Friday, March 16, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #57 Thursday 3/15/12 The Woman Who Couldn't Admit to Being Jealous

We start right in with Gus and Cinthia.  He wishes he'd sent the flowers, but he didn't think of it in time.  He's got three dinner options, though…he's interrupted by the maid, bringing in the card for the flowers.  David, of course, promising not to cause any more problems.  She doesn't tell Gus who it was, but he doesn't blame the guy, whoever he is.  Cause she's so hot and sensitive and decided.  Pfft!  He's glad she's actually trying to give things a go instead of just running her mouth.

Rogelio doesn't know Gustavo's last name.  He talks about him being an engineer and maybe coming to work there.  Rog remembers that Paula's boyfriend was also named Gustavo.  They start to get into an argument again because of her conviction that he had Gustavo beaten.  Rog flips his wig and breaks some knickknacks before wheeling out of her room at high speed.

Esteban and Chio have finished their date and she tries to get him to come upstairs.  He's definitely buying what she's selling.

Cinthia comes home from her date all giddy and is startled by Efrain, waiting up for her.  He tries to suggest they get it on in the living room, but she insists it's O-V-E-R!  Well, Efrain doesn't care.  He says she'll always be his and earns himself a slap.  Cin threatens to rat him out to Rogelio.  She tells him to go hang out with Ulises and his family on their vacation and just leave her alone already.

Ana Paula is really freaked out thinking Cin's Gustavo is also "her" Gustavo.  Dany doesn't think it's possible, but Ana Paula is doing the relationship map and coming to the correct conclusion.  She's distraught to think Gustavo could love anything but her.  Dany says she'd better get used to the idea.  "You broke up!  You can't expect him to wait around for you for an hour and a half!"  Well, AP can't stand the idea of him loving someone else.  "He can't be with Cinthia! He can't!"  Hey, look who's sounding like big sister Vanessa.

Cinthia tells Elsa about her hot date.  She's sure they would have kissed, if she'd wanted.  They discuss strategy.  Elsa thinks Cin should send herself flowers and turn down another date with Gus.  "He'll forget all about that ex-girlfriend, and for good.  He'll be all yours!"

AP calls Gustavo, but the connection isn't great.  He asks if she's divorced yet, hopefully, but she says she won't be divorced so soon.  He wants nothing more to do with her and asks her not to waste his time.  AP says she has to know who he was going out with while they were apart.  "Where the hell do you get off asking me that?!"  He tells her to quit bugging him so he can get on with his life.  AP passes the sentiment on to Dany and Dany agrees with Gus.  She defends her decision not to tell Gus the truth, which Dany doesn't agree with.  AP finally agrees that Gustavo has a right to be happy, even if it's not with her.

Rosaura tries to play nice with Rogelio, but he's having none of it.  "What do you want now?"  A favor, of course.  "Don't turn me against my niece."  Rosaura insists she's on Rog's side.  She read the contract and she thinks it was good Rog is getting the extra days.  "The thing is, I read how I can be her representative…"Rog tells her to quit pimping out her niece.

AP can't stand the thought of her and Gus being apart when they love each other so much.  Dany reminds her she made her self-sacrificing bed and now she's gotta lie in it.  "Set him free and quit tormenting yourself!"  Dany says if she goes looking for him after this whole contract is over and they still love each other, then nothing can keep them apart.

Rosaura says pimpin' ain't easy…even though she swears she's not pimping!  She says she doesn't have a power of attorney, but she thinks she can get it.  Rogelio tells her to forget it.  He only put that clause in there because she told him she had power of attorney already.  Rosaura thinks he'll be singing a different tune when he needs her to help him extend the contract.  Rogelio is sneeringly amused.

Esteban and Gus talk about Vanessa.  Esteban is pissed that Van went to San Gabriel.  He admits he's trying to give it a go with Chio.  He reminds Gus that he's wanting kids for a long time and he thinks Chio is an ideal brood mare.  Esteban opines that it's possible to love many different people in different ways, and if Vanessa didn't want to be the mother of his children, then it's time for him to move on.  Gus agrees, "It's one thing to love a woman and another to pine for her when she doesn't want you.  Enough waiting around for these women!"  "Yeah, they'll find someone to love them, but not someone to beg!"  I roll my eyes at the two of them.  They say that now, but by this time next week, Esteban will be whining about Vanessa again and Gus will be back to his chest-heaving scrunchy-faced alter-ego again.

More whining on AP's part about Gus wanting someone else, thinking the contract is unfair, etc.  And Dany telling her to get over herself.

