Wednesday, February 15, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #36 Tuesday 2/14/12 Hopes, Interruptions, and Barely Suppressed Passion

La Que No Podía Amar - Cap 36 - Feb 14, 2012

NOTE: Cap 35 is here.

Lo siento, for some reason I am having trouble getting my recapping engine started. I may do a more abbreviated recap (but with lots of screencaps!). We shall see.

To get the conversation rolling, I present this screencap. Discuss amongst yourselves:

Bruno, about to be a party pooper.

A few of the episode's highlights, based on my memory:

* MentiRosa manages to tell Fed about his daughter. He gets so agitated that it almost looks like he's going to expire, which makes her alarmed because she's thinking, "You can't die until you add Ana Paula (i.e. me!) to your will!" Fed is elated to hear about his new daughter. He wants to get better so he can meet her.
* Poor Fed is having to deal with screaming Elsie la Vaca. He tells her about the hija he didn't know he had. Her eyes pop out even farther, if such a thing is possible. She's flaming insanely mad. Later, Fed asks for a divorce. This makes Elsa la Vaca freak out even more, and she vows never to allow it.
* The search for M-grito's parents continues. Not much turning up yet, though.
* Rohell brings in Dani for a surprise visit. Ana Paula and Dani squee in glee as Rohell looks on happily.
* MIGUEL IS THE WEAKEST LINK. I've been thinking this for a while now. He thanks Dani for sticking by him during all his jail ordeal. After Maripaz summarily dumped him after learning he was a jailbird, he's starting to grasp what a good deal he had with Dani. Unfortunately, he also mentions to Dani that he was dating Maripaz. Dani thinks he's an idiot. Yes, and all of Viewerville feels the same way, my dear.
* Sinthia and Vainessa talk more about Gus being a possible solution to her inheritance issues. Sinthia gushes more about Gus. Vainessa almost seems like she doesn't get it.
* Edgar, the cute engineer guy that replaced Gus, has agreed to testify that David is shady. This should help clear Gus's name in response to David's accusation of bribery.
* Rohell's campaign to woo Ana Paula is progressing well, but he's still having to exercise great patience and take things slowly with her. When she urges him to try to mend fences with Vainessa, he makes the attempt, but Vainessa just shrieks about how he'd have to get down on his knees and beg forgiveness a thousand times before she'd consider it. Well, that didn't go well. But Ana Paula is impressed and proud of him anyway. Rohell plants a sudden, more passionate beso on Ana Paula which seems to surprise her a little.
* Rohell pushes Ana Paula more to let go of the past, and the symbol of that past, which is Gus's shell necklace. He pushes a little too far, too fast, methinks, but he's got enough sense to back off.
* Rohell tells Ana Paula that he wants her love, nothing else, just her love. Ominous music plays as if this is just a little too far, too fast as well.
* M-grito is annoying as all get-out, always interrupting the grown-ups. Rohell is so mellow and high on love that he's quite patient with the kid, though.

Please be patient as I fill in other details. It may take a while as I am feeling extraordinarily lazy. However, this was a good episode and I will try to do it some justice.

Here are more random screencaps:

Cute Edgar is going to help out Gus.

Rohell looks to Ana Paula as she gives him an encouraging, approving nod at his attempt to apologize to Vainessa.

Rohell surprises Ana Paula with a sudden, passionate kiss.


"I hope for (expect?) nothing less than your love."

*Gulp* Way to put a lot of pressure on the girl, Rohell!

NOW ONTO THE LONGER RECAP: (Still in bulleted list style because I am SO LAZY!!!)

* MentiRosa spills to a blinking Fed that he's got a daughter from his affair with Mariana.  Meanwhile, Elsa la Vaca puts a guilt trip on Vainessa because Vainessa is willing to forgive her father. This crazy guilt-trip attempt continues for several scenes.

Fed is in shock and awe over the news.

In all her googly-eyed, Vaca glory, Elsa puts a huge guilt trip on Vainessa.

* Ana Paula works on Rohell, to try to make peace with Vainessa. He is at first incredulous. He also at first denies that he married AP in an attempt to get revenge on Vainessa, but later adds that he got "carried away by resentment." AP doesn't care about that, all she wants is peace and that means he should try to mend fences so they can "leave the past behind." We sense that from the way she says that, that she's not just thinking about what Rohell did to Vainessa.  He agrees to try, but adds that she needs to do the same with her deceased novio. She looks a bit hesitant at that suggestion.

"Leave the past behind," she urges Rohell. He agrees.

* More with the conversation between Fed and MentiRosa. He loved Mariana like nothing else. MentiRosa agrees, through tears. "If I'd only known!" he laments. He would have never abandoned his daughter. MentiRosa says yes, Mariana knew that, that's why she never told him about his daughter. She didn't want to break up his marriage. This makes Fed love the memory of Mariana even more; she was so good, so beautiful, so generous. MentiRosa looks on as if she's thinking, "Yeah, whatever." Then Fed wants to know more about this hija of his. MentiRosa delays in giving the details, which causes all sorts of alarms and machinery to go off as Fed gets all agitated and distressed because he's so eager and excited and she's not telling him enough. But, instead of, like, CALLING A NURSE IMMEDIATELY, MentiRosa takes her time leaving Fed as he pleads for her to tell him about his daughter. She sees Vainessa outside, so she hides from her, then casually tells a nurse that the guy in that room isn't doing so well. Poor Fed could have croaked after all the dilly-dallying she did, but fortunately he hangs on.

