Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #181-182 Tue 3/27/12 Desastre!

Enzo gives another shot at proposing to Chela, with better results... he fumbles a bit, as if fearing she'll take it back.

Fred overhears his parents plotting about Frank.

The cute new mecanichica is totally crushing on pepe.

Vins and Pina are really hilarious pretending that they're ok with Ana. They're my favorites! Nenenenenene/amorermosho!

Uh-oh... Doc Oc got lost on the way to Pancho's house. Brain tumor? I haven't seen Alzheimer's in a soap yet. Or maybe it's just another throwaway.

Panchohas brought them all together to announce that he's marrying Rebe. There is much rejoicing. Even Lena looks happy. Chela is sorry to steal the show, but she announces her own engagement. I like her new hairdo... Ana shows off her own engagement ring, even though it's old news by now.

Pepe vainly tries to convince Ana and Chela that Lidia is just his friend. They look a little menacing.

Candi whines a bit about being a widow, but it's not so bad. She wonders why Chela changed her mind. Enzo still isn't sure... he just asked a second time.

Fred needs to talk to Ana. He knows his parents are up to something, and have entered into some sort of arrangement with Franco.

Pina ambushes Candi when she tries to head out in her ridiculous blue/orange track suit. She doesn't have anything to say, but rather just teases her about being a widow.

What's up with all these ads for vegetable oil as a health product?

And, weirdly, we get the intro song 20 minutes into the show. Was everything I wrote a recap of last week's show?

WHAAAT now Ana's wearing super-cleavage? Huh? She confronts Franco, and he assures her that he would have liked her disc even if the Irabienes hadn't payed him off. God, her outfit is ridiculous.

Back to Pina and Candi... I guess Pina did manage to get a silly little fight started. Highlight: Candi calls Pina "mamacita." They make some threats.

Now Vins is chasing Candi. He just wants to talk, but she's mad that he ran right into Pina's arms. She will never again be the "other woman." Haha, she finally grew a spine. Maybe some gangster rubbed off on her.

Wow, Chela is (what's the word? Drippy?)... she gets a little moist in the eyes just watching Ana plug her cd on a talk show. Franco attempts to redeem himself by jovially dancing along with the music.

Haha, Vins goes and complains to Sandrucha that Candi won't be his mistress. Chacho walks in on her trying to console him, just about swallows his lollipop. He starts shredding the flowers he brought her, and jealously storms off.

Pancho and rebe are doing wedding invitations. Mushy wedding planning. I tune out a bit. The wedding planner feels awkward when they start smooching.

Pina offers Vins a deal to prove he loves her - she wants another kid! They're overflowing with cuteness.

OK, it's not a throwaway. Doc Oc is losing his marbles. Seriously, what do you folks think it's gonna be? Tumor? Alzheimer's? Senility?

The fertility doc informs Pina that she's no longer fertile. She proceeds to insult him and head for another doctor. Poor girl.

Ana is about to be sent out for her first tour. Fred freaks out. He doesn't have a job. Why doesn't he go with her? Anyway, he storms out.

Vins and Sandrucha try to give eachother advice, and Vins gives her leave to go apologize to el "pelon."

Vins begins to have another of his hilarious breakdowns. In his imagination he sees his two loves, each begging for his attention. He yanks his head back and forth fast enough to make *my* head spin.

Lol, Pina totally freaks out that girl, what's her name? She says she'll get a baby even if she has to steal one. The girl gets a really scared look, before Pina claims that she was kidding.

I don't get it exactly, but there's a lawyer who wants to make Pancho some sort of federal official.

Oh hell no, Temo and Mely have a fake wedding. Where'd the tiny wedding dress come from? Anyway, ew.

Uh oh, Doc Oc's going in for an MRI. Actually, it looks more like a CAT.

It looks like Tomas wants to be a cop. I like the new housemates (tomas, lupita, and chacho)

The girls are hanging around, looking at wedding magazines, when Pancho comes to pick up Rebe. He takes her to formally introduce her to Laurita, at the shrine. Unrealistically, Rebe isn't weirded out, and actually speaks to the photo.

Vins and Pina have dragged out that poor girl (kari? kati?) again to confront Fred. They rub it in a bit about Ana leaving.

Enzo has a nice dinner with Chela and then tells her that he doesn't want her to move in (on account of Moni, I think)... She's cool with it. Much more so than Enzo expected.

Here comes doc Oc's doc... He's got bad news. It's Alzheimer's! That's rough. He's really impacted. He's afraid of losing his soul bit by bit. Yikes. I feel bad joking about it.

Pepe brings Lidia over, and she's amazed by the house. Oh wait, her name is Frida. Oops. Anyway, she gets on great with Pancho and they joke about how huge the house is (we'll make a map to find the bathroom). She asks for permission to sit down and then acts like she's never seen a couch before.