Vanessa likes the look of her new San Gabriel offices.  There's even room for her to live there, if she doesn't want to live at Bruno's place.  David encourages her to not stay at Bruno's.  He offers to handle the remodeling, but Vanessa only lets him be in charge of putting up a sign for the office.  She tells the boys that they need to get to work already so that Rogelio can quit having everything his way.

Ana Paula, wearing the tangerine version of the red dress Vanessa's currently wearing, sashays into Rogelio's office. He wants them to go into town and AP figures she'll use the visit as an opportunity to pick up supplies for Don Abel's visit.  Rog says they'll be making a lot more public appearances now.  He needles her about wanting to be rid of him.  AP muses that she wishes things could be different between them, but "You don’t get to choose who you love."  "Yeah, don't I know it."

Team Evil continues to strategize.  If they want to buy Rancho La Negra, but David's flat broke, Bruno doesn't have more than a fourth.  Vanessa's going to have to bankroll Team Evil.  She agrees and tells Bruno to start the negotiations and keep things quiet.  Then they'll cut off Rogelio's water supply.  But what about telling Cinthia?  Vanessa offers to explain to Cinthia that it's only temporary and they'll turn the water back on once she has her part of the hacienda back.

Yes, Chio and Esteban did the nasty.  Mercedes is happy for them.  Chio swears she's in luuuuuuuurve.  Mercedes is still determined not to get back together with Ernesto.

Rogelio's in town, at the fonda, and he sees David.  He calls him a jerk for sending the cops to the hacienda.  "I told you to drop the thing with the truck." "No, you told me to harm him."  Rog warns David to leave AP and her family alone.  David waves his big…ego…around, talking about how Rogelio wll be sorry when he sees what David builds on the land that Rogelio wanted to buy.  Rogelio knows David can't afford to build on it himself, and cracks up laughing at the idea of someone forming a business partnership with David.   "What idiot would do that?!"  Vanessa walks in and announces that she is that idiot.

Bruno's hench sees Maripaz in Tuxtla.  She tries to get away from him, but without her parents around, he won't back down.

Vanessa and David try to make Rogelio nervous about their partnership.  Vanessa tells Rog that she bought the land in Boca del Cielo.  Rog just laughs, saying she has no idea what kind of scorpion she just let climb onto her back!  Vanessa looks nervous.

Rosaura tries to talk AP into signing over power of attorney, saying it's just a thing rich people do.  Plus, then AP won't have to discuss her contract with Rogelio…her loving Pimp can take care of it for her.  Rosaura encourages her to ask Bruno.  AP says no way will she ever sign anything else without having a lawyer explain it to her.  Justino, who’s been left in charge of the store while Ulises is away, and who is unfortunately played by an actor whose agent couldn't get him a better deal and therefore has no lines, just shrugs and shakes his head when AP asks if he's heard anything from the family.

Rog tells Vanessa he doesn't think her dad would have approved of her getting into construction.  David and Vanessa keep trying to get the better of Rogelio, telling him Cinthia is working with them.  Rog says he won't allow that.

Rutilio is still trying to make a play for an increasingly nervous Maripaz.  Efrain comes up and gets Rutilio to go away.  Maripaz tells him that Rutilio scares her.

Rogelio says he knows they're trying to piss him off.  "What do you think you're doing?  Turning my sister against me?"  Looks like it's working. He angrily warns them that they aren't going to take advantage of Cinthia.  Vanessa completely disingenuously tells him that they have no ill will towards him…"Besides, we're partners.  There's no reason for us not to get along."

Gus visits Cinthia and brings her a rose.  "I shouldn't have forgotten about you.  I hope there's still time to fix that."  Cin starts to kiss him, but pulls back and gives him a peck on the cheek.  She plays it cool, saying she's glad he's moving on with his life.  Gus moves in for the hardcore smoochies.  Which might be more convincing if he didn't look like he was having to work so hard to talk himself into doing it.

Rogelio knows they're up to no good.  AP walks in with Rosaura, announcing she's got all the ingredients she needs.  Vanessa mocks her, saying she's not only a nurse, now she's also a cook.  She and AP start to throw down, but Rogelio tells them to quit fighting like a couple of greengrocers.  Vanessa tells them that she's opening an office in San Gabriel, so they'll be seeing quite a lot of each other.  Vanessa tells AP she's just upset because she knows that Vanessa is more of a woman than she is…then she lays quite the liplock on Rogelio.  And the dumbass participates quite enthusiastically, leaving AP to just stare at the two of them confused.  Screw that…I want to see some hair pulling already!

Cinthia is glad she's together with Gus again.  She tells him if his ex shows up again…"Don't worry, she already looked me up and I told her I was getting on with my life.  Not that I'm proposing or anything."

