Wednesday, February 22, 2012

El Talismán #17 Wed 2/22/12 ‘Ladron que roba a ladron tiene 100 anos de perdon’: it is no crime to steal from a thief… or is it?? Did I say I LOVE Tracy??

Recap by Marta Ivett

Elvira catching Camila while she tries to argue with fake Mariana… Lookrazia comes over and Camila with confused face ‘what are u doing here?”  Lookrazia comes up with the kraziest story about Mariana being sterile…
Antonio leaves Elviral more confused about what the heck is going on. All that matters is that Camila is mad at PI.
PI is confused… (so what’s new? I would be surprised if he figured it out from the first try) Not even tia can help PI out of his confusion… oopsie! Elviral is here!... accusing him of cheating on his wife… now he is REALLY confused…
Confused no. 1, CamEE-La, of course repeats the tiresome (I will leave Pedro! I don’t believe Pedro!). I have a question for you CamEEla, why do you always believe ANYONE BUT Pedro??. Ok, Pedro might be a klutz and slow brained, but he loves you.
Still at airport, Pedro tells Elviral he knows they are all teaming up to separate him and CamEEla, it doesn’t matter, he will explain to CamEE-la…  Said confused gal is still torturing herself elsewhere in Airport cafeteria when Tony shows up to hug her.
Is there a massive mandatory evacuation notice that EVERYONE we know is AT THE AIRPORT?

Still-confused Elviral (there must be an airborn virus at that airport, either you are a member of the villains team or you are confused out of your mind, or both, in the case of Elviral)

When CamEEla mentions it, Tony fakes disbelief at PI and Lookrazia being ‘lovers’…

Now confused Elviral has to deal with Lookrazia and her own story of what happened… nope, that does not take Elviral out of her own confusion… and another Negrete saying ‘the one with the power is me’… the apple does not fall far from the tree, does it?…

Tracy is BY FAR the only sane person in town… and she insists to Rennie she will leave (good for you Tracy!) if Elviral comes to live there. She insists to Rennie she knows enough about Elviral to not want to be within 100 feet from her. You will regret having brought her in here. And that is IF she accepts to live with you. Elviral lives off Camila’s salary. Rennie says perhaps he will end up marrying Elviral… Tracy warns him not to do that.
Rita the niece/girlfriend comes out, and reprimends Tracy for ‘shouting’… (boy wait until she hears Elviral shouting)

The two villain women (LooKrazy and Elviral) are still arguing at airport… you’ll wish you look like me when you get to my age… that must mean you are old enough to say that… (when Lookrazia leaves, Elviral continues talking to herself… confused AND coo-coo? Not a good mix) had to be a Negrete… My son and I will ‘take care’ of every member of the Negrete family.

Elsewhere in same airport cafeteria, Antonio keeps spoonfeeding hatred for Pedro to CamEEla when said slow-brained imbecile comes to join them and is received with a loud slap by CamEEla… and then CamEEla insults him since she is stupid enough to believe all the gimmicks of Tony and Lookrazia. (these two DO belong with each other)

Meanwhile Armani is picking up Florencia (the other sister)… he would love to be her friend, she is so pretty… hope you don’t have boyfriend, would like to invite you to movies/eat… (can’t he at least use different pick up lines for each sister?)

At ElTal, the boys and the girlfriend talk about Pedro and Lookrazia and CamEEla… the boys are sane enough to wish for the Lookrazia issue to be over… otherwise this will be the neverending story…

Back at Airport cafeteria… Pedro and Tony and CamEEla still going over same lines…
Move on, people!!
Well, PI finally says something different ‘this must be your doing’… (finally! Something NEW and sensible out of his mouth!)

CamEEla runs into Elviral, who tries to find out what is going on from her (this is third person Elviral is trying to find out what is going on from: Tony, Lookrazia and now CamEEla)… is this going to take Elviral out of her confusion, I think NOT!

Rennie and Rita his niece/girl are discussing the plan. She thinks keeping Tracy around is a risk, but he says do you want to clean and cook? Then we can’t get rid of Tracy. Rita urges Rennie to get going with the plan with Elviral.