Sneaky MentiRosa lurks in the background.

* Rohell continues the conversation with AP about putting the past behind them and looking to the future (meaning, forgetting that pesky dead novio). "Haven't I earned a little bit of room in your heart?" he asks, with puppy-dog eyes. "Of course" she replies, and says that he's so different than she first thought him and is full of nice surprises. She agrees that she will look to the future. Lots and lots of dimples and smiles are a result.


More dimples.

* The doctor is getting Fed stable as a distressed Vainessa looks on. Doctor says Fed will be okay. Both Fed and Vainessa want to know what got him all agitated, but all he'll say is that he's fine. Vainessa, to her credit, is concerned and loving towards her father.

* Sinthia is out partying with Gus. It comes out that her brother is none other than Rohell. Gus knows him, from a few months ago, on a job (that he no longer has). Sinthia thinks it's a shame that they (Gus and her) couldn't have met back then! (LOL!) They get all caught up on all the coincedences—Rohell dumped Vainessa, who is now going with Esteban (who Gus works for now), blah blah blah. Sinthia tells her version of Rohell's marriage: Rohell got entranced with this gold digger and she's got him wrapped around her little finger. Because, you know, Rohell is so helpless and gullible and couldn't possibly see through a manipulating woman like that. Sinthia complains at length about this gold digger and about how terrible it is that some women marry for money instead of love. Gus nods knowingly, and says earnestly that NOTHING is more important than love and agrees that it's terrible to marry without it.

* Sinthia also talks about her inheritance issues with Gus. She says she hasn't fought Rohell too much about it before now, because he's her brother and she loves him. Gus says if he can help in any way, he will! Sinthia gives him a meaningful look. This is just what she wanted to hear.

I don't think you know what kind of "help" she has in mind, Gus.

All the schemes that are going through her head. . . 

* In the Hacienda's kitchen, Maria and Ana Paula are talking about AP's chances of actually falling in love with Rohell for real. Of course Maria is confident and encouraging, but AP isn't so sure. "Just because we get along doesn't mean I'll fall in love with him" AP says. Maria thinks he'll win her over, little by little. Maria also noticed that AP didn't exactly recoil from that kiss he gave her either. They discuss his vengeance attempt on Vainessa (and his now agreeing to try to mend fences). He's a changed man, it's obvious. AP isn't so sure that she wants him to be changed JUST for her—he should do it for himself!

* More discussion about Rohell and the inheritance: Sinthia says her brother is "special." (Is that what they're calling it these days?) He is also a male chauvinist pig who doesn't think she can handle her own money. (I agree about the male chauvinist part, not sure I disagree about her not being able to handle her own money, though.) Gus says that Rohell, regardless of how "special" he is, is not above the law, and Gus is willing to help her out.

* Back at the Hacienda kitchen, the aforementioned gold digger (AP) is telling Maria how nice it would be to fall in love with Rohell just like that. It's an incredible feeling to be in love, etc.  Maria encourages her to take her time; in the meanwhile, enjoy being with Rohell and have a good time. AP agrees that she's enjoying herself there, and is having lots of good quality bonding time with Rohell.

In the kitchen with the gold digger, as they plot and plan on ways to ensnare the poor, vulnerable millionaire in the wheelchair. Okay, not really, but certainly this is the way Sinthia would interpret things!

* Efrian is reporting back to the aforementioned poor, vulnerable millionaire in the wheelchair. Sinthia is getting serious with David, because he gave her an engagement ring. Efrian says this as he looks on as Sinthia is shmoozing with Gus over drinks. Rohell hangs up the phone and tells Maria to prepare a guest room. He doesn't say who it's for, only to make it ready.

* It's morning and our two lovebirds (gold digger and poor, vulnerable millionaire in the wheelchair) are teasing each other. Rohell has a surprise and won't tell AP what it is. "Curiosity killed the cat!" he cries! Lots of dimples. Margarito interrupts (as he does ALL THE TIME) and asks if they've found his parents yet. Bruno is still looking, Rohell says. Margarito doesn't like the sound of this; Bruno doesn't like him and won't try that hard. Rohell assures him that this is Bruno's job and he'll do it. Some cute bonding horseplay commences between Rohell, AP, and Margarito.

* In San Gabriel, Maripaz is moping over that dope Miguel. She won't tell her mom what's going on and mom gets concerned. FF >>

* The aforementioned dope (Miguel) is telling AP about how Maripaz didn't accept him after he told about being in jail. They agree that not everyone will, it's so easy for people to judge too quickly. Then he starts to mention how much he appreciated Dani. Consuelo interrupts; it's time for Ana Paula to see her surprise now!

Miguel finally starts to appreciate Dani.

* The "surprise" is Dani, getting off the bus at San Gabriel. She asks for help from another passenger getting her luggage. That passenger turns out to be Rutile (that's what I'm calling him) the creepy worm-scarred guy that tried to kill Gus. Rutile stares at her cleavage. Then Dani sees Ana Paula, Rohell, and Bruno. The girls squee as Dani explains that she called the hacienda to thank Rohell for the job interview he set up, they started chatting, and long story short, he invited her here! AP is so thrilled and gives Rohell a hug and a kiss on the cheek, which he soaks up. She explains how much she loves Dani, they're best friends, etc.

