps. When shows get too good, you have to treat them with respect and intelligence. Fortunately, that’s not likely to be a problem for us, is it? :)

NM thanks for reminding us of all that we have to be grateful for. By the standards named above, I predict a rollicking recap ride.

By the bye, from whom was Esteban requesting pardon in his writing on the mirror? Perhaps the professional after suicide cleaning crew that Pedro will no doubt have called in? Do we think that sleeping in the room of a recent suicide will bother a fragile Mariana? Nah, she'll be fine I
am sure.

Finally, that suicide note was a doozy, no? Elvira is a nasty piece of work but ending the note with, "I hope you burn in hell..."? Esteban's crimes outweigh Elvira's about 10/1 in my reckoning.

I wonder if Camila will be considered too old for regular mixed dorm housing at Davis. Just how old IS Camila supposed to be anyway?


Fun villains and side characters can also provide for great recaps and snark. I think CME was blessed to have Fina, Augie, and Alvaro. A good tn, with villains that are easy to make fun of-- perfect combination.

Oooh, Novela Maven, your Kahlua and cream sounds yummy. But I might have to put a shot of Vodka in a la The Dude. Put on my bathrobe, my flip flops, White Russian, then I shall abide.

EJ, "I wonder if Camila will be considered too old for regular mixed dorm housing at Davis. Just how old IS Camila supposed to be anyway?" I am still trying to wrap my head around that one. Is she pursuing and undergraduate or graduate degree? She and her brother look mature but they act, well, not mature.

Oopsie, forgot to put quotes around the first paragraph in my last post. I was quoting our own NovelaMaven. That's what happens when I write on an I-pad.

Cap'n I just looked up Blanca's age. She is 33, the same age as my middle daughter. Grad school?

Blue Lass
Why don't you let me take the Tuesday recap until the schedule settles down? I am happy to do it as I don't have evening clients scheduled right now.

As soon as Uni simmers down a bit you and I can start switching off, if you like.


Rosemary #1, So nice to see you here!

Sylvia -- A White Russian? The Dude? You're not wrong! Hah! One of my all-time fav movie characters! I can picture him right now ambling amiably through the tableau vivant of the familia Negrete.

Rosemary#1~~Thanks for the info. I will be looking forward to seeing two of my favs in the new novela..Lucero and Marcelo C. I would love to see another historical novela. My favs are Alborada and Amor Real, but I also enjoyed Pasion and Coazon Salvaje. Maybe they are not making them anymore due to the expense involved . Pity.

Susanlynn, as you know those are my favorites too. I love the costumes and finding out about history along the way.

Sylvia~~~It's been awhile since I've really completely committed to a novela. I need a pirate or a count or Zorro or something. I have sunk to watching Spartacus and Shameless , and I am impatiently waiting for Mad Men to return. . Now those are some fierce , bizarre telenovelas. I do like to surf into caraycaray to check out the recaps and look for old pals.

Thanks for the recap NM. I missed your wit from my limited days on TDA.

Vivi - please give Jarocha my condolences.

I am having so much fun reading the recaps and comments for this show I forgot it was so bad (expect for Tues which was unforgivably violent). Thanks to Cynderella (great debut), Sylvia, EJ (again sorry you had to endure such horribleness), and Marta for your 'caps and the commenters. I had this delayed connection with Sylvia's description of Antonio as a hot Eddie M and just started laughing out loud while reading (thank goodness I was at home and not in public).

I also hope Uni's latest change is due to sweeps but I'm still vexed that they pulled this on our recapping teams.

Susanlyn--me chiming in re pirates, counts or zorros for you.

You don't have to sink any lower for a good costume series. I started watching Once Upon a Time--just because of the costumes the prince and the castle--(yeah, right), and found that it's quite intriguing and charming and suspensful.

Try it, you might like it. Its regularly on at 8 on Sundays on ABC.

Everybody--do I detect the need to establish an El Talmart? I don't think it deserves to be equated with our CME Emporium, but I'll start stocking the shelves with inventory asap.

Ooooh! I forgot to report a pear robe sighting this week. I think it was in Ni Contigo Ni Sin Ti, but I don't remember which day - earlier this week? I hope it wasn't last week.

Sylvia in bathrobe and flip-flops jogged my memory.