Rosaura's the one who pulls Vanessa off of Rogelio and continues the verbal banter.  Vanessa brings up the blackmail money Rosaura took.  She plays innocent and drags AP out of there.  Rog starts to go after them, then turns back and tells Vanessa not to pull another stunt like that.  "I love my wife."  Vanessa says if he loves his wife, he wouldn't be responding to her the way he was.  "You married her because she reminds you of me."  As she paws his face, Rogelio ponders this.

Gus is ready to get on with his life.  Cin is ready to help him.  By smooching him.

AP fumes and Rosaura tries to talk her down.  She's pissed that Rogelio let her kiss him.  She's grossed out that he's been macking on 2 sisters.  Rosaura insists she's just jealous.  AP wants to get the heck out of there.  Rosaura looks like she's thinking that little display from Vanessa wasn't such a bad thing.

Ernesto comes over to visit Mercedes and bring her flowers and insist they should get back together again. He's sure with a little family therapy, his daughter will get over it.  Mercedes isn't going to see him in secret.

Hugo tells Rog that AP already left with Jacinto.  He borrows Hugo's phone to call Cinthia.  She finally answers and he asks her about working with David and Vanessa.  "They're only using you to piss me off!"  He reminds her that she has no work experience and they have no reason to hire her.  Cinthia is determined to prove to him she can do it.  She hangs up on him after refusing to come home.  Gus looks bothered by her side of the conversation.

Mercedes finally talks Ernesto into leaving her alone until after Marcella's ok with them being together.

David doesn't think Vanessa's display was such a good idea.  Bruno comes in with bad news--La Negra's owner's sister is on her way.  I don't understand why this is bad news, but Bruno says they have to keep it from Rogelio that the hacienda is up for sale or he'll definitely try to buy it so he can expand.

Miguel and Dany are having a nice quiet chat when AP comes home in a right snit about Rogelio.  Rosaura gives Miguel the gossip.  Maria fumes about Vanessa upsetting Rogelio.

Cinthia pouts about Rogelio not believing in her.  Gus thinks what Cin is doing proves that she's not just trying to get married to get her inheritance, but is trying to make her own way.  Cin says she doesn't care if the guy has money or not, she's going to marry whoever she wants.  Efrain comes in to announce he's going to drag her home, even if he has to do it by force.  He grabs her arm, but Gustavo intervenes.

Maria continues fuming about Vanessa.  Rosaura tells her to quit fussing and get work.  She refuses to give Maria the recipe AP was going to use, since she figures Maria can't read.  Maria shoots back that Rosaura doesn't seem to be too educated herself.  She tries to get Rosaura to help her with the cooking, but Rosaura swishes away, saying she has to go comfort her niece.

Efrain doesn't want to have to explain to Rogelio why he came home without Cinthia, so Gus says he'll do it.

AP continues her jealous tirade to Miguel.  He offers to quit therapy so she won't owe Rogelio any more, but both AP and Dany say he's got to keep going.

Rogelio's cell rings. Efrain tells him he couldn't drag Cinthia away, but Gus got in his way.  Rogelio bitches that he always has to do everything himself.  He fires Efrain.

Gus insists on confronting Rogelio and insists on Cinthia coming with him.  He says no one will lock her up, and if they do, he'll spring her!

Rogelio asks Dany and Miguel to clear out so he can talk to Paula.  He's pissed at her for leaving and taking the truck.  "Well, you said whatever's yours is mine, right?"  Rogelio agrees, it's all hers, starting with him.  AP fumes that he's the one ugly thing  on this beautiful hacienda and slaps him.  Well, I knew someone was getting smacked, I just think it was going to go down quite like that.

Tomorrow: Rog accuses AP of being jealous; Gustavo confronts Rogelio at the hacienda.


That felt like a "nothing really happens" episode. All setup for the big confrontation that looks like it's going to be tomorrow, but could just as easily be Monday, the way they like to mess with us!

This was a good recap, even if nothing really happened, 5 ft. Good work! Very fun to read.
I liked, "she made her self-sacrificing bed and now she's gotta lie in it".

Rutillio was the big bad wolf and Maripaz was Little Red Riding hood. I wonder what that is going to lead to, nothing good I'm sure.

On my TV, APs and Vain's dresses were both orange, and until they were in the same scene together, I thought they might be the same. But Vain's was a polished cotton and had an asymmetrical construction, AP's was a matte silk.

Loved the recap, 5ft, you always are full of wonderful and succinct snark! LOL.

I agree, Rohell was indeed a dumbass for allowing (and participating) in that Vainessa lip lock, but the Cupcake sure did look jealous, didn't she? And I don't think it can all be explained away by her being skeeved out because she and Vain are sisters. I think he kissed the Vain one back because he wanted to give Cupcake a "taste of her own medicine," since she was heaving big sighs over the name of Gustavo at the beginning of the episode (which prompted Rohell to flip his wig and break knick knacks , as you pointed out! LOL).

