Tuesday, March 27, 2012

El Talismán #40 Tue 3/27/12

Brief recap by Sylvia, reposted by Blue Lass:

Sarita wakes Pedro up and sees Loo's dainties flung about the room. Pedro thinks
he did the nasty with Loo. Like Kelly said, Camila confronts DumDum and
Loo. Piedro accuses Camila of being Tony's lover. Loo says Cami should leave but
Cam says she's staying to work and only her boss can fire her. She moves back
into the guest house.

Tracy tries to explain to baby Flo the exact
definition of "Friends with Benefits". Neither Flo nor Fab seems to get
it. Elvira is happily ensconced in her honeymoon apartment. Renato slips
out to canoodle with Rita. While he's out Elvira calls Armani and invites him to
inhabit the third bedroom of the apartment. This ought to be good.

Elvira annoys Rita by being happily married and excitedly bragging that
she's getting a new mansion.Genoveva and the other engineer make
out. Loo tells Claudio she is the new novia of Pedro.

Fab and Flo talk incessantly about boys. Pedro tells Sarita and LooKrazy to play
nice. LooKrazy pretends to apologize since she is Pedro's novia.

Camila goes to the mansion looking for her mother. Oscar answers the door and tells
Camila that no Renato Betancourt lives there! She says she was there yesterday
for a wedding and Ocar thinks she's crazy. Camila suspects Renato tricked
ElViral. She tells Armani what happened and that Jaime the majordomo pretended
not to know her. Cami shouts that all men are the same!


Oops, sorry R la O and EJ, I forgot you can only access on the main page. Blue Lass, thanks for posting!

You and Rosemary are getting together tonight? Sounds like fun.

Thanks for posting this, Blue Lass! Now I can keep up with every last important detail.

See you Thursday!

Thanks for posting Blue Lass!!
when Sarita was telling Pedro what he did the night before and I saw Pedro's facial expression all i thought was Steve Urkell and his famous 'Did I DO THAAAAAAAAT???'

lol Marta! That totally exemplifies how doofy we think Pedro is if we are comparing him to Urkel!

Speaking of Urkel, I think Jaleel White is doing an amazing job on DWTS. Sorry to go off topic but I am watching right now, hee.

I didn't watch him on the 2nd show Sylvia, but i did on the first, he is indeed doing great and really enjoying it, which others are not.. you can tell Martina N. is NOT in her comfort zone... lol

I haven't watched the episode yet, but I'm glad Camila has evidence that Renato is a Lying Liar Who Lies. She should keep that info to herself, though...with Evilra and Armenso living at Rita's, she could save a fortune on hotel bills.

Well at least the questions about Genoveva have been answered definitively. Everything else is pretty much status quo.


Julia, LOL about Cami keeping the Renato info to herself. That apartment is going to be one crowded snake pit. Armenso the denso is so clueless that I'm wondering if he will figure out the relationship between Ren and Rita, even if he does catch them together?

Armenso the denso is so clueless that I'm wondering if he will figure out the relationship between Ren and Rita, even if he does catch them together?
LOL!!! perfect ending to my lunch reading caray caray brk! that was priceless!! so true!

"Armenso the denso is so clueless that I'm wondering if he will figure out the relationship between Ren and Rita, even if he does catch them together?"

Armando: Hey! What's going on here?!
Renato: It's okay! Before I owned my millionaire businesses, I was a gynecologist. I'm just giving Rita a checkup.
Armando: Oh, okay. Hey, Camila, did you know Renato is a gynecologist? He says so!

Hey everyone, I have been a lurker of this tn recap for awhile. I crack up everytime I read anything y'all have written. I know awhile ago you suggested the writers go on long lunches and then drink and write some more. I think the actors on this tn should go have a liquid lunch and then adlib the whole script lol. I think it would be great fun.

Ya know I have been thinking of Mariana the lost/kidnapped/disappeared wife. They ought to have her in her right mind, found a way to make a boatload of money and get revenge on the Pig like Artemio Bravo did in MEPS but not that violent, like maybe ruining his crop, buying the ranch right out from under him and sending him and his progeny out on the street.

There seems to be noone with a brain here in this tn but Doris and the Tia. Everyone else is so gullible, they will beleive anything.

Today was funny with Pedro beating the Piglet with his own hat, while the Piglet was trying to get the Pig back in his truck, when they were giving Pedro hell about Loocrazy.

And Armando and Cameela finally find out that Rennie is a fraud, by meeting the real owner of the mansion. And of course the Beltbuckle and the tawdry sis plotting and planning to get what they want (Pedro and Cameela).

Julia loved your comment about Rennie, Rita and Armando, had to clean up my keyboard cause I got tea all over it lol.

Julia... you should write this TN, and subtitle it... 'just in case you needed a laugh...'

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