I don't think that Televisa (or any other producing network) does more than one novela de epoca per year because of the expense involved.

Anyone also notice that those tend to be shorter than contemporary-dress series?

The other thing about novelas de epoca is that they need to cast actors who look credible in them. Fernando Colunga looks great in any time period, but not all actors do. I could easily picture Jorge Salinas or Pablo Montero in Victorian clothes but not in the fashion of the Age of Enlightenment.

And actresses with obvious boob jobs can't pull this off either. Ninel Conde may be da bomb to most male viewers, but her Jessica Rabbit body is obviously the result of plastic surgery. I'm currently watching a Brazilian novela called Terra Nostra and nobody there looks like they've had any cosmetic surgery. The leading man is nowhere near as buff as any of the Televisa men of the same age. They look like people out of 1890.

I dunno, UA, I'm watching Corazon Salvaje on DVD right now and Aracely looks pretty after-market.

EJ, I'm going to dive into the recap next Tuesday and see how it goes. I've been topping off my snark tank and am afraid if I don't use it up, it'll all splash out on the Blue Lad. But thanks for the offer!

LOL BLue Lass...and that was one of the many problems with CS. :) It was enjoyable in many other ways though.

Wow! We've broken 100 comments. Just shows that a bad show can generate great conversation.

NovelaMaven: one guffaw after another! Muy enjoyable! You are a unique treasure so thanks for brightening up my weekend!

I'm watching Sunday Morning on CBS right now. There's a segment on hair, and they say the feathers Camila is sporting are the hottest trend in hair right now. Who knew?!!!

Thanks Vivi. I've been wondering about those. I guess they prove she's a hip young thing fresh from high school and headed for UC Davis? Can't remember who said it but Blanca and dude playing her brother are acting like teens but look grown. It throws me off .... And kind of makes me a little nauseous.

Anita - It DOES sound like there is a demand for "El TalMart". The first week and we've already stocked a few shelves! Perhaps we could add a Feather Salon.

I commented way too late one day about those feathers in the hair. My son's girlfriend had a "feather party" where one of her friends who does hair came by and put feathers in the girls' hair with hot wax. They stay in for months. If anyone watches Idol, notice Steven Tyler has some too. So basically, the young girls and Steven Tyler sport them.

I am guessing they are trying to pass Camila off as college age (grad or undergrad, I am not sure) so they have room to jump ahead. They will probably take the headband out of Elvira's hair, too. What will Slutcrecia wear if she's in her late 30s?

Camila going to college is very 90210esque.

R la O

Blanco Soto is 33, and Julieta Rosen, her mother on the show is 50 - making her 17 when she had her. That is believable but I still think Soto is tooooo old for the role. Its distracting to have all these adults living at home as children. I am giving this TN one more shot and if it still stinks I am out of here.

My teenage cousins had feather extensions in their hair last summer. Also I've seen signs in salon windows proclaiming that they do feather extensions. It definitely was or is a trend.

Elvira sure has a hell of a sense of entitlement. I don't exactly get the impression she's been contributing to the family's welfare by helping on the ranches all these years. Now she snits because Camila's scholarship isn't enough to support the whole family? Elvira, I think what you meant to say was, "Camila, congratulations on winning a scholarship! Well done!" and then think at least that's one member of the family who's taken care of for a few years.

So how is Elvira going to collect and live off the millions without her kids finding out she's got money? Is she going to run off and abandon them?

RlaO--El TalMart will open its doors soon. We will definitely have a feather saloon (no sp error).

Julia - you wouldn't even need to put the feathers in your hair. You could just hook them on your Matilde headband. Or we could all hook them on our Emilia beanies!!

Ah Anita, a feather saloon? That sounds funner than a feather salon. Good idea!

NovelaMaven, I'm so glad I finally had a chance to read a full recap of yours! I always like your comments on the Telemundo topic, and now I get to see your full range of humor, intelligence and literary skills. Great job!

I think I understand the checks now. Pedro told Mariana that the first check he put out at the poker table WAS for a large amount, and DID use her money. He was sorry he took that risk. She didn't care, she's thinks Pedro is the cat's meow.

He later gave Steve a check for $10,000, his own savings, which has now gone to Elvira. And of course Mariana took out all her money, and they sent it to Elvira in a check (millions, I guess). I agree Elvira will probably not tell anyone where it came from.

