Saturday, February 18, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #38 Friday 2/17/12 Let The Accusations Fly!

Let the Accusations Fly!

capítulo 38

We return to Chiapas where, despite the sorely off-key serenade, Ana Paula and Rogelio continue to enjoy smooching with each other over champagne and chocolates.  (How do they keep from plugging their ears or worse, laughing uncontrollably?)  Rog is definitely smitten, but it is too hard to really tell with our Mexican version of Hello Kitty.   

Our Cupcake oozes with sweetness and accepts Oh-Hell’s confession of having loved her from the day he offered to marry her.   He says he’s gotten to realize now that he simply can’t stop thinking about her.  Why didn’t he tell her before, Pau asks.  His arrogance/bad temper [soberbia], his pride and his insecurity prevented him from it, he admits.  (Gawd!  Come on!  Like it would have mattered?) “--But now things are different.  I’m sure about my feelings and I love you like I never thought I could love a woman.”  They kiss again. 

In Tuxtla, Brat Girl is hanging around the nurses’ station looking for Head Nurse, Mercedes.  As soon as Mercedes appears, Brat Girl starts screaming at the top of her lungs that she’s the reason her daddy’s leaving her mami.    Mercedes tries explaining it’s a personal matter between her parents.  The commotion brings Daddy Ernesto out and he tries calming her down.  Brat Girl races off.  Ernie apologizes for the scene his daughter has made in front of the ENTIRE staff.  Mercedes takes it in stride and tells him to go take care of his daughter.

Rog suggests taking a real honeymoon, but Pau prefers seeing the sites around there instead.   He wants to make a woman of the world out of her, though and she says fine.  Tell me the places you’ve been.  Thus begins the litany and I start dozing. We find out he got a year to travel the world before starting college, courtesy of his old man. 

Marcela, aka Brat Girl, tells Ernie that she hates him because he didn’t keep his promise not to divorce her mother.

In the meantime, Pau has gotten Rog ready for bed.  He’s continuing to tell her about all the places he’s been and the poverty he’s seen.  No, she’s not bored---but Viewerville is.  She stops him for a minute and says she wants to hear more, but only if he’s holding her in his arms.  She takes a moment to take off her shoes and climbs in on the other side of the super-duper, double king-sized bed.  He puts his arm around her and nearly chokes from the emotions he’s feeling at this point.  (The question all Viewerville is dying to have answered is does he feel a sexual sensation like other men feel, or is it simply mental?)  Pau lays her head on his large chest, closes her eyes and eventually falls asleep there.  Tears fall down his cheeks.  “—The trip I’d most like to make is the one with you which would show me the most beautiful thing about you is your soul (i.e., to the moon and back during the next hour or two.)  We can extrapolate from that all we need to know.

Grinch Gloria comes racing into the hospital looking for Marcela and immediately accuses Ernie of causing everybody grief.  They send Brat Girl off so they can talk, but she hides in the back of the hall somewhere and listens as Mama accuses him of being unfaithful and he denies it.  “--You’ve never gotten over Mercedes!”  She blames him for their crummy marriage and then races off—curiously, without Brat Girl in tow.  FF>>

At the hacienda again, Rogelio and Ana Paula spend the night together, or rather, they sleep in the same room.  The next morning he kisses her awake. (Gees! There’s tame, and then there’s BORING.  Shall we take a vote which category this love story falls into?)  He tells her that he wants to always wake up next to her (a teenybopper’s dream).  They share a sweet smile and he kisses her tenderly on the forehead.  (Yawn.)

Over coffee, Mercedes tells Chio that Ernie’s getting divorced and so his daughter is blaming her for causing the breakup.  Gus comes down.  Mersnotty’s mentions Sin, so Chio asks him if he and she are going steady yet.  He gives her a nasty stare.

Meanwhile, Sinthia is in David’s office.  He’s worried about appealing the decision to halt the construction on the hotel project.   He asks where she was the night before.  Sin lies that she went out for a walk and her cell phone had a dead battery.  Oops.  She asks what’s going on with the construction and he says he’s desperate because everything’s been halted and nobody will listen to him.  He wanted to unload last night but….  Well, she says, she’s there for him now.  They hug.

Rog tells Pau that the first place they’ll go on their trip is to Tuxtla for Sin’s wedding.  Pau says she’s certain the woman doesn’t want her there.  Tough, cuz Kid Sis is going to have to accept Pau as his wife whom he dearly loves, he says.  After the wedding they’ll start in Mexico City.    Bruno swallows his jealousy and says he’s brought the papers regarding the stud bulls.  Pau leaves.  Bruno takes his leave and walks into the office where he smiles maliciously before he shoves a baggie with Gus’s wallet, watch, and neck chain into the credenza drawer.

In town, Marcaria gets nosie with Maripaz again and starts bugging her about going out with Rogelio Montero’s B-I-L, Michael.  Maripaz says she doesn’t feel like dating him.  Yeah, he got drunk but that was only because his girlfriend dumped him [mandar a voler].  They discuss their two differing ideas of true love.  Maripaz thinks it should be the type that never ends.  Mama says the longer you’re together, the more that love and the relationship mellows, taking a different form.   (ZZZZ-zzzzz.  Sorry.  I can’t get into this storyline.)  FF>>

Pau walks into the kitchen and finds Dani there.  They giggle together about the romantic dinner and how Pau and Rog ended up asleep together in the same bedroom.  Pau admits she thinks she’s begun to love Ro-Hell.  (Are those hearts and flowers circling above Hello Kitty’s head?)

Back at Gus’s, he’s got someplace to be and leaves.  Once he’s gone, Mercedes admits to still being in love with Ernie, but she doesn’t want it to be at the expense of his daughter’s well-being.  Chio gains my admiration by telling Mercedes that it’s not her fault the girl goes around pitching tantrums all the time. (Yeah, like maybe it’s a lack of decent parenting skills.  Ernie call your office.)  Yeah, but he loves his daughter, she says, above all else, and she’s just going to have to wait until something changes.

Apparently, the wait is only momentary.  Marcela comes into Ernie’s office to say Mama didn’t come home last night.  He thinks she may have stayed over at grampy’s place or something.  His cell rings at that point and it’s the police.  There’s been a car crash and Gloria (the shrew) got ground to mincemeat and has now assumed room temperature.  Ernie is free at last, free at last!   (On the other hand, poor St. Peter is no doubt having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.)

Back at Hacienda del Fuerte, aka Hell-Fuerte, Bruno skulks and sulks as Paula waves good-bye to Rog who’s leaving for some meeting in town.  “—It looks as if you’ve fallen in love with Rogelio.”  “—Sorry, but I never misled you, Bruno.”  He reminds her that Ro-Hell is two-faced and he’s only shown her his charming self lately, the only one he wants her to see.  She insists he’s being sincere with her; that the only reason he’s been so angry and irritable is because he can’t walk, but that’s all changing now.  In fact, he gave her a copy of their contract the other day.

Back at Big Dave’s big city office, Dave admits to Sin he’s got a big problem and that if he can’t fix things with the hotel project it will mean a multi-million dollar loss.  Oh, says Sin, my brother included, right?  Right.   He’s afraid that if the investors find out that they’ll take their money out of the project.  Sin tries comforting him with a hug of support.  Just then Gustavo barges in.  Gus is WTF-impactado seeing Sin in Big Dave’s arms like that.  

AP admits to Bruno that she hasn’t bothered to read the contract yet.  Doesn’t matter.  She’ll trust in Ro-Hell.  Better he try to clear things up with Rog with the business about his family’s hacienda.  The fact is, according to Ro-Hell, Bruno’s daddy was gambling hard and heavy and came to them for a loan.  When Bruno’s papi couldn’t pay them back he gave the rancho over to them.  Ok, fine, says Bruno.  “--BTW, I have some papers I need from Rog, but you know he never allows anybody to look through his things in his office.”  No problemo, says Pau.  Let’s go.

Back at Big Dave’s, Gus explains to Sin that this is the guy he used to work for; and when he discovered Dave was doing things illegally, he turned in his hard hat and walked away.  He can prove all he’s accusing Dave of, too.  No matter! He waves around a memo [oficio] and trumpets to Big Dave that he’s permanently prevented from finishing work on that hotel project.  Dave lights into Gus and they start with the fisty cuffs.  Sin breaks it up, saying she’ll make sure Dave reads it.   Gus tells her he’ll talk to her later and storms out the door.  Sin asks Dave what he’s got to say for himself.

Pau opens a drawer to find another supposed file for Bruno and can’t miss the baggie.  She starts pawing through it and finds first the watch and driver’s license, then the chain with the shell.   Immediately she assumes the worst: that it was Ro-Hell who had Gus killed.   Bruno allows himself a secretive, muy manipulative, smile.  He lies and quickly agrees that Rog must have jealously arranged to have Gus murdered so he could have Paula for himself! 

Meanwhile, Sin reads through the paperwork and says it’s all very clearly stated in the file that he didn’t comply legally with requirements.  How can she trust a guy like him?  She’s done.  She wants nothing to do with somebody shady like that, she tells him, and then gives him back his ring.  Out the door she goes.

