Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #131-132 Tue 2/21/12 Ikky dudes have more fun.

Sadly, I missed the first half hour, so could somebody fill us in?

  • Ana is moping for Freddy, and vice versa, she crossly soliloquys: Get Lost, You Traitor.

    Karin admits to Moni: she loves Freddy but is embarrassed to have stolen him from Ana.
  • Pepe gets home, the atmosphere in the apartment is stiff, Kari leaves. Moni went shopping with her mom. Pepe, disgusted: "You wouldn't be happy even with all the money in the world. Think about it."
  • Elena gets earrings from her ikky old dude. She would like to be his kept woman. Her old dud (I mean dude) tells her to strip.

    They are writhing on the couch, eeew, Elena is getting groped by the old dude, but his wife and kid bang on the door! Dud basically throws her out the window. (Wife came back because the kid has a fever.)

    The wife closes the window, Elena is on some sort of ledge and one of her earrings has fallen off. She goes down the fire escape. Such is the glamorous life of the "bit on the side."
  • Vince's lawyer has called in the technician from the DNA lab to offer a shifty job: a million pesos if he'll change the results of Fernanda's DNA test to NEGATIVE. "I am a professional, it is unethical," the tech bleats feebly, but when he is given a folder, many pages enumerating his debts, he caves, though: "This work will cost double what you've asked." Vince says he'll get the other half when the deed is done.
  • Speaking of people who don't need DNA tests, Chato's wife has had her baby and the sweet little creature is black. And doesn't have the huge nose Chato and his friends have been looking for. Chato (the mooing informs us) is wearing the horns.

    Chato confronts the wife. "It happens," she explains. She says it's his fault for being such a flirt and ladies' man (mujeriego). They agree a divorce would be in order. She has this hunky black guy in Los Angeles, after all...

    Chato's son, poor thing, hasn't noticed his new little sister is black. ("Dad, she looks exactly like you!") The wife will take him back to Los Angeles. Chato gives her the delicious kiss-off "hasta nunca." (Which reminds me of the famous song, "Do Nothing Till You Hear From Me (And You Never Will)."

    Pancho tells Chato he deserved it and warns him not to dare bother poor Adoracion again.

    Chato tells his hopeful kid he won't be going back to L.A. with them but "We can talk on the telephone." Until now he hasn't spared a moment to think about this poor kid.
  • Fernanda really wants to tell Pancho he's her son. Lupita says they should keep it quiet but she hates lying to evetyone.
  • Idiot Vince comes tomcatting round Amazon Barbie (whose cuerpazo annoys me). Violeta laughably calls Chela vulgar, pot meet kettle! Glamazon asks about Candy, Vince rolls her name in his mouth cheerfully, Glamazon sneers: "You were in love with a masseuse?" "Love is foolish."

    Meanwhile, Candy, whose idiocy now matches or surpasses Vince's, is calling him and calling him. He doesn't answer. He boasts to Violeta about helping Enzo rise from the ranks of the unwashed car washers. Violeta sends Vince away without even a kiss. Look, don't touch, moron.
  • Pepe now believes only money would make Moni happy. She denies it.
  • Freddy gets Karin shoved down his throat by his snobby mother, who notes Kari is "of your class."
  • Fernanda gets the faked negative DNA result from the crooked lab guy. I think this is all trumped up, what difference does it make really? But she's all, boo-hoo boo-hoo.
  • At breakfast Vince receives a call from the president of Ines' cosmetics company Belle Face, requesting a meeting with all the Avon execs in Acapulco that very day. Vince and the mystery president are obviously chummy.

    Since I haven't been watching (I can't take any more of these double-hour weeks!!) I don't know why Avon would even be considering a merger with their enemy competitor. Rebe and Panho are indeed skeptical. Vince won't say who the new president of Belle Face is but notes that their finances are "healthy."

    So they all go to the airport! Pancho's never been on a airport before. He's nauseated just anticipating it and clutches his sandwiches but Rebe takes them away. Who'll take are of his kids if he dies? He panics at length.

    Finally on the ground again, Pancho drops to the floor and kisses it. His team is all in white.

    The mystery president's assistant (in hotpants) gets a light spraying of drool from Vicente.

    Oh, what do you know, the famous "brilliant" president is Mike!

    Let's talk about this actor for a minute. He is so ugly, he never smiles, and he has painted his skin orange, and has never been anything but an enemy in any telenovela. What charm did Rebe ever find in him?

    While he stands there pouting (oh, and he's wearing pink lipstick), a video of his magnificent credentials rolls behind him. It's hilarious. He attended Harvard and Yale! Oh, I'm impressed, aren't you? Don't you find him amazingly ugly? Worse than Chato in my opinion. (But not as ugly as Rubberlips.)
  • Ana cries about Freddy; Lupita explains "you're crying because you love him." Ana wants to break his snout, and Karin's too.

