Saturday, March 17, 2012

El Talismán #33 Fri 3/16/12 Change is in the hair (or Will one of us win the El Tal Pantene contest?)

 Recap by Anita - FUG, Energetic Editor in Chief

In Tijuana – Camila can’t believe Lucrecia would try to kill them. Pedro says they must go back to Fresno to averiguar. They are still promising each other eternal love, even if the world falls in on them. Nothing will harm their love.

Camila would like to delay her mother’s wedding. She doesn’t like the idea of any surprise being sprung on Elviral. Padre blesses the couple and tells them he’s the one who would like to marry them (later on, that is).

In the Fresno Detention Facilities (and Police Detective’s office) – Antonio answers last night’s question about what’s up with his sister. Hey man, there’s a big difference between being in love with Pedro Ibarra and being loca. [ed. note – That’s news to me the way she’s been acting lately.] The detective says her daddy has reported seeing her doing strange things and has a sick obsession with Pedro. Antonio thinks his dad is playing dirty—don’t believe him. Why would that be asks Detecto. Because he’s trying to keep us from getting what’s rightfully ours by inheritance—half of the El Alcatraz rancho.

While Gregorio is in talking to Lulu, Tonio broaches the detective with the possibility of bringing charges against Sr. Negrete for fraud. Basically, Detecto says lots of luck with that. He’ll need witnesses and documentation. Nobody around here dares to go up against Gregorio Negrete.

Accusations against him are many, proofs and witnesses are scarce. Antonio says that if he can bring in proofs for some of the delitos, would that change the game? Could he be detained? The detective says that Antonio would have to involve the people directly affected and in this situation that would be Pedro Ibarra. [ed. note – Que The Heck?] The family abogado interrupts to let Antonio know that everything is en orden and sis will be released soon.

So, Detecto wants to know if either Antonio or his father had anything to do with these strange phone calls from Mariana. Uh-uh, she’s dead to him—Pedro murdered her years ago, and his dad? How would he know. Music freaks out; Tonio doesn’t freak out—he keeps his cool, scowling, but cool.

He retorts that the trial and judgment (clearing Pedro of murder in the shortest murder trial ever) was a joke. Pedro bought everyone off. The detective wants to know how, since PI Man didn’t have any money. Antonio swears he did, lots of it and had to have stolen it right from his wife’s cold dead hands.

He also theorizes that the phone calls are being made by Pedro himself to cover his butt. Pedro and his novia want to get married but all the dirt surrounding the murder will resurface and cause a scandal, but it won’t if she’s still alive. It has to be a trick.

Don Gregorio is hanging out in the holding cell with Lucrecia. He taunts her a bit—he’d always thought she was smarter than her brother, but now he’s convinced she’s not.

DG--Come on, now, be on my side against Antonio.
Lu--And why should I, you never loved me.
DG--Yes, I did, it’s just that I could never show it. Listen to me, your brother is just using you. He’s only out for himself.
Lu--No, no, Antonio loves me (or is it luuuuurves me). I’ll never be on your side—Antonio and I have one goal in common, to separate Pedro and Camila. [ed. note - Young lady, you and your brother should stop playing these adolescent games and concentrate on getting your hands on the ranch.]

 Greggo tries one last time to get Lulu on his side. He can do more for her than Antonio. What would she say if Greggio buys all Pedro’s grain? He’d have the money to do lots more. [ed. note - Excuse me, but how does this help Lucrecia?]

Lu--Sorry, popsie, I’m staying on bro’s side.
DG--I warned you, Lucrecia—you won’t get what you want by helping Antonio or get Pedrito either. You are going to the nut house and I’m the one who will send you there.

As she is finally released, Lucrecia rattles the cage and sounds off to no one in particular with righteous indignation about her innocence.

In Oscar’s mansion – Armando continues to be impressed by Renato’s pretend mansion. He can’t wait to move in. Renato tells him gently that they will probably live at Rita’s. Armando doesn’t understand. Money isn’t everything, says the man for whom money is everything. Actually he’s planning to buy a big new house after he and Elvira get married. [ed. note –AVOCADO SIGHTING: Hanging on the wall in the kitchen is a print of a pair of low-hanging avocados.]