Back in Tuxtla, Esteban and Mercedes are chatting at her place when Ernie calls with the bad news.

Pau is hysterical now and Bruno feeds that hysteria.  “--Yep, he planned all of this just like he planned Vainy’s humiliation in front of all her guests.”  That’s not the same thing, though, screams Pau.  “--He killed to be with me!  I’m married to a murderer!”  She has two or three clear-thinking moments when she remembers she never actually mentioned Gus’s name, so how could Rog have known who he was?  Bruno fights back another evil smile and takes care of that little problem in a N.Y. minute, claiming he mentioned some things offhandedly to Rog about the guy and that she’d probably not return to work; but he never imagined he’d use the information to kill with! 

Back at Mersnotty’s, she’s sobbing uncontrollably as she tells Esteban the details of Ernie’s tragedy.  What’s worse is that now everybody will blame her somehow for what’s happened because they already blame her for Ernie’s decision to get divorced.  (Viewerville eagerly looks forward to seeing Mersnotty’s get a taste of her own medicine and soon!)

Bruno cautions Pau not to let Ro-Hell know what she’s found out.  How is she supposed to keep quiet about something like that?  He deserves to be thrown in jail for the rest of his life!!!  Bruno asks how she plans to prove anything with the few things she has there?  Legally it’s all worthless.    Not to worry.   If she can keep quiet for now, he promises her to find a way to make Rog pay for his crimes. 

In San Gabriel, Rog stops in for a drink at Ulises’ outdoor café.  He tells Uli and Marcaria how happy he is with Paula.  While he shares a beer with the owner of those stud bulls, Uli mentions to Marcaria that he noticed Rog didn’t bother to bring that whip into town with him.   

Back at Hell-Fuerte, Paula is still very much in a snit and tells Maria she refuses to eat or to ever speak to RoHellio ever again!   Pau then storms out of the kitchen to the back yard and begins digging up her shell necklace, cursing poor, unsuspecting Rog for every having seen the light of day, let alone having laid eyes on her!   “—I’ll never, ever, ever forgive him!!”

Back in San Gabriel, the old hacendado tells Rog the stock owners would like to have him run for president of the local stockman’s association.  Rog says he’ll think about it and let them know.  He’s in such a good mood he even pays for the old man’s beer.  Marcaria races out then and brown-noses.  He asks her to keep him informed about what’s going on in town and in particular about his BIL’s behavior, since he’s working for him now.  She quickly agrees and mentions he’s been going out with Maripaz.  He says that’s great news and he’s got no problem with that.

Pau, still in the back yard, takes another look at Gus’s license and swears vengeance, sort of, on Rog.  She doesn’t care how dangerous he might be, she’s not afraid of him one bit!

Esteban asks Mercedes if she wants him to go with her to see Ernie.  She says she’d better not, considering the tantrums Brat Girl might pull.  Ok, says Stevie.  Let’s just sit around enjoying our Maxwell House moment.  (Really, Stevie?)

Maria demands an explanation from Pau.  All Pau will say is to forget her ever falling in love with Ro-Hellio Montogro!  She can’t!  Not ever!

Sin is giving Nessa the double-dealing details about her visit to Big Dave’s and how she’s broken up with him over the hotel deal.  Now she’s free to see if Gus might not be the man of her dreams and the one to help her get back her half of the hacienda.

Meanwhile, Paula tells Ditzy Dani the details of her horror-filled discovery, and that Bruno will help her make Ro-Hell face justice.  “—Rogelio can never be anything more than my enemy after this!”  

At his bach pad, Bruno celebrates the success of Plan B with Thug Guy and a couple of tragos.    There’s a knock at the door.  It’s Rog there to tell him about the request to be president of the stockman’s association.  He notices there’s a second glass on the bar and asks if he’s got someone there.  No, a cattleman just left his place after a drink.  Oh.  Well, anyway, Rog says, he’s not inclined to take the job since he’d rather spend more time with the wife.  He’s even thinking of taking a honeymoon now.  Terrific, says Bruno.  Really. 

Federico calls Rosaura to find out who his daughter is.  She says it’s too soon and that he needs to wait till his heart is stronger.  He says not to take it the wrong way, but he wants to make sure the business about his daughter is true.  Rosie offers to have a DNA test if he wants one.

Back in her bedroom, Dani asks Pau if they’re going to leave or stay on there.  Pau says she’s so conflicted by rage and pain that she doesn’t know even what she’s doing any more.  She thought there was a good man behind that bitter exterior, but she finds there isn’t and she hates Ro-Hellio! 

Federico has a chat with Vanessa and tells her that he just found out she has a sister from that twenty-five year old love affair of his.   Vainessa apparently doesn’t like having to share the spotlight with another female in the family.

It’s a fabulous WTF moment, when Ro-Hell finally gets back home.  Pau is waiting for him.   He tells her that Maria is worried about her because she’s been acting strange all day long.  “--What gives?”  Cupcake unleashes and begins verbally attacking him.  She pushes his wheelchair back so hard he nearly hits the back wall.  She comes at him then and physically attacks him.  (Can’t help but feel really sorry for the guy, stuck in that wheelchair and having to take it from her like that.  Guess it serves him right, though, all things considered, and Karma being what it is.)   Paula slaps him over and over again, hysterically.  He can hardly protect himself and doesn’t know what to think.   She eventually screams out the accusation that he killed her boyfriend!!!       


What a bittersweet episode. Can we just fast forward a few of these til AP learns the truth?

I will be fast-forwarding to get a head start on Monday's episode if the link I have works.

It really annoys me that things get built up in novelas just to be knocked down.

I have a feeling I'm not going to like this recap. I missed everything last night except the avances where AP slaps Rohell and he says, "Soy innocente".

No, it does not sound like I am going to like this at ALL! But of course that wouldn't stop me from reading fabulous recaps and watching los episodios!

Can't wait Jardinera, It was painful to watch last night. Every time Bruno showed his face g-a-a-h! Words fail me. But good for our Cindy; she saw her way out and took it with gratuitous self-righteousness.

It was hard to figure how this plot twist could possibly help Bruno. (NOT that I want to help Bruno, I just like stories to make more sense!) All AP would have to do would be go to the police with Gustavo's effects, and a mere police trip to the house would tell them Gustavo is alive.
But, if Bruno would simply have revealed to AP that Rohell held up helping Miguel in order to coerce her into marrying him, he could have accomplished the same thing.
Fasten the beanies, everyone.

I am wondering how Tia MentiRosa will react to this. Bruno doesn't have remotely the same financial assets that Rogelio does. On the other hand he doesn't call her on her BS.

She might even get the idea that Ana Paula can take his fortune if he goes to prison for a crime he didn't commit.

I can't wait for your recap Jardinera you are the Queen of snark lol.

I'm still aching and my husband is worried about my sanity for being so.damn.upset.



Loved the comment Sara so true so true

So funny. You need to take a step back and remember it's just a made up story. And who knows, they might ultimately live happily ever after.

LOL!!! Ya'll are funny. I promise I'll try to get a grip. I think its the "Who knows" aspect of it all. This is my first TN where I'm not sure who the "main couple" are supposed to be and how it will end.

Looking forward to the recap Jardinera. What a ugly end to a great romantic start. That blasted Bruno and of course AP fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Did she ever take a moment to think that Rog doesn't know who her boyfriend of three days was let alone what he looked like? I'm not looking forward to Monday's episode that's for sure.

Off topic, I hate the change to the word verification. You can barely make out the second word.

Yeah, this is one of the things I warned you about and this isn't even the most ridiculous thing you'll see. I couldn't believe that AP bought the story, judging by the avances where she goes ballistic with Rogelio. Rogelio didn't even know Gustavo and after proposing to her, he never insisted for AP to marry him, but waited instead for her to come to him. And the day Gus disappeared and she was at the prom with Bruno, who arrived just in the nick of time, CONVENIENTLY because Gus couldn't make it that day...there are just too many hints that Rog is not guilty. Ok, I would probably suspect of Rogelio at first too...I mean what the hell would he do with his identification? But then I would think things more clearly.

For the moment, it seems like she doesn't have the brains to suspect of Bruno too and he was the one who actually knew Gus and got pissed when he found out that she had a boyfriend. And how convenient that she find the documents WITH Bruno. Besides, I thought she already got to know Rogelio and realized he is not a killer.

I think Bruno hopes that she could fake being a loving wife after this and join forces with him to take Rogelio's fortune and avenge her boyfriend's "death". Bruno thought she wouldn't fall in love with Rogelio and the fact that she did makes him unable to manipulate her into taking his fortune. She needs to be by Bruno's side, but she isn't that good at faking.

It was hard for me to get over Rogelio's slapping of AP, which can be seen in the avance, but hey, she hit a man in a wheelchair too (I hope I remember correctly how the episode ended and I don't spoil things lol), which is just as bad - especially since he's innocent. Ok, she was uncontrollable and crazy, still I thought it was pretty low for him to do that. It's as if Jorge Salinas is becoming bigger than the character and too much above everyone else, so they try to lower him, so that AP could rise. I hate this, a character should be good based on his own merits, not considered to be good because the other did something humiliating, making him to lose points.