And this line was very funny: "Gus will be back to his chest-heaving scrunchy-faced alter-ego again." SO TRUE! LOL!

They bring up the thing about David sending the cops after Miguel in this episode too. Some of us have been having a discussion about what exactly went down with that.

We have heard Rohell say a few times that he called David off of Miguel, but that the cops came for Miguel anyway. It seems clear that David, in his desire to get revenge, goes ahead and decides to do this against Rohell's wishes. I believe a few eps ago he was telling his evil team that his lawyers assured him that the cops would be out to get Miguel that day. Why the decision to go after Miguel now, and not before, if Rohell's request was still valid and hadn't been rescinded?

Then in this episode, Rohell confronts David and says that he'd told David to back off about the truck thing. If Rohell hadn't rescinded the request to go after Miguel, I don't see why Rohell would: 1. be angry and accuse David of betrayal, and 2. be surprised that the cops came for Miguel. (If he hadn't rescinded the order, he'd have to be expecting the cops to come any old time, right?)

Elvira, you're absolutely right on the truck thing; what confusing everyone is that they never specifically show us a scene where Rogelio asks David to forgo the charges against Miguel. The evil team wants to bring Rog down two ways; through Paula because they know that he truly loves and through his pocket by trying to bankrupt him. Unfortunaly for Rog; his blind spot is that he still kinda trust Bruno who is a master double agent ...


Thank you for the recap. I didn't see any of the shows last night. Nice to hear this one is not an episode full of action.

May I say you have Gus' character down? Every recap you do you describe him to a T. I can never verbalize what I hate about him, but you speak for me.

And I love your "screw that I wanna see some hair pulling" line. My sentiments exactly lol

Thank you 5ft for this great great snarky recap. Love your title. I loved your line about Esteban and Chio he is buying what she is selling. lol. I wonder how far this relationship will really go. Mersnotty and Ernesto I don't see them getting back together especially since his daughter is so hateful.

Yeah I think the Cupcake is jealous. Why would she walk off in a snit if she wasn't? I didn't like that kiss with the Vainy one and Rohell. He looked like he was enjoying it a little too much.

Agree with Emaire about Rutillio. I wonder what would have happened if Effer hadn't come by? Maripaz looked really scared.

Agree with Elvira and renata770 about the truck angle of this story. Noone really knew if he had recinded until last night.

Love the name Team Evil. They are truly evil. Rohell was right when he told the Vainy one she has a scorpion on her back now. The Vainy one has surrounded herself with vipers. It will come back to bite her in the end.

Sin is so gullible. Wait till she finds out her "friends" used her, as well as Gus being the Cupcake's old boyfriend.

I can't wait for Cupcake to find out who the Guscake is seeing. Maybe then she will stop whining. Dany gave her good advice, get over herself.

The Tia is really pushing it with Rohell and Cupcake. I bet Bruno tells her to give the Tia power of attorney.

So this wanting of the hacienda is about water. I wonder if the Team Evil will succeed.

Great recap, 5ft! Loved the flip his wig and break stuff line.

AP might be a leetle bit jealous, but I think MOST of her ire was at the incredible lack of respect that Vainessa showed her and that Rogelio participated wholeheartedly. She's required to act like the perfect little wife in public, then why should she be subjected to such a public humiliation for a supposed wife. I would have been royally PO'd as well by such a rude public display.

When Rogelio claims he called David off - that was earlier in the series, when he was helping get Miguel out of jail. Then later he he demanded that David press the bogus charges. We did not see him call David off again before their last meeting when he no longer wanted David to do it, right before the police showed up. IMO Rogelio didn't get motivated to call off David again until AP was back at the hacienda. And I think Anita made a good point when David expressed surprise that the police hadn't already picked up Miguel. The "denuncio" had already been in the works for a while. So all David had to do was tell the police where Miguel was. That's why the police showed up so quickly - the paperwork had already gone through the system.

IMO if Rogelio had called off David a second time, before that last meeting, they would have shown it clearly. I don't remember him saying anything in his confession to María to indicate that he had told David not to follow through until that last minute when David was chiding him over the request.


Bien Hecho, Kat.

I'm waiting for a serious confrontation. I was hoping that Vainessa pulling this move would do it, but I guess AP needs time to realize she is jealous.

So why is she still trying to convince herself that Rogelio had anything to do with what happened to Gustavo?