Ana Paula is elated to see Dani, and surprised and grateful to Rohell for setting it all up.

He wholeheartedly soaks up any bit of affection she bestows upon him.

* Fed's telling his doctor that he's got another daughter that he just found out about and he's so excited. He's GOT to get better so he can meet her, etc. The doctor thinks the woman who told him (MentiRosa) was imprudent in telling him now. (Well, nothing could get in the way of her greed, don't you get that, doctor!) Fed's just too excited to think about that.

* Rutile (worm scar guy) becomes a very unwelcome visitor at Casa de Bruno.  But he's got no money, nowhere else to go, and Bruno's his lawyer. He reminds Bruno that no one should know that he's the one who tried to do in Gus (at Bruno's request) and then commences to make himself too much at home at the house, which angers Bruno.

* Fed tells Elsa la Vaca about the love child he had with Mariana. MAJOR BUG-EYED FREAK OUT. I will spare you the endless screeching and hysterics. La Vaca is glad to hear that Mariana is dead. She threatens and screeches about the news of the new daughter. Then Fed asks for a divorce. More screeching and insanity. Never will she give him a divorce! He won't abandon her! Well, lady, if you keep on screeching like that, he may abandon you right in this hospital bed, by expiring and moving onto the next life!  FF >> WHAT. EVER. Poor Fed. I'm sure he wishes for a do-over in life right now.

* In San Gabriel, Dani and AP (Cupcake) are able to have some squeeing girl-chatting time in private, since Rohell and Hugo went off to buy some stuff. Dani laments her job, but says that Vainessa is a crazy b*tch. (Okay she didn't say it exactly like that.)  They also talk about how weird it is that Tia MentiRosa got so outraged at the thought that Dani got fired from her job at Fed's business. MentiRosa was ready to go down there and confront them and everything! Cupcake mentions that Rohell suspects that Tia MentiRosa is faking ill health to emotionally blackmail all of them. Both girls are puzzled about this. It's just one of those things about Rohell that she doesn't understand yet, Cupcake muses.

* Sinthia is at Vainessa's office, showing off her engagement ring. David doesn't do it for her, she laments. Vainessa doesn't get how Sinthia can be so enthusiastic about Gus so soon. "He's the ideal man" Sin gushes.  Vainessa does concede that it is better that Sin not make the mistake that she made with Esteban—marrying a man who doesn't make her all-aflutter. But, Vainessa seems a bit confused about why Sin is so over the moon about the eyelashed one.

* The eyelashed one (Gus) is happy, because Edgar, the cute young engineer that replaced him on the Boca del Cielo job, is willing to testify that David is crooked. Esteban thinks this will help matters and they can stop construction. They thank Edgar and Esteban offers him helping in getting a job, now that his job with David is kaput.

* Rohell follows through on his word and calls Vainessa, with the intent of apologizing. He asks to meet her in person to clear things up. She starts shrieking. He then gets to the point: He wants to apologize. More shrieking, about how it would take a thousand pleas for forgiveness ON HIS KNEES (if he could get on his knees!) before she'd think about accepting his apology.

Full of crazy, just like her mom. Thank your lucky stars that you have a different mother, Cupcake!

* Rohell hangs up, and says, well, he tried. Cupcake (Ana Paula) is thrilled and impressed that he made the effort. She's SO PROUD of him. She leans to give him a kiss on the cheek, but he swiftly turns his head so the Harmless Cupcake Kiss becomes a Hot Devouring Cupcake Kiss. Cupcake withdraws from the kiss to see a look on Rohell's face that indicates that he'd like to consume the whole Cupcake right there if he could (thank you Pam for that line!). Then he cools his jets enough to put on the mellow Rohell smile, and Cupcake smiles back.

A harmless attempt to kiss him on the cheek suddenly turns into a hot flaming beso.

He'd consume the whole Cupcake if he could.

But the Cupcake is not quite ready to be consumed just yet, so . . .

... He plasters a more benign expression on his face, and she smiles—feeling assured that no attempts at Cupcake Consumption will happen just yet.

* After getting off the phone with Rohell, Vainessa rants about how he even called. Sinthia doesn't get what his game is, other than, perhaps, he's already tired of the gold-digger and is sniffing around hoping to get back with Vainessa. Vainessa says if that's the case, he can forget it, she won't be 2nd Prize, and he won't ever hurt her again!

* Back at the Hacienda, Rohell is telling Cupcake that see, he's trying to put the past behind him. He asks Cupcake if the shell necklace she loves was given to her by the dead novio. She admits it is, and says it's very special to her, blah blah. Basically Rohell tries to push a little too hard to try to get her to get rid of that necklace. He needs to stop obsessing about it and just go with the flow. He needs to accept that for the time being, he can't consume the whole Cupcake; he needs to content himself with nibbling on a bit of frosting now and then. (Now where did that analogy come from? You guys are corrupting me!)

* Margarito interrupts and wants Cupcake to look at his handwriting or something. Rohell lets her go with a resigned smile.