As to who the check was made out to (such as Esteban), on these shows, I wouldn't be surprised if the first two checks were made out to "cash", which is old fashioned, but that's my guess, so Elvira can use it even though Steve can't.

This show is very corny, even down to the cheesy music and sound effects. Even though it's much "worse" than most of the other shows, there's something campy about watching it, and I'm enjoying it in spite of its self. But of course I'm enjoying the recaps and comments much more!

Hombre, that would make the whole money thing make more sense. There were whole scenes on mine with no close captioning, I was lost. It really seems like it is the more important scenes that have no CCs.

I wonder if there is some sort of copyright infringement if you just say Tal*Mart.

Ok, I'm finally starting to get the money business. I kept wondering what all the blabbity blah was about the money. (I tend to ignore anything business-y. Don't care. Move on. Gimme smoochies and cat fights, dammit!)

Tal*Mart. I love it!

NovelaMaven, that was such a great recap! I watched the first week. The DVR will keep recording them, but doubt I'm going to be watching for the long haul. I do think Blanca Soto is very beautiful. I hadn't seen her before. She and Navoa make a very attractive couple, but she'll probably hate him for nearly the whole show.

The first two days I watched El Talismán and Flor Salvaje back to back and, for me, it was like night and day. I can't think of one actor in FS who isn't very, very good.

I did notice that Valentin, Gregorio's evil henchman, was on Mi Corazon Insiste as a good guy. There seems to be more and more crossover of acting roles between Telemundo and Univisión. For example, Adriana Fonseca, whom I've only seen in Univisión novelas before, will be in Corazón Valiente, the new novela which will replace Flor Salvaje.

Anyway, I'm disappointed. El Talismán was going to be my re-entry into watching Univisión novelas. So far, the thing is almost unwatchable. The last one I watched was Mañana es Para Siempre. I'd watch Colunga paint a fence.

This is a GREAT group of commenters, though!

If we're going to run a Tal Mart, we need to set up a web site called Los Gentes de Tal Mart


I live in S Cali. The good feathers are plucked from rooster's behinds. Fisherman use them. For a while there was a shortage of them at the sporting goods stores and fishing stores because the women were going in and buying them up. Don't laugh, those feathers sell for $50.00 (yeah, thats what I said) and upwards. Anything other than the rooster feathers are bargain basement and barato. The feathers should blend into your hair and be barely noticeable.


$50 for a chicken butt feather?

Are there any roosters on either El Tal or El Alcatraz? Good back up plan for them if the raisin business goes bust.

Feather extensions??? Looks like a pigeon flew into them, but hey I'm old fashioned, I hate tattoos also.

Let me make sure I understand, though. They took the time to hot wax a feather into Blanca Soto's hair and *then* put it in that sloppy, off-center hair style? Did they spend too much time with the feather and then they had to rush Blanca to the soundstage so there was no time for further styling?

novelera- You chose the wrong tn to come back to Uni for. We had been having a fine time with a string of really good ones for a while.

Mike- Those pics are hilarious!

Cynderella- $50 chicken butt feathers?! Really?!!! LOL! They did not mention the price nor the origin of the feathers on Sunday Morning.

I haven't actually read the article, but rooster genocide does not sound cool to me. I'm one of those crazy vegan freak types. lol

I don't understand why they have to kill the roosters just to get their tail feathers.

Hey, Sara, does that mean I can have your share of the chicken? Emilia said I can use her iron skillet for its alternate purpose.

Say, I wonder if grey pigeon butt feathers can be used to fill in a little thinning on top...?

What an image! Lol

Novelera~~~I'd watch that novela....''Painting Fences'' starring Fernando Colunga. Where is he ? I miss that face.

Wow - 128 comments! Dang! You all have been busy and have had a lot to say!

I'm afraid I haven't been able to watch this. Even though I adore Rafael Novoa, I can't stand the other characters or story!

I have been enjoying reading all the hilarious comments though.


Blue Lass: I agree; Aracely Arambula does look surgically enhanced. She was the only cast member of that series whom I felt really didn't belong.

I'd heard a radio show interviewing a bait shop owner who was VERY sorry he didn't buy up a bunch of feather when he first heard of the feathers-in-the-hair trend. But really, who would believe such a ridiculous thing? Poor fisherman. But then again in my day we used roach clips. (I was a kid. I thought they were pretty hair clips). But if Elvira brings back the great big scrunchy, I'm outta here.