At the ONLY INN in Fresno, Elviral meets up with CamEEla who brings her up with yet a new version of the story… Lookrazia’s lies…

At ‘traz Lookrazia and Tony are enjoying the success of her spur of the moment story, They are glad Julia did not get a chance to chicken out and expose their scheme.

At ElTal, Tia Patricia pays Tracy for the food she brought… Tia brings Tracy update about the reconciliation and quick break up between CamEEla and Pedro…

Back to Only INN in Fresno with CamEEla and Elviral… Elviral says ‘one nail gets out another nail’.. to forget PI you need another man… if not for love, do it for money, something we need badly! CamEEla is offended at the suggestion.  Rennie calls Elviral on her cell… they arrange to meet to go to some event together… Elviral plays hard to get prospect… CamEEla asks who Rennie is… Elviral announces ‘since you can’t catch a rich boyfriend, I got one… he’s Rennie’.

Rennie and Rita (niece/girlfriend) celebrate success of this step… but she reminds him he doesn’t even have a car, it was repo’ed. He will borrow money from Tracy who has plenty of cash… maybe even without her noticing (he knows Tracy hides her cash under the mattress, just like my mom used to lol). IF tracy wants me to pay her, she has to help me catch Elviral.

Elviral really believes Rennie is enchanting and RICH RICH RICH!! (so this is really thieve stealing from thieve who steals from thieve!) … Elviral tells CamEEla she should catch Antonio, since he will soon be owner of ‘traz. Elviral claims she still has spies at ElTal… CamEEla laughs at her, every worker hated her, since she treated them so bad. In any case, I am not for sale, mom!! … CamEEla leaves in a huff, mom can only count the cards still in her deck… ‘thank God I have Armani’…

Back to ‘traz… Lookrazia tells Tony they can’t take risks, they have to prevent PI to reconnecting with CamEEla.

Flo is so swept off her feet she texts Fab all about her new guy. By the time Fab reads the text, Armani is with her! (this is certainly bizarre, there is no other way to call it). Armani gets a bit pale at realizing just how much Flo and Fab share with each other. Armani, now out with Fab, manages to avoid going to dinner with both her and her sis, would rather go eat with you alone… will probably come to your class again as an observer.

Zombie CamEEla is slow-walking around an unknown spot in Fresno, repeating in her head what happened… Tracy calls her cell, CamEEla tells her some of the story and Tracy is like there is no way any of that is true, Mariana dissappeared years ago! Believe me!

PI gets home to jump on a horse, he wants to go clear things up with CamEEla right away… I will not let them split us, CamEEla. (man, PI, I wish you were as smart as you are a hopeless romantic).

Elviral is barely done with adding the poison to the pills when Tony shows up at her hotel room… Elviral thinks Tony came to see CamEEla. He is not here for that. He will need lots of time for that. And for that need my dad out of the way, so I need what I asked you for. Elviral gives him the pills…

(I am sorry but the credits after commercial have Lookrazia hugging a palm tree in a perverted kind’o’way… it is fairly creepy).
Pigorio talks to Val, orders him to watch Tony… Pigorio still feels something odd in his son attitude lately. (NO KIDDIN!!)

Tracy meets up with CamEEla, assures her what PI said is true… When CamEEla tells her PI’s wife is darker skin and tall, tracy says there is no way she is Mariana! Tracy suggests she and CamEEla go see the police leutenant to show her PI told her the truth.

Panchito finds Pedro’s horse on ‘traz grounds… wonders what is going on.

Pedro is busy at ‘traz pool trying to get Lookrazia to tell him what she and Tony did to separate him and CamEEla. Lookrazia plays the innocent victim game, blaming the whole scheeme on her brother… she says Tony was the one who contacted that girl…

Back at the hotel room, Elviral asks Tony for more money, Tony loses his cool… and yells at her, if you betray me the police will know you were the one that poisoned my dad’s pills. Elviral warns Tony if she falls, he will too. what did you use? What else for your dad? Rat poison! … show it to me… (he grabs the bottle from her and wraps it in a bandana) … ay ay you are such a rookie… I have your prints here now… I got you babe!!