* Conversation between Fed's doctor and Elsa la Vaca. He shouldn't have any visitors besides family; herself and Vainessa. The person who visited him earlier told him many things that excited and distressed him.

* Bonding moment between Margarito and Cupcake. It starts out with a writing lesson, then turns into a conversation about how those who leave us (through death) still love us. But Margarito shouldn't even be that certain that his mother is dead. They just don't know. FF >>

* Dani is looking for Cupcake and goes into Rohell's office. Rohell tries to pump her for info on Cupcake's dead novio. Dani wisely doesn't say much, advising him to ask Cupcake. Rohell says that she isn't being too forthcoming with info. Another example of Rohell pushing just a little too hard.

* Dani tries to extract herself gracefully from Rohell's office, but not before that idiot Miguel comes in to discuss something with Rohell. Rohell—who is observing the tense, lovelorn ex-novio-vibes going on between these two—suggests that Miguel show Dani around San Gabriel, thus forcing them to be in each others' company.

Sensing the tense vibes between Dani and Miguel the Dipsh*t.

* Efrian is on the phone with Consuelo, as she deludedly gushes loving things to him.  He makes a big deal of talking about wedding plans with an excited Consuelo when he realizes that Sinthia is approaching and can overhear. Sinthia is vexed and scolds him for using the cell phone for a personal call. FF >>

* Rohell and Cupcake are talking about Margarito, and how he thinks that if his mother is no longer among the living, that he'd like Cupcake to be like his mother. Rohell jumps on this and says this means they should adopt him. Then he leans in for a kiss. During all of this, Bruno approaches. Consuelo is with him. The sight of Rohell kissing Cupcake obviously infuriates Bruno, but he hides it as Consuelo discusses (in a LOUD WHISPER that you'd think Rohell and Cupcake would notice, even though they are still engrossed in their kissing) how happy they are. Blah blah blah. Bruno looks seriously pissed.

Engaging in endurance smooching.

Apparently endurance smooching is a spectator sport, as Consuelo discusses the happy couple as an annoyed Bruno looks on.

* Bruno seems to relish breaking up the smooch-fest as he enters the room. Cupcake quickly extracts herself from Rohell's lips, but Rohell is slow to resume a non-smooching posture and he looks vexed at Bruno's interruption. Bruno starts talking about the search for Margarito's parents. Not much has developed. It's been suggested that they tap into other forms of media to further the search. Rohell's against it; anyone could claim to be Margarito's parents to try to exploit the situation. Bruno says that DNA tests would of course be used to verify parentage. Cupcake says that Maria kept the clothes that Margarito was wearing when he was left there; maybe that will help.

* MentiRosa tries to get into see Fed at the hospital, but is told she must be family. She sneaks away before anyone recognizes her.

* In San Gabriel, Idiot Miguel is thanking Dani for being there for him when he was going through his carcel ordeal. It sounds like he wants to get back together, but she doesn't think it'll work out since they'll be long distance soon enough. Idiot Miguel stupidly mentions that he dated Maripaz and even kissed her. This is like a bucket of cold water over Dani's head. She tells him he's an idiot and quickly gets out of his sight.

* Margarito overhears the plans to look for his parents. Interrupting again! He tells Bruno to not give up looking. Bruno gets up to take his leave and shakes hands with Rohell. He then leans over to shake hands with Cupcake, which means he leans right into Rohell's face. Rohell looks pretty annoyed and we get the impression that Bruno knew what he was doing and did it anyway.

Giving Bruno the stinkeye.

* After Bruno leaves, Rohell starts in with the Shell Necklace Disposal Campaign. Cupcake gives that impatient teenager sigh at his suggestion that she rid herself of that memory by getting rid of the necklace. (GET OVER IT ROHELL! LET IT GO! I'm just saying.)

Having a serious chat with the Cupcake.

LET. IT. GO. She'll get rid of the darn shell necklace if she wants to, and not before!

* He apologizes after hearing the sigh and says he won't mention it again. He continues by saying he knows that one day she'll fall in love with him. She'll do it! She looks at him with a masked expression on her face. Then he continues and says he promises that he'll be patient. She says she'd be all for falling in love with him, but . . . then Rohell finishes up by saying that he used to expect (or hope? the verb is "esperar") nothing from anyone, but he's changed his mind. Now what he hopes from her is her love. Not her thanks or any other thing. Only her love! Cupcake looks a bit impactada at this and ominous musical chords play.



Cupcake holds up the shell necklace that has Rohell so obsessed.

Is she going to bury the necklace, once and for all?

Goodbye to Gus.

The supposedly deceased Gus is partying with Sinthia and things are starting to heat up!

Rohell's campaign to Consume the Cupcake seems to be progressing nicely.

THE END! Finally! I can't understand how I always TRY to make the recaps short, but they never are! LOL


This is great Elvira!!! I love the screencaps (as usual) and you really did cover all the major points. This schedule is a be-yotch and I can promise you my recap tonight will be bare-bones...with no promise of extra details to follow. Don't feel bad at all. This was great. Perfect with my morning cup o' joe.

Some random and unimportant observations from last night:

*You are absolutely correct about Miguel. He is an idiot. The writers needed him at the beginning to set up the Rogeliana pairing, but now I get the impression they don't need him and aren't sure what to do with him.

*I hope they let Dani have someone better.