Wow! You all have been inspired this weekend! What great, funny comments!

Anita, I just know I'll be able to meet all my Talismaniac needs at your Tal*Mart -- though I may need to wait until Blue Lass's Rameraware is in stock. :)

Will we need feathers in our beanies now? I happen to know a place where some wild geese hang out ...

Karen, Hombre, Novelera, Jardinera (forgive me if I'm forgetting someone -- I'm not used to crowds:D)--
Thanks for the nice words.

Hombre, I'm really glad you decided to stick with this insanity. The conversations over at Telemundo are fun but this is a great group we lucked into over here.

NovelaMaven: Excellent recap. I agree with everyone's enthusiastic comments.

I was disappointed Pedro didn't throttle Gregorio when he showed up at the house. He seemed incredibly passive - I just didn't understand that. Thankfullyk, Mariana stood up to him in a most admirable way.


If I might make a suggestion for the recappers (bless you all!): would it be useful to have an open thread tonight/tomorrow so Cynderella can watch online tomorrow at a more reasonable hour, ditto for EJ / Blue Lass for the Tuesday episode, etc?

And, Vivi, would you please send condolences to Jarocha for Emilia and me? Gracias!

Vivi--Count me in on condolences for Jarocha. She seems like such an interesting person and is always giving us useful information.

It's hard to lose someone you treasure and it's comforting to know that there are people out there who care for those grieving.

You probably won't be overstepping if you send pesames from the whole CarayCaray community.

Yes, Vivi, please do. We are all so fond, and proud, of our Jarocha and our hearts go out to her.

I like Mike's idea.

NovelMaven: I think this is my first recap of yours. What a hoot!!! It had so many gems.

I'm considering dropping out of the TNs until LU's or SN's new ones show up. ElT just doesn't grab, Podia's only a little better, I can't do two hours of Familia. Though I'm thinking of jumping to TM for their 10:00 which is supposed to be really good, they also have a new one coming up--should be this month if I've done the math right. Did catch a couple of afternoon ones--one because it has Marisol (Erica from MEPS and Gaby from STuD), one of my all time favs. Also, Auggie's in it!! And Venus from MEPS, though she died in the ep I recorded. The other one has Rosendo (STuD) and I think Honorio--though I only watched a bit of it so far (Esperanza del Corazon and Dos Hosgares, respectively).

Comment on ElT. When Esteban killed himself, the only thing I could think of was, now he's going to bleed all over that beautiful rug, which is probably an antique and one that Mariana has known since childhood. Knowing this TN, it probably won't even get replaced. Gross!! (I was also surprised he actually did it).

Vivi: Please add my condolences to Jarocha.


Re: the feathers. I got a beautiful peacock feather once (Neo, one of my beloved cats, eventually destroyed it) from a peacock reserve area. It had gotten caught on a fence at the stable I used to volunteer at. Getting feathers that way is OK. Killing or maiming to get them, not cool.

Robey (animal activist)

More on peacocks. I have friends who keep peacocks on their farmette--a male just walked in one day and later on two females. They've had them and their progeny for years. The males drop their beautiful tail feathers during a molt, so there's no harm to the bird at all.

Sara--I just added you to my Google+ circle. I also made a comment in Spanish on Univision about the new horario for the evening line-up.

It seems to me that they are trying to hurry up and finish La Familia while they ought to be hurrying up to finish off El Tal before they lose more viewers.

Can't wait for the first ratings to come out. Will someone monitor that for us?

I used to work in the bird house at the zoo, and I was always picking up dropped feathers and tucking them into my boots. (My supervisor called me "winged Mercury.") I have a huge box somewhere -- scarlet ibis, snowy egret, black duck, and all kinds of bird-of-prey feathers I'm not supposed to have. Unfortunately, none of them match my hair.

Robey - My cat, Bubba's, favorite playtime is with a peacock feather. He shakes his tail in pure joy when he sees me coming with it. lol

I never thought about putting it in my shoe. Winged Mercury - that's funny, Blue Lass!

I sent your wishes along everyone. This is what Jarocha said:
"Thank you and to those in caray for your condolences. I'm better right now, I think I was most affected the most by seeing the pain in my usually joyful family."