Pigorio and Val are still talking, this time Panchito is eavesdropping outside the door. Pigorio tells Val Tony is very far from inheriting my money, so I am holding you responsible to watch him. Pigorio leaves the room, in comes Panchito…
P: what is Tony plotting against my dad?
V: Don’t you see anyone could hear?
P: so? Here everyone knows I am the son of don Pigorio. (are you picking your nose, Panchito??)
V: take it easy, one of these days the boss will kick you out if you don’t chill out.
P: then he would do very wrong, because I am the one who looks after him. Btw, Tony is indeed planning something against my dad to get the ranch for himself.

Pigorio asks Doris to go with him to the business owners event in Fresno

Still at the pool, Lookrazia and PI, she continues feeding him her crazy crap… he does not completely believe her but he does not want to be unfair with her (no, you should!) I love CamEEla.

At the police station, Tracy can’t get the man to show her Mariana’s record, but his confirming they have looked for Mariana for years, and the case is open still only because of the persistence of PI. CamEEla seems to finally believe PI’s story and that Lookrazia lied to her.

Back to the pool… same lines… no need to repeat. Lookrazia offers to find out what Tony did, so PI can fix it.. PI is irritated he still won’t be able to sell his grain.

CamEEla is a bit miffed at Tracy for not having told her PI had got married years ago. Tracy tells CamEEla PI and Mariana married in secret when Don Bernie was dying. Cameela is embarrassed, what will PI think of me now? Tracy insists Lookrazia is behind all of it. Cameela insists to find out who was that woman who faked being Mariana (you know, Cameela? Who cares?? Concentrate on finding PI and appologizing, you stupid)

Back to Fresno hotel, Elviral realizes she got ‘tricked’ and is desperate, but Tony is implacable… this is the proof you wanted to kill my dad. you wanted to take vengeance for what he did to you years ago? She calls him desgraciado and maldito, but to no avail, she only gets mangled down to the floor…

Somewhere Fab and Armani are enjoying ice cream… she is feeling bad she should have invited her sister… Once he recovers his skin color, he says they will invite her next time. (so he told Fab the truth of where he came from, Davis, but told Flo he is in Chicago about to move to Fresno…)

Flo is with a friend called suzy telling her all about her ‘guy’.

Back to ice creams, Armani can only think of a way to get away so he can be gone when Flo comes over.

Tony insists that Elviral has to seduce his father as she did years ago… he takes the pills and the bottle with him and gives her a creepy smile on his way out.. she stays there cursing him… now she is changing strategies, maybe I should side with Cameela to get with that dumb beggar.. at least he is the owner of ElTal.

Back at pool… PI paces around saying he has to talk to CamEEla…(well, man, what are you still doing there? …) Doris sees Lookrazia and PI together in pool and runs in to tattle tell Pigorio (who feels it is such a boring drag to have to dress like a penguin for the event) that PI is at the pool. Pigorio runs out calling for Val…
Back to the pool.. PI is making same mistake as CamEEla, worrying too much about finding that ‘Julia’… (who cares, man! Just go find CamEEla! I tell you, those two BELONG together.)
Out comes Pigorio yelling and threatening, with Val pointing a shotgun at PI, Lookrazia steps in front of PI…

Lots of reviews of tonight’s ep… then Lookrazia yells at PI to leave, Pigorio approaching her to slap her and PI stops him ‘not on my sight’, Pigorio yells at Valentin to shoot PI. Val is aiming.



You caught every detail of this nonsensical, confused, stupid episode. Great job, amiga. Thank you.

How did they make "nothing" last an hour? And ITA with this comment of yours: "I have a question for you CamEEla, why do you always believe ANYONE BUT Pedro??. Ok, Pedro might be a klutz and slow brained, but he loves you."

I love Tracy, too. And I loved your shout out about Pancho and the nose pick. Yes, he did pick his nose on camera for all to see. Why? Are we really supposed to hope that Tracy hooks up with this nose-picking oaf?