Renato is pleased with how easily Armando believed him. Secretario-guy wants to be paid. Relajate hombre. Tomorrow he will be married, the day after he’ll have his money. [ed. note – And what planet are you from, Renato? The Only Bank in Fresno is going to process that check overnight? Will Elvira endorse it on her wedding night? Better question, will Renato really get married?]

Sonny boy calls Mama to give her an update—the wedding will have flowers and champagne and he’s even got the judge. Elviral wants Armando to tell Renato that, as a wedding present for her, he should open a checking account in her name. [ed. note – Renato is going to do that how? He lives in effectivo off of everyone else’s cash—just wondering.] Armando says, Que? Never mind, says Mama, I’ll take care of that later.

Elvira signs off and sighs into the balmy breeze, Ah, Renato is just what I deserve. [ed. note – Madam, no truer words were spoken.]

In El Tal – Aunt Pat gets a surprise visit from—Que haces aquí—Don Gregorio. He wants to talk to Pedro, who has justamente regresado with Camila. He’s here to help Pedro in the matter of his daughter. [ed. note – HUH?] Lately his daughter hasn’t been too well mentally nor emotionally. Pedro wants to know where this is going. Well, Greggy thinks she needs treatment in a psychiatric hospital, but he needs Pedro and Camila to attest before a judge before she can be committed.

If they cooperate, she will be out of their way. The two are muy impactados and refuse to be a part of this. They believe, correctly, that what he’s doing is for his convenience and not to help Lucrecia. Then Pedro brings up Mariana. He gets in Don G’s face and demands to know what happened to Mariana; he’s sure Don G had something to do with her disappearance.

The accusations fly back and forth regarding who killed or made Mariana disappear. Meanwhile calm reigns in the cabaña. Claudio is getting ready to go out with Flo. He’s chatting with Gabriel. Oooops, scratch the calm, Lucrecia pops in without knocking. She plans to stay on at El Tal, even though Clau doesn’t think that is a good idea. She needs to talk to Pedro and explain that she didn’t have anything to do with the attempt on his life. Flo arrives, stage right. Lu quickly exits, stage right. Flo and Clau then exit, stage right.

Tracy pops in to visit Camila even though it’s bedtime. She lets it slip that she’s finally free of Meester Renato. Camila picks up on that, oh, goody, she says, now you can tell me the TRUTH about Renato. (Last Scene)

In El Al – The sibs are home. There is a Doris sighting (complete with rolling stock). There is a confrontation. She calls them Los Hermanitos del Infierno (the siblings from Hell). She overheard their scheming against Pedro and Camila and thinks Pedro would be delighted to hear it from her. But again, maybe she won’t. Maybe she’ll think about it. The Hermanitos from Hell hector her then, alone talk some more about the situation.

Don G is on his way home, thinking about the last accusation Pedro made---that Mariana indeed is alive because he spoke to her. This sends shivers of doubt through him.

Just then Panchito pops up, as Don G takes a phone call of his own from Mariana. This time she vows to finish him off [ed. note – terminar ≠ terminate]. Greggy is convinced it is a hoax and that Pedro is behind it.

Fab is sad—no phone calls from her novio today. Alberta urges her to wait one more day before crossing him off her list.

In the Only Little Whorehouse in Frsnw (to protect the innocent, or guilty) – Lucas shows up, but not as a paying customer. He’s on official business. He tells Brigitte that he’s changed his mind and will accept the job of providing a fake last will and testament for Don G’s dead wifey. Too late, says Brigitte. You waited too long and the job has gone to someone else. He begs. She says she will try to get Don G to give it back to him.

Brigitte calls the Don about Lucas. She wants to tell him that Lucas will do the job they fooled him into thinking someone else got the job. He says he’s on his way to see her. Ooops, Doris is on her way as well. Fun and games next time.