    Freddy barges in with a yearning look. She resists and aims her blunderbuss of guilt at him: "When I met you I never thought you'd love me, you seemed so inaccessible.... you are the love of my life... but you failed me!"

    She grinds him down with guilt! She sends him away "forever!" She advances on him menacingly with a pool cue so he leaves. She sobs some more.
  • Candy and Chela are also in Acapulco too! Candy does not look good in a bikini IMO. Pathetially, she thinks having face-time (that's a euphemism) with Vince in such a romantic place will rekindle romance.
  • Writhing with boredom in that meeting, Vince wants to know when it's recess. OK, now, little Vincentito, Mike excuses them all and then he and Vince go out for drinks - but first, Mike leers at Rebe while congratulating Pancho for his good taste in women.
  • Fer: "I know Pancho is my son, a mother is never wrong." DNA guy: calls Vince for the other half of his dough. He tells Vine the verdulero is in fact Fer's son. "He's my COUSIN???!!!" Vince wails heavenward in extreme anguish!
  • Like any proper pouting pink-lipsticked orange-hided buzzard of an ex-boyfriend, Mike has flowers and cards delivered to Rebe, and he calls her and texts her incessantly - "you never answer me!" he complains when she finally accepts his call. "Have you forgotten what happened in Miami? Are we here for business or so you can make me miserable?" Rebe asks.

    He says he just wants to talk to her... Pancho was very jealous, but then cheered himeself up with the ocean and he kissed Rebe happily. Hotpants points out to Mike: "She hates you." "But I will never stop loving her."
  • Vince, a sucker for a mountain of shiny womanflesh, tells Enzo Violeta is a Monument. He doesn't care that she's crazy!
  • Back in the not very squalid apartment (remember Dolly Parton's old saw, "It costs a lot of money to look this cheap?" The props department didn't have enough money to make this joint properly awful) Moni dresses up nicely and Pepe makes hamburgers.

    Moni admits it was the raging neighbor who broke her car windows. In high dudgeon Pepe rushes towards the door to go do that bad neighbor. Moni yells: "If you leave, you won't see me again!" She doesn't want an escalation, she doesn't want more fear...

    ... Her snobby complaints start to grate on Pepe: "You think you're doing me a favor living here? You have to 'tolerate' it?"

    Moni, who right now is reminding me of that lady in Dickens who complains more than anybody else does about the cold and damp because "I feel it more!" complains: "It's hard for me to live here." "So why do you stay?" She stomps out.
  • Rebeka goes downstairs in the hotel to meet with Mike. She slugs him. He loves it.


Heres what happened in the first half:In the span of numerous scenes Fernanda admits to Lupita that Pancho might be her son and tells about the DNA test, but then she swears Lupita to secrecy. Fer fears that Pancho will shun her if he finds out she abandoned him.

Vince calls Candy "Violetta" and she hangs up on him, then he calls Violetta "Candy" and she calls him "Enzo" and hangs up on him. He should really get another hobby, he's not a very effective cheater.

Pina finds out Kari's dad is a rich, famous banker and she goes nuts imagining the wonderful pairing between Freddy and Kari.

Ana, alone in the studio, cries a lot about Freddy and imagines kissing him.

Vince ambushes Candy, she rejects him, then seems irritated when he doesn't beg and follow her.

Rebe tuck Temo into bed and they bond, then he asks her to forgive him for being such an insufferable little jerk. She says she loves him anyway.

Downstairs Fer hugs Pancho and says "te quiero". Ana sees Lupita's face and asks what's up?

Ana then wants to talk to Pancho about something "bien heavy" with Freddy and she tells Pancho and Lupita about the Freddy/Kari kiss. Pepe shows up so he can cry on their shoulders. Pancho organizes una guerra de cojines (pillow fight) to cure their broken hearts.

Vince and Fernanda are having dinner when Vince gets a call from his investigator to say he can meet with the lab employee this very night.

Enzo and Chela go dancing. Wow, Enzo can really shake his booty!! Go baby go! Everybody watches them and claps. What he lacks in finesse (not much actually) he makes up for in enthusiasm. Rewind x 2. Whee!!!

OK, off to watch the rest of the show and enjoy your recap.

Thank you Melinama for this great fast recap. Loved your comments about Mike. He is still incredibly orange. I am watching MEPS in late night and this actor looks exactly the same. In a certain light he doesn't look as organge lol.

I really think Vins is trying to ruin everyone's relationships including his own with Candy. First he is trying to hook up with Violetta, he has this meeting with Mike, who Vins knows had a relationship with Rebe and Vins is rubbing in Enzzo's face that he likes Violetta. Also messing with the results of Dons Fer's DNA test.