Meester Renato is so slimy he slides around the screen. The actor literally makes me shiver with this performance. Ewwwww!

Thanks again.

Fantastic job Marta! What a fun recap starting with your title. It's one of my favorite sayings and absolutely perfect.

Favorite quote: "man, PI, I wish you were as smart as you are a hopeless romantic". Poor doofus, ITA that he and Cameela are perfect for each, doomed to a life of confused misunderstanding. So be it.

Ah geez, did Armani say he was starting to fall for both the F Girls? Good grief he's a gomer.

What was with the Mad Max type music tonight? And I mean the original movie, the one from 1979. Novela Maven mentioned yesterday about the 50's melodrama-style sound effects. Tonight the music sounded even cheesier.

Why did Panchito have to go and pick his nose on camera? Yuck. I don't want Tracy and her bodacious empenadas to end up with him.

Tony is acting more and more like Daddy Dearest.

Marta, it looks like you get next Wednesday night off thanks to the futbol match.

EJ, I just read your comment. I get the same reaction from Meester Renato. What a creep, ripping off his own employee to whom he owes money. Oh well, Tracy should know better than to keep cash around that destitute Don Juan.

Oh Marta! What a hoot of a recap! PI is a slow-brained imbecile for sure!!!

"I have a question for you CamEEla, why do you always believe ANYONE BUT Pedro??. Ok, Pedro might be a klutz and slow brained, but he loves you."
So true. And we get a reconciliation/ misunderstanding/ break-up practically every night. Bo-ring.

Now I have a question. They are always talking about PI's "grano" but every time we've got a scene where they are investigating plague or "working in the fields" they are surrounded by trees. Does roni grow on trees?

Next non sequitur: Costuming, hair and make-up are doing no favors for El Viral. She is an attractive woman, but that hairband and 'do are just so plain. Can't they do any better? I'm having a hard time seeing El Viral and La Vamp when she looks so frumpy. Didn't she go to the salon de belleza to get "the works"? She came out looking the exact same.

Hello Marta!

I'm haven't been watching this but am trying to read the recaps and comments when I can. This is such a marvelous group of recappers and commenters.

Marta, I thoroughly enjoyed your recap. Fun from beginning to the end.

Elna June, Sylvia and Sara are right on target with their favorite lines. Kindly add: " (there must be an airborn virus at that airport, either you are a member of the villains team or you are confused out of your mind, or both, in the case of Elviral).

I do peek occasionally and see that Aaron Diaz is continuing to perfect his angry, dark, brooding stare.

Thanks again Marta!


Jajá -- I think it's a Salon de Brainwashing. (A lavacerebros?) They charge you lots of money, and when you come out you look exactly the same -- except you'll believe anything anyone tells you while you're sitting in the chair. ("Your niece? I'm beautiful? You're rich? You want to have coffee? Call me tú!")

LMAO lavacerebros! Now I'm off to look up brainwash in Spanish.

Ok. A comecocos is one who tries to brainwash and has been included in our conversation. According to wordreference brainwash is lavarle el cerebro but I like Blue Lass' word better.

Great recap, I did not watch last night. It's the same ole thing isn't it - just a bit longer than Eva Luna for our handsome hero to find out about the "evil" woman. Geez, I've just been through this at Telemundo (Alguien Te Mira and La Casa al Lado) a recycled plot from the same writers, just change the names and location. I guess our hero will snap out of it in about 10 more episodes. It appears that there is too much crying, and running to the wrong person. Amazing.

But I liked how you described Mommy Dearest getting hers, ended up on the floor, how hilarous is that, she's been down, now she has hit rock bottom. I think I'll begin taping to see scenes like these.

I will never tire of this compound-word game. Of course I have a very loooooong attention span.

MartaIvett, how in the world do you do this so fast? It's amazing! Here are my favorites yet unmentioned:

“Is there a massive mandatory evacuation notice that EVERYONE we know is AT THE AIRPORT?”

“…confused AND coo-coo? Not a good mix…”

“Lookrazia hugging a palm tree in a perverted kind’o’way” (that abrazapalmas!)