Re: Estegone ruining the rug. One of my dad's friends had a terminal brain tumor, and he offed himself in his and his wife's walk-in closet. His poor wife had to deal with not only losing her husband, and the shock and horror of finding him there, but also having nothing to wear. Obviously that last one was the least of it, but still, an additional hassle on top of everything else.

Anita: not surprised they're doubling up on Familia. I read somewhere it was 235 eps!!!


Mike--for your vocabulary: Gente is like People, it's already in the plural. For some reason it's feminine: La Gente , but it's an hysterical idea--I didn't know WalMart would provide a page for such silliness.

...And speaking of Marts...

El Tal*Mart is officially open. A big welcome to you.

Since we're just getting started, there aren't as many items on display. Friday's episode added a tremendous number, but we are still bar (as in corner) coding them. We have to let them age a little, too.

Here are the first items:

*Big ball of aged (overripe) Camembert Cheese

*18-Wheeler, pre-packed with 400 people including three LA gang members, some yuppies, a couple of farmers, two goats, a chicken, the Virgin Mary [+baby Jesús], Margarito and Pedro—ready for pick up in Tijuana

*Make-up necklace (made of genuine quality paste—almost indistinguishable from the real thing)

*Giant manly face-sized shiny silver belt buckles for men (and for women who dare) with small neon lights flashing around the rim (batteries not included) guaranteed to lift and separate

*Unique Halloween costume, can be either a 50s “greaser” or 80s “Latin gangster.” Buy one, get two looks for the same price

*Emeril Lagassi bobblehead in a cowboy hat (doubles as Don Gagorio)

*Captain Midnight decoder ring (requires one box top from any General Mills cereal and $2.50--sorry about the devaluation in our currency)

*Matching plastic relish dishes in a cute little serving tray for red and green salsa—Christmas colors all year round to grace your table morning, noon and night--non-breakable

Please visit our location on CarayCaray soon. Purchases can be made by pre-paid credit cards. P.O. Boxes accepted for delivery. We will always be discrete and everything comes wrapped in plain brown paper (except the 18-wheeler).

Manager of the NNA family of Tal*Marts.

Thank you Vivi for passing along our community condolences. I always deeply (seriously!) study the imput from Jarocha. She has such insight in so many areas.
Now, I am surprised that this telenovela is showing here before Mexico?! Didn't know that ever happened. Maybe our ratings will get the Director and writer's back to the set for Mexico's run???
Marta, you rock. Carlos, I recognized your voice before I read your tag. I too watched the ice never melted. Sublime verdad?

Anita, such a lovely catalogue at El Tal*Mart. I believe I will start my order with the bobble-head doll and relish dishes. That way I can serve my bobble-head doll some salsa and then watch him bobble disapprovingly.

And I want me some of that non-melting ice, too. I hate it when my ice melts. It makes me want to throw a TANTRUM.

Anita~~How about tailfeathers ? Do you have a lot in inventory , or will I have to go to Feathers R Us to fulfill my feather needs ??????????

And if we ever get in ice buckets that keep ice frozen indefinitely I will order one of those. It will be nice to have on hand if we ever see a nice bottle of Talisman wine that we can also sell.

Raisin brandy, right? Isn't that what they're always tossing back over at the 'Traz?

Susanlynn--relax, the feathers are coming (still attached to live roosters) in the next catalog.

Non-melting ice & ice buckets, duly noted

Blue Lass--Raisin brandy? I don't think that it's manly enough for the Alcat crew. They need the Hard stuff to toss down.

Hey, there is a Talisman wine label!! I just realized I've been there. I can't remember a darn thing about the wine though. Maybe EJ knows.

Oh, and Anita, sign me up for some of those hair feathers too.

Anita, Muchas Gracias for the correction on La Gente! I need all that kind of help I can get.

Hey, on this feathers in the hair business, doesn't that make it difficult to wash your hair? And don't the feathers stink till they dry? Ah, what price beauty!

Can we also stock some of those silver front of the hat things that Gregorio wears some times? And may some carpet cleaner?

Those tiny little ladylike handguns that don't leave a mess...

