Friday, February 24, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #42 Thursday 2/23/12 The Woman Who Couldn't Get Her Recap Done

Let me explain…no, there is too much…let me sum up:

Cinthia can't seem to resist Efrain, but she's trying.

Ana Paula doesn't think she ought to be talking to Fed about her personal life, given that he's Rog's ex's dad.

Efrain and Cinthia get busted by Consuelo. Kissing, people, get your minds out of the gutters!

Rog meets Gustavo and Mercedes. They say they're staying in town, but Rogelio insists they stay at the hacienda. Rog asks Gustavo to give him the dirt on the construction project.

Consuelo asks why, if Cinthia could have any man she wants, she went after Consuelo's own worthless boyfriend. Cin encourages Efrain to go after her to keep Rogelio from finding out.

Efrain asks her to keep quiet without considering her feelings, which doesn't go over well.

Ana Paula goes to visit Rio, though she's forbidden to ride him.

Consuelo agrees to keep it quiet to keep from hurting Efrain. Cinthia hears Consuelo say that she's only using Efrain and he's not good enough for her. She interrupts the conversation and tells Consuelo to pretend none of this happened. Consuleo cries that it's Cin's fault she's not getting married now. Cinthia blames Efrain for messing around with Consuelo in the first place. She knows what a woman scorned is capable of and reminds Efrain to make sure she doesn't talk and sends him back to her room to scoot out the window.

Rogelio says he warned David that he couldn't screw up the environment for a few bucks. He's glad Cinthia isn't going to marry that dumbass after all. Cinthia comes in and greets Gus and Mer. Rog is fussy that Cin didn't give him any warning and now he's going to have to throw some sleeping bags down on the floor. But he keeps insisting there's room for them and orders that their bags be brought in.

Margarito comes to get Hugo because Rogelio needs help with their visitors. Ana Paula refuses to go back in the house with him, so Hugo has to deputize Simon to keep an eye on her. AP and Marg would both love to just ride off into the sunset.

Consuelo cries in the kitchen and tells Maria she's not getting married after all…because they can't afford it. Maria smacks Efrain with his hat for all the wrong reasons. Consuelo won't talk to him and goes back to work.

Federico goes to get info from Bruno about Ana Paula and her family problems. He noticed she's worried about her brother and vows she'll never be without the help she needs. He's decided he really likes her.

Rog tells Maria to tell Ana Paula to join them for dinner. Dun, dun, dun.

Bruno calls Rosaura to find out if Miguel's with her. He figures she knows and is trying to hide him, but apparently not. They agree to keep in touch. She slips up and says she hopes Miguel doesn't ruin her plans and covers it up just as badly as she always does.

Gustavo says the shopping center is a great idea, but Rog says David has to do it legally. Cinthia goes to show Mercedes the hacienda and her horse. Consuelo is dispatched to find Ana Paula.

Maria scolds Hugo and tells him to get the bags inside quick and go back to being Paula's jailer.

Dany goes into town to look for Miguel. Maripaz gives her a hard time.

Ana Paula and Margarito go for a ride, but she worries about getting lost. He encourages her to just keep the horse going and says no one will find them.

Consuelo wants Efrain to just leave her alone since she already promised not to tell. She won't forgive him for what he did. He tries to say this is a brand new affair, but she remembers finding his hankie in her room way back when.

Cinthia and Mercedes are hanging out with the horse when Simon comes up and lets slip that David gave her the horse. Cin says he was trying to buy her, but she can't be bought…not like her sister-in-law. Not like Gustavo's ex, chimes in Mercedes.

Consuelo is glad she found out Efrain was a dumbass before she married him and was stuck with him for life. She still doesn't want him to get hurt, though, so she won't say anything to Rogelio. Hugo comes in to summon Efrain to form a search party for Ana Paula.

Gustavo asks about Rogelio's wife and he pretends everything's fine and waxes rhapsodic about how awesome AP is. Bruno comes in and is introduced to Gustavo. He has a heart attack and dies on the spot. No, he doesn't, but he looks like he's going to.