In The Only Hotel Inn™ Fresno – Armando gets back to the room to find a giddy as a schoolgirl Elvira wanting to know what HAPPENED, details, details. There’s a knock at the door. It’s her wedding dress, a gift from Renato. She squeals with delight. Oh, and she just has to look at the label—heavens to Betsy, it is a designer outfit, look at the label.

In the Funniest Scene Yet – Secretario-guy wants to know what Renato did with the last $1,000 he got from him. He bought her a wedding dress. [ed. note – if it cost only $1,000, then it’s a knock off. Well, well, clever guy. He paid a seamstress around the corner make it up and sew in the designer labels he swiped from a dress shop.]



Anita, your absolutely rock! Thank you for keeping the faith with your recaps. This was your best yet, so many funny lines and editorial comments. (OK, editor, that's what you do, but still.)

Fave lines: "or is it luuuuurves me", "Madam, no truer words were spoken", and the best "Money isn’t everything, says the man for whom money is everything".

Bwahahaha! Avocado sighting! Good eye Anita. I can't believe you saw the avocados.

Poor Panchito, he looks more like Pigorio than the other two kids. What a curse.

ITA about the funniest scene. At last Renato demonstrates a truly clever gigolo maneuver. Right now for me the most interesting couples are Renato/El Viral and Panchito/Tracy.

NEWSFLASH! Ex-recapper Schoolmarm called me tonight and told me she is completamente adicta to El Talisman. She sends kudos to those of us who are hanging in there.

Hi Anita - Another awesome recap! I'll have what she's having, whatever gives her the energy to do this.

I love your format of grouping scenes by locale. Much easier on the reader, and hopefully the writer.

The title "Change is in the Hair" is too funny! I think we should enter the contest as a group. The Talismaniacs Raisin' Hell Group. We could all put in feathers. For those who feel their hair is lacking its fullness and luster of youth, you just add more feathers. The thinner the hair, the more feathers.

We have the zebra clothes, we have the belt buckles, we have the headbands (see my picture). We can win us a trip and possibly be guests at a wedding. Probably too late for Renato and ElV's, but whoever is next. Or guests at the next Businessman's Gala. We could be sitting there, looking sane, some of us (me again) pretending we understood the dialogue without the cc's. Yes? Fresno... er, Miami or bust?

Sylvia mentioned my favorite line "Money isn't everything, says the man for whom money is everything". Good one, Anita!

I'd say my favorite couples are Renato and Elvira and Armando with F1 and F2. I wish they'd develop this more. I've already suggested it, but I'd love for him to be with F1, run into F2 and pretend he's never seen her in his life.

See you all at our Pantene photoshoot! I'll be the one with the feathers sticking up, as opposed to hanging down, and they will be peacock feathers.

Rosemary la Otra

R la O, great idea about the feathers. That reminds me, when my cousin went to Disneyland last summer she got, now I'm not making this up, black and white feather extensions that looked like...zebra print! Dibs on the zebra feather hair extensions.

Oh, BTW, I love your headband. Très à la mode!!

lol Thanks Sylvia. Not sure what your "tres a la mode" means, but I'll assume I look like a triple decker ice cream cone, and that is the look I was going for.

Zebra print feathers? How Talismaniacal is that?

Somehow I am on the emailing list of some realtor who keeps sending me pictures of new homes for sale. Yesterday I was snooping at the multi-million dollar one that was just listed and almost every picture shows zebra print. It's throughout the whole house. Huge dining room picture (not of a zebra, just the zebra print) against a red wall, zebra bath towels, zebra master bedspread. I thought I was at Renato's pretend house.

Speaking of which.... this is the truth.... when I first saw the avocado picture in the kitchen I had to do a doubletake as it looked like the famous hanging testicles.

R la O

Anita, this is great stuff! Thank you for feeding our obsession with this inexplicably mesmerizing trainwreck of a novela.

Last night it hit me -- I felt like I was watching an off off off Broadway Theatre of the Absurd work in a venue so tiny there are times that the actors outnumber the audience.

You know -- something produced on a shoestring where the actors are lucky to earn carfare for their troubles.

A place where characters like Doris and her suitcase cross the set at random intervals and no one finds it strange.