And there is no way Vainessa would ever get Rogelio back if she shafts his water supply. That will also help alienate Sinthia from Gustavo. But that would probably fit Vainessa's agenda because that could leave Gustavo free to pursue AP.

Seriously, all, what percent of AP's ire do you think is due to a) being jealous and b) being so incredibly dissed in public with hubby wholeheartedly participating?

Yes, she may be somewhat jealous, she's always been attracted to Rogelio on some level and I'm sure his constantly begging after her has been great for her ego. But I think her pride has her most livid for reason b). (and with her sister, no less, LOL!)

Yeah, I loved Rogelio saying "I love my wife. Don't you dare do that again!" to Vainessa after he participated like that. Unfortunately, all he has done is convince Vainessa that she's right in thinking he really wants her.


If Rogelio pushed her away she would still be convinced he has the hots for her. That's how narcissists operate. In her case she can't believe that there is a man in the world who would refuse her used hot self.

Did Rogelio actually enjoy that kiss? We really don't know and we won't unless he confides in Maria in tonight's episode. It's entirely possible that he was just hoping that AP would get jealous.

I have also been thinking about the money paid to MentiRosa by La Vipora:

-- It happened before Mariana knew she was pregnant, so that would be over 20 years ago.
-- If it was the proper definition of a "fortune" at least half of it has to be sitting in a bank somewhere. MentiRosa would have drawn suspicion from Mariana (or anyone else) if she suddenly had a closet full of Manolo Blahniks or a drawer full of designer jewelry.
-- She worked until the last few years.

Too bad Rogelio doesn't know about this. He'd have her number in a New York minute.

Thanks for making me smile this morning, Kat. My favorite line also is:

"…then she lays quite the liplock on Rogelio. And the dumbass participates quite enthusiastically, leaving AP to just stare at the two of them confused. Screw that…I want to see some hair pulling already!"

I agree with Audrey's assessment of Ana Paula's pique... a smidgeon of jealousy and a ton of ire.

My favorite scene was Efraín out-menacing Rutilio. Good job.

If AP is so Hellbent on finding out if Cynthia's Gus is her Gus, why doesn't she just show Roj Gus' voter ID and ask, "Is this the guy?"


Kat,exceptional recap.

A few of my favorites were: "Hey, look who's sounding like big sister Vanessa" and "Rosaura says pimpin' ain't easy…". As always, you are on point and summarize things perfectly.

At first, I thought Rog was responding to Vain only to upset Ana. However, he held her face to his and the look on his face afterwards left no doubt he felt that kiss deeply. A minor flash of guilt perhaps but still...Unless Rogelio is as good an actor as Jorge, he was definitely into her, if only momentarily.

I think Ana experienced shock at the kiss with a tinge of jealousy. I would have been in there in a flash and pulling Vain's hair would have been the least of it!

Gus loves Ana so much, he decided to wait a New York minute before deep lip-locking Cin. Blech.

Emarie, loved your noting Rut was the wolf and Mari - little red riding hood.

Great comments all.


Carlos: Our comments crossed. "If AP is so Hellbent on finding out if Cynthia's Gus is her Gus, why doesn't she just show Roj Gus' voter ID and ask, "Is this the guy?" had me laughing out loud. Gracias, amigo.


Thanks, 5ft. OT~~I don't know if anyone has posted this, but Will Ferrell's next movie is in Spanish and one of the actors is the guy who played the rich stepfather on La Fuerza del Destino. Also, Sofia Vagara will be the host of SNL. I believe she hosts this Saturday. Dr. Hotlips has come a long way since she was lusting after Eduardo Yanez in the jungle. One more thingGame of Thrones on HBO ? I just discovered it, and it is a great mystical, magical, medieval telenovela.

Carlos said: "If AP is so Hellbent on finding out if Cynthia's Gus is her Gus, why doesn't she just show Roj Gus' voter ID and ask, "Is this the guy?""

I'll give the obvious answer: She is still operating under the assumption that she needs to "protect" Gustavo from Rogelio, and for that reason she doesn't want to give away his identity.

I don't really blame Gus for being incensed that AP wanted to know who he had been dating when she wasn't divorced yet. LOL! It sounded pretty funny, because, yet again AP doesn't come out with the whole story all because she still feels she needs protect Gus. Not that Gus ever gives her time to speak or patiently tries to tease crucial information out of her.

Gus is always so eager to "move on" LOL!


Susanlynn- I had to stop lurking (I'm not watching LQNPA anymore, but still reading the wonderful recaps like this one) when I saw the mention of GOT. I LOVE that series! I don't have HBO, but last season HBO made it available On Demand each week. I am sure when Season 2 starts, they won't do that anymore and I will have to pony up and pay for HBO. Or, I will have to go over to my nephew's apt every week, since I got him addicted to the show and he does pay for HBO. :) I had never heard of the books nor the author before I stumbled on the show. I hear he has a HUGE following, still plans a few more books in the series, but I have not read any of them.