Maripaz is all upset worried that Dany wants to get back together with Miguel.

Rogelio notices Bruno looks upset. Gustavo says he just has one of those names and passes a tequila from Rog to Bruno. Bruno says he ate something that didn't agree with him and excuses himself.

Rosaura calls Federico to ask him for help with Miguel in case Rogelio won't help them. Fed is up to date on the situation and wants to help. He'll get a new lawyer if need be. Rosaura asks for a loan. TACKY!

Bruno calls his henchman and says they've got to get Gus and his sister out of there ASAP.

Gus and Rog talk about the hacienda. Maria comes in and asks to speak to Rog privately.

They go into his office and she tells him AP is missing and she sent men out to look for her. She thinks Paula ran away, especially since Miguel is missing too. Rogelio throws a temper tantrum.

From outside, Bruno hears him shouting for Hugo. He runs in and gets himself yelled at. They tell him Ana Paula ran away and so did Miguel. Bruno says he'll go out looking for her. Rogelio blames it on Hugo and he doesn't care that they have company.

Cin and Mercedes come back to join Gustavo and they all hear Rogelio screaming like a madman.

Cin goes to see what happened and gets sent to join the search.

Cin tells them it's time for them to take a tour and when she sees Hugo, she tells him to go directly to Rog.

Rog comes in and starts demanding to know where his wife is. Useless excuses. Hugo gets a whip to the face. Rog vows to kill Hugo if they can't find AP. Hugo goes back to the search.

Yes, AP and Margarito are lost. She wants to go back, but he doesn't know how to get back. They approach a path he's familiar with.

Hugo and Simon search.

Miguel rides with his trusty bottle at his side. He consults his horse for directions, but no answer is forthcoming. He hopes AP got out. He collapses to his knees and drinks some more.

Efrain coordinates the search.

AP isn't scared, but she is worried. Margarito is more worried about being busted for getting away with her.

Bruno's hench ogles Maripaz. She asks about his scar and he says it brings back bad memories. Bruno comes in, looking for Ana Paula and hustles hench outside.

The "tour" has gone on until dusk. Fed comes in and greets Mercedes, Cin, and Gus. Rog comes in and announces AP is indisposed and won't be joining them for dinner. Fed is worried, but Rog says she's just dizzy and has a fever. Mercedes offers to check her out, being a nurse and all.

Rog says the town doc is on his way. Rog won't be joining them for dinner either, since he doesn't feel comfortable leaving his wife's side. Gus and Mercedes think it's better if they stay in town. He uses the excuse that he needs to be in town super early. Rog relents.

Efrain opines it's better if AP does fall in the river, rather than face Rog. He goes back to the house, leaving the hands to continue the search.

Vanessa is in San Gabriel. She talks to Esteban and whines about her crappy trip.

Rog talks to the staff, in his finest overbearing dumbass form. They realize Miguel, Dany, AP, AND Margarito are all missing. Rog shoos them out, complaining he has to do everything himself.

Chio visits Esteban to invite him to a sale at her store. She invites him to dinner to forget his troubles with Vanessa. He opts out, but agrees to coffee tomorrow.

AP wants to rest, but Margarito wants to keep going. The horse, having more sense, refuses to walk any further. All three of them are hungry.

This is all too much for Rog. He was hurt when Van wouldn't marry him, but he understood her not wanting to marry a man who would never walk. But he can't understand why AP is doing this to him.

AP and Margarito hang out by a tree. In the rain. AP still wants to go back. Marg says no way…Rog will kill them!

Rog feels horrible for having broken down. Maria says it takes a real man to cry when he's hurt. "Whatever. I'm not doing this again. I'm not crying over a woman. Or anyone else. Paula and her brother will regret even being born!" He insists she'll apologize on her knees, because he didn't kill that guy, he'll prove it! Well, if she hurries home, she'll get definitive proof.

Whew! That's everything!

Tomorrow: a "crucial" episode, the search continues, the ranch hands find the horse.