* Sin is growing on me. Granted, she's not taking the most mature route to getting her inheritance (marriage), but I think she is slowly rethinking that. I like the Cintavo pairing and I hope that her association with Gus will mean character growth. Of course, I'm sure there will be some shenanigans in between. Oh isn't she going to be in a quandary? Keep Gus for herself or let Ana have him? Her vestuario is getting better, too. I loved the coral shirt she had on last night.

Elvira: An excellent title, amazing screenshots and recap teaser: "flaming, insanely mad". Indeed! Our crazy carrot top was ready to implode with seething rage. What a shame it didn't happen!

Rogelio is reving the engine a little too quickly - ITA. Ana needs a little time to absorb being on the receiving end of so much passion (particulaly after the sweet but likely not too tingling kisses with Gus).

It's surprising Fed hasn't gone to the afterlife simply to get away from Elsie la Vaca. I am really tempted to FF each and every time she appears. Of course, I feel that way about Miguel too. To use a popular Caray phrase "oxygen waster". Blech.

Elvira: thank you so much! Can't wait to read the rest.


I'm back!

Just looking at the screen caps again. I love the GusGus/Edgar one the best. It looks so much like "Cheese!"

Synchronized smiling. Is that an Olympic sport?

Sara: Just read your comments. Loved "Cintavo" and ITA that this is going to be very interesting. I don't think she will end up with Gus (opinion, not spoiler) simply as she is bound to be caught. Does she really think she could accept David's proposal and carry on with Gus? Well she has but I imagine she will get caught before too much time elapses.

I am a huge Susana Gonzales fan and think she is doing a wonderful job here.


I recently watched the PVAA DVD and Susana was very impressive as Domenica. Her hair looked great, too! I'm still not a fan of the wild mane they've got going with her right now.

I guess you are right. She really can't end up with Gus, but for now she seems to really like more than a roll-in-the-hay or get-my-inheritance kind of way.

Thanks Elvira, Your recap was perfect. I don't know where you get off thinking you're lazy. (most definitely Not) I loved "Ana Paula and Dani squee in glee".

and, "* MIGUEL IS THE WEAKEST LINK." I would go one step further and say the Miguel is the MISSING link with that mono brow.

As for the (seemingly) endless hospital scene, what's the purpose of those alarms if they only serve to alarm the patient? No one else seems to hear them. Poor Federico, he's not looked well from day one. I don't know if it's makeup or good acting, but he looks like a walking infarto. I'm hoping the news of his otra hija will inspire him to good health. He seems already to be taking a stronger position against La Vaca. Go Feddy!

I agree on the NOT LAZY vote!! The screen shots are terrific. Thanks!!

Am I remembering correctly that when Rogelio went to MentiRosa's house he stood??? Last night he looked at AnaPaula as though he were ready to consume the whole Cupcake and I just wanted him to stand and grab her and... While he is practicing great patience, I am finding it difficult to do so. Maybe it was just the Valentine's bug that got me last night.

"...consume the whole Cupcake."
Love this!

"...consume the whole Cupcake."

I am TOTALLY stealing that for the recap in progress. Thank you Pam! LOL.

Now onto finishing this darn thing!

Good stuff, Elvira. I wish I could do the screencap thing.

So Vainessa got visitors banned except for herself and her mother. Even she doesn't know how her mother's visits are the worst for her father. I almost expect Elsa la Vaca to bring some poisoned figs (or whatever) on her next visit. Fed needs to have a longer talk with his doctor.

It may perhaps be better that Fed didn't hear Ana Paula's name just now. Considering the attitude he took toward her on the wedding day this wouldn't have done him any good.

Anyone else thinking that Edgar would be a good novio for Dani?

I had that thought too UA. I'm just so usually way off base on such things. Remember I thought Dani might be the long lost hija. Lol

Thank you Elvira for this great recap. You did cover all the major points of this cap. ITA about Rohell and the Cupcake. Rohell is going way too fast, but for some reason I think the Cupcake likes it. I really think if Gus doesn't show up for awhile the Cupcake may fall in love with Rohell. I noticed that she is actually responding to his kisses more than in the beginning. Loved how they were kissing when Bruno showed up. If looks could kill.

ITA with your comments about Miguel. For being an older brother, he is not much of a one. Dany needs to find someone better.
How Miguel can think that Dany would take him back after he dumped her for Maripaz is beyond me. He needs to straighten up and fly right.

Am hating Bruno's henchman. And the eye he was giving Dany blech!!

La Vaca looked like a candidate for an infarto herself lol. I really can't stand that woman. She should have gotten a divorce years ago already. But she would rather have her venganza by torturing poor Fed to death. La Vaca and The Tia are so alike.

I can't beleive the Tia tortured poor Fed too. I hope he lives long enough to meet the Cupcake too, but he won't be pleased to find out she is married to Rohell.

Margarito is coming out of his shell. He always tiptoed around Rohell, but now is showing more affection toward Rohell and getting it back in return. I know he is annoying with his loud voice and interruptions but he is acting more like a loved little boy instead of being so scared all of the time.

I am really liking Sin and Gus. They have some good chemistry. I hope she dumps the Shady One tout suite.

