Thursday, February 23, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #41 Wednesday 2/22/12 Abbreviated Screencap Edition

LQNPA Cap 41, Feb 22, 2012

I thought I'd start an abbreviated recap with mostly screencaps. Because you know how I love my screencaps. And if for some reason the other recap that we're all waiting for doesn't materialize, then at least we can have a discussion here. I hope this is okay.  [UPDATE: It doesn't look like the other recap is going to happen, so I guess this one is it!]

Cupcake is angered by Rohell's ultimatum. Miguel is willing to do whatever, but she won't stay here now that she knows what Rohell did to her novio!

After she says how hard it is for her to accept that the "marvelous man" she thought he was is in fact a murderer, he replies that if it's so hard to accept, maybe that's because in the bottom of her heart, she has doubts about his guilt. He wants to discuss this further but they are interrupted.

Fed makes a visit on the pretext of burying the hatchet with Rohell, an old friend and business associate. But he seems uncommonly interested and concerned with Rohell's bride. Here Fed has picked up the wedding photo in Rohell's office, as Rohell looks on with suspicion.

They shake hands and make up. It's for the best, they agree, and Rohell mentions that he doesn't want Fed's health to suffer over this strife. Rohell can't know that mainly Fed is willing to deal with him because then he'll have access to AP, his long-lost daughter.

Fed is able to talk with Dani and apologize for his bruja of a daughter firing Dani. No prob, says Dani. Then Fed gets what he came here for—to see Cupcake, his daughter. When she is brought in to see the guest, Fed, Rohell doesn't pass up an opportunity to make a big show of kissing his loving bride. Miguel looks on, seething. Fed doesn't really give a crap—he just wants to meet with Cupcake!

The two brujas, Vainessa and Elsa la Vaca, connect the dots and realize that Fed has gone off and may be planning on adding this new bastarda daughter to his will, or in some other way bestowing his assets upon her. Commence much screeching and howling.

They all have a meal out on the terrace. Rohell plays up being the adoring husband while Cupcake beams invisible hate darts at him. Fed looks on suspiciously—something ain't right, he can tell.

Rohell is called away on business, but leaves Hugo to hover over Cupcake. Finally Fed is able to chat with Cupcake without interruption. She tells him how sorry she is for the douchebaggery that Rohell did to Vainessa. 

If she could do it all again, she never would have married Rohell, she tells him, as Hugo hovers in the background. Cupcake immediately feels comfortable around Fed. They even (conveniently!) talk about her mom, how much she loved her job as a secretary, and how fondly she spoke of her boss, who (coincidentally) shares the same name as Fed! Fancy that. Fed is almost beaming and over the moon at this lovely conversation.

Fed steps in as a papa and gives his crying Cupcake a hug. During all their conversations in this episode, she never does tell him what's really worrying her, (like, she believes her husband is a murderer) but it's obvious that something is making her melancholy. Hugo looks alarmed at the hug and rushes off to report this to Rohell.

Rohell rushes to the scene, suspicious. Both Fed and Cupcake explain that she was just remembering her deceased parents and he was comforting her. Rohell asks to speak to his wife alone.

They talk in private. He brings up his continuing to help her family. He's been assuming that Miguel is his trump card—she'll do what he wants just as long as he continues to support and help Miguel with his legal woes. But now she's casting doubt on that assumption.

She won't stick around and be his prisoner, now that she believes he's a murderer. The price is too high!

Miguel again proving to be the weakest link. He feels responsible for so much of his sister's suffering. He drinks himself stupid while simultaneously making himself a bad example to the impressionable Margarito.

Mersnotty pokes and prods and nags her brother until he agrees to join her in a visit to the hacienda, to see Sinthia. Mersnotty's spidey-sense is out of whack, because she pegs Sinthia is the perfect girl for Gus.

Oh he with the beautiful eyelashes agrees to go in this trip, but he doesn't seem nearly as enthusiastic or as confident about it as Mersnotty.

The Weakest Link—errr, Miguel, has left Cupcake a letter. It says he's left the hacienda, so that she won't have to feel obliged to stick around just for his sake. Cupcake is impactada.

Cupcake was napping in her bed, but Rohell interrupts. He wants her to continue playing the perfect bride in front of Fed. He's suspicious of Fed—"I don't trust people" Rohell says. He also brings up that she let him down. He wants her to comply with the contract, and by the way, there are a ton of butt-covering clauses in the contract (THAT SHE NEVER BOTHERED TO READ!), one of which says that for every day she doesn't comply with it, 10 days can be added to her sentence—errr, can be added to the length of the contract. She's furious and defiant. 

Sin and Effer return to the hacienda. Rohell is right on Sin like a duck on a June bug, wanting to know where she'd been, how come it took her so long to get back, and wanting to know the true story about why she dumped David. Effer jumps in to cover for Sin and says she did exhaustive window shopping (but didn't buy anything, being the good sister that she is! LOL!) and visited a lot of churches. (I had to laugh at that part. Sinthia doesn't strike me as the church-visiting type!) This manages to placate Rohell for the time being.