Does anybody else find that whole “one nail gets out another nail” thing to be creepily Freudian, coming from one’s mother? Of course the EEEEUW factor in this TN is pretty high…

Blue Lass-- abrazapalmas is hilarious! I can't just hear Piña now "inmunda abrazapalmas!"

Oh and has anyone noticed that one of the cut to commercial shots with Blanca looks like a blooper? Like she almost falls off the horse or something behind her distracts her?

[Blue Lass runs off to look up "inmunda"...oh, SNAP! Yeah!]

La Bleu:
"Does anybody else find that whole “one nail gets out another nail” thing to be creepily Freudian, coming from one’s mother?"

Yes, I do. Freudian and cinico. El Viral is a bitter pill to swalllow and she leaves a BAD taste in the mouth. Plus she has clearly been to the school of over-the-top acting since CME.

Dumb question of the day, "Why, oh, why would you not wear gloves when performing a dastardly deed like poisoning someone's medication?".

Armani-the-unwashed is such a Stepford son. What a waste of space!



Marta, thanks for perpetuating the festive mood here with this sly recap.

"He will borrow money from Tracy who has plenty of cash…"

I'm beginning to wonder what in the heck Tracy is putting in those empanadas... She can afford to support Mister Renato by selling homemade empanadss and even have "plenty of cash" left over? Wow.

So far it looks to me that Pedro is able to get by with just two expressions:

The puzzled look of of someone who is trying to figure out a New Yorker cartoon and the irritated look of someone who has actually managed to figure out a New Yorker cartoon.

I simply cannot get enough of Lucrezia. She has such an incredibly devious slutty sweetness about her.

And Antonio seems to revel in striking seductive poses with facial expressions that inform us that he is clearly in on the joke.

Still my favorite couple. I so hope there is some way that they can end up together.


Carlos, loved your depiction of Pedro's two NY cartoon expressions!

Ah Carlos, so funny your 2-expression description. Well at least our hero has doubled his expression inventory since the first week.

Tony and Loo do indeed seem to be getting closer, especially now that they seem to have a common goal. I notice Tony is drinking a bit less these days. Poor kid just needed a project.

Great recap, great comments....never tire of reading this blog line. Thanks Marta, for another knock-it-out-the-park recap and extra fast as well.

Maybe Tony can't drink and wear the sunglasses at the same time.

Thank you, Marta! You are amazing -- I can't fathom how you captured all of this in record time with witty asides and a healthy helping of snark.

Add me to the list of admirers of:

"Is there a massive mandatory evacuation notice ..." accounting for the whole cast showing up at the airport.

"...these two DO belong together" based on their hopeless idiocy and willingness to believe people who might as well have MENTIROS@ tattooed on their foreheads.

Yes, Marta, Panchito WAS picking his nose. Well at least that eliminates the bother of una prueba de ADN -- we know what gene pool he was swimming in, the son of a pig!

NM plot wish:
Renato and El Viral wed, each believing the other is loaded. After the nuptials, Renato reveals the check made out to El Víbora. But it turns out that it is no longer valid because so much time has elapsed; the money has been remitted to Mariana's account. So when saintly Mariana reappears, she will have her money AND her marbles.

Renato and El Véneno will have each other. Perhaps they can adopt Rita.

Oh please, let the Businessman's Gala Event happen on Friday -- I SO want to see Pigorio in his traje de pinguino, Doris the Horis on his arm; and Renato flanked by Rita and El Viral. Will Pedro be invited. One can but hope ...

I raise a glass of avocado juice to you Marta--hilarious recap. I'm sure it took you at least an hour to come up with this gem.

Panchito el Bastardo--it looks like he's trying hard to play I Claudius without the limp, so no one will notice him. My prediction is that he and Tracy end up with El 'Trash, since everyone else in the Negrete family will either be dead or in jail. Well, I forgot our almost twin sisters--maybe they both turn out to be someone else's grandchildren.