A place where a policeman's large shiny badge hangs on his chest, close to his heart. And the viewer cannot help but compare it to Antonio's own shiny badge which is also close to his heart. (Though his heart lies somewhere south of his chest.)

Even so, as much as I love avocados, if the Pi Man leaves, pues me voy me voy me voy...

Anita, you’re a natural! I love the way you compare & contrast: “there’s a big difference between being in love with Pedro Ibarra and being loca [ed. note – That’s news to me]” and “Music freaks out; Tonio doesn’t freak out.” And good eye on the low-hanging avocados. That kind of thing always sails right past me while I’m trying to keep track of who’s threatening whom.

I see everyone’s headed for the Only Whorehouse in Fresno tonight. Didn’t I overhear Antonio telling Fake-Mariana that he was going there as well? Should be an exciting Monday…

R la O, I think you have precisely predicted what will happen at some point with A1, F1 & F2. ("I'd love for him to be with F1, run into F2 and pretend he's never seen her in his life.") I don't think the Armando-as-twins ploy has been fully exploited. What do you want to bet he gets himself in a situation where he has to claim to F2 that it was really rotten brother "Fabio" who deceived her?

Oh Blue Lass, we can only hope. There is such potential for FUN if things pan out as we hope.

You said you were going to Florida. By chance, will you be in Tampa 28th - 30th like me?

What the heck was that square black mark on F1's wrist? Too symmetrical to be a birthmark. She's too young for a tattoo, and who'd get a black square tattooed on them? Sara, is one of yours a black square? Maybe a stamp from a disco? Well, that dates me. But what was that?

R la O

All--thank you for the compliments. It was a pleasure (but a lot of work, no?).

RLO--You had me blowing some very good coffee out my nose with your feather substitute for thinning hair. I'd probably look like one of those fancy long-tailed chickens that have pedigrees and win prizes at county fairs.

Blue Lass--Thank you for catching Antonio's trip to TOLW In Fresno. There will be Blood (or maybe at least some fisticuffs and fireworks).

R la O, I *will* be in the Tampa area from the 28th-30th. What did you have in mind? Shall we celebrate our half-birthday -- at LA CASA DE MI PADRE??? (NOW I'm excited!)

Didn't someone once question Doris about why she's walking around at night with a suitcase? I guess they decided they weren't interested and dropped it. Poor ignored Doris.

So I get that Tracy needs to protect her family from Renato but couldn't she counter-blackmail him with "Dude, you're poor" and threaten to tell Elvira if anything happens to her family? Poor Tracy. I hope she ends up the duena of Alcatraz, even if it means living with Panchito.

But on a happy note, People en Espanol is reporting that Rafa is NOT leaving El Talisman. They also report that it didn't get moved due to low ratings so their accuracy may be questionable. Someone needs to tell Univision that it's not the acting that's the problem.

Still a fan,


Blue Lass,
OMG! We should try to go see it together!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can click on my profile and email me and we can compare notes as to where we'll be.

Of course, my horse.

Y'all really are a hoot. When this show went to the afternoon I stopped watching. I admire the tenacity of the Talismaniacs for there continued loyalty. Locura works too. Lol. Said with love my dears. For a while I really was pulling a four hour TN marathon each night. I'm pretty sure I'll be dumping UFCS and just stick to Abismo and La Que No Quiero Nombrar. I feel bad for bailing in the Talismaniacs.

R la O- nope no black squares on me. I want to say I had seen it before. I can't imagine what it is. Plain black square seems odd tattoo material.

Did anyone hear David Edestein's review of Casa de mi Padre on NPR? He gave it a good review and said he was laughing at the jokes long after watching the film.

Kelly, I read an article about El Tal that quoted a supposed telenovela expert. They said the main star of any telenovela is the story. If the story is bad then you can't expect any other component to be good. I hope Rafael Novoa stays.

Maybe Fab's tattoo said "I Heart Daddy" and she decided to black it out.

Sara, don't feel bad for bailing. Good grief, we only have so many hours in the day. Since you are recapping Abismo you pretty much need to watch it.