Sara-loved Susanna Gonzales in PVAA too.She was great as Domenica.
Loved that whole TN. It was very true to life. I don't know why Uni put it on at midnight. They should have shown it in primetime.

I don't think we can call her Elsa la Vaca anymore. More like the Dragonlady, or even the Spitting Iguana. Could the actress (and character) be more over the top? It's disturbing!

Now back to the recap.....


This schedule is rough. As much as I like the idea of a novela at 10PM I'd rather it not be my favorite one.

And we're one episode short of them this week because of Premio tomorrow night.

Forgot to mention before that Fed should never have told the Cow that he has another daughter. Her glee at hearing that Mariana is dead was disgusting. I'm wondering whether she would try to kill Ana Paula.

Madeline-it truly was a great TN. .. And I only saw the chopped up DVD. Univision really missed the boat on that one.

Audrey- so true. Vaca was completely over the top last night.

Great recap so far Elvira. I don't see the lazy factor.

Elsa was truly horrible last night. But I'm glad Fed is going the route of telling the whole truth. He has no intention of hiding his daughter when he finds her.

I think Rogelio is moving too fast and pushing too hard. AP is falling. There's no need for the rush. Why can't he be patient? He has a whole year and it's only be a few weeks at the most so far.

I also really enjoyed SG in PVAA. She was so cold blooded there. Uni has no ryhme or reason for their choices about the hour for some tns. PVAA was fantastic, super popular in Mex, and won tons of awards last year, but Uni put it on at midnight. It followed another fab tn that Uni waited YEARS to put on and put on at midnight, La Verdad Oculta. I don't try to understand their logic anymore.

Thanks for this scintillating recap, Elvira.

This kissing between Ana P and Rog was much better than the performance for an audience the previous night... with the added bonus of the perfect but unintended audience... take that, Bruno.

Fed's increasingly more frequent heart seizures have started to remind me of Fred Sanford's "This is the big one!"

Since it looks like Dr.'s appointments for several characters... spinal specialist for Rog, cardiologist for Rosy, how about taking Margarito to an ENT a getting his hearing checked?


Rogelio may be concerned that Bruno is still sniffing after Ana Paula.

Whose henchman is going to harm Dani if she doesn't watch out. She needs a self-defense course and three squares a day. She's a little too skinny.

Oh Carlos! You are a hoot!

Agreed. Love the Gus & Edgar shot. What terrific smiles on two very handsome young men.

Great screen shots as usual. Definitely NOT lazy!

I'm loving the continued Cintavo (LOL!) plot development. They're really setting it up here, and obviously they're going to milk it for all it's worth. It going to be so much fun, 'cause there are so many dramatic reveals to unravel.

I'm surprised that Cinthia is wearing that huge obvious diamond ring. You'd think Gus would ask about it. Cinthia: "Oh yeah, I'm engaged, but I really don't like the guy so I'm shopping for an alternative".

Tia not giving Fed the details - implies to me that this reveal might really be drawn out. If he and Tia are kept separate then he can't learn anything more. Like Fed would have to get well first, out of the hospital, and then he still has to get around his wife's blocking tactics. He already knows enough to change his will, however, and can simply recognize Mariana's daughter as his and name her an heir. Of course his wife's main blocking tactic will be to try to kill Fed via terror and hate.


Wonderful comments.

Carlos: "Fed's increasingly more frequent heart seizures have started to remind me of Fred Sanford's "This is the big one!" had me laughing in appreciation. Wonderful!


Great recap... I absolutely love, "consume the whole cupcake"!! If I might borrow; the Cupcake needs her frosting adjusted if she DOESN'T stay with Rohell.

Someone suggested that maybe Margrito is Rohell's brother... that could really make sense. I was also thinking that maybe he is Bruno's son? Don't think that he is Rohell's son because that would interfere with the new and improved Rohell.

Thank you too for all of the dimples shots!
Lori from Sebastopol

Thanks, Elvira, for the excellent recaps and delicious photos. I must say that I'm on Team Gus[Me gusta Gus.], but Oh-Hell's puppy dog eyes are getting to me. I just read about the writing exercise of composing your life story [biography, essence, raison d'etre] in just 6 words. t took me several tries to write mine, but I thought of Sin's quickly : ''I need money and a man.'' Perhaps Ana Paula's might be : ''So sweet I can cause cavities. '' Gus's could be : ''If you like sweet, I'm here.'' My idea for Terrible Tia's is simple : ''ME.ME.ME.ME.ME. ME.'' Oh-Hell's : ''I am rolling toward that frosting.'' Els's: ''I'm the picture of pissed off.'' So, what's YOUR six-word story ???? I'll tell you mine if you tell us yours. It takes some time and thought....a whole life in only six words. I'm thinking of trying it as an assignment for my students and will suggest it to my daughter who teaches 9th grade English.

I will NOT read blogs at work; I will NOT read blogs at work; I will NOT read blogs at work.

I started laughing out loud at the "nibbling the frosting" line. Then had to figure out what to say to explain myself. I was not successful.

Glad you like the "comsume" line :)

Super recap Elvira..

I was thinking Dani & Edgar also.

What is PVAA? I've only seen SG in Pasión, which I loved.

Who can understand Uni when they put that mierda Talismán on at TN prime time?
Can't wait for the next issue of TV y novelas & their 1 star rating. I haven't seen a 0 star rating but ET qualifies. They moved Corazón Salvaje to midnight & it wasn't nearly as bad.