Finishing up in pieces. Rehearsal last night ran late. Agent wants me to go to an audition today, but I'm waiting for an email with details. Will get as much up as I can in the next half hour, but after that, will probably be out of the house the rest of the day. No idea where I'm going so I don't know what to wear. Gah!

Break a leg 5ft. You have enormous talent. Take your time.

"Rog is fussy that Cin didn't give him any warning and now he's going to have to throw some sleeping bags down on the floor."

I'm still laughing over that one! That pretty much describes it! I can visualize Rog throwing sleeping bags on the floor now!

Just getting a head start on the rest of the episode: I've been needing to get this out of my system: Rohell, you know I love you, you old turd, you douchebag, but striking Hugo like that was the LOWEST OF THE LOW. The man probably helps you do all sorts of unmentionable personal hygiene things and he's always so quiet, loyal, and discreet. YOU ARE A DOUCHEBAG OF THE HIGHEST DEGREE for doing that. I know that you did specifically instruct Hugo to watch Cupcake, and I know that this time Cupcake is mad about some douchebaggery you didn't do, and I know that you're at best emotionally unhinged, but still, that was SO NOT RIGHT.

There. I feel better now. If only he could hear me! LOL.

I forgot to thank you, 5ft, for your recap! Don't sweat it, it's still early and your recap so far is golden!

It was quite an episode and ended quite dark.

I don't believe for a second that Rohell would actually make Cupcake apologize "on her knees" to him when she finds out how wrong she is. If she were sincerely sorry and smiled at him with dimples, he'd immediately turn into a malleable wad of putty and we'd be in dimple overload. Though it is very hurtful that she's so all-durned sure that he's a murdering douchebag. (Douchebag, yes, I'll give you that one! Especially after what he did to Hugo!)

Another thing that occurred to me when I watched this episode: They made a point of emphasizing yesterday that it was unsafe to travel. Fed had to stay over because Rohell said they "didn't want anymore accidents." They'd showed it raining a while ago (I think Monday's episode) so the roads are wet. So for Cupcake to travel by horse at night is dangerous, and that is the source of some of Rohell's freakout. It's not only because he's a control freak and douche (though there is that too).

Thank you so much for this fast recap 5ft. This episode was another dark one. Someone needs to find a way to deep six that damn whip. Just because Hugo took the bags and turned his back on her for 5 minutes, he gets that damned whip across the face. Horrible.

I wish Bruno had died of a heart attack when introduced to Guscake. Bruno sure looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

How far can the Cupcake get with Margo in tow on a horse?

Now we know what happened to Miguel, drunk as a skunk and on a horse to boot.

Poor Consuelo. She should never take Effer back. She deserves sooo much better than Effer. I hope at some point Consuelo rats them both out.

It's too bad the Cupcake left, she would have seen that the Guscake is not dead.

Oh, the snobbiness of Mersnotty and Sin. Too bad they don't know they are talking about the same person. I wonder how Mersnotty would have handled it if she knew the Cupcake was Rohell's wife, never mind the Guscake.

Rohell so filled with rage. Really hate this side of him, but he should have known she would escape the first chance she got. He didn't bet on her taking Margo with her. All the search parties too. Since Fed is staying at the Hell Fuerte, how will they keep this from him? It will be intersting to find out what is going to happen next.

Good luck, 5ft. Great essential recap.

It is now time for someone to get kidnapped and develop amnesia.

Oh, I really thought the Cupcake and Margo escaped, when in fact they got lost.

Okie dokie, that's everything. Time to head to my nail appointment...which I may or may not actually get to finish...then an audition...which I may or may not actually be prepared and/or dressed for...then a coffee date...which I may or may not make depending on what time the audition is...and a performance tonight. And then I'll come home, collapse, and have just as busy a day tomorrow. Such is life in this business called show.

Good work, Kat and break a leg.

I don't believe Rogelio will make AP kneel to apologise; Maria will eventually get through to him. What is most unfortunate about all this is that it will be many episodes before they know that Skelator is behind all this.

As to the storm, we all know that storms always portend important stuff in novelas.