Anita thank you for your dedication to this insane show. And glad you caught actually saw an avocado -- this show's ability for increased snark is amazing.

I just shake my head at stupid Armando keeps buying Renato's crap. I wonder if the wedding will go through and the hoax will be exposed. El Viral needs to be put in her place so I hope its option A.

And Kelly I hope you are right and Rafa doesn't leave this train-wreck. He's been much more animated this week.

Avocados hang
Like balls on a kitchen wall
Waiting to be plucked

Carlos! Go Baylor!

Thanks Cap'n ! El Tal is really awful bit y'all are the neatest and wittiest group. I kinda don't feel worthy. Lol

R la O- masterfully written haiku.

I will say this- if this train wreck comes out on DVD I am totally going to get it. Does anyone know if Eva Luna is worth it?

I'm not gonna lie- it makes me terribly sad how gawd awful El Tal turned out to be. :(

Karen--About Armando swallowing Renato's garbage...

Renasty is a professional seducer, so his smooth lines should work on both women and men.

What I don't understand, is why this purported college student hasn't AUTOMATICALLY gone on line and googled, linkedin or done anything else to find out ANYTHING about this man that didn't come from his own mouth. Not Believable.

Wouldn't you think he'd like to know what businesses Ren owns, check out his real estate holdings, etc. etc.?

I can answer my own question....we wouldn't have a "keep you on the edge of your seat" telenovela for this many episodes. Just how many have we suffered now? I think we stopped counting when it went to daytime.

To continue--It would be just as compelling for Armando to find out something fishy on the internet and set up some cool complications investigating him, whether before or after the wedding.

I think Renato is sincere about going through with a real marriage ceremony (unlike what David Genoves tried in La Verdad Oculta). We hear in the news about serial bigamists who marry one rich lady after another until they get caught (or heaven forfend, murder them before going on to another one).

Sara--I bought Eva Luna. Haven't watched it yet. But if you watched the whole novela, you know the story and can fill in the missing parts in your head.

The DVD comes with subtitles, and the extras include a behind the cameras segment and scenes left out.

I wish they had included interviews with the principals, especially Jorge Lavat (QEPD).

Anita, Armani is an incredibly feckless character. Has he done at least one admirable thing yet? Let's see:
*He shares a room with mommy.
*He doesn't have a job.
*He wooed the sister of his supposed love because mommy told him to.
*He knows how to text but not use the internet.
*He strolls the local college campus but is not enrolled.

That kid needs a brain and a pair of avocados.

Thanks, Sara, for the haiku shout-out!

Anita - I like the idea of Renato being a polygamist and had this tn been any good they could have characters from past tns, single ladies, make cameos as other wives. Like Alfonsina from CME or Angela from Destinos. I'm sure you guys who have watched a lot can think of some funny faces to pop up as having also been duped by him. Can't you see a bunch of your favorite characters of past all sitting in a courtroom while Ren is on trial?

R la O

Dear Editor Anita, thank you for another great recap.

I keep thinking that the cheque will come back and bite Renato, at least I hope so.

Gallina and gallo think they each marrying money. This will be fun to see how it plays out. I bet Elvira's dead husband is LOL at the fun to come.

Hopefully, Rafa will stay on and they can find some decent writers. Shall we email them and tell them at our Editor is available.

About the time change, I just read that Dos Hogares was banished to the noon hour when it was doing very well and it won the Califa de Oro's Best TN of the year 2011. What are those fools at Uni thinking. Someone must be sleeping with the program director.

Rosemary Primera

Rosemary 1st--Regrettably, the Editor of FUG is not available to move to Miami to salvage a sinking garbage skow.

NOTE TO the Cap'n of an unsinking sailboat--I will not be able to review or make any editorial comments on El Tal Mon or Tue. Unless someone volunteers, you might just put up a discussion page for next week.

I'll try to pitch in, Anita -- at least with some plot points and a soupcon of snark. ;}

I'd also like to offer to move to Miami in Anita's stead. We had 7 inches of new snow here last week.