Oh, and Anita (formerly Newbie One Kanobie) and I are planning to see the Will Farrell movie together in a few weeks (if it's still in theaters).

Just went to a talk on demographics yesterday. One of the big trends is, of course, "the browning of America." The Hispanic community is the ONLY community in the U.S. with fertility rates to replace themselves (2.1 kids per family).

Two good thoughts. Rog was thinking of AP as he kissed van. which is as close as he will get to ap for a while. BUT the other thing. AP went to bed with Gus while married to roj so why would she be upset because he kissed an x girfriend?

Okay, more debate about the truck thing, I see! LOL

Audrey wrote:

"When Rogelio claims he called David off - that was earlier in the series, when he was helping get Miguel out of jail."

Not necessarily now. Why would Rohell act so outraged with David (and about David) if he'd known that he hadn't called off David this time? He's not talking about old history, he's talking about the most recent history when he says that David "betrayed" him. It just doesn't make any sense otherwise. Rohell would have no one to blame other than himself if he had "forgot" to call off David. Rohell doesn't strike me as someone who "forgets" about something like this.

" Then later he he demanded that David press the bogus charges. We did not see him call David off again before their last meeting when he no longer wanted David to do it, right before the police showed up. IMO Rogelio didn't get motivated to call off David again until AP was back at the hacienda. "

We don't know when he called off the cops. It may have been when Cupcake got back, it may have been earlier, when Cupcake was still missing, when Rohell laughs about how Miguel is destined for the carcel, and Maria seemed really horrified by Rohell and tells him so. I wonder if perhaps it was then that Rohell had second thoughts and called off David—but we don't really know when.

"And I think Anita made a good point when David expressed surprise that the police hadn't already picked up Miguel. The "denuncio" had already been in the works for a while. So all David had to do was tell the police where Miguel was. That's why the police showed up so quickly - the paperwork had already gone through the system."

Or, another explanation would be that David was taunting Miguel. The writers are just reminding us of what Rohell asked David to do when Cupcake was gone. And perhaps seeing Miguel there gave David the idea to restart the charges.

"IMO if Rogelio had called off David a second time, before that last meeting, they would have shown it clearly."

They should have, it would have been clearer had they done so, but they didn't. However, it simply doesn't add up that he didn't. I don't believe Rohell simply "forgot" to call off David, and it doesn't make sense for him to not give a darn if Miguel is taken in, but yet at the same time feel soooo guilty and actually lie to the police when they actually come. Rohell's actions and reactions have been of someone who had no expectations that the cops were coming. Since I can't believe he "forgot," then the only other explanation is that he's been telling the truth when he confronts David (and in what he says to Bruno), "I asked David to do it and then I told him not to." Now granted, it could be interpreted that Rohell was talking about the first time he asked David to do it (before the marriage to Cupcake) but still, why the outrage? He acts so betrayed and David is acting like he's done something that he knows Rohell doesn't want.

Lol...don't ask why, you'll only hurt your brain trying to come up with a logical answer!

Gracias for all the feedback, especially since this felt like a lackluster recap to complement the lackluster episode. Good to know I can still get a few zingers in even in the midst of my boredom! I snark on autopilot :D


"She is still operating under the assumption that she needs to "protect" Gustavo from Rogelio..."

Thing is, doesn't she believe that Rogelio already knows full well the identity of her Gus?


I agree with 5ft, don't try too haed to figure it out using logic, I think there ia some writer's amnesia. Por enhemplo, AP asked Vainessa to help her by getting Rohell back so she could be free to be with her Novio. Yes she did, when Vain came to Boca del cello to confront her.

"Lol...don't ask why, you'll only hurt your brain trying to come up with a logical answer!"

LOL, so true! We need to wear our beanies with a lot of this stuff.

I also can't figure out why Cupcake is so determined to believe that Rohell called for the beating of the Gustavito when Rohell is so obviously in the dark about who the ex-novio is. She needs to put her thinking cap on.

So,one must ask oneself why she's getting bent out of shape. Now, if she was really in Lovrln with Gus, she'd be pleased and might even use the occasion to point out to Rohell that he still seems to have feelings for her so go for it.

I am just popping in to say that the new Will Ferrell movie is NOT playing at my local theater. I found ONE theater (out of 7 that I checked) 2 1/2 hours away that is playing it.

I am a Rogeliana so nothing Rohell does, nothing, bothers me. OK, well, it it did bother me when he struck Hugo and also the thing with Con.