Somebody will eventually catch Lady Chatterley with the gamekeeper and it will be someone who will not back down to a threat. Or a bribe. We could have some great comic relief with Maria catching them, followed by some real pathos when she confronts Sinthia, but later if they're caught by anyone else it will turn serious.

5ft - Best wishes on the audition. Thanks for a fine recap. My favorite lines:

"Miguel rides with his trusty bottle at his side."

"The horse, having more sense..."

Elvira - I felt exactly the same way when Rogelio lashed Hugo. Totally the worst.

The comic relief that is Miguel and those precious horses were the highlights for me.

Liked the way Gus politely decided to get the hell out of that crazy house, after hearing Rogelio yelling like a mad man in the hallway. But it was kind of cute afterward when Rogelio rolled in the living room and politely asked them to stay the night.

Thanks Kat. Good luck with all you have going on today.

Efraín continues to amuse me but my favorite last was surprisingly... Gus. The expressions on his face as he sat there bewildered by all that was going on around him were priceless. They clearly reflected the discomfort he felt. Those looks silently shouted, "GET ME OUTTA HERE!"

My favorite line:

"...he didn't kill that guy, he'll prove it! Well, if she hurries home, she'll get definitive proof."


Thanks 5ft for a great, short recap. I like those the best.

I just returned from a week in Mexico where I (unfortunately) got to see some of the ultimas semanas of the show. I will only say that JS looks fully recovered from his real-life illness. He looked great in the 4 episodes I saw! I couldn't resist watching, even though I found out how everything goes down with all the various characters. But the evolution will be interesting too.

Also looking great in tight jeans and a leather jacket and a cool haircut was the former priest -Diego Olvera-of TRIUNFO DEL AMOR (?. I saw a few minutes of his new telenovela with Elizabeth Alvarez, who has a shorter, straighter new hairdo -not so flattering. Also saw a few minutes of the new Angelica Boyer telen. She plays the good girl opposite Altair Jarabo (spelling?) who plays the bad girl. Looks promising. And finally I got to see, in full, the first episode of the new Lucero/Jaime Camil telenovela, which was funny. A mujeriego called JuanCarlosCaballero,Jaime looking fabulous in a white suit, was doing his usual comedic shtick and Lucero, as a plucky, single Mom seemed to be chaneling Angelica Rivera's plucky Gaviota. I am definitely looking forward to seeing it when it gets here. In all, I think we have a lot of good watching to look forwrd to in the next half year.

After catching up on the LQNPA episoides I missed (thanks all your recappers), I was really disappointed to find the Dimples' relationship down the tube. When I left, everything between them was going so well. And I was also disappointed to find Rogelio losing it so completely. Like everyone else, I couldn't believe his hitting Hugo IN THE FACE with his whip. So much conflict's hard to watch but exciting.

I also agree with everyone else that he will forgive Paula as soon as she makes some gesture of apology to him. He is really really hooked!! But I dont think she is. And there seems to be a lot of danger with Gustavo on the scene. We can only hope he'll be angry enough with her to reject her.

Thanks, Kat. Short and to the point, which is the best way for these discouraging episodes.
Your upcoming day sounds like a telenovela in itself. Hope it all goes well.

Of course AP couldn't come in the house where all her problems would be solved. Not only did Gus look like he wanted to leave, he may be rethinking a Cin relationship.

TiaMentirosa never fails to look out for numero uno, verdad?

Ah Miguel, with his trusty sidekick the bottle. If only his brain were half as trustworthy.
La Paloma

Great recap 5ft! I also would like to thank Elvira for yesterday's, it was great too and I loved the pics!


NJ Sue, Oh no! You really got spoiled with those episodes. We are in ultimas semanas!


Thanks 5ft! Thank you for recapping when you are so busy! Even when terse you give us great snark.

Jose Ron was indeed excellent in this episode. I loved the looks of horror on Cin, Mercedes, and Gus's faces when they heard Rohell screaming down the hall! LOL!