Dang it... What I meant to say:

Blue Lass, I believe I've seen "drinks rocks" in catalogs - just ice cube-SIZED chunks of granite or basalt or whatever that are kept in the freezer and used like ice cubes. Selling point being that they won't dilute the drink.

Our serious TN drinkers drink so fast I doubt they have to worry about dilution! But if they swallowed the occasional rock, well, that would explain a few things...

Mike--I know what you are talking about, but my wholesale supplier needs a better term for those silver front of the hat thinggys to go on. If someone can come up with the name of them, he'll see if he has any. (Check a Western Wear website, somebody, please?)

I'll check on the other requests for availability. We carry handguns, but might have to go to a specialty shop for the ladylike ones. Tal*Mart leans heavily toward manly and slutty things.

Unfortunately, any hole in the head is likely to leave a mess. My grandson just gashed the top of his head, needed two staples and left blood all over the place--it has something to do with blood vessels in the face and head being so close to the surface.

¡Ay caray! ¡Qué Talismania! Me quedo deslumbrada con todos ustedes. No, en serio ...

But we should also be looking ahead, anticipating the demand, not just chasing after it. So I propose having on hand services as well as goods. To wit, a line of:

--Crooked políticos (I think I've already seen a bobblehead version of the alcalde who "officiated" at the poker game.)
--Clueless, if well-intentioned, cops
--And a corrupt médico or two or three

Ya think?

Robey and Diana,
I appreciate the kind words.

Robey, I can sure understand your lack of enthusiasm for this one. I guess I am starting to think of it as a virtual version of the Rocky Horror Picture Show experience or maybe just Winter Camp for Students of Spanish (where "Camp" is the operative word.) :)

Hey ! Any chance that you will be carrying highheeled sneakers ? I need a size 5...any color will do. And how about a whole line of Daisy Do Mes ?? Might as well go for the full look.

There is a shop near Seattle called Talismán. They've even been advertising on Univision lately; maybe they're hoping for some Talismaniac tie-in business or something.

Quoted from their newspaper advert, Talismán Botánica y Yerbería offers:

Lectura del Tarot

Maybe El Talismán on the show grows special "medicinal" herbs, thus its immense popularity in the area. If so, they should supply Gagorio for free and mellow him out.

Anita & Blue Lass, here's an assortment of ladylike handguns in Susan G. Komen or Mary Kay pink. I'm having no luck finding the front of the hat thingies.

I think the silver things on the hats are called conchos, whether they're on the front or the sides.

Thanks, Julia! And your Seattle Talisman store makes me miss Sabina in CME. So many memories...

BTW, it was the Concho River that flowed through San Angelo, so that name has a little baggage for me.

Political Word Verification: Torys !

Gah! So many comments!

NovelaMaven- I love Talismaniacs.

Anita--Are you someone different on Google+? I didn't notice an "Anita" today. :-/

Ok, long day. I'm outta here. I can't believe I'm gonna do this, but I still plan on watching ElTal tonight. Lord help me.

Those "ladylike" Also, yikes. "Any handgun can get the job done but pink pistols get it done in style." Yes, you certainly don't want your weapon to clash with your cute outfit while you're elegantly accessorizing your acquaintances with lead.

Susanlynn--hold your horses, calmate, despacito, all good things in time. You'll find everything you need very soon.

Julia--Ligamientos? Seriously? That sounds like they belong in TdA for Victoria and Maria when they were to be tied up in the warehouse.

...and thanks for the concho word. It sounds like a swear word, but I'm easy.

NM--Will add a line of services. We may also need activities for visitors to the area. The first one will be the Winter Camp.

See you all at 9 (grumble, grumble) and tomorrow for breakfast.

I wish I had been clever enough to come up with "Talismaniacs" but that Sylvia gets the credit for that one! :)

Sara (private comment). Yes, I'm there on Google+. I had to sign in with my real name before I realized I could do it differently--try Anita in English.

Mike--Loved the pink handguns. Since I'm a Taurus, I guess I'll have to go with the very first one--it's quite elegant.

I wonder if El Talisman the store that is advertising on Uni is now asking for a refund. Hopefully they didn't put all their eggs in that basket!

Anita, I would call the silver thinggy on Gregorio's hat a tiara, though somehow I doubt that is what Gag-O calls it.

We'll also be needing some silver toe caps for our boots and longsleeve knit jersey shirts (ala Dieter) to dress like Tony.