I hate AP, she's an awful protagonist. The only reason why I consider myself Rogeliana is simply because of Rogelio, not because of the pair. If she screams and slaps people without reasoning and points fingers without seeing her own mistakes, then Rogelio is too good for her.

Ever since she arrived at the hacienda, she behaved as if she was his girlfriend, trying to establish rules and such and make things her way. I don't like these kinds of people who don't know their place and who feel offended when people tell them that they are only nurses, as if they weren't only that. Then, to complain about an injured foot in front of a man in a wheelchair and be surprised that he isn't in a jolly mood...nah, I don't like her.

Quite an episode,very disappointing for the lovers of the romance that's been brewing nicely. There was a lot of other action, however, that I can't wait to see Jardinera's take on.

Vanessa knows she has a sister, Ernesto's shrill wife is dead, Estaban is moving away from Vanessa back to Mercedes, Cinthia broke it off with the environmentally-heinous and generally undesirable David (love LXV's comment on her gratuitous self-righteousness). Lots and lots to keep us watching for a while.

Thanks, recappers. I'm hopelessly behind with new 10 p.m. slot, but caught up today.

Yes, Bruno seriously underestimated her total inability to keep a secret, but that is really too big a secret to keep.

It was awfully considerate of Ernesto's wife to get killed like that. Ernesto hardly blinked as he took the call and told his daughter.

Poor Yolanda Ventura, in both CME and LQNPA she was unhappily married to doctors lol. Yeah, that was just another sample of sloppy writing. Ok so Mercedes and Ernesto love each other, but he is married. Umm let's get the wife out of his way by the easiest way possible (killing her), make them grief a bit, let Ernesto feel a bit guilty and hated by his daughter and then let the two turtledoves kiss.

I am so not interested in these stories, really. Mercedes es una histerica, can't stand her. The other friend Chio reminds me of Miss Piggy. Macaria, Ulises, Consuelo - borefest. Hugo is my man-toy, so I don't complain about him. In the end, apart from Rogelio, there isn't a single positive character I care about and I mean positive in the traditional way. Well, heck, not even Rogelio is the typical galan. I do find Cinthia to be a riddle and Efrain and auntie Rosy are fun, so apart from Roger, I only care about those 3.

Just read the recap. Hello Kitty ROFL! But don't call Rogelio boring - it breaks my heart. The thing about him is that while he is all wooshy and cursi in love (cursi = cheesy), somehow all these cheap things he's doing/saying are looking less cheap the way HE is doing them. Jorge Salinas manages to stay out of the cursi zone despite the fact that the script isn't helping him too much. The same words spoken by Gustavo would sound simply lame, but Roger gives them some sort of a deep dimension. I don't know whether it's his charisma or simply his great acting skills, but if he does it, it's sweet.

OK Jardinera, is it possible you have outdone yourself? This is primo, This is the best!!!

"No, she’s not bored---but Viewerville is." — and moi aussi!

"(The question all Viewerville is dying to have answered is does he feel a sexual sensation like other men feel, or is it simply mental?)"—alas, they gave us no clue.

"...curiously, without Brat Girl in tow." —yes, I thought it rather odd.

"he’s brought the papers regarding the stud bulls".—is that really what he said?, missed it completely, Now I'm LMAO

"(Viewerville eagerly looks forward to seeing Mersnotty’s get a taste of her own medicine soon!)"—YESSSS!
Of course, it was all so great, I had to stop quoting. But all in all, a great recap.

BTW—Variopinta sends her regards, but has been having the same problem as me, which is to say that we can barely make out the new word verification that blogger makes us go through, so her comments aren't making it onto the blog. This is a pity What do we do? I hate to think of missing one instance of good snark!

@Alexandra on the "cursi" thing. ITA

Tell Variopinta that she needs to try backing out of the new system. I HATE that new system. Try going in on another computer and avoid it. She can probably also use a different server, like Chrome or Firefox instead of IE and sign in under guest.

Alexandra: Definitely cursi, but I'm not complaining about JS at all! He's the only thing that keeps me coming back to this circo. It's the writing! The script is really a stinker! I have visions of La Esposa Virgen where we were kept waiting for the supposed star-crossed lovers to finally succumb to their passions for an entire four very boring months before the writers wrote the original galan off into the sunset and left us with the evil #2 dude who suddenly turns angelic. A definite triple raspberry production.

GOOD NEWS! "Labios Rojos" with Jorge Salinas and Silvia Navarro will be at the SD Latino Film Festival next month! Good news for me anyway. He's also in "La Otra Familia" as part of a gay couple, which I'm less thrilled about. Nothing against gay couples, but it's the "all the good ones..." rule that I'm opposed to. I guess let the other guy have him and I'll stick with Hugo.

Did Gus know that Cinthia knew David? I didn't think they ever connected that Gus used to work for the guy working for Cinthia's brother. Shouldn't Gus have questioned that when he bust into David's office and saw her there?

Don't think it's the spotlight Vanessa is not wanting to share. Fred really should've gotten that will changed. Now he'll have TWO women planning his demise. I have hopes that Vanessa will come around since she does love him in her way, but they're very dim hopes.


@Alexandra, I didn't like seeing AP beating Rog all upside the head either. I suppose he was going to reap it back since he did beat Bruno and Efrain with the whip. Didn't like seeing the slap either from the previews. Looks like we're in for doom and gloom for few capitulos or more depending on how long this misunderstanding last.

I'm also a Rogeliana strictly because of Rog. Jorge Salinas is the only reason I'm watching for now until AP gets her act together.

Rogelio is the best damn thing about the show and almost the only one who at this point makes this circus bearable. He could never bore me, although surprisingly I like his 'serious' attitude better, when he's not in the company of AP. Still, those puppy eyes get me each and every time. LQNPA has the disadvantage that apart from being boring, it's downright insulting for the viewers. If it wasn't for Rogelio, I would have abandoned the show for good a long time ago.

Yes, sure, the viewer always knows more than the characters, but sometimes I can't help but wonder who raised the Carmona brothers, since they obviously aren't as clever as the aunt. As a matter of fact, I am not even sure if those two have a neuron all together...

So the good part of this episode was the beginning when AP laid down next to Rog and he was telling her about his trips and the trip he most wants to be on is the one that explores her soul, and he was so happy and emotional it was hard for him to speak. Oh my, oh my!

Boring at times! *At times! This is what I meant. If it would be boring ALL THE TIME I wouldn't watch it anymore.

Thank you Jardinera for the great snark filled recap. I thought you were going to channel Ray Bradbury when you said "it cometh soon", as in "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes". That is Bruno all the way. I can't believe the Cupcake (aka) Hello Kitty didn't stop and think for a minute. There is no way, as someone else stated, that Rohell even knew who Gus was. Skelator was making that up as he was going along. Besides Cupcake doesn't even like Bruno especially after the liplock he layed on her, when she looked like she was going to hurl. She should have taken a minute and thought to herself "That dog don't hunt". I guess finding that little baggie with his things just shut her brain off.

The Brat Girl , loved that name,
needs to grieve for her mother, even though the apple didn't fall far from the tree ie Gloria.Marcela will give her Daddy unending grief over Mersnotty. Mersnotty needs to stay away from Ernie. She needs foster the friendship more with Esteban.

Loved the bed scene with Rohell and the Cupcake. It looked so natural to just be talking and then falling asleep. It was the end to a perfect evening and then the Skelator had to ruin it.

I have not been a big fan of Rohell but OMG that shoving of Rohell's wheelchair I felt so sorry for him. What happened to our sweet Cupcake she has become a twisted sour dough pretzel. She couldn't even ask him if he knew Gus, just you killed him, I hate you and you'll pay really!!! What are these writers smoking? I thought El Tal was bad, but I hope they don't keep this up for a long period of time. It is true that they don't have enough evidence to charge Rohell with anything other than the baggie being in the drawer, circumstancial at best.

I hate how the twisted pretzel was so mean to Maria. Maria could have set her straight.

Loved how Sin threw that ring at David. Serves him right but he will find a way to get back at Gus and at Sin too.

Vainy was not happy to find out she has a sister, just wait until Fed and the Vainy find out who she is, I hope Fed doesn't have another attack and Vainy doesn't try to destroy her.

OOps Sin didn't throw the ring David did, but still and all I am glad she broke it off with him.

Wow, Jardinera. Just. Wow. Your recap, not exactly the episode. So much snarky fun to soften our pain.

"There’s been a car crash and Gloria (the shrew) got ground to mincemeat and has now assumed room temperature. Ernie is free at last, free at last! (On the other hand, poor St. Peter is no doubt having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.)" ROFL after I fell off my chair.

Rohell made my heart melt when his eyes were filling with tears from the joy of holding AP in his arms. So sweet, so short lived.

So, AP knows Rohell doesn't want people messing with his office and files when he's not there. Yet she just takes Bruno on in there instead of saying "we'd better wait." Methinks she deserves her pain and suffering to some degree.