I, too, am not watching right now because AP is soooooo annoying me. It's less painful reading the recaps (which are always fabulous) than it is to actually see it happening before my eyes. I'll probably wait until Gus actually shows up to Hell-Fuerte and AP gets her comeuppance before I'll start watching again.

(small a anita)

Sara, I haven't checked the local theaters yet, but I'm hoping to see the Will Farrell movie soon too! I can hardly wait!

Emarie wrote: "Now, if she was really in Lovrln with Gus, she'd be pleased and might even use the occasion to point out to Rohell that he still seems to have feelings for her so go for it."

SO TRUE. How he acted could have easily been interpreted as her ticket outta there. She could have pulled Vainessa aside before this and told her to go for it, because she (Cupcake) was desperate to get outta there and reclaim her little Gustavito. But no, the Cupcake is super celoso instead. Now of course some of it is probably her general distaste for Vainessa, but not all of it. Even taking into account how much she dislikes Vainessa, I'd think her twooo luuuuuve for the Gustavito would have overridden that and she would have still wanted to encourage Vain to go after Rohell, had she felt no tinge of jealousy at all.

Love the recap 5ft. AP sure loves to slap Rog. Me thinks she just doesn't want to admit to herself that she was jealous. I couldn't believe that Rog was such an active participant when Vainessa kissed him.

Both AP's and Vainessa's dresses did look similiar in fashion and color.

I have to agree with Carlos - AP is being very brainless about identifying Gustavo. But, this show seems to make AP so brainless that it makes me wonder why Rogelio even wants her, and makes me think the annoying Gustavo (great descriptions of him 5ft!) is just the perfect partner for her.

"AP went to bed with Gus while married to roj so why would she be upset because he kissed an x girfriend?"

Anon 12:25 I completely agree. AP is a hypocrite. She broke her marriage vows and slept with another man yet acts self righteous about Rog kissing his ex. Please. I'm still a Rogeliana but I'm more on Team Rog than anything else.

Hello, Kat:

I believe that you are incapable of creating a less-than-delightful recap. The episode may have been dull and you may snark on auto-pilot but the resulting recap was, to me, a delight.

Thank you.

The truck, the truck, my kingdom for a truck...I am so glad this discussion is continuing. It really seems very important to the ongoing plot that we know just what Ana Paula is going to have to forgive Rogelio if the Rogelianas amongst us are to have their way. Smile.

I have really appreciated today's "truck" comments by Elvira, Renata 770, Madelaine, Audrey, et al. To add to the discussion...

Audrey said-
"IMO if Rogelio had called off David a second time, before that last meeting, they would have shown it clearly."

Still, my friends, isn't the real problem here the idea that Rogelio believes that he can turn on and turn off other people's behavior at his will? Who is he to "call off" David, a grown man and a rotten one besides? David was a business partner of Rogelio's, not a "dependent" like Efrain, Hugo, or even Cinthia. Bruno acts like a "dependent" even if he has a profession—it seems like Hacienda del Fuerte is his main client.

Rogelio is still responsible for his original, vindictive, impulsive act to lie about Miguel's behavior in order to serve his own selfish interests.

AP may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but when she figures out what happened here, I don't know how Rogelio is going to 'splain his way around of this one.



ITA. AP must believe that Rogelio knows who Gustavo is.

The alternative is, in her little pea brain she thinks he hired thugs to beat up random strangers in the hopes that one of them might be her boyfriend?

Beanie needed, ASAP.


EJ wrote: "Rogelio is still responsible for his original, vindictive, impulsive act to lie about Miguel's behavior in order to serve his own selfish interests. "

Oh yeah, and Maria rightfully ripped him a new one over that. And I agree that Rohell is "to blame" for planting the seed in David's head, to do this to Miguel at this time. Rohell may have called David off a while ago, but the original idea to do it was a collaboration between Rohell and David. Rohell must pay for that eventually.

Whatever went down, it's clear that David is doing this now to screw over both AP and Rohell. Rohell has no control over that. But in defense of the old turd, he clearly no longer wanted Miguel to go to jail. He'd had second thoughts, had "repented." I don't think it's "fair" to flay Rohell endlessly for something he started to do (but didn't), since we all know of times where we've been in that same position. But at the same time, it demonstrates what total douchebag he was/is to even come up with it in the first place.

Now I would find Rohell more sympathetic had he had his second thoughts when Cupcake was still on the lam (i.e. had told David "don't do it" while Cupcake was still missing). But we don't know when he asked David to not do it, only that Rohell is saying (and acting) like this is not something he still wanted to have happen, and furthermore, is something that he had no expectation would happen. That counts for a little bit, at least.