Fed has more bonding time with Cupcake. He absolves her of blame over marrying Rohell. Dani told him of the troubles she was having and how Rohell helped out. He tries to probe for more info on how she's getting along with Rohell, but she won't say anything. So he goes to Rohell and asks him point-blank if he loves his wife. After balking at first because this is a personal matter, Rohell admits that he does. When asked if she returns this love, all Rohell will say is that "She'll be by my side forever."

Consuelo finds Sin and Effer in a compromising position. I think nothing more be said about this—the picture shows it all.

Gus and Mersnotty arrive at the Hacienda . . .

. . . and are welcomed warmly by Rohell!


A few other details: Bruno hires Dani to work for him. This will keep her around the Hacienda for a while. Fed is invited to stay at the Hacienda for a while, since the roads are wet or something and it's dangerous to travel back to town. If I can think of anything else important, I'll add it here. More details of this episode will undoubtedly be included in the post comments.


Thank you so much Elvira for putting this up. That pic of La Vipera is priceless. What a mug. She was horrible, not interested in Fed's health and why he went to Hell Fuerte, just OMG he is changing the will.

Miguel is DTM. He just left the Cupcake to fend for herself. What a brother he turned out to be and drunk of his butt too.

Skelator is slick hiring Dani. You know he will expect her to spy for him.

Loved how Fed is trying to get to know the Cupcake, even if he has to make peace with Rohell.I hope Cupcake finds out Fed is her Dad soon.

So Sin and Effer get caught by Consuelo. How is Effer going to get out of this one??

Word verification: virmmin lol

Elvira, what a treat! Your screenshots are always superb. You capture amazing facial expressions and one of the best was "La Vipera" as Madelaine noted. Thank you for going above and beyond once again.

Consuelo looked so hurt and betrayed. And, well she should. I can't forsee that she will swallow ANY excuse - that unfettered passion was palpable. I was a little surprised that Sin was succumbing - guess love doesn't count where lust is concerned.

Thanks again Elvira.

Have a good weekend all!


Um? Did I drop the ball? Was it supposed to be my week?Uh oh :(

Thanks, Elvira, for putting up the screencaps. Perhaps one picture does equal 1000 words!

I loved the scenes with Fed and AP. He is so kind to her.

So I guess we are now in the long delay before AP and Rogelio figure out they have both been had. It sure looks in the avances like Mercedes and Gus are comin' to the hacienda! Dare we hope for some sort of resolution to the misunderstanding between AP and Rogelio, or is it too soon?


No worries, Sara, it wasn't your week! I don't know what's going on. In the meantime, I'll put up a few more screencaps and call it done! :D

Oh thank heaven.
Thanks for the screecap recap. We are so lucky to have you on this one.
I don't know why but I found this episode almost more painful than Tuesdays.

I'm not going to like this stage of the show. I will keep reminding myself there will be an end to it though.

Thanks for putting up a supplemental recap as well as the screencaps Elvira. The mute button was my friend last night LOL. That was how I was able to make past another stomach-turning episode. I wonder will AP try to use Fed's generosity as a means of escape. Now that Gus has arrived at the hacienda, will he and AP run into each other?

Elvira, thanks for this and yesterday's recap. It's painful now, but your recap and screenshots are always a joy. Your cheery ending clip yesterday was right on time. I loved Yanez and Salinas as brothers in FELS. Hope they work together again.

I know Miguel is an idiot, but I'm glad he ran away. This way, Rogelio has less leverage over Cupcake. Plus I can't fault Miguel for his fear about returning to prison.

Agreed Fed is swift enough to change his will before Elsa La Vaca and Vainessa know the ID of the "other daughter."

Thanks for the mini recap and the scream shots, which were more than adequate.
For some reason my DVR didn't record it last night, but luckily I watched it. Somehow I thought Sir Gustavo and Mersnotty's arrival at the hacienda was in the advances. I wonder how long they will have AP just miss seeing Gus. It is getting interesting!
I have to say I don't think Rohell and AP are emotionally suited to one another; they both have vicious tempers.
I notice the recaptcha words seem easier to read.

I meant to say more than adequate, they were perfect. A picture paints a thousand words!

Elvira, everything we need to know in 25 pictures or less! (The captions helped too). Thank you, Thank you.

I thought AP had to add one day to the contract for every day she didn't comply. But It's TEN days? YOWZERS! I think she just might end up spending her life at Rohell's side. side. I'm pretty sure this would be considered slavery.

Why is M-Grito still coming thru the window when Rohell said he could go anywhere in the hacienda?

Thanks for the temporary recap. I'm still on an embargo and will not watch until things get sorted out, but according to your mini recap, it's starting to get interesting. I guess I'll start watching again.