I hope that DNA employee is found out soon and loses his job. Dona Fer knows though deep down in her heart that Pancho is her son, and if this medallion is unique like she said she knows it. She just needs to find proof. She already treats Pancho as her son.

I really thought that Christian and Elena would be caught. No such luck. She just has no self esteem or respect for herself.

Pepe and Moni are having so many problems. I hope they work them out.

Did anyone notice that Violetta's walls in her apartment are violet? lol. I guess she takes her name to heart. I don't like the advice she is giving Moni and her snobbishness toward Pepe and his family. I know Pina can be annoying doing this, but she has respect for Pancho at least.

Love Chela and Enzzo they are almost looking like a married couple. I hope they go the distance.

The scene of Pancho flying with Rebe reminded me of the scene from Dinero when Rafa and Alejandra were flying to the beach lol. Pancho was acting alot like Rafa.

I think Vins set up that meeting with Mike. It has something to do with Ines. I think that is who Mike works for. I remember a while back Ines and Vins had a meeting about shares along with Pina. Whatever happened to Ines? The last time we saw her she was in the hospital in Berlin.

Poor Ana and Freddy. I hope he doesn't start seeing Karina. I like Karina but not with Freddy. Tomas should have asked her out, now that he has that new "Luke".

And thank you Cap'n Sylvia for the first half hour. Yeah I liked the shaking of Enzzo's booty lol. I did rewind my tape three times lol.

I like the bonding of Temo and Rebe too. I am glad he is over his tantrums.

Terrific recap Melinama. I love your little one-two punch comments. I also enjoyed your thoughts on the actor who plays Mike. He really is horrid, isn't he? Why is he orange? Fake tan? The scene with his bodacious accomplishments playing behind him was a howl, best part of the episode if you ask me.

Uhf, Elena and Christian absolutely sicken me. I hope this story line ends soon.

Madelaine, you may be right about Vince being behind the meeting with Mike. Your comment about him ruining relationships is interesting. I'd even go another step and suggest he might be afraid of success. The only thing he seems to do well is sabotage himself in all areas.

I didn't notice Violetta's walls were violet. Good eye.

Great recap, CHF! ITA about the pouting actor with the orange face.

Madelaine, if your speculation is right, is Ines Mike's mom? Is Pancho Mike's 1/2 brother? No spoilers of course, just musing.

-Moni is too spoiled for her own good.
-Sendel has great comic moves and timing. I'd love to see Sofia Vergera get the best of him in a well written comedy.
Vicente, the character is hopeless.

Thanks again for all the work you guys have done on this show.


Chipocludo to the max, Melinama. So funny. "face time (that's a euphemism)" made me laugh the most but I loved it all.

I'm going to start carrying around a hype video starring my splendid self and make people watch it before I will speak to them. What a tool. Here I was wondering how on earth Rebe could stand Pancho, but it turns out her taste has actually improved!

Ay, Enzo. A man who both can and will dance? Suh-WOON. If Chela gets tired of him I'll take him. That was a great scene.

Now if he could just get his snobby daughter to get over herself. The only real problem with not-all-that-terrible Building K is the horrid neighbor. Call the management and report his infractions. Everything else, she should stop whining about and maybe take a couple hours to actually learn some basic skills so things won't be SO difficult for her.

I can totally believe Pancho and Vins are cousins. I'd believe they were twins with the same Peter Pan gene. They are both so childish. The stupid adult-so-terrified-of-flying-they-turn-into-a-total-idiot trope is tiresome.

Loved the recap. I was hoping the orange would get mentioned. I was on the look-out for it since it had been mentioned earlier.

Also thanks for the mooing explanation. Totally makes sense ponerle cuernas Duh! I feel so stupid.

I loved "her old dud (I mean dude).."

For me the funniest part of the episode was that my CCs kept flashing BullFace. Surely not the kind of name a cosmetics company wants?

Julia, your comment about the hype video was hilarious. I thought Mike's was funny because "Yale" sounded more like "Jail". I was sort of tired last night...

Dickens and Dolly Parton...love those shout-outs to words of wisdom. And the face-time quip was a riot.

Sorry I missed the scene of Enzo dancing but basketball was on my mind last night.

Thanks for another great recap, Melinama (gosh we could shorten that to Meli and you'd be part of the show) and for filling in, Sylvia.

Thanks for the recap. Re: Fed...Was that ''the call of the blood'' or did he get a whiff of cupcakes baking ?

Whoops...I commented on the wrong novela. That was intended for La Que... Podia. Mea Culpa. Sorry !

Thanks mucho to Meli Melinama and to Sylvia for the great duo of information and especially the sarcasm so well deserved.