At least Cin is free of big Dave. I guess our love birds need more seasoning before they can deserve one another. Arrrgghhh!
La Paloma

Yup, cathyx. I bet Rogelio wishes now that she would have done more than just sit there in his arms lol. They are keeping *that thing under wraps, it seems, but I guess there is a reason why he said that he feels sensibility in his muscles, which means that he has an incomplete paralysis. Maybe at some point it will serve for something. Or maybe the screenwriter will forget about it.

When they woke up, judging by his position I doubt he was able to get to sleep, his neck probably hurt like hell, but hey, it would have been a pity to move and wake up the kitty.

Also, it would be unfair to say that Rogelio had anything to do with Miguel's arrest. Sure, he didn't authorize David to interfere favorably, but Miguel was never charged with the robbery of the truck - he went to jail because he killed two people, so unless they want to make us believe that Rogelio put something in his drink to make him sleepy, it was entirely Moron Miguel's fault for landing in jail.

I found both slaps disturbing, although I think hers is worse, because of the context. Good thing is that Rog's slap looks so fake in the avance. Te-hee, when men give a slap in tv shows, it's painfully obvious that it's fake, but when it's the other way round, women are hard hitters lol. I remember how Sasha and Edith Gonzalez almost dislocated Eduardo Palomo's mandible in Alcanzar una Estrella II and Corazon Salvaje, they both slapped him really hard :-).

There is even a blooper reel in Alcanzar una Estrella II with the slap. And yes, that's Ricky Martin lol.

They had to shoot that scene 8 TIMES, because she was always hitting him wrong, slapping his neck or his ear, since she was trying not to hurt him, so he eventually told her not to worry about hurting him and to give him a good slap. And she did lol. Her reaction is even funnier taking into account that they were novios in real life by that time.

And as for the Corazon Salvaje slap, it occurs at 1:34

It's an actual scene, not a blooper, but by their looks, she realizes that she hit him too hard and almost asks him with her look: "OMG I bet it hurt! Should we continue?"
and he tells her with his eyes: "Heck, don't mess the scene since you already slapped me good" lol.

Great recap, Jardinera! Lots of wonderful snark, as usual! :D

Awwww, I liked the corny stuff with Rohell and Cupcake. I guess because that's it for a while for these two.

Poor Rohell, finally his life doesn't suck, and Bruno has to screw it all up.

Yes, Cupcake definitely SHOULD have been thinking things through and realizing that this theory didn't pass the smell test. But she's overwhelmed and Bruno is feeding that. But her slapping poor Rohell and pushing his wheelchair was over the top. (But yet, I think, as someone else said, Karma! He does have to pay for all his douchebaggery!)

As for the slap Rohell gives her in the avances, I took some of that to be the kind of slap given to a hysterical person (as seen in old politically incorrect 40s movies). SOME of that. As a rule, Rohell sticks to hitting grown men, not women. So that doesn't seem like him at all, and it shocked me when he did it.

Yes, there are parts that drag, drag, drag in this show. You have to suffer through it! But at least Jorge Salinas is awesome. There are a lot of ups in the story too—it's not ALL down! But we Rogelianas have to exercise patience at times, to wade through the boring stuff and the stupid stuff that doesn't make a lot of sense.

As for whether Cupcake is going to end up with Rohell in the end, no one knows, but like I keep on saying, I'd be shocked if they didn't, and the very large, vocal fanbase for them would be very shocked and angry as well. Plus there's a point in the story where I feel it's very hard for them to turn back, you know what I mean? I'm not that worried about it anymore. Plus I don't think they'd pull a stunt like that on JS, after all he's been through to finish this show.

Jardinera, I have been waiting eagerly for storytime and you never disappoint. My humor may be a bit skewed but you provided my biggest laugh with,
"Gloria (the shrew) got ground to mincemeat and has now assumed room temperature."

I think we will find out that M-Grito and Marcela are long-lost siblings. They obviously share the same vocal cord DNA.

I like AP as a protagonist. I think she is honorable, sincere and sweet without being sanctimonious and without becoming a doormat.

Emarie, " It was awfully considerate of Ernesto's wife to get killed like that" LOL! If she had really been considerate, she would have become hamburger before Ernesto asked her for a divorce. He could have been the poor widower instead 1/2 of a home-wrecking duo.

Call me an idiot or a hopeless romantic. I really fell for the scene where Cupcake climbs into bed with Rohell. I replayed it several times and it tugged my heartstrings each time.

Alexandra, "but Roger gives them some sort of a deep dimension. I don't know whether it's his charisma or simply his great acting skills, but if he does it, it's sweet. "
I think it's acting, charisma and the deep dimension that a lot of Viewerville finds Rohell HOT.

LXV, "But good for our Cindy; she saw her way out and took it with gratuitous self-righteousness."
That was excellent wasn't it? I also found Vainey's pleasure that they were both able to self-righteously dump their guys kinda funny.

I also wanted to add that I like Cupcake for the most part too, but sometimes she needs to put her LISTENING EARS on, like now with her accusing poor Rohell! Sheesh, girl!

There are things she does, choices she makes that aggravate me to the extreme, but for the most part she's trying to do the "right thing." It's just that since this is a telenovela, the thing that seems like the "right thing" is not exactly that. (Typical telenovela heroine, in other words.)

I don't remember who said the TN rule of always believing the first person who tells you something, but it was in full play in this episode.

Cinthia was just waiting for an excuse to dump him. Any excuse. And when she saw a tiny opportunity, she had to take advantage of it, no matter how ridiculous that motive was lol.

In a month, the telenovela will be over in Mexico and it seems that it will share the timeslot in its last weeks with Amor Bravio...Cuando Manda el Corazon (What a stupid Cuando me Enamor-esque title!), starring Silvia Navarro and Christian de la Fuente. The producer of LQNPA fought to keep his normal timeslot, but I think that eventually each telenovela will be split in 30 min episodes, since the other one should start on the 5th of March.

Sincerely, I don't care with whom will Roger end up with. My only wish is for him to be happy, because he earned that and deserves it, regardless of the woman who will stand by his side.

Without giving anything away, the thing is that in the end it doesn't matter which fanbase is bigger, since if they will wait until the last episode to pair AP with someone once and for all, the Rogelianas won't have time to abandon the ship. The threats will be useless. Sure, they could say they will refuse to watch his next telenovelas, but eventually the ratings will remain unchanged.

While I believe it's incredibly stupid to keep us in doubt regarding the man who will stay with Cupcake til the end, since someone who truly loves a man wouldn't make up her mind on the episode 160 lol, I DO think that this is a way to keep both teams hopeful that anything can happen, since losing a team from early on means losing viewers. It's a marketing strategy and while I would blame the lack of courage to say that YES, this woman belongs 100% body and soul and mind to Mr. X and nothing could change that, I understand why they would do that.

I don't know how things work with telenovelas, but I don't think screwing over audiences again and again is a good strategy. The audiences in the USA (which is also a big market, right?) will not go for it after a while. Unhappy viewers, calling up, getting angry. Screwing over the audiences time and again is not a good career-builder. But who knows.

This same producer did "Teresa," and he didn't let us down with that one (he covered his butt by filming three endings and picking the one which best "fit" the target audience, so I'm told). So, right there I think that the producer is not insensible to what the audience wants. I agree, I think he wants people to be guessing (like he did with "Teresa") but with "Teresa" it was easier for us to be uncertain, just because of the way Teresa was. She was morally ambiguous, conflicted, and even at the end when she "reformed," it wasn't as wholehearted as it could have been.

Rohell is not Teresa, and you're right Alexandra, he deserves to be happy. I was greatly amused by Teresa (the character), but when she ended up with Professor Hottie, I felt it was more because he deserved a happy ending (since he would have suffered without her) than because she did.

They've written Rohell throughout the show as someone who is trying to be better (two steps forward, one step back—or maybe it's the other way around) and even though he's ROHELL, which means douchebaggy things happen, he does try. As far as I've seen (but of course there are things I miss) he never crosses over certain lines that have made us love him less, the old turd that he is! LOL. And it's Jorge Salinas we're talking about here! He doesn't deserve the rug pulled out from underneath him after all he's been through. So I'm not going to fret about the ending, more than I have to, anyway! LOL.

Elvira: "I was greatly amused by Teresa (the character), but when she ended up with Professor Hottie, I felt it was more because he deserved a happy ending (since he would have suffered without her) than because she did." You know, I never thought about it that way, but you make a very good point. Just too bad that this telenovela isn't the quality of Teresa.

Thanks, Jardinera! I'm glad you mentioned Mersnotty getting her medicine. I just really don't like her.

I showed Offspring (22 years old) Wednesday's Off-key serenade scene and Friday's snuggles. We have a new Rogeliana lol. Offspring must have a thing for older guys, too 'cause she didn't think the two looked terribly age mis-matched.

LXV: Agnes, yep Bruno did say stud bulls "semental". // Gratuitous self-righteousness--ITSA!! LOL!

Mgrito and screeching Brat Girl being related? LOL! Good one!

Pirate Babe: ITA about Rog's getting bitch-slapped repeatedly upside the head.
Madelaine: "...our sweet Cupcake she has become a twisted sour dough pretzel." LMAO funny! What a visual!
Elvira: I'd be upset myself if after all this crap he's gone through, ol' Ro-Hell gets the heave-ho in the end. He'd have to sacrifice himself say, in a fight with Bruno to protect Paula. Honestly, Pau and Gus are such naive doofi that they seem to be perfect for each other. Maybe Rog needs to meet Carmen.