Because he's an 11 year old boy, that's why. It's much more fun that way.

Fed should be calling his abogado tonight. I can just imagine Elsa purchasing some hemlock or belladonna.

Dani working for Skelator is not a good development. He's going to do a number on her.

Miguel is still a waste of space.

At least Consuelo found out what she needed to know before marrying that worthless infeliz.

Has there been a change in the actress that plays Mercedes? Maybe my imagination but she seems different, a little heavier. Excellent screen captures: Elsa la vaca, they have the corner of her eyes in a elongated triangle to make her eyes stand out. Talk about carrying a grudge!

Think as an escape plan float down the river where cupcake almost drowned.

Well Bruno sure blew it, didn't he? Now that AP hates Rogelio, she'd be all for running away with Gus. If they'd still been getting along, she might have stayed with the hubby and closer to Bruno.

And it's a shame that with that (probably) illegal contract that she doesn't know a lawyer (Bruno) with a grudge over Rogelio (Bruno) who could help her out pro bono with this legal issue. Where's a good prostitute paralegal when you need one? Oh, right. Fresno. Road trip!


Thanks so much, Elvira!! I guess Alexandra forgot it was her week, but you saved the day and I do believe it's all there. There was not a lot new, but enough to keep the storyline moving in last night's episodio. Can't wait for Cupcake to have her frosting smeared in her face for having doubted RoHell like this! She's extremely hardheaded for a cupcake.

Thanks for the pictures....and brief reap..great stuff.......i too don't like this part of the novelas......with all the misunderstandings and such they frustrate the hell out of me that i rather not watch and i would rather read the recapps....I liked Cupcake b4 but after this week and her constant asesino crap....I don't know why i dont like Gustavo....i think he is trying to be too goody goody....i will watch tonight to see if ana paula meets Gustavo again then she can eat crow.....BNinCA

Thanks everyone, I am glad this recap was helpful. I don't know what happened to Alexandra either! Well, let's hope everything is okay!

I agree, it's going to be fun when Cupcake realizes that she's misjudged Rohell with the murderer stuff. But that still leaves her with the assumption that he may have ordered the beating. Oy vey.

Tonight should be an interesting episode!

I'm pretty fed up with Rogelio back to arm-twisting, coercion and forcing the issue like a big bully. He's nasty!

I'm not going to like him as long as this is going on, and I'm not sure he can be redeemed for me. Ridiculous! I'll be rolling my eyes through the rest of the bullying.

Thanks for stepping in with the screens shots Elvira. They are awesome!

I was thrilled, thrilled! that Consuelo caught Sin and Efrain in a passionate embrace. And this right after Efrain asked her to be patient and not buy the wedding dress yet. I so wanted the wool pulled from her eyes!

Yeah, not really sure why Cinthia succumbed to Efrain. I thought she really had feelings for but this makes me not take her seriously (again). I just don't get this character beyond simply being spoiled, flighty-brained, and immature.


I wonder when Tia plans to visit the hacienda again...that should be fun as well.

Apropos of nothing: while watching Rosalinda with a class today I heard a familiar was Marcaria! Funny how it was the voice I recognized and not the face.

I was sure it was going to take longer for Lady Chatterley to get caught. I wonder whether Consuelo will try to blackmail her in some way about this. We know there is no way Rogelio would be OK with this relationship.

Mercedes would definitely see Sinthia differently with this disclosure. Not to mention how Gustavo would take it.

"Can't wait for Cupcake to have her frosting smeared in her face for having doubted RoHell like this!" Me too Jardinera. I'm looking forward to seeing her eat the crow pie.

Correction for my post above :)

I thought she really had feelings for Gustavo but this makes me not take her seriously (again).

I don't know, UA, so far Consuelo has been a very sweet girl. Cinthia and Efrain may try to intimidate her, but she has her madrina Maria to look out for her and I can't imagine her NOT telling Maria. I don't think she would tell anyone else.

It'll be interesting to see what happens. I assume that Efrain and Cinthia will first try to pretend nothing really happened (i.e. "explain it"), but hopefully Consuelo won't believe it - or at least not enough to go any further with Efrain.


Oh shoot! For some reason, I thought that the Tuesday episode wasn't recapped, so I waited for it to appear to recap mine. I am really sorry, don't know what happened. Bugger bugger bugger! I apologize! Should I recap next Wednesday? I am at your orders!

No worries! Is it even on next week? Isn't there a soccer game?

It looks like I'll have next week off, as on Tuesday there is soccer. But Wednesday is all yours, Alexandra! No worries about the mix-up, you missed a miserable episode anyway! LOL.

Thanks so much, Elvira. On one hand I am glad I can't witness the whippier parts, but I so appreciate your picture capturing skills. I feel like I Get only the best parts.

Feb 29 is my week :-)

Really appreciate the dedication of all recappers; still trying to find out the origin and rationale for the name "Cupcake."

Many thanks !

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