Blue Lass--My condolences on the snow. Our nation's capital's cherry blossoms are out in all their glory, as are the ornamental tulip trees and ornamental pear trees. The daffodils are daffy and the primroses are rosy.

When do avocados bloom?

wow, Anita, sweet memories, i got to see the cherry blossoms in D.C. several times in the 19 yrs or so i got to live around there.

Here's a few lines from the new Stephen King book I am reading. I think it was written with us Talismaniacs in mind.

"I don't think I can wait. I was a virgin bride at 23 and I'm a virgin grass widow at 28. That's a long time for the fruit to hang on the tree, as they say."

I grew up in Puerto Rico and had an avocado tree dropping the avocados on the roof above my room. but since PR is year long warm, it might not be acurate. I would say avocadoes would be in season summertime, or extending into fall time. i doubt they would be out in the colder months.

Blue Lass, "a soupcon of snark", dang girl, you have a way with words.

Marta, I agree that avocados seem to like the warmer climates. The different species I have known in California seem to fruit from late spring to mid fall depending on the type. However I have been in Hawaii around the Christmas holidays and there is an avocado tree I know that has fruit at that time.

BTW, there is a "classic" movie set in the California Avocado orchards, "Amazon Women In The Avocado Jungle of Death". I saw it years ago on some late night B-Movie station but have never forgotten it. El Tal still has a ways to go to achieve such heights.

And we usually can't order an avocado in our omelettes in the winter months here in Utah. We're talking IHOP, Denny's, V.I.

I just have to report that el tal El Tal crew is totally up on the trends. I was in Macy's the other day and there was zebra print everywhere. I was going up the escalators and prominently featured right at the top on the women's attire level...zebra print jackets. Furniture level...a pair of zebra print upholstered chairs. Etc.

Anita! Thanks for continuing to do these summaries. They are so funny. The passion pit may be a better show but El Tal offers more laughs (not necessarily on purpose) so I don't want to drop it. I'm glad the convo here is continuing.

I hope the show gets a new writer who knows how to work in details rather than retreading the same conversations ten times.

Anita, this is such fun. You are such a love to enable our vice. Great translations as well as keen observations and general hilarity. Avocado sighting? And here I thought we were looking out for zebras.

I spent a bunch of time watching basketball this past weekend and it brings me sadness to report that the Lady Bulldogs of Fresno State fell to Georgetown but they put up a valiant struggle. Oh well, one less worry for my BU Girly Bears.


Oops, make that CANNIBAL Women In the Avocado Jungle of Death. I forgot that the amazons liked a little man-meat with their guacamole.

Carlos, thanks for the update on the Lady Bulldogs. It's good to keep track of our favorite college teams.

I find it hilarious that the most wholesome, honest, competent-seeming people on the show are the whorehouse madam and the hooker/fakeout voice actress.

Why in heck is Antonio using a pay phone (I am impressed that it looks totally real and has a Qwest logo on it and Qwest a sponsor? Do they still even have pay phones on the street?)? Why doesn't he go to WalMart or Tal*Mart and spend cash for a prepaid cell phone? Not as dramatic as standing around drinking and glowering on a dark street?

I am anxiously awaiting the wedding and finding out what happens with The Check. I would LOVE it if it were rejected by the bank!

Julia - in the real world, it would be rejected by the bank for being too old, but in novela land...probably not.

Also, when Pedro and Elvira were arguing over the existence of the check, Pedro could've easily checked with the bank to see if it was cashed. Regardless of that, once Elvira told him she never received the check, he should've put a stop payment on it.

Unfortunately, it was Mariana who signed the check so Pedro has no control over it, but the bank should have frozen the account with Mariana missing/dead.


the check is good for years, trust me. i had forgot a couple checks inside the wedding cards and i found them years later, called the 'guests' and got the ok from them to cash the checks... yup, as stupid as it sounds...
and yes, Carlos is right, if the check was signed by Mariana, AND if the check is a cashiers check, the money comes out of the account immediately and Pedro woudl have no way to find out who and when they cashed it... unless Mariana shows up and goes to the bank herself.

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