I was never sure whether AP and Margo were lost or escaping. I think maybe it's both! :)

Rohell - his vows of vengeance were sounding real to me. He thinks of AP as his property now - just like everyone else. Unforgivable with Hugo.


Alas, Rohell, with his wip back in hand, is capable of anything short of ordering a murder, unless it's Gustavo once he finds out that Cupcake's dead boyfriend is alive! Bruno is also right up there for revenge as well. Our hero has a very, very dark side.

Loved the recap 5ft and we needed the snark after this episode. Gee whiz. Rog is on a warpath. I too would have wanted to stay in town away from all the whooping and hollering. I felt bad when Rog whip Hugo across the face.

I chuckled at the scene when Bruno nearly crapped on himself when he saw Gus in the flesh. Why didn't Gus mention that he and Bruno had met before when Rog noticed the strange stares between them? Beanie moment for sure.

So I wonder if the search crew finds AP or drunk as a skunk Miguel instead in this crucial episode today.

Best of luck with your audition 5ft.

Now that Bruno knows that Gus is still alive, does that put Gus back into danger? What if Rohell had to make the decision whether to save him? Would he do it if it meant giving up AP?

After the way he turned the whip on Hugo, I'm not so sure.

I think it does put Gustavo back in danger. Skelator is no competition for either him or Rogelio. Nothing about him makes the Cupcake melt.

Gustavo needs to locate his attackers yesterday.

Good luck on the audition 5ft, and thank you for squeezing us into your very busy schedule.

Just in time for the weekend, I foresee at the end of tonight's episode, a meeting of the two Cakes. Then we get the whole weekend to sit on the edge of your seats waiting for Monday's show.

As far as Bruno is concerned, no one knows he's involved with the beating incident except Rosaura. But AP does know that he supposedly checked on his death, so I hope she figures out his part in this.

I thought that Consuela's acting was very good in this episode. I hope she doesn't take Effer back.

In the avances, they showed some searchers finding a blanket with someone under. No doubt it's Miguel, so who knows when they'll find AP. She really ought to stay away from horses.

Thanks, 5 FT, and break a leg at your audition.

Elvira, I am trusting you on LQNPA but this is awful right now. Using the whip on Hugo? In the face? I think to say the Rogelio has anger issues is to understate the case.

Did anybody else wonder why AP would take Margarito riding without a snack? Boys of his age are always hungry! They probably have water but he and AP need to be found ASAP.


Omigosh, Cathyx!! How could I have forgotten?! Bruno gave Cupcake all that info on Guscake's "tumba"!!!!

Break a leg, Kat! Thanks for the short but humor filled recap. Loved the description of Michael's ride and his horse. (Snickers)

EJ, I think AP in her present delusional state of mind thinks it is do necessary to escape from Rohell that they left without food.
Bruno really freaked out. I mean, really, what did he expect? Yes Gus is in danger because he actually told Rotillo that "we have to get rid of them" which I take means to kill them. I don't think he meant to just get them to leave the hacienda.

My guess is that they will drag out this AP not knowing Gus is alive for quite a while
Forgive my lack of manners, thank you 5ft; wonderful recap, just detailed enough, and so funny. Love the title

Well, in the end, I finally got a hold of my agent and found they wanted someone who can do an accent that I can't do, so I ended up getting to have coffee with my friend as planned, and obviously I've managed to squeeze in a minute to say "hi" and thank you all for your feedback before heading out to perform. I did get requested for another audition next Wednesday, so I'll save your well wishes for then :D

Another disappointing episode saved by a great recap, thanks 5ft and good luck with the audition!

Ok so let's recap. You decide to escape from the hacienda. You take a little boy with you. You are no expert in riding horses...actually, last time you tried to ride one, you almost broke your leg. You have no money, no food, no sleeping bags, no map, zero knowledge of the area. Seriously, that's absolutely ridiculous, especially since she isn't there by herself, but she has to take responsibility of a child also.