Candi and Lupita bully Ana into going over to smooth things over with Fred. Once there, Pina tries to keep her out, but Ana screams for Fred, and he comes running. They head out, and Vins gets out one mournful "nehneh!"

Ana offers to cancel the tour if Fred wants. He embraces her, but stops short of saying that's unnecessary.

Poor Frida... Lena and Candi lay it on her about Monica. She looks like she's about to cry.

Doc Oc is disconsolate. His neurons are irremediably dying, he says. He asks her one thing - that she not tell ANYONE. She promises him that she won't.

Pancho has a nightmare where all the other Federal officials throw tomatoes at him when he tries to give an acceptance speech.

Hahhahaha the record exec asks Pancho to please just call him "Franco... Like the Spanish guy." Interesting choice for self-comparison.

Everyone assembles to bid farewell to Ana.

Fernanda swiftly goes to spill the beans to Rebe.

The boss has noticed that Frida has a thing for Pepe. But the boss informs her that she may yet have a chance. Cut straight to Moni and Pepe talking on the phone. It's shot so weirdly . . . We see all of Pepe, but the camera zooms in so tight on Moni that we only see half of a lip or an eyeball at a time. Basically, her ma needs more time over there, but there may be some meds that could help.

Good lord, these two-hour episodes are so exhausting. Anyway, that's it, folks!


Thank you so much for this great recap Ezra, so funny! It's a shame about Doc Oc, I never would have thought it was Alzheimer's. I thought dementia maybe. I hope he doesn't lose his memory fast. Maybe it will take a while.

I am really liking Chela and Enzzo together. I hope the baby is ok. She seemed to have pain in her tummy and then ralphed after she went home from seeing Ana off. I know nausea is normal ( I had it for six months) but it seemed more than that with her (just my opinion).

Poor Frida. I feel bad for her. She is a really nice girl, but Pepe is really in love with Moni and Frida is going to get hurt.
It was weird how they shot Moni talking to Pepe. They only showed one side of her face, like the rest of it was messed up, maybe. I hope Violetta hasn't done anything to her.

Loved the Candy/Pina fantasy Vins had. It was too funny. It is sad about Pina not being able to have more children. It was scary what she told Kari, that she would steal one. I really hope she doesn't do that. Pina is reverting to what she used to be. I hope this isn't permanent with her. Vins is not for her. I too hope she finds someone way better.

Ana reverted to her selfish self. Even in the end, when Freddy told her to go, she should have suggested he go with her. Pina and Vins will just throw Kari at him every chance they get. Maybe he ought to go to school like he wanted to in the beginning. I know Ana wants to realize her dream, but in the process Freddy has given his up.

Pancho's nightmare was funny. Loved the tomato throwing, it was too funny.

I am glad Candy has finally grown a spine, and I agree, I think Napo rubbed off on her. It's sad that Chacho assumed Sandrita was back liking Vins. He should have listened to her first before jumping to conclusions.

I can just see Chacho, Tomas, Elena, and Lupe being roommates. But only if Elena straightens up. It reminds me of a college dorm with Chacho being the house father lol.

The wedding of Mely and Temo was strange, but cute. Loved the dogs as witnesses, lol.

Thanks Ezra, How quickly you posted this recap to keep us rolling through. I always enjoy your wit and keen observations of the procedings.

I think only a really rich spoiled child would have a real fancy looking wedding dress to play dress-up in. But at least Meli isn't a spoiled brat just a rich girl. She and Temo were funny that they didn't really want to do a kiss.

There are such good medicines to arrest the progress of Alzheimers now that hopefully this impossibly rich doctor can be persuaded to use modern medicine to help himself. It is understandable that he is in a depressed funk at first. But he shouldn't wait long.

Ana and Freddy are skidding away from each other and out of control but I hope they find their way back together in the end. They are young to be sacrificing their best dreams of personal success without trying them first. Then they can come together with understanding and some success under their belts.

Thanks Ezra! I thought the mini-wedding was kind of a hoot. Was the little kid performing the service also Daniela Castro's daughter? Both those girls are adorable.

Wow, Doc Oc has Alzheimer's? You were so sweet when you didn't want to make jokes about that. I don't recall Alzheimer Disease being addressed in a telenovela before, at least not in any I've seen.

I forgot to mention on yesterday's post that when I saw Aventurera on Sunday, Ninel Conde affected Pina-Speak during some of the scenes. She did a great job and it was absolutely hilarious.

Thanks so much Ezra. I'm glad you didn't make fun of Doc Oc. I was crying during those scenes. Poor Doc Oc. I felt his reaction was totally believable.

One correction, Enzzo wanted Chela to move in with him and away from the dangerous hood/apt building where Moni had so many problems. But Chela is enjoying living independently too much right now. She wants to support herself and live alone a little while longer. I hope there is nothing wrong with her pregnancy. Enzzo would die of worry.