BTW--Miguel SHOULD come over from LQNPA. He has the requisite UniBrow and could get in line for inheriting the hacienda. Poor Panchito didn't get his daddy's brows.

'Nuff said about PI and CamEEla. May they live happily ever after next to Panchito and Tracy. Mariana can live in the cabaña, where she can be taken good care of.

More later. I'm off to enjoy some unusually warm weather here in the Mid-Atlantic.


"I notice Tony is drinking a bit less these days. Poor kid just needed a project."

Yes! Don't know why but your throwaway line conjured up "Throw Momma From the Train". (snort!)

Anita, I LOVE your arrangements for future occupants of 'Traz and ElTal... love it!!

NM, that is also my prediction with Rennie and Elviral and Rita... those SHOULD end up living together and eating mac and cheese 3 meals a day, Tracy should stay at 'traz away, very far away, after all they can't pay her.

Panchito WAS picking his nose. Well at least that eliminates the bother of una prueba de ADN -- we know what gene pool he was swimming in, the son of a pig!

ewwwwww! but oh so true! LOL!

"Throw Momma From the Train".
absolutely, NM!! CamEEla and Armani should look for another mother... this one is just too coo-coo and selfish... let alone she switches sides (Antonio or Pedro for CamEEla) as if they were outfits.

Thank you, Marta! If not for your excellent recap, I'm not sure I would have remembered anything that happened* last night, even though I always enjoy watching this buffoonery.

I loved how amused Antonio was by Look-at-me-I'm-crazy's latest lie. So if she's the "surrogate", no test tubes required, that makes her the Hagar, right? And we can call her "Hag" for short? I wonder if she knows what happened to Hagar in that story. Hope you like eating bugs, sweetie.

I think we all know what Tracy is putting in those profitable empanadas. She's been raiding Pedro's favorite crop. No, not the Rice-a-Roni. The other one.

Can anyone explain to me the appeal of those bathing suits that are like a bikini but attached with a strip down the middle, like Loocrazy was wearing? It's like all the nakedness of a skimpy bikini, except that it looks like you're desperate to cover your belly button for some reason, plus all the inconvenience of a one-piece suit. Plus weird tan lines.

Maybe when you dive in the pool, your pants don't come off? Although why Lucrazy would care about that is beyond me.

Julia, I was wondering about those weird bathing suits too. Chela in UFCS was wearing one of them as well. Are there any fashion police out there who can enlighten us?

Yikes, memories of Hagar and scary bible stories. Funny, I don't remember learning that one in Sunday School.

I guess I could bear the thought of Tracy and Panchito if Pancho the Picker ends up setting Tracy up in a life of leisure at El Trash. Hey, maybe she could hire El Viral to help with the housekeeping...nah, not sure that would work out. Fun thought though.

Like Anita I'm off to enjoy the lovely day. More later.

Just read Chica Azul's comment. Bwahahaha! I think LooKrazy would be just find with a meltable bikini should such a thing exist.

so funny that Val and Pigorio used 'alberca' to refer to the pool... in Colombia it is 'piscina' so i wonder if we heard Pedro refer to 'piscina'

Do you need to worry about your swimsuit pants coming off when you dive if you wear the tiny kind that are wedged in your crack? This is something I have no plans to ever find out.

I love how our would-be villains are so incompetent at villainy. Well, aside from the Ogre. Where is Mariana?!?!

Gracias Marta. I can only check in once in a while & your recaps are always so thorough that I feel as if I've seen the episode. We're having fun over at La familia but I miss your recaps & the comments of this whole community. Just need to drop by now & then to catch up with you all.

Güera from (Hey we squeaked out another win!) Syracuse


Pool is piscina in Spain, too. What is it in Argentina? Isn't Lola from A.?



WHERE'S MARIANA? Echo Julia. She is not in Sonoma County, I have looked.


Guess it's not to cover your belly button:

Good Heavens, Ms Blue:

What a photo! What a body! Is it just me or does the hemp suit look somewhat, erhm...binding?


I think what I love most about this group is observing the evolution of the comments. Lol

I'm not sure I dare look at any of Lola's modeling pix when my coworkers are around.