I think Podía is a 4 star novela.

If I happen to be awake at 1AM, I watch MEPS.

I'm glad I don't work anymore.

word veri

Ok, I know I consume too much wine

It seems the illness has made Federico dumb. What was he thinking, telling Elsa about his daughter BEFORE changing his will? Like she's going to allow that now? You just signed your death warrant buddy.

Would the spare bedroom be for Gus to come out and fix that water problem they were having at La Fuerte? The Big Confrontation has to be coming up soon, right?

And I hope they listen to Dr. Carlos about getting that kids ears checked. He's going to lose his voice with all that yelling. Which actually would be fine. never mind. Yell away, kid.


Perhaps we need to call Vainessa's egg donor Elsa la Vipora, since she looks like she hovers to strike.

Vainessa needs to protect Fed from her, but may not know how badly this is needed.

Great recap Elvira!

I agree on Rogelio pressuring Ana Paula a little too much but it seems she is responding at this point. Miguel is indeed an idiot. Poor Osvaldo, he always gets stuck with these kind of characteres in telenovelas. But he gets much better characteres on film, theater and tv series.

I feel like I've watched Susana González in almost everything she has done. I really do like her. She started in small characteres for several years since the mid 90's, each one becoming more important than the next, some were villanous characteres and it seemed that would be her future until her big break in Mejía's Entre el Amor y el Odio. Then she upgraded to leading actress for her next few novelas until her fall from grace. But she took her time off novelas to do diverse characteres in tv shows and gained alot of respect for her work there, until she finally came back with the villains to telenovelas. I like her, I think she is a fighter.


Variopinta: PVAA is Para Volver A Aamr. It was a very successful telenovela in Mexico and won a ton of awards but Univision sent it to the midnight timeslot. I try to understand why they did that but every year theres a few novelas from Televisa that Univision rejects and/or shows in crazy timeslots for no reason at all.


PVAA is by far the best novela I've ever seen. And I saw the chopped up DVD version. Disclaimer: I haven't seem a lot of TNs but I promise this one is great.

I think Univision's problem might be with Roberto Gómez's productions, because they did the same with Alma de Hierro (a novela that was also a hit and won many awards). That's where Zuria Vega and Angelique Boyer's careers began to take off.


Sara-did you watch PVAA when it was on at midnight? I watched the whole thing thru and then bought the DVD. They only cut out how Jaime's Mom was so mean to Barbara and alot of the physical abuse Barbara went through. They got most of it. This DVD is the best one so far I have gotten. The worst is Corazon Salvaje 2009. They cut that one to shreds and left out alot of Regina/Juan scenes.

Very funny recap Elvira. I laughed multiple times. I always wanted Dani and Esteban to get together. But cute new engineer guy will work too.

I really like the Gus/Cin combo. They seem to have more chemistry than Gus/AP. I can not wait until David finds out that Cynthia and Gus are an item. And combine that with cute new engineer guy testifying against him, he might just have to join Fed in the cardiac unit.

Why is Rog so impatient? Because he hasn't been with a woman in 10 years. And she's super beautiful. I'm impatient too and I'm not even in love with her. Come on AP, give it up already.

Loved the recap and screencaps Elvira. I especially loved the capture you took of Rog's expression after that blazing hot kiss. He looked as though he was ready to combust. It's been seven years and he can barely contain himself. The poor guy. He does need to back off on pushing AP to get rid of the shell necklace. She's not ready to let go of it because she hasn't let go of her memory or love for Gus. Rog needs to give her space on that. However, that anvil hanging overhead is ready to drop at any minute now that things are progressing nicely between him and AP.

I was afraid that Fed would croak after Rosaura told him about his lovechild. The bug-eyed one would rather make his life miserable than to give him a divorce. The apple didn't fall far from the tree with Vainessa's riot act while talking to Rog on the phone.

Madelaine- I did not watch it as it aired. I am glad to know the DVD is not too butchered. I regret not watching the whole thing. The midnight time slot was hard and I always seemed to get behind on my recordings.

Elvira, Thanks for the VERY complete recap with the excellent screenshots. After the recent Rohell trashing, I was almost afraid to watch In my mind he had been transformed into a debilitated, wizened shell of a man. Rohell looked pretty good to me-dimples in place in cheeks that aren't hollowed out by infirmity, a full set of white choppers and admittedly a receding hairline that looks more than fine.

I actually felt bad for Vainey when her mom was spewing her garbage all over her. Fed must have built up immunity over the years. Audrey, it's true. Vainey's mom is actually disturbing to watch. I was expecting her head to explode at any minute with nasty, bitter pieces of brain tissue plastered on the inside of my TV screen.

M-Grito's constant interruptions were annoying.

Roheill's obvious indulgence of Cupcake with the call to Vainey--very cute. This was a fun scene that wouldn't have worked as well if Rohell wasn't "an older man".

Agree with all who think Rohell should SLOW DOWN! He says he will be patient, but then starts pushing again. And he should never expect AP to give up Gus' shell necklace. Even if she gets over Gus, the necklace is a remembrance of something important to her. It would be fair of Rohell to ask her not to wear it but he should never ask her to get rid of it.