I was glad Fred brought up Ana telling him she "needed" him, when she came out with, "but I didn't tell you to stay". Say what?!!! I would have been way harsher, and stayed mad longer than Fred did. But he really loves her unselfishly and wants the best for her. I really want him to take that scholarship and go to L.A., but I guess that would be too many main characters "away".

As for Moni, I think she had on way more makeup than usual. Maybe Violeta has taken it upon herself to change her daughter's "Luke". I remember some episodes back she was trying to get Moni to wear those rubberband dresses. It didn't last long.

The kids' wedding was cute. Yes, both girl are Daniela C's. The dress wasn't mini. Meli said something about Ado killing her if she caught her playing with her wedding dress. And Temo's suit jacket was too big. Perhaps Pepe's. I like how Ramona added that they would be good parents to the doggies and pups to the vows.

That scene with Moni was really strange. She seemed to be heavily made up and sitting in a very dark room. I wondered if maybe Violeta Isfel was still on vacation so it was a stand-in, but if they didn't have her, why not just show Pepe's side of the conversation? I still wonder if maybe Violenta is holding Moni hostage somewhere and forcing her to make these calls and pretend everything's fine.

I actually thought the kiddie wedding was sort of cute, even though I usually find those scenes insufferable. Ramona is such a cutie. I loved her "¡guácala!" at the kisses. And they did just raid the closets for other people's dressy clothes. I thought it was totally realistic for kids to play wedding when everyone around them is constantly talking about weddings.

Thanks Ezra, Your take on things is always amusing.

I am so bummed by Doc Oc's Alzheimer's. I had hoped that it would be something which would put him in danger for a while & then be cured. This is very sad.

Got a very full day starting now. I'lltry to check in later & see how everyone is taking these new developments.


Guera. Alzheimers is a very ugly way to leave this earth. I had a co-worker under my supervision to develop the disease, and have heard horror stories from others whose family members were stricken.

My mother is 86 years old, and suffers from a little dementia, but I tell her often to be thankful its not Alzheimers.

This comedy has a way of not being funny at all......

My grandfather had Alzheimers, back when we didn't know nearly as much about it. It's not a happy memory. Hopefully Doc Oc's Doc finds the right medication to buy him some time.

I know others have mentioned this before, but I'm really unhappy with what they've done with the Karina character.

As for the weird extreme close-ups of Moni I had the same thought as Madelaine - that maybe she's sporting a bruise on her face. But it would be a real first for Moni to have a problem and NOT whine about it... so perhaps it's a makeover. She was wearing an AWFUL lot of eyeshadow.

Also, I too thought the wedding was cute. Temo seems a lot less annoying when he's around kids his age.

Pina has become quite unbearable. I wonder if, by the time Tom graduates police academy, Pina will do something so obnoxious that the police will be called and Tomas will be forced to arrest her. Would she pull a Zsa-Zsa on Tom?

Oh Julie lol. I can just see Pina pulling a ZsaZsa on poor Tomas.

Just realized I forgot to say thanks last night. Thanks, Ezra!

I am sad about the Alzheimer's. My grandmother had it for 25 years and that is a LONG time to spend not really living. Let's hope Doc Oc gets right on the improved treatments!

I didn't really like the way the family treated Frida. Sure, WE know she has the hots for Pepe, but as far as Pepe and his family know she's just a buddy. Is he not allowed to have lady friends? I want her to meet Tomas and hit it off. I still think Lupita should move on.

Can't Freddy still go to grad school? He should do that while Ana is touring. If he was offered a scholarship unsolicited, he should be able to get into plenty of good schools, and his parents can afford to pay for it.

I agree that he family is jumping hard on Frida -- but I think that everyone but Pepe can see that she has eyes for him. As the boss at the garage said -- her eyes light up at the sight of him.

I figured that they had sent Moni off to France because the actress had a vacation or another contractual agreement from before they extended the show. They could have filmed a few phone scenes before she left to slip in now & then. BUT you are all correct that this conversation was bizarre -- why show her face at all if they were going to cut from extreme close up to extreme close up like that? One thought -- maybe she was filming for another part and had such a different look that they needed not to show her whole face.


Ezra, thanks for a vivid, detailed recap.

I think Eugenio Cobo turned in a great performance as Doc Oc last night. The doc's been so supportive of Fer, it's sad to see this reversal with her becoming the caregiver. Glad Fer confided in Rebe.

Funny that the fertility doctor told Pina he can't help cause she isn't fertile. Isn't that why folks go to fertility doctors?

Isn't Pina's issue something to do with the Fallopian tubes? So it isn't fertility (she's producing eggs), but there is some sort of blockage or something with the tubes. I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention, so I didn't catch it all. Someone else catch it?

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