Carlos: "Thing is, doesn't she believe that Rogelio already knows full well the identity of her Gus?"

Oh, right, little brain, um snafu, on my part. Or maybe she is having her doubts so doesn't she want to bring his name up directly. Whatever!

I agree, AP is dumb! (like many young TN protagonistas). And I can see how Rogelio would be attracted to her beauty and bravery and goodness. But the intellectual mismatch between them is huge and ultimately makes me doubt his attraction - at least in the long run.

Y'all are so right in pointing out that this was the perfect moment for AP to tell Rogelio "Look - it's obvious that you still care for Vainessa, so you should divorce me to be with the one who loves you." And a few days ago she would have done just that instead of getting all bent out of shape over the rude incident.

5ft, if that was you on autopilot, you are a master indeed!


5ft, thanks for a fun recap. Some of my favorites:

"You can't expect him to wait around for you for an hour and a half."

"Rosaura says pimpin ain't easy…"

I agree with those who think Rogelio called off David's siccing the police on Miguel. When Maria chastised Rogelio about using Miguel to get back at AP, he looked repentant. When the police showed up, he looked genuinely surprised. Plus, David had that "gotcha" attitude with Rogelio.

Agree Cupcake is both jealous and feeling publicly disrespected. I like the way she just upped and left him there. But why did Rogelio hold the kiss so long? My guess is he's still attracted to Vainy and it's simply been a long time since he had a spontaneous kiss.

Ugh, I have a bad feeling about Rutilio. I hope someone connects him to Bruno soon. Or that Gustavo runs into him.

Didn't figure Efrain would get fired. I wonder how Cin will take this.

Thanks all for the great recaps and comments. Do you think that the writers are trying to make Rog as despicable as possible so that when he and Vanessa get together and the Cupcakes reunite, the audience would not be too bothered? (Not a spoiler, but I get the feeling that this is where the show seems to be heading. All this business about AP being a substitute for Vanessa, and Rog loving that kiss, makes one go hmmm!!). The only problem is that Salinas is such a great actor, everyone loves him inspite of Rog's disgusting ways and the writers' script.

Niece, agree with your much more succinct interpretation of the truck thing.

"When Maria chastised Rogelio about using Miguel to get back at AP, he looked repentant. When the police showed up, he looked genuinely surprised. Plus, David had that "gotcha" attitude with Rogelio."

Yes, this. I also remember the same as you did. Maria chastised Rohell when he was laughing over that "idiot" Miguel, not knowing that the cops were gonna get him. After she was done, he looked repentant and that's when I wonder or suspect that he called off David.

And agree, David does have a "gotcha" attitude, like he knows this is not what Rohell wants or expects.

5ft's line about 'an hour and a half' was so true! LOL! Boy that Gus recovers fast! And it also brings up something that I found revealing in the episode. Cupcake says her sentence is now a year and a half, so that must mean the "penalty" for her going on the lam was the added 6 months, which she was harping on the other day. (She was complaining about the 'six months' and I wasn't sure if she meant six months in total that she had left, or six months was the penalty for escaping. I guess we have our answer now.) This presumably means she was gone for two and a half weeks or something.

Kat: another winner and glad to have something make me laugh out loud.

Kat, no complaints here with your "autopilot" recap. It made me happy.

We seem to be in one of those TN phases where the action is bogged down and the characters review earlier events so everyone can catch up in case they didn't watch from the beginning.

I'm sorta bored with AP's intransigent attitude. I'm ready for Gus and Cin's romance to be revealed to AP, so Guscake can drop off his pedestal and dent his sparkly corners.

La Paloma

La Paloma: I'm sorta bored with AP's intransigent attitude. I'm ready for Gus and Cin's romance to be revealed to AP, so Guscake can drop off his pedestal and dent his sparkly corners." LOL! You do have a way with words!

OMG...Did I really say "an hour and a half"? That really was on autopilot! I completely meant to say "a year and a half" but apparently my subconscious is way funnier when I don't let my conscious brain get in the way :D

Let your subconscious do the speaking! It is awesome! "An hour and a half" was SO much funnier and much more spot-on. Gus really goes into hyperdrive to move on. An hour and a half wait sounds about like his limit!

Thanks for the great recap, 5ft!

I am SUPER excited about the Will Farrell movie!!! Maybe this will be his big break to get him into telenovelas :)

Vivi and susanlynn, LOVE Game of Thrones. They started showing previews for it like a year before they premiered the first season, and I was so mesmerized by the previews that I ran out and got the books (which are ENORMOUS and have about 500 characters and subplots, but are pretty amazing anyway)! The HBO series is just as good as the books, which is something I NEVER say about TV/movie adaptations. I'm so excited for the next season!!


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