Lol "doofi"

Sara: does Offspring understand Spanish also? What. A. Hoot! Another Rogeliana! It's not that he's too old, it's that Cupcake is way too young. She has the heart and soul of a silly, naive thirteen yr. old which inhabits the body of a twenty-something woman--er, no, that's got to be whoever writes AP's lines!!


I forgot completely about La Esposa Virgin. Poor JS -- he's done time in some real stinkers. Every time I sat down to watch that one, full of some of my favorite actors, I dozed off.

Here's hoping that in the many months before this ends, there will be some reasonable steps toward a satisfying conclusion. I'm probably a fool to hold out hope. Beanie tightened.

Yeah I couldn't watch much of the second half because it was too incredible. Up until now, AP has always thought the best of everyone and never jumped to conclusions. But this time she easily concludes Rogel is the murderer even though up until that instant she had come to think the very best of him.

I knew they were going to pull something like this but I hoped it would be more believable and not involve a sudden personality change by AP.

Of course I knew the anvil would fall right after the super romantic episode, so I was emotionally prepared for "TN torture".

Seems like they packed a weeks worth of action in one episode, though. Whew! My head was spinning!

(Haven't read the recap yet - just had to get the above off my chest. Thank goodness for the Caray, Caray support group!)

I admit I can't wait to see Tia figure out that Bruno planted the evidence to frame Rogel. LOL!

Definitely too much Bruno in that episode. I had to avert my eyes!!!

I also found violently attacking a man in a wheel chair disturbing.


Great recap Jardinera! I was very amused by the Hello Kitty reference. Brat girl was funny too, except I liked that she was making Mersnotty's life difficult because I can't stand her.

I do like AP, I think she is a very inexperienced young woman who lacks a wordly perspective and certain maturity, however, she is above all a good person. She has idealized her relationship with Gustavo because he was her first love snd because he "died". Her behavior at the end of the episode was very extreme but I do understand why, when logic would point to Bruno, she was willing to believe the worse of Rogelio: because she has already seen it.

She knows about the beatings, she has seen him mistreat Margarito, she has seen the way he treats his sister, etc. Meanwhile, she hasn't seen Bruno being terrible to anyone yet.

I love Jorge Salinas's acting here, he is wonderful as Rogelio but if we are measuring the quality of a person, Ana Paula is still, with all her freak outs and idealizations and judging, a much better one than him.

And that really hit home for me when he was talking about his year of traveling before college. What a wonderful way to gain perspective of how the world works, he is a very lucky man: he grew up in wealth, he traveled, he studied and he is the owner of the richest ranch in that side of Chiapas. Yet, he let himself became horrible because of his accident.

I wonder if Cinthia ever got to travel, since we know she wasn't allowed to study. Rogelio should feel lucky just by looking at how his sister had it with their father. But he is still making some of the same mistakes his father made regarding her.


"Amor Bravio...Cuando Manda el Corazon (What a stupid Cuando me Enamor-esque title!)"

I know! it was supposed to be called Lidia de Amor, which I didn't like, then they changed it to Amor Bravío which I thought it was MUCH better but then they started adding the second part of the title and I was just frustrated. Every time I hear the title, my mind just keeps hearing Thalía sing "ay cuando manda el corazón, siempre, siempre manda el amor...".

But at least the story looks good (it's based on a pretty good novela) and I'm ready for Silvia Navarro to play bitchy, she does it so well. Add Lety Calderón and César Évora as the evil masterminders and I'm interested.

"when she ended up with Professor Hottie, I felt it was more because he deserved a happy ending (since he would have suffered without her) than because she did."

I agree, I loved Teresa as a character but I wouldn't have minded if she ended up alone. Still, it was just clear to me that Arturo would never love anyone else like he loved her, so I was happy for him that they ended up together. And whatever, I still enjoyed that Teresa never really lost her edge but she would just stop doing awful things to the people she loves from then on.


During the scene when AP was leaning against Rogelio's chest I was wondering whether Jorge Salinas was actually in pain during that scene. If so he used it to advantage like a trouper.

If he doesn't win the acting award for this series I will be royally peeved.

And let me say one more time that pulling the rug out from under Rogelio at the end of this series would be a seriously stupid thing to do. I didn't agree with the ending of Teresa that was shown here and if this producer does this again I may never watch another of his productions.

UA: The ending of "Teresa" was destined to not please everyone and that was because of the ambiguity and complexity of her character. I was happy with it for Professor Hottie's sake mostly. But like Jarocha, had she ended up alone, I wouldn't have minded. I wasn't as emotionally invested (let's put it that way) in her happiness, because of the way she was. I did like her, though—she made me laugh!

With this story, I think the hoped-for outcome is much more clear-cut. We see this already, just by how Rohell/JS steals the show and how the storyline is focused.

My theory (which could be off-base) is that the producer is doing his "edgy" thing (which I guess he likes to do) by having the villain of the previous versions of this story (the violent douchebag in wheelchair and w/ whip) end up being a protagonist/hero and end up with the girl. I think that's enough for us to digest, right there!

There is so much to feel for Rohell, and even we shake our heads at some of his douchebaggery and want to knock some sense into him, many of us are ending up on Team Rohell (or can at least understand the appeal). Jorge Salinas is a huge part of the reason for that. He deserves a good ending for his character (which he's obviously very fond of).

Jardinera, gracias for the fun recap.

Sorry Cupcake turned into a banshee with Rogelio, but I am glad she wasn't able to keep quiet like Bruno wanted. She may be too naive and confused to figure out what really happened, but surely Rogelio will suspect its Bruno who planted stuff in his office. If Rogelio is clueless, then I really will howl. Since she's also his nurse, I wondered if Cupcake could be brought up on patient abuse charges. In my view if he slaps her Monday, she's got it coming.

I liked the bedroom scene with Rogelio and Cupcake. After feeling like a dead man for seven years, he was overjoyed that AP asked him to hold her. So sweet. I like this stuff. Call me cursi. :D

ITA on Cynthia getting David off her hands so smoothly -- so funny. Looking forward to Efrain finding out she's got yet another novio.

Jarocha: thanks for the link. Myohmy! Ed and Thalia were a whole lot younger in that clip, weren't they????

Teresa didn't deserve to get Arturo and he deserved better, too. Of the alternate endings I thought the one where she ended up alone to hunt fresh game was the most logical.

I hope that fan support for JS is as strong in Mexico as it is on this blog. Of all the men on Televisa's roster he is the most expressive and has the greatest depth.

Urban A/Jarocha: I didn't watch the premios. If you did -- who won what?

I didn't watch, so I don't know.

Is there still a virus issue with Univision's website? That would have the info.

Just so you know, Jardinera, I had to save the recap to enjoy with my morning coffee which is why I didn't read it last night. :)

Great snark with the recap! Loved it. I really needed it too - to balance out the saccharine and the not credible. [I'm also glad to know I'm not alone in my jadedness].

Cinthia is such a wuss! I loved how she jumped on Dave's shady dealings as her chance to dump him LOL!

I was afraid AP (in true TN fashion) was going to comply with Bruno's insane urging to keep quiet about this and do the secret plotting vengeance thing with him alone. And that really would have been way out of character. I was so relieved that she blurted it all out already.

Yep, looks like Mersnotty is doomed for a BIG taste of her own medicine. Couldn't have happened to a nicer nurse! :)

I also have no complaints about Rogelio/JS's age. Heck, I'm older, and DH even more so. Yes, it's AP being so young, looking barely 18 and having the mentality and world view/experience of a 15 year old, that I find so jarring. I just haven't been able to get used to it.


UA wrote: "Teresa didn't deserve to get Arturo and he deserved better, too."

And see, that's why "Teresa" was such a great show, and why her story was so ambiguous. So many different viewpoints. It's not at all clear-cut.

I wouldn't have minded so much had Teresa not ended up with Arturo, as long as they convinced us that Arturo was happy. They had a "consolation girl" all lined up for him, too. But in the end I guess it was more believable for him to still be stuck on Teresa. I think he needed her (probably a weakness in him) and that's why I was happy she ended up with him.

I've mentioned this before, but I think Rohell needs to be with Ana Paula in the same way. That's another reason why I think they'll end up happily ever after. Gus does love AP, but we see how he bounces back. He mopes a bit, but he's bouncing back. I can't see Rohell "bouncing back" in that same way. He might pretend to bounce back (in his unique douchebaggy way) but he'd never get over AP.

"Of the alternate endings I thought the one where she ended up alone to hunt fresh game was the most logical."

I agree that this was a pretty good ending too. It made me laugh! I think they used the different endings in different countries? (I recall one of the commenters here telling us this when we were watching "Teresa.")

Does anyone think, based on what we've seen so far, that it'll be as ambiguous for Rohell? I think most of us, whether we're on Team Gus or Team Rohell, can see what's going on with Rohell pretty clearly and see where the writers are going there.