Someone wondered of Gus might help bring Sin to redemption. That would be a neat story line. Cupcake redeems Rohell. Guscake redeems Rohell's sis. I don't think that will quite happen, but we'll see!

Oh Barbara, Guscake. I love it.

Guscake is totally getting used in my recap tonight!

Elvira, thanks for the fun recap and photos. I missed a lot of it, so I appreciate the detail. Really sorry I missed Dani calling Miguel an idiot. Jardinera, Urban, and Sara, thanks for the last few recaps - now all caught up.

I'm afraid for Fed. I can just see La Vaca not calling the doc when he has another attack. But it was sweet to see him so happy about having a daughter with Tia's sister, cause it means after all these years he has a connection to the woman he loved.

Agree Rogelio is impatient but that's the way he is. He's left the the whip behind, but he's still a controlling man though also a sweet and loving one.

I watched PVAA some and loved it. Had no idea Domenica and Cynthia are one and the same. Wow - very different characters, but I find both kind of twitchy in their own way.

I only saw maybe 25 episodes of PVAA - most towards the end. Susana Gonzales portrayal of Domenica was just incredible!

Elvira, mistress of the visual on Caray, Caray:
Thanks for this recap. I LOVE your choices of photos—it makes me feel that I saw the epi, which, sadly, I missed. It is brutal having to recap this at the 10 PM time slot—and I complain that 9PM is bad!

Elsie la Vaca is a terrible woman, ay yi yi. Poor Fed. I hope he really does dump her. You know then that Tia Mentira will be all over Federico like a cheap suit. The possibilities there are very amusing.Can't you just see Tia swanning it around if she was Vanesa's step-mother? One wonders if being rich would soothe Rosaura's greed and insecurity. THAT would be a fun plot to watch unfold.


Just want to stay thank you very much for the recap. I can't seem to stay awake beyond the first 15 minutes on this, and eagerly look forward to Caray, Caray the next morning. To have screen captures is amazing! thank you

I am still wavering whether Roger Dodger (Rohell) or Boring Wholesome (Gus) gets the girl. Just wondering when Ana Martin is coming to the forefront, is she Rohell's mom or Cynthia's mom, the way they always show a closeup of her - like she and Rohell are keeping a secret.

Thank you Elvira for your excellent recap, it was great. So funny.
LXV-Miguel is the MISSING link-so true.

Lori from Sebastopol: Welcome!

Elvira: Another winner and I love the screencaps and the witty captions underneath. Well worth the read!

The next episode will be lovely. It will be a great episode to be recapped. Elvira, this one was great, loved your comments and the screencaps. Is she really going to bury the necklace with candles and such? I've never ever seen a necklace funeral before. You can't get cheesier than that, guh!

Looking back at these episodes, I remember that when I saw them, I thought this telenovela might be something special, but then it went downhill and I changed my mind.

Still, it's the best thing that Televisa has on air right now, although this is not saying too much. Slightly better than the average, but definitely not in El Octavo Mandamiento's league. They are a month away in Mexico from ending the whole thing, airing episode 143 tonight. They gave it more episodes than it was initially planned, because of the excellent rating. On March 18th there will be a 2-hour final episode and curiously enough, the producer said two days ago that he still doesn't have the ending written for it lol.

And by the way, last night's episode in Mexico was REALLY GOOD, one of the best. LQNPA is very inconsistent - when it's bad, it's awful and when it's good, it's great. The focus of the story is way off in many occasions.

Rogelio is going a bit too fast, but hey, the guy waited 7 years before attempting to cure his heart, so it's understandable. Besides, he's an old fox and he knows that AP is into him, so he's not beating a dead horse or pushing her to do something that he knows she doesn't want. Her only problem is that she won't let that love of hers of three days go. Rogelio wants her to get rid of the shell necklace, because apart from the sad memories that it brings, he wants her to realize that she is idealizing Gus and not loving him. Hell, even Cinthia and Gustavo already did more things together than he and Ana Paula and they do have more chemistry, although it's a bit weird to see that Cinthia is taller than all of the guys lol.

Alexandra, "necklace funeral", LOL.....I've never attended one either.

Thanks, everyone, for your comments. I'm glad you liked the recap! And thanks again Pam for the "consuming the Cupcake" line! I totally loved exploiting that one! LOL.

Alexandra, I'm about 15 episodes behind LQNPA in Mexico. (It's hard to keep up!) My opinion (without giving away any spoilers) is that it has its ups and downs. It seems like there are 10-episode "blocks" that suck (in particular that ONE—you know what I'm talkin' about! LOL), and then things pick up, then up and down. As a whole I think it's a great novela, but then again I think I let go of the idea that it could sustain a high level all the way through, so I've adjusted my expectations.

I've been re-watching bits of the mid-series episodes (that I rushed through the first time, so I can barely remember most of them) and am struck afresh by what an AMAZING actor Jorge Salinas is. And I say this as someone who had never heard of him before this.

So whether or not the show jumps the shark (I suppose it does in parts—every novela does, I guess!), Jorge Salinas and the rest of the cast make up for it.

susalynn (I apologize for not spelling your name right), I loved your idea of 6-word bios! I LOL-ed at Rohell's an Sinthia's. So true! "I am rolling towards that frosting." LOL! I love it!

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