Didn't we see a video of Vicente back when he was named president or was it during the B-Man of the year awards. I think I need one of those too.

I can't believe Mike turned out to be OrangeMan. What a good villain he makes, especially for a comedy because he always seems like a lazy, rich wastrel.

EJ- I don't think Pancho and Mike are related. Pancho is Dona Fer's biological son. I don't know if Ines and her husband had any children, so I don't know if Mike is Ines' son.

Cap'n Sylvia-You know I never thought about Vins being afraid of success. He sure does sabotage a lot of things. Relationships especially. And where is he getting the money to pay this shady lab worker? Everything is in Pina's name, including those shares of Ines'. I love how Vins is caught each time he does something really stupid. Hung by his own petard lol.

I hope Candy wakes up. She needs to dump him. The perfect thing for Vins is to be left totally alone. His plotting and planning is going to ruin the company. Everytime he runs the company, something shady happens. Didn't he and Enzzo discuss something about off shore accounts?

I really think Enzzo will do the right thing and side with Pancho. I think the three Peskateers are done. Even Arnoldo has abandoned Vins.

Thanks Melinama (& Sylvia) for the recap. very funny. I loved your take on Elena going down the fire escape "Such is the glamorous life of the "bit on the side." She didn't get to enjoy those diamond earrings for long did she? I assume that they will turn up on the couch & cause problems for Christian.

"Violeta laughably calls Chela vulgar, pot meet kettle!" Boy I guess! Violetta may have money but she doesn't have any class. Chela, on the other hand, is so ladylike. I love the dance scene. They both have the moves -- especially Enzo.

I'm glad Doña Fer has Lupita to talk to. Lupe is the most clear headed character on the show.

So we finally get to see Mike & we can't imagine what Rebe ever saw in him. I'm sure he's going to cause tons of trouble.

Good call, Julia, on Pancho & Vince being a pair of children -- cousins who will never grow up. But the difference is that Pancho is more childlike than childish. Only he would think that the way to heal a pair of broken hearts is to have a pillow fight.

I also thought that the airplane scene was right out of Dinero -- and just as "estupido."


Thanks Melinama and Sylvia!

Elena left an earring behind (maybe three if she didn't take her old ones with her). How long till Cristian's wife finds it/them? (Man, I hope she did leave her old earrings behind too... imagine if he had to explain THREE strange earrings in the house!!)

(I'm realling hating the new word verification thing... I can barely make any of them out.)

I sure hope Anon #1 was watching last night. Not just for the swimsuit segment, but also that... outfit... that Rebe wore to slap Mike. Definitely not the kind of thing I'd put on to tell an ex to take a hike.

Does anyone else think Chato's son looks suspiciously like an older Temo? He cries like him, too.

Julie, YES! I thought, "finally Temo shapes up a bit, and now we have to have another insufferable crying child?!" I know I ranted about the Lopez family paying too much attention to Temo, but Chato goes too far the opposite direction. He didn't think about that poor kid at all.

Rebe's outfit made me think of the compound word someone made up on the Talisman line the other day: "sacapecho" for "wardrobe malfunction." Who dresses that way on a business trip, even if it is in Acapulco? And Mike's cohort in the hot pants...are people really dressing that way for work now? I guess at least she isn't wearing a skirt that short.

My big smile of the evening was when Chela and Enzo were dancing and having a ball to Celia Cruz. It was great fun. Its nice to see Chela let her hair down! Enzo too.

I also thought Rebe's so-called dress she wore to meet with Mike was a bit to sexy to tell the guy to take a hike. Unless she was showing off what he will be missing.

Candy is annoying. Pina great fun. Vince acts like a 12 yr old. Ana's tears are getting old. Temo has had one heck of a transformation. Was the other Temo the ugly twin?

As for Mr. Orange - couldn't they found someone more attractive for Mike?

Mr. Orange is always a villain and is always orange!

The actor, Roberto Palazuelos - played Mauricio in Llena de Amor, and Camillo in MEPS.

Thanks so much for your recap Melinama. Yes the poor actor who plays Mike remains icky and so is Elena's relationship with old dud.

Ana is really getting tiresome. In her fantasy in the studio the other day she forgave Freddy & dreamed up a sweet kiss. So how come she can't do that when awake?

I remember when I was young and I looked at guys like my father & wondered how any woman (even one as old as they) could stand to touch them. Now, of course, I'm much older & I find old guys (well not that nasty Don Gregorio on Talisman) attractive. So my Ick factor with Elena & Christian has nothing to do with his being an "old dude" but with her totally amoral messing with a guy at work & a married one at that. How time changes our perceptions.

Oh, and I also hate the new work verification.


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