I agree, Jorge Salinas is full of awesome. Let's call him Mr. Full of Awesome. Boy, I am such a fangirl. And it's based just on this one performance, which should be an additional testimony to his awesomeness. And yes, I think the fan support is pretty strong in Mexico and here.

I mentioned that fan video I did a while ago (which is on YouTube, though I won't link to it there due to YouTube being full of spoilers). It gets a lot of hits and suprisingly popular. (Trust me, I've done a lot of fan videos and all things considered, this video is more popular than I expected.) But so are most Rohell-AP fanvids. There's even a person who is picking through EACH FREAKIN' EPISODE of LQNPA and editing them to just the RA-Rohell scenes together. That is devotion. So yes, the fan support is pretty fervent, in my opinion. I find that YouTube is a pretty good indicator of these things. LOL!

Sorry for getting too windbaggy there.

TL;DR: Jorge Salinas is awesome, I think the AP/Rohell pairing is very popular among fans.

Correction: "editing them to just the AP-Rohell scenes together."

Elvira, my issue about Teresa was that I could not believe her "redemption" and I was convinced that she would just continue to manipulate Arturo. He deserved better than that.

Rogelio's anger management issues and manipulative ways came out of his accident and its aftermath. I want to see flashbacks to his parents to know what they were all about because I'm convinced that he had to work 10x as hard to manage his ranch to prove himself to his father once he was in the wheelchair. He was getting over this when Bruno pulled the rug out from under him in this episode.

I agree with a previous comment on how out of character it would have been for AP to keep quiet. She isn't afraid of confrontation and to have her pull back from that now would be ridiculous.

UA: I get what you're saying about Teresa. That's why it's good that there were three endings, and I'm glad that the producer realized the need for the different endings. Even though we in the USA weren't shown the alternate ending that you preferred (and I could have lived with), we know they exist and we know that some viewers did see the other endings as the "real" ending.

I do have to wear my beanie to believe that Teresa is completely reformed, but I have a pretty good beanie, so I do it with the dream that Professor Hottie will be happy. As long as he's happy . . . :D

As for Rohell and his struggles, I agree with your theory about him. He was getting over his many issues when Bruno did what he did. Rohell may have had some stubborn traits, he may be a male chauvinist pig and all that, but the difference between him and Teresa is that he wants to change, he's much more open to it as soon as he feels hope. His douchebagginess didn't happen in a vacuum (neither did Teresa's, though). But Rohell recognizes that being a whip-wielding douchebag isn't giving him happiness. He's more than willing to give that all up when he truly feels hope. Teresa, on the other hand, reveled in the way she was and didn't really "get" why it was bad until the very end. (And some would argue that she never would ever "get" it completely.)

I'd like to see Rog investigate how that wallet ended up in his office and figure out what happened and who was involved. He already doesn't trust Bruno and Rosaura, he needs to put two and two together.

Hmmm. Well, we have about 80 more episodios, minimum, to go. Tons of time for all sorts of subplots to develop and resolve themselves. Maybe they'll surprise us and handle the resolutions as quickly as they did in Pasion. Otherwise, I may have to buy a set of steel toothpicks to stay awake with this one.

As for the romance, I believe one of the other versions had the Rog character remain frustrated and impotent. The last thing I want is for JS's character to remain stuck in that chair and useless in bed for anything more than a pillow.

In Te Sigo Amando, Ignacio (Rogelio) is killed by his nanny, who was probably the only person who loved him. He was a true villain, as opposed to sweetie-pie Rogelio, so there's no way things will turn out like that. Still, even in that version I loved the villain more than the protagonist lol, who wasn't an engineer, but a doctor. I don't remember what happens in the version with Edith Gonzalez, but I think that's the one where he is left alone and amargado.

I am sure Rosy will know that it was Bruno's hand, since he doesn't want those two together and she knows it. So she'll probably do whatever it is in her power to convince AP that Rogelio is innocent, but I am not sure if stubborn Ana Paula will listen. I wish I could tell you how many episodes you should skip to keep your eyes virgin lol, but my lips are sealed.

Teresa was a redeemable character. After all, you didn't doubt her feelings for Arturo, despite all the things she did. You only doubted if she'll be able to put love above her ambitions and I think the way they ended it was the right one. Hours before airing the finale, the same producer said he wasn't sure which ending will he choose lol, so he might just be playing mindtricks. He is aware however of the support for Rogelio and he showed that he respected Jorge Salinas' work when he was in hospital and decided to keep him onboard. Still, I am not sure that he'll give the character a decent ending, but I hope he will. That's the only thing I am worried about. In a wheelchair or not, I want him to accept who he is and I want someone who can accept him with his qualities and imperfections, without demanding things he can't give/do. As far as I see things, I don't know if AP will ever be able to love Rogelio the way he loves her, since during all these episodes she didn't quite manage to get over Gustavo's Ghost, her love of 3 days with whom she released her doves...
One thing for sure, she doesn't trust poor Rogelio :(.

"The last thing I want is for JS's character to remain stuck in that chair and useless in bed for anything more than a pillow."
Amen, Jardinera!!

As to your question from yesterday: Offspring really doesn't understand much Spanish beyond "Hello, how are you?" or really controlled (like in a classroom.) I showed her the episodes with no subtitles at first because I wanted to know if the chemistry I was seeing was real or just based on dialogue. Offspring saw it even without having a clue of backstory or anything.

Sara: I'd say then we know we are viewing true talent when all can be translated petty much visually, yessireebob.

Alex: I thought Bruno asked and got the packet of Gus's stuff from Rosie. For me the question remains will she side with Bruno or with Rog, or play both sides against the middle?

Oh yes, you're right, I forgot that he asked Rosy for the stuff, so even if AP won't tell her how she got to that conclusion, she'll know that it was Bruno. Bummer, lazy brain! I haven't seen those episodes in ages and it shows haha.

Rosy could try though to blackmail Bruno, telling him that he doesn't fix things, she'll tell Rogelio that it was him who planted the evidence. Still, Bruno has some things of his own with which he could blackmail Rosy, so they each know things that could harm the other. The highest bidder is Rogelio, so it's normal that she would side with him. Yet, she needs Bruno too so she'll try to keep both men happy. Bruno surely won't like the fact that she already spilled the beans, but she probably won't compromise his good friend and won't mention that she was with him when she found the stuff.

Tia MentiRosa is the wild card here. If she says anything she admits to having been part of the conspiracy to keep AP and Gustavo apart. No, she didn't want him murdered, but I don't know that she won't go along with Bruno's current attempt to frame Rogelio as the mastermind of this crime.

And as I said before, she has a motive for wanting Rogelio out of the way.

However, it shouldn't take much effort on anyone's part to find out that Gustavo is alive. Alive and able to identify his attacker.

On another note, did Rogelio ever leave the ranch to conduct business prior to Ana Paula coming into his life or did he never leave the property during that seven years after the accident? Who would have to be coming and going to enable his isolation and who would never be seen by Maria, Consuelo, or Hugo?

Bruno will keep Rosaura silent by reminding her she is an accomplice to what they did to Gus. But she might try to work something out in order to keep AP and Rog together. But I haven't figured out what she could do yet.

She will probably waffle one way or the other. Rogelio has the dinero, which is her first and only love. However, he's also got her number. I don't know if Bruno really does or not, but he is less likely to expose her to AP than Rogelio is.

I'd say the plan was to leave AP with the highest bidder--Rog. She'll sweeten the pie somehow with Papi Feddy, IMO, and try to silence Bruno--if she's smart enough.

So I'm thinking out loud here.
It will have to come out fairly soon that Gus is alive because he is Cin's official novio now that she broke up with David. He can now meet her family. But a few things have to happen before AP and Gus discover each other if they aren't going to start their relationship again. One is that AP and Rog have to clear things up between them and be happy again. So therefore I'm hoping that Rosaura fesses up to Rog about what Bruno planned, hoping that he doesn't tell AP about her own involvement in the Gus disappearance. It would tear up poor Cupcake after all to know the lengths Tia would go to to separate them.
But if Rog finds out what Bruno is doing anytime soon, Bruno will get kicked to the curb real fast, unless Bruno does get found out and plans something else once he's gone to get AP and his land back. And that could involve Vanessa somehow since both of them want revenge against Rog.

Even if Gus did see his attacker, AP could simply think that Rogelio hired someone to do the dirty job for him, since obviously he couldn't do it himself, although he is a pretty good shooter lol. Tia doesn't want to lose the goldmine Rogelio - she just needs Bruno as an intermediary between her and Rogelio's fortune, knowing that if they join forces and convince AP to do things their own way, they would share Rogelio's money in the end. She can't say anything without compromising herself, although she didn't get her hands dirty like Bruno did, but she can make subtle hints.

After all, when Bruno told her that Rutilio killed Gustavo, she was quite frightened by the idea, since she only wanted to give him a good scare and make him go away FOR A WHILE, not to finish him off like that, so while she has a price and is capable of doing many things for money, she isn't too keen on the idea of killing someone, like Bruno. Besides, her interests match ours - she wants Rogelio and AP together too lol. Not to mention that her inappropriate comments are, in most cases, true.

I am very late to the party but thank you Jardinera for a great recap. Add mine to the many comments praising your writing and biting wit.

Really, this plot detour makes no sense to me. It's like they just wanted to add more episodes but it's too early for the "extension doldrums". I just don't get what this story shows except that Ana Paula is still willing to believe the worst of her husband—and with good reason. He has charmed her but hasn't earned her trust.


Also thinking out loud and needed some clarification but wouldn't Guscake also have to be in a little deeper with Cin to keep the Cupcake/Rohell thing alive? Shouldn't there be a little vice versa?

But EJ didn't Ana decide not to read the contract because she felt she had no reason to mistrust him? I think she was beginning to trust and that's why this is hitting her like a ton of bricks.

What do we suppose is in that contract that AP always refuses to read?

Whatever it is I'm sure it will extend the run by at least 10 episodes lol.

Yes, Sara:

You are right—she was beginning to trust him. But it wasn't long ago that she saw some of the depths of his scheming—her wedding day—and called it the worst day of her life.

Also, UA, ITA that Tia's only love is dinero but she sure ENJOYS engaging in malicious activity. She is a talented sh!# disturber and gossip! Dreadful character, Tia Rosaura.



There's an anvil in the contract, for sure. Grin.


You are so right EJ! I forgot that. I have trouble sometimes and I need mental prodding. Lol

I don't think Teresa was completely reformed by the end but she was clearly affected by the loss of her loved ones in her life, so I completely believe that she won't play with them anymore. I something that the end made be belive was that she finally figured out her feelings and how important every person she cared about was for her. She was happy for Mariano and Aurora, she was sad to lose her mom and godmother and she'd give anything to get Arturo and his love back. I can't vouch for her actions with other people though.

Jardinera: Weren't Thalía and Eduardo so young and cute there? Marimar was a gift to old Timbiriche fans.

The Premios TVyNovelas will be in March, here are the nominees:

Best telenovela:

Dos hogares
La Fuerza del Destino
Una familia con suerte
Triunfo del amor
La que no podía amar

Best actress:

Anahi - Dos hogares
Ana Brenda - La que no podia Amar
Maite Perroni - Triunfo del amor
Mayrin Villanueva - Una familia con suerte
Sandra Echeverria - La Fuerza del Destino

Best actor:

Arath de la Torre - Una familia con suerte
David Zepeda - La Fuerza del Destino
Jorge Salinas - La que no podia Amar
Sergio Goyri - Dos hogares

Best villain (male):

Jorge Ortiz de Pinedo - Dos hogares
Juan Ferrara - La Fuerza del Destino
Lisardo - Esperanza del Corazon

Best villain (female):

Chantal Andere - Rafaela
Daniela Romo - Truinfo del amor
Laisha Wilkins - La fuerza del Destino
Olivia Collins - Dos Hogares

Best "primer actor":

Cesar Evora - Triunfo del amor
Enrique Rocha - Una familia con Suerte
Fernado Allende - Esperanza del Corazon
Rogelio Guerra - Rafaela

Best "Primera Actriz":

Delia Casanova - La Fuerza del Destino
Carmen Salinas - Triunfo del amor
Lucia Mendez - Esperanza del Corazon
Patricia Reyes Spindola - Rafaela
Ana Bertha Espin - La que no podia Amar

Best supporting actor:

Alejandro Ibarra - Amorcito Corazon
Jose Ron - La que no podia Amar
Mark Tacher - Triunfo del amor
Pedro Moreno - Una familia con suerte

Best supporting actress:

Alicia Machado - Una familia con suerte
Ximena Herrera - Ni contigo Ni sin Ti
Marisol del Olmo - Esperanza del Corazon

Best young actor:

Brandon Peniche - Ni contigo Ni sin Ti
Diego Amozurrutia - Amorcito Corazon
Alejandro Speitzer - Esperanza del Corazon
Oslvado De Leon - Una familia con suerte

Best young actress:

Claudia Alavarz - Dos Hogares
Gaby Mellado - Amorcito Corazon
Livia Brito - Triunfo del amor
Thelma Madrigal - Esperanza del Corazon

Male revelation:

Juan Diego Covarrubias- Una familia con suerte
Mane de la Parra - Esperanza del Corazon
Pablo Lyle - Una familia con suerte

Female revelation:

Alejandra Garcia - Una familia con suerte
Carmen Aub - Esperanza del Corazon
Laura Carmine - Ni Contigo Ni Sin ti

Best song:

"A Partir de Hoy" - Triunfo del amor
"La Fuerza del Destino" - La Fuerza del Destino
"Un dia de Suerte" - Una familia con suerte
"Renedirme en tu amor" - Dos hogares
"Te dejare de amar" - La que no podia Amar

Best script (original or adapted):

Dos Hogares
La Fuerza del Destino
La que no podia Amar
Truinfo del Amor


No Susana Gonzalez (which you'll see is a crime as the episodes go on) because she has issues with the current director of TVyNovelas. He has snubbed Silvia Navarro in the past for a stupid misunderstanding that he himself caused but his fight with Susana was much bigger so I knew she wouldn't be in the nominees :(.


Thanks, Jardinera, for yet another excellent recap. Maybe the contract requires Cupcake to provide Oh-Hell with a son . In Amor Real, that was Manuel's stipulation for releasing Matilde. Maybe Oh-Hell knows that all his parts are in working order. [I wonder if this comment will post because I can't read the 2 words I'm supposed to type in. Maybe I am a robot.

Jarocha, gracias for posting the nominees. I am absolutely rooting for Jorge and will be very annoyed if anyone else takes that trophy.

As to the contract -- if there is such a stipulation -- it is obvious that something is working. I absolutely believe that all parts are in working order, but if such were not the case, there is a procedure that could extract sperm. It was described in a Law & Order SVU episode called "Design." One character had commented "Who thinks up this stuff?"

UA: I wouldn't worry much about Jorge Salinas, the biggest names in that category are him and Sergio Goiry and I doubt Goiry will win given the abysmal ratings of Dos Hogares.

Sebastián Rulli was up against Fernando Colunga, a big name who was in a novela with a moderate success in Mexico and a huge success elsewhere, especially the US. That's why Rulli didn't win even though he absolutely deserved it.


Thanks for the recap!

I was a total sucker for the sweet Rogelio/AP scene at the beginning. I love the sweetness in their chemistry, and Rogelio's tears sealed the deal for me on this one :)

By the way, earlier this week I posted the link to a blog that hosts all of the LQNPA episodes thus far, and I made quite a discovery... links up not only to the aforementioned La Que blog, but to episodes of quite a few other tns as well including Abismo de Pasion (with Angelique Boyer!). They even have episodes of La Voz Mexico which I've been looking for online FOREVER. So excited about this!


Thanks for the list of nominees, Jarocha! "Triunfo del amor" is up for best novela? REALLY? REALLY?

Interesting that Jorge Salinas is in the "best actor" category and Jose Ron is in the "best supporting actor" category.

I think that the producer of this show likes to jerk our chains, but I find it doubtful that he'll give AP to the "supporting actor" and give the heave-ho to poor Rogelio (and to poor JS). I agree, he likes playing mind games. LOL! We'll all just have to wait and see.

As for Rohell and his "usefulness" in bed, I still can't get the screenshots I took in Wednesday's episode out of my head—Rohell was bursting at the seams, ready to consume the Cupcake. He's more than willing to . . . do whatever he's able to do . . . the only thing that's holding him back is Cupcake's innocence and her not being ready. I can't believe he'd be wooing her as vigorously as he has been if he couldn't follow through in some way or another.

Oops, sorry, it was Tuesday's episode where he was poised to Consume the Cupcake. (Thank you Barbara for that line! LOL)

That site annoys me because of the buffering issues. Sometimes I lose the picture when I come out of pause. I wish the other site had all the segments.

I visit this site every day to pick up the latest episodes of LQNPA: Link. Sometimes the forum is slow to load, but when it does, it's pretty straightfoward. Since Megaupload is no more, click on the "" links. They are very easy to figure out.

I don't think there are any viruses or anything, but since I have a Mac I can't make sure. But I doubt there's anything nefarious on that forum. It's just full of a bunch of Russian (and other) fangirls who love telenovelas.

Honestly, I think triunfo just got its nominations because they are sucking up to Mejía.

I think they can oly possibly win best villain for Romo (unless Wilkins pulls an upset) and best song.

I think Salinas has the award in the bag and possibly Ana Brenda too (her fellow nominees are pretty weak).


Oh, but Sandra Echeverría has a chance too. If Zepeda loses and Wilkins loses, the judges will probably be kinder to her since the judging is at the moment. Still, Ana Brenda has the "made in Televisa" thing on her favor, since she's been working for them since she was 15.


I find Wilkins to be the better villainess in this case. A Partir de Hoy really needs to win best song. The show may not have been very good but the song was great. Heck 90% of the reason I bought the DVD was the song and the fin scene where they rowed around while the song played lol.

Jarocha: Thanks for the list and the information about the premios for TVyNovelas. Slim pickin's as they used to say, because I thought Cuando Me Enamoro would have been in there. Juan Soler deserves something.

Once again, Marcelo Cordoba has been overlooked. Jose Ron doesn't deserve to be in the mix, IMHO. Sorry, JR Fangirls.

Jardinera, you're right, they overlooked my guilty pleasure, Antolin from La Fuerza del Destino! NO FAIR! I agree, he should have been nominated. I think Jose Ron is adorable, but if I must choose between his Gustavo and Marcelo Cordoba's Antolin, I want ANTOLIN!!! Boo!

Jarocha/Another Amy: Tell me about Abismo de Pasion. Is Uni planning on putting it on up here or not because I'd love to watch it online if there's no chance they'll bring it on say after Familia or LQNPA ends. Thanks for the link, Another Amy.

Eduardo had nice hair and a wonderfully sweet smile there. I thought somebody had tried bringing back Timbiriche last year. Maybe the group just had a similar name. He is definitely in his element when singing and should have possibly stayed in that venue. I was so taken with him when he performed in FELS as the nightclub's star attraction.

Since the sweet Cupcake didn't read that contract and Skelator is a lawyer I think he will try to mess with that contract somehow. He might try to add something and point it out to her or maybe Rohell did put something in there like, stay for a year or Miguel goes back to jail. She should really have read that contract.


Anyone want to guess how long it will take for AP to learn the truth?

How could I forget Marcelo?! He wuz robbed!

Elvira, I had to look back but Pam is the one who came up with "consume the Cupcake". However, your picture of this was definitely worth a thousand words!

Can't wait for tomorrow's episode!


Thanks so much for putting up the nominees. Was CME nominated in no catagories or was it a nominee last year?

I am shocked that Susana G. wasn't nominated. She seems to just light up the screen with her acting talent. At least (so far) Cinthia seems to be developing into a big, meaty part. That girl is running through men like I go through linen hankies when I have a head cold. She is one confused sister and I really like watching her act.

Thanks, Jarocha, for explaining that discrepancy.


I absolutely believe that all parts are in working order, but if such were not the case, there is a procedure that could extract sperm. It was described in a Law & Order SVU episode called "Design." One character had commented "Who thinks up this stuff?"

If they won't come up with such an idea, in case they will ever want to have babies together, it will be even worse since AP supposedly IS A NURSE, who graduated with flying colors.

CME was nominated last year. They won best female villain and best song.

I also find Wilkins to be better than Romo in this case but if the judges voted for Romo over the much more deserving Daniela Castro for best primera actriz two years ago I don't doubt they will vote for her again against Wilkins. Especially considering that this is the only acting award were Triunfo could be a real contender.

Sad to see Marcelo didn't make it into the final nominees. He was prenominated.

Abismo de Pasión is the remake of Cañaveral de Pasiones and it has been pretty successful in Mexico. The 9 pm timeslot, usually the most important, went down to second or even third place (behind the 8 and 7 pm novelas) with Triunfo del Amor and then Dos Hogares kept it down. Abismo recovered the timeslot and it's now having pretty decent ratings. Televisa is very happy with it.

I think Univision plans to air it in the US too but they also wanted to give their own production El Talismán a timeslot. So they only had one opening in December because they knew El Talisman was coming, and, since Abismo hadn't air yet in México, they had to pick La Que No Podía Amar (which was also a success in the 7pm timeslot in Mexico).

I think Abismo will probably start in Univision after LQNPA or El Talisman, depending which one ends first.

The story of Abismo is about a group of childhood friends in a small town in Yucatán, whose lives end up affected by a tragedy that separates two families where the parents used to be best friends. A love quadrangle develops and many lies and intrigue make things hard for everyone. The main leads are played by Angelique Boyer and David Zepeda but Mark Tacher and Livia Brito also have very important characteres.

Boyer's character this time is good and nice although she is a little jaded due to a harsh upbringing. Raquel Olmedo is also in the story, except this time her character cares alot for Angelique's. So no big slaps like in Teresa for them here. Just scenes of sage advice.


CME was on the last go around. The song by Enrique Iglesias and Juan Luis Guerra won as best song. telenovela and best script?! REALLY?! This was a hack job by the end and a TOTAL disappointment.

I don't know about these "Premios". Rulli was robbed last year. I just don't get it (yes, I know and understand who Fernando Colunga is). Absolutely and totally robbed.

I am laughing at this nomination of TdA. A joke...a pure joke.

I first saw Raquel Olmedo in Amor Gitano where she played the Gypsy Manina. She looked exactly like my flamenco teacher, who was amused to hear this.

It will be good to see her again.

Now I tune in to the Food Network for Worst Cooks In America. Always good for a laugh.

Oh my...sorry, Ms. Jarocha. I didn't see that you had already replied. I defer to you.

Jardinera: Have I shown you this video? Eduardo is singing next to Mariana Garza, who was his girlfriend during Timbiriche and Televisa promoted them as a their sweethearts from the band (even though many of them dated each other). They made a very successful novela called Alcanzar Una Estrella, which was so popular that got a sequel and afterwards the movie from where this video is from. At the end, Eduardo ended up marrying Biby Gaytán, another Timbiriche member who is also in this video next to Ricky Martin. At this point they weren't together yet but Eduardo used to be VERY jealous of Ricky during the making of the movie. Turns out he never had to worry at all.


Nothing happened between Ricky and Bibi and her and Eduardo got together a while later. At the time it was hard for Eduardo's fans because his relationship with Mariana had been blown out of proportion by the media (especially with two novelas and a movie). Also, Mariana was promoted as the girl next door while Bibi's image was that of a sex symbol. But this year Eduardo and Bibi will celebrate 18 years of marriage, with three children. Bibi retired when they got married and only appears in certain projects with Eduardo from time to time now that their kids are older.


Jarocha: Thanks for that video! Eduardo lights up the screen when he sings and it was wonderful to see him in that. I hardly recognized Ricky Martin! Both so extremely talented individuals. What a nice trip down Memory Lane -- those hairdo's and padded shoulders! EEEEEK!

Also, I wondered about CME for last year after posting, so thanks for clearing that up. I do hope Abismo is shown up here because we need a blockbuster for the last hour up here.

Thanks again Bloguist@s! You always get me laughing with your witty weekend comments.

Is anyone else finding it impossible to post because of reCapcha? They are literally putting up words in different language alphabets. Isn't anyone else upset about this?

EMarie yes people have been having all kinds of trouble. I had Hebrew characters and someone else had Chinese characters.

Jardinera, I hope that it's not too late to tell you how much I enjoyed your recap. As usual, it is a gem.

AP and Bruno were absolutely riveting together in the scene in which she discovered Gus' stuff. Her desperation coupled with his malevolent self-satisfaction ("Bruno fights back another evil smile") were breathtaking.

Add me to those who are glad that AP didn't follow Bruno's instructions to keep quiet.

I guess that I was less disturbed than most here by her assault of Rog. It's not like he's particularly fragile. He actually would have better upper body strength than the average man. Wheelchair athlete's are amazingly durable.

So Gloria's gone? How convenient.


Sneaking a peek--This is Anita with a Capital A--

They should send Bruno back to Eva Luna and they should kick him back to Sortilegio where he wasn't such a menace, but ended up dead.

Sara--if you check in. Were you watching CME when we discussed Silvia Navarro's movie, Labios Rojos? I just had to have it--guess who plays her hubby, yep, Jorge Salinas. It's a comedy, so it'll be fun to see him cutting up.

Hey Anita--I didn't watch CME (drat.) I'll have to check out Labios Rojos. Every once in a while I caught snippets of CME and Siliva strikes me as a real cutie.

Thanks for the nicely done recap of an emotional episode, Jardinera.

Did I really hear Rogelio ask Paula if she was disturbed by his kicking in bed... Paraditas? That's one good thing about sleeping with a paraplegic.

Rosemary la Otra

If Rohell and the Cupcake wanted to have children, they could do artifical insemination, but Skelator would probably get ahold of the sample and switch it. Yes, he would be that conniving.

I'm overdue in my thanks to Jardinera for the recap. It's a joy to read--and for drawing me into the comment section.

You all may think LQNPA is moving into some unbelievable story never-never land, but it's nothing like the stuff they have been feeding us over at El Tal.

It's a good thing we over there can take a joke.

About cositas and babies. Didn't we hear Rogelio specifically state during the picnic scene to AP--that of course you know I can't have children. What we don't really know is whether he is referring to being sterile only, due to being trampled, or being impotent as well from the paralysis. (Remember Jon Voigt in Coming Home?)

Speculation: He's lying--which I don't think he does.

Or, that's what he's been told and he believes it.

Or, that's how it is right now, but he'll could possibly be ok later (after some surgery maybe).

Or, IT doesn't work right and he doesn't have a prescription for the UP pill.

Or, IT works, but he knows AP isn't ready yet for doing cositas.

Pau didn't seem bothered at the prospect of no children together because she immediately named Margarito as potentially their first child and then added some more adoptions. That was such a sweet scene.

I think a lot of people make assumptions about paraplegics and their sexual abilities. That's been expressed as gossip.

We all know better than that.

Whatever Rohell can or can't do, he believes it's "enough" (to make him happy and to make her happy). There is no doubt about that.

Elvira, if you haven't seen Sexo, Pudor, y Lagrimas you must. Talk about being cast against type...

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