I've heard "alberca" a lot on Mexican telenovelas.

Does anyone know ---

>>How did the LA radio station find out about Mariana's story? Who had the brains to get them involved? Cuz that's probably how Mariana will be found ...

>>Are we supposed to see El Viral as post- or pre- beauty treatment? She was pulled out of François' chair by Antojo's summons. And to me, she looks pretty much the same as she did before.
About Pedro maybe saying 'piscina' -- I didn't notice but it IS fun to listen for actors interjecting their own favorite expressions and especially terms of endearment. In TDA, I always got a kick out of sweet William cuddling a baby and calling him 'papi' or 'papito' which, at least to me, sounds muy cubano.

(But then, as you know, I'm easily amused.)

Martaivett--We said piscina in Uruguay, too. I wonder where the dividing line is. Maybe it's between CA and SA--somewhere around Panama?

It's like falda and pollera--faldas in CA and polleras in SA.

More on brainwashing and compound words. Couldn't find brainwashing in my old Cassell's (maybe it was compiled before the Korean War and the Red Scare).

I did find some cute tidbits, to pass on. blow one's brain out = saltarse la tapa de los sesos. Pretty literal. We could have used this one when Estegone went.

...crack-brained = cabeza de chorlito (chorlito is some kind of bird).

...hare-brained = sin seso...what most of our characters are suffering from, especially our Walsung siblings

...brain-fever = fiebre cerebral...what most of our characters are suffering from.

Do you like Narizpicador for Panchito?

Marta - I have not had a chance to watch this yet, so when I just got 40 minutes to either watch the show or read your re-cap and the comments, I chose this. And did I ever choose right! Thank you for the great job.

Many great lines have already been highlighted and repeated, but if I may:
--the massive mandatory evacuation was brilliant!
--I loved your confused Elviral descriptions.
--"Once he recovers his skin color" lol

Thanks, also, for the heads-up about Panchito the nose picker. I will FF thru that. Who is his mom? Cheri Oteri nanny?

Sara - You are so funny about El Viral coming out of the salon looking the exact same. At least give her a quick up-do. I know you missed CME (and if you ever buy the dvd, please invite me over for an afternoon marathon viewing party), but this actress was so pretty and they had her looking like Sylvia Navarro's beautiful look-alike mother. I didn't even notice the chipmunk teeth during that whole tn.

And Blue Lass' comment about Elvira's response at the salon... call me tu'. lol Tu' funny! I am loving your compound words.

Wouldn't all this mendacity wear one down? How do they remember all their lies? No wonder Elvira had such a confused look on her face. You say she is now thinking of siding with her daughter? 'Bout time but for all the wrong reasons.

I'll be pulling a double El Tal viewing tomorrow morning to catch up. Looking forward to Sylvia's re-cap as usual, and to the Businessman's Gala. I heart telenovela parties!

Rosemary la Otra

Blue Lass, aye aye aye, that's quite a picture of Lola. I'm impressed, it's obvious the young lady is the sporty type. But I must agree, the suit doesn't look terribly comfortable. Ouch.

I can't wait for the gala. I'm with R la O, telenovela parties are always a hoot. So far we have Horis going with Il Pinguino, El Viral going with El Raton and his Noviasobrina, is Pedro going?

Anita, I think Narizpicador is just perfect for Panchito. If anything it makes him sound more high class than he really is.

R la O- I do indeed plan on buying the DVD for CME. Of course you're invited!

I'm looking forward to the Businessman's Gala, too. This should be fun.

NM-you understood William Levy during TdA? I'm impressed. Even when I watched the DVD with subtitles I was agog at how much both he and Maite mushmouth their lines.


"NM-you understood William Levy during TdA? I'm impressed."

Hardly! But I did catch the murmured papi's! (I bet they didn't make the cut in the DVD though.)

I just realized you made the observation earlier (and more slyly) that El Viral looked the same AFTER as she did BEFORE. What I'm wondering is if she ever GOT "the works" or if Antojo's phone call pulled her out before she had done anything but put on "esas fachas".

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