"Tal*Mart leans heavily toward manly and slutty things." Really -- we MUST carve out our NICHE.

Julia--I googled concho and came up with a lot of stuff, but not something worn on cowboy, er excuse me, Carlos, Western hats.

This was the best--Frank Sinatra as Johnny Concho (1956)--in full dress.

Concha, on the other hand, has so many definitions, we could go with one of them--any shell shaped object.

Tee hee, here are some definitions for concha straight out of Wikipedia:

The bowl-shaped part of the pinna (the external) nearest the ear canal

Concha or Concho, a round decorative piece of metal seen on a western saddle and other horse equipment descended from the Spanish tradition.

Concho (people) the indigenous people of the Rio Conchos.

Concho, Arizona, A frontier town now functioning as a retirement community in Apache County

nasal concha (plural conchae) also known as turbinates

Spanish for shell

Spanish slang for vagina

There you have it.

Oh, they come in all sorts of designs.


SO great to "see" you again. This is a wonderful group of commenters. I love spending time with them. The telenovela is a tragic combination of poor production and continuity, dreadful writing and indifferent acting. I think Novoa can act but you can't tell yet here. The actress playing Mariana is very good—I wish they would stop dressing her in Pendleton blankets when she leaves the house.Jury is out on the rest until they are given something to work with.

Sending my best...and hoping you join us for comments.


As to the overdone silver accessory on Gregorio's hat, I think it is still (technically) a hatband. Really.

Cynderella: I am still dumbstuck at $50. for chickenbutt feathers. Who needs an IPO for Facebook? Just buy up some roosterbutt-feather-futures.

Remember 'tulipmania" in present day Holland in the 1630's? A whole market crashed over the over-speculation in tulip bulbs.


Julia--the designs are lovely, but I didn't see any on a hat. But they are concave (or convex) depending on which side you are looking at it from.

Carlos, tiaras remind me of the Honey Boo Boo Child.

Julia, no one has the feather and concho panache of Jose Eber.

I was in Michael's (Crafts) today and found big ole chargers - that go under dinner plates - in gold and silver. I almost bought a couple for Mike and me, to make belt buckles, or hatbands... $1.98, shall I send a shipment for Tal'Mart? Perhaps markers and squiggle paint to customize them?

And at the turn of the century, the craze for women's hat feathers was driving birds extinct -- finally it became unfashionable, thank God.

Yes, I'm trying to stay up past my usual bedtime. What else can we talk about?

This might put you to sleep, Blue, but here goes: My mother lived with her mother and grandmother in Havana. They had bars on the windows and the bars had spikes on the bottom. Decoration? Mom was walking outside and came up under one of the spikes. It bled copiously but she hadn't felt the cut. Her grandmother was taking a bath, glanced out the window and saw mom stroll past, bleeding from her head. Being a proper (emotional) Cuban, Grandma dashed outside shrieking - she just forgot to put on any clothes! Mom hadn't seen a naked person before and was fascinated. As were the neighbors, apparently!

Word verification: noise

Oh yes, my grandmother's name was Conception, her nickname was Concha!

GUAU! A telenovela-worthy story: blood, naked ladies, and screaming...

Ha ha ha!!! Emilia what a great story. Concha indeed.

Uh, Mike, Honey Boo Boo? That's just wrong!

I remember Jose Eber. I loved that guy. I wonder what he's doing these days.

Cynderella, $50.00 for a rooster butt feather? I'm speechless.

I've heard the word conchas used for Southwestern silver jewelry design...necklaces, bracelets, earrings GreGORY-O just happens to wear his jewelry on his hat. p.s. How did this guy produce two hotties like Tony and Daisydome ? His wife must have been gorgeous to offset his half of that gene pool....or maybe some other genes actually did the deed.

Susanlynn--Check out Julia's link to conchas. They really are quite nice.

Mike--BoobooHoneyChile Queen was NOT funny. It was sad. But she did mention Daisy Duke, so it isn't all bad. Poor Jose he doesn't look like a happy camper.


Emilia--Loved your Nana story. I don't think I've ever heard anything like that that wasn't fictitious.

Emilia - Chargers for belt buckles and hat bands! Please glitterglue a case and send them on to Tal*Mart. They will be a hot item that sells out quickly.

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