I feel Rogelio, I really do with all his douchebaggery. I am sorry for him. I know it wasn't right for him to hit poor Hugo, but his patience reached his boiling point and he just snapped. He started to change, but in order to maintain his good spirits, it's not wise to slap him, hit him and call him an ASESINO ASESINO. I hope AP will regret what she's doing. And nah, he loves her too much to hurt her. Those are just words thrown in anger, me thinks. He just wants her to be safe, that's all.

Also, I remember when I saw the episode that it had serious continuity problems. Hugo is in one scene at the hacienda, then in the next one he is in the woods looking for AP. Not to mention that Rogelio was screaming so loud that even the dead could hear him, but Gus and Meche didn't until he screamed right in front of them. Yeah right!

Terrific Recap, 5 FT. Latina; good luck with all of your challenging endeavors. Still trying to figure out whey AP has the name "Cupcake."
What's the origin? And now, there is a Guscake as well ????

NJ Sue, Thanks for the sneak previews of upcoming novelas.
There seem to be several good ones.
Today the show Hoy previewed a tn
with Maria Sorté, Olivia Buscio, & Silvia Navarro, Cesar Evora and many other well known stars.
That will be 2 upcoming tn's for Silvia N.

Enjoying all the comments.
All the best to all.

Thanks for our recap 5ft. We're all grateful your able to share your time and wit with us on such a busy day.

I agree with others that Gus' reaction/behavior was the best in this show. Him and his sis reminded me of the beginning of the Rocky Horror Picture Show when the couple first arrives at the "house of horrors" . Maybe every time Rohell rolls on the screen we can all shout "a$$hole" .

I think those that felt Rohell seemed to be worried about AP's safety are more than too kind and generous. I think that you along with his loving nana are enablers of hideous behavior. LOL....

Bruno's reaction at seeing Guscake at the hacienda: very fun and satisfying.

I believe someone answered your question in a previous comment thread, but I'll answer for you here.
Jardinera came up with the nickname because she is so sweet and cute as a cupcake. And is was so perfect that it stuck. And then Barbara came up with Guscake for the same reason.

Barbara wrote: "I think those that felt Rohell seemed to be worried about AP's safety are more than too kind and generous."

He's a controlling douchebag with anger management problems and he is worried about her safety. They've made a point of letting us know that traveling out there is unsafe, and it's pretty obvious that what Cupcake did was extremely lame-brained.

Alexandra wrote: "I know it wasn't right for him to hit poor Hugo, but his patience reached his boiling point and he just snapped. He started to change, but in order to maintain his good spirits, it's not wise to slap him, hit him and call him an ASESINO ASESINO."

I liken him to someone who is a "recovering" whatever. In his case, he's a "recovering douchebag" and he's fallen off the wagon in the most spectacular way possible. Just like if you're dealing with a recovering alcoholic, you don't pour a drink in front of them, with a recovering douchebag, you don't push them over the edge emotionally, not if you can help it. It doesn't mean that his unglued, violent behavior is anyone's fault but his own. He is a douchebag. He needs therapy or something. But he is what he is right now.

We know, from the comfort of our homes, that Rohell is profoundly unhappy, wants to be a better person, and doesn't revel in being a douchebag. So we can safely "sympathize" with his troubles and root for him. Were this real life and he was behaving this way, we'd all be running as fast as we could to stay away from him. The heck with him and his "issues," who needs to put themselves in the path of the whip. That's what most of us would be thinking if we knew him in real life.

He's a violent freak at the moment. Freak freak freaky freak. I love you Rohell, you old turd, you douchebag, but you're a complete unhinged freak! LOL.

Now let me see if I've got this straight... Rogelio wants Ana Paula to be safe so he can make her wish that she were never born?


"...his patience reached his boiling point and he just snapped..."?

I think I'm beginning to understand.

If everyone behaves himself and satisfies every whim of this raving despotic lunatic... all will be well.


Rohell is a douchebag who is saying a lot of stuff that he may not follow through with. Or maybe he will. We shall wait and see.

But they're establishing that it's also dangerous out there. What can I tell you, that's what's going on. He's an angry douchebag who vows vengeance, but at the same he is worried about her safety. Conflicting emotions. Wouldn't be the first time